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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way.
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this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way. >> steve: it is 7:00 a.m. here in milwaukee, where former president donald trump arrived yesterday at the republican national convention which officially kicks off today. >> brian: the country is still reeling from the assassination attempt in pennsylvania which nearly killed the former president. >> ainsley: trump telling new york posts the doctor said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle, i'm not
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supposed to be here, i'm supposed to be dead. many people are saying it is by god i'm still here. >> steve: in the oval office, president biden making a rare address, six minutes long, the message? unity. >> president biden: disagreement is inevitable, part of human nature. politics must never be battlefield, a killing field. i believe politics ought to be arena for peaceful debate, pursue justice, make decisions guided by the constitution. we stand for decency and grace. we face time of testing as the election approaching, higher the stakes the more fervent it will come. >> ainsley: team coverage from peter doocy at the white house,
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jonathan seerie, is in bethel park. and lawrence jones is speaking to the diner and alexanis in milwaukee. >> we were about 100 feet from the former president up on the stage talking to americans about the main issues and we heard the pops that were gunfire and the excitement turned into know paic. the gunman was taken out by secret service. still hard to believe this played out. watch. >> take a look at what happened -- [shotting fired] [shots fired] >> unbelievable video there, you see him grab his ear and blood
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dripping down his head. we are hearing from the director of the secret service kimberly cheatle calling this an act of violence. in addition to security enhance m mentes we are ensuring continued protection for the convention and remainder of the campaign. that is first time we're hearing from cheatle. the bullet grazed his ear. that photo reminder of an assassination attempt. a lot of people say it is the most iconic statement they have ever seen. they are right and i didn't die.
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i wanted to keep speaking, but i just got shot. protesters are expected to be at the rnc to march today. we are talking about bigger crowds than here yesterday. 5 5000 protesters expected saying they did not change their plans. >> i think trump breeds hate and it the shooting has nothing to do with us and we'll continue with the march as planned. >> there will be heightened security here. people are piecing this together, we will see what the former president's announcement is of the v.p. and what his demeanor is in wisconsin. >> steve: might see him later today. alexis was talking about the protesters. last night i went to the welcome fest, there were 20 or 30
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protesters that rented big space across, apartment building that said biden/harris 2024. t trace adkins drown them out. >> brian: his tenth album, gotten past that now, roman numeral x. tell me about x. >> ainsley: he said, you did not learn roman numerals in school. >> steve: ken. jonathan seerie, is live in bethel park, pennsylvania. jonathan, they have his phone and his digital stuff and are trying to figure out why he did it. >> jonathan: yeah, exactly. that phone is locked. it is at the fbi lab. investigators trying to figure out how to extract data from it
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and learn more about this g gunman. they want to piece together a sequence of events leading up to the shooting. the fbi is investigating this as both an assassination attempt and a potential domestic terrorism incident. they found explosive devices in his home and car. they were brought for analysis. thomas crooks was not on law enforcement radar, no manifesto, not a lot of social media, no threats. investigators have yet to determine a motive and are unaware of ideology. he was described as loner and outcast that was bullied in school. there is finger pointing whether the secret service perimeter was
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wide enough outside that perimeter. local police were handling the area and that is where the shooter fired. secret service director kimberly cheatle issued a statement today saying the secret service is working with all involved federal, state and local agencies to understand what happened, how it happened and how we can prevent an incident like this from taking place again. mourning long-time firefighter that had served as a former chief, corey comperatore was at the rally and died in the shooting. family and friends say he used his body to shield his wife and daughter and they survived uninjured. two others are hospitalized in
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stable condition. the trump campaign helped launch a go fund me campaign to raise money to help the victims and their families of this horrible shooting and it has surpassed 3.6 million. back to you. br >> bryan: he shared medical tent with one of the victims. they would not have been victims had they not been supporters of his. a lot of times it takes a while to sink in. >> steve: security profile changed at the rnc, one man who would know the police chief jeffrey norman. you have been preparing for the rnc for months. >> yes, 18. >> steve: what happened president other night happened,
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how did that change your job? >> it is important to understand we have to be fluid and need to be able to pivot whenever we need the response for this type of security level. like i said before, 18 months of planning, this is a -- >> steve: you plan for everything. absolutely, i will say we plan as much as we can plan. there will always be something that will throw a screwball, we have to have resources to respond and one to prevent. >> ainsley: how are you preparing for night one? >> continue to work with our partners, this is a respected event in regard that we need to work with each other, have communication and also resources are here. we make sure we have ability to respond based on behavior and intelligence we received. >> brian: the president has been targeted saturday and escaped with his life, how does that
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change what you need to know about his movement? he wanted to surprise with vice president, he might appear today on monday or tuesday, how many days do you have to prepare. we have a fly coming through here. >> steve: have you been preparing for flies? >> brian: go ahead, don't you need notice? >> we like as much notice as possible, it is always a fluid situation and we have to be nimble to respond to that. communication is key, we need to commu communicate. and be flexible. security and responsibility for proion is paramount. we will able to flex or be able to spin in regard to whatever situation comes up >> steve: without revealing too much about security where we are, we are in probably one of
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the safest spotses in america. there is a ring of steel and another ring of steel. secret service is saying outside perimeter, it was local police department's job to with the shooter and stuff like that. you are the local police, i notice you have a lot of help. on the way back from our hotel, i noticed vehicles from forth worth, texas police department. >> i will say this, we have so much support across the state and this nation. i'm appreciative of major know county chiefs and sheriffs and police chiefs, all in with that support and we do need those type of resources. like military, we have coverage, land, sea and air and it is important to reassure our public that we take this seriously.
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this area and entire city. >> brian: when we go away and pres leaves, what is milwaukee's big hurdle they have to clear. how is crime in milwaukee? what is your biggest challenge? >> we have a challenge for car carjacking and individuals taking somebody's vehicle by gunpoint. police department does well in regard to making people held accountable for that. have individuals out there understand you will not get away with it. accountability is real. those being here as tourists and those who work or play, be vij le upon lent, get off your phone. individuals like to take advantage. >> ainsley: thank you for your service, your dedication, your career and we love law
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enforcement at fox news. >> steve: milwaukee is a great town, we feel safe. >> brian: cunninghams were safe on happy days. >> you had to go there. the fonz is over there. >> brian: i saw that. >> steve: don't jump the shark. m meanwhile, we are right across from the arena, hq for the rnc this week. not far we are in wisconsin, lawrence is at a diner talking to folks about what they expect this week. lawrence. >> lawrence: yeah, let's talk with the people, big convention, with news about the former president and everything, it has brought more eyeballs to this convention, let's talk with these young ladies. what do you want to hear? what do you look to see? >> i want to hear message of unity and what he's planning to do as far as a platform.
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and i want to see that strength that we saw the other night that -- i mean, he did not have to do the things, he had it made, he had everything. he's really put that all at risk for the sake of our country and all americans. >> lawrence: ma'am, it used to be a saying, i would take a bullet for you. he's taken a bullet for the movement, right? >> he has. thank goodness he ducked down, there were other bullets that followed and it could have been fatal. >> lawrence: we lost a former fire chief that day, what are your thoughts for the families today? >> my hearts go out to them, so sad for anything like this to happen to anybody. >> lawrence: i appreciate it. got this lovely, this is what we do on tv, just go through like a
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maze. what are your thoughts about this convention? what do you want to hear? >> on saturday, we saw the hand of god at that rally. as a nation, the lord is for us but as a nation, are we for god? we need to get god back into the picture. >> lawrence: such a groeat poin. even the former president said it was for god, because of god he's here today. i want to talk to this young lady because she has a message for the former president donald trump. what is your message? >> make schools great again. >> lawrence: i think we can get behind that. [applause] >> lawrence: that's what i'm talking about. you hear from the mouth of babes. she goes, let's make our schools
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great again. >> ainsley: all get behind that. >> brian: i want to see, is that one of the themes? >> steve: today is make america wealthy again. >> brian: we don't have education day, i'm surprised about that. >> lawrence: out of days for the convention. >> ainsley: be here friday. grand great job, president biden delivering rare address from the oval office last night urging country counter to come together. >> b peter doocy has more. >> peter: president biden has gone from trying to unite people to get republicans, democrats, independences, to cool it. >> president biden: nothing is more important for us right now and standing together, we can do this. let's never lose sight of who we
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are. remember we are the united states of america. there is nothing, nothing, beyondor capacity when we do it together. >> peter: there has been a pause in biden campaign commercials, the campaign will pick up against. president bide if he follows through, he will stop using words like bullseye. both the dnc and campaign will continue drawing contrast between our positive future and trump and the agenda for the week. dr. jill biden phoned melania trump after the former first lady posted a heart-felt post to her husband. the vice president will be briefed by hmo team in the
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situation room at 11:00 and it comes as officials at the fbi try to figure out what is on the gunman's phone and what may have motivated him. back to you. >> steve: when was last time we saw joe biden work so much over a weekend? >> peter: a lot out of the ordinary for the president. he traveled back from roberts rohoboth beach late at night. it has been a long time we saw him twice on a weekend. >> steve: shows the gravity. >> brian: and the fact he got the george stephanopoulos interview and now the lester holt interview and the speeches, he's worked more in public eye over the laftz two weeks than over the last three years. >> peter: they were trying to
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figure out ways to get him out more. democrats are saying, show us you are up for it, for a campaign that you can get out and challenge trump. right now the last couple days he's been embracing him and calling him donald like they are old pals. it is an opportunity for a reset and both biden and trump are saying that the assassination attempt has changed everything, it did for the weekend, see how long that lasts. >> steve: and both talking about unity. >> brian: and change the bullseye comment and democracy ending. here is the issues, make a choice. >> ainsley: democrats have said so much vitriol on both sides, we need to stop that.
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so glad jill biden called melania. she tsdz we were on the brink of major change in our family for me and barron and you haddic and ivanka say this is the anniversary of their mother's death and they thought she was an angel in heaven watching out for their father on earth. >> steve: and donald trump had written a hum dinger of a speech he told new"new york post." tore it up, in the wake of what almost took his life lindsey graham says he has a new lease on life. the former president's speech will be about unity and joe biden talking aboutun yooity. see how long it lasts. >> ainsley: finally, you can have different opinions in politics, put america first. >> steve: violence is never
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acceptable. >> ainsley: crude comments, sta staffer posted don't miss next time, about trump's assassination attempt. this is what we're talking about. >> steve: that has to stop, lee zeldin is live in milwaukee. >> brian: he got tackled. >> steve: good morning, sir. asked /* /* introducing mylowe's rewards. the new way to unlock savings from the palm of your hand. with every purchase, all loyalty members earn points toward mylowe's money. plus you get free gifts and free shipping. the all-new mylowe's rewards program is here. download the app to join, earn and save today.
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therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> brian: fox news alert. secret service says they are working to prevent an incident like this from taking place again. madeleine rivera live from washington. expand on that, please. >> madeleine: secret service says the shooter was outside a security perimeter and the area is under the responsibility of local police. so many people including hmo secretary alejandro mayorkas is questioning how the gunman was able to get that close to the president. a spokesperson is dispelling clear politics in crabtree, who
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says the agency shifted resources from trump to first lady jill biden. they say that is not the case. l lawmakers want answers from kimberly cheatle. before president biden tapped her for her role, she was glow glowingal security at pepsico and was in the secret service and served on biden security detail when he was vice president. has the vetting process become les strict? sgls as a veteran, i don't care what race, religion, creed you are. i don't care what the person looked like, i want that person
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to do their job so i can get home back to my family after combat deployment. >> madeleine: pushing back on criticism surroundings dei saying no time has the secret service lowered standards and cheatle and saying they will work on oversieth agz yash. >> brian: the nation reals from this assassination attempt as staffer for thompson is fired after posting on facebook, a quote, don't miss next time, just after the shooting. lee zeldin was wons attacked on the campaign trail in 22, he joins us now. shot at the president, we have not had since 1981, your
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thoughts about benny thompson and his staffer? >> he was wrong to push to get rid of secret service and sets culture inside his staff. for anyone who follows him, when you see a staffer criticizing the assassination attempt was not successful, that starts at the top. benny thompson bares his own responsibility and what is first and foremost in this country, we settle scores at the ballot box. i am tired of seeing republicans atta attacked steve scalise, brett kavanaugh, me in 2022, rand paul. this assassination attempt on president trump. the push is republicans and democrats need to talk about unmute versal truth, we settle at the ballot box. if that was joe biden who was on
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the receiving end of that and i would never wish that in a million years, the left would be w wanting president trump to be indicted and saying this is all president trump's fault. here we are because president trump is aare tacked, there are people who want to blame trump as he had it coming. i want us to unite and bring the temperature down. this keeps happening to know ares and we say republicans and democrats should unite. if happened to joe biden, there would be a push to indict president trump. >> brian: we love a big reset, let's debate policy, not personality and bring the temperature down. looks like 24 lawmakers according to politico, headline, they want joe biden to say have
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an open convention, here it is. president biden -- delegates who pledged to nominate him for a second term, meaning open convention in august. i think he settled the ship and now with this horrible event on saturday, but doesn't look like it. >> this is a weak, flawed candidate, who is not just weak to be candidate, will have down-ballot impact that will likely cost them the senate, it could cost the house. there are people who might be successful, he will tank the democrats ticket and brand. hes will not become more alert, helet have blunders. on friday he referred to zelenskyy as putin and referred to vice president harris as vice president trump.
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talking about taking orders from his commander in chief that was on world stage hosting nato three times in one day. today is a new day and week and probably a new blunder to come. >> brian: naming a running email, president could do that tonight, former president in donald trump. his attitude has been fantastic, toning down speeches to make sure they are not fiery sp speeches. hope to hear from lee zeldin at some point. >> i'll be speaking. it is important to talk s substance and contrast and there are people who have passion and fight. i hope this convention has that opportunity. >> brian: congressman from new york in milwaukee. bret baier is up early and continues great coverage from the convention and sits on our couch next.
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you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. >> steve: fox news alert, this morning, more questions than answers after the assassination attempt on donald trump. as president biden urged everybody to tone it down. >> president biden: here in america, our unity is most elusive of all goals, nothing is more important for us now than standing together. we can do this. let's never lose sight of who we are. remember, we are the united states of america. there is nothing, nothing,
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beyond our capacity when we do it together. >> steve: special report anchor bret baier live on the couch in milwaukee. good to have you. what do you make of joe biden talking about unity? before the shooting, america has been at each other's throats. that reset. >> bret: he had quick remarks before he got back to the white house. using that oval office to bring the country together was the message and he got through. he will not breakthrough this week with all this happening here. interesting position because the democrats on the campaign have been using threat to democracy and how horrific donald trump is and there will be a pause for a few days. >> steve: i read on a phone call
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to donors last week, you have joe biden saying it is time to put trump in a bullseye, that kind of talk has to end. >> bret: i was surprised he did not say, i need to stop that talk and surprised he did not go down personal roads. he is urging everybody to tone it down. >> steve: you talked to the former president yesterday on the phone. >> bret: i did, for 15 or 20 minutes. he's in great shape. >> steve: he tore up his speech. >> bret: he said he had rib roaring democratic speech that was beautiful, best speech ever and he threw it out because he does believe bringing the country together is better.
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i think melania's letter talking about humanizing him, he's a dad and husband and how that moment trans formed it. it will change the convention. >> steve: and lindsey graham was riding with colleagues on the flight into milwaukee and he said after the shooting donald trump had a new lease on life and maybe looking at everything through prism of, i'm lucky to be alive. i get a do-eover. >> bret: i heard that on the phone call. if you look at reagan, not apples to apples. he got shot outside the hilton and jokes, honey, i forgot to joke ands going into surgery, i hope all the republicans are
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surgeons. he went on to win 49 states in the 1994 election. it is a moment that there is a chance and a challenge he can raise to the moment. >> steve: absolutely, what about the iconic photo of him shot and he stands up, fight, fight, fight, that could go down in history as one of the most iconic moments. when is last time we saw a president shot and he stands up and says i'm still going. >> bret: i said, what made you do that, he said he wanted to will it the people he was okay. he was down on the ground and the secret service holding him down. he wanted to say something, they had nothing to do with that. he wanted people to know he was all right and fighting.
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on he thought it was a bee sting and he realized he was bleeding. that imknowledgea, in that moment, who is doing that and turning around and putting their fist up? most are trying to get out of the way. >> steve: bret will spill more beans tonight 6 p.m. eastern time. special coverage of the rnc night one continues with bret and martha tonight 10:00 p.m. thank you. we'll check back in with lawrence in a couple minutes, watching "fox and friends" live from milwaukee live, it is day one.
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>> steve: well, all eyes on that building behind us here in milwaukee as the rnc kicks off. it is day one. >> ainsley: what are voters hoping for this week? lawrence jones is talking to them live at the machine shed in wisconsin. hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: hi, good morning. let's talk to this gentleman here. the theme today, make america wealthy again. what is your current economic
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state about what needs to change? >> we need to get a handle on our food prices. a year ago you spend $100 and now you are spending $30's0 and you don't get raises to make up the difference. >> lawrence: we are expecting the former president to make his first appear aance since the assassination attempt, what do you want to hear from him? >> it will be a blessing to hear from him. i came out from church and looked at my phone and saw there was an incident. during church, god has miracles, seen and unseen, we see the miracle or don't, we need to preach and tell people that god is here because that is what saved trump. >> lawrence: you are even
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emotional right now, thinking about this. what issic taking you back to that moment? >> i am. just that miracle of him turning his head at that precise moment is unbelievable. how can we unsee that. >> lawrence: thank you. if you could talk to the former president right now, i talked to him yesterday, he said, i wanted everyone to know i love him. what do you tell him back? >> that we love him and need to bring the country together and tone down the rhetoric. >> lawrence: thank you, been great being here today, thank y'all. guys, fanl -- fantastic crowd. check in with our colleagues that are at the convention, bill and dana, what is coming up? >> dana: good morning, beautiful statement by her indeed. >> bill: thinking a lot about that and the former president has, as well. how you doing? >> dana: great.
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>> bill: it is day one, we have chairman of the rnc with us today. >> bill: and among all the photographers in butler, pennsylvania, doug mills may have gotten the shot, he is a photographer and will join us live. >> dana: veteran of "new york times." we might find out who the former president is choosing as vice president today. >> bill: a little news happening. >> dana: and more on the investigation, join us in a few minutes on "americas newsroom."
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>> ainsley: former president trump revealing to harris faulkner why his vp pick is so important. just a few hours before saturday's assassination attempt. >> you have to pick a great person. a very important position especially if something bad should happen. that's the most important if something bad should happen, unfortunately. >> ainsley: it is chilling. little did you know a few hours later that would be very important. >> harris: so much of it was chilling in retrospect. he was talking about something
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bad happens and you have a seen an attempt on his life. him being shot and surviving that bullet that grazed him and went by by the hand of god. >> ainsley: absolutely. >> harris: the other thing i talked about was so important was keeping the focus on the american people and how astray the left has gone in its approach to the campaign. and so while biden has been struggling with his speech at many times, this former president, donald trump, is honing his speech. i think you will see a different tone as we go into this convention that started before the attempt on his life. he said i think the people need to be focused on more. we have an in-depth level of conversation and more of a conversation than at interview in parts about inflation. and what he wants to do about that. then he talked about his family. you have a little bit of melania's letter that she wrote. i asked are they all in? he goes into detail things the
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family dealt with, particularly eye ivanka. he said but they are and her letter, i think, is a sign of that. >> ainsley: a portion of that letter released yesterday. when i watched that violent bullet strike my husband, donald, i realized my life and barron's life were on the brink of devastating change. a monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out donald's passion, laughter, music and inspiration. the core facets of my husband's life. his human side were buried below the political machine. she talks about politicians, that is someone's husband, someone's dad, someone's son. >> harris: so was the person who was killed as someone tried to kill donald trump. americans shot at as well and hold them dear in our hearts. she tried to tell you who her husband really is and you have interviewed him. i have never spent as much time as i did at mar-a-lago.
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first of all, it's a gem on the sea. it's beautiful. but he is just so comfortable and really funny. as she talked about his humanity and his personality, it is just so interesting to have seen him before that attempt on his life. so close to it, so relaxed, looking forward to this convention. he knew people by name. you know, he was just really looking forward to the delegates, to everybody here. it will be a special week and that's not a back drop to this, it is a back drop to our nation and our division right now and it is his goal to bring people together. >> ainsley: excellent job. watch the full interview 11:00 a.m. on "the faulkner focus." thank you so much for coming on this morning. this is day one of the national convention, republican national convention. we have special coverage with brett and martha tonight at 10:00. we'll see you tomorrow. >>


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