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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 15, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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i started thinking in my mind. having done this for many years they have to have an egress. i went to the closest step. when i saw him lift him up he is a live, it's good. i saw his hand come through and then it was like oh my gosh, yep, there he is. when he gave that defiant fist pump. he was so mad and defiant and then he said fight, fight, fight and then it was like this stark moment right after that where he must have just like all of a sudden come to him and hit him. he was completely drained and he could see a sea of people scattering everywhere. >> dana: and chanting usa. thank you so much. we'll be back with more.
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"the faulkner focus" has an interview with president trump airing now. >> harris: it is a good day to be former president donald trump. judge cannon has thrown out his classified documents case and says the appointment of special counsel jack smith was unlawful. this legal victory bolstering trump on a day when he is resetting his way forward on the road to the white house. he survived that assassination attempt on his life on saturday. arrived here in milwaukee, wisconsin for the start of the republican national convention. they are set to gavel in here moments away. you may hear a band playing behind me. there is a lot going on where i am live. it all kicks off officially two hours from now. former president trump is here winning in life and now in court. his message will be to stand united after surviving the first
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attempt to kill a united states president in decades. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus" live from the rnc. secret service director released a statement ahead of the convention just this morning. she says she is confident and the agency has reviewed and strengthened its security plan for here. trump arrived yesterday. you are watching him get down off the plane less than 24 hours after being shot at that rally in butler, pennsylvania. >> if you want to really see something, take a look what happened -- [gun fire] [screaming] >> harris: miracle after miracle. the bullet grazed his ear. donald trump ducking down behind what we know to be a barrier,
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protective barrier behind the red, white and blue, stars in the middle. then security moved in to cover him. [screaming and yelling] [crowd chanting usa, usa, usa] >> harris: the former president holding his fist up on his way off the stage. he said fight. the crowd then chanting, as you heard, usa. a striking moment of defiance from him. president biden was briefed immediately following the shooting and he gave an address from the oval office last night. >> president biden: a former president was shot an american citizen killed while exercising his freedom to support the candidate of his choosing. we cannot and must not go down this road in america. we've traveled it before
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throughout our history. violence has never been the answer. >> harris: i'm so glad i'm here. i get to talk with voters, people who watched that, who cried with millions of americans watching a president go down after being shot. not knowing what was next. that is already an iconic image in american history now and i want to show it again. when a fighter gets up. former president trump's raised fist high in the air seconds after being shot. let the nation know that we are in this together. all of us. it will define his political career for generations. i sat down for an exclusive interview at his home in mar-a-lago. mr. trump was with me just moments before he departed for that rally in pennsylvania. we wrapped up in the afternoon. later afternoon he left on his
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plane and landed in pennsylvania. an extended interview, a host of issues including his much-anticipated vice presidential announcement. he told me and our own bret baier he will do that today. >> the reports that the biden campaign now is polling vice president kamala harris in the strength against you to see how she would do. so, mr. president, what i realize is it has to almost be her if it's not biden if they want that money, that campaign cash, that $90 plus million dollars. her name is on the ticket with him. if she slides to the top that makes logical sense or otherwise apportioned in different ways. she is younger. do you care if it's kamala harris that you run against? what would you do if it were? >> she has some very radical left ideology. the country is tired of woke. the country is tired of all of
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these crazy things. open borders. who wants open borders? who wants men to be allowed to play in women's sports and set records that would never even have been thought of? this is not fair. it is so demeaning to women. who wants this? it is not competition. who wants this to happen? how can you have an ideology. i bring that up. it always gets big applause at the rally, right? because it's so basic. men playing in women's sports. we are not going to allow it. it gets a big hand. but it is like open borders. who wants open borders where criminals are pouring into our country? she said she went to the border once but part of the border that we would like to go to to vacation. she was given the responsibility of the border. i have tom homan lined up. we have the greatest people. we will close the border and have people come into our country but legally. >> harris: you said day one you would do that.
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>> day one. >> harris: here is your instagram. joe should immediately take a cognitive test and i will go with him and take one also. for the first time we'll be a team and do it for the good of the country. from now on all presidential candidates should be mandated to take a cognitive and aptitude test regardless of their age. do you mean that? >> they aren't the easiest tests. joe will have a hard time once you get past the first ten questions. i aced it. if i didn't do well i would want to know about it for myself. you have an obligation to the people. you are representing 350 million people. so you could have somebody that has serious brain damage or somebody that has some problems. i think it is a good thing even for that person to know about it. no, i said i would like to go take a test. take a good, solid, strong test. i'll go with joe. same doctor, same everything.
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take the test. >> harris: i want to get into something that is a critical point for the biden administration and the biden campaign against you. this is a headline that the campaign put out. it talks about the cost of things and what it says 2025's project would be. i first of all just want to get from you your thoughts on project 2025 and whether or not biden can use this effectively against you? >> i don't think he will be able to. first of all, i have no idea what it is. it is a group of extremely conservative people got together and wrote up a wish list of things. many of which i disagree with entirely. they are too severe. like on abortion as an example. they have a strong view of abortion. well, from what i've heard, it is not too far -- way too far.
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they've gone really too far. i wanted to get abortion, i did a great job getting rid of roe v. wade. i was able to get it back into the states and i've given it back to the people. the people are voenth. the people are voting quit liberally. look at ohio and what happened in ohio and kansas. they can vote the way they want. it is not a federal issue. it won't be a federal issue again. >> harris: your vice presidential pick, are you close? >> i'm very close. >> harris: does it matter if it's joe biden, kamala harris, or someone else on the democratic ticket in terms of it's a woman, a person of color, any of those types of issues, does it matter who you choose as your vp? >> you have people that are very smart people. they say it does. i say it doesn't. it depends on what is going to happen. are you going to pick a great person and you run. if you look -- i don't want to
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be little it because it's an important position especially if something bad should happen. that's the most important if something bad should happen. there was one time as students of this, you and i are, lyndon johnson helped a lot with illinois but it was a different kind of help. he was a wheeler dealer. i don't think it matters who i'm running against. i'm running against more than biden. i'm running against bad policies of the radical left. >> harris: so much news in that interview from him. more of my exclusive sit-down with former president trump coming up. he gets candid about the role of his family just three or four hours before they were fearing for his life watching as we were watching as a nation, but they were family. and i asked him are they really all in, barron, melania? we'll get into it next. for now i want to bring in a special power panel with me here
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in milwaukee. charlie hurt. washington times opinion editor and mary kathryn hamm, outkick columnist. i saw your eyes light up several times. what stood out to you? >> on a gut level. a lot of this week is. we're processing a serious event is the moment that he says if something bad should happen that's when your vp pick matters. that's an eerie moment to see him hours before this happened to him and i think the nation was spared horrors we don't know about because of that half an inch that made a difference in this moment in the protection of those there and the sniper, counter sniper. that stuck out to me. the other thing that stuck out politically is his abortion moderation. he is hitting pretty hard. the third time he has done it. >> harris: let's stay on that for a moment. you know the democrats want to roll with that and one in
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particular would be kamala harris because that has been a singular message for her kind of on the stump as the vice president. she has been talking about it for some time. sometimes to the ignoring of the border, which is actually one of her duties. what did you think when he said not just far but way too far that project 2025 on the issue of abortion. >> yeah, they have elevated that to -- and ignored not just the border but all kinds of important issues that matter far more, i think, to people's everyday lives in america. but donald trump -- they've done so much to try to portray him as this wild extremist to the point of using the word hitler. >> harris: from the top democrats. >> yes. what you see from that extraordinary interview again it is almost -- you are almost
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wistful looking at it. donald trump is the most practical politician we've had in our lifetimes. i know that a lot of pro-life republicans get a little squeamish when he talks about things like that. he is talking about things far more in line than the american electorate. the work that pro-life people have to do is with the american people. donald trump is reflective right down the middle of what the american people. >> harris: interesting you say that. he said yeah, you know, for five decades what he told me. i can't wait to air more of this as we go on throughout the week. it was an hour and a half that we got to spend together, which is a long time as you know, both of you as journalists. what he said was he is reflecting what you said, where most of the country is and, you know, he said even some conservatives. right now is in the hands of the
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state. quickly on that issue. does that push back enough on what democrats hope to do? >> he is being disciplined about that message and it helps the consistently of it. in the debate he said the supreme court dealt with this. sent it to the states. voters are dealing with it. some liberally and some more conservatively and that he believes in exceptions and he is more moderate on this. if he sticks with a consistent message on that, it does appeal to a demo that is suburban voters, educated women, mom voters. that demo is very important and it might cut against what biden is attempting. >> harris: much more coming up. we've had big breaking news last hour. former president trump's classified documents case in florida has been dismissed. judge cannon threw it out over the appointment of special counsel jack smith. she says that appointment violates the constitution. president trump has already
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reacted saying he is thrilled. david spunt on the story live at the justice department right now. david. >> hi, the raid of mar-a-lago was in august of 2022. here we are today. judge cannon issuing the seismic news dismissing the case in a 93-page ruling that nobody expected coming today. this case is thrown out. special counsel jack smith can appeal. she says that special counsel jack smith was not appointed lawfully. merrick garland appointed him as special counsel in november 2022 when it became clear that donald trump was going to run for president, to take d.o.j. out of the mix. smith at the time was a special prosecutor in the hague in the netherlands looking into war crimes in kosovo. judge cannon has problem with smith's appointment. he was not senate confirmed. she took the hint from supreme court justice thomas who questioned his appointment on paper. she said in the end there does
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appear to be a tradition of appointing special attorney-like figures in moments of political scandal. very few in think of these figures resemble the position of special counsel smith. he is a private citizen exercising the full power of a united states attorney and very little oversight or supervision. from 20,000 to 2016 we had one special counsel. 2017 until today we've had five. robert mueller, john durham, david weiss, robert hur and jack smith. jack smith has the right to appeal. we expect it and reached out to his office for comment. no comment yet. >> harris: interestingly, david, quickly, what this does even if jack smith decides he wants to appeal it pushes it down the road so close or after the election. so for those who are politically engaged on the issue of lawfare against our former president, number 45 for the nation, donald trump. it doesn't play along for them
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at all. that delay is politically deadly. they can't use it against him. >> there is a huge delay. if i may add quickly that jack smith case against former president trump here in d.c. has yet to go back to the judge there. he got a blistering ruling a couple years ago. we'll see what she does when she gets the case in early august. it will be delayed for some time. >> harris: david spunt, great work. thank you. i'm live from the rnc convention in about an hour 35 minutes or so they officially kick off. during this you will hear throughout the hour some sound checks. i understand there is a marching band coming in. i'll begin to shout, no doubt. and then more of my exclusive interview, very lengthy, from the home of donald trump, mar-a-lago, hours before the attempt to kill him at a rally in pennsylvania. don't miss a second. we're coming right back.
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>> harris: families in focus now convention style on this big week for republicans to officially name their nominee to the white house, former president donald trump is ready to unite the nation reportedly changing his speech to reflect a positive. productive way forward out of years of high inflation, border crime and former first lady melania is here. her powerful statement following the assassination attempt on her husband's life reads this way. ascend above the hate, vitriol and simple minded ideas that ignite violence. we want a world where respect the paramount. family is first and love
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transcends. we can recognize this world again. i commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide. thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or woman with a loving family. i got the chance to talk with the former president about what his family means to him before saturday's rally in that chilling assassination attempt. >> barron on the stage. barron over there. barron, he is with you now. he is a young man, 18. is your family all in this time? >> they are all in. it doesn't mean they'll be working on the campaign. ivanka did such a great job, jared did a great job. they all did. tiffany did a great job. i have a wonderful family but they suffered, my family. they went after -- these are wonderful, wonderful -- they're not children but to me they're
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children. they will always be children. th that's -- you love your children. it a a vicious business, politics. i used think business was -- they are horrible liars we dealt with so many sick, deranged people that are not stupid people but deranged people. and it is a lot to ask a family to really go in and do it. ivanka had a very successful business, unbelievable. she was doing great. she wanted to work. i could have made her ambassador to the united nations. i wanted to. i could have given her anything. the smartest. everything about her. she wanted one job, to get people jobs. she would go around and meet with companies to hire people. she just -- and they didn't treat her nicely. just treated her -- treat people
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with respect. top student, top everything. great person. they didn't treat her nicely. they didn't treat really anybody nicely. it's okay in my case because, you know, i guess i bought onto this, right? but they have a list of presidents and it was always andrew jackson considered the worst-treated president and then abraham lincoln was second. i think i have to be at the top of that list because no president has ever been treated. impeached twice over absolute -- by the way, the republicans stuck with me. they were great. i could not ask for more. the republicans, the level of support i had. a lot of people don't have support from even their own party. but the republicans really stepped. now you are looking at biden. but -- but i do this because we really have a country that's in trouble. we're in a failing nation. i call it a nation in decline but we'll turn it around fast.
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it will be fast. you know, i have a theme. make america great again. it is probably maga, the greatest in the history of this country. never been anything like it. and i do it because we'll make america great again and we are and we'll do it fast. >> harris: how do you get your family ready for the onslaught again? there are reports that your wife, melania, doesn't want to be full-time at the white house. some of what you just described, i think people can understand that. i heard you say, mar-a-lago is a gem so you come here and think he really could be doing anything else at this point. how do you get them ready for what's coming? >> i could be doing anything else. i have properties like this all over the world. i could be living the greatest life but this is more important to me. to me this is a greatest life because i can make a difference. one of my beautiful properties in scotland or any place. i have the most beautiful stuff. look at where you are sitting right now. palm beach, everything could be
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beautiful. look, i have an opportunity to do something. a lot of people can sit at nice properties and go to wonderful hotels and get on boats and have lots of fun, or yachts. what i'm doing is so much bigger than that. i'm solving problems of a country that a lot of people say nobody else can do it from trump. i don't know if that true or not. a lot of smart people say that. the only one that can bring our country back. we had this country rocking and rolling and going great. the country was coming together. liberal people, very liberal people, people that i wouldn't have expected were calling. let's get together, let's listen. then covid came in. nobody knew what it was. we had this rocking and it was -- nobody has ever seen anything like it. the greatest economy in history. everything was going good. i sat with two pollsters that said sir, abraham lincoln and
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george washington if they came back and did a president and vice president they couldn't beat you. that was just before covid came in. and then even after covid we did an unbelievable job. >> harris: inflation 1.4% when you left. >> it stayed that way and he blew it with all his ridiculous spending. the green new deal, the green new scam is a sham. it's a shame. i gave him a silver platter. the potential was so great. what happened? they let millions of people pour into our country and you haven't seen one thing yet, migrant crime. they are just getting comfortable in our country now. the migrant crime is going to be numbers that you haven't ever witnessed before. >> harris: how do you deal with it? >> we're getting them out. we'll get them out and deal with the local police forces.
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we have no choice. they will destroy our country. but just to leave on a much more positive note we'll make america great again and do it fast and drill baby drill and get prices down and interest rates down. we're going to get rid of crime. the crime in our cities is breathtaking. nobody has ever seen anything like it. this is before the migrant crime. look, you know, adams is working hard but he has hundreds of thousands of people that just got deposited in his city. we'll get crime down and make this country strong and greater than it has ever been and we can do that. right now we have to get elected. i think we'll do it based on the polls and everything we should be able to do that. the democrats are in disarray. i wish them luck but i'm focusing on one thing. not so much the party. i'm focusing on making this country better than it has ever been before. i think we can do that. >> harris: very optimistic, very positive. three to four hours later we
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know what happened in butler, pennsylvania. just imagine that. that positive message already being put together and he had a lot to say about his family. they are with him. congressional leaders are demanding answers after the attempted assassination of former president trump. multiple committees now are pushing forward investigations, pledging them. plus critics tearing into the left's dangerous rhetoric against former president trump. >> the thrust of the democratic narrative for this election year had become that he was a mortal danger to our democracy. they called him adolf hitler, a racist and fascist and so forth. it's ridiculous. >> harris: we're facing a true inflection point in america. many people are asking can things really change? you know what i believe.
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>> harris: in our players today corey comperatore, he is the 50-year-old firefighter and dad who was shot and killed at the pennsylvania rally on saturday. husband and father of two daughters. today virginia governor glenn youngkin posted this just moments ago. he says today i ordered flags to be flown at half staff in memory and respect of corey comperatore, who tragically lost his life shielding his family. virginia stands in solidarity with all pennsylvaniaians and continue to pray for his family. also in our prayers the two victims who were injured in that shooting and are now have been upgraded from critical to stable condition. i want to bring back now charlie hurt and mary kathryn hamm and yes, we're being serenaded at
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the rnc convention. as we were looking at the family moments before the commercial of donald trump you both had thoughts from that. >> it's poignant to talk about his family and think about corey comperatore's family as well. the pain they are going through and praying for them. we don't want to lose them in the mix. what struck me with the first interview we watched is more positive what we saw before saturday . a sign of this modulation in tone for the last month or so and more likely to extend into the rnc. >> it's impossible to vilify a guy. the only way to vilify a guy is pretend he is not a human without a human family. i loved the statement from melania trump talking about her concern for americans but also telling people that she is married to a human. he is a human with a human
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family and that does so much to help change the tone. >> harris: we pray that it does. all right. you are staying with me. we'll move to this. the assassination attempt on former president trump has lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle calling to do exactly what mary kathryn and charlie are talking about. to dial down the extreme rhetoric. can they do it? look at this. >> when the message goes out constantly the election of donald trump would be a threat to democracy and that the republic would end, it heats up the environment. everyone needs to turn the rhetoric down. >> the bottom line, what a democracy is about is not radical rhetoric. >> the rhetoric is way too high but i was just grateful that he made it. >> there have been too many relatively recent events. we have to reduce the rhetoric and the tone. >> yesterday was a wake-up call
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for all of america. >> harris: axios sums it up with this headline. behind the curtain, america plays with fire. quote, everything in america has turned political. everything political has turned visceral and turned into the possibility of unspeakable violence like this, referring to saturday. fox news senior political analyst brit hume says this. >> this is the kind of thing going on for a long time. we can all hope we can turn the temperature down. the country is deeply divided. passions are very intense and my concern is that this will tamp things down for a while. violence is not unamerican. there has been a ton of american throughout our history and a lot in recent his trove. another chapter in that story. a regrettable one but that's how we are. it would be lovely if we hope it could change in a permanent way. too early to get our hopes up.
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>> harris: there is so much there. you know what? we're capable of anything here in america but it is not just going to happen. it is not magic. i pray and encourage others to and let our actions refer and also reflect what is in our hearts when we can do better. mary kathryn and charlie, they turned off the music. i think i can go back to my regular mic now. that was very loud. quite a back drop and quite jovial. president trump said in the tweaking of his speech that's what we have to do and he can lead us. >> what you saw in the interview and what you've seen coming from his camp is that this isn't the american carnage speech that he gave at his inauguration, this is a different tone. a country that's in trouble. that is a more tender way to
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talk about it and a different way to talk about it. over the trump years, treating everything as if it is an 11 on a constitutional crisis scale. i don't rhetoric immediately causes violence but ideas matter and being responsible matters. that's a part of that >> harris: we have some crises in this country. the left are not at all appalled by any of that. they are not at an 11 about the border crisis or crime and so on and so forth. it would be helpful if we could have a level of 11 about the things that matter across the board. charlie. >> that's the crazy thing about this. the most unifying thing about the trump agenda is the agenda. the issues. if you focused on the border and economy and if you focused on world global affairs and debated those issues, my belief is that
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donald trump wins handily. the left gets really, really crazy because they can't win on the arguments. >> harris: real quickly. we are all going to double mic ourselves and thank you for hanging with us. the music is great, though. the former president told me maté sit down and mar-a-lago he is ready for the next debate. one is planned with joe biden in september. i said would you do another one. he said yeah, i'm ready. the question would be if he stays on topic, is joe biden ready for that? i guess that's always the question. we would have to see. thank you very much. so good to see you guys. don't go anywhere. house republicans moved quickly to schedule emergency hearings after the assassination trump on former president donald trump. they have asked secret service directly kimberly cheatle and homeland security mayorkas to go to the hill.
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how did the shooting happen and what role did their leadership or lack there of have in it all? mike waltz with this. >> we expect a hearing. we have oversight of secret service. we expect a briefing tomorrow, a hearing in a week with the director. but i've been talking to agents this morning and they are upset, they are demoralized and angry. the fundamental issue that will come out is president trump is not a normal, average former president. he should have had a much bigger package and detail. >> harris: chad pergram is now on capitol hill. chad. catch us up on this. >> good morning. we just spoke with the chairman of the senate governmental affairs committee here that has jurisdiction over the secret service, gary peters, a democrat of michigan. he says he spoke to alejandro mayorkas yesterday. he says he wants to expedite
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hearings on this but he did not guarantee that he would do something before the august recess. he also says that he wants this to be something that is bipartisan. you mentioned kimberly cheatle. she will speak with leaders of the homeland security committee today and there will be a briefing for all committee members later on today and a big hearing on monday before the house oversight committee. listen. >> i'm 100% confident that will happen. we have been communicating back and forth with the director. by next monday she should have a lot of answers to a lot of questions that not only the oversight committee has but the american people have. >> the secret service falls under the umbrella under the department of homeland security and they are trying to figure out how there was such a spectacular failure on saturday. >> direct line of sight like that to the former president should not occur. that is precisely why president biden directed that an
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independent review of the dinner incident occur. it will be done in close coordination with the f.b.i. the importance of which cannot be overstated. >> fox is told the secret service lean to heavily and local law enforcement at the rally. they always use local police at large events. lawmakers are fuming about the planning. >> we need the names of which agents were doing the advance work. who spotted what? what are the timelines? to really get to what happened here. so you can truly make sure something like this doesn't occur again. >> now comer wants protection extended to rfk junior and also, harris, there is a bipartisan bill to bolster protection for all presidential candidates. >> harris: i hope they get to the bottom of. we're trying to confirm more detailed accounts of whether or not donald trump had what he needed. and if any of that had been refused, those requests to give
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him what he needed. we're working on that. maybe through the hearings we'll learn if it was or wasn't true. the american people need to know. thank you very much. the assassination attempt on trump's life has changed the white house race. it has taken some twists and turns like we've never seen. how campaigns up and down the ballot might be affected. how they might change. stay close. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. this summer. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is.
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>> harris: all right. you heard the band warming up. we have had so much activity. that's because we're getting very close to the beginning, the gavel in for the rnc convention. people are now taking their seats inside the convention hall floor, starting to fill out. it is conversations. you can hear what people are saying. this is getting exciting. i see a guy with a guitar in the audience. it will be a party. all right. we're watching the white house race turn on its head after what happened to president trump on saturday. things are changing. it is a tough time, as you might imagine, for president biden to try to campaign. in fact now he starting to call
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for unity after days of democrats calling for him to quit the race. low poll numbers, that awful debate, calling the president of ukraine putin, you know. two headlines in "politico", gop finds unity with trump while dems face disaray with bade biden. a correspondent said this. >> i've been speaking with top democrats and they believe those democrats who have the concerns about president biden are now standing down politically. will back president biden because of this fragile political moment. all that talk about the debate faded almost instantly among my top democratic sources as this unfolded saying it's time for the country to stick together and democrats sticking together as well. >> harris: i remember last week it went from a few to 19 almost overnight. 19 congressional democrats and a senator who last week wanted biden out. they are still relatively quiet. it's not we love you, we'll wait
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this one out and be quiet for a while. power panel is back. charlie, what are they doing? >> it is amazing to think about on thursday you will have former president trump accepting the nomination five days after dodging an assassin's bullet. considering how much time we've talked about the health and fragileness of president biden, to have a guy like this step out on the stage after what he has been through over the past week, it will be a pretty extraordinary comparison and contrast between the two. >> i think, look, you don't have a better recipe for unity. i think the biden campaign had hoped they would make a contrast
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between two candidates, these two men. the events of the day are making the contrast for them. it is not favorable to biden. the debate, several bites of the apple biden has had after this assassination attempt to try to speak to this versus that photo of trump is a contrast in leadership. >> harris: some of the problems don't go away. you heard in the interview we played this hour the sit down with donald trump the same day the attempt on his life was made he said look, i'm ready to debate. would joe biden go into that fold again and now about policy and really going to be about a unification message from donald trump. he can't take the punches biden make and say i'll take him around back. you can't go there now. >> the concept of unity seems impossible to us considering the politics we've seen over the past couple years. if there is a guy that's in the business of impossible, it's donald trump.
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when he sits there and tells you that people tell me that if george washington and abe lincoln ran against me i would beat them, he is that -- as funny as that is, it is that sort of ability to kind of -- he really looks at the world with this positive lens. you hear very successful people and business leaders talk about the power of positive thinking. donald trump is the power of positive thinking. i get it that he says things that sort of upset people but he is a hopeful guy and watching the way he deals with the media. he will call up bob woodward and do an interview with him because he thinks on the 500th time he will get a good shake from woodward. that's how optimistic he is. kind of crazy but embodies that. if we will get out of this horrible political moment and unify the country, it will take somebody like that. >> harris: we have a lot coming up for the country.
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we have a situation now with artificial intelligence coming up. getting reports that kids are spending way too much time on devices and i bring all that up because donald trump now has attracted elon musk's endorsement. quick last thought. >> it's because musk is somebody who cares about the most important issues facing humans today. he looks at the issues. >> harris: also bill ackman, huge donor on the democrat side. >> certainly in many ways the wind is beneath trump's wings and has a real opportunity to hit that tone you were talking about of forward-looking in this convention and knock it out of the park. >> harris: i think that during the show that's the only song they didn't practice. they did everything else. god bless you both, thank you for being here. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus" today and always. we're live from the rnc all week long here in milwaukee, wisconsin. beautiful city. "outnumbered" after the break.
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