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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  July 14, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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why this got this close. dan, always good to have you on the program. thank you very much. >> all right. john: thank you, dan. you know, that's an interesting argument to consider. this happened to donald trump, but it could also potentially happen to joe biden. he's going to be out there doing campaign events between now and november as well. and if the area is not covered so that you take away line of sight vantage points for potential shooters, then both candidates are at risk. sandra: absolutely. you've got to think they are doing everything to up the security as we head into the rnc this week. john, great to be with you for these two hours. we're going to have a special edition of "america reports" this afternoon, 4-6 p.m. eastern time. we'll be back live as the news breaks. thanks so much for joining us. john i don't know is and we've got the president coming up as well. that's all for us this hour, i'm john roberts -- sandra: and i'm sandra smith. "the story" is next with martha maccallum.
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good after this is the story alive from milwaukee. we understand full steam ahead the republican national convention will kick off here tomorrow despite the horrifying assassination attempt that we all witnessed yesterday on president trump's life and the killing of one pennsylvania man who was in attendance right behind where you see the president. two people in critical condition at this hour we wait for updates on their situation there also rally attendees any moment now we will hear from president biden this is obviously an important moment for him. we see what tone he will take in speaking about all of this he is dealing with a shock to nation that is looking for answers about what happens next.
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everyone will be watching his words very closely we expect them any minute now. as for here in milwaukee the show will go on. we remember what happened yesterday as we look at these awful events the shots rang out at 6:11 p.m. in pennsylvania, watch. cooks take a look at what happened. quested down, get down, get down, get down. what are we doing? what are we doing? [inaudible] medusa or hold, hold when you're ready come on you. move, move, move, go. hawkeye is here. hawkeye is here. are you ready?
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are we good? shooters are down to purge shooters a downer. we are good to move we are clear, clear. back them up. >> let me get my shoes. >> have got you sir, i've got you sir progress let me get my shoes big hole this year head it's bloodied. let me get my shoes. watch out. wait, wait, wait. we got to move. we've got to move. usa. usa. usa. usa. usa. usa.
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martha: that video is so powerful and so many ways. every time you look at it you see something different. watching that time i see all of the people in the upper left-hand corner who are looking back towards now we believe the shooter came from. there's so much we still do not know and so much being investigated this hour foxbusiness white house correspondent everett lawrence reporting live on the north along the way for president biden fo could be unscrewed undr sam will hear from him twice today this was just announced it. >> exactly what her for the president twice today. chilling video centimeters in one direction we have a very different newscasts here today we just learned actually the new prime minister of the united kingdom has called former president trump and offered his condolences to those who were killed in this as well who is those who were critically injured but also offers his sympathy the president of the united states should speak very soon but i can show it right now
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that's president biden the situation room earlier he extended briefings about this investigation in the situation room and the attack that killed one person critically injured two others president biden is not yet called this an assassination we have not heard from him again today we will have to see we do expect that to happen this is the way the investigation is going this is what he said last night. >> you speak about his supporters in the way that began with hilary clinton calling him a deplorable's, when you denigrate these human beings and do not debate the actual ideas, it leads to people who have who are evil, who are wicked just as described at least to the kinds of actions we saw yesterday. >> that was mike pompeo obviously saying a lot of conversation from republicans has been around the fact of this rhetoric has ramped up. his appoint was the rhetoric has gotten to a point from the president calling former president it trump a threat to democracy it is come to a point in this environment is possible now that's a very concerning to
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him he would like to have it toned down, ramped down a little bit we are expected to hear from the president any minute as you note. martha: will go to that live ins soon as he gets under way for it ever edward lawrence thank you very much jeff mason white us correspondent. jeff, good to have you with us. obviously the country is still reeling from what we watched unfold yesterday. what we are about to hear we heard brief comments and president biden at last night. how important are the comments he is about to make minutes from now? >> and think every set of remarks president biden makes right now are important. not least because you say the country is reeling. everyone was chilled picnics jeff stay with us for going to go with the president we will join jeff after this, watch. >> i am sincerely grateful that he is doing well and recovering. we had a short but good conversation. jill and i are keeping him and his family in our prayers.
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we also extend our deepest condolences to the family of the victim who was killed. he was a father. he was protecting his family from the bullets being fired. and he lost his life, god love that we are playing for the full recovery of those who were injured we are grateful the secret sersecret service agentsr law enforcement agencies and individuals who risked their lives literally for our nation. as i said last night there is no place in america for this kind of violence or any violence for that matter. an assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for as a nation. everything. it's not who we are as a nation it is not america we cannot allow this to happen. unity is the most elusive goal of all. but nothing is as important is that right now, unity. we will debate, we will disagree that is not going to change.
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but we are not going to lose sight of the fact of who we are as americans but look vice president harris and i were just briefed in the situation room by my homeland security team including the director of the fbi, secretary of homeland security, the attorney general, the director of the secret service, my home and security advisor, national security advisor and we are going to continue to be brief the fbi's leading this investigation which is still in its early stages. we do not yet have any information about the motive of the shooter. we know who he is. i urge everyone, everyone, please do not make assumptions about his motives or affiliations. let the fbi do their job and their partner agencies do their job. i am instructed this investigation be thorough and swift. the investigators will have every resource they need to get this done. look, as this investigation continues here is what we are going to do.
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first, mr. trump is a former president of nominee to the republican party already receives a heightened level of security. i've been consistent in my direct into the secret service to provide them with every resource, capability and protective measures necessary to ensure his continued safety. second, i've directed the head of the secret service to review all security measures all security measures for the republican national convention which is scheduled to start tomorrow. and third, i have directed independent review of national security at yesterday's rally to assess exactly what happened and will share the results of that independent review with the american people as well. and finally, i will be speaking more about this tonight and greater length from the oval office. we must unite as "one nation." we must unite as "one nation" to demonstrate who we are and so may god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you very much regards mr. president when you spoke to present trump yesterday what did
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he tell you, sir? a surprise so that? >> are you shifting your campaign strategy? to play her questions coming from the room asking a little bit more detail about his conversation with former president trump. but you saw the president walkek out of the room. he continued to, so start with t background noise here at the milwaukee bennett let me bring in jeff mason can talk a little bit about what we just heard. the top line is this with part a. they're going to stick to opportunities for the president to speak today he will speak from the over all the oval office later. he clearly call this an assassination attempt at the top of his remarks. what stood out to comment jeff question requested certain called an assassination attempt he also urged americans to not start drawing conclusions about the affiliations of the shooter. probably a hard ask people are
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looking into him and his past and perhaps a political motivations and otherwise. that was notable president biden singled that out. he also talked about the importance of unifying and sink political violence just is no place in america. this is not who we are. i suspect the theme of unity based on what he said will be a greater theme in h this oval officer marks tonight. the fact he is choosing remarks tonight underscores how great and what a big deal this is. martha: absolutely. the whole nation is feeling the weight of what we watched last night. i wonder where it takes toned up all of this president biden has clearly spoken in very strong terms. especially strong terms in the speech the night before this happened. how did you change that town? you talked about president trump
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is a threat to democracy over and over again. is that a phrase you think we will hear a less of in light of what happened, yesterday? >> are definitely recalculated and the strategy on the democrac side and at the biting campaign. everything changed yesterday. not just the sense of safety people had at a rally like this but also the politics for both sides but certainly for the democratic side. i was at president biden's rally on friday night he was absolutely use heightened rhetoric against president trump. in the same way and fairness that has been directed at president biden sometime this heightened on both sides. for your question is good. will this change the rhetoric? will this and bring down the level of intensity and anim animosity? >> jeff, thank you very much.
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obviously we'll be watching the oval office address tonight i suspect you are exactly right aeddie hinted to this as well president biden will speak more broadly on the issue of unity for the country remember it let's forget bret baier on this. brett, great to have you with us here this afternoon. this is a president who ran on unifying the nation. so far the polling does not bear that out in terms of an accomplishment on his watch. your thoughts on what we just heard from him and what we may hear later from this a prominent oval office address? >> martha, good afternoon. we are just on either side a few blocks away from each other. i see you in person and just a bit. but this message tonight is the one he is going to try to hit that theme of coming together. to jeff's a point he was at that fundraiser just a few days ago president biden said it's time
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to put a bull's-eye on former president trump. that is rhetorical and it is time to go after him specifically but he use that terminology. and to just point also it obviously goes the other way what has happened in rhetoric from the other side. republicans here will point to the constant barrage of the threat to democracy linking former president trump with hitler specifically and a worry he's going to become a dictator and he has to be stopped and those kinds of words. if you strung together some of these sound bites obviously it would be in a different place than they are talking about now. i think there is a feeling and the country that everybody would like to see the tone and the heat drop down a bit on both sides especially in the wake of something as jarring as yesterday. we will always remember, i think, where we were. it's one of those events where you were when president trump was shocked.
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the image is going to be indelible of the president leaving the stage with his fist raised. >> i could not agree more. these images are going to be in people's minds for a very long time of him standing up with the bright blue sky and the flag behind him and the splash of red blood across his cheek i wonder how it impacts what happens here in milwaukee. we have been reaching out to the campaign trying to get a sense of what changes when that bp announcement might come i know there's a meeting happening this afternoon on all of this. your thoughts on how it impacts our coverage for this week? >> it impacts the schedule from the campaign point of view. i do not know if nikki haley invite to speak and to attend the convention and speak as a result of a changing thought
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about unity. it may be. i thought today when the former first lady's letter came out, melania trump's letter which is eloquent and talks about getting be on left and right and talks about humanity and people and what it means to be human and talk to each other as humans, i thought it was really well written and may be a blueprint for what they are changing to be. i cannot say that for a fact i've only talked to a few people saying they were impressed by how that was structured. maybe that is the beginning of it. >> it struck me as well. we are going to look closely at her statement a little bit later in the show. it was very eloquent will be at one marker in the town as we head into this week for sure. brett, thank you so much it's great to see it we'll see you over here later, absolutely. special report coming up later tonight as well. new details are on the suspect
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in the assassination attempt of former president trump. forces sources tilt box tell box explosive devices or materials to create bombs were found in his car near the scene of the rally we are also told there was material back at his home as well that was discovered to the fbi agents are going through all of this trying to figure out his motive we will learn more about this 20-year-old and the days and hours and then the days to come former fbi special agent nicole parker is standing by. first to correspondent alexis mcadams who is been on the scene and beutler, pennsylvania since her late yesterday and she joins us now. >> where i am right now to tell you how big this crime scene as we talked about what is going on ain bethel at the suspects house a short walk from where i and they confiscated a van. right behind me is the area at we've been talking about the former president shot while on stage if i move a little bit here that is the agr building
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that is where the suspect has now been identified by authorities as thomas matthew crooks was hiding out link on an incline on top of the agr building not too far from the former president was speaking he was on up there for a matter of minutes before you heard the pops that ended up being gunfire he was grazed by the bullet in the ear the county bomb squad is at that man's home. saliva looked as police continue to search the property the bomb squad is on scene and bomb bomb makingmaterials were foundt house and a car that was parked nearby the crime scene. we are talking according to the sources talking to fox there were multiple ied's abounds. we are working to get more than that. this comes hours after police found a van parked in a nearby neighborhood right by the crump crime scene it's a walking distance or more the rally's
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police canines were searching the cart last night. it was later towed away i stopped by the crime scene and talked with neighbors said there are so many police cars though they watch the dogs go up. wash the car be taken away which is now a key piece of evidence in the ongoing investigation. they believe the gunman parked in that area a short time before he walked over to the rooftop and started shooting. we also know a man killed at a trump rally at this at trump rally was a former fire chief in beutler county he was protecting his family and his name is corey comperatore his wife, his daughters putting out a statement saying it was chaos at the scene and the governor of the swing state calling him a hero. >> i just spoke to corey's wife and corey's two daughters. corey was a girl dad. corey was a firefighter. corey went to church every sunday. corey loved his community and most especially corey loved his
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family. as you are saying a short time ago you can always remember where you were when you heard about the shots being fired and that former president nearly being assassinated but we are close to where it happened we were in the immediate area that we could see it, here we sell the former president go down right before the podium and you heard him kind of yelling, then comes back up you can see blood on his ear. people last night were just trying to get out of there they're trying to piece this together i don't think police believe this happen here in beutler county. martha: the shock is still sinking and for everyone across the country. what could have happened. if this had been a millimeter different, it is hard to think about. thank you very much alexis great coverage there we will check back with you later. former fbi agent fox news contributor nicole parker.
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it has been really enlightening to hear from you over the past 24 hours. it is good to have you with us. i wonder what your thoughts are on what we just heard from president biden? he talked about the ongoing investigation. the head of the fbi, the head of secret service. what is your reaction to what we heard on him so far and what you hope happened in that discussion? >> what i hope to see is a very transparent, thorough and swift investigation americans want to understand what happened how did this happen? we need to understand the difference between the u.s. secret service their role in the fbi paid fbi comes in after the fact. they are tasked with investigating attempted assassinations as a former president they're coming and that is what they are investigating but fbi's work with u.s. secret service. they are working with local law enforcement. they are in pennsylvania. they are in charge of the local law enforcement is in charge of the homicide fbi is in charge of the attempted assassination.
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but the fbi agents aren't looking as being run by the pittsburgh field office you have agents coming in from all over. headquarters prickly quantico probably the fbi fly team come in for these major types of events. they are highly trained. fbi evidence response team is what they are doing right now but they are doing a reconstruction of the crime scene. they will leave no stone unturned is the most highly trained agents in the fbi know the fbi gets a lot of criticism and i give criticism where it is due. i will tell you there are solid solid fbi agents working their tails off right now the rank and file it during the real work. they are going to get this done. let's have confidence they're going to do the right thing and get some answers to us as soon as possible but it will take time. things i want to look at, the shooter. he was a local that's important to know. when was this rally announced? twenty know this is going to occur? when did he start case and the venue? his vehicle found nearby and want to know every single thing about that vehicle. i want to know if it hasn't
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infotainment system lowers the vehicle at? the devices found inside how are they constructed? where the amateur devices? were they sophisticated, fbi bomb techs and others will be in their taking everything apart. they will also be looking at any devices he had the cell phone, computer, laptops, and communications he had with individuals. photos that he took, notes that he took. text messages they will enjoy a family, friends and executed search warrant is going to be extremely extensive and thorough i expect the fbi to the very best quality work on this investigation nothing else is acceptable. before we do as well the men and women on the ground are top-notch as you say. we look forward to learning more on that. the biggest question, those questions you just posed are going to give us a bit more perspective on whether or not he acted alone. whether or not he was influenced by any sort of movement out there. we will learn more about that as we dig into his life and his
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social media and all about. one of the most glaring questions tonight is what happened on that rooftop? you had civilians who were warning police and secret service individuals on the ground come according to them according to their own eyewitness. they were running around not seeming to understand what they were being directed to in terms of there is a man on the rooftop. give two snipers maybe we have that video who are positioned on the roof from secret service and it looks like they're already aiming and the direction where we believe these shots were fired from. so how do you unravel that, nicole? >> that is a really great question. that is what we are all asking and i expect the secret service director to come out when this investigation is completed. whether being called out a full investigation needs to be done. this is not acceptable. it is not for the fact that roof
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went unmanned is not okay. i get it, they'd site survey seven -- 10 days in advance they do a site assessment before they do a sweep but the fact there was this rooftop that was completely unattended within 13t trump would be standing. people were trying to warn them and say there is someone with a gun. the communications i can tell it was difficult for someone on the ground to tell it to a law enforcement officer as a local to communicate that to secret service should be a lot more organized than you would think. again sometimes it's a lack of communication on the ground. martha: i remember we talked about this after 911 communication between all of these agencies. it is mind-boggling that we still do not have a clear clearchannel line between the ll police and that secret service and any one else and law enforcement who is there on this scene. these are things that obviously have to be fixed because a man
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lost his life because of this. we almost lost a former president of the united states and current candidate. it is a stunning sequence of events we are learning about. nicole, thank you very much. we'll talk later, thanks it is good to have you as always. a new statement, speaking of that, from the family of corey comperatore who is this man who was shot and killed at the former presidents rally and they say this quote the hatred for one man took the life of the one man we loved in the most. he was a hero that shielded his daughters, his wife and girls just lived through the most unthinkable and unimaginable. he had just turned 50 and had so much life left to experience it. what a deep tragedy this is for the country, the people of pennsylvania, and most of all for this family. our thoughts are with them
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today. doctor jim sweetland attempted cpr on corey. he was attending the rally with his wife lois they joined me now thank you for being here. this is absolutely heartbreaking. this man who lost his life was not the target as far as we know or have any reason to believe of all of this. tell us a little bit that played out where you work? >> the two of us went to the rally with another couple. where i was sitting was up in the bleachers. lois, my wife was sitting down with her friend in the seats. we were waiting was probably an hour before trum truck came outy wife telephoned me and said there's a lady down in the stands underneath you that needs your help. i'm emergency department physician. i said really?
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she said you didn't notice that? i went down there is a lady who had suffered from some heat exhaustion we got down on the bench, watered the bench, got water on her. the folks around her gave umbrellas and fanned her. there is a lot of water provided by the trump staff at the rally. as much water as you could possibly want. so that was over with. i went to back up and trump came out. where i was sitting or standing under it was under the jumbotron on the right side of the stage when you're facing the stage. trump term to look at us and point at this graphic that he had with a num the number of ill immigrants. he looked like he was looking right at us. one of our friends that i was with said gee, he is looking right at us, take a picture.
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then heard three shots pop, pop, pop. sounded like firecrackers to me sounded like a weapon to my wife. we all turned toward the back of the stage toward the side where there are trees across the field. and then, as i was doing so there were four more pops. i turned and president trump was already under a pyramid of humanity. the secret service was right on him right away. i heard a woman cry out from the bleachers down below me and to my right on down saying he has been shot. he is down. that is when i went to assist them. being an emergency department physician i just went down there to help them. when i got to them i said what
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doctors usually say as i am a doctor, i am here to help people looked at me like that is for sure, right i said no i am an emergency physician we need to get the >> up onto a bench she was jammed between two benches. the two people hunkered down because everyone was down at this point looked up at me and got this fellow up, got them up on a bench and i perform cpr gave him chest compressions as well as breathe for him for about two minutes. at that point i was tapped on the shoulder but one of the two largest pennsylvania state troopers i have ever seen. they said they got it from here. they picked him up like a rag doll and took him and put him on the stretcher and off he went. when i was doing that his family, i assume his wife was there and my c my condolences g. and the daughter was there at te
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look on their faces, i wish i could take back that day for them that they still have their father. certainly he was rushed off and got the best treatment he could i believe. the silly had a bullet wound to a head there is lots of blood on the bleachers as well as some brain matter. it was quite a scene. my prayers and thoughts go with them. martha: it is so heartbreaking and obviously i mean it appears obvious this a bullet was intended to go right at former president trump. one that di did graze his ear. as someone who is taking care of people in these kinds of situations, how close was former
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president trump? how much of a turn would have made this an even more horrible story not only for this man whose aid you came to but also for the former president, doctor? >> a half an inch the bullet entered above his right ear the victim, cory. quick cheese chocolate president trump. >> half an inch had he turned or not turned to look back i believe he would've been shot in the head similar to the way corey was injured. civil review aware and may be me lois you want to answer this, when i look at the video which we've all died many times that we will many, many more times. the people on the upper left side as you're looking at on the video immediately turn and look across. were you aware of where the shooting was coming from? did you have a sense of where it was coming from? >> absolutely, absolutely.
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my pin my prior life, i've been widowed twice so i understand this wife and two daughters will never have their father to walk them down the aisle like mine didn't. i hunted i knew it was a long gun of some sort and i knew exactly where the shots came from because i could hear it. and everybody, we all turned around to the point there were women we were screaming let's go get him. wheat wanted to get this guy and kill him. it's not funny but that was our reaction. everyone was so upset. one girl in front of me she just lost control. she sobbed and sobbed it was so traumatized i felt so bad for her. we know exactly where it came from and it came from where the or thedescription of the buildi.
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martha: i just want to ask about former president trump's reaction. wanting to stand up. what do you think is happening to someone when they've been grazed by a bullet at that point. the reaction is up no doubt there's a lot of adrenaline racing through your body at that point. >> when i was attending to the fallen firemen and when i turn, president trump was already ushered off the stage. the first thing i asked when i turned around i believe the officers it is trump okay they said there's blood on his cheek. he said was he able to walk off the stage? and he was so i was reassured he was able to ambulate on his own. but when you have adrenaline like that that's a tough son of a gun to stand up and say fight
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says a lot about the fortitude of this guy and the crowd went crazy. they were cheering at that moment i did not know what it was my back was to them i was attending to the firemen. and the crowd went nuts. it was like we are here for you and you are here for us. thank you for being such a good warrior for us. martha: that is an incredible reaction you expect everyone to start running away that is not what happened people stood up, pumped their fist and stood their ground it was remarkable to watch. some small grace and the fact youyou were able to attend to ts firemen in his final moments we wish so much the situation turned out very, very differently. fovery gfor a great for you docd lois thank you for being here in our hearts go out to corey comperatore his silver's 50th birthday and he should've had many more years ahead if it were
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not for this senseless loss of his life. doctor and lois thank you very much for joining me today. >> thank you, our thoughts and prayers are with cory and his family perfects absolutely the whole nation feels the same way. break in coverage continues right after this. stay with us. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's healing formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot.
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"soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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martha: former president trump posting untruth to social moments ago received first update we have what to expect this week he said based on yesterday's terrible events i was going to delay my trip to wisconsin and the republican national convention by two days. i have just decided i cannot allow a shooter or potential assassin to force a change to scheduling or anything else says
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a former president trump. he goes on to say therefore i will be leaving for milwaukee as scheduled at 3:30 p.m. eastern time today. so the former president will head here to milwaukee this afternoon and all of the events will kick off and tomorrow there is a question of a vice presidential decision in the mix here as well. it appears the president wants to keep everything moving along on schedule and charlie joins me now washington times opinion at a fox news contributor charlie, we were just talking about this extraordinarily bullish response from the president to all of this. >> he is likable. you do something like this it's waving a red flag. there is something so instinctual he is so fearless and fierce that you tangle with him and he goes for it.
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i still cannot fully process that seen card to me the two iconic photographs the iconic images will never be forgotten one as the one or he is down on the platform druggist blood streaking down his face his nose is inches from the ground. he is holding himself with his eyes open the next one of course is the unforgettable one he is standing up until secret service stopped, give me a minute because he wants to reassure the public he is still there. he is okay and he is going to fight, fight, fight i do not know we have ever seen a more fearless person. you mention teddy roosevelt which is a great example talk about a fearless guy. he is the only person i can think up. >> the only one who compares in terms of this human response teddy roosevelt was shot while giving a campaign speech running for reelection similar circumstances to what we saw
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here. we shot in the chest and continued the speech did not pause, continued and finished his speech later on they figured out you've actually got a bullet lodged in your chest is the only other comparison i can find in history that even comes close to this. charlie here are some of the responses sunday shows of course this was the main obvious the only topic today that anyone is talking about. once that your reaction to some of the response. watch this. >> president trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well. >> absolutely fight, fight is his first instinct too. >> fights, fight, fight. i think what we are hearing from people that is not the message we want to be sending right now because he is speaking very, very strongly is president biden. >> little consternation there over the reaction to the president i know you cannot hear the very top of it.
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fight, fight, fight was his first instinct was one of the questions is he insinuating a violent reaction to all of this was the tone they heard there. >> i hate to say this of victim shaming because calling donald trump a victim is not the feeling you get out of watching this because you do not see a victim up there you see a fighter you see a rough writer biting his way back. but the disconnect between reality and their political jaundice about everything. these people cannot look at anything without getting infected with their hatred their hatred of donald trump. i think it bleeds over into a disdain for the people, his supporters. one of things it's a meme or
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whatever these things on the internet you see right now is people saying why are you wishing a speedy recovery for hitler? if you spent all this i'm talking about how the skies like hitler and semi fascists. martha: eventually seeps and people start believing it. it is just incredible. >> we do not even like talking about it it's like you don't go that responsible people don't go there. >> i was always the truth. be very careful if you ever compare anything to the atrocities of hitler this is something as americans and people watching that line was crossed and blown through announce a part of the lexicon that is so dangerous. we will continue to watch all this charlie it's great to be with it will have a lot to talk about are the course of this week glad to be with you here in milwaukee. this is also a remarkable moment from today.
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melania trump making her first comments since the assassination attempt on her husband. here's part of her statement i really encourage you to read the whole thing. but the first line of melania trump statement to the country is i am thinking of you now my fellow americans. we have always been a unique union. america the fabric of our dental nation is a tattered but our courage and common sense must ascend and bring us back together as one. when i watch that violent bullet struck my husband, donald, i realized my life in barrens a life or on the brink of devastating change i am grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risk their own lives to protect my husband. two families of the innocent victims who are now suffering from this heinous act. i humbly offer my sincerest
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sympathy. ewyour need to summon your inner strength for such a terrible reason saddens me. that statement goes on, it is quite moving very eloquent from melania trump the former first lady. this breaking moments ago former south havana governor un ambassador nikki haley who ran against former president trump and the republican primary has now been added as a speaker at the convention here in milwaukee. there is been a lot of difficult tensions between former president trump and the governor of south carolina nikki haley they work together in the white house. this suggests there is some coming together that is evolving in the wake of what we saw yesterday. so when both of these and friends i am delighted to have shannon bream with me fox sunday anchor chief laurel correspondent. shannon, it's great to happy with us and it's great to have
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you here milwaukee. the country's been through a lot in the last 24 hours everyone is still processing it. that statement was so touching and so eloquent when she talked about and put in the country first and the first line. she talked about her and her child and talking about the man he lost his life corey comperatore making it personal to americans it was a very soothing tone almost maternal in a way to say we are all in this together. we care about our country. we care about you we know everyone is hurting it will be interesting to see how that translates into president trump's message and two other speakers who take the stage. >> it reminds me two very different situations. but after 911 laura bush was referred to as the comforter in chief. it is a role a first lady can play. melania trump had a complicated tenure as first lady she was not embrace the weight that most of
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first lady's it will be interesting to see if that tone is pervasive over the course of this week. martha: this a lot of impact coming from her she does not do a lot of social media she does not do a lot of statements when she doesn't gets a lot of attention so for her to take something that sounds very thoughtful in the moment of for many people shocking at moment of panic and tragedy to hear her voice it has a calming tone to it i think that is the kind of tone you do expect from a first lady whether past, former future. >> initially nikki haley was not invited to be at the rnc now she's not only been invited and included in the event she is also going to speak, your thoughts on that? after all kind of surprised will be heard a week or so ago when she is not going to be a part of it. i understand these delegates are pledged to present their his supporters. we want to talk about unifying the party and bring together every potential voting block that you would need why not
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include her voice bring her to the stage it's interesting she will be here but i will be interested to see what tone she takes us weeks ago she said i am voting for him i encouraging you to vote for him i'm releasing my delegates it very conciliatory in tone and seems like that's a fathe faith in what she's been brought hereto. >> i was a big vice presidential announcement is coming as well. there's obviously a lot of calibrating to figure how to roll that out. the announcements was supposed to come on monday with regard to verifying that ticket ascension both sides. it is a fast-moving story we know you're all over it thank you, great to be here with you this week. so top democrat on the house homeland security committee former chairman of the generate sixth committee says one of his staffers is out of a job after social media post about the assassination attempt congressional correspondent ainsley earhardt reporting live
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here in milwaukee. >> this really caught fire on social media last night. we've been working our sources work with the congressman's office or try to get a statement and confirmation we finally have within the last hour here. the response coming in the confirmation this indeed did happen here's a statement will put up on the screen for the congressman writes himself i was made aware of a post made by a staff member and she is no longer in my employment very short here but acknowledging something did go awry this is the post he is referring to that blew up on social media last night appears to be written by a staffer name jacqueline on facebook she writes of this, i do not condone violence about please get you some shooting lessons so you do not miss the next time hopes that was not me talking.
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obviously that was stunning to everyone who read that including the mississippi gop. they immediately blasted thompson they called on him to fire that staffer immediately. thompson has offered his thoughts and prayers for former president trump shortly after the assassination attempt. but some are criticizing the former generous six the chairman for one being the generate sixth german accusing former president of inciting violence and then you have this happen within his office. and also, introducing a bill back in april that would have canceled secret service protection for anyone who has been convicted of a federal or state felony that carries a minimum one year prison term. critics were saying that was clearly targeted at the former president. much more reaction coming in from that ahead. martha: ainsley earhardt thank you very much lots of reaction to all this sum is very dark indeed as reflected in that story from capitol hill.
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breaking right now capitol police holding a security briefing and the wake of the assassination attempt on former president trump house committees demand answers around the security failures at yesterday's rally senior congressional correspondent chad pergram reporting live from capitol hill. >> good afternoon. bipartisan lawmakers are outraged about how something so catastrophic could happen in such a heightened threat environment. house speaker mike johnson is promising a host of inquiries. >> and marty announce a congrest congress will do a full investigation of the tragedy yesterday to determine where the right lapses in security and anything else the american people need to know and deserve to know. >> house oversight committee could hold an emergency hearing with secret service director a week from tomorrow. homeland security at mark green was to convene a hearing with homeland security secretary at mayorkas next week as well some
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lawmakers demand action now despite gop convention. >> it is a complete failure on our part. we need to get to washington we have got to find out what went on and make sure it never happens again. >> foxes told the secret service relied on local law enforcement for this right one gop lawmaker opposes that in the current threat environment. >> i've been to many rallies i've seen it many times local law enforcement are enjoying trump and watching trump. you just do not have that level of protection. >> lots of questions here and in capitol hill parade something we have just learned here the secret service is going to hold a briefing at 4:30 p.m. eastern time. >> we will be watching that. chad, thank you very much. that would bring in public and congressman pat fallon from texas he sits on the house oversight committee which is
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launching a full investigation into the trump rally shooting. welcome. good to have you with us. i think there was one level of watching this yesterday and wrapping your brain around what happened and then today it is just shock it what could have been yesterday and where we could meet today were it not for the slight movement by president trump behind the podium. your thoughts today, sir? what's a mart that you could not of said it better. i was so angry but yet i'm also very thankful president trump is fine. i am sickened by the fact of patriotic innocent american was killed due to this political violence. the questions i have and are incidentally i spoke with chairman, yes it will have emergency hearings we have to get to the bottom of this how in the world as a shooter get to a roof 130 yards from the president is speaking with the rifle and a clear line of sight
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where were the drones? where's the secret service and secondly after the shots rang out think eight -- 10 shots why it was in the president whisked away immediately that's a secret service's job human heart, me, president trump may wanted to get his shoes and raised fist to the crowd at that natural human reaction but the secret service job to get them off that stage and out of danger because god forbid there have been a second shooter as you just said it could had a very, very different outcome. martha: there so many questions this can never happen again i think when you see him so exposed to standing up pumping his fist on one level it is encouraging and inspiring and terms of his personal fortitude. it is also terrifying there easily could have been another shot we did not at that point know whether where that shooter it wwas if he had been disabled. your thoughts on what needs to happens in terms of this never happening again. cannot help but think most of the people who are on these jobs
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i do not many any disrespect in 43 years ago as a lesson this happened haven't we reached a level of complacency for those who witnessed ronald reagan's shooting that's the most similar thing to what we saw yesterday. i would wonder how seriously we have been taking this threat? >> ior exhibit breaches and lapses in as you said they cannot ever happen again. it would be one think of a tragedy struck and some was taking a shot a mile away. that is awful and horrible you try to prevent it was in a building right next to the event. so i'm scratching my head. and you're also, you made a good point with what if that bullet had been just a few millimeters on course? what would we be talking about today? would the fabric of our own representative republic, would it be torn apart? i mean, that's what's frightening to me. maria: it is. i mean, you think about the fact
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that we were just talking the past few weeks about president biden's capabilities. you know? and in the blink of an eye, we could have been in a situation where you had, you know, potentially no too many -- knole presidency, and what'd you think of the president's reaction so far? we're going hear from him the oval office later this evening. >> courageous, martha, courageous, grit, determined. it reminded me of old hickory, andrew jackson, when he had that assassination attempt and he went after the guy with a stuck. -- stick. it reminded me of teddy roosevelt getting shot in the chest -- [laughter] ♪ that's the kind of guy he is, i couldn't be prouder of him. martha: just quickly. in 20 seconds, what about president biden so far? >> i'm sorry, martha, what'd you say? martha: what about president biden's reaction so far?
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just 10 seconds. >> oh, i think, you know, just meek, milk toast, mild. i'm not impressived. martha: representative pat fall toon, thank you very much. another hour of "the story" continues right after this short break. stay with us. can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general.
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