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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 14, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> i'm trace gallagher, 11 p.m. on east coast, 8:00 in los angeles this is fox news continuing coverage of breaking news. breaking tonight, president biden calling americans to unite in a rare address from oval office following the assassination attempt on former president trump. >> we're not enemies, we're neighbors, we're friends. coworkers, citizens, we're fellow americans. we must stand together there is no place in america for this violence. for any violence ever. period. no exceptions, we can't allow this to be normalized. >> address size investigation into what went wrong now wrapping up, investigators trying to figure out why there was a major security break down and how 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks was able to climb a building with high power rifle, get a clear
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line of sight and shoot and open fire on president trump in pennsylvania we begin with the senior national correspondent kevin cork who is live in tc with more from president biden's remarks. >> in calling on americans to lower temperature in politics mr. biden said during the rare oval office addressed. the american family needs to come together. this happened a day after former president trump survived an assassination attempt at rally in pennsylvania
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or violent mob attacking capital on january 6. which is targeted former president, a quip by biden he said, time to put trump in a bullseye. it new york congressman dan goldman, who said president trump was not only unfit. but he is destructive to the democracy and has to be epla eliminated. biden camp put on hold
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campaign spots, pre prepresumably because of the tone. trace: kevin cork thank you. >> bring in steam boat instead fellow. welcome to you both. kevin makes a great point, president goes in oval office and talks about unity but history is ugly, i want to play sound to go with kevin a reporting, we have a full picture of what has been happening. >> donald trump is a convinced criminal. -- a convicted criminal. most importantly. trump is a threat to the nation. trace: you have this situation for past couple weeks, we have seen it republicans were vocal,
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saying that you know joe biden is old, and feeble and his mental capacity is not what it used to be after the debates, on the left, big talking point was that donald trump is hitler. >> right, in problem that not just biden's history of des disparaging remarks toward trump but tonight he tries to both sides the assassination attempt, i was with a group of delegates here in milwaukee, there was a sense of hope maybe he would rise to the occasion, and provide country with unity. what was notable is what missing from his speech, he mentioned january 6. the fbi plot to kidnap gretchen whitmer, the attack on paul pelosi, he did not mention attack on rand paul, the attack on steve scalise. and there was clearly a bias
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in president biden's oval office address, that should disturb americans tonight. trace: that is my next question to you steve hilton, he ran down that list, i was looking at transcript, you think he listed all of those. right there so political. so overly political, didn't touch anything about scalise or anything about the jo jjgeorge floyd riots, and this is politics as well. >> and it is not just the biden saying unity now, but for the past three years, he has been doing opposite. remember, he said unity back then, it was the theme of his inaugural address, it was gone within days. we can expect the same here. because this is what you get from biden, tonight, i'm lookinga the twitter
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aoc still going on about fast itch. fascism. the idea this would change in a sessionive significant way is ridiculous. president trump used to say because of the success of the country through the economy and other ways before the pandemic he had a strong sense that the country was coming together, through success. through the first term of his presidency. and he said he was getting calls from people that he never expected, the country was becoming united because the country was succeeding that is what we want to see from the next trump presidency, that is what we wants to deliver, that is what we'll hear about this week in milwaukee. trace: steve was talking about the speech, he was going to deliver this speech, he said it would be great, but he changed the entire thing, he will talk
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about unity, what do you think? >> i think it very important, at-this-point it does not matter what biden says or does not say. you can sense this vibe shift to put it in a gen-z term. among american people where they feel like they are coming together for the first time in a very long while. i say this as a young voter many of my friends are liberal leaning, you would be shocked how many text-messages i received over last 24 hours people saying, you know, what i think you may have been on to something, there is san openness to idea of a trump candidacy in a way there was not before, i think so many voters are tired of the divisiveness of the biden dang and the democratic party. trace: he stood up, he said fight, fight, fight. you know media was talking about, that they -- most didn't get the nexus, that is in every one of his rallies he talks about fighting he tells crowd,
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they are coming for you. i just happened to be in the way. >> fighting for you. this is why this movement that he built is so strong. because he is fighting for you. people who have seen it in acknowledged what that means, it is not just some superficial emotional r rhetorical term it translates to policy to get things don and deliver in government. to get things done and deliver in government, i have seen it. to actual make change happen, you have to be a fighter, so it is not just the emotional aspect that is so important, what he showed in that moment, is actually, why he was a successful president before, and he will be a successful president another time too. trace: people i know who are leaning to the left say that is one tough son of a gun, kaylee mcgee white and steve
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hilton thank you. trace: we're learning more about the shooter cb cotton has been covering story outside of the home of thomas matthew crooks in bethel park, pennsylvania that is where she is live,. reporter: we know federal investigators were probing whether the gunman had formal train, we have some insight. an attorney for cl clairton sports plan club con firming that the shooter, was a member. the attorney said that club admonishes the senseless act of violence but further comment could not be provided because. the investigation. the 20-year-old graduated from high school two years ago, we have confirmed he was a dietary aid at a local skilled nursing center, a spokesperson said his background check was clean. we also learned he was a registered republican,
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according to voting records, another set of records shows during the 2021 inauguration he made a $15 donation to a progressive chicago-based political act committee, law enforcement sources tells us that bomb making transports were found in his home and ied's in the car. we're told thear-style rifle was legally purchased by crooks' father, the items have been taken to fbi lab division in quantico. we learn more about long time volunteer firefighter who was killed in the shooting. he tboak w dis spoke with his sister, she was not ready to speak out. >> corey was a girl dad, he died a hero. the corey dove on his
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family. to protect them last night. reporter: federal investigator say that next step for them are gaining access to shooter's phone records and the phone data. and tonight flags remain at half-staff. trace: cb cotton in pennsylvania thank you. >> we bring in founder of wounded blue, randy sutton, navy seal veteran and aaron cohen. you talk about this, you read. what their job is, their job to eliminate this kind of threat. that is it is. it appears, i'm not passing judgment, appears it was a lethal fail. >> i think that is the case, good evening. unfortunately we have seen is a awful scenario that could have been worse, thank
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god it wasn't there are layer of south korea that -- security that are identified by secret service, i think some of basic parameters of protection were ignored. that created con . >> it is unresting. we have to say this, nobody loves police officers here more than fox news we stood behind them this whole defund police thing we stood behind them, we're active in your organization, rand that's is you on american they are, i want to talk about police officer who confronted the shooter, reportedly confronted the shooter in some capacity, we don't know the situation either retreated or ducked out of the way they feared being shot. we don't really yet know all details. but i am wondering what you
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think of that? >> i have actually some very good information about what took place. the -- there was no confrontation, per se, there was an epic fail by secret secret to spot the suspect who was on the roof. merely around 75 yards away from their post was located. to look at threat level. law enforcement officers were on the scene on the ground. and they responded to reports of people yelling that there was someone on the roof. several officers from the local police approached that building, one climbed -- to get to the roof of the building, where the suspect was, there was no ladder no access, one officer climbed
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on to the back of another officer. make it decision very quickly, and as he was listing himself -- lifting himself over the roof line the suspect pointed his gun at him, the officer ducked down when he did he -- off of the back of other officer this not something that we're law enforcement officers confronted an armed individual and then committed a cowardly act, this is a very fluid situation, where within seconds, a officer in a precarious situation, made an observation, ducked and because of situation, fell off of the back of the other officer. we can't blame, i will afraid that is happening, i have been hearing. there was not a some type of cowardly act. this is a officer who made a
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observation, saw he -- and fell off the back of the other officer. trace: i am glad we're clearing that up thank you for that, that is very important. that brings us back aaron cohen to the scene, we know that people who were at rally, they saw the shooter, the shooter with the gun, crawling on the top of the building, they told police, here is one of the witnesses. >> he had a rifle, we could see him with a rifle. we're pointing at him, police are down there running around on the ground. we're like, hey, man there is a guy on the roof with the rifle, police are like what, they don't know what was going on. trace: snipers on the other building and reports to police this guy is up there every can see him and warning people, something happened. in those few seconds, that should not. >> well, just means that building that snipe -- or
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shooter set up on was not sterilized, my question is, why wasn't that building secured? was it a lack of manpower? a decision to not secure the building? or considered outside of the outer perimeter or ring. it was within distance to the podium. and that -- po believe there was a threat assessment failure, that meant risk management program, all secret service details are custom built. they are designed to fit the specific area of operation they are protecting. i am going to whoever the special agent in charge was, of making the decision, in advance portion of this build, failed in the preventive mig -- measure of securing that building.
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the grace the god trump turned his head didn't get shot, that is only reason he is alive, only reason there was no follow-up killing -- reasons there was not more red maga hat pro trump people killed on day. was because the counter sniper team, worked as quick as they could established where threat was neutralize the threat, got him to the car, certainly think this is an upper level problem that needs to tear this apart and figure out why that happened from that building. trace: cameron hamilton, shots have been fired and secret service surrounded former president, did they get them out of there fast enough. it will be iconic. but did they get him away from the scene fast enough? >> well, initially reaction to ensure they prevent further harm. and embarrassment, covering
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with bodies they present a human shield, once they stood him up on stage, they found shooter was too neutralize they took more time than i would have like to see get him to the vehicle. members who work security details need to be very big and very strong, i issue wish they would have moved a little bit faster, they did sm smother the president quickly. trace: -- your light is not working great but we can hear you. >> i am sorry. law enforcement acted reasonably, considering the circumstances. and i have to say that. there -- this was an epic fail. we can't sugar coat it, we have to confronts it. and have an investigation, the higher levels, that is where this took place.
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and once the spoke -- smoke clears from here, we need complete clarity of what took place. trace: yeah, aaron cohen your final thoughts, if you are grading this what do you give secret service and the officers? >> the fact that trump is is a live, an a. but the fact that he was hit with a bullet, i give it an f, the security apparatus was multilayered some of the pieces worked, they got him out, that is way the bubble is designed. they did what they could, they got him out, they moved oluckily there were no more shooters, i give it an a and an f . trace: all right, aaron
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cohen, randy sutton, and hamilton thank you all. trace: what we're learning about president trump's big speech. we'll have that next and we're live on the ground in milwaukee. it all starts in just be next. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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trace: trump campaign now confirms its plans at this week's republican national convention is scheduled to go on. same as we thought. but the president's speech will go under big changes. aishah hasnie is live in milwaukee with the latest. reporter: that is right. the rnc is going ahead as scheduled as planned, telling speakers they should stick with their plan, predetermined speeches, stick to the issues of the day, themes of the day, in an interview with washington examiner former president said this about his speech, he will change it up quite a bit. he said that speech i was going to give thursday was going to be a hum dinger, it would have been an incredible speech. talking about aiming mostly
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at policies of president biden, he said, honestly it will be a different speech now. liston jason miller about what is in store. >> president was dictating to us, additional things he wants in his speech, looking to thursday, i think that tone will i empress people, he -- impress people, he knows this is a key moment. reporter: congress is taking action, senate homeland security committee launching an investigation to the assassination attempt and security failures that led to it and house oversight committee called secret service director cheatle to testify on the hill next week about what went wrong, in milwaukee, a programming announcement today nikki haley has accepted an invitation to speak here at rnc on tuesday. perhaps signals the kind of
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unity that the former first lady melania trump talked about in her letter to americans today. trace: aishah hasnie live in milwaukee, thank you. >> bringing in author of domestic extremist. one of america's great writers, peachy kenan, you bought your first trump flag, and rumor is you are putting it up in your neighborhood, we'll send cameras when you do. >> when my neighbors decide to burn my house down. i go on tv around the block i'm still in the closet, we live in terror in los angeles. you are not allowed to like president trump, we never had a hint that we have political ideology on my house. but after yesterday's video. just witnessing that act of bravery of him standing up and raising his fist, my
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husband is that's it we're coming out of the closet. trace: take your temperature on media and reaction from media. this is from j jen psaki on "meet the press," she is talking about how scared she and other journalists should be. >> you are feeding into the danger, making it more likely there is retaliation, i am scared for journalists and people who have public platforms of all parties. trace: journalists are manufacturing this. this is he is scared for journalists they are manufacturing this for 8 years. >> they have created a culture of fear here. directed at conservatives, in 2016 election there were many videos they suppressed of men and women wearing maga hats beaten up at rallies and chased down, if you wear your maga hat in
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new york city or san francisco, you are taking your life into our hands, for them to ignore that is comical to me. it is very jen psaki. trace: why is it you can have these hate has no home here unless you wear a maga hat past my lawn then there is hate coming out of this house, why is this? why are we at point where "new york times" can, as we look at icon expectture of president raising his hand and american flag. it is interesting, the "new york times," cropped that picture, they cropped that americaning from out. you think why? >> amazing i think that level of propaganda so extreme they successfully rebranded americanism. patriotism, american flag as bad. as somehow, you know racist and bigoted and white supremacy, it has been successful with so many people, all we want to do is
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not vote for joe biden is that still allowed. is not allowed. when i worked in hollywood, i had to say quiet, i knew what would happen. >> replay your coverage of trump take note. >> comical they have been calling trump hitler for years, anyone that supports him is a nazi, and if you believe that trump is hitler, you should be thrilled that someone tried to take his life, is that what you wanted. that would -- now saying our condolences to the 'we tried to tear down and slander. trace: playing be a sound, martha rad talking about trump. >> in january warned of bedlam in country if criminal charges succeed in american if i d don't get
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elected it will be a pl blood bath, it was taken out of context. trace: it was taken out of contact, lying to us. it was a blood blood bath thing, the president said he was going to be a dictator for a day. >> the blood bath economy was about the economy. trace: about cars coming from mexico. >> and she said that, deliver you the context, they are trying to paint him again and again as this just evil person, i am surprised they are not celebrating. trace: it has not worked. that is the thing, you think it has not. and trying to put him in jail has not. they are trying to kill him. not working. none of this is working, at some point run on your own. record. >> right, they can't. because their policies are unpopular for first time ever. people more people majority want immigration to be
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reduced. we see over and overwhelm getting rapid, murdered, kids killed. girls at college killed, my illin illegal immigrants, the eggs av my local market are $9 a dozen,. people are living this world, they see reality but they can't run on this no one likes it they are very own popular. trace: my wife and i shared a sandwich it was $24. >> you need a raise. >> peachy keenan thank you. >> coming up president biden calling for unity, how does that square with what he said about his political opponent in the past our panel weighs in on that next.
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trace: continuing coverage, breaking news bringing back "new york post" reporter
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lidia moynihan and kaylee mcgehee white, and steve hilton. we have been told president trump plans to reactor to rearrange his speech, what do you think of strategy and do you believe that this attempted assassination yesterday has changed the president? >> i can't imagine a near death experience would make you rethink a lot of things, tone he struck in last 24 hours has been unifying, we have seen in seconds after he was shot at to this day he is trying to bring his supporters together, we're seeing from left. an attempt to demonize him over the last few years, he
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is showing he's to bring people together. even after this. >> steve, do you think that talk of joe biden stepping down. whole george clooney op-ed, all of this momentum he had going in a lot of people said by the end of this week joe biden will be gone, is that talk done for now? if it is why? >> i thought it was done anyway. because he did just about enough at the nato conference to keep him limping along for a few more days, before this i thought it was where the biden conversation stood. right now, i don't see that there is an appetite in democratic party whatever they they think privately of preopening that, no one is interested frankly in what biden say or does or democrats do or say, this is now bigger. and mantel of leadership is
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on donald trump. he seems ready to receive it, that interview, that you were talking about, the words he used, i was given a chance to unite the country. that is how he sees it it is instinctiive,. trace: he talking about that chance, kaylee, what does he mean? how does he convey, that do people buy into that? not the donald trump that we've seen, we've seen the fighter again and again even after he got shot, and said fight, fight, fight, do they believe that fighter maybe melos a little bit? >> i think it is not so much he m mellows as he refocusing on what his campaign is about at-this-point, everyone in milwaukee is excited to hear
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from former president trump. he has an opportunity to do is not just bring the party together, but remind them this didn't happen in a vacuum. the same thing that democrats have been saying about trump for years here, is a racist, a xenaphobic, a fascist are same things they say about trump supporters, american voters who support the former president, the same thing they want to do to him, they want to do to everyone else. so yes, we need to bring the party together, however this threat is much bigger this is about the entire country at this point. he needs to make it very clear on thursday. trace: talk about bringing party program, lidia, we have nikki haily and ron desantis speaking and nikki haley today she will speak at the rnc, primary was at times nasty. it seems there is a lot of healing going on within the g.o.p.
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>> that is right. at the same time you see a fractured democratic party, you see a unification among the republicans, nikki haley was not going to be there now she will be a top speaker, this is a moment where people realize what is at stake, and shocking to think any other news cycle, all of headlines, elon musk said he was not endorsing donald trump gave him a glowing endorsement. and bill ackman, he had tremendous endorsements we're overwhelmed with everything that is happening, it is bearly a blip in the news cycle. we'll see the results of this moment, and trump leadership, has been impressive. he struck a tone of bringing people together, and unifies not just the parties but also the country. trace: i am not sure everyone that wants to take gloves off just yet, steve hilton, i say that because i want to put up a new republic cover in june. on the cover of new republic not released until july 7.
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says new republic american fascism and it has donald trump as hitler, the quote with that, we think we can spend election year in one of two years, debating whether -- it is interesting, it has not been taken down. i just asked my team, they say, this is not taken down. there is and effort among some media and some publications to not bridge down the -- bring down the temperature if you will. >> right. they are not bringing down the temperature, they don't believe in that they sincerely have convinced themselves of that ridiculous inflammatory rhetoric that we've seen for years now about donald trump. this doesn't mean we'll have
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a kumbaya moment in politics and stop the legitimate redates and discuss -- debates and discussions we need it is important, republicans have been doing it in a reasonable way, we point out that consequences of open border, or the government spending that led to inflation or the pro-crime policies that have devastated our cities, they are legitimate arguments and must continue to be made, republicans are not the ones that have been saying that other side are a threat to democracy and the rift. the -- rest, i have to say they need to tone it downing i'm not convinced it will last more than 24 hours, or 48 hours, we'll see what happens, i'm not confident about it. trace: kaylee, the people you talk to, talk with young voters, do you think what happened yesterday changes twway that democrats and chose to who might be moderates thanks way they view and perceive donald
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trump? >> absolutely, it has changed. i'll say maybe this is the one benefit to come from yesterday, trump's courage has been contagious across all demographics, he got on the stage and raised his fist to reassure the crowd he was okay it allowed a voters who maybe were on the fence, were sympathetic toto allowed them to shed their fears and raise their firsts and be proud of what they believe in to say they are going to vote for donald trump. i heard fro plenty of young voters in michigan who have said that over past 24 hours, i think that there is a shift happening, in electorate. at-this-point, i don't think it will be off limits to say this could be a landslide for donald trump in november. trace: kaylee mcgee white, this week at rnc, lidia
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moynihan and steve hilton thank you for help us. where do we go from here, we have final thoughts with guests some pa panelists, some of us next.
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trace: final thoughts it is interesting, we do this called night cap, those who don't see us, but we're doing this because it -- we want your final thoughts, what you think of the weekend. of the attempted assassination on former president trump. kevin corke. i want to know where you were, what you think the long-term fallout will be. >> happened to be watching it as it happened. i don't usually watch the rallies, i have been to so many, but i was watching, i am reminded 1968, a violent under current in the nation, i am hopeful that after what happened, we will collectively as a country, look in the mirror and not just reflect on how we have gotten here, and who we are right now, but we w --
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who we strive to be hoping for our better angels moving forward. trace: there may be change you wonder how long to the last. they talk about joe biden he is talking out, and they were back. steve hilton your thoughts to weekend. and long team fallout. >> two things. whether you are a person of faith or not, there is notsomething spiritual about this everyone must be thinking this man was saved. people can have their own interpretations there something deep about, that again when you are trump supporter or not you look at this man and strength and commitment to his people and movement and country, you can't help but be moved by that. trace: interesting kaylee mcghee white we talked the last segment, i was asking
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do you think it changed former president, but spiritually? did it change his perspective? >> very well-being have his statement this morning of more spiritual than we heard him sound in a very long time, we're headed to an exciting week in milwaukee, americans have been presented with a clear choice summed up by two visuals, first is sitting president joe biden tiredly speaking prepared remarks from a tell prompter to address the divided nation and failing. and second was donald trump, after narrowly avoiding being killed, getting up from ground, and raising his fist in air to encourage american people to keep fighting this does have spiritual ramifications for country it will be purpose. trace: dr. hammati . >> i hope that americans recognize we're electing the
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president who is the head of the federal government of the u.s., the executive branch, not the president of our lives, the president of our families, our souls. our families our friendships or faith. 1 we should realize, that we're not electing president that controls who we are. we can continue to love our friends and neighbors and family we should. >> aaron cohen. >> i just want to see this secret service investigation under ra unirav. >> make sure is is fixed. >> peachy. >> it is clear trump will carry straight to white house. but, anything could happen, key can't get complacent and keep fighting. >> thank you all, thank you for watching america's late news, fox news at night, i am trace gallagher. complete nutrition you need...
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