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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 14, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> a lot of questions and very few answers. a quick final thought to you, tosha. the governor of pennsylvania said we need to lower the temperature in terms of the rhetoric how can that be done when both sides are ramped up so high. >> it's a good question but we have to try and i think josh schapiro has been really aggressive in this and i think it's alright. i will be looking at the rnc next week former president trump did a really good job and calling for unity and those of the republicans like jd vance and others who haven't, the republican congressman who said joe biden ordered this, it's income to a bond both parties leadership. as we head into the height of this campaign and especially at the rnc and the democratic convention and we do not focus on issues and the american people in more. >> we will keep monitoring the
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news conference, the fbi director for this particular event which is speak it a few moments ago spoke very briefly, were getting into and he's gone. we're going to monitor the news conference as we get news from that we will bring you back alive. now this. >> you sell the president that was talking about immigration and pointing over to the screens and the next thing that we knew we started here shots ring out. >> happened so quick, three shots. >> 20 secret service running around like chickens with their head cut off in the field. >> we don't have any information about the motive of the shooter, we know who he is. i urge everyone, please don't make assumptions about his motives and affiliations, he is always alone. you can look at him and say something is off, that's how i describe it. >> eyewitnesses describe in a chaotic scene that unfolded
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yesterday with a hail of gunfire rang out at former president trump pennsylvania rally. now were learning more about the shooter. welcome back i am john roberts in washington, there is a lot of questions to be answered. >> a lot were learning at this hour i am sandra smith in new york this is "america reports" on the sunday the fbi is investigating the incident as an assassination attempt. here's what we know so far, the fbi revealed a 20-year-old shooter thomas matthew crooks acted alone and use the gun near the scene and fox learned it was legally purchased by thomas matthew crooks father. >> the fbi is sifting through evidence in any social media presents as he tries to determine the motive. let's get to david spunt live on this investigation what were they doing right now. >> something we've been able to confirm through the secret service, according to a spokesperson for the secret service, local authorities were aware of this threat shortly
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before president trump was fired upon shortly before shots ring out at the rally last night and when the local police tried to make contact that is when the shooting started, there are still questions as to why the secret service was not aware of this threat before it happened. technically it was outside of the perimeter where the suspect thomas crooks was with his gun. it was an ar 556, this is being investigated for fbi officials as potential domestic terrorism, the fbi trying to access to the suspects phone. they have his phone physically at the lab, the fbi lab in virginia but they're not able to get quite inside yet. the ar style 556 is located at the scene near crooks body ended explosive device was found in his car. it's notable that it took a while for authorities to get into the car because they were concerned something may explode,
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those devices and materials have been taken to quantico as well. he was not known to law enforcement before. the fbi has received 2000 tips from yesterday, crooks was taken almost immediately by a secret service sniper on the roof after shots were fired at former president trump. the fbi spent the majority of the day at his home in bethel park south of pittsburgh, fox news spoke to a former classmate of crooks who says he was on the local rifle team. listen. >> i didn't have any interaction with him but he was a kid that was always alone and bullied every day, he was an outcast. >> in addition to the 2000 tips, the fbi wants more, christopher wray said this is despicable what had happened it any information, cell phone video, call the fbi, 1800 call fbi.
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a lot of questions about the ap report that we talked about in the last hour of a local police officer potentially climbing up the ladder and made contact with crooks and then retreated and that's when crooks apparently open fire. regarding from the secret service the locals engaged in once they started to engage, that is when the firing took place. sandra: what is remarkable the secret service, part of the briefing, they are leading it and they will not take questions on the attempted assassination. we dipped into this and listen to this multiple times and they're only talking about security for the convention and they're not answering questions, david spunt thank you very much. >> let's bring in bill daley former fbi investigator. i want to put up on the screen satellite image of the area of the scene, you can see in the center of the screen with the
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president speaking, the shooters location. i measure that is is 160 yards, 412 feet and you guys gotta wonder the big question of the investigation, how in the world did a guy with a long rifle get onto the roof of the building with a direct line of sight in an elevated position 400 feet away from the presidential candidate. >> you're absolutely right, for anyone who does security assessment in looking for points of advantage points its high level advantage points, this certainly seems to be a basic one, a lot of other questions that come to my mind, this incident gets investigated from the forensic standpoint to the crime scene and what took place and how we got access to the building to his background and what may have led him to commit this terrible act. to your point, in my mind,
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somebody would've had to done a quick assessment and look to the vulnerability in the perimeter security around the secret service protection, there is not much time, they came we don't how we got on the roof whether there is a ladder or a lower level building that he got onto but there's a lot of questions here interface the point is the advantage point the direct line of advantage point, we seen in many other places whether new york city there's been a presidential motorcade coming through, the high points are covered. if not by the snipers looking at them is certainly has police presence on the rooflines so it would deter anyone from going up there and having advantage point. that is one of the key points, and another one and you mentioned a little bit earlier something came to my mind as well. i think it's something that we will take a few days to resonate
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with the population and with the former president and his aides is certainly how close this came. i think you made the point that i thought of, a little more humidity and wind and some other slight suggestion of the bullish trajectory and we would be speaking about a totally different story today. sandra: i want to give an update with the trump campaign, he just sent out president trump is on his way to milwaukee, wisconsin for the gop convention and is grateful for your prayers, support and well wishes. as he said this morning in this moment it is more important than ever that we stand united and show her true character as americans remain strong and determined and not allow evil to win. i truly love our country and love you while i look forward to a great nation this week from wisconsin, wheels up to the great state of wisconsin, # gop convention u.s. he's going to make his way there, as he does and is recovering the news conference,
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to not take any questions, what does that send to the american people who are horrified by what they saw him serious questions over why and how this was able to happen. >> certainly as you know over the years we've been speaking about various incidents that it taken place in the program and very supportive of law enforcement. what are the things i would tell you that we've seen happen in other incidents is good communication even if you don't have something to say you come out and say it. you're going to continue the discussion and he received a lack of that and as we start talking about the convention and not the incident that needs to be better communication because people are anxious and waiting and people need to know. >> the investigation next to aspects, how the shooter, security failure and how the shooter was able to get so close and the other the shooter and his motivation. thomas crooks apparently they have a cell phone and they have
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not been able to get into it yet. i assume that's a matter of time, then there's an idea that they had explosive devices and materials for it, not only his band but at home. >> investigation as we certainly know the fbi takes the lead on it has been the framework for a number of decades that the fbi would take the lead on it and attempted assassination and whether doing trying to put this man into focus and trying to find out what went on, how was he able to find out how to create an explosive device with the online searches in what was on his cell phone, this goes into the motive it even though it seems to be absent of the fact that he doesn't have a criminal record at least according to local authorities and fbi authorities, was he on anyone's watchlist, heidi surfaced in any way previous to
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the incident and i think fbi analysis team as they start to look at this person it is background we are able to thread together some of the elements whether it is comments we heard a few minutes ago from people who knew him in the neighborhood but more so his own writings and statements to people and maybe more perspective on this. i think everybody is in need of that, we need closure for this and the trauma is created for the entire country. sandra: bill daley, thank you for joining us. sandra: were learning more about the rally goer that was shot and killed during yesterday's attack, pennsylvania's governor identified the victim as corey comperatore a former fire chief from the area for the governor said he died a hero with built-in front and on his family to protect them after the shots ring out. >> cory was a girl dad, cory was a firefighter, cory went to
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church every sunday, cory loved his community and most especially cory loved his fa family. i asked corey's wife if it would be okay to share if we spoke and she said yes. she also asked that i share with all of you that corey died a hero. he dove on his family to protect them. sandra: we pray for corey that just turned 50 years old. his wife and daughters and his family and community. he leaves behind his loving daughters, president joe biden and first lady jill biden extended the deepest condolences to the family. two other people injured during the incident, both listed in stable condition as a short time ago today. >> former president trump said the rnc will move forward as
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planned, how will yesterday's assassination play into the message that we here at the convention. we are breaking it down with mollie hemingway just ahead. >> we were to numbers of congress to increase funding for this event, this is probably one of the most secure places not just in the city with thee, country 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions,
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sandra: former president donald trump is on his way to milwaukee and says he looks forward to speaking at the republican national convention. also calling for national unity after he survive just an assassination attempt of his rally in pennsylvania. mollie hemingway live in milwaukee editor-in-chief at the federalist and fox news contributor. i imagine this is what everyone is talking about. >> it is in everyone is focused on the strong security that was
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already planned and beefed up in the aftermath in their excited to get together and talk at a moment like this. >> previous conventions that i have been to, al gore in 2000, george bush in 2000, george bush in 2004, mitt romney, they always wait until thursday for the presidential nominee to come out, trump broke the mold in 2016 he came out on monday for a quick little preview the first day in what way a couple of days. i imagine that trump probably will come out tomorrow night and say hello to the crowd. when you take a look at the image that we had a second ago with this fist tight in the hair surrounded by secret service, the american flag in the background, i would imagine the welcome for him when he comes out of the convention will bring the house down. >> republican voters have been very supportive of donald trump
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since 2016, the party has been very unified around him and the delegates will be that way. after experiencing assassination attempt yesterday and not just going through an assassination attempt at a rally one that took the life of the republican supporter but coming out of that was such an iconic image as you know focused on the american flag, it was very inspiring and something that a lot of people cannot imagine the strength or courage it would take to walk off the stage like that in that manner. think of republican voters that are saying the rest of the country will see what they have seen for a long time and they are excited to have their candidate here, very excited that the candidate here in the message and the policy and national policy that they think is good for the country that national emigration of foreign policy putting america first foreign policy. all of these things i cannot even imagine we will see when the delegates come in foley for
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this convention. sandra: you wonder how if at all this will change plans for republican strategy heading into the convention when you consider the news that we got in early afternoon hours that nikki haley was given an invitation, accepted into speaking role at the convention, that is the change since yesterday. >> even though the republican voters have been by and large behind donald trump for that something case with establishment. you will see that changed with the establishment figures coming out strongly supporting president trump and i think they will be pushing for democrats to think through how they are talking about republicans but the republican nominee and the republican voters we've seen extremely hot rhetoric from president biden and other people about maga, donald trump and republican voters in maga voters. a threat to the republic that
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they are a genuine threat to the american freedom and i think you see a lot of these individuals ask for democrats to tamp down that and stop the political prosecution which is certainly contributed to this environment that were in. i don't have an effect not just on the republican message but also the democrat messaging as well. >> it would seem to me that the main point that biden has been waiting for his reelect is called trump a maga extremist and described him as an existential threat to democracy in democrats are over the heritage foundation project 25 and basically saying this is a program to sit in power at the white house and get rid of the checks and balances that were inherent in the constitution. if you take away those points of attack for biden because you have to tone down the rhetoric in the wake of this, what does biden have left a campaign on. >> is a very big problem for democrats. i want to point out project 2025
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of the heritage foundation is calling for the checks and balances under the constitution where an unaccountable bureaucracy and administrative state you actually have the constitutional three branches of government and having accountability through them. you had a message from democrats and other people in the media for a long time say that donald trump is hitler, the magazine covers and prominent people democrat media and all of this really outsized rhetoric. if they really believe that it is not surprising necessarily to see some action like we saw. that very difficult messaging situation. are they going to be able to continue with their very extreme rhetoric, calling republican voters and candidates a threat to the country while denouncing the political violence that nearly took the life of donald trump. sandra: next up we wait for president biden cavities can
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address the nation tonight, 8:0m the oval office and we will certainly be watching for that as we work our way into 24 hours now, more so when this all went down, good to have you on. >> thank you. >> president biden brief is under briefly addresses the country after the attempt to assassinate president trump, what will the president say in his oval office address tonight. plus this. >> you should not have to be the case to serve your country and the desire to run for office and hopefully do good comes at the risk of your personal safety, that is what it feels like today. >> the attack leading to more concerns overheated little rhetoric in this country, steve scalise is a shooting survivor himself on where the discourse needs to go from here.
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>> i spoke with donald trump, i'm sincerely grateful he's doing well and recovering and we had a short but good
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conversation. this investigation will be thorough and swift and investigators will have every resource they need to get this done. sandra: and independent investigation into the attempt on forward president trump's life that unfolded less than 24 hours ago in butler pennsylvania, biden is expected to speak more from the oval office as we anticipate that let's bring in chief washington correspondent mike emanuel live at the white house, he has more for us. >> good afternoon centisecond time of the a second assassination attempt from former president trump president biden spoke publicly earlier this afternoon he was clear about the nature of this attack. >> there is no place in america for this violence or any violence for that matter. an assassination attempt is contrary to everything that we stand for as a nation. it is not who we are as a nation, it is not america and we cannot allow this to happen.
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>> the president spoke with senior officials earlier today and the situation room, the president said he is directing them to provide president trump with every protective measure to ensure his safety although he receives a heightened level of security really sold the head of the secret service to review all security measures for this week's rnc convention and you'll speak at greater length in prime time from the oval office, the president promised the american people will get answers about what happened to butler pennsylvania. >> i directed an independent review of national security at yesterday's rally to assess exactly what happened and we will share the results of the independent review with the american people as well. >> president biden has postponed schedule travel to austin, texas tomorrow with the seriousness of the situation following an assassination attempt. sandra: mike emanuel live at the white house. >> the assassination against former president trump leaving
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until leading to widespread calls to lower the temperature around political debate. >> there is no figure in american history may be since lincoln is been so vilified in billy pierce acute in by media and hollywood elites and political figures. even the legal system. when the message goes out, donald trump will be on threat to democracy and the republic would and it heats up the environment, we cannot do that simply not true. >> house majority leader steve scalise is a survivor and he was shot at a conventional spell given 2017 and he joins us now. we'll get to the politics and a second congressman but i wanted to ask about the investigation because many people are interested in where this is going. the person who tried to kill you was a left-wing activist with a history of domestic violence that seem to fit with the actions that he took that day, this person who nearly killed former president trump is 20
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years old he just graduated high school and works as a dietary aide at a nursing home and apparently good at math he wanted a word and described as a loner and bullied all the time, other than that we know very little about him. >> good to be with you i would imagine in the days ahead were going to learn a lot more, we're still getting even more information in the last few hours. we're going to be doing our own investigation and i talked to chairman james comer with the house oversight committee and next monday they will be having a hearing with the secret service fbi and other agencies involved to start answering the serious questions that you and others and all of us have that we haven't heard any good answers on and as we do that we will hopefully get more information about what might've been behind it, there's no motivation that justifies what he tried to do, he tried to kill former president maybe future president of the united states, there is no place for that in
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america and how he came that close to carry that out is surely an area of questioning that i have as well as others as well. sandra: great to have you on we hope you're doing well we just heard the update from the secret service a moment ago, yet they would not take any questions on the assassination attempt of former president donald trump they would only talk about the upcoming convention and the secret service said at the briefing we are confident in security plans for the republican national convention and in fact the secret service went on to say there will be no changes or updates to the security plans after what happened, you are around the secret service a lot we saw them surround the president and fulfill their duty there, do you have confidence that they can protect as the election season goes on with these candidates and the president former vice president -- former president. >> those are some of the questions that we have in terms
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of resources, we heard things may have been sent out to other law-enforcement agencies in secret service should've carried out, checking on the rooftop when you hear these reports and i've seen some of the video people talking about that they were identifying the shooter on the roof crawling towards the roof with the gun on his back and they pointed out to law-enforcement and nothing happened until he started firing shots, that is an acceptable this is all an ongoing discussion and i don't think it's finalized but we have a lot of additional questions that they're going to have to enter there ultimately going to have to answer those questions and if people need to be held accountable, that can happen to, we cannot have something like this almost happened it would've been a tragedy that this country hasn't seen in maybe generations initiative never happened or got that close and it cannot happen
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again, that's what we need to prevent. >> in the incident that nearly took your life, small public ballfield in arlington there was a small capital police detail that was there, the gunmen drove up from a cover position and started opening fire and heroically the capital police officers managed to take him down but in a situation like we had yesterday, the place is crawling with secret service and crawling with the secret service cat teams, local police are all over the place and yet the building that was the very closest structure to where donald trump was speaking 400 feet away was left uncovered somehow, that defies everything that you have ever learned or observed about the presidential campaign events. >> is inexcusable, were not talking about humility or new york city where every building is a high-rise, where every floor might have people on it,
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this is a building the nearest building that was outside of the perimeter that was secured, this building was right there and there were people that alerted authorities before the shooting to the shooter crawling toward the perch that he used two ultimately take a president trump and killed the poor gentleman that was there and to see a political rally and injure others, these are the questions that we have, they have to be answered, somebody on the ground was responsible for making sure that didn't happen and they failed miserably and really get to the bottom of this. >> they say a source from the committee is telling fox news that chairman mark green had a call with the director of secret service today, the committee is going to hold the gym under majority member briefing which
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he held tomorrow so we will see where they get with all of this and we appreciate you being able to join us today. >> thank you, great to be back with you and god bless america and god bless president trump and pray for the family, the man who we lost. >> absolutely. >> glad to see you doing well. >> the secret service facing strong scrutiny after the assassination attempt lawmakers are demanding more from to know how the shooter managed to get so close to the former president former acting department of homeland security secretary chad wolf will join us with his thoughts and observations after the break. >> there is no way you can explain what happened, this is a big miss and there is a lot of questions that need to be answered how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference.
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sandra: the secret service facing the biggest crisis after the near assassination of former president donald trump. lawmakers are scribbling to hold emergency mint intermediates and testimony from the secret service director, one congressman who spoke to us earlier today went even further. >> there was a complete breakdown of communication all the way down the line and the head of the circuit service needs to go that's obvious but i doubt that will happen. >> former acting homeland security chad wolf and the executive director of the america first policy institute, great to have you on first step you had a lot of time to digest what happened what are your observations at this moment. >> thank you for having me at the end of the day this is a complete security failure and even individual 150 yards of the president a clear line of sight something did not work correctly within the security protocol that they have why wasn't the
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facility within the security perimeter because of a lack of resources, the protocols that we see surrounding president trump or what you would see with the former president but he's not the typical former president with his court appearance, rallies in the threats against his life and others. i think what will find the secret service is probably not resourced the protection detail for the former president in the different appearances he's been doing. john: we should point out secret service falls into the rubric of dhs, it's good to have you one you were overseeing the secret service during your time i can recall at presidential valleys whether mitt romney, george bush or barack obama or al gore, bill clinton. anything that had a rally outdoors and there was a structure nearby that could give
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a potential shooter and elevated position there was uniformed officers partnered with local law enforcement. i remember one rally a mitt romney rally a multilevel parking garage across the street and there was a police officer on every floor of the building just to make sure it was secure yet buildings only 400 feet away from where the president was speaking and there was nobody there. >> exactly right this is a failure that private building and was the owner and operator notified beforehand and indicated they would place a law enforcement officer on the building or on the roof or on the stairwell. a lot of different things going on. the line of sight normally would see a vehicle or a large semi tractor-trailer or a flag hanging between any structure in the line of sight to the president. you do not see that, why is that, lack of resources where they requested were denied i
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think that should come out on the investigation whether the congress is doing or the president has talked about an independent review all of those things need to be answered in the american people are frustrated about this. they want to see accountability and that's what i most concerned what we haven't seen a president biden's tenure any accountability for any official when things go wrong and clearly something went wrong. i think the investigation needs to be swift and quick and transparent and there needs to be accountability. sandra: we had everything that happened a short time ago with the convention were secret service says they're not making any changes to security measures because of what happened yesterday they believe their fully prepared and no need to make changes. in fact there was a question even though they would not answer what happened yesterday the assassination attempt they took this question on resources to your point. they asked have you had the
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resources you need. it was past tense and an office is a question about yesterday but most definitely the upcoming convention. the responses yes were fully prepared and have a comprehensive security plan in place and were ready to go. if there was a moment where they could assure the resources that were tight and not available to them or challenge it could've been said there. >> it could have, i solved the press conference and what they talked about the security in milwaukee and they did not address what occurred yesterday and that's a missed opportunity that's what most americans care about today. the rnc is a national security level event and with that comes a different set of resources then you would likely see other raleigh were other things that's probably the individual giving the press conference was alluding to that they have a different set of funding in
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different security footprint at with an event yesterday. >> after the shooting of ronald reagan on march the 30th of 1981 the secret service protocol for how you enter and exit the building completely changed, reagan walking out of the open from the washington hilton to the limousine that's when he was shot and as of that day everything changed in the limousine would pull into a covered area and the president would never be exposed outside. there will be a lot of campaign between now and november how do you expect things will change going forward. >> i think you're likely to see more protective measures and you're likely to see more bulletproof glass and other measures that the secret service has and receive them to play from time to time that protect the president and lot more agents on a site like that in a more visible law enforcement response.
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you will see perimeters expanded in a whole number of different changes but i think this is really important. we should not take an event that occurred yesterday to make these changes these are things that circuit service, dhs and others should've been thinking about an advance given the public nature of president trump and how he runs a campaign and what he's been involved in in the prosecution that are against him for the last three years. >> girls i asked one of our security professionals lost our i'm amazed there was in a drum by the secret service. i can barely go to a barbecue or a concert with her orange drones everywhere and surprises somewhat of a resource for them. thank you for joining us. >> it is heavy and it feels like were on the precipice of something right now. i know that, now is the time to recommit to uniting and coming together as a country.
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>> a bracketing for america after the assassination attempt on former president trump calls to cool down political rhetoric from both parties the wall street journal editorial said the incident could be a redemptive political moment for the country let's bring in fox news contributor tammy bruce and leslie marshall, to me let me start with you, calls by this president, the governor of pennsylvania and others to take down the temperature of the rhetoric, these were people who were excoriating president trump calling him every name in the book in a maga extremist saying and exit essential threat to democracy and after this they decide it's time to turn down the rhetoric. what about the weeks and months before. >> it started being shocked with hilary clinton and framed trump's supporters as irredeemable bigots and they were not really americans. we see the rhetoric and the attitude that's kerry drew for
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so long. what is interesting, i think that paired mention this earlier on the network. if anything this might be a pause, this is not the first situation we've been in. we talked to steve scalise about the horrible dynamic in 2017 were dozens of congressional members could've been murdered, there were calls by the left to tone down the rhetoric and this was a guide who hated the republicans in pushed by the liberal democrat party bob entered rhetoric in the almost attack on justice kavanaugh which thank god was not completed but also a young man who was pushed over the edge by the constant rhetoric against judge brett kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing. there is always calls that they seen what the result is from the democrats maybe have a pause but i don't know what they'll do if
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there rhetoric which is been about the dangers of trump and is been that from the beginning from a russian spy hoax to the laufer dynamics and convicted criminals to annex essential threat and went to get rid of that they use that because they can talk about the issues, trump on the other hand talks about the issues of immigration, crime, the economy, et cetera. it's going to be an interesting a difficult situation for the democrats but it must be discussed. we seen the show before. sandra: all that you respond to that. >> thank you on january 6 i saw extremely disgusting vile comments about killing nancy pelosi, aoc and i've certainly seen things about killing former secretary of state clinton, bill clinton, joe biden, this has to
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stop all around from extreme on both sides. speaking at the convention that were having in milwaukee this week, tom cotton dural protesters off bridges, carry bakeshop on a walk coming biggs, i for night. former president trump in current president biden have both pointed fingers and said that the other is a threat to democracy. by the way somebody a threat to democracy is not a call for violent action. i think this is an opportunity for leaders on both sides because you lead by example and the fish rots from the head down. it's very important for leaders on both sides to say this is enough, we can debate and debate the issues but we don't name call. tammy and i do this here and we did it when she lived in l.a. we don't personally attack each other but we may attack each other's views or attack each other's views on issues, that's what our leaders need to do. "the bottom line" it's up to we the people to act. >> you may have a robust discussion on the issues with no attack at all.
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r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. i gofundme set for the victims of yesterday's attack appeared it's nearing the $3 million now the fundraiser was authorize former president trump for those who want to help the families of those hurt per. >> cannot believe it meredith or rourke tub gop fundraiser organized it. there is another one that is just for the family of corey comperatore for his daughter allison. it was the former fire chief who drove in front of his family to protect him. that has now surpassed half a million dollars compared the hero who saved his family leaves behind a wife and two daughters are. >> the governor describing him as a girl dad but thank you so much for joining us on sandra smith. special edition of special report with bret baier starts right now. ♪


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