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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 15, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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special rnc coverage beginning tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. kaylee, what do you have on tap? >> i never in my life thought who the vp pick would be would be a subtext to the vigor stories of documents and whether we will see truck behind me tonight. it's a glenn youngkin, marco rubio who may add to the president's vote count or is it someone like j.d. vance or bird gum who has a personal affinity with. we will see. >> and what's on your bingo card question work >> he told me it would be today two days ago so e have something big coming. i have my own thoughts about it. it will be a republican and a rock star. >> good prediction. just like the rock stars i have joining me today and all you watching from home we are so grateful. thank you all and when you can't watch us live, don't forget to dvr outnumbered and for now, here are the other rock stars at "america reports."
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>> get down, get down, get down. >> the advance was an absolute disaster. could not have been worse. rookie mistakes made. >> it happened so quick. three shots. >> there were 20 secret service agents running around like chickens with their head cut off. >> direct line of sight like that to the former president should not occur. >> we will h have a full-scale committee hearing that will hopefully deliver some answers that every american has about what went wrong. >> we been working on the rnc security plan for over a year and having in constant conversation with our partners. >> we have covered clancy and air and it's important to reassure the public that we take this very seriously. watch as this area but the entire city. >> sandra: like a fire hose, the news is coming out fast. a busy afternoon and now we are awaiting key live events.
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first up and expected vp announcement from former president donald trump. we are told to expect that this hour. the first briefing from the white house since the attempted assassination of donald trump. we should see karine jean-pierre at the podium shortly and the official kickoff of the republican national convention in milwaukee and that is where we find our own bill hemmer and for john roberts today. bill, good to have you and welcome everyone. i'm sandra smith your new yorker great to have you. >> great to see you. who knows what we get this hour. normally at a convention you have a slow roller throughout the weekend and everyone gets geared up for tonight. >> sandra: not this time peered spewing that's right. once we saw the events on saturday we were off and running. i'm bill hemmer and for john roberts and welcome to "america reports." the fbi now investigating saturday shooting as an act of domestic terrorism. we have confirmed that local law enforcement had responsibility for the rooftop where the suspect open fire entirely too close. meanwhile the president telling several outlets he has changed his rnc speech.
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says he ripped up 20 pages yesterday to call for unity after his near-death experience. former wisconsin governor scott walker is here with reaction to all of this and also more reporters throughout the area. >> sandra: looking forward to that. live in milwaukee, he has the latest at the convention for us this hour. bill, we will get you in just a moment. first will go to david's poncho and the justice department with what we know right now. david. >> as bill said, local law enforcement was in charge of the building where this suspect, not suspected where the alleged shooter thomas crooks took a shot at former president trump from. they were in charge. two local sniper teams and to federal sniper teams with the secret service. we have learned today and can confirm that a local deputy with the butler county sheriff's office saw thomas crooks on the building when he made it up to the building and retreated when he saw he was armed. he then fired at former
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president trump. a lot of finger-pointing going on here not only at the street level, those in uniform about at the highest levels here of the secret service and the fbi and others. a big investigation will go on for months. the priority right now is the fbi to get inside thomas crooks phone. they haven't physically at the fbi lab in quantico, virginia, but right now it is essentially just a brick. they are not able to get inside. we are hopeful to get an update to see if they have been getting inside but as of late yesterday they could not get inside. they want to grab text messages, pictures, emails. who was he talking to. at this time they leave he acted alone and was alone in this plan. they say that could change if they get new intel from the phone. i'm told the fbi is going through explosive devices found in his car and bomb making material found at his home. that is also at quantico. his dad illegally bought the ar 556 rifle used to shoot the former president. also killing an innocent trump supporter we don't want to
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forget named corey comperatore. two others also injured. the fbi received over 2,000 tips so far. they want more. they want cell phone video to try to piece together what happened before this horrible, horrible incident. >> sandra: all of that is big news. there is also big news involving the former president donald trump in another way. what is that. >> big legal news. seismic legal news. judge aileen cannon throughout the classified documents case against him in florida. it was dismissed. remember, just two years ago, not even two years ago in august of '22 that dramatic rate at mar-a-lago. that whole case is going away right now because judge cannon says special counsel jack smith was not appointed lawfully by special counsel or by attorney general merrick garland pier and she said smith was a private citizen and he was not senate confirmed. let me read in part. in the end there does appear to be a tradition of appointing
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special attorney-like figures in moments of political scandal throughout the country's history but very few if any of these figures actually resemble a position of special counsel smith. mr. smith is a private citizen exercising the full power of the united states attorney and with very little oversight or supervision. bob mueller the former fbi director who is also special counsel was also not senate confirmed but judge cannon can't go back in time and change that. she was given this case and she says jack smith should be off the case, the case is dismissed and jack smith could appeal and take it to the 11th circuit pier perhaps the supreme court. we reach out to his office and have nothing to hear but as soon as we get something we will be sure to pass it along. >> sandra: please do. we will check back in with you soon. >> bill: the show goes on here in milwaukee. it is noon local time and this is the time that the delegates require in the forum and report for duty. it is day one of the republican national convention.
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former president donald trump saying that he will make his vp selection today. bill melugin is live in milwaukee with what he is seeing with us now. bill. >> good afternoon to you. trump supporter's may have found themselves a brown new rallying cry. just behind us on the rnc for a short time ago a group of them gathered. they started pumping their fists and chanting fight, fight, fight. that a nod to what the former president did on saturday after he had been shot and his ear. as a result of that shooting he has now completely changing the speech he had planned for the rnc. here is what he told "the new york post" or take a look. he says i prepared an extremely tough speech, really good, all about the corrupt horrible administration but i threw it away. as you take a live look inside of the forum here as people continue to spill income rnc chairman michael whatley set on fox news this morning that the party does not want this whole weight to be all about the essential nation attempt.
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he wants a party message and the g.o.p. platform to be on full display. >> i think what we don't want is to have all conversations pivot toward what happened on saturday. it was a horrific act and it we by the grace of god continuing forward with this convention over the course of the next four nights you will see that we are going to put solutions on the table for every american family. >> take a look at this. here's what we can expect. every day of this convention has a different theme. today as we kick things off the theme is make america wealthy once again. that is a focus on inflation and the economy. tomorrow it will be make america safe once again focus being on the border and crime. the last couple days will be make america strong once again and on thursday make america great once again. that is the day the former president will be on stage speaking himself and back out here live everyone is waiting to find out what the vp pick is going to be.
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hopefully we will find out within the next few hours or so. i can tell you the media speculation in the bubble we are in is running rampant. everybody asking who they think it could be or what is going on next but this program here, expected to kick off within the next hour or so. bill and sandra we are finally getting underway here. >> bill: thank you bill. we will see you soon. >> sandra: that builds the excitement. let's bring in former wisconsin governor scott walker. everyone is talking about it. please do jump in. what do you know, what do you want to see happen, do you have a favorite. >> in the end, proven problem solver. donald trump's biggest strength is that he got things done. he's a fighter as we talked about during his first four years and we need a fighter to make things more affordable and more secure and more safe in this country. someone who pairs with that. whether it is governor doug burgum or glenn youngkin or any of the senators mention. each of those names are proven problem solvers. we are blasting the party and we have a number of great candidates out there that can only help the president but stand in as a vice president of
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the united states. >> bill: we have the schedule right now and we are bumping up against it. for our viewers at home, take us through this. i mention bloom local time and that is when the delegates, several thousand of them from all of the country, many arriving here in milwaukee are required to be inside. based on the readout that we have, at 3:30 seven local time, that is when the local delegatee floor. that is 4:30 seven in new york. by the rules, at 4:30 seven east coast time, we were supposed to know. now, can the rules be changed between now and then which is only three hours and 37 minutes from now? >> the bottom line is with the convention chair and the chair of the rnc, they can adjust things according to the schedule so a lot of it depends on president trump's schedule. we know he will be the nominee
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and people are pumped up and excited about that. they want to go through the logistics this afternoon and tonight in the days to come, they want to focus on the big things. affordability, safety, security, and making america great again. i think you will see things adjusted based upon when the president, president trump makes his announcement. >> bill: what you are saying is this is not a hard and fast time. >> they can adjust for the schedule. >> sandra: okay governor. do you have a favorite? i feel like i can't leave this discussion right now because everyone at home is wondering about it, everyone is talking about it there. what would be -- let's hear it from the former president himself because harris had this interview where she sat down with him. hours before the pennsylvania rally where everything changed. but here he is in his own words on the vp pick. listen. >> are you close? >> i'm very close. i'm very close.
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i don't want to belittle it because it's a very important position especially if something bad should happen but that's the most important. if something bad should happen. >> sandra: is it possible question right he was still undecided in that moment or possibly in this moment that the pick doesn't even know yet? >> i think it is. we could have somebody we aren't even talking about. that was the case eight years ago and it's proven problem solver but someone that americans could feel safe and comfortable, should the worst-case scenario happen and obviously we hope and pray it doesn't. i think god himself spared donald trump's life just as he did with ronald reagan nearly four plus decades ago. put them on the right path to making an incredible difference in america and across the world for the same could be truth drunk but he could pick someone completely different based on what happened on saturday. >> you said you like governors. >> i do. they are problems over spared burnham has an additional appeal to the president in that he has
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been a successful business leader but so has glenn youngkin in virginia. those are likely candidates. >> bill: a couple of things geared one of the oldest restaurants in all of milwaukee a block away is called maîtres. and glenn youngkin has rented that space out for four days. i don't know if that's a clue in there or not. in the summer of 2015 you were considered to be a strong contender for the nominee. you did not get that nomination but you ran into this wall that is donald j. trump. and here he is eight or nine years later. during that summer he came out and said republicans, you people don't fight enough. you don't fight hard enough. democrats play to win. they fight to win. you need to get tougher. and when you heard what bill melugin is reporting about the chance on the floor about fight, fight, fight, how do you interpret that? >> what i think led to donald trump not only winning the nomination eight years ago
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but the general election, key voters was exactly that. he's a fighter. there are millions of americans, men and women across the country who feel forgotten. forgotten by the politicians in washington, not just democrats, but politicians overall. and the fact that this guy doesn't back down and we sought on saturday. his instinct was to get up and fight. americans feel like he's fighting for them and he wins big this november. >> sandra: governor, appreciate you joining us. you gave us more to talk about. the anticipation is building. thank you. joining us life are milwaukee and by the way, bill, an addition to vp steaks, everyone is talking about the way the former president in the wake of what happen at that rally will be changing his messaging. this is the trump 2024 senior advisor daniel alvarez this morning for it she was on "fox & friends" talking about what we might see from him. listen. speak out there nothing more iconic than the imagery that
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came after that horrible assassination attempt. he stood up and he told the crowd and was really telling the whole nation fight. he knows that he has to unite us and he is the one that can lead the moment. >> sandra: you are talking about it this morning but that image will forever live in our mind. of the president choosing to as he was departing the stage get back up, blood on his fist come throw it fist up and show that sign of strength. how in the moment he was to be able to do that. >> we been talking about it all weekend. to be so self-conscious. to say i'm not leaving here without my shoes. who thinks that way? he knew all of the photographers were in front. all the video tiger furs were 100 yards away or even a hundred feet away and did not want them to get a shot of him wearing socks. you are right. in the moment. speak to that photograph.
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gosh. the american flag behind it. coming up some of our guests. we will dig deeper into what happened that day. he is being questioned. where were the drones. this was an easy resource for local law enforcement, for secret service to have had that up there to have spied this guy on the rooftop so close to the former president. john cornyn, senator josh hawley, and mark green. a member of congress who is pushing for answers sooner than later over what went down on saturday. >> bill: america got lucky. can't afford to take that chance again. also there is breaking news today from a federal judge out of florida dismissing the classified documents case. against the former president donald trump. the saga may not be over. jonathan turley knows the constitution and he knows the appeal process. he knows what the supreme court is saying, he knows it inside and out. jonathan turley's next.
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>> sandra: these are some protests that are happening right now outside of the rnc. all of this following the trump assassination attempt on saturday. live outside milwaukee these are pro-palestinian protests that are happening. jenkins was wandering the crowd earlier but bill, i'm sure this is a scene you have come to be use to as this has been happening now four days leading up to the rnc. >> sandra: some of the delegates may have seen this but i think you go outside the perimeter where it's located in order to see this. there are several groups that have been given the proper permitting to go ahead and hold events and today is day one for that. we will watch and see how it goes. not too far from our perch year.
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meanwhile, back to the room we go. bombshell decision with the major legal victory to former president trump. judge aileen cannon dismissing the classified documents case out of florida ruling that the special counsel jack smith was appointed unlawfully. jonathan turley constitutional law effort in fox news contributor on the air with us a few hours ago when the news broke and professor, did the judge in florida get it right? >> this is a close question. there are good arguments on both sides and this is the outlier decision. other courts have rejected this argument but nobody reading this opinion would treat it as frivolous or without basis. the judge goes through this very methodically and asks special counsel smith where is your authority? the irony is that the greatest problem matt smith encountered in florida was himself. the problem was not w with the w
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initially but with the lawyer. that the judge was saying who are you legally. you are not an independent counsel because the independent counsel act was allowed to expire paired you are not a u.s. attorney because you have never been appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. who are you? does this mean the attorney general can go out on the street and pick any one, pick him by gross and make them all special counsel? how does that fit within our constitutional scheme? she raised a very tough question. she said where did you get the $12 million from. we now know that he has spent about $12 million and she said where is this money coming from? it wasn't appropriated by congress and she questions that and said you cite authority that does not seem to give you the authority to take this money from the treasury. it is a very interesting decision and there are plenty of judges that disagree and plenty of lawyers but she is making a
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very strong argument why this is a concern. it parallels what justice thomas said recently. >> sandra: this was the former president's reaction. he took to his truth social account for immediately following sing as we move forward in uniting our nation after the horrific events on saturday, this should be the fit step followed by the dismissal of all the witch hunts. we should end the weaponization of our justice system and make america great again. james comer with a similar reaction. his first reaction was this earlier with bill and dana. listen. >> my reaction is the democrats efforts to weaponize the legal system against donald trump is unraveling. i think it was the right decision. i think when i heard the decision not to prosecute joe biden for his mishandling of classified documents, that sealed the fate for this case.
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>> sandra: through the former presidents point of this being the first out, i wonder what happens next. >> i wouldn't hold my breath for a dismissal or a sweeping pardon from president biden but the fact is if you were to have one case dismissed, if you had a wish list, this would be it. i've said since the beginning, florida was the greatest threat to donald trump. here smith was relying on established law and many of the problems we see in the other cases were not as evident here. it did not mean this was a lead-pipe cinch it didn't mean it didn't have problems but this is the one that you would want dismissed. for now, it's gone. but he will likely appeal this to the 11th circuit. some judges are going to disagree so we don't know if this will be upheld but eventually it has to go to the supreme court. but the one thing smith does not have is a clear law but more
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importantly time. he can cite -- the department of justice put together a good brief year and said we have history on our side. people like muller and others. we have all these other courts that have dismissed this claim but what he is lacking now is time. there is no way he will be able to get this case to trial before the inauguration and there was a report recently that he was prepared to go up to 1159 on january 20th. he was going to go up to inauguration day if he had to. even that won't do it for him now. >> bill: given the current composition of the u.s. supreme court, will it fade completely if it does get back there? >> this is a tough question. it's a close one. you could have a division on the court but it is not a frivolous question. law professors have been divided on this. people are attacking judge cannon viciously often citing the fact that she was a trump appointee and ignoring the
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fact that trump appointees have regularly ruled against the former president. those attacks are probably going to increase but for now, this is a great day from the perspective of donald trump this is the second near miss and 48 hours. this is the one they were most worried about. >> sandra: interesting way to put it. >> bill: not even 48 hours. we aren't even there yet. thank you professor. >> sandra: it has been a busy couple of hours leading up to now where we now await former president donald trump's vp pick. we are also waiting for the first white house press briefing since saturday's assassination attempt on trump. we will have that briefing for you live when it begins. >> bill: there are new development on what went wrong it trumps rally. who was responsible for the rooftop where the gunmen opened fire. we have a drone expert, brent villa cove which has a lot of ideas of how to manage this now. he has on deck.
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—yeah, let's see. —yeah. —so... —that explains it here. now you know. it's actually a part of your dna. wow! this is great for athletes! >> bill: we are expecting to hear from the white house now in the wake of the attempted assassination attempt of former president trump. president biden is calling for an independent review of the security measures at the rally. as many demand to know how the shooter was able to get within 130 yards of the president donald trump. we break down the alleged security lapse now with drone expert brent velicovich appeared a lot of people calling for a drone to be in the air and it was not the case on saturday. first of the white house and peter doocy to get the latest news from there today. peter. >> bill we expect secretary mayorkas in the briefing room to admit that some elements within the secret service messed up. that is something we have been hearing from some of the
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president's closest allies. >> i've been to plenty of events with presidents. the secret service does often rely on state and local law enforcement to help expand their perimeter but it is hard for me to understand how a roof that close, that accessible was not secured. >> for the second day in a row president biden got a situation room briefing about the assassination attempt. the attorney general and fbi director were here in person. that secret service director appeared virtually. it's possible that changes are being made to president biden's protection as the president himself said it is time to set aside supercharged political rhetoric. >> disagreement is inevitable and american democracy. it's part of human nature. politics must never be a literal battlefield and god forbid a killing field. >> president biden will soon stop calling trump a threat and
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stop urging dollars to put trump in the bull's-eye if he follows his own advice. >> bill: that's all right. thanks. peter doocy. northline. >> sandra: brent velicovich is a drone expert and a fox news contributor appeared so good to see you and great to get you on. we have been exploring this question since saturday. where was the drone and why did the secret service law enforcement and why was there not a drone somewhere in the area. is it regular practice to do so? you're an expert in this field. those drones can tell us a lot. >> first, that would require eighth circuit service more focused on it implementing life-saving technology rather than dea because there is just no excuse why a drone should not be about. there's no excuse to not have a persistent surveillance capability circling that site. a drone with infrared capabilities would've picked out that shooter in an instant. all you need is one drone at a
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high elevation scanning the site. a lot of this can even be automated now. this was standard operating procedure for any special operations in the military. we are constantly zooming in and out of potential threats and scanning the rooftop from target sites and looking for guns and calling out anything we saw to the operators on the ground and you can do this so easily now with infrared and night vision technology. you can even use drones now to potentially attack the shooter quickly and strike them. it's just sad that this situation happened because drones are really designed to see with the naked eye can't. the problem is the secret service does not seem to prioritize joe resources appeared a lot of times they are focused on trying to stop drones were flying in the air instead and we have this archaic security infrastructure here that is not moving at the pace of technology and there is no ee shouldn't have something in the air to stop the shooter repeatedly. >> bill: we knew that the kill shot came from and area elevated above the stage.
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viewers standing at the podium you like out there and you say do we have this covered. it would be so obvious. the secretary of homeland security was asked this obvious question today. here he was on "good morning america." >> direct line of sight like that to the former president should not occur. that is precisely why president biden directed that an independent review of the incident occurred. we have to learn everything about the assailant. >> bill: how long will it take you wonder. and you wonder if this has been vulnerable before brett and it was not addressed in previous rallies. >> sadly it is widely known that former presidents get less extensive security protection from the secret service and former sitting presidents but that needs to change. trump needs the same level of eip production that biden has because of biden was there this would've had a drone in the air and it wouldn't have happened.
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everyone has known trump had a target on his back leading up to this pair there is no greater potential threat of assassination attempt on a presidential candidate in our century appeared many people publicly have said it was only a matter of time before some maniac tried something and trump knew that too yet he stood there with courage to stand up and still give all of these speeches. he should be given every single protection available to him and the problem right now is the secret service does not prioritize drone resources. what they do is they look specifically at jamming frequencies. they prioritize counter drone technology. electronic warfare that is intended to drama road tropes. they have these systems that can scan the airwaves and detect where drones are in operators flying but that's half the equation. they need to have a roving surveillance. they need to have a roving drone security that can pick out these threats. >> sandra: to bill's question a moment ago though about the
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obvious nature of this. thankfully the counter sniper was able to neutralize the shooter within a split second. it appeared to us. but if you pop the map of the area back up again and you look at where the counter sniper teams were positioned behind trump's stage there and you look at the location of the shooter approximately 130 yards away from the stage from the former president, are you surprised the counter sniper teams are noticing the shooter on the rooftop? it wasn't just a shooter. there was more activity. a local law enforcement officer who then went up there and saw him and turned around. there was activity. but in those counter sniper teams had obviously noticed something so obvious? >> if it was a u.s. special operations guy. i don't know the operator. if it was a guy i worked with they would've spotted it immediately. this was not a blind spot. this was in an area that was not difficult to monitor.
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use drones for areas that are blind spots at the naked eye can't see and it's a situation where they should have absolutely spotted this individual. i'm glad that they were able to return fire and neutralize that individual but at the same time it shouldn't have gotten to that point. that is standard procedure to take those guys down very quickly before shots are fired. >> bill: well done. nice to have you wanted a paired we will see if any of this get solved. 1:30 eight. 1:30 eight local time and you have bipartisan calls for an investigation and the attempted assassination of former president trump who is now heren milwaukee as of last evening. what will that look like and what will that probe look like? texas senator is here in milwaukee to break it down for us. >> congress eats actor right n now. the house judiciary committee is going to look at this as well. we need a full investigation, we need the truth because this need the truth because this can't happen againin. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded.
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>> bill: fox news confirming that the homeland security will hold a virtual briefing with the secret service director kimberly cheadle today. house oversight committee chair james comer earlier indicated it would happen tomorrow and there would be a public hearing next monday. apparently that will go down today so we could get word and more answers this afternoon. all of this coming a med bipartisan calls for a comprehensive congressional investigation into the assassination attempt on former president donald trump. the finance and intel committee here in milwaukee with me. he is also a delegate, sandra. we will have a busy day today. senator, thank you for your time. what can you tell us about what the senate is doing with regard
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to this investigation? >> i know there are investigations happening in both houses and you can imagine given the urgency and frankly the shock and what happened two days ago, trying to figure out what went wrong and what needs to be addressed and i'm sure those investigations will go on for not ours and not days but for some time. >> sandra: good to have you on the program. just adding to the questions, the growing questions all of us have. listen. >> we need the names of which agents were doing the advance work. who spotted what. what are the timelines to really get to what happened here. so you can truly make sure something like this does not occur again or at the very minimum that the secret service on an operational basis step-by-step is making sure that you contain an area as best you can. >> sandra: do you trust we will get to the bottom of this?
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>> i think we will. it is shocking that the shooter was just a little over 100 yards away. we are here at the republican national convention in milwaukee and i can tell you that security here is very, very tight. nobody could get nearly that close to any one of the elected officials were potential targets. it seems very striking that the shooter was able to get that close because obviously that is a failure on somebody's part. >> bill: 300 million people are waiting for an answer as you well know that's everyone in this country. meanwhile we have a vp pick, we think. harris faulkner went to florida on saturday before everything went down in pennsylvania and had this question. >> are you close? >> i'm very close. i'm very close. i don't want to belittle it because it is a very important position especially if something bad should happen but that's the
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most important. if something bad should happen. >> bill: foreshadowing there. in a really stunning way. senator i was told at 7:00 this morning east close time a very good and reliable source close to the campaign that as of last night he had not yet made up his mind. what do you think we are in for here? >> there's one person that will make that decision and its donald j. trump. he may or may not have made a decision in his own mind but he obviously is building the suspense leading up to the announcement and as he said the vice president is an important person because they need to be ready should the president not be able to perform the duties of his office. but they can serve as a principal liaison with the legislative branch and the senate and the house. and we will have some really heavy lifting to do come january when the president is elected and we get the majority in both houses.
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>> sandra: for those of us that watch on occasion, i look at the betting odds. j.d. vance is still up there and doug burgum has been a favorite. glenn youngkin seems to be making a last-minute surge here if we do get this soon. nikki haley is also coming up there. is that a possibility do you think? he could tap nikki haley? >> that would be a big surprise but sometimes the president will decide to nominate somebody to chew somebody that can broaden his appeal beyond his base and certainly she could do that. governor youngkin could do that. a number of these candidates could do that and have some senators who i know very well that i think it could do a good job as well but again, this is one man's decision and he will announce it when he's ready. >> bill: i fully respect that answer. who do you think best help that ticket to win back the white house? >> i think back to mike pence
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being the choice in 2016. clearly he had a base among evangelical christians in the republican base and i look at people like governor burgum who is a very successful entrepreneur and businessman and governor of an important state. i think each of them have something to offer. again, it's impossible for me to predict the presidents mind and we will all find out at the same time. >> bill: we will let you off easy. >> sandra: i admit i dip in there every often. it's interesting to see where people want to put their money. does not always come out to be the accurate guess but it's fun to watch peered senator, great to have you on the program to today. >> good to be with you. thanks. >> sandra: president biden is expected to be back in the campaign trail soon. how will the attack on president trump affect his reelection bid?
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that is a big question this hour plus this. >> we will get a vp today and he said there are other things to come. he is projecting he will try to unify a convention and give a different message than he originally was thinking. >> bill: what will that message be? we are keeping a close eye here in milwaukee and the republican national convention cited gather in soon. the delegates have been streaming and for the past hour and a half and president trump will be here in milwaukee. arrived late yesterday and will announce his pick forto vice president. don't go anywhere. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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>> sandra: all we can do is let you know what we know at this hour but the anticipation is building for vp steaks and who the former president is going to tap for his running mate. as we look at the short-list we have had together for quite some time leading up to today, this just crossed on a reuters moments ago that per their sources, senator marco rubio has been told he will not be trumps running mate. we have not independently confirmed that but that is out there and all we can do is bring that to our viewers as we get it as the anticipation builds. >> bill: and the campaign sent
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out a text about 30 minutes ago and it has a number of questions listed on this text messages, which version should i select with the top issues to focus on and in the bottom they ask for resubmission for you to vote and make a donation. what's notable in the text on today july 15th 2024, from trump, vp announcement today? it could happen... i haven't decided yet. cast your vote. and the link is there. >> sandra: that's one way to go about it. spew and i don't want to share too much private information but i said what do you think is going on and he said he's milking it. >> sandra: it feels very apprentice buildup. he does like to keep people guessing peered he likes to make a splash. he likes to entertain.
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right now, it appears nobody knows. perhaps he doesn't either yet if this reporting is accurate. >> bill: one thing we have confirmed is the great majority of those who are on the short list have already arrived in milwaukee so there's a good chance that they get a phone call in their hotel room and they scoot on over here. >> sandra: that could happen. >> bill: we are waiting for smirks from the white house after the attempted assassination of the president. will they address what people are calling a significant security lapse by the biden team's secret service. more on that and also the local police as well. we have republican congressman mark green and josh hawley on deck to answer all of that. don't go away. that's why america's best is slashing their prices. during the wise buys sales event, get two progressives and a comprehensive eye exam for just $129.95. book an exam online today. (vo) when the internet said “red lobster's going away...”
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11:00 am
>> sandra: we are moments away from the first white house press briefing following the attempted assassination of former prede


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