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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 15, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> former president donald trump is in milwaukee ready to deliver a message of unity after the assassination attempt at the pennsylvania rally. in the president to bring the temperature down in the oval office. >> we must not go down this road in america. there is no place in america for this violence, for any violence ever period. >> it is monday, july 15 and you are watching a special edition of "fox & friends first" i'm todd piro i'm todd piro. >> i'm carley shimkus and new information of who was trying to kill the former president including when investigators found in his car and what they are hoping to find in his cell phone as the secret service prepares to brief lawmakers what went wrong on saturday. florida congressman cory mills is standing by and will join us in a few moments. but first we start with jonathan
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live in bethel park, pennsylvania with the latest on the investigation. hi, jonathan. >> good morning to you carley and todd. right now i'm standing in front of the accused gunman's home. the police tape you can see surrounding it as the investigation continues. heath, of course, died in the shooting but investigators are hoping to glean information from his cell phone. that cell phone is locked but it is at the fbi lab in quantico, virginia, as investigators try to unlock it to get some information, to build a timeline, and learn about the events leading up to the shooting at that trump rally. the agency released a statement saying the fbi is investigating the shooting incident at the july 13 rally and pennsylvania with one victim's death and injuries to president trump and spectators as an assassination attempt and potential domestic terrorism.
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investigators say they found bomb making materials and the sugars home and explosive devices in his car co. those were brought to the fbi lab for further analysis. the alleged gunman 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks was not on law enforcement's radar and no obvious threatening social media post they can find an investigators yet to determine a motive for the shooting and at this point unaware of any ideology he might have had a. the former high school classmate described him as a loner and outcast frequently bullied. in the wake of a shooting a heated election campaign, president biden delivered a rare oval office speech to urge the nation to turn down the heat. >> this is inevitable in american democracy. it is part of human nature. politics must never be a little battlefield and god forbid a killing field. i think politics ought to be peaceful to pursue justice, to
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make justice by the declaration of independence and the constitution. we stand for in america not extremism and fury but decency and grace. all of us now face a time of testing as the election approaches. the hair of the state the more fervent the passion becomes. >> the buffalo township volunteer fire company is honoring one of its own longtime firefighter who briefly served as their chief, cory and enthusiastic trump supporter who died in the shooting. family and friends say he died a hero using his body to shield his wife and daughter when the gunfire erupted. they survived and injured that at least two other rally attendees were severely injured. they have been identified 57-year-old david dodge and 74-year-old james copenhaver, both rushed to the hospital and they are now both listed in stable condition, carley.
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>> todd: jonathan, live in bethel park, we appreciate it and gofundme page authorized by the shooting and has raised $3.5 million so far. nearly 50,000 people donated including several high profile donators like 2024 presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy who donated $30,000, rock star kid rock and president dana white donated $50,000. all donations will be directed to these proud americans as they grieve and recover, may god bless and unite our nation. the initial goal for the pond was $1 million, but that was quickly passed. >> carley: former president donald trump touched down in milwaukee one day after surviving an assassination attempt. he is expected to make an appearance for the very official day of the rnc. >> todd: it is happening in milwaukee, brooke singman with the details, brooke. >> hey, good morning, guys the
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first day of the republican convention and it was expected to see a historic one. of course things are different after the attempted assassination of former president trump. his first interview since that attempted assassination. the former president says, "it is a miracle he survived. he told "new york post," the doctor said he never saw anything like this. he called it a miracle. i'm not supposed to be here. on supposed to be dead. many people say it is by god he is still there. jason miller said the former president is recovering well. listen. >> he's doing very well considering joseph 24 hours ago he was a target of an assassination attempt. this is pretty scary. it is only by the grace of god president trump is alive right now. he knows this is a key moment and he's only one to step up and lead in this time. this country is desperate for leadership.
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>> carley: former president trump will get his keynote address on thursday when he accepts the republican party nomination for president for the third time. he says he is completely or has completely rewritten his speech to focus on unity rather than on president biden's policies. he said the speech he was going to give thursday was going to be a humdinger had this not happened, this would be one of the most incredible speeches. honestly, it will be a whole different speech now" he said, but the president is urging other speakers to use to speeches and follow the themes of the day. today's theme is make america wealthy once again and tomorrow is make america safe again. wednesday is make america strong once again and thursday is make america great once again. tomorrow, trump's former challenger of south carolina nikki haley will speak as a show of unity in the party. meanwhile the biden campaign says it will return to its original campaign strategy following president biden's
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interview with nbc later tonight. former attorney general, bill barr, told me democrats need to scale back dangerous rhetoric about trump. >> they demonized him calling adolf hitler, a racist, and a fascist and so forth. it is ridiculous. he is not the threat to democracy they portray. he was present for four years and he carried out excellent policies. it was all done lawfully. >> carley: meanwhile, whoever former president trump picks as his running mate is expected to address the convention here on wednesday but this week already scheduled senator marco rubio were, j.d. vance, nor the governor doug burgum to speak so those three have been considered as top contender and we will see who the former president picks very soon, guys. >> carley: it is going to be a remarkable week, brooke, thank you so much. florida congressman cory mills,
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congressman, good morning to you. so much to get to with you. but let's start with the president's oval office address last night. it was the third time he made this kind of speech during his time as president on the and he is calling for the temperature to be turned down. listen to their domain care. >> we debate and disagree and compare and contrast the candidates, the record nancy agenda and the vision for america, and we live in america and resolved our differences at the battle box. that is how we do it, at the battle box but not with bullets. the power to change america should always rest in the hands of the people, not in the hands of would-be assassins. >> carley: the biden campaign made a correction because he said battle box but he meant to say ballot box, but this speech is important because it will remind biden is the one who brings the country together when we need it the most from a quote from the biden campaign. what is your reaction? >> well, it is good to see president biden is trying to
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talk about unity, but nearly a day late and a dollar short. we talk about the ideas this is the same individual who was talking recently about it is time to put president trump in the target, and the bull's-eye of this type of rhetoric was enough for when president trump said go home peacefully, and the jay six incident occurred, they said he was inciting violence bt they don't hold themselves accountable july 13j13 so well it is nice to talk about unity, needs to talk to his own party why they are trying to go ahead and say things like or fascist or destroy democracy or must eliminate him here these are all comments made contributed to what happened july 13th. >> todd: he may also want to have a chat with secret service director. she has briefing lawmakers like yourself today about exactly what happened. what questions do you have,
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congressman that you need answered by the secret service director as to why such a failure on saturday? >> look, there was a massive security breach and the advance that was being carried out did not take and the perimeter security threats. it did not look at a building only 160 yards away. it did not look at the fact adjacent to the stadium with an actual clear shot at the president. it didn't think about the overwatch position, in fact, someone should have known that ruth or at minimum ornate with law enforcement to put a patrol car there is a deterrence and also look at areas that could get to the roof to block off here or there are things done wrong here and incorrectly. the cs team did a great job of mitigating the risk that his actual details himself, they did come in and bought a shoulder shouldered, but the president truly saved his own life. we do in a tactical advantage, when you start taking fire, you immediately drop to the ground,
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eliminate your silhouette, start to look where the actual threat is and having your team mitigated. we have to understand though, this was by divine intervention, in my opinion. you are talking milliseconds or millimeters from this being an attempt and this being an assassination. we need to take this very seriously to investigate and determine whether or not this idea deia hires is d i.e. when it comes to elected officials. >> carley: this from ruben gallego the approving, planning and executing of this is sufficient security plan needs to testify before congress and be held accountable. so director cheadle had a phone call with home security yesterday and one thing to come out of this call, congressman, apparently according to axios unable to question her own team since the fbi has overtaking the investigation what went wrong. how does that make sense? >> well, it doesn't make any sense at all here at the bottom
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line is they will try to point fingers at one another on why te investigation has gone wrong. i'm such support of the idea congress taking this investigation up themselves. we do allocate the appropriations to invoke the fbi and secret service, therefore, we should have the accountability and oversight when you talk about the assassination of a former president, republican nominee. it is time to stop talking about what congress will do imprint these people prefer the carpet and get true accountability for what will happen. >> todd: if our federal government has this kind of failure with regard to the person who is the number one target in our country and donald j. trump probably more so than biden let's be real on the outcome of what are they doing to protect the rest of us question market is a frightening thought. i want to get your thought on republicans uniting heading to the rnc as the biden campaign and democrats are going to turn election strategy back to anti-trump after nbc interview tonight.
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here is a sampling of some of the inflammatory rhetoric as part of the democratic strategy up until saturday 6:12 p.m. melissa end. >> trump is a threat to this nation. [cheers and applause] >> someone who suggest we should "terminate our constitution," should never again have the chance to stand be behind the microphone. >> he is paving the way to become a vladimir putin or to become an adolf hitler or kim jong un. that is what he wants to be. >> trump is in enemy of the united states. speak with the people didn't take the kind of threats we saw in the 1930s as seriously as we should. maybe this will be our last election. >> todd: what do you think with comments like that following the assassination attempt or once the rnc kicks off, will it be business as usual for the democrats? >> you know, i don't think the republican party and the majority and how should allow it
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to be business as usual. again, they were able to hold the j6 committee as a things president trump said in an incite violence and how did any of the actual clips you play not actually do the same? i think we should be looking and potentially calling our own j 6th select committee and whereabouts held this dangerous rhetoric did incite violence in your letter resulted in assassination of a former president. speech of the president, apparently, two brooke singman changed his speech to unity and an example of that unity is nikki haley will be as well not only invited but will be making a speech as well. congressman mills, thank you for joining us ahead of the rnc. >> have a great morning. >> carley: and emotional statement with the assassination attempt on her husband, the former first lady saying, "when i watch that violent against my husband and i realized on the brink of devastating change. a monster who recognized my
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husband as in human political machine with his passion and ingenuity, love of music and inspiration here at the core facet of my husband's life, his human side were buried below the political machine." the former first lady spoke to first currently the joe biden by phone about the assassination attempt. >> todd: such a unique writing style that the first lady employees. i think it is so refreshing because she was talking about real things, being a human. that spoke to so many. excited to hear what she does this week. speaking of this week, the secret service said there will be no security updates to the plan for the republican national convention. former secret service agent joins us live and we will ask him about that and of course, saturday. >> carley: thousands of activists approaching the rnc and those details coming up n
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♪ ♪ >> carley: a coalition over left-wing groups together over 5,000 people to protest at the rnc today days after the assassination attempt on former president trump. one of the organizers was asked about political violence and take a listen to what she had to say. >> condemning political violence seems like such an easy softball question. why do you refuse that? >> we refuse it because it is nothing to do with us. we need to ask about the republicans who have been promoting violence. i think it is unfortunate that the republicans have rated so much aid. speed to the national security
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analyst and international relations expert and joins me now. quite the comment from that protest organizer given the calls for unity, what are your thoughts on these protests set to take place? >> i'm stunned! we all know that these big protests include a lot of paid organizers. so they will go through with it and get paid for doing so. it could not be more wrong. you know these protesters do not have america's best interest at heart. they don't care about anybody but themselves. i was shocked! that was a horrible, horrible comment. >> carley: there is a lot of security at the rnc for obvious reasons. the secret service in charge of keeping this event safe with milwaukee police held a police conference. take a look at this. >> this is a national special security event. this has always been a high
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level of vigilance. a lot of resources for this particular event. so the show must go on in regards of what we have to prepare for and we are in constant preparation with state and local partners. we understand this is always a concern with the safety of this event and we are taking it very seriously. >> carley: he went on "america's newsroom" to say the overall message from both the secret service and milwaukee police is that they were already granted the highest level of security clearance to keep this event safe. so no additional changes need to be made. what do you think about that? >> okay, great, i hope they are right. honestly, listening to him didn't really increase my confidence. i would have wanted to hear that they are going to double check, that they are taking extra precautions. yeah, no problem, we did this all the time. i hope so. that rnc better tighten up their security because, in my opinion,
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we need president trump back as commander-in-chief asap. >> carley: speaking of the former president, he did his first interview with "the new york post" and he was asked about the image of him raising his fist after being shot in the ear. he said a lot of people said it's the most iconic photo i've ever seen. they are right, i didn't die and usually you have to die to have an iconic picture. he went on to say, "i wanted to keep speaking but i had just been shot. speed but the shooting and the e defiantly raising his fist, when you think from an international standpoint, how do you think our adversaries view these events? >> oh, that was remarkable. they saw what we saw, which was that he has drunk enough to get off at that stage singing there under the american flag and that is america and that is who we a. he embodied america and america
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and the strike that brought us from the revolution to the sailors and the red sea today. but a strong, of course, our adversaries know they have a lot to contend with with president trump, and that he is potentially he was a very good commander-in-chief and he would be a very strong commander-in-chief again, especially in contrast to biden. >> carley: when it comes to the other side of the aisle, we have brenda fox news polling, voters believe his age and mental soundness are put into u.s. national security at risk. another poll show 61% say the u.s. is less respected around the world compared to four years ago. what is your response to that? >> oh, i agree 100% pure with these poll numbers started with disasters withdraw with afghanistan. americans know america reserves better here at biden can't cope with the fast decisions needed
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as military commander-in-chief. we have 10,000 troops and we have all the sailors an aircraft carrier, teddy roosevelt swapping out the red sea. they rely on for national companion to make a quick decision and biden can't cope with that in the immediate crisis and i don't think he can come with china and russia and other flash points long term versus the 15th the image of trump to me goes down with paule of him standing up and ability to be a leader. we are facing more international threats than we have seen in generations. biden just can't cope. >> carley: he has to be the national security expert according to him. thank you for joining us and have a great day. >> thank you. >> carley: you're very welcome, todd. >> todd: betty thompson firing a staffer after the staffer posted this on facebook follow if trump shooting, "don't miss
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next time." the congressman though has not outright contempt the post despite bearing the person who posted it. backlash for living secret service from president trump back in april, "to terminate service protection for individuals who otherwise qualify for it upon sentencing following conviction." the former president as you know convicted new york trump case the next month. former g.o.p. president larry elder will join us with reaction to that. now back to the latest on the investigation into the assassination attempt against former president trump including wet investigators found the suspect's car and what they are looking for on his cell phone and brand-new details next. speed to one of the officers who responded to the attack lee zeldin in 2022 and what goes on when an attack like this happens.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert, the fbi working to determine a motive and the assassination attempt of formerr president donald trump. >> todd: the attack a possible case of domestic terrorism. joining us from the hometown of bethel park pennsylvania with moore, jonathan. >> i met, there, todd and carley. investigators trying to find a way to unlock the accused gunman's smartphone and in hopes of the day that they are able to extract from it will rebuild a timeline of events leading up to saturday shooting. 20-year-old nursing aide thomas matthew crooks had no prior run-ins with the law and no obvious social media threats. a classmate said he was alone or
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in high school who was often bullied. investigators found bomb making materials and the shooter home as well as rudimentary explosive devices in his car. those were brought to the fbi lab for further analysis. the fbi is investigating the shooting as an assassination attempt as well as possible act of domestic terrorism for the buffalo township volunteer fire company honoring one of its longtime firefighters and former chief cory, the enthusiastic trump brought his family to the rally and type in the shooting. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro spoke with cory's widow. >> she also asked that i share with all of you that corey died a hero. that corey drove on his family to protect them last night at this rally. cory was a very best of us and may his memory a blessing.
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>> two whether rally attendees severely injured and taken to the hospital and identified them as 57-year-old david dutch and 74-year-old james copenhaver and unfortunately both of them are listed in stable condition, todd and carley back to you. >> todd: thank you very much, chuck, retired army general and 24-year-old intel officer, chuck, are you hearing from your horses in the intel community as to a possible motive? >> well, no, at this point you have to look at what is obvious which is attempted assassin had given some money to left-wing organization a couple of years ago and the other important thing is pennsylvania has a closed primary. i know well this individual was a registered republican them if you wanted to try to stop trump,
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you would have to register as a republican to vote against him in the primary. as you know, there wasn't much of a competitive primary process for president biden, but there was a bit for trump. that is what probably explains his registration as a republican. >> todd: when you hear bomb making materials in his car, how does that fit into your ability has an intel officer to form a profile on this person? >> without knowing exactly what they are talking about here it does make it somewhat difficult because law enforcement and certainly the fbi is no exception that tends to escalate to the highest threat or basically say something that is -- sounds threatening at the average american would ago, oh, my goodness." you reload ammunition and have powder sitting around your house or black powder weapon, then
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there is a high likelihood you were going to hear someone say mama well, they had bomb making material in their house." it takes a lot of components to make a bomb so i would like to see exactly what it was and how much effort it took to put in to make it before i pass judgment on that. >> todd: are you worried about copycats in a situation like this? >> i'm absolutely worried about copycats. you've had super heated now for years that donald trump somehow hitler incarnate. . of these hitler, then i'm of course, takg any sort of steps to stop him would be reasonable. you have the president, president biden singh trump's existential threat to democracy. this is hogwash! but this sort of rhetoric is certainly enough to motivate individuals to take things into their own hands and to take deadly action like we saw just
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the other day. >> todd: putting all of this together looking to the future, this guy all too familiar pattern. he is a loner, bullied, said a lot of concerning things when he was in high school. but if he isn't on the intel community's radar screen in any way, how do we prevent something like this from happening? >> well, i think we had a lot of failures that came together in pennsylvania. but is really remarkable, nothing short of a miracle, former president trump survived with just an injury. the fact that is come at the secret service detail was not sufficiently staffed. they didn't have time to work together. there were too many handoffs or points of friction between secret service and the local police. unbelievable to me, pardon me, a rooftop only 150 yards away with direct line of sight to the
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stage was not being man full time or covered by a drone here these sorts of errors came together and i think show a department in disarray and showa lack of prioritization and more importantly, i think i'm a degradation of training compared to past years. >> todd: so many nations will remain to be answered. at the meantime, you will be at the rnc tomorrow and the rnc will go on as planned as reported from intel perspective. again, we want to focus on that. are you hearing anything with regard to potential threats to the rnc? >> well, the threat profile is certainly been increased to the question i would have his what has been done in response to increased threat profile? are there additional measures taken? and of course, if done well, you will not see very many of them. certainly after the fiasco in
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pennsylvania, i'm quite concerned and quite concerned for the rest of the campaign season that there might be other, as you said earlier on, copycats that might take a crack at former president trump. so, this is very serious. the left, i mean, one of the things that is kind of frustrating is the amount of violence we saw in this nation 2020 during covid where you had the george floyd riots in black lives matter and antifa. you have thousands of people arrested. you have billions of dollars of damage and scores of people killed. somehow, all of this has been swept under the rug. this is a continuum, continual meaning it started four years ago and it subsided a bit under president biden, but it's always been under the surface. so, i am very concerned for the next several months. >> todd: it needs to stop now
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because this is not america that we cannot operate like this. chapter four, thank you for your insight this morning. >> carley: running for congress in the great state of new york and nypd inspector, allison you have a unique perspective on all of this because you were with lee zeldin as running mate in 2022 when he was attacked at a political event, brass knuckles a guy charged at him but he's okay. we see history repeat itself and then some. >> well, we are going to end first of all, thank you for having me but we will continue to see history repeat itself and then some if we do not tone down the political rhetoric going on right now. you have president biden calling trump a substantial threat to democracy. they are attending him to hitler. they are lying about him running to be a dictator and a project 2025. you are creating an environment where it is a moral imperative
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for someone who may suffer from mental illness or want to take it into their own hands to save american democracy. this has to stop right now! we saw it with the attack on lee zeldin. there was a vet who was experiencing some sort of post traumatic incident. he was intoxicated to. someone told him lee zeldin was against veterans and he took it upon himself to get on the stage with almost a dagger type of knuckle configuration and went up the congressman's neck. we are thankful he is alive. we are also incredibly thankful that president trump is a life and the resilience of this man. the left has gone after president trump's family or with the left has gone after president trump's fortune. the left has gone after doesn't trumps freedom. look at the man who gets shot goes down, stands up with the resilience have the strength and the passion like i've never seen
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before, and he doesn't know what's going on. this is a dynamic and chaotic situation, he doesn't know if more shots are coming. he does two things, two messages simultaneously when getting up and raising that fist vehicle number one, is telling the american public, "i am strong and i am a warrior. >> he doesn't know but he needs to leave a message with his peoe and with his public and the americans and that is to fight, fight for freedom, fight for democracy, fight for our values come american values. i've never seen anyone stronger than president trump. >> todd: the iconic minutes of those images will be in the history books for centuries to come. but you bring in the perspective because you work running mate candidate political site at this but also law-enforcement. so you do things through that lens as well but besides lowering the political temperature which you just talked about, what can we do technically edit fence like t
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this? to lower or eliminate the threat these politicians face or is that just not possible in this current environment because politicians of which you are no one want to be as close as possible to get their message across? >> okay, though i think that will change is i'm not a politician. i will always be a cop. but you are right. there are problems securing the situations. we need to do better. we have to do better. i don't know if we can eliminate a threat absolutely, but there were mistakes made. hindsight is always 2020 but what we need now is transparent investigation. i need to hear from secretary mayorkas. i need to hear from the director of the secret service. the american people deserve answers of what happened. the american people need answers. we had an error her and prayers go out to the individual shot and a man lost his life and a fa
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girl dad, corey, a tragic event and our prayers are with them as well. this can't happen again. what do we do going forward? there has to be heightened security. there is no removal of president trump service that is possible right now. we have to make sure to condemn this at every single level and know what happened. this investigation has to be thorough and transparent. the american people need to know what happened. >> carley: before i let you go, i want to ask you about something that unfolded before this gunman opened fire on the former president and the crowd behind him. a local police officer actually climbed onto the roof because people in the crowd are saving, "there is a guy on the roof, you have to go a suspicious person. and he pointed a gun of the police officer and the officer took cover in the gunman started firing. how would you characterize that situation? >> so, i don't know the exact
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location where the logistics of that situation. i can't say what the officer did was right or wrong. what i do know if you are coming up a letter from what i am being told, he was coming up a ladder when the gunman turned to put the gun on him. if he'd talked, i don't know exactly what happened. i know what we are trained to do is we are trying to to, obviously, and holster are firearm and stop the threat at the time. i don't know if he had the tactical ability to do that but the gunman immediately turned and fired on president trump, which may have actually saved his life and not been able to get a square head shot. i don't know how quickly that went or that actually went down. that has to be part of the investigation. i do have many questions though what happened that day. that roof should have been secure. not only was i in new york the police inspector command but i
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served on s.w.a.t. team many years. we had counter sold we called them observation teams, new yore language to make people feel comfortable. up at our counter sniper teams were up on those roofs. why wasn't that roof superior? how was he able to get up there? >> carley: it is a good question with just 130 yards away. a lot more information needs to be rebuilt on multiple fronts. thank you so much for joining us this morning. and we know you will be there as well. thank you, have a great day. the secret services under intense scrutiny is the agency prepares to brief lawmakers on their procedures before and during the attempted assassination of the former forr president. >> todd: the former secret service agent is here to tell us what should have been done and needs to be done to secure the rnc after the shooting. stay with us.
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and bring on the good stuff. ♪ ♪ >> todd: any secret service note making changes for the rnc after faces criticism how it handles the assassination attempt on former president trump. >> chose to be clear, did you or did you not exchange the security plan at the events of yesterday? >> there have been no changes to the current operational security changes for this event. we have an operational security plan built out for every responsibility related to any and all access for security. >> carley: tim miller former secret service agent, he joins us now, tim, good morning to you. we will get to the rnc but i want your assessment on the current criticism of the secret service. what are your thoughts on they are set up saturday and security plan and also their response
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after the shooting took place? >> well, good morning, guys. i am conflicted because on the one hand but the advance was an absolute disaster. could not have been worse, rookie mistakes made. on the other hand, watching trump's detailed do what they did after the shots were fired was astonishing. faith whereas professional and proficient as they could have been and handled the situation . but the bottom line is every secret service agent knows and i've done hundreds of them, but the true security of the site rest with the advanced agent. we learned a long time ago, as a matter of fact in 1963 when president kennedy was shot, if you are up in an elevated position and you have a rifle that you can easily do a lot of damage to the president and to others. so, that is really issue number one when you go on to his site, where are the high places?
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how do we protect him? we do it a couple of ways, either visually, drones, those kind of things are we posed. given this is one of the few buildings there, there should have been an armed least officer standing on the road to make sure that what happened didn't . >> todd: with that as the backdrop, are you okay with that answer we played before we got into euro segment that no changes really are being made in anticipation of the rnc? are you confident that what needs to be done will be done in preparation for the rnc? >> i'm reluctant to second-guess other agents, but i have to tell you, that was the wrong answer. the right answer would be, "you know what we are reviewing everything top to bottom, fresh and new." i have done these conventions and i've been a part of the security team. it is a massive endeavor. remember, folks, only one chink in the armor and a president
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gets hurt or killed. i think the secret service as a whole has to start looking at foundational things again. who are we hiring? how are we training them? how do we guarantee that our mission is accomplished? that is kind of the problem in a number of areas. the border, you look at afghanistan, the mission is not being accomplished and there is no accountability when there are big sales. we will see as the investigation comes out. my hope and prayer is the secret service would look at it objectively and say, "wait a minute, we have the highest coaling information, protect the leader of the free world, how do we get this done?" >> carley: tim, there is no onto secret service director kim cheadle and she said it does on diversity in 2023 interview. take a look at this. >> but the secret service departure he was 48% last year are due in part to the high demand of the job.
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to expand hiring, they are aiming to have 30% women recruits by 2030. and even allowed youtube influencer, michelle to train with agents. >> i'm very conscious as i sit in the chair now of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce and particularly women. >> carley: what you think about that comment? if you think that should be her main focus? or should it be on investigative work secret service does as well as keeping people alive or is that baked into her answer as well? >> let me get back to what i just said, it's not about her or about a particular group. but is about the mission. let me just say this, when you work in the secret service, the reason for departure rate is so high is because it is absolutely difficult. you have to stay fit. you have to pay attention to what you are doing.
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you are obviously sleep deprived. quite frankly, i work with some great women in law enforcement and would hold them shoulder-to-shoulder. but at the end of the day, it's not about that spirit it is about having the strongest, fittest, most experience. we are protecting the leader of the free world. we need to quit looking at all these other things. it is interesting to me, you don't staff nfl team with a stat there certain group but you staffed with winners. i think the secret service has to look at it like that. >> todd: there is a reason i'm not a cornerback on the giants. we appreciate your time here at president biden to bring the temperature down during oval office address. >> carley: that message comes as fbi training saturday shooting as possible domestic terrorism situation. we are live in pennsylvania with details on the investigation. ♪ ♪
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