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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 15, 2024 3:00am-5:00am PDT

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base. >> carley: president trump was going to take time off to recover. but he said yesterday he was on a plane milwaukee right there. when you see him what do you say to him. >> probably in my opinion the most famous camp in nfl history the immaculate reception. i believe this was divine intervention what happened to this man. talking about fraction of an inch having a different conversation than we are having right now. i would cheer him on, four more years. >> todd: it was millimeters, we would have a completely different discussion to your point, larry. thankfully we are not there today. thankfully we are talking about four day rnc connection of which you will be a part. larry elder, thank you for your time. enjoy your time in milwaukee and with that -- >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> brian: here we go.
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a fox news alert. former president donald trump is in milwaukee already this morning as the republican uncomfortable convention kicks off today. >> ainsley: the country still reeling from the assassination attempt in pennsylvania, which nearly killed the former president. >> steve: on the way to wisconsin yesterday. donald trump told the "new york post," quote: the doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like it. he called it a miracle. i'm not supposed to be here, donald trump said. i'm supposed to be dead. many people are saying it's by god that i am still here. >> brian: yeah, we were struck to see that interview today. meanwhile president biden making a rare oval office address, it happened last night. calling for unity. >> inevitable american democracy. part of human nature. but politics must never be a little battlefield and god forbid a killing field. i believe politics ought to be a peaceful debate to pursue justice, to make decisions
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guided by the declaration of independence and our constitution. we stand for an america, not. extremism and furry but of decency and grace. all of us now face a time of testing as the election approaches. and the higher the stakes, the more fervent the passions become. >> ainsley: we have team conch this morning. jonathan serrie outside of the shooter's home in bethel park, pennsylvania. madelmmadeleine rivera. and -- speaking with voters in pee walkie, wisconsin. >> griff: expects hundreds if not thousands to gather in few hours. going to go forward with the protests with the calls from president biden for and the fact that in a moment's flash, when
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that sniper's bullet struck former president trump, it changed entirely. the tone and democrat je'kel tore of this convention. and the message that's there. president trump giving an interview on the way here yesterday to the "new york post." and what we have seen already here strung t-shirts in the streets everywhere are the images of the defiant former president fist pumped in the air, blood streaking on his face. and he talked about that photo on the plane ride out here talking to the "new york post." here's what he said about it. he said a lot of people say it's the most iconic photo they have ever seen. they are right and i didn't die. usually you have to die to have an iconic picture. i just wanted to keep speaking but i just got shot. we as a country begin to process and it sinks in what happened two days ago also sinking in with former president trump who gave his first interview to a pittsburgh journalist named
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celincelinaed we have dough wite washington examiner. feet away with her family from trump at that rally when shots rang out. she was supposed to do the interview after the rally, instead, obviously, the events unfolded. she still got that interview. and in the interview, trump tolded we have dough this is changing the speech. he has written the speech meet the moment. this is a chance to bring whole country, even the whole world together. the speech will be a lot different. a lot different than it would have been just two days ago. now, as we wait for protesters to show up here. coincide with the march around noon as the rnc opens thing up. we look forward to hearing from not only former president trump and the remarks he will deliver but also what the keynote speakers will give. we are learning now that nikki haley, obviously, the
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contentious campaign in a primary against trump will be speaking here not today, tomorrow. >> we will see what she has to say and how this convention gets underway and this message of unity, guys? >> brian: that's excellent. great move bringing nikki haley in. >> steve: absolutely. >> brian: remember ted kennedy spoke jimmy carter. ted cruz came out. i think it's great. >> ainsley: the feel is very different at the convention now after what happened over the weekend with the president being shot. it is about unity, it's about coming together and supporting one another now. so i'm glad she is speaking. >> steve: we should point out we are actually live in milwaukee. it is 5:04 central time. it's great to be here. griff was it talking a moment ago just about how the president spoke to a couple of reporters yesterday and explained the shooting. and we finally got the answer to the question after he was shot, 20 seconds after he was shot and cart him off why he said i got to get my shoes.
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i got to get my shoes. the president told michael good win he said and he referred to the secret service agents as the linebackers. who he efusively thanked for saving his life. they came flying in and they hit him so hard they knocked the former president out of his shoes. >> ainsley: yes. >> steve: he had to get the shoes. >> brian: how great is it that he is sitting there being tackled. he doesn't know if there is another shooter there and he goes get my shoes. go get my shoes. i. >> ainsley: i need my shoes. before i walk off i need my shoes. showed the reporters browses. tacked by five or six men and one woman going to end up with bruises. >> steve: we are going that talk about this throughout the morning and week, actually. the other thing is after he was shot and he got up and he raised his fist. you do you know what he wanted to do? he wanted to keep talking. he wanted to continue the speech but the secret service guys go, mr. president, we don't know if
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it's safe, we got go. >> he said i want to keep speaking but i got shot. >> brian: he looked down and people weren't leaving. and he said should i finish? pretty amazing. >> ainsley: amazing he turned his head at the right moment i think it was an act of god. president biden delivering a rare address from the oval office last night urging the country to come together as one. >> here in america unity is the most allusive of all goals right now, nothing is more important for us now than standing together. we can do this. >> steve: all right. jonathan serrie joins us now from the shooting suspect's hometown of bethel park, pennsylvania with the very latest. jonathan? >> yeah. good morning to you. right now i'm standing in front of the accused shooter's home surrounded by police tape. he, of course, is dead. authorities believe he acted alone. but their investigation is far from over. they still haven't determined a motive. they do have his cell phone in
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custody but it's locked. they are trying to crack the passcode. it's in the fbi lab in quantico, virginia. they're honing to extract data from that phone so they can piece together a sequence of events leading up to the shooting. and get more insights. the agency says it's investigating the shooting both as an assassination attempt and potential domestic terrorism. investigators say they found bomb-making materials in the shooter's home and rudimentary explosive devices in his car. those, too were brought to the fbi lab for analysis. alleged gunman 20-year-old matthew corroboration was not on law enforcement's radar no. social media rants that they could find. investigators have yet to determine a motive. they are unaware of any ideology he might have had. a former high school classmate described him a as a loner and outcast frequently bullied in school. the shooting has led to finger pointing over the multiple agencies handling security while the secret service provided
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protection for the former president inside the rally venue. they relied on local police to handle security outside that perimeter where the gunman ultimately opened fire from a roof top. a secret service spokesman says rally attendees reported a suspicious individual to local police but they were unable to locate him before he climbed on that roof and began firing at which point a secret service sniper returned fire and eliminated the threat. the buffalo township volunteer fire company is honoring one of its long-time firefighters a gentleman who also served as their chief. he is corey comp tore, enthusiastic trump supporter at that rally and died at the shooting. family and friends say he died as a hero using his body to shield wife and daughter. they survived uninjured. two other are hospitalsized in stable condition. this trump campaign launched a
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go fund me site to raise money to help the victims of that shooting and their families over the course of 24 hours it raised more than $3 million. and former g.o.p. presidential contender vivek ramaswamy donated $30,000 to that cause. back to you guys. >> brian: that's great. >> steve: jonathan, real quick question. don't know if you know the answer or not. they mentioned mentioned like to extract more data from the shooter phone. is it iphone? famously apple has not cooperated into cracking into people's iphone accounts or is it android? >> yeah. these days you often assume that that it's an iphone. authorities haven't revealed that also, as the investigation is ongoing, they wouldn't say what service provider they are dealing with so, they wouldn't say whether it's at&t, verizon. or whether it's an apple device.
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>> brian: at&t has already been hacked. that will be a lead for that jonathan, thank you. let's prescription in lawrence jones. lawrence is just outside, talking to diners. but, before we do that, lawrence, why don't you tee us off and let us understand what your last 24 hours have been like. you were just on the scene of the shooting now you are here in milwaukee. >> lawrence: yeah. good morning, it's been crazy, family. you know. it's something that people's greatest fear former president potentially having an assassination attack and it's one of those things you kind of dismiss because you want to think we are better as americans. but i think the telling thing was when i had the opportunity to talk about the former president yesterday, and he said lawrence, did you notice that there was no stampede. what is he talking about? he goes i had to stay with my people because they were cheering. they were saying u.s.a., u.s.a. i have to tell them to fight, fight, fight. he goes they could have left the scene. but he said they stayed there.
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and they cheered. and he goes i couldn't have been with my people at that time. that was telling to have a leader to literally just took a bullet to say if my people are going to be here, then i have to stand with them. >> brian: he also said -- lawrence, he said what saved his life, he was telling "the washington examiner" because he turned from the crowd to look at a screen, which he never does. because it showed data he was going it use in the speech. he says that reality is just setting. in i rarely look away from the crowd. had i not done that in that moment, well, we would not be talking today, would we? so,. >> ainsley: he also showed the reporting -- the reporter that was on the plane with him he showed his loose large white bandage over his right ear. and it tore off a piece of his ear he said. we were wondering did he get stitches is some of the ear missing. the staff insisted no photos. i'm wondering when he takes the stage tonight, is he expected to be here tonight or actually here in milwaukee but expected to
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take the stage tonight, will he have the bandage on his ear. >> brian: monday is the wave, isn't it? it's been 8 years. >> steve: knowing donald trump, he will shoat world what that guy did to him. >> ainsley: is he also the type i don't want to wear a bandage because i want the people to see buts that i also am tough enough where i don't need a band-aid. >> steve: lindsey graham was on that flight with the two reporters and the president flying from bedminster here to milwaukee. and lindsey graham said essentially after the assassination attempt that the former president now says he has got -- these are lindsey's words. has a new lease on life. that's why he tore up the rnc speech he was going to give. the former president said the speech was a humdinger, it was going to be a tough speech. >> ainsley: a humdinger. >> steve: he tore it up. because now what he is pushing is unity. and even joe biden yesterday talking about unity.
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these two guys apparently are on the same page. the big question is where do we go from here? >> brian: i would like to get details of the conversation. great if joe biden said we were friends. it's nothing purge. the trump campaign raising concerns about the speeches, lawrence. and they are going to be delivered at the convention. they are worried about him being overly aggressive in the shadow of the assassination attempt. so i would say everybody, if you are going to give a speech today, tone it down a little. you take the direction of the trump campaign. tone it down. i think it's incumbent on all of to us realize the moment. following who has been happening for a while and tone and tenor and you see there is attempted assassination on the leader of your party of course you are angry and upset. i think we all have a
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responsibility to the people that we serve and provide information to just be more humble. tone it down just a little bit. you can have righteous anger. but, at the end of the day, you don't want to inspire someone to do something that can cause harm to someone else. >> steve: rnc that starts today in milwaukee, looks like a much different affair than it would have been a week ago. >> ainsley: that's exactly right. everyone is thanking god that he is still alive. could have been a lot different. it would have changed entire week. the secret service member questions we all is security lapszs that allowed the attempt the assassination on donald trump to happen. >> brian: madeleine rivera joins us live from washington. a lot of questions and tension for the secret service. >> madeleine: a lot already, brian. questions how the suspect was able to access roof top within
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12200 yards of former president trump. the secret service was in charge of security at the rally. the shooter's location was outside of the perimeter that the federal agency had swept. a jurisdiction under local police secret service person. for "the washington post" the secret service did rely on local law enforcement to quote fill out significant parts of typical array of specialized protected units. unquote. we are learning attendees did tell local police about a suspicious person. they told fox they could not find a suspect. the first time secret service agents saw the gunman he was already on the roof firing. he was then shot by a counter sniper. is he battling a series of accusations including this one from real clear politics political correspondent, susan crabtree. crabtree alleges secret service resources were diverted from the rally in butler, pennsylvania. first lady jill biden also attending an event that same day. about 45 minutes away in
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pittsburgh. guglieimi. calling into questions. kimberly cheadle dei initiatives. listen. >> we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we're developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce. and particularly women. >> madeleine: former president trump did praise the secret service. we will see what cheadle has to say when she meets with lawmakers b today back to you. >> brian: worry about the gender rather than the quality of the agents. bring in former secret service agent charles moreno. what is your number one question that you would have today and are you surprised the secret service has not had a press conference about this? they talked about the rnc security but not about this. >> yeah. i am surprised no press conference yet or at least not
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showing up to a press conference to participate. i think it's a strategic mistake. i think at some point in time someone needs to come out of hiding, preferably the director and face the media. you may not be able to give all of the information that the public demands right now because of the ongoing investigation but you got to come out of hiding. as far as what's going to happen to the secret service, look, let's not sugar coat it. they own this problem right now. they are going to be under the microscope and they're going to have to articulate everything from hr, hiring practices, the dei issue. they are going to have to talk about training and operations. and the director is going to have to did defend her decisions. and justify the fact that she thinks she has been providing the adequate resources to the former president. as high profile as he is. >> ainsley: charles, what do you think was done poorly by the secret service and what was done well? >> well, the secret service owns the overall operational plan. so the fact that that building
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wasn't locked down and secured and posted with either a secret service agent or a law enforcement officer is why we are here talking today. as far as the initial response from the working shift, those agents assigned to the former president, that's the part that went exceptionally well to give immediate instruction to the president to drop to the ground to cover his body with theirs. nobody can debate the courage that was on display that day. we can micromanage how fast or not he was moved off of the stage, but as far as being surrounded by other people's bodies to be protected, that mission was accomplished; however, when you see all of these resources responding the way that they did, it means something failed. and it failed significantly in the overall planning to mitigate on the proactive side providing that security plan that we send agents out in advance to conducted all the time. >> steve: sounds like the secret
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service is blaming local police. okay, we were in charge of the area inside the perimeter and they were in charge of that building outside. and that's why it was a local cop or a state policeman who came face to face with a gunman apparently after he had raised some suspicions over by one of the metal detect torres and climbed up on the roof and the cop comes face to face with him and guy is going to shoot him in the face and he backs down. next thing he squeezes off 8 shots at the former president. charles, my question is, and i have had so many people ask me this in the last 48 hours. why didn't they have the bullet-proof glass given that it's an open air venue just to protect the former president or protect anybody at that level? >> yeah. this is all going to come out, steve. i have got to tell you in the investigation whether these type of assets that you just mentioned were requested or not. and if they were requested, why weren't they approved? there is going to be a paper
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trail on all of this. you are going to have a lot of justification as to what was requested or not. but what i can tell you is that at a minimum, with the distance that that building was in, within the outer perimeter ring, that's part of the security plan. this should have been protected. yes, state and local authorities provide a lot of support to the secret service, but it's still the secret service's job to make sure that if they did request that building is covered that it is. >> steve: lawrence, you got a question for charles? >> >> lawrence: yeah. so, charles, you know, kind of a tough question in the sense that i know you have a lot of respect for the men and women in the secret service, has there been a change in the priorities of the agency in i mean, when i look at the people standing in front of the president. and i see so aheight distance when you go back to the obama years, or even when, you know, george w. bush and you see the
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secret service walking there. there's a clear shield with the people standing in front of him. and i didn't necessarily see that same thing with donald trump at that event. so, has there been a change in priorities at the agency? >> you know, lawrence, it's a great question. and the director is going to have to articulate. this especially to congress. and that is in an effort to defer the workforce at the secret service with the directors calling the 30 for 30 program. 30% females by 2030, the director is going to have to demonstrate that she has not lowered standards within the agency to achieve what she wants to do on the diversity side. this is going to have to fall on her. that's why one of the areas i said is going to be under great scrutiny here is the hiring process and the training process. have people met the standards
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across the board both from a physical standpoint and intellectual and experienced standpoint to achieve the mission? >> yeah. just like a surgeon. you want the top of the class the best one to operate you. you want the best of the best to protect you. >> steve: need it 24/' wherever you go. sir, thank you very much for your service and thanks for joining us today. >> all right, you are welcome. >> brian: susan crabtree of real clear politics they diverted resources to jill biden's event instead of going to joe because they are both in pennsylvania. chen the chief of communications for secret services said that's not true. we will get to the bottom of that. that's going to be part of the scrutiny on capitol hill today. >> steve: we are live in milwaukee all week long. thanks for joining us on this monday. it's going to be a big week. so brew yourself a cup of coffee. put down that remote. we will be right back. >> and get dressed. ♪
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rally. mr. trump admitting the shooting prompted him to make some changes to the speech, saying, quote: the speech i was going to give on thursday was going to be a humdinger. had this not happened. this would have been one of the most incredible speeches. >> this is a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world together. the speech will be a lot different than it would have been two days ago. danielle alvarez is a senior adviser to the trump 2024 campaign. she joins us live here in downtown motorcycle. good to have you. >> it's so lovely to be with you. >> steve: that's really interesting. he took the speech and tore it up and he said i want to unite the country, right? >> he is someone who knows how to meet the moment and there is nothing more iconic than the imagery that came after that hoobler assassination attempt. he told the crowd to fight but he was really telling the whole nation to fight. is he unite us and meet the
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moment. i anticipate it's going to be incredible week for the president. >> steve: right. i understand that word has gone out there at trump hq, lower the rhetoric. you know recommendation the whole country -- in fact, the current president said yesterday we got to lower the temperature. and donald trump has said the same thing and apparently something came out a directive or a narrative inside the organization? >> we received a memo from our campaign leadership, just talking about safety measures that we're going to take 00 our different offices and just really bringing us together as a family, again, that unity theme. really, i believe, that president trump is the only president that, again, can bring this country together. not just our party, which we knew he had united but the whole nation. >> steve: somebody on our staff got ahold of what we are talking about and it reads in part. we also urge you to recognize the political polarization in this heated election. we condemn all forms of violence
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and will not tolerate dangerous rhetoric on social media. the rnc convention will continue as planned in milwaukee and apparently right now they are testing the p.a. can you hear me over there. >> yes. we are getting ready for convention. today is going to be a very procedural day. doing roll call at the convention. still up in the air whether the president will deliver remarks or not but he is, in fact, in milwaukee and you know, you feel the energy here. >> steve: knowing donald trump, he wants to get out there. he wants to show people that he is okay. i wouldn't be surprised if he comes out at least to wave. the place would go craze. >> he is in great spirits. is he so strong. incredibly resilient. the theme of our campaign has been the contrast of president joe biden and donald trump. not just in record but joe biden's weakness and failure and president trump's strength, success and prosperity. and so i think that, you know, today is an opportunity, as you mentioned, for the president to
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maybe give a hello to the crowd. >> steve: who is going to be vice president let me write that down. >> only president trump will decide who, when and where and i'm as anxious as you. >> steve: thank you very much. a big week here. lawrence jones is chatting with voters just outside of milwaukee at a diner. >> hey, steve, before we go. let's do a quick poll here. how would you all like to see for vice president? so he wool start with. so names, marco rubio, raise your hand. okay rubio people. tim scott? okay. j.d. vance? any j.d.? j.d.? all right. vivek ramaswamy? a little curve ball? doug burgum? all right. we got one doug burgum. a lot coming up on "fox & friends." we will ask what the people think about the vice presidential candidates coming
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argentina claiming third straight title during the chaotic copa america final in miami last night. not until after the game was delayed for more than an hour. the stadium was put on lockdown when thousands of fans scaled the wall of the stadium. they tried forcing their way into the match against columbia for free. police making a few arrests while others had to be administered medical treatment at the stadium. there is so much fighting going on at this copa america but it is over. thankfully. guys over to you in milwaukee and good morning. >> thank you very much. lexy and i were texting carley and texting before messi got hunter the 64th men. could be out for a while. he was crying. lawrence says men shouldn't cry. >> steve: is that what we were watching last night at the lobby bar? >> brian: well, there -- yeah, the culpa was the second game edges glanced lost earlier and
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argentina went on to win 1-0. >> steve: we should point out delicious root beer. >> ainsley: operative word root. there was no root in your beer. >> steve: maybe not. >> ainsley: illinois now iconic fist pump photo becomes the unintended theme of the national convention. >> steve: the rnc gets underway. it was the welcome party out at surgeon fest. and here's what the folks had to say heard the news about trump getting shot. what did you think? >> devastated. >> it was definitely shock and my stomach was all twisted up. >> it was horrible. thank god he is okay. >> immediately it was oh my god, is he alive? i'm so, so thankful is he okay. and looking forward to nominating him. >> the good lord was looking after trump. when he came up out of the crowd, and saying fight on, you
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know, i knew it was all over. >> steve: when you look at that picture of trump, he has blood on the side and raising a fist. what do you think? >> it was pretty iconic. is he rising above. like rising from the ashes kind of a thing. >> i see strength. i see hope. i see a man who is ready to lead this country and protect and save this country. >> it brought tears to my eyes. i'm telling you that man represents americans. all americans. not just republicans and people need to understand that and get on the bus. >> we need him back in office. and he just is ready to just show the american people that he is what he says he is and will do what he says he is going to do. >> fired up our base. and we are going to fight, fight, fight. >> steve: when you saw that picture, what does that picture say to you? >> i mean, it tells me how couldn't you vote for that man? how couldn't you elect that man in november and send him back to the white house and get this ship turned around. he has been impeached and arrested. mug shots.
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now he has been shot. what can't the man beat? >> he is the president of the united states literally took a gunshot to the head and his first response was to stand up, raise his fist up and tell people to fight. is he not talking about physical violence. is he talking about fighting for our rights as american citizens. how in the hell else could you be either than excited about that. ♪ be. >> steve: you know, i was thinking people were going to be -- it was going to be kind of somber today. >> no. we are glad he is back in the battle. >> i thought they was either going to cancel it or either double down. the secret service. >> steve: they didn't cancel it? >> right. so here we are. >> steve: here we are. the mood is if he has been. people are having a party. >> i figure you had it was going to be a earth pa. everybody is excited. everybody is thrilled to be here. we can't wait to see trump. >> steve: is he better. he is going to get nominated and according to you guys, what is going to happen in november? >> winning. >> steve: you are from wisconsin the dairy state.
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what i haves in theside there seems to be more beer than cheese. they go delicious. >> beer and cheese how they flow? >> steve: let's have some. that was congressman derrick van orden. the people of milwaukee have opened their hearts and their streets although they are a little closed down right now. and we were just talking a moment ago about how this convention is so much different than we thought it was going to be. 48 hours ago we didn't know if it was going to go on. i was surprised at the reaction last night. it's like he's okay. let's get this thing going. >> brian: derrick van orden used to recover and do security for iraqi leaders. he used to cover for them. right when we had our first election. i think -- when iraq had their first democratic election. al maliki wins it. is he in charge of security. he knows half the country wants to kill him. he sees huge problems with what just took place is he a former
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navy seal. very interesting to get his perspective. >> ainsley: how about the young man? he said this is the guy who has been impeached. he has been arrested. now he has been shot. that picture is iconic we're going to continue on. >> brian: do you think lawrence would talk to diners if we asked him to? >> steve: let's try. lawrence is with folks at the machine shed in pewaukee wisconsin ahead of the convention. lawrence, those folks behind you, would they like to be on tv? >> lawrence: well, since you guys insist on putting them on tv. let's go talk to the people. okay? come with me. how are you all doing? you have been doing a few diners. >> i have been to a few diners. >> lawrence: this is a big convention. obviously what happened to the former president everyone is excited to see him. making an appearance today. what do you want to see at the rnc. >> i'm looking forward to spending time down there. we don't know when the next time come back to wisconsin. definitely along forward to hearing the former president talk. hoping he stays on the issue the
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economy and the border top of mind for voters and of course the tragedy that happened over the weekend. americans are looking to the former president as a sign of strength and a sign of strength that we need him to be right now given the current state of the country and administration running our country. >> lawrence: so perfectly said, right? what about you, ma'am? what do you want to hear from this rnc convention? >> exactly what she said. >> lawrence: what about you, ma'am? >> same. >> lawrence: talk to one of my other friends right here. i want you all to meet bete. not betty white the betty. 95 years old. how are you doing, ma'am? >> i'm doing fine. >> you gave me the biggest hug when i came. >> in i like it. i like to hug. steve. >> lawrence: thank you, love. what do you want to hear at the rnc? >> i want to hear trump and have him say we are going to be have the best country in the world. >> lawrence: that's what i'm talking about. >> lawrence: i think he is going to say thanks we need him. i mean, our country is in
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turmoil. and we have got to get everybody together and we have got to say hey, they can't do it to us. >> lawrence: that's right. that's what i'm talking about. well, guys, i mean, if they still need another speaker, we can get betty on stage to get everybody fired up, guys. i will send it back to you. >> brian: thank you very much, lawrence, give us a since what pewaukee is thinking about. it doesn't matter if he is one mile away with the security here, it might as well be an hour walk. >> steve: earth that. the sun is coming up in milwaukee as "fox & friends" rolls on day one of the rnc. >> brian: and the sun is in the sky. ♪
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♪ >> brian: fox news alert now. media conch of saturday's shooting facing backlash. backlash because some are accused of down playing the attempted assassination of former president trump especially initially "the washington post" writing. this headline, trump leaves rally after loud noises erupt. really? a cnn headline now revise proclaim secret service rushing trump off stage after he falls at rally? fox news contributor david webb pointed this out and he is here to talk more about it. some of the initial responses are really embarrassing. >> it's not just embarrassing. it's deliberate. it was very clear when you looked at the crowd, when you looked at what was going on, that this wasn't falling down. it was very clear you could see the blood, the blood had to come from somewhere. obviously president trump. this is an attempt to gaslight the american people that, again, there is a problem with trump.
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not a problem with what they have done for years on the left by pitting us against each other attempting to. by painting half of america as neanderthals, racist and all these things and based on this genesis lie that biden told when he launched his campaign about charlottesville and in charlottesville. from that all other lies, all of the narratives, have come and now they have faced the reality. their guy is what we said all along, is he compromised or in some way affected by being older. that's just obvious. whatever the diagnosis is. and now they have someone that is more, more responsive to the american people in donald trump. and they dent know what to do with that. >> brian: first they have to go through the m metamorphosis of treating joe biden honestly and say he is failing. now they have to go out of their way to say the way president trump acted under fire was gallant and they having huge trouble understanding that. here's one headline from forbes. look at this. you talk about inexclusive.
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forbes, will surviving gunfire be donald trump's next appeal to black voters. it has been taken down. atlantic the gunman, the would be dictator. are you kidding me? >> look, it's deliberate, brian. for a little while the pretense like the president speaking last night of calling for unity division of america and the left and the democrat party, and this is not just about the ones that are out there in those horrible headlines. we're talking about the fact that tacit approval outright approval of riots, of destruction of property, this has been years in the making. sadly, it played out in pennsylvania, fortunately, fortunately, the president, former president survived because this could have gone much worse. and by the way, the people in the crowd. the innocent man who was killed. the other two that were injured, they didn't deserve to be the result of what the democrats have done. >> brian: turns out the president was in the tent with that man with the fatal injury. the reality how close the
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president got to death does not have to be explained to him. he saw it. meanwhile, how about this? you remember bennie thompson co-chair january 6th made for television committee? he said i have a good idea. let's deny president trump secret service protection. really? not only is that not wearing well-being what we experienced the last 48 hours. listen to one of his idiot staffers put up now fired jacqueline march saw wrote this on facebook. i don't condbennie thompson camd said i was made aware of a staff member, no longer in my employment. is that good enough she is fired? >> she is fired. that's probably all they will do. that's not good enough. bennie thompson is the problem here. >> brian: sets the tone. >> he sets the tone. his staff follows. the problem is the democrats have brought these people into their staff. they have hired them. they know who they're. we have to believe they're
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either not vetting their staffers or that they are hiring them deliberately because they are in agreement with their agenda. >> brian: george stephanopoulos and. >> that's disgusting to do that to america. this is about americans. >> steve: you know heart break because you know radio. don't move. more "fox & friends" straight ahead. we're live from milwaukee. great guests. ♪ always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters.
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# ♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news
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alert. we are live in milwaukee where former president trump is this morning as the republican national convention kicks off today. >> brian: the country still reeling from the assassination attempt in pennsylvania which nearly killed the former president. >> steve: on the way to wisconsin yesterday, donald trump told the "new york post," quote: the doctor at the hospital, after he was shot, said he never had seen anything like this. he called it a miracle. the former president said i'm not supposed to be here. i'm supposed to be dead. many people are saying it's by god that i'm still here. >> ainsley: last night president biden making a rare oval office address, ciewlg now for unit. >> disagreement is inevitable in american democracy. it's part of human nature. politics must never be a little battlefield and god forbid a killing field. i believe politics ought to be in a reason for peaceful debate, to pursue justice, make decisions guided by the declaration of independence and our constitution. we stand for an america, not of
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extremism and fury, but of decency and grace. all of us now face a time of testing as the election approaches. and the higher the stakes, the more fervent the passion becomes. >> brian: meanwhile spoke to the president before. he gave a mini speech earlier in the day and gave that speech that lasted six minutes at night. as you know, we are live from milwaukee. we have team conch. i are looking at him of all the major stories peter doocy at the white house. jonathan serrie outside the shooter's home in bethel park, pennsylvania and "fox & friends" co-host lawrence jones speaking with diners. first, let's go out to alex isis mcadams who thought she was just covering another trump rally and the up much more than that, alexis. >> yeah. brian. we were only about 100 feet away from former president trump when he was on that stage on the swing state of pennsylvania talking to that crowd in the hot, hot son and humidity as they waited to hear him talk about the issues they care about in election. that's when we heard the pop,
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pop, pop, pop. saw the president go down below the podium and blood on his ear. people running for cover. watch. >> take a look what happened? [gunshots] >> get down, get down. [screams] [rapid gunfire] screams. [shouting] [screams] >> play out there. this photo of the former president show you snapped just seconds after he was shot there you saw it happen on your screen. the bullet gracing his ear. that was fired by ar-style weapon that photo now reminder of attempted assassination in butler, pennsylvania. as trump raised his fist in the air. and yelled out fight. can you see that blood on his ear and his face. take a look at what trump is saying now about that photo to the "new york post." it's been seen everywhere. a lot of people saying it's the
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most iconic photo trump seen telling "the new york post." they are right and i didn't die. usually have to die to have iconic picture. i wanted to keep speak bug i just got shot. protesters. some of the crowds here. nothing too major. no major issues. the milwaukee police department though says they will be on high alert. this is what the chair of the coalition had to say. let listen. >> i think trump brings a lot of hate and the shooting has nothing to do with us. we are going to continue with the march as we planned. >> so the marches will happen here in milwaukee. the former president is now here in wisconsin. wants to see what he has to say in person. as this all continues to play out. i think a lot of people are still in shock wondering how this is going to impact the election and former president trump as he moves northward here. back to you. >> steve: indied. >> brian: alex isis, i'm wondering from someone there one of the biggest surprises in retrospect in the shooting nobody stampeded, nobody left.
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did that strike you at the time that you said okay, they are shooting, and no one seemed to panic. that's my per sense. i'm on the outside. you were there. >> yeah. i think because it happens, you know so, quickly and at first with those pops it sounded almost like fireworks and then because the secret service and those police moved in so quickly and got everything under control and were giving pretty loud verbal commands, people just kind of hit the ground. then there was that fire where they were firing at that gunman about a football field away from where the president was outside of the security barrier up on that roof top. when people were firing back people tried to stood as low as they could. if he stood up how many others possibly wounded and saw that poor man lost his life sitting up in the stands. saw him sitting next to his family and a gruesome scene, people wanted to stay and wait for the police. >> steve: the former president has led a go fund me to try to get some money to those families. i think we will have a total.
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>> brian: about 3 million. >> steve: gigantic number. alexis, your conch the other night was absolutely riveting. we heard apparently there were a bunch of people saying there is a guy up on that roof with a gun. now it sounds like the secret service is saying we weren't responsible for anything outside the perimeter. and it sounds like the guy showed up with a rifle now that people are putting the stories together. showed one a rifle. noticed him at the security thing. they started to alert everybody, hey, keep an eye on him. next thing you know he climbs up and as soon as a cop came up and said what are you doing? and pointed the gun at him turned around and started shooting bang, bang, bang. right then. it was all within a matter of seconds. >> we were told by the pennsylvania state police a at the briefing how long was he up there for? they said he was up there for a very short amount of time. it wasn't like he according to
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the investigators really was up there ahead of time. left a weapon up there according to these sources he just climbed up that ladder and up there for a matter of seconds before he fired off those shots. something important to point out when we are talking about this security perimeter and him being able to kind of get to and from there so easily, this area where that all was is so close to the stage, that's where the motorcade also came new testament where that building was, this glass building where he was hiding out. he also according to some neighbors parked his van that now had these explosives in it just a block away. so he parks, walks up with gahanna and able to walk through these buildings and get up onto the roof top. people have a lot of questions. those thousands of people, including us walking into the rally you got wanded and got your bags checked. why wasn't somebody able to be checked barely outside of the perimeter? >> ainsley: hurt, alexis, thank you so much. watching this over and over and over. it's still dramatic, still very emotional for all of america to see because if he had not turned his head just a little bit, we
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would be telling a different story today. and when he this that interview on his plane with "the new york post." he talked a lot about the bruises that he had on his body because he was tackled by the secret service. >> the linebacker. >> he called them the linebackers. he talked about why he lost his shoes. he said they hit him so hard his shoes telling off. he was so inducted to the secret service. he was thanking them profusely. and he said i wanted to keep speaking but i got shot. he did have a loose, large white bandage over his right ear. and the reporter said it tore off a small piece of his ear. >> brian: you have james coppin haver, 74 years old township. he was wounded and in critical condition. we understand david dutch, 57 of kensington, pennsylvania and a person who lost his life. covering his family. core comperatore 50 years old from pennsylvania. one of which was in the medical tent with the former president. that's why i imagine he put that
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on truth social immediately. because he knows people paid the price for supporting him. and that must be tough to live with. >> very have to get the image of the firefighter lost his life. corey's uniform hanging up. >> steve: he was an official. told the "new york post" that he wanted to continue the speech but the secret service mr. president we have got to go we don't know if there is somebody else. >> ainsley: like teddy roosevelt. he continued his speech. >> brian: think about that. >> steve: symmetry. 7:08 on the east coast. 6:08 in milwaukee. peter doocy has more from milwaukee after president biden's rare oval office address last night. it was 6 minutes long at 8:00 p.m. >> peter: yeah, late last night around the time of that address. also this morning, pennsylvania avenue, in front of the white house remains closed to pedestrian traffic it. appears the secret service is trying to increase security here
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by controlling access to the area around campus as pirnsd is asking people to cool it with some of the overheated political talk. >> let's remember, here in america, our unity is the most allusive of all goals right now. nothing is more important for us now than standing together. we can do this. let's never lose sight of who we are. let's remember we are the united states of america. there is nothing, nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. be. >> peter: tonight, president biden was s. going to fly to the west coast political events in las vegas. after a few days of a paused campaign. there is going to be an nbc interview and then we are told following the president's interview monday evening, both the dnc and the campaign will continue drawing the contrast between our positive vision for the future and trump and republicans' backwards looking agenda over the course of the
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week. based on president biden's own words last night. we would expect this restarted campaign to stop using words about trump like threat and focus more on issues they think are winners for them like abortion access. but we will see. and in addition to president biden's rare phone call to donald trump, nbc is reporting an even rarer conversation following melania trump's emotional tribute to her husband, dr. jill biden reportedly phoned her. we have asked white house officials for some more details about that call. back to you. >> brian: peter, i thought that letter from -- melania trump's letter. >> ainsley: beautiful. >> brian: one of the most moving things i have read. you think my shut a political animal, but is he a father, he is a grandfather, and he also said my life and barron's life especially would have been changed forever. >> ainsley: said her family came to the brink of a disefs stating change. >> steve: peter, about four or five days ago we were talking about how top democrats behind the scenes were trying to replace joe biden as.
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>> brian: i forgot about that story. >> steve: i was just reading this morning that it sounds like after the assassination attempt now, the democrats are essentially standing down. they are going okay, if we have to talk about unity, we better stand behind joe biden. >> peter: well, at the moment every elected democrat, including the president is calling for a pause, really, in some of the really sensational political talk. and if they are going to go forward replacing joe biden, that would require a lot of very overheated sensational political maneuvering. and it just does not seem like anybody has the app. tight to do that anymore. and so president biden right now, spent the weekend trying to be the president as opposed to a candidate. but starting tonight, is he going to go back to being a candidate. and it doesn't seem like there is going to be -- they have the wind is-there is no wind mind
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the democrats who are trying to remove him. and, you notice, and it probably makes sense this is the case. but, the last 48 hours, all the paper statements from democrats on the hill who have been waiting to come out and say they think it's firearm joe to go, they all stopped. we haven't seen any since trump was in butler. >> brian: fascinating time. >> ainsley: it really is. >> brian: thanks so much, peter. >> brian: senator booker gave an interview. when he was doing the interview what about president biden. he didn't do a chris coons. chris coons goes listen, he's our guy. you listen clyburn he's our guy. i thought cory booker doesn't even call out menendez who obviously is a crook and he is hopefully. >> steve: an alleged crook. >> brian: believe me. everyone has gold bars in their closet and pockets. we will see what happens there. >> ainsley: in their pockets? >> brian: he would not call out
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anybody and he would not support the president. >> steve: just one other thing from the interview michael good win and byron york did with the former president in route to milwaukee yesterday. donald trump said he appreciated the phone call from joe biden. and it sounds like things could be more civil between the two of them and then there was this line in the report in the "new york post" this morning. trump said we hear that biden will order the doj to drop the prosecutions of him. will the two jack smith things. trump told the reporters it sounds like, according to we here that, could happen. no public sign of that actually happening. we don't know what the two really talked about. so, stay tuned. >> brian: that would be interesting. you know what also would be great bring in lawrence. lawrence, you are talking to the people and get your reaction what we are learning as we get through. this looks like momentum has dropped to get rid of joe biden,
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president biden as the nominee. >> lawrence: yeah, i think everyone is watching this moment. what happened to donald trump changed american history it. changed the way we are looking at the political landscape today. it changes the way that they're going to go at each other. you know, it's like one of those things kind of like, ainsley, i think it's genesis 50 or so. what the enemy meant to harm me god used it for my good? and i think that's what is happening for donald trump. he has taken this moment that could have very well been the end of him. we could still be reading the obituary today. preparing for a state funeral at the capitol. and he has used as a rallying call to fight. to come together. to unite as a country. we have been talking about everything today. but i think we should get reaction from the people today about that moment. how they feel about the former president. and that assassination attempt. let's talk with some of my friends here. sir, obviously the news of the
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assassination attempt against the former president, they wanted him to delay coming to milwaukee. he decided to show up yesterday. what's your reaction to all of this? >> i love to see this. and is he great man. and we need him. we need him desperately because what we got now is a joke. when you have got blimps going over your and 300,000 acres owned by other countries and you have got a war over in u.k. that he started. he said just give me a little bit, the russian army. and he moved in. what did he do? he killed 350,000 people from russian alone and the million dollars of dollars lost in ukraine. go to the border how that sucks. all these people we are paying for them. that's not fair. only for one thing, a vote. a vote. [applause] >> and that's bullshit.
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>> lawrence: obviously passion and rhetoric. how do you feel about this moment? the president showing up, fist up saying we are going to fight. >> the fist up was awesome. that's one of the neatest thing. the fist up. i'm shook up. i have six children. and 20 to 30 years of age. and i'm looking at the next generation. and they are looking at someone who gets shot and it's still -- i didn't sleep well at all. you think -- i'm looking at just as a civilian on tv, on forks looking at if you look at the roofs and area i'm not a service guy. >> lawrence: you have questions. >> how can someone get on a roof in 130 yards distance and no one see it. watching a bunch of podcast. civilians a guy got a run. he has a rifle. all of this and they are saying
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it to the police. fbi, or whoever, and nothing is happening. you know, where the citizens see it and so i'm just there was not going to be answers. i believe we are not going to get the answers we need and it's going to be covered up. >> lawrence: such a great point. heard this passion call from citizens if you see something, say something. people see something and nothing was done. let's go to you, sir how do you feel about this moment in the president is set to address the rnc? what do you want to hear from him? >> well, i would like to hear what his plans are for the border. what i'm most impressed with is who survives an assassination attempt and then flies to milwaukee the next day. just so impressing. there is nobody throughout that would be able to do that. he's my guy. >> lawrence: thank you so much. i think he is saying you are his guy as well.
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[ applause ] >> lawrence: i know it's passionate and heated. i think that's the tone we are hearing. people are upset. but they are resilient and they are saying if the former president had the courage to stand and show up after secret service security official said let's hold off a little bit. then they are going to show up for him and we are so excited to here with them today. thank you. i will send it back to you. >> ainsley: lawrence, i looked up the scripture genesis 50-20. you intended to harm me. >> ainsley: i was close. >> ainsley: god attempted good the saving of many lives. >> steve: now what the former president is going to talk about this week is unity and bringing us all together. and, you know, we want to see that because we could not be more far apart tilt. >> brian: not only the timing we haven't had this since 1980, 1981. two days later we are at the rnc. so then you have the whole party. all different factions, all
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different expertise, all different passions meeting these many meetings. and then you have got the big event right across the street. everyone is coming together. immediately, instead of saying what does donald trump want? what does the trump campaign want? all you have to do is call his postal room. everyone is within walking distance to get on the same page, i think you have an opportunity to really bringts country together. >> ainsley: i do too. >> brian: he sees that state of >> steve: i think you are absolutely right. i wouldn't be surprised if he starts tonight and makes surprise appearance. some suggestion he might appear with whoever is going to be the vice president. >> ainsley: some announced nikki haley will be tonight. >> brian: two biggest story. the vice president and joe biden's future. >> ainsley: nikki haley is going to speak at the convention, too. >> steve: tomorrow. >> ainsley: we go now to jonathan serrie who joins us live from the shooting suspect's hometown of bethel park, pennsylvania with the latest in this investigation. jonathan? >> good morning to you, ainsley, the shooter, of course, is dead. authorities believe he acted
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alone but their investigation is far from over. right now they are trying to gain access to his locked cell phone to see what data they can download. they are hoping to learn more about him. and piece together the sequence of events that led him to this shooting on saturday. the fbi says it's investigating this as both an assassination attempt and possible domestic terrorism. investigator say they found bomb making materials in the shooter's home and rudimentary explosive devices in his car. they brought those to the fbi lab for further analysis. the alleged gunman, 20-year-old thomas matthew corroboration was not on law enforcement's radar. they found no social media threats, no manifesto. no clues as to his motive. a former high school classmate described him as a loner and outcast frequently bullied in school. the shooting has raised serious questions about current security, protocols and that secret service perimeter around
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the venue while the secret service provided protection for the former president inside the rally venue. relied on local police to patrol outside. secret service spokesman said rally did report suspicious destroyed local police but unable to locate him before he climbed on the roof of that building and began firing al which point a secret service sniper returned fire. the buffalo township volunteer fire company is honoring one of its long time firefighters, corey comperatore, an enthusiastic trump supporter was at that rally and he died in the shooting. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro met with the victim's widow who described corey as a girl dad who went to church every sunday and loved his community and his family. >> she also asked that i share with all of you that corey died a hero. that corey dove on his family to
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protect them last night at this rally. corey was the very best of us. may his memory be a blessing. >> two other rally attendees were seriously injured. they are still hospitalized but now in stable condition. and then about that go fund me site, that the trump campaign helped to organize and promote to raise money for the victims and their families, it's now up to more than $3.6 million. back to you guys. >> brian: all right. thanks so much. >> ainsley: incredible. >> ainsley: people are so good. they give so much. 3.6 million. >> steve: we all saw it. today by the way. the secret service director is set to brief lawmakers on the apparent security failures at saturday's trump rally. i don't think we have to say apparent security failures. >> brian: former secret service agent dan emit joins us now. have you been watching the coverage and doing this for a living. what stands out to you and what
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question would you lead with today if you are tom cotton or somebody else questioning the secret service? >> my first question would probably be how the hell did this happen? >> brian: because of the perimeter? >> one that needs addressing. and maybe give an opportunity just to kind of talk about it but essentially what you had was a shooter on top of a building that should have not been there and that should have been a police post. someone should have been up there they were not. whether it was directly her fault is irrelevant. it hits the reef even though the captain may be asleep at the time. that is just how it works. and so she should be having a retirement party here fretty soon in my view. >> ainsley: hey, dan, who determines the perimeter? secret service is blaming the local pennsylvania police for not securing the roof top. when an ar is able to shoot
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600 yards, and this why was 130 yards from the stage. why wasn't the perimeter larger and who determines the peri perimeter? >> >> first thing we need to talk about. donald trump is the former president. former. a lot of people addressing this situation as if is he a current sitting president. he doesn't get the same package that the sitting president gets. site agents are limited by the people they're given and resources they have to operate with for a former president, so, and a lot of resources are tied up at the convention. a lot of them are tied up doing other things. and so, there were not enough agents there. he was relying mostly on the local police to help with that perimeter. as far as who determines it, the site agent himself will determine that. the outer perimeter though is normally thanked by uniformed police officers. >> steve: yeah, i wouldn't be surprised if we have seen the
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last of our outdoor rallies unless they use that bullet proof glass which we have seen in the past. mr. emit. thank you very much for giving us your expertise today. >> ainsley: thank you. >> steve: you bet. we are live in milwaukee all week long. day one of the rnc. stay with us. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ 1bsz # - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct.
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. former president trump arriving here in milwaukee for the rnc yesterday. some 24 hours after a literal brush with death. trump initially planned to delay his arrival but then later reversed course saying he could not allow the heinous event to dictate his schedule. so what does this say about the president's spirit and stamina? fox news medical contributor joins us now. hey, dr. siegel. >> hi, ainsley great to see you. >> ainsley: good to see you, too. as a medical professional what does this say about his stamina and his overall health? >> first of all i want to talk about how inspire toler this is. we as medical professionals have great faith. the he turned his head at the
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right tie i spoke to cardinal dolan a friend of the show. this is absolute miracle. he never leaves the crowd. is he always looking at the crowd. he happened to look where and just hicketd him. when he grazed him that showed alacrity and great response time which we need in a leader and et gets up. put his fist up and says fights. against what? we are talking about a fight or flight mechanism. deep rooted response to the brain. fight or flight he is obviously fighting. that's another thing we need. goes home, gets out of the hospital incredibly kick quickly. then busy reaching out to people injured corey comperatore. all of that a sign of great recovery, health and courage. you have a choice, ainsley fear or courage. he shows courage. >> ainsley: it's interesting that this has happened to other great leaders. george washington, all of his men were killed and he survived
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and then look at teddy roosevelt it. happened here in milwaukee when he was shot i think it was 1912 outside of the bill patrick hotel and he said it's going to take more than a bullet to kill this bull moose. what do you say about that dr. siegel? >> a lot of people say that tr, teddy roosevelt is reminiscent of trump. a progressive, a populist for the people and he was shot in the eyeglass case shot by a bullet in the eyeglass through his speech. takes speech out full of bullet holes and reads to the crowds. >> ainsley: we're out of time but i want to get to this. his life was likely saved because he turned his head slightly. i have seen images slows down video and images of the brain. bottom image where it hits his ear. if he had not turned his head look at that top image, dr. siegel. >> unbelievable. over 59% chance he would have
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been killed instantly from that part of the brain. brainstem or temporal lobe, cerebral lump. back of the brain vascular. almost nobody survives that literally turning in that instance he saved his life and again great courage followed. should be inspiration to all democrats and republicans both. >> ainsley: god still has a big purpose for his life. thank you so much, dr. siegel for coming un. >> absolutely. a medical miracle. thank you. >> it is. even his doctor said that at the hospital. good to see you too. lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends ahead of the convention. l.j.?
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and making adjustments to his big speech this week after the attempted assassination attempt on his life. bill melugin is here in milwaukee with his. bill, what can you tell us about what the president is going to say inside that arena in a couple of nights? >> well, steve, good morning to you. the attempted assassination of donald trump is changing everything he planned to say here at the rnc this week. originally he was really going to go after joe biden and his policies, now he says he is essentially tearing his speech up. and starting all over. here's what he told "the washington examiner," quote: the speech i was going to give on thursday was going to be a humdinger. had this not happened, this would have been one of the most incredible speeches. honestly, it's going to be a whole different speech now. top trump adviser jason miller ads this. >> it was dictating to us some additional things that he wants in his speech he's looks ahead to thursday. and i think the tone is really going to impress people. he knows that this is a key moment.
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and he is the only one who can step up and lead in this time. and this country is desperate for leadership. >> now trump arrived here in milwaukee last night just one day after he was shot miraculously survived. so close to being killed on saturday. party officials say the show here will go on as intended with everything kicking off today, we are still waiting to find out exactly who is going to be speaking today. we do know what they will be speaking about. take a look at this. every day of this rnc has a specific theme. today is make america wealthy again with a focus on inflation and the economy. tomorrow is make america safe again with the focus on the border and crime, last two days are make america strong once again. and make america great once again. thursday night is when the former president will speak himself. back out here live. big development. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley has been invited and will be speaking here at the rnc tomorrow night. that is a significant development and shows
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potentially some bridges being mended between donald trump and nikki haley after what was a brutal primary season between the two of them. constantly attacking each other. as for trump's vp pick. we could be finding that out as soon as today. we will send it back to you, steve. >> steve: it's about unity and they have thrown out the script. it's very exciting. bill, thank you very much for the live report. so what do folks want to hear from republican leaders this week? lawrence is actually talking to a bunch of republicans. and diners as well. and democrats and independents at the machine shed not far from where we are sitting. he is in pee pee weaky, wiscon. >> lawrence: what do you want to hear from the leaders today. >> i really want to what the economy is going to be for us because we really suffering
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middle class suffering. gas, food. i want them to talk to us about what they're going to do what is the plan. >> lawrence: what is going to make life better for us americans? >> lawrence: ma'am, what's your name? >> char mean. >> lawrence: ma'am, what do you want to hear from our leaders today. >> i want to hear what they are going to do to combat some of the crime going on in the streets of milwaukee. >> lawrence: why would you be supporting donald trump? >> for change. we have had democratic control in milwaukee for the last 65 years. and we haven't gotten anything. and so it's like you can't keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. we have to do something different. >> lawrence: so well said. thank you so much. [applause] >> lawrence: a lot of people agree with her. sir, what do you want to hear from our leaders today?
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this is a big day, make america wealthy again is the theme for monday. >> i'm looking forward to seeing a show of strength. i want to see donald trump come forward and make it clear that america is moving back into leadership in the world. that he is no longer going to allow america to be pushed around by foreign forces that don't have our best interest in mind. obviously with what's going on in ukraine, mideast, israel, we need to move back to being a world power and taking our leadership role. and that's what i wants to hear mr. trump say. >> lawrence: i think he started that with that big fist pump the other day. >> absolutely. [applause] >> lawrence: i want you all to hear from one of my friends, lawrence, i just need to tell the audience two things you said this country needs two things and what are those two things? >> i think this current administration has just disseminated this country. cremated it. we only need two things to make it better, that's god back in our nation and trump.
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everything will fall into place and then we will have -- he. >> lawrence: when you saw the former president who was shot in the ear. >> um-huh. >> tackled by the secret service and then get back up. what went through your mind during that moment? >> what a warrior. he is fighting for us. he is fighting for us. >> >> lawrence: thank you so much. >> you are welcome. >> lawrence: you would think, you know, after what happened with the former president, it would be much of a sovereign move at the diner. everybody is excited. they wants better from the country and hear inspirational meigs messages and unity as well. unity around what is good for america. i will send it back to you. >> steve: all right, lawrence, that's right. the big party convention and the town is kind of at a party atmosphere because this is the big week. keep it right here. congressman wesley hunt is going to join us live from milwaukee
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♪ >> ainsley: we are back with a couple of headlines for you. the photographer behind this photography of a bullet speeding past the head of former president trump. the moment shots were fired on saturday. >> first i thought it was motorcycle or some sort of machinery. and then when i saw him grab his ear and he kind of whence and thought oh my god he has been shot. >> pulitzer prize winning recover from said he didn't know he had taken a moment of the bullet until he saw the raw image from his camera. >> melania trump is set to make an appearance. the former first lady making emotional statement yesterday following the assassination attempt on her husband. saying when i saw that bullet strike my husband donald. i realized my son and my life was brink devastating changes. inhuman political machine
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attempted to ring out donald's passion, laughter, ingenuity and love of music and inspiration. the core facets of my husband's life. human side buried below the. >> brian: that letter was unbelievable. thanks, ainsley. fox news alert. today the secret service director set to brief lawmakers on the security failures at saturday's trump rally. what do they want to hear? let's bring in g.o.p. congressman, wes point grad wesley hunt. congressman, you spoke to don jr. you haven't spoke to the former president yet. what question do you have with your military background and your security knowledge? >> the biggest question is how does an assailant get on a roof top that close to the former and future president of the united states. brian they say it's up to local police to worry about that laptop they are worried about further back. >> 150 yards of anything that's an easy shot for anybody that could be really just a
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recreational shooter. rewere talking earlier with my ar i could absolutely make that shot from 150 yards away. basically a chip shot. the idea that we're going to try to blame other people for allowing anybody to get that close in the first place, i think that's a bit of a cop out. >> brian: i hate being critical of law enforcement. but strategically, you got to find out what is going on. do you want to get to the bottom of the fact that some -- real clear politics is reporting that they took resources and gave it to jill biden in pennsylvania's appearance and hurt president trump's security in his pennsylvania appearance? >> congress needs to act right now. i'm on the house judiciary committee. oversight is going to take a look at this as well. we need a full investigation. we need the truth. this is cannot ever happen again. >> brian: we know being politically correct and dei got us kamala harris as a vice president. so many different industries have been hurt. is this part of the process when you have the dei director saying, excuse me when you have the secret service director
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saying her goals for the agency? listen. >> we need to attracted diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce. and particularly women. >> brian: she wanted her goal was 30% of the force being women. just get the best people for goodness sakes. >> that's ridiculous. as a combat guy, as a veteran, a west point guy i don't care what race, religion, color creed you are i want the best person for the job when i flew apaches in baghdad i didn't really care what the person looked like. i wanted to make sure that person had my six and do their job so i could get home and back to my family after combat deployment. this has to stop. we are seeing it the in military. we are seeing it in the secret service. i understand the idea of wanting more diversity. i have been black for a long time, brian, i get it. i like the idea of having people from all walks of life in participating in service to this country. it's about the best person that wants to do it. when you start focusing on dei and start focusing on the actual mission itself. >> right now if you are
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president trump, would you go back and do a rally again? would you be hesitant? >> i'm i know president trump of course is he going to. i do want to say this as apache pilot flying in combat i have been shot at before. the courage under fire that we saw from president trump is absolutely unprecedented. he gets shot and the first thing he wants to do is get his shoes back on. tell the world to continue to fight for this cause. and walk off that stage with dignity. so that's the same guy that i am sure is going to be back at a rally in no time. >> brian: i asked dana white. ufc president, one of his best friends. when those guys get in the ring, where do you rank the president? he said without hesitation he is the toughest guy i know. wait a second to get in the octagon you have got to be elite competitor. donald trump is the toughest guy he knows. that's before he got shot. >> you are absolutely correct. the idea this guy was playing golf 9:00 a.m. the very next day. i got to tell you it's admirable but god had his hands on him in that moment. i know what it feels like to get
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shot at and realize i'm still here. i have kissed the ground before after a few missions. i now have a reinvigorated spirit about life. we will see that from president trump. >> brian: get america wealthy today is the theme in your financial services, you outdressed me and i'm really hurt. because i have a wardrobe deal and you don't. thank you so much. >> thank you, brian. always. brother. >> brian: rnc as continued as plan. maybe a different tone. milwaukee's police chief on how officials are prepping security for night one. don't move. you are watching "fox & friends" from milwaukee. ♪ ♪
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