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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 15, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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rush to walmart and find total beets. >> carley: a fox news alert. rnc officially opens today and
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former president trump is in milwaukee, ready to deliver a message of unity. and president biden is urging the nation to bring the political temperature down at an oval office address. >> president biden: we must not go down this road in america. no place in america for this kind of violence ever, period. >> carley: it is monday, july 15th and you are watching this special breaking edition of "fox and friends first". i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. jonathan sherrie is live with the latest. >> jonathan: you see police tape surrounding the suspected shooter's home. the shooter is dead. authorities want to get to bottom of what happened. they have his phone.
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they don't know the password yet, they are trying to crack into it, hoping data helps them create a timeline leading up to the shooting. agency says the fbi is investigating the shooting incident that resulted in one death and investigating as pote potential domestic terrorism. authorities found bomb-making materials and they were brought for analysis. thomas crooks was not on law enforcement radar. investigators have yet to determine a motive and are unaware of any ideology he might have had. a former classmate described him as a loner and an outcast that
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was frequently bullied. president biden urged the nation to turn down the heat. >> president biden: we're blessed to live in the greatest country on earth and i believe that with every power in my being. i am asking every american to recommit to make america what it is. think about what makes america so special? in america, everyone must be treated with dignity and respect and hate must have no safe harbor. >> jonathan: buffalo township is honoring a long-time firefighters who served briefly as chief, corey comperatore, who died in the shooting. comperatore died a hero, he used his body as a shield, throwing it on his wife and daughter when
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the gun dfire erupted. david dutch and james copenhaver were injured and hospitalized and listed in stable condition. todd and carley, back to youful >> carley: thank you, jonathan. we spoke to florida congressman cory mills last hour and here is his response to saturday's shooting. >> did not look at a building 160 yards away. it is adjacent to the stadium. someone should have been on the roof or coordinate with local law enforcement to put a patrol car there and look at areas to block off. multiple things were done wrong and incorrectly. >> carley: bring in rob domeco,
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founder of sierra one consulting. rob, good morning to you. fbi is leading this investigation as potential domestic terrorism, don't know a motive yet, looking to crack into the guy's cell phone to figure out why he would do such a thing. they are saying they are investigating if there are k coconsporators, but believe this was a lone wolf assessment. >> i'm looking at this as someone who commits a shooting like a school shooting. being only 20 years old, loner, being bullied. a lot of school shooters are trying toic maa name for themselves and show people and they don't plan to come back from it. i think that is what you are starting to see here.
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a lot of shooters have rigged explosives, knowing police are going to go there. there are similarities with the same as a school shooter. >> todd: we have analyzed defi deficiencies in secret service approach to this event. we have focused on a number of aspects of law enforcement. i want to focus on your specialty, as a sniper. when you put your sniper hat on and knowa lies what happened in butler, pennsylvania, what went right? what went writtening >> him as a shooter, he was in a position where counter snipers obje could not see him and had to get to the roof to get his sights. from the witnesses and some are
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truthful, they saw him crawling and were trying to point him out to the police. from the police's position, they might have been able to see him at that point, he was crawling up and his attention. he knows he has a quick time to get a shot at that position and that may have happened. as a true sniper, he does not have training at 20 years old, maybe has marksmanship training. when you have to quickly engage, that is where that round came off. i think they are talking about seven millimeters from an actual shot into him and you have to look at did he just turn to the side and did that throw the shot off. it was so close and as soon as the shot went off, law enforcement snipers pinpointed that position.
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if you look at the film, he is looking through his scope and that narrows your field of view. that is probably when people were talking on the radio about seeing someone on the roof with a rifle and when the shots came off, he had looked up, figured out where he was and him or another one engaged him. >> carley: susan crabtree is re repo reporting secret service rules of engagement are to waits for a gunman to fire shots before you can return fire. you don't want to shoot someone and find out they are holding a telescope? are those the rules? do they need to be changed? >> i don't think they are. rules of engagement are based on your opinion. i'm looking through my scope and i see someone that i truly believe is going to inflict death or bodily harm on someone,
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i can engage them. only different, if i was a sniper outside a hostage situ situation. this is times you have to narrow it down. any time they think someone has a weapon and that would be looked at. if he engaged them depending on his line of sight, that would be reviewed. if he thinks he has a rifle, you do not have to wait for someone to shoot. >> carley: interesting, secret service said first time snipers saw the gunman, he was on the roof and had fired the shot and they took him out in an instant. thank you for joining us. >> todd: former president did
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first interview since the shooting and said he rewrote his address before he addresses the convention on thursday. >> carley: he is expected to make an appearance today. brooke singman is live with all the details. a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins
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>> todd: a fox news alert, former president trump touching down in milwaukee just a day surviving that assassination attempt. >> carley: brooke singman is in milwaukee with the details. brooks the 2024 republican national convention is set to be historic one in his first interview, former president trump says it is a miracle he survived. he said, the doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle, i'm not supposed to be here. many people are saying it is by god i am here. jason miller says the former president is recovering well. >> he's doing well considering some 24 hours ago he was a tarrget of an assassination attempt.
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he knows this is a key moment and he's only one who can step up and lead in this time and this country is desperate for leadership. >> brooke: former president trump will give his keynote on thursday when he accepts his republican nomination. he's rewritten his speech to focus on unity rather than president biden's policy, he said the speech he was going to give would have been one of the most incredible speeches and it will be a different speech now. trump is urging others to stick to their speech and follow the themes of the day. today's theme is make america wealthy again. tomorrow is make america safe again. wednesday is make america strong again and thursday is make america great once again.
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tomorrow nikki haley will speak as show of unity in the party. the biden campaign says it will return to original campaign strategy following president biden interview later tone. william barr says democrats need to scale back their dangerous rhetoric about trump. they demonized him, called him ad adolf hitler, it is ridiculous, he is nothe that threat to democracy. >> brooke: top three contenders will speak this week, doug burgum, marco rubio and j.d. vance will speak. the v.p. pick will be announced soon and address the convention on wednesday. >> todd: all eyes waiting for
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that. an illinois delegate is here on the program. brooke singman mentioned the president is made an oval office address last night talking about the shooting. take a listen. >> president biden: we debate and disagree record, issue, vision for america. but in america, we resolve differences at the ballot box, not with bullets. power to change america should rest in hands of the people. >> todd: to be clear, biden team saying he meant to say battle b ballot box not battle. con congressman. >> it is something that needs to bed, he is correct in that. i don't agree on a lot of is
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issues. but in this age of social media, things can be taken by wrong people to higher level. look, it is a fact we need to come together as a nation. part of the process, run campaigns, get issues out there. people get wound up and say things that might encourage someone who does not understand this should be handled at the ballot box to do something. violence is not the answer, we are a free nation with ideas and always had arguments. we had two founders of the constitution that does did not speak. >> todd: the secret service director will brief lawmakers
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today. you will have opportunity to ask her questions. if you don't get answers that explain the security thfailure saw, do you think the secret service director should resign or should joe biden fire her? >> congress' job is to vote on new legislation and have oversight and the committee is gearing up next week to give an overview of this in great detail and they need to do it quickly and are planning on. if the failure occurred, we need to find out why and it will never happen again and send a clear message to people not to let it happen again. if by letting someone go, so be it. you have an area that gave opportunity for a shooter to be there.
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we want to talk to them and get input. we need to make sure security detail is there for the president. this is too close to losing the prime candidate who i will be the next president of the united states. he was amazing how he handled it, should have never been in that position. >> todd: we will look to congress. you are among at delegates at the rnc in milwaukee. what do viewers who don't necessarily know the ins and outs of a convention, what are details we should be looking for? >> watch for our speakers and unity that will exist. look, let me tell you, i am one person in a situation four months ago, got over a vicious
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primary. i will tell you that both i and the person that ran against me are delegates and will be stand nothing support of donald trump. why is that? that is because we know he is -- when you get shot and come back up shaking your fist, that suspect strength, strength for our nation and we show strength to our allies and to our enemies who would be enemies and real issues securing the border, dealing with the situation happening around the world with russia, the threat of china, making sure we're ready at a moment's notice, making sure we deal with the economy and everybody is not having to go to the grocery store and wonder if they have enough to pay for the groceries. get straightened out, things
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have gone south last four years. we have a fantastic candidate and are pushing forward to show the world and voters that and make sure in november we bring that home. >> todd: quite a week, we'll will be watching. have fun. thank you for joining us. thousands of activists plan to protect at the rnc. griff jenkins has details. >> carley: media coverage of saturday's shooting is being criticized with one referring to the gunfire as loud noises. really? joe concha is next.
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>> todd: you are looking live at the site of this year's rnc in milwaukee. protesters are expected to take to the streets today. >> carley: griff jenkins has the
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latest. >> griff: carley and todd, we are three blocks from pfizer forum. march is the rnc, 100 groups, say they are here to fight r racist agenda of the rnc and the tragic events of two days ago, attempted assassination is not stopping that. the director of this march of 100 plus coalition says the shows must go on. >> i think trump breeds hate and the shooting has nothing to do with us and we'll continue with the march as planned. >> griff: this is red arrow park, protesters gather at 10:00 and begin a march at noon. just across the street, perimeter is largest i've seen
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in a convention and i've been covering for 20 years. a hard perimeter three or four blocks out and it is likely protesters will get there. they have an agreed march the city and police have agreed to. it will take them around the pr perimeter and get them within one block of the pfizer-bi foru. they will interact with delegates staying in the holingses. the secret service accoordinato they are not making changes to their plan either. take a listen here. >> there have been no changes to our current plans for example this event. it is 18-month process that involves all levels of
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government contributing to security plans. >> griff: as we wait for no protesters are here yet, interesting to see how well organized they are. guy you heard from there said they have 100 field marshals trained to make their voices heard and not get into a situation. law enforcement is on high alert hoping things remain peaceful. >> todd: they do not make me feel confident. shocking to describe no changes to rnc protocol. we had a secret service agent who said that statement was a horrible statement. a lot of questions remain unanswered. stay safe. thank you. president biden sitting down with lester holt in a prime-time interview tonight just days
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after the assassination attempt on donald trump. take a look at these headlines from the main-stream media downplaying what took place. "washington post"s, trump leaves rally after loud noises erupt. cnn article taken down reading secret service rushes trump off stage after he falls at rally. another actual from forbes, will surviving gunfire be an appeal to black voters. >> carley: joe concha joins us. surprising and predictable, what is your reaction to the headlines? >> joe: carley, todd, what we saw play out live in know front of the world >> the former president and likely in terms of polls, future president of united states
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nearly being his head nearly shot off on live television should have resulted in objective, unbiassed coverage the country deserve in this tragic moment you saw unfold on your screen. some outlets failed that test. look at headlines, associated press, donald trump has been escorted off stage after loud noises ring out in the crowd. yeah, loud noises like gunshot. you have donald trump stand up with blood on his face and ear one minute after it happened and it was loud noises? "new york times," trump hurt, safe after a shooting, no, it was not a shooting, it was an
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assassination attempt. let's remember january 6, they have said. this is stupidity. joe biden, the president,ed there should be a bullseye on donald trump, he said that on july 8th, one week before that happened. he spoke last night about unity in teleprompter that had no authori authenticity behind it andeled off without taking questions. that is where we are as far as temperature in this country and president trying to calm it down after he raised it for the last 3-1/2 years calling donald trump and his supporters extremist. one person tried to stop trump on saturday.
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>> todd: when it comes to media comments, i've been reading babylon business, satire site, you can read headlines and read headlines in that anchor and you can not distinguish which is which, that is horrific on the part of the media and underscores how unserious they are at time and how much hatred they have of president trump at times. the headlines are shocking. it is blaming by george stephanopoulos, martha raddis that they are responsible for horrific images we are seeing. jen psaki calling on republicans to change their rhetoric and tone at the rnc or they will face retaliation after the shooting. listen to this. >> the convention is starting and unless the programs changes,
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the rhetoric is not calming the tone or restoring civility. for anyone who has a platform and think the moment is to be political, you are feeding into the danger and making it more likely there is retaliation. >> todd: your thoughts on what she said, joe? >> joe: this is the same jen psaki, todd, part of the biggest cover-up in american history saying joe biden is great, his memory is fine, he's stephen hawking behind the scenes. jen psaki claimed republicans are for defunding the police and has been telling us the border and safe and secure and says joe biden was christian camccaffery more energized than the
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energizer bunny itself and new foreign policy better than henry kissinger, i don't want to hear from jen psaki, she covered up joe biden's cognitive issues and got a huge deal from msnbc, a big, no-no, don't want to listen to you, go back to band camp. >> carley: there is a sit-down interview with the president and lester holt today and it will air tonight. we'll see what he says about calls to step down, that has fled the news cycle, but is still going on. thank you very much. have a great day. with rnc kicking off this morning, wisconsin business owners preparing for big week ahead with thousands showing up to milwaukee. e e evan hughes joins me now. good morning. it is a big week, busy week for you being in milwaukee,
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thousands of new people coming to town. what is the atmosphere like in milwaukee with so many things going on in the world and celebration happening because of the rnc? >> i would say on the ground in milwaukee, we had the red, white and brew, we made cocktails last night and temperature was exciting. the crowd had a buzz and we are looking forward to a great event. >> carley: red, white and brew sounds like fun and a funny play on words. each day of the rnc has a different theme, today is make america wealthy again. you are a business owner, what do you think of the former president's plan on the economy? he says he wants to fix it and make america wealthy again. >> i mean, for us at central
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standard, we are booked entire week, see are seeing nice impact on our space and milwaukee. we are very open, we benefit from working with visit milwaukee and got involved early and as i think all americans would agree, we would love to see the economy increase and see more opportunity. >> carley: people say they were assuming the former president would take a couple days you hava. yesterday he posted on truth social saying based on yesterday's event, i was going to delay my trip by two days, i cannot allow a shooter or potential assassin to force change to scheduling. i'll be leaving for milwaukee 3 t 3:30 p.m. today, thank you, djt. what do you think about that message former president
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koournly in milwaukee? >> i think it is great, this is why we're doing the event. we can say that over the past year, we had a lot of interaction with secret service and with u.s. capitol police. we are right outside the perimeter, our business is and we're had them walk through and understand our capabilities. we feel confident going into the week that we are going to have a great show and everyone will be safe. >> carley: great news there. today's theme is make america wealth again, safe again, strong again and on thursday wrapping up with make america great once again. thank you, have a great week. republican congressman mike lawler talking about his new bill for potential presidential candidate, it is a bipa biparti
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> todd: house lawmakers expected to get a full briefing today as lawmakers plan to introduce bipartisan bill to boost protection for candidates.
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>> carley: mike lawler joins us now. congressman, you and richie torres, are introducing this legislation to boost secret service protection for all major presidential cans. r.f.k. jr., president trump and president biden, tell us about this effort? >> but for the grace of god, we were a millimeter away from a different conversation and thankfully donald trump survived this assassination attempt. our election should be determined by votes at the ballot box, not by a rally. it is uncumbent on the united states government to ensure safety of these candidates, inclusive of r.f.k. jr., whose family was twice victim to an assassination bullet.
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i think the secret service need to ensure safety of candidates regard lsz of the outcome in november and regardless whether or not they think somebody is viable. we cannot have this happen in eshg america. it is critically important that we move expeditiously and if the president is not going to make this happen then we need to pass legislation to ensure that all of these candidates have enhanced security. president trump's security detail is nowhere near what it was when he was president of the united states and significant questions need to be answered including how an assassination would get on a rooftop with clear line of sight to the
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former president and get a shot off. it is absolutely outrageous what happened on saturday and there needs to be a full investigation and accountability for it. this should have never ever happened. any novice could have figured out a rooftop with elevated perch overlooking the stage would be place number one somebody would need to secure to ensure no gunman had a clear shot at the president. >> todd: president trump's team allegedly requested more p protection and secret service denying it rejected the request. regardless, the fact your bill, proposed changes are not the standard are wrong and hope this will change that. secret services it is not making changes to rnc security plan.
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are you comfortable with that? you are headed there after this interview. >> look, i have confidence in law enforcement. they do phenomenal job day in and day out protecting our community. this has been 18 months in the work and all precaution should be taken. frankly, i don't think they should be telegraphing any changes they may make and i think they should be reevaluating after saturday's i incident to make sure there is beefed up security, expanded the zone and make sure there is no possibilities of anything occurring. they should not telegraph what they are doing, i would hope that they would reevaluate everything and make sure all precaution is taken.
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>> carley: maybe making changes behind the scenes and displaying confidence everything is under control. direct quote from knowa official was we got this. we should hope they do. congressman, thank you for joinings us. over to lawrence jones, breakfast with friends in wisconsin before the conference kicks off. >> lawrence: this is machine shed restaurant, big show coming up, reaction from people about the assassination attempt against the former president donald trump. how they feel about it and what they want to see the former president and first lady calling to unite the country. former president landed last night in milwaukee, what will he say when he finally addresses this convention? he is set to make an appearance
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today. we'll give you breaking details and press conference 7:30 today in milwaukee, what will the mayor say and what are security ramifications? big show coming up at the top.
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♪ >> todd: former president donald trump says he has rewritten his rnc speech following saturday's
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assassination attempt and it will now focus on unity instead of the biden administration's policies when he accepts the party's nomination. >> carley: former president saying the speech i was going to give on thursday was going to be a humdinger had this not happened this would have been one of the most incredible speeches. honestly a whole different speech now. former g.o.p. presidential candidate larry elder joins us now live from milwaukee. larry, good morning to you. so the whole tone of the rnc has really changed and it changed in the blink of an eye presidents says his speech is going to focus on unit, in the spirit of that former presidential candidate nikki haley has also been invited and not only is she going attend, she is going to make a speech herself. what do you think about all of this? >> well, i think it's good news for the nation. probably pretty bad news for the biden campaign, because it means we are going to start focusing on the things we ought to be focusing on. namely are you better off now than you were three and a half years ago.
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unless you are illegal alien the answer is no. four year high inflation come down a little bit. gas prices about 50% higher than they were. 8 million people here in the country here illegally if one one-half of 1 percent are here for illegal purposes you are talking about 40,000 people. the way he pulled out of afghanistan, all sorts of adversaries engaging in aggressive behavior whether it's iran, north korea, russia, hamas, so the world is worse off because of joe biden and if the answer is are you better off now, is the world better off now, then i think the biden campaign is in serious, serious trouble. larry elder giving the speech donald trump was supposed to give earlier until obviously the events of the saturday the rest of the convention will cover it i want to get your thoughts on this. at lo to get to. democrat congressman bennie thompson facing backlash over recent attempts to deny former president trump's secret service protection. here's what it says the bill
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that he wanted to pass a month prior to donald trump getting convicted in new york, quote: the disgraced former protectee's act would terminate service protection for individuals who otherwise qualify for it. upon sentencing following conviction for a federal or state felony. this measure would apply to former president trump. so that's what his office did. this is what someone in his office did following the shooting. a former staffer, now former for thompson, posting on facebook afafter the assassination attemt saying don't miss next time. let's go to the don't miss and then go to the broader picture of what the heck the congressman was trying to do there with his bill. he fired this person but then didn't really make a statement condemning this person in his office. should a sitting senator somebody who works in our government not condemn something from somebody in his office like this. sounds like a missed moment from the congressman. >> let's consider the source. this the is same guy who
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referred to associate justice clarence thomas as uncle tom, same guy who in 2004, if george w. bush won re-election try to setter dee certify result in ohio claiming the voting machines had been tampered with. nobody called him election denier. then talking about the staffer who minutes after the assassination attempts posts on facebook he should take some shooting lessons next time don't miss. the fact that this person got fired shows you that not only has the nine year vilification of trump calling him hitler and nazi and dictator pathological also diabolical they don't even believe it. if there was a failed attempt against adolf hitler would we be sad or hope it would go forward and be successful. people offering sympathy to donald trump and his family shows you they don't even mean it. it's that diabolical appealing to the most debased of their
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base. >> carley: president trump was going to take time off to recover. but he said yesterday he was on a plane milwaukee right there. when you see him what do you say to him. >> probably in my opinion the most famous camp in nfl history the immaculate reception. i believe this was divine intervention what happened to this man. talking about fraction of an inch having a different conversation than we are having right now. i would cheer him on, four more years. >> todd: it was millimeters, we would have a completely different discussion to your point, larry. thankfully we are not there today. thankfully we are talking about four day rnc connection of which you will be a part. larry elder, thank you for your time. enjoy your time in milwaukee and with that -- >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> brian: here we go.


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