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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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here and the nominating speech the third nominating speech for president trump, the third convention speech to get a nomination. if you turn around, there you see where we were, the fox news booth, there are seven a 14000 square feet here. milwaukee by the way is very important, think about how tight wisconsin was last time around, this is going to be a big event as far as republican party and the way forward. we have you covered all throughout and you can keep it here as the lights dim. it's going to be a fascinating number of days at the republican national convention. we have you covered on fox. thank you for inviting us into your home, that's it for the special report, fair, balanced and unafraid, the angry mingle is now. ♪ >> good evening i'm laura
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ingraham from milwaukee, wisconsin at the pfister forum where the rnc is set to kick off tomorrow night. first details and lingering and troubling concerns about the assassination attempt on the life of president trump. now from the latest of the side of yesterday's rally i'm joined by cb con fox news correspondent, what can you tell us tonight. >> the fbi says it hasn't had any indication that thomas matthew crooks battled a mental illness or was part of a larger plot, federal agents comb through his home behind me and bethel park about two hours south of where the shooting took place, the secret service telling fox that rally goers were the first ones to alert local police to the shooter's suspicious behavior. officers could not find crooks
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until it was too late. at that point the secret service killed the shooter, the 20-year-old graduated from high school two years ago and we confirmed he worked as a dietary aid at a local school nursing and rehabilitation it center. a spokesperson telling us his background check was clean and that cleared him to work, we also learned he was a registered republican according to voting records. during the 2021 and a nation records show he made a 15-dollar donation to the progressive turnout project this is a chicago based protocol action committee. we don't have a clear view of his home, we know from the law enforcement sources, bomb making materials were found inside and ied sounded his car, were told the ar-15 style rifle recovered from the scene was legally purchased by kirk's father. we know these items have been taken to the lab division at quantico. investigators are trying to get inside and get access to the shooter's phone, finding a motive is top of mind at this point. the disturbing details come as were learning more about the
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firefighter who was killed when the gunfire rafted. we spoke with his sister who said they are not ready to speak out, understandably so. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro sharing that the firefighter went to church every sunday, loved his family and died while trying to protect them. josh shapiro has ordered flags at half staff in light of the horrific circumstances. back to you. laura: thank you so much. what are the most shocking videos from yesterday is when the gunman laying on his stomach on the roof of the building just moments before he pulled the trigger sleep. [shouting] [gun shots] [shouting]
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[shouting] [screams] laura: joining me now mark fiserv retired sargent major, special forces and also a sniper for 25 years and also with me tim miller former secret service agent who served on bill clinton detail. tim, let's start with you, over everything that you have watched, i know you poured over the videos, what disturbs you most about what went down? >> you know to be honest i am torn. on the one hand you have a colossal failure in the advanced work that was done. on the other hand, the presidents detail couldn't have performed more spectacularly once the event occurred. the problem is, the advanced guy or gal who ever it was, they are
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the ones that are covering every aspect of the site, they are looking at every potential threat, not just rifles but vehicles, bombs, all of the above at every inch. when the detail gets there, they know their coming into a secure environment. obviously that did not happen and i gotta tell you as an agent who has done hundred of these site assessments, the first thing you're going to look at is the high places. we learned in 1963 we put a gunman to the rifle around the president and bad things can happen. unfortunately, this is a huge mess and i would be interested to know who did that advance, was it reviewed by supervisors. it is a big problem. laura: we still have not gotten, will get into a lot more of this on the secret service side and obviously the agent that shielded the president. it is always amazing to see
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incredible heroism they're trying to do this and they know that's their job but with the roof line and with the direct line to where donald trump was standing, how does that happen in what is supposed to happen to ensure no one would be able to gain access. >> i just mentioned it's a complete command failure. the previous advanced guy should receive any high-rise building within 150 yards is somewhere they should be out of bounds, house of it was able to go on the roof is beyond me. the secret service guys responded to the incident did an amazing job. whoever planned that, i'm sorry to have serious questions to answer because you go in, you look at the threats in the distance the weapon canning be engaged from and you make sure there is a circle going further and further out to make sure you negate the possibility. the fact that the man could gain access to the roof causes a huge amount of questions. if they say there was a lack of
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results, and armed police officer to be on the roof to make sure that roof is never used. laura: i said this last night when everything was very fresh, conspiracy theories really flourish in the absence of facts. in the absence of transparency. here we are 24 hours later more than 24 hours later, 26 hours later and we still haven't really heard from the secret service and another have their investigation, i get it, it's complicated. i understand that but this is the situation where we almost lost the life, right now the man who could likely become president of the united states and we don't hear from the secret service director. as far as i can tell unless she came on the last five minutes, nothing? >> your exactly right i been talking agents all day. it broke my heart to watch what
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happened. and all of us knew every day we put the suit on, every day we came to work, we knew we were willing to die to protect the life of the president. i'm having the same questions. i defend the secret service when it is appropriate to defend it but almost losing the next president of the united states to gross incompetency because i will tell you this i was a marine, police officer, went through training. as a marine you understand the impact of a rifle. this was 150 yards away, that is the easiest of shots, thank god the grace of god move the presidents head just a little bit or we would have lost the president. you know what, when they feel they need to step up, they need to say that we recognize, i
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think congress is all over this and i know the agents that believe in mission first, not staffing it with people who may or may not be the best qual qualified. i know all of us are all over this, the secret service has what are the most important responsibilities in the country. if we can't protect her leaders, we are in trouble. >> on this issue of credibility of our fbi, the secret service, the department of justice, this is why you never want the perception of any of them playing games with diversity or woken us or politics or picking and choosing winners or losers and who you're going to charge and who not. for moments like this because the public has to have belief in the agencies in order to stop the speculation and give people a sense of calm, we don't have that column tonight, i tell you that. >> i'm sorry, and the protection
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in particular presidents in the next president of the united states, diversity does not have a role the best person for the job has a job and maybe there are questions to answer and that. laura: stay with us, joining me the man who filmed the video of the suspect on the roof michael ditake us back to that moment yu have the wherewithal to start video and and a lot of people would run but you wanted to see what you could see, what else did you see? >> we had been there about ten minutes and we got a spot to where we could see the teleprompter and we could hear the audio and once trump's started to speak i was watching him and my wife nudged me, she was standing next to me and she said what's going on behind us and when i turned around we saw a younger kid running through the crowd and somebody spoke up and said the guy had a gun.
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at first i thought it was somebody trying to get a better advantage point of the rally and i didn't think too much of it so i went back to listening to trump and once somebody said he had a gun all chaos ensued and everybody was screaming at the cops to get over there. the problem was, the police officers were too close to the building, they could not see h him. where we were at we had a perfect advantage point of him and we were trying to tell them he's right there he's right there but they could not see him. laura: did you see an officer then climbed up the roof? >> can you describe a happen when you witness that? >> we seen one officer trying to climb the side of the building and he kind of pulled himself up on it as soon as he pulled himself over i don't know if the guy startled him or what happened but he let go and he fell to the ground and shortly
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after that is when i started to film and when the guy started to shoot. >> were you surprised that you on the ground as a rally goer thought it was going to be a fun day at trump probably going to be a lot of fun that you and your wife were able to witness this in there was no one in the crowd with you just as an observer as a preemptive taking preemptive action? from the ground by being able to be a scouter or scout i should say. >> it was pretty crazy. we were trying, everybody not just me and my wife but it was a small crowd around us but the rest of the crowd was also trying to tell them he's right there and it seems like there is enough time i wish somebody could've got to him before 70 had to lose their life, local
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man did lose his life and that is a sad story of the whole situation, luckily president trump only got hurt and did not lose his life as well. i think all of us make it a commotion may have actually saved the president's life because otherwise this guy could've had all the time in the world to do whatever. luckily somebody spotted him and we were able to make a big enough commotion and i think he threw some shots off. laura: what prompted you to start filming. again, some people just drop their phone and run, you decided to stay on the shot, why? >> most people took off running. i always seem to have my phone in my hand, that's at the family says and once i seen that he had a gun with my own two eyes i just knew that something bad may be ready to happen and i kinda
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hid behind a tree and i said i'm going to get some video. laura: did he appear to be looking around to see if anyone was coming after him or did he look determine could you tell? >> you look determine, he was scurrying up the roof i know he heard all of us and the commotion that he never stopped, he went up the roof and the army crawled the whole way up to where he stopped and he got into position as you can see on the video. he really quickly got up there and got into position and i think it was eight or nine seconds into my video he started letting rounds fly. laura: did you get the sense that he had done this before perhaps, he knew how far it was and how difficult or not difficult to get on the roof and exactly where he wanted to go,
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was at the impression you got. >> i don't know that i'd say he's done it before but like i said he was determined, he wasn't letting the commotion underneath him stopped him from doing what he was about to do. i don't know it happened so f fast. laura: michael, mark and tim, thank you so much. now is not the time to score political points but it is the time to find out the truth.ou my angle and w moments. feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way.
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>> new video of former president trump arriving in milwaukee moments ago after his assassination attempt. unbelievable he decided not to change his schedule. he was thinking about delaying coming to the rnc for a few days. at a chance to speak to him a few hours ago as he was about to leave for milwaukee. he sounded very upbeat but this is something he obviously did not expect and obviously did not want. he is here in milwaukee now and we will stay on this if we have any new developments.
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but now big lies in the need for answers, that is the focus of tonight angle. suddenly after years of telling us president trump would literally and democracy and rollover as a dictator, the regime media says we should calm down and stop using so much harsh rhetoric. of course they realized the events of yesterday have hurt their cause politically and they would very much like to stop president trump and the republicans from criticizing the vita demonstration. i don't think we should take their calls for calm very seriously. as soon as they see an opportunity to gain political points by smearing republicans, they will do so again. we should take advantage of their temporary embarrassment to establish two points once and for all. number one as we have told you for a long time, years, the biden administration and supporters in the press do not and have not ever believed that
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president trump is a threat to our democracy. you don't put out thoughts and prayers threat threat to the republic. you don't wish threats from the republic are safe from harm which all democrats wish president trump work praying for you, glad you're okay, you don't do that if the guy is hitler. everyone in this town has had years dealing with president trump, they know he is not a dictator, they know he's not a threat to the country, they know is not a threat to democracy. they know he's a patriot and they know he loves this country and they know he's made tremendous sacrifices to make the country better. they certainly disagree with them, that is fine. you don't see them selling the real estate, planning to move offshore, silencing the criticism or any of the things that people do when they are faced with real dictators. the rhetoric around president
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trump has been dangerous and it has been false for years and we can only hope now that it will stop. number two as we also warned you, the day has come with the establishment would very much like to be tested by the american people but it has squandered the trust. here are the brutal facts. the secret service despite the heroic efforts of the men and women on the ground around president trump, the protocols failed on saturday they allowed a shooter with a rifle to get on the roof that provided a clear shot at the leading candidate for president, that is a failure, period. period the secret service gets no credit for the fact that the shooter missed, they never should've been in a position to take the shot. there are only two expeditions for the failure, incompetence or mail onto malice. the secret service failed to do
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its job properly because it was incompetent or the secret service failed on purpose, i'm not making any accusations or providing any conspiracies, i said we need to stop conspiracy style thinking but when trust is gone and long gone for many americans, you can only stop conspiracy theories by putting out the full truth, president trump got 74 million votes in 2020. i don't have any believe that the secret service failed to protect president trump on purpose but i know it's a dangerously large number of people tonight. we cannot tolerate situation where millions of americans believe it is not safe to challenge an incumbent president so we need the truth. fortunately speaker johnson, congressman comer had made it clear the house republicans intend to get to the truth. i support their efforts. i want to give them one piece of advice. i think we should assume the administration, the democratic party and the supporters in the
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media will do everything possible to circle the wagons and defend what happened yesterday. i think we should assume that any open hearing on the matter will look like the hearings that we seen with secretary mayorkas on the border and so forth. the testimony from the administration will not be credible, the reputation of the secret service will be destroyed and conspiracy thinking will grow. we need the truth and one or two hearings will not be enough to get to the truth. i would suggest in addition to any hearings the house republicans should hire outside counsel. it should be a prominent republican lawyer with a long history of investigations and an unquestioned reputation for integrity. this counsel should be empowered by the appropriate committees to use subpoena power as necessary to obtain the truth and i mean the whole truth about how the shooter got on the roof and why no one in the secret service did
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anything until shots have been fired. of course the democrats and the administration will oppose any such investigation. when they do speaker johnson and congressman comer should publicly state that democrats are trying to prevent the country from finding out truly what happened. this investigation should take place on a very fast track, president biden said he wanted a fast track and that's good. sometime next month we should get a credible answer to the following questions, why was he allowed on the roof, what steps should be taken to prevent anything like this from ever happening again. again this is not about politics tonight. i believe unless a thorough and persuasive investigation is undertaken and undertaken very soon, anger toward the u.s. government is going to fester in ways that are very bad and terrible for the country. unfortunately nobody trusted biden administration or the regime media to tell us the truth. house republicans will have to find the truth on their own. coming up an eyewitness account
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from a person who talked to donald trump moments before he was shot, that is next. duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> i am very conscious as i sit in this chair now of making sure we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce and particularly women. laura: joining me now sean duffy cohost of fox business, "the bottom line" washington times opinion editor, fox news contributors. i am so upset about this, i know you are in your friends of the president former president trump i spoke to him a few hours ago and the fact that our country had to endure this, family and deep grief tonight and obviously
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he was almost killed. we still have not heard from the secret service director, how is this america, how is this happening. am i being unfair. >> no i don't think so on international. >> we hear for diversity purposes. >> the massive failure that this demonstrated is hard to wrap your brain around it. and you're exactly right, this is the thing going forward matters but i think sadly they don't have any good answers it is all bad answers for them. >> that is it they know it would hurt them politically, rather than coming out and saying we know why you're upset and you should be upset. if you are the boss you would say i'm going to get to the bottom of this but is crickets. >> we're going to tell how we feel why we failed in the bucket to talk about diversity equity
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and inclusion and we shouldn't focus on women in the secret service we should focus on the best people. >> this location this is the best location for any shooter to take a shot at president trump and the fact that cops weren't there were the snipers were focused on it in the sniper got off its absolute failure we should hear what changes to make presidency for moving forward and nothing is allowed. >> they did a briefing about the security of milwaukee around the rnc and people asked and that's not what were handling. you heard my angle earlier, what does this do to people across the country saying we don't trust these people, we do not trust them. great people in the secret service, we know how many people are committed public servants and committing their lives, pledging their lives to protect the president, this hurts them as well. >> absolutely is such an important point, the people that jumped on top of the president, kudos, amazing, bravery, kudos to them.
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as usual, the problem is way above that. i think joe biden today said he will do an independent review, we will see and also put on the map that he at no point it is a administration failed to provide any security that the trump campaign requested, that's going to be really interesting. if that is not true were getting into the bottom of it. >> i think we are the houses good to start the process coming up and over a week from now trying to unpack what happened and did trump requested secret service protection. >> they are saying he did not, secret service is no. >> michael waltz says they did, we used to have all this faith in a institution whether the fbi, the coa, secret service, and i think tonight americans look at our story and institution and say we don't trust them at all they lie and are not doing their job. laura: back to our segment that
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we had with mark spicer, former british special agent sniper, he's looking at this going are you kidding me you're the united states of america this guy is leading in every poll, some 20-year-old can take a shot with plenty of time to get the shot off at trump and we have a dead american and two others seriously wounded in the president wounded. >> killed an american killed, for participating in the electoral process. at a moment where making distress in our electoral system is never been higher and you add this on top of it and it's bad that's why transparency matters in the secret service should address the nation and they don't have the press conference and don't take those questions that's when americans lose more trust and more questions in often times.heory startup and
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laura: regular people can see things with their own eyes, going back to biden can find his way off the stage, people can see and they have questions, answer the question, did he not know where he was going, maybe somebody gave him the wrong direction, that is fine but when they don't tell us, year later they say everyone should have seen this, we did see it and you say we were crazy or mean and same thing here. >> they have been lied to three years of the cognitive state of the president and suddenly they see with their own eyes. >> i stuck on this for the last 24 hours and i'm not letting go. they called him hitler, they called him a war criminal, they said he need to be targeted, he cannot be president. people marinate in this stuff, we don't know this guy he might've been a loner and a pathetic kid in a bully, i don't know what he was, this does have an effect over time.
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>> would people have a country in europe the people that you trust, democratic candidates and democrat left-leaning plus is same he's a threat to democracy he's good to take away your freedom, all of a sudden people sit not in marinate and that and all the sunday take radical action. i love the liberals are saying we have to tone things down, you should've toned yourself down. >> i was cnn i thought it was a kumbaya moment where were you two or three years ago or five seconds ago. >> i love the response online to the exact same democrats, why are you wishing hitler a speedy recovery. >> they were lying, their big lie they will never get another election, i kept checking real estate in d.c., people selling their georgetown houses, forget of a dictator as president real estate will create or, real estate is going up in d.c. i want to talk about any tom said what he tried to do last spring by taking secret service
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away from president trump if he was convicted of a felony, obviously he was convicted in the ridiculous trial, judge mershon in new york, imagine that what was that about. >> i think people like bennie thompson, i doubt he'll pay a political price although he should. these people become so diluted and trump become so inhuman to them that they say whatever they want to say and they come up with plans like this. i was struck by melania and trump's thing today. she humanized him and her family and said this is a man, he is my husband, the father my son, we love him. i thought that was so powerful and it flies in the face of hitler. >> i think you members of congress i was there and you see them play off the messaging of the national press. i'm to get a lot of love on cnn
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and msnbc if i introduce a bill that will take away secret service protection from donald trump. bottom line i'm a member of congress, responsible for all presidential candidates to make sure that they have protection against crazies like we saw yesterday. but it shows what a hack bennie thompson is in the lead that january 6, shameful. laura: his staffer puts out the tweet, her rent is tweet about the shooter should had a better aim. bennie thompson, the young lady was fired but he does not say i condemn the comments. i was aware of somebody posting it. >> she's no longer. thanks, that's all we got from thompson. >> a great apology bennie not condemning or condoning just saying she's fired. where the democrat leaders in the congress pointed to him and say we don't behave like this we are better than a party of this. >> bennie thompson is a mainstream democrat.
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throughout the democrat party. >> that's what happened to the democrat party where the different democrat party. >> it's not bill clinton's party any longer, not even barack obama. it is the party of the squad, the radical ideas that permeated whether socialism or communism that's unbelievable and donald trump is a threat to the power. laura: hold on, stay with us. a fox news alert and 20 minutes president biden will address the nation from the oval office, white house correspondent peter doocy is standing by with all the details. >> this is going to be president biden's third oval office address and we are learning the positive campaign has taken the day after the assassination attempt is going to be temp temporary. we don't expect anybody in wilmington with the president to ramp up personal attacks on the president anytime soon but were told by a campaign source, the dnc and the campaign will continue to drive the contrast between her positive vision for the future and trumping
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republicans backwards -looking agenda over the course of the week, that begins tomorrow. were hoping to get fresh data of what president biden president trump talk to each other about that's a question the president got earlier in the day and walked away from after a brief remark, we know president biden has promised to give trump every protective measure necessary to keep them safe and the president canceled a trip to austin to talk about the anniversary of the civil rights act. we expect to hear more about this, this is a president who claims an active political violence the deadly race riots in charlottesville virginia inspired the most recent campaign in the assassination attempt is the latest test of his pledge to restore the soul of the nation. laura: right now in milwaukee, the issues in the substance of this campaign have taken a backseat to real concern about the country. a sense of relief but deep
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sadness, just traveling today, people on the flight to milwaukee. it was an odd feeling. it's a feeling you were not even born but i was in high school when reagan was shot. it's the same pit in your stomach feeling how does this happen in the united states of america and what would've happened if the bullet had been able to penetrate the back of his neck or the side of his head and he had moved his head, very scary stuff. >> i tell you what, we spent so much of the last two weeks here at the biden white house trying to figure out if he was going to continue his campaign. in the last 24 hours that is something that's taken to complete backseat, nobody's talking about that i don't know people moved on forever from replace biden talk but for the time being in the foreseeable future, the security issue is the primary focus. laura: peter doocy, thank you so
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much. maybe we'll move on to replace the secret service had who we have not heard from. life in an instant can change, we get a phone call a terrible moment, good stuff but tragedy strikes. just yesterday moment until morning we were going about our lives and i the chance to speak to president trump before he left for the event he was so upbeat and funny, you guys know he's a very funny person and he teases you. i talked to him a few hours ago and he still upbeat and i'm not to say exactly what he said but he understood the gravity of the moment. he understands it not just because his personal but what happened to the poor poor fa family. it reminds you of how fragile life is. i. hard today, you went to mass i. hard in the whole parish was
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praying. >> i talked to my number of times after the indictment and most americans would be crumbly, my family would crumble and i saw that same thing upbeat good mood i'm going to fight in for john and you see by an inch a bullet missed his head and he has the same mentality and get a fight for america. the imagery. the flag in the fist. it reminds us of what we are is america, the old cowboy spirit were the settlers moving west. american imagery of grit of a man who takes a shot at him and is there with his fist in the air. that is america and i think democrats don't understand what they have now done to this man to touch the hearts. it's in our dna for a generation. he did it right there yesterday. >> people say he acts like a victim, they were saying the on the other networks, literally he was targeted, republicans say there always targeted.
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he doesn't want to be perceived as a victim. he wants to get back on the trail because they want to hit california and california i know you saw the hole in san diego that he is tied in san diego the union pulled that just came out, people aren't even talking about the poll that came out. >> i think the thing that crushes them the most that came out yesterday is the loss of life for one of his supporters and the injuries that his supporter. the idea that they were out there to support him in it gets really interesting to make the point about the fist in the air an iconic image, we will never lose it. he had to been wondering at that moment if he suffered a mortal wound i'm sure he thought about his family. what was the one thing he thought about he thought about his responsibility to assure the american people that he was okay and he would be okay and they would continue to fight. >> i have a different opinion i don't think he thought.
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it was a knee-jerk reaction and that goes to the core of who someone is i'm knocking to think about what's happening i'm going to stand up and put my fist in the air and tell them to fight and let them know i'm okay. you don't plan, you don't think you just do. that was his instinct whether putin or president xi or anybody on the world stage as a hardened steel demand that you saw on that stage dealing with the other world leaders. >> brutally gone down in front of his family corey comperatore, shielding the ultimate sacrifice of our christian faith, we think of christ sacrifice and the father and you would do it for your children and i would certainly do it for my kids and i'm so sad for his daughters and his brother and his wife. it is a heartbreaking president trump feels that tonight. >> let's not forget, this was a moment not only an attempt to kill the president but to do it in the most brutal vicious public way and while that did
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not happen to donald trump, thankfully, it did happen to h him. >> you talk about the victims when you go to raleigh if you stand behind the president you won the lottery. you get to stand behind him of one of the best seats in the house. those that get picked there excited their family gets to be in an amazing position advantage point of the president and to think the lottery ticket turned into two people being injured, gravely but one husband losing his life, one father losing his life is such a turn of events. laura: i also thought about, how did we allow a situation to happen in our country where you could put biden harris signs on your front lawn, people doing tons of biden harris signs but no one puts a trump sign-up or they won't wear, i'm talking about places where it is mostly democrats but we used to do that growing up reagan, carter, bush, it was no big deal.
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now people feel like they cannot where a red baseball cap even if it doesn't say make america great again because they can call and not c, a fascist, that's unacceptable in our country going forward. it was unacceptable before. >> it's demonstrably lopsided, there are places where you cannot wear a red hat or carry that it is such a profound point. >> we have breaking news right now fox breaking new senior fbi official is telling fox that they believe the shooter acted alone. we are learning they cannot get into his cell phone, they have it at quantico but cannot get any data out of it. tim miller former secret service who served under president bill clinton detail, this is, before where i assume he had an iphone and getting into the phone has been a stumbling block for any investigation. does it surprise you that they could determine so quickly
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without apparently any surveillance or drone footage, no drone or infrared, i don't know where that was yesterday but apparently that was not working. so they are not able to access the data. should that be the case when it comes to a situation like this. >> they should be no holds bar on every into the of the united states government to inves investigate. i get the challenges with cell phones, even when i was working criminal cases, getting into cell phones is good and too difficult but not computers you could get into computers relatively easily. here's what i know they are not in a position yet to say what this guy was about and what his motives are. i think it's going to take time. there's a whole lot of interviewing to be done in a whole lot of forensic data to your point to be done and i'm very interested in all aspects of this investigation both inside what happened where there
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was such a gap in security but also what was going on with the young man who had relatively, according to the report, no issues ever that he quote unquote snapped. i would be concerned about things like affiliations with terrorist groups. i would be concerned with affiliations with maybe some folks that were radical or mental health issues. but all of those things take time to digest in order to come to a conclusion. i am like you, this is going to take time, we probably shouldn't say right away. >> i understand it takes time but we don't have a lot of time. we can do a lot as a country when we have a sense of urgency. i can't think of anything more urgent than figuring out how a shooter almost killed donald trump and obviously killed an
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innocent american. we cannot get into the cell phone. this is ridiculous. i'm sorry to interrupt but it's right to keep up morning for those who were lost in appreciating the service of those who serve so bravely but the scrutiny and the pressure has to stay on. the agency, the institution involved that are supposed to keep our officials safe and keep our trust in the institution sound. tonight that is not been done. it is not been done, maybe we'll hear something new from biden but i doubt it. >> i could not agree with you more, what we lost sight of is the importance of accomplishing the mission putting the best people in the right places to protect the leaders of the free world, that is number one. as a marine you understand the mission must be accomplished at
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all cost. to your point earlier were living in a country where evil is bold more day and more aggressive and loud, it's going to take a lot of good people standing up for what is right, this is not the country i want to live in i want to live in a country that our founding fathers established principles and alienable rights they're going to move fast on this. >> we are questioning the book depository from 1963, there are a lot of questions about that assassination because it wasn't handled in a transparent way, we don't want the situation here. we have video judge jeanine p wrote from the five in brilliant legal mind and a friend of president trump's, judge jeanine we've heard from eyewitnesses
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who were able to see the shooter jumping around at the top of the building with a rifle waiting people's attention and we almost lost president trump. i'm still shaking and so upset. we need answers quickly. >> you're not the only person upset, the american people are upset. there upset but not only with the tenor, we have president biden in michigan the day before calling donald trump every name under the book leading a violent mob, crazy. crazy. what we've got is a local da, my guys would've seen something like that. were talking about 150 yards, someone on a light roof with a long gun. this is something unacceptable and we don't need a long-term investigation we have to understand as soon as that person was seen three or four minutes before the actual shooting, protecting donald trump should of been taken down
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and take it out right then and there by the secret service, nobody's talking to each other. laura: was in a five or six minutes. >> it may have been. did we learn that 9/11 reactive notification that people need to talk to each other. i gotta tell you the secret service was right, the best of intentions, i watched a woman. laura: i've been pinged by somebody viewers tonight about the scene. you and i and roa have been trailblazers and in our fields, we support women and of course you do when it comes to shielding the body of someone 6-foot three, he's a big guy and shielding him you cannot do it every 55, you cannot do it you can do other things to be amazing but there seems to be it doesn't take an expert somebody who's got a confident you saw and dragon and many of the other
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agents. again there putting eyes on the line, it's amazing but physical limitation of height and don't worry about your sunglasses in the moment, worry about getting him in the car. maybe there's a good explanation with all the back. >> we are supposedly the greatest nation on earth and we cannot figure out 150 yards to protect into the suv and get him out of there. >> he should've never been able to access the roof. he's climbing up the roof. as i witnessed earlier, the way he was moving on the roof maybe we will re-bracket, it looked like he had been up there before. it's hard to believe that he went up there, he must've game did not before. >> i do not believe any of that, in the end someone who is able to take out former president donald trump and we cannot
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tolerate that. the secret service did not show up last night, they do want to talk about it today, you work for us, we need answers, you need to tell us why you failed on something so elemental it is protection one-on-one. >> at about four minutes, president biden is going to speak from the oval office. i'm glad he speaking from the oval office. i do believe at this moment where conspiracy theories drive in the absence of facts, we have a plethora of video that shows us. >> a few days before this joe biden was talking about having donald trump in the bullseye on a fancy fundraiser. >> let's not deny the violent language that we heard. joe biden tonight if he gets up and talks about unity the way he talked about how he ran for president, who's going to believe that. >> they want us to move on from
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the moment. >> when scalise got shot. >> with nashville shooter manifesto. we want to know who this young man was, what his profile was, does he know anyone else, did he make contact with anyone else. he was bullied he was a loner and one of the classmates were interviewed, sound like a troubled kid we do not know more but the secret service should know it all. >> a 20-year-old. >> what do you think putin and present she are thinking. >> they are watching this, 20-year-old kid who doesn't have any military background and almost take some donald trump. >> had to say one thing when i watched donald trump last night and get up with a fist, everyone who was shot and in the military, they know when he got up like that he is aware your president. nobody does that. nobody does that and gets up after being shot. >> how inspiring is that to people who suffered ncm and they
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don't know the extent of the injuries they threw him hard on the ground. >> they said he's in shock but he said i'm okay. >> he said he needed to show people i'm okay for you but not for him but for them and fighting, he met fighting and going to fight for you. >> that's who donald trump is, anyone who knows him knows that. >> my point earlier, we should not be in the situation we should not tolerate this any longer, kid who supports corey comperatore biden can't feel like they can wear a hat outside this is biden or trump. it's always the red hat, your races, your nazi, that's gotta and. >> not just by the people on top but by everyone when joe biden says world deplorable or hilary will be clean to our guns and were proud of ourselves. it's time to take it down. i think that donald trump is the
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president who can be one of the greatest president when he brings us together. laura: what you want to hear from joe biden. >> i want to hear he think that we should tamper down the language and we will all be unified but i don't know forgettable even. >> i think it's would have to do more than one speech, this is been years of frankly torturing this man. laura: the day before he was torturing him, they took away his money and tried to put them in jail. >> anything else? i don't know what else is going to do. >> someone tried, always great to see you. joe biden will speak in moments and again, the nation is waiting. we need to see unity and we need to see transparency. and jesse watters and the gang take it all from here.


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