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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  July 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> shots fired! [inaudible conversations] >> [inaudible] if. >> hold, hold. when you're ready, on you. move! >> go. >> hawkeye's here. >> hawkeye's here -- >> [inaudible] >> we ready? [inaudible conversations] >> we're good. >> shooter's down. we're good to move. >> clear. >> let's move, let's move. [inaudible conversations] >> sir, come on. let -- >> let me get my shoes. >> i got you, sir. >> hold on to to your head. >> sir, we've got to -- [inaudible] >> let me get my shoes.
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[inaudible conversations] >> watch out. >> wait, wait. [bleep] [background sounds] >> usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! dana: and every time you see is it, as bill said, you see something new. former president trump surviving ap attempted assassination. the bullet, thankfully, only pierce his ear. it was that close to killing him. but his head was turned to the side at the moment the bullet whizzed by just minutes after he took the stage, about six minutes service this was an outdoor rally in rural western pennsylvania. we want to welcome you to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. bill: morning, partner. this is the beginning of what
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will be a profound week. dana: in the last hour, you made a good point that every time you watch the video, you see something new. see what he says? yes, he says let me get my shoes, and they're about to push him off, and he says, wait, wait, and and that's when he turns, looks to the crowd -- crowd, raises a fist and says fight. and then they start the u.s -- usa chant. he had the political instincts to show resilience, strength, bravery, courage. it was like he was showing us he is a warrior president. and i had not heard that wait until we just watched it just a moment ago. bill: i thought siegel just made a great point, he had the wherewithal to go to the ground -- dana: yes. training as well. yeah. bill: -- in a moment like that. and he did. listen, welcome back to another hour. we're live here in milwaukee for what will be an unforgettable week. the shocking events in butler, pennsylvania, raising a lot of questions. the information underway now, well under way -- investigation.
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they've searched the gunman's home, they have spoken with his family. so that's all part of this now they wrapped into it. there are questions, too many. how did a gunman with an assault rifle able to climb on top of that rooftop with a clear line of fire at the podium, get into position and shoot is off several rounds? deign dan the former president and now-republican candidate knew something was wrong when he heard a bullet whizzing past his head, and he could feel one round ripping through his skin. three men in the crowd were also hit by the gunfire. one was killed, the others in critical condition. bill: all this happening despite some rally-goers spotting the gunman on the roof. they point and they shout to police before he opened fire. this is part of that. >> [inaudible] [bleep] >> he's got a gun! [inaudible conversations] >> he's on the roof, he's got a gun! [bleep]
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[gunfire] >> stay down. [inaudible conversations] [bleep] >> he's on top of the roof. don't go over there, he's on the roof, buddy. bill: you hear that, dana, and 15,000 people have come to this farm field in pennsylvania. they don't know how many gunmen are out there. and they know the shots are coming from an elevated position. dana: above. uh-huh. bill: what do you then think about trying to protect your family and your friends that you've gone with? you get the sense about the terror that rippled through this crowd at that moment. dana: and we are waiting this morning to see if we hear anything more from the former president. he is in bedminster, new jersey, after landing in newark overnight. bill: we have full coverage. senate candidate dave mccormick, he was in the front row last evening when trump was shot. he'll join us in a moment chad
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pergram is watching the ins and the outs of what will be a significant congressional investigation after the rnc concludes here in milwaukee, likely starting on the 22nd o july and how that -- of july and how that unfolds. david spunt has an update from the department of justice and the investigation on behalf of the fbi. so to our view viewers at home, a lot of moving parts as we begin a new hour. david, let's begin with you. >> reporter: bill, a lot of people are wondering if people in the crowd were able to see someone had a gun on top of this roof, how come local police and secret service agents didn't see that. there is a lot of finger-pointing going on right now in washington, d.c. from those who work the street level in uniform to the top levels of the secret service, the fbi, the t -- atf. the fbi and secret service are asking tough questions of themselves. as you mentioned, "the wall street journal" reporting explosives in the suspect's car, also that the suspect's gun was purchased legally by his father
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and taken by the suspect. police are at the moment right now of the suspect talking to family right now, authorities going through that home talking to people who knew 20-year-old thomas crooks from bethel, pennsylvania. he graduated in 2022, that's him from high school, just two years ago. no word on a social media presence, but voter records show he was a registered republican when who donated $151 to a liberal -- $15 to a liberal progressive organization the day joe biden was inaugurated. he was taken out shortly after the shooting by a sniper with the secret service. what is not certain, how this suspect with a gun could stand on that roof, take a shot at the former president of the united states. already someone under heavy secret service protection. on top of that, witnesses say they saw him on the roof which was outside the security perimeter. even all of this, the event was allowed to go forward. here is the local district attorney. >> quite frankly, i'm terrorize
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is surprised he was able to get up on that roof and with able t. i hope the investigation if determines how that happened. >> reporter: and the fbi hoping that people have some type of cell phone video, something perhaps even showing him getting on the roof or what his movements were in the hour, perhaps somebody knew what he was doing a day before this shooting happened. they're asking anyone with info to call 11-800-call-fbi. we're hoping to hear from the fbi, secret service, somebody later today maybe with a news conference with, obviously, the many questions we have we want answers to, bill. bill: that that's a great point, david, too that you bring in because everybody had a phone at these rallies. and if you were donald trump standing on top of that podium looking out on a sea of people, everybody's got their phone up. there has been already, you know, hundreds of these distributed online, either pictures or photographs, and they could the tell investigators a lot. thank you, david. back to you shortly. the house speaker, mike johnson, meanwhile, vowing a full
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investigation into the assassination attempt on the former president. chad pergram's got that from the hill and, chad, what are you hearing thus far today? good morning to you. >> reporter: bill, good morning. congress is about to lower the boom on the secret service. one congressional source tells me the secret service relied too much on local law enforcement at the rally. lawmakers are angry. >> we're going to be, you know, looking into this entire incident and the events leading to this incident and the that failures of -- the failures of his secret service protection. i mean, look, to allow a sniper within 130 yards or from an elevated position and you don't have that the position secured? that's inexcusable. >> reporter: fox has learned that house homeland security committee chairman mark green talks today with homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas and also with secret service director kimberly cheatle. green wants documents by friday,
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he could call a hearing by july 22nd or23rd, but some lawmakers are skeptical of information they get from agencies. >> we have to have a strong, complete and thorough investigation. but the only way, in my opinion -- and i mean this sincerely -- to purge if the department of justice of the challenges, the inconsistencies that we've seen over the last couple of years so to reelect donald trump. >> reporter: house oversight committee chairman james comer plans what he termed an emergency hearing with cheatle on july 22nd. political violence is not new. house majority leader steve scalise nearly died during a shooting while practicing for the congressional baseball game. >> i saw this myself when, you know, the shooter went out on the baseball field to kill all of us as republicans, the rhetoric from the left was what charged the shooter. there's legislation right now filed by democrats from months and months ago to take away
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donald trump's secret service protection. >> reporter: now, lawmakers already had concerns about the secret service. republicans yesterday the goals of dei at the service and efforts to get a 30% female work force. bill, dana? bill: more to come on that as we work through that story. chad pergram on capitol hill, thank you. dana: joining us, someone who literally had a front row seat to history yesterday, republican candidate for the u.s. senate dave mccormick. for those who haven't heard your firsthand account of what you witnessed, could you take us through it again now? >> yeah. well, i had a chance to visit with president trump before the rally, and he was very excited about it. there was a huge crowd of 15,000 or so, and he said i'm going to call you up on the stage. and then he went out and started to speak. and very early on, within the first few minutes, he said dave, you know, dave mccormick, i'm going to have him come up to the stage, so i started to walk up. he said, no, no, why don't i have you up later. so i went back and sat down, and
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then the shooting started within the next couple of minutes. you know, i heard or a first pop or two. i was in the military, so i'm, you know, familiar with what a gun sounds like, and it was, it was very clear that the president was under attack, and he immediately dropped down behind the podium, and the secret service jumped on top of him. and then as you see in the videos, he then stood up and they sort of had a flag lance around him -- fall lance around him. you see this hand come out, this fist with this absolute sense of determination and reassurance, i think, as a leader. as you said, dana, a warrior. and i think the it gave the crowd -- there was an uproar. and about that same time i recognized that someone behind me, i don't know, probably 30 feet behind me, had been shot. so one of the, one of three -- i'm not sure which one, and was in trouble and laying on his side and a lot of blood, people trying to administer first aid.
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and so it was a very, it was a very chaotic, confusing moment. people were calm, they didn't -- it wasn't a stampede, but if we didn't know if the shooting was done. people were down on their knees and, honestly, we were within less than an inch of the president losing his life and, obviously, we're praying for the families of those who were severely injured and did lose their life. so it was a remarkable, surreal moment and just grateful the president survived as he did and exhibited such leadership. bill: david, we spoke last night, and i appreciate you coming back today. thank you for sharing your story with our viewers. you said you were in the front row. i didn't know to take that whether you were in the front row looking at him or behind him. you were in the front row behind him just down the line, correct? >> i was to the right of him. so if he sort of stuck out his right hand, i would have been right there. that was where the entry point
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was to get on the podium. and so what it seemed like, and it seems like the diagrams are showing this, it seemed like the shots were coming from the left side of him. and that might explain why that person behind me was shot and the president, obviously, was shot. but it was confusing as it often is when you hear gunfire. it's very hard to pinpoint exactly where it's coming from. and it was in rapid succession, you know, pop, pop, pop, one shot after another. so it seemed like the possibility of even two shooters. but it sounds like it was one. bought the time, it was a little bit confusing whether it was one or two. dana: david, what is your message to pennsylvania voters this morning? i know you've been campaigning hard. you tried in 203232. that campaign didn't work with out. you came back to try again -- 2022. what do you want them to know about this moment in our historiesome. >> well, it's, you know, it's a moment where we were an inch away from, you know, a devastating loss of our former
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president and our presidential nominee, and, you know, that is moment -- this is a moment where i think we have to recognize that we can't have political rhetoric that the encourages political violence. you know, you listed some cases, threats against supreme court justices, paul pelosi. this -- it's hard to imagine that that this polarized, violet rhetoric isn't contributing to the violence we're seeing. and, you know, i was on -- [inaudible] my six daughters, and they're very afraid. it shouldn't have to be the case that serve your country and, you know, or desire to run for office to hopefully do good comes at the risk of your personal safety. and that's what it feels like today. so i think we all have a responsibility. listen, we have a huge conflict of ideas. i'm running because i think the country's going in a terrible direction and we need -- in a terrible direction, and we're going to have a conflict of ideas, but that doesn't have to lead to conflict that becomes
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violent. and we can disagree mightily on ideas and still be able to find foo a way to come together the as americans. and this is what i hope this moment will lead to, and i thought president trump's statement was very much in line with that. dana: dave mccormick, thank you. we will stay in touch and grateful that you're all right. bill: thank you, sir. new information now from the associated press, and this is just the beginning of what's going to be a thorough investigation. and a lot of this information, frankly, is going to dribble out. we mentioned bomb-making materials found inside that vehicle near the butler, pennsylvania, rally? if apparently, they have also found, according to the ap, bomb-making materials at the home of the st.. the suspect. is so this is bethel park, pa, about 45 minutes away. and the "wall street journal" also reporting that the gun was purchased by the father legally in pennsylvania. dana: and do we know when? when that purchase was made? bill: do not know that yet, and that will be part of the many questions that are still out there. dana: okay. we have much more to come.
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the republican national convention is getting under way tomorrow here in milwaukee less than 48 hours after former president trump survived an attempt on his life. more ahead on the investigation, the political a fallout and how trump supporters are reacting today. >> the fact that they tried to do this, somebody maliciously tried to do this and however it happened, like, it really hurts that somebody would do that to anybody, much less somebody who's fighting for us. so we're going to fight for ther him. mmercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at [water flowing] [water flowing] [phone dings]
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bill: all right. a couple things going on right now. josh shapiro, the democratic governor in pennsylvania, by all accounts he's a popular governor, and he has arrived in butler, pennsylvania, to the command center there. we expect to hear from him any moment now, so stand by for more on that. we are also watching movements from the white house. it was late last night, well after midnight, when the president went back from delaware to the white house. we don't know yet if there will be a statement the on camera or given to the media, but we're standing by for that as well. so butler, pennsylvania, the white house and now here in milwaukee, wisconsin. dana. dana: and here is -- we are in milwaukee, the rnc convention will go on as planned after former president trump survived an assassination attempt last night. expect security to be super
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tight. bill melugin has more on that. hi, bill. >> reporter: yeah, dana, good morning to you. the trump campaign says they are full steam ahead with the rnc here in milwaukee this week where upwards of 50,000 people are expected to show up according to city officials. the trump campaign also circulating an internal memo to staff which says in part, quote: the rnc convention will continue as planned in milwaukee where with we will nominate our president to be the brave and fearless nominee of our party, end quote. and in a post on truth social earlier this morning, trump posted, quote: in this moment it is more important than ever that we stand the united and show our true character as americans, remaining strong and determined and not allowing evil to win. i truly love our country and love you all and look forward to speaking to our great nation this week from wisconsin. here in milwaukee we've been catching up with several gop if delegates in town ahead of the convention, and they reacted to the news of the attempt on donald trump's life. >> i'm never going to let fear
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stand in my way of standing up and being president trump's delegate and standing up for peace through strength. >> there's already an iconic still of him being escorted off the stage with the american flag in the background. so he's the strongest person that i know. >> reporter: and, dana, the dnc has confirmed they're in the process of taking down attack ads against donald trump. you might have seen some here in milwaukee, there are bus wraps all over the city that have ads on them calling donald trump a convicted felon. the dnc confirmed they are taking down the ads on 57 buses here in milwaukee as a result of this assassination if attempt on donald trump. send it back to you. dana: bill melugin here on site in milwaukee, thank you. bill: with us now, bret baier, karl rove. great to have you both. "wall street journal", here we go, quote: the country was spared the worst on saturday, and this is a chance to pull out
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of a partisan death spiral that is the leadership americans are desperate to see, end quote. bret, where are we this morning? >> it's a different place than two days ago, and i think it changes the whole dynamic here. i mean, right now, first and foremost, you know, praying for the family of the person who was killed and those who are in critical condition and, fortunately, the president is doing well. i've talked to a number of people. he's in good spirits. and i think that this changes the dynamic for this convention. i thought that the former first lady's statement this morning was really, really powerful. and maybe a template for what she may say if she is going to speak here later this week. i mean, just one second here. dawn is here again, let us reunite now. this morning aa vend above the hate, the vitriol and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence. it was very beautifully written, as you pointed out, dana. and i think that's maybe some of the messaging you're going to
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hear autoof -- out of this convention. the other image, obviously, is that fist in the air. and to think at that moment, all that happening, that he turns and lets people know he's good and keep going. that's, you know, unique. dana: yeah. karl, i mentioned that, when we watched the video one more time at the top of this hour, i heard him say to secret service after he says let me get my shoe, he says, wait, wait, wait, and then he turns to the crowd and raises his fist. so he knew that in this moment he needed to say i'm okay, and everyone -- everything's going to be okay, right in that's what we all, i think, want to hear in a moment like this, is everything going to be okay? he says, yes. >> and what happened? the crowd stood as one and cheered. this was a moment of reassurance. i agree with bret that the statement about the former first lady was beautiful -- by the former first lady. so was the president's statement this morning talking about unity and about i love you all. and if that is the message that
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comes out here, that we as a americans can rise above the bitterness of the moment and recognize that we're all americans despite our disagreements over policies and outcomes, then that that's going to be a really, really powerful message and will send him on into the fall election in a very strong position. bill: at some point we're going to turn our focus back to this election. a new fox poll came out today, want to share this with viewers for really the first time. joe biden had been up 2 back in june, that was pre-debate. today the we have donald trump at a 49 and joe biden at 48. i don't know how much thought you've given, gentlemen, to what joe biden does now as president, but he's back at the white house. do we have an oval office address? what does he do? what does he say? when does it happen? >> i think it has to happen sooner rather than later. i think the statement yesterday was just to get out there and say this is not acceptable. the phone call, they put out the
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exchange, said it was short and, you know, he reached out to the former president. it seems like it's a tough position for him to be in as a not only president, but as a candidate. but, number one, probably the message that political violence is not acceptable across the board. dana: karl, what do you think? can he meet the moment? >> well, probably not, but he better try. to me, the poll, the head to head numbers doesn't matter anymore, not after yesterday. but the internal numbers matter a lot. and the internal numbers say that nearly two-thirds of the american people do not believe that joe bidens has the mental acuity and physical stamina to be president, and nearly 7 out of every 10 believe they've been misled by the white house about a his mental condition. so those numbers are not going to be changed by what happened yesterday. and they're going to remain. and those doubts are only going to grow. again, particularly if trump this week at the convention
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gives the doubters, the 7 out of every 101,, the 2 out of every 3 americans who have got doubted about -- doubts about joe biden, if he gives them reassuring notes, those problems that joe biden has are only going to grow. >> let me add one thing. i talked to, like, six, seven delegates on the way here this morning. you saw bill melugin talk to others. this is galvanizing -- dana: yeah. >> more than anything i've seen in politics -- dana: agreed. >> people who were here as a delegates and kind of on the fence whether they fully supported this president. these people now will walk over crushed glass for this former -- bill: you know, thinking about that, i don't know when the moment will happen when this arena's filled behind us, but it will be. maybe it's monday, maybe it's tuesday, and donald trump's going to walk out on that stage, and you can imagine the sound from these delegates inside the pfizer forum. >> yeah, it's going to be powerful.
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>> -- imagine how many people are going to be watching at a moment. bill: it's a sunday morning. a lot of folks are watching before church or after church, but collectively we offer up a prayer to our country and the next steps that we take not just politically, but as a nation. dana: thank you both. the secret service is boosting security at the rnc convention in milwaukee after someone tried to kill former president trump last night. the mayor of milwaukee, he joins us next. >> i was about 5 feet away from him. like, i was within, like, sight distance, i was so close. and all of a sudden i hear these four shots, and everybody's screaming drop. and you can see the blood, like, splatter on his face and the secret service just barricadesah him. feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements.
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bill: so it is 11:31 is 1 in butler, pennsylvania. it is 11:31 in bethel park, pa, and you're looking at police on the street that has cornered a vehicle we believe to be that which belongs to the shooter or
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a member of his family. we are waiting on the pennsylvania governor to give press conference from butler, pa. josh shapiro has arrived on scene. as soon as that happens, we will get that to you. there are more details coming out by the minute now on this investigation. the shooter reportedly had bomb-making materials in his car. we're now learning he had bomb-making materials in his house as well. no word on motive, so we're going to work on that as well. in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, allegheny county, western part of the state, bethel park, the home for the killer, was 25 minutes south of pittsburgh. butler, pennsylvania, where the rally took place was 50 minutes north. if you were to drive directly from from bethel park to butler, pennsylvania, it would a take you only an hour and 15 minutes to arrive. we don't know which route the shooter took, but at age 20 thomas matthew crooks is dead, killed by the bullet of a sniper
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on a nearby if roof at that rally yesterday around 6:15 east coast time 11:3 3, let's roll on now live from milwaukee. dana. dana: milwaukee police were already on high alert for this week's republican national convention. it's a huge event. it's a lot higher after the assassination attempt last night. more than 50,000 politicians, delegates and celebrities and media are expected in milwaukee for the rnc. senior correspondent mike tobin is here to give us a lay of the land. >> reporter: and, dana, to give you an idea of the rings of security here at the rnc, this is some of that anti-climb fence. it's difficult to get fingers into this expanded metal and, frankly, would hurt a lot if i were to put weight on there. and beyond that, you can't really get footing. you sew the concrete jersey barriers preventing cars from getting through, and as i look up, this is just one ring of security.
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we're already inside the outer perimeter. that's sally port where the vehicles is and people will be expected upon -- inspected upon coming here to the operation. the secret service says this was a plan, a perimeter that's always been designed to be expanded if the need be, and the situation is very fluid right now. you have multiple police agencies work working under the command of the secret service. a picture was tweeted last night by the spokesman for the secret service showing one of three charter planes that showed up here in milwaukee filled with secret service agent agents. that was before the assassination if attempt. it's always been a massive operation out here. with new concerns according to the spokesman for the secret service. and the two areas of new concerns that he pointed out would be trump supporters who are angry about the assassination attempt and trump haters who are encouraged by it. the demonstrations that are planned as of last notice will still go ahead.
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a group calling themselves the coalition to march on the rnc boasts that they can bring as many as 101,000 demonstrators, and they plan to go ahead -- 10,000. really they oppose everything in the republican agenda according to the organizer of that particular group, is and they recently got a victory to march as to close as being within sight and sound of the forum where it's being held. there's another organization, a conservative organization, opposed to the republican party easing their opposition to abortion rights. they intend to demonstrate as well. we have seen multiple police agencies out here from missouri state police to new jersey state police, local cops and, of course, secret service. dana? dame team want to bring in milwaukee mayor cavalier johnson. thank you so much, mike. because this was a big event already, and it's maybe even taken on a little more of a somber tone. we don't the know what it's going to be like in the next few day, but you do. this is a milwaukee voter's reaction to the trump assassination attempt and just
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concerns about being here in the city. watch. >> seeing that today really was disheartening and definitely concerns me. i'm a block away from the rnc convention this week, and i don't know. i don't want to have to look over my shoulders for something that should just be an event that people can go to and appreciate who our next president's going to be. dana: there was somebody on my flight who said they were concerned about being in this area. i said, actually, i think this is the most secure area you could be. your thoughts. >> i totally agree. this is a national special safety vent. in fact, myself, other members of my team and parer ins, we worked in a bipartisan way with members of congress to increase funding for this event because they had been stuck at $50 million going back to 2004. we got it elevated to $75 million. i'm happy they were able to do that and i think, you're right, this will probably be one of the most secure places not just in the city, but in the country. bill: there was a quote, i'm no fan of trump, but i'm thrilled to host his party.
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and that was really what you expect if city was looking forward to. -- and the city was looking forward to. has anything chained that you're aware of in the terms of -- changed that you're aware of in terms of how it might be handled? >> one of the first conversations i had after the very unfortunate, terrible, unfortunate event that happened at that a rally9 and the fact that the former president suffered an injury and that people ended up losing their lives here, but one of the first conversations i had was, indeed, with the chief of police. i know you had him on just a bit at ago, jeffrey norman, who's doing an outstanding job here in the city of milwaukee. when i talked to chief norman, we discussed safety here. as he mentioned, as i mentioned, this is really the highest level of security you can get. if there's anything more that happens, the secret service would be making those calls. dana: as a politician, you would like to throw your hat in the ring, and i'm sure you have security as well. these moments make us all stop and go, wait, our politics cannot get this vindictive and
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feel like it's spiraling out of control. >> yeah, absolutely. i'm blessed to have security from the milwaukee police department, the brave men and women of our local police department that protect me when i go out whether it's in milwaukee, in our region or else elsewhere in the state or nearby states. so i'm fortunate in that way. we do, all of us, have to work to make sure the rhetoric is turned down. all of us are a part of the same american family. we're approaching 250 years of our democracy in the next couple of years. it's incumbent upon us to realize where we started, how we came together and that we should still come together so we can continue to see our nation to realize its potential -- bill: love that message. you were born and raised here. what do you want people to know about milwaukee in. >> oh, my gosh, i don't know that i have enough time to get it through, but this is a remarkable, beautiful, wonderful, magnificent city. it really, really is.
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folks, you were talking about going down to the art museum. you'll see you can't actually see across lake michigan, it's practically an ocean. if you watch top chef, it's a foodie's paradise. we're the most diverse place in the state of wisconsin, about 11 in 10 wisconsinites live here in the city, so diversity is present right here in milwaukee. i want folks to experience milwaukee in all its glory while they're here. dana: great to have you. thank you a so much, mr. mayor. bill: it's a moment, iconic, unforgettable and also a moment of terror and an image of defiance of which there were many. former president trump raising his fist, broad on his -- blood on his face after an aa saws sin's bullet came inches from killing him. witnesses say it was a split second by trump that may have saved his own life as our coverage continues live in milwaukee on the investigation and what a comes next for the -- whatcoms next for the rnc here in wisconsin. >> he was -- he wasn't going to be silenced.
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was explaining an hour ago. the gun purchased legally by the father in pennsylvania. we're also hearing from someone who went to high school with the suspect in pennsylvania. >> [inaudible] shared classes in high school? >> no, i didn't have any classes with him. my only interactions with him were just seeing him many school is. i mean, he was bullied. sat alone at lunch. bill: so house republicans already promising a full investigation, and they want to move quickly as welch -- as well. want to bring in michael waltz, member of the house armed services committee. sir, thank you for your time today. wow. there will be new information not just now, but in the coming hours. i'm not quite sure where this story is at the end of day. i'm not quite sure where the story is tomorrow. what's your feeling now, sir? >> well, bill, you know i've seen people take fire in combat, and your base intenths kick in.
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-- instincts. you're either going to wower -- cower and hide or sand up -- strand up strong. president trump's base instincts were on display. his first thought was to make sure the crowd and, more importantly, the country and the world knew he was okay. so thank god for him and his character. look, i'm also on the oversight committee. bill, we expect a hearing, we have oversight of secret service. we expect a briefing tomorrow, a hearing in a week with the director. but i've been talking to agents this morning, and they are upset, they're demoralized, they're angry. and i think the fundamental issue that's going to come out is president trump is not a normal, average former president. he -- between the residences, bedminster, trump tower, mar-a-lago, between the rallies and the size and the frequency and magnitude of these rallies and then the threats that he's nation are different. it's not just domestic threats,
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it's also iranian and foreign state actors who want to go after him and those around him because of the strike on soleimani. all of that combined, he should have had a much bigger package in detail, and the agents' frustration is they've repeatedly asked and asked and asked and were repeatedly denied and instead just kind of had your standard package like a jimmy carter or bill clinton. and, obviously, it failed. dana: do you have any documentation so that we could see that? >> well, that's what we'll be requesting from the committee. i am told that those requests are put in writing and made verbally. when they do in advance -- so this is how this plays out on the ground. when they do an advance of a site, they have your base package which should have been bigger in the first place, but then they also request agents from surrounding offices, in this case say pittsburgh burg and philadelphia.
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and headquarters makes the budget decision if they want to pay a overtime, the travel. in this case there should have been an agent posted on that building that had cleared that building where the sniper was. and when you don't have those resources, you're reliant on local law enforcement. and, dana, i can tell you we love our police, but i've been to many rallies, i've seen many times local law enforcement are enjoying trump and watching trump. you just don't have that the level of protection that you would with an expanded secret service detail. and we'll see. we have a lot to learn, but what i'm hearing from the agents is that's -- this was their concern. they saw this coming, and it's, the agents did a great job. i think this is going to be a headquarters and a resources issue at the end of the day. bill: just one more quick question. james comer wants to have a public hearing a week from tomorrow with the head of the secret service is. >> right. by bill how much will we learn before then or will we prior to that hearing? >> we're going to get if a briefing this coming week on
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oversight. and we have a lot of questions at that briefing. i pray they will be forthcoming, but i can tell you they better be because the agents who know their duty, number one duty is to protect the president, they're quite upset. i think we're going to have a lot of information coming out. bill: okay. michael waltz, republican of florida, with us now. dana: and joining us now, shannon bream. i was mentioning to brit hume earlier that the jfk assassination investigation took 44 weeks to complete. and even at the end of that, maybe because of the length of time the it took and the secrecy and the lack of transparency, now we are 80 years since, okay, so maybe -- or 600 years since. maybe things -- 60 years since, maybe things will be different in terms of the justice. we need to know quickly, will that happen? >> you guys know from being in washington that people get a lot of sound bites, and there'll be
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some really tough questioning. people often feel like nothing comes from that. they want to see something substantive, that somebody is held accountable. that's going to be the real question because these folks will come out there but they'll also say there were other investigations going on, there's only so much information i can give you. if members will get closer than we do, but people are going to wallet answers about this and not just a bunch of sound bites. bill: you just got off a set nearby here hosting "fox news sunday" for an hour. what have you learned about how this week changes or is it too soon? >> there are questions about the messaging. we already knew they were going to talk about making america great again, safe again, those kinds of things. but we talked to the chairman, michael whatley, about whether anything else will change. and he says, obviously, security has gone to another level, but he wants a message of unity. and you saw saw this morning, if president trump is smart about this, he'll talk about healing, talk about unity, moving divisions the best way that we possibly can.
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and so chairman what thely says that's going to be the message. dana: shannon bream, we'll be seeing you all a week. bill: there is a massive investigation underway on behalf of the fbi and others into how the shooting of a former president could happen in the first place. suspected assassin perched more than 1000 yards from the podium -- 100 yards, six and a half minutes into a rally last evening. >> we're pointing at him, the police are down there running around on the ground. we're like, hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle. and the police were, like, huh? what? you know, they didn't know what was going on. mr.,
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time, i did work for a u.s. congressman, and now i'm a delegate. dana: two people on last night's assassination attempt. he still plans to be this milwaukee this week and accept the gop presidential nomination. let's bring in former wisconsin governor, scott walker. i described it to my husband last night that when you see president trump rise up after and say fight, fight, fight, i felt like i could run through a brick wall for him at that moment. and so this arena is about to be filled with people who are passionate and emotional and inspired. >> yes. dana: what do you expect? is. >> oh, i think people will be cheering the first moment we hit the stage tomorrow night and tomorrow amp. all you've got to do is see that picture. not just republicans or delegates -- dana: american, clearly. >> i think all americans set politics aside. to see him respond like that, it's going to be unbelievable
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here this week. bill: before he went to bethel, pennsylvania, he was at mar-a-lago, and harris faulkner was with him. here's a clip of that interview before he left for pa. >> they say it does, i say it doesn't. they say, oh, it depends on what's going to happen, who are you going to pick. i don't think so. you're going pick a great person, you're going to run. the other thing i notice, if you look -- i don't want to belittle it because it's a very important position especially if something bad should happen, but this is the most important if something bad should happen, unfortunately. then you'd like to say, well, like to say somebody who helps you, but typically, it's never mattered. bill: okay. so the question, obviously, was does it matter who you pick as a vp. the critical line in there, governor, i don't want to belittle it because it's a very important decision especially if something bad should happen. and then he got on his plane and flew to pennsylvania. >> absolutely. it shows how critically important for both the nominees,
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how the pick is for vice president. god forbid, literally, god forbid that something were to happen. but critically, critically important. the other thing i thought about, and i remember patty reiman, the delegate that you mentioned at the onset of the interview, i thought the same thing. i was a kid when ronald reagan was shot. it was like a flashback yesterday to that moment, that sense of fear. so to see him standing up, you know, donald trump's a fight per. the fighter won him '16 is. some of those people didn't feel the same in 2020. i think now the key for him to win in 2024 is to reestablish he's fighting for them. this guy is a fighter, not going to back down and not just in a ma -- in that moment, but for america. dana: i remember being in mrs. if brown's class, third grade. everybody lined up, and we got sent home early. i also wanted to ask you about this, of all the polls of the battleground states, i had before debate and after debate analysis for biden. now if i have before and if
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after assassination attempt. i think the polls might be obsolete, but wisconsin is probably the most battleground of the battlegrounds, and it's tight here. what can president trump do here in this next four days in wisconsin to try to solidify support? >> yeah. you're right, i won three times with 52 or 53% of the vote, and that was a blowout. the last two presidential elections were less than 25,000 votes. he needs to make the case that he's fighting to make america and wisconsin, specifically, more affordable, secure and safe. if he focuses on all those things, i think that's a compelling case -- dana: the economy the most important issue? >> by far. our polls last week showed college student, by a huge margin, view the economy as the number one issue. if college students feel that way, swing voters definitely do. bill: governor, thank you. we'll see you throughout the week as it goes day by day. dana: great having you. bill: thank you. is so here is what we know, what we think we know anyway, the
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governor of pennsylvania is expected to take questions and make a statement. he has arrived there in butler, pennsylvania. so when that happens, obviously, he's still getting a briefing from authorities on this investigation. we'll bring that to you. the home in bethel park, which is south of pittsburgh, is now being searched by investigators. they apparently found explosives in his car that he drove to the rally. they found explosives inside the home as well, what type have not been described. bill: i believe you and i have on together with jesse watters tonight, special coverage including prime time shows that you know and love. sandra and john roberts are going to take you through the next hour as we even had breaking news during this program, more to come. great to be with you and all of you here on the eve of the rnc convention. bill all right