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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: we are moments away from the first white house press briefing following the attempted assassination of former president donald trump.
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all of this will be happening as a republican national convention kicks off in milwaukee and breaking right now we are told the vp pick is made. when we learn exactly who that is is the question. welcome back to america reports hour to i am sandra smith and report and build great to have you today. >> sandra: i am bill hemmer live for john hot roberts here in milwaukee. you can feel it going. the delegates are all filing in. the form looks beautiful and where you see the selected states in the preferred seating in the front row right there, i tell you a lot about the priorities for this trump campaign right now as i get rolling and come out of milwaukee trying to win some of these critical battleground states. trumps vp short list has been circulated for some time. here are names on screen front runners being doug burgum and j.d. vance out of ohio, marco
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rubio in the news breaking with him right now, tim scott out of south carolina, virginia governor glenn youngkin. he has a lot of support here in milwaukee. so too are some of the others as we have heard from the gas in the last hour. bill melugin is tracking that and he's live in milwaukee as well and let's check and a brand-new hour with you. >> good afternoon to you. we just got an update from our politics team. according to a trump campaign source the vp pick has been made. we will find out who that person is or the first time we will see them on camera we are told is at 4:30 p.m. during a roll call. it's possible we will find out who that person is before then on camera appearance but fox news can report according to a trump campaign source the vp has been selected. now it's a matter of time finding out who that person is and we are told the first time we will see them is at 4:30 p.m. during the roll call here at the rnc which as you can hear behind
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me just got underway. the rnc chair was onstage kicking this thing off. here we go guys. i will send it back to you. >> sandra: so right now, as anticipation builds and we watch the happenings there in milwaukee we are anticipating a white house press briefing. we have members of congress pressing for investigations over what went down on saturday and how it went down. but it seemed to focus and the talk of this hour is that. who trump will tap for his vp. we are told that has been made. are we getting an idea of how he is going to roll out this announcement? >> not yet. all we know is potentially the first time we will see this person on camera is a little after 4:30 p.m. we don't know the name yet and we are hearing insight as to who that person is. all we know now is according to a trump campaign source that selection has been made. now we need to find out who it is and i can tell you the
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speculation has been rampant here in the media area. everyone has been asking each other the question whether it is facebook, x, everyone is trying to read the tea leaves out there and everyone is interpreting every little sign they can as to who it will be. it sounds like we will find this out imminently here. trump told our colleague bret baier earlier today that he was going to make this announcement today but now we have it via campaign source and the selection is in. now we are waiting to see who that person is and it sounds like within a matter of hours we are going to see them on camera here at the rnc during roll c call. >> bill: thank you bill. if you get any hints you come on back. >> sandra: you have to give him and his team credit for keeping it. >> bill: i remember eight years ago when the cameras popped up i think three days before the convention in cleveland that year.
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they were in indianapolis, indiana. east side uptown. carmel, indiana, i should say. i remember ivanka trump crossing the street and there was a camera with a long zoom lens on that and that's when we knew that mike pence was the pick. but we are eight years down the road. onto a very different thing. >> sandra: hard to believe. we anticipate that and now alexis mcadams will bring her in pure live in milwaukee as well. she has more on the vp steaks. what can you add? >> as you heard from bill and our reporting here on the ground the trump campaign has confirmed the vp pick is in. that speculation in true trump fashion has been continuing h here. people wondering who it would be and we know those top names are possibly already on their way or here at the rnc and that includes virginia governor glenn youngkin. his name it has been floated more and more often as trump said he was looking for somebody
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who could help him get elected. we spoke a short time ago and heard from governor glenn youngkin right here in milwaukee. this is what he had to say about the attempted assassination on former president trump. watch. >> the tragic events over the weekend, we saw a divine hand protecting president trump. we lift up the families, particularly of those innocent victims but it's also a moment for our country to come together and to recognize that the spirit of opportunity and the spirit of hope is flowing across the nation. >> who is on the short-list for bp where he would have been talking about it for a while. that's ohio senator j.d. vance, north dakota governor doug burgum, marco rubio has been mentioned but he's fallen out now. virginia governor glenn youngkin and tim scott. trump said he was looking for someone who could get him elected on the ticket here. j.d. vance is only 39 years old so the first time senator could be one of the nation's youngest vp picks.
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back in 2016 as we talked about, he called himself a never trumper guy and boy has that changed. one of his strongest offenders now out on the trail. we go to doug burgum north dakota's governor and a very wealthy and successful businessman. we saw him here on the stage in milwaukee at the debate last year. the 67-year-old had a short-lived presidential campaign and he dropped out and endorsed trump although trump has said about north dakota's near-total abortion ban that it could be a real issue and that is something to remember as we wait to hear who the name is. marco rubio is the senator from florida and he is no longer on the list. scott a senator from south carolina was a presidential hopeful and he dropped out and has been a big ally that could possibly bring in black and hispanic voters to the g.o.p. we know back out here live we can tell you in terms of who is speaking tonight there will be a lot of action and a lot of excitement. we know glenn youngkin and tim scott will both be speaking on that stage but people we talked to the other day in butler, pennsylvania, talked about who they wanted to see on the ticket.
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looking for somebody that could balance out trump in terms of j.d. vance, people think he is similar to trump and terms of who could take over. down the road. >> sandra: the vp pick has been made. we will see when we find out. we are starting to get some of the nose like marco rubio got the no call we now know. hopefully learn a few more calls maybe we start narrowing it down before the official announcement. we will see. thank you. >> bill: we are going to bring in ari fleishman. often times we think about who can help you bring in electoral votes. what states can you be helped and peered trump as a kind of guy that if he is sitting around a room and a conversation he will ask you who should be my vp. he doesn't answer but he wants you to answer it. i remember a few months back he asked me that and i said i don't know if it matters because they will vote for you or against y you. i think that's how this election in particular will be decided. that's one aspect of the conversation.
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the second one is that spirit who ever he picks, if you were to win on january 20th when they are sworn and, they will be the heir apparent to the republican party and the public and movement in 2028. for reason number one and reason number two, that is the significance i find in this pick and i want to know what you think about that. >> i will give you reason number three and it should be the first region. that person could become president at a moment's notice. if something happens a donald trump. whoever that person is needs to be picked because they are ready to assume the duties of that job if called upon. i will also make the case to you bill it has been a long time in the american politics since the vice president influenced voter behavior and when it has happened in the modern era it influenced in a negative fashion. people voting against sarah palin for example. couldn't vote for john mccain because he couldn't stand sarah palin. a significant number fell into that category. people today and has been the case for decades vote for the
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person at the top. i don't know anybody who is going to say the choice between biden and trump, my selection is going to be based on the number two person. she's not going to happen. it's a very important decision and it's a notable governing decision and it's who's on deck decision but make no mistake, this election will be decided between the two people in the batter's box. joe biden and donald trump. >> great to have you on. sandra here. what a remarkable moment the sits. now we are anticipating the vp pick. not even 48 hours from the assassination attempt at that pennsylvania rally on saturday and we are anticipating in the next few minutes the first a white house press briefing since then. watching the messaging coming from this white house, the biden campaign, the trump campaign in the wake of all of that is going to be fascinating to watch. >> we will get no answers out of the white house briefing today
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and the questions that need to be addressed are how could this have happened. does the president still have faith in the secret service director. does he still have faith in the secret service director's boss, the director of homeland security. why has not rfk jr. been given secret service protection. after all of this time why won't president biden order protection for rfk jr. these are the questions that need to be asked what you won't get any answers to that. on the investigative front, the press secretary should not be the one to answer those questions. any to come from an investigation and the american people deserve those answers but it's the wrong form for the investigative questions to be answered and it is the right form for them to be demanded. >> bill: the pick's end. we just don't know who it is. and we won't know until that vice presidential pick is inside that arena at 4:30 seven eastern time. who is your pick?
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>> i have always thought the final three were allegedly marco rubio, doug burgum governor of north dakota, tim scott you could put in there and j.d. vance of ohio. i have always thought it would go beyond that. i think glenn youngkin has to be taken seriously as a possible pick. i think donald trump thinks it might help him in virginia and argue it doesn't help that much. i always thought elise stefanik would be a strong choice. it appears she's not being speculated any longer. i won't guess who it is because i don't know who it might be. but i don't subscribe to the thinking that it has to be one of the big names being speculated about. donald trump like supplies is and i don't know how those three got anointed as the finalists. >> if i would feed that speculation, not making any predictions here whatsoever, but it's interesting that following the assassination attempt we got word yesterday during the day
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from nikki haley's team and nikki haley herself confirming to me that she received an invitation to the rnc. she had not prior to saturday. she accepted that invitation and we have confirmed she has a speaking role. >> i salute that. if you are for unity, be for unity. unity doesn't start with the other party it starts with your own party. it's a good news and she deserves a slot and she deserves to be heard and she will give a fine speech endorsing donald trump but this is about donald trump. and i have to say it, that man's behavior saturday night was remarkable. it was stirring. it was inspirational. for someone to be shot and then rise up and think of the crowd, think of the country, stand strong like that with that american flag behind him? you rarely see moments like t that. i have to credit donald trump. >> bill: strong current.
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fox digital is now reporting that north dakota governor doug burgum has received a phone call that says he is not the choice for running mate on this ticket in 2024. you see that sandra? >> sandra: seeing the same thing. >> bill: 0 for 2. another source chimes in rubio and bergen got the no calls. >> sandra: process of elimination begins if this is indeed the short-list. it brings up the bigger point who might be on that list that has not been narrowed down in recent days. live on the ground there let's bring her in. she's in my walk appeared what are you hearing alexis? >> we are working the phones here and reaching out to different sources because it's coming in minute-by-minute here. we know about governor doug burgum we reach out to his team to try to get more on what bret baier had just
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talked about with getting that call that he is not the vp pick. we know trump had looked really seriously at doug burgum as a potential vp pick. he is a very, very wealthy and successful businessman from that state and has ran -- he had experience in politics. somebody they were interested in. at this point he is out of the mix. going back to what we are hearing from people on the ground. a lot of voters talked about governor glenn youngkin saying they think he bring something to the table as trump tries to go and turn those deep blue states red. like virginia. we saw the other week that after the debate between trump and biden, trump got up on stage at a rally in the commonwealth with glenn youngkin and they talk about how they could move forward and make america great again talking about different topics like the border, crime, and education which are all top of mind for people that we talked to on a daily basis but again, hearing doug burgum who took the company public, his major company great plains
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software, microsoft bought it for a billion dollars. the guy has done well in business. no longer a vp pick. he could be something else in the trump administration so we will wait and see but hearing from the trump team on the ground a short time ago telling us the first time we will see the vp nominee and person will be around 4:30 p.m. eastern. speculation although we've been talking about it for a while, it's now starting to get closer minute-by-minute here. we can't wait to see who the pick will be up on stage and milwaukee, wisconsin. as you said, it's kind of like the apprentice. >> sandra: the drama is building. doug burgum is unknown. he got the no call. marco rubio got the no call. that starts to narrow things down. alexis, thank you. holler when you have something else. >> bill: thank you. ari is back with us and a moment ago you don't think glenn youngkin necessarily helps them in virginia. a popular governor who turn the state from blue to red.
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why not? >> people will vote on the basis of who is the president. they say virginia is in play and trump will make a strong run for virginia. that alone helps in virginia but i don't think even virginia voters will say my pickets were the governor. they are voting for the president. that's how it almost always works. john edwards did absolutely nothing. former north carolina senator john edwards for john kerry and north carolina. john kerry lost north carolina despite having john edwards on the ticket. people don't vote that way. they will for the person at the top. >> sandra: we are left wondering about j.d. vance, tim scott, glenn youngkin. >> bill: ben carson. can i put down on the list? can i put nikki haley on the list? i think everything is wide open. >> if the reporting is accurate, the tea leaves about j.d. vance is interesting. if he was picked up all of a
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sudden in different vehicles. vehicles with u.s. government tags came and picked j.d. vance up from his home. that's a clue. that's a signal. if he is already getting they have it in advance. of vice presidential protective detail, that will tell you. >> sandra: or maybe they wanted to throw you off. >> maybe. maybe hertz has cars with u.s. government license plates on it. >> sandra: it makes it interesting. always good to get your thoughts. thank you. >> bill: we are watching the email and the x feed. all of that. a look inside the forum now. 4:30 seven eastern time according to the rules. that is the moment that the nominee's name has to be entered. according to the rules but the rules can always change. we are watching the clock for later today. we will get to more breaking news now. this broke a few hours ago and it was a stunner.
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the former presidents documents case got thrown out today by the judge and now we are wondering what that means for the former president. fox news legal editor kerri urbahn is here to discuss that and get the lowdown as to what could possibly be next. and no ! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. this summer. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family
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>> sandra: vp stakes. what we know right now. a decision has been made it. it is not doug burgum, it is not marco rubio. they have been told they are not former president donald trump's vp pick. what we don't know is who the pick is and the anticipation is building. probably in the next couple of hours we will know. but that is the excitement of the hour and obviously everything that folks are talking about all over the country, especially there and
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milwaukee. >> bill: talking about that and some of these delegates last night is interesting. a few women from wisconsin i asked how they were doing and normally when you come to a convention that delegates are jacked up and ready to support their candidates. he or she or whoever they may be. and these ladies, they were quite low-key. i said is everything okay? and they reflected on the events on saturday and they said we just want to have the appropriate attitude going into this and i think you will get a sense of that up until the moment when the vp is revealed and there is a good chance that trump makes a cameo inside that arena tonight and i think that will be in addition to the vp presentation when trump appears inside that forum, you imagine how loud that might be when you think about the moment and you think about the past 40 some odd hours. here we go.
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>> sandra: absolutely. i heard you predict that and i think nobody doubts you. >> bill: awaiting comments from the white house after a judge dismissed former president donald trump's documents case per the classified documents case down in florida. judge aileen cannon ruling that special counsel jack smith's appointment on that case was not constitutional. the doj does have the option to appeal. joining us now, fox news legal editor kerri urbahn and good luck to you. i don't know if you saw this one coming today. maybe you did. what is your read on that right now? >> i don't think anyone saw that coming today. of course it is a huge win. a huge win for donald trump at least for now. i've been hearing through the grapevine here in washington, d.c., that the judge in the other january 6 cases or in the january 6th case, the other jack smith's case is, has been spending a lot of late nights at the office and weekends and what i'm wondering is if she is prewriting a decision that she anticipates
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that she has to hold these hearings in light of the immunity decision as far as whether his conduct was considered official or unofficial and if the case moves forward at all but now with this case that just got dismissed, what's going to happen is the trump team is going to raise this also in those cases and say look, this judge in florida said jack smith's unlawfully appointed paired with the you think. this judge in d.c. seems to have been hell-bent all along on getting donald trump so i doubt she will agree with the trump team arguments but why that matters is then we will have two different decisions on the same issue with two federal judges which means it will make its way through the appeals process and ultimately end up at the supreme court. now all that being said, if donald trump wins, these jack smith cases go away altogether and the whole thing becomes moot. very interesting day in the legal community and it will be interesting to see what happens after november.
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>> sandra: our good friend joined us last hour and said this on all of it. >> if you were to have one case dismissed, if you had to have a wish list, this would be it. i've said since the beginning florida was the greatest threat to donald trump. here, smith was relying on established law. he will likely appeal this to the 11th circuit. some judges are going to disagree. we don't know if this will be upheld. one thing smith does not have is it clear law but more importantly, time. >> sandra: can we get your thoughts on that? >> that's why the running the kroc strategy has been crucial. if trump wins, he gets rid of jack smith and those cases go away. the doj withdraws altogether and jonathan turley is right. this is the case where donald trump was it most legally vulnerable. at least legal experts on both sides of the aisle thought that. for him to get that case thrown out is a remarkably significant
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step in all of these cases for him. >> sandra: appreciate you joining us on that. any other day that's the biggest news of the day. but there's a lot happening. thanks so much carrie. let's bring in fox news contributor ari fleischer joining us. back again as we anticipate what's going to be the biggest moment at least of the day for the rnc. give us your thoughts as we head into this in the next couple of hours. >> let me go back in history and shed a light on 1988 when george w. bush was going through this process. he was calling the people who were not going to get his vice presidential nomination. it was senator peter mattice, congressman jack camp, and dan quayle. he said it's not you. he thinks it's got to be camp because it will never be quayle. george h.w. bush calls camp and he thinks it's not him. they think it's ever going to be quayle. they were both wrong and process
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of elimination, it became dan quayle. so let's see where this process of elimination takes us today. everyone is on to right path. soon enough, it will limit who is left and then we will know officially. >> bill: i'm going to add to your history. i think the first stop after they went public was cincinnati, ohio, and i was a young intern at a local tv station and they had their first stop at a pretty small hotel room in downtown cincinnati and it was only a group of about 50 people and it was dan quayle and his wife who were introduced living just about 90 miles up the road in indianapolis, indiana. what does president trump need? you think about george bush taking dick cheney. that was a surprise. you think about barack obama taking joe biden. a lot of people thought that was a way to communicate with congress. to push health care forward. if you think about mike pence and the evangelical load 2016.
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trump has not vote now. what makes sense. >> what makes sense as a loyalist. someone who will be loyal, someone who can take that job if it is called upon to assume the duties of the presidency and somebody who donald trump is not going to have to look over his shoulder and say it is this person undermining me? is this person leaking? that is essential. are they trying to maneuver to take a voting bloc that i have a problem with even though trump will never run again. you want that in a vice president and you want good advice and a vice president. i downplay the political gain you get by naming someone based on demography, based on race, based on gender because people will vote for the person at the top. that's what i think donald trump wants to look for. if there is a second theory again in pennsylvania or wisconsin because you named a midwesterner or again in virginia, i just don't see it. i don't think that is how people vote or have voted in the modern
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era of politics. it used to be true when candidates couldn't be all across the country and you needed a regional element because people from new england wanted a new englander and presidents might not be able to campaign there very often so no one was seen. we don't live in that era. we live in the instant era of communications across the country where everyone gets the message at the same time so they vote for the person at the top giving them that message. it's a serious governmental selection. and boy will the wife of whoever this person is a change in an instant. as a senator or a governor you're relatively obscure. you can walk from a department store or a mall and not be recognized. that will change in a heartbeat. do we surround by secret service from now on pure you will have a motorcade. your whole life, your family life, everything will change in an instant. >> bill: thank you. >> sandra: thank you for jumping back on with us. >> bill: looking inside the forum there. we will get the big reveal we
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believe that 4:30 eastern time. that is what? two hours in 7 minutes for now. do you think he can do it? >> sandra: we will see. >> bill: we will find out together. we'll get a quick break. we know rubio is out and burnham is out but we still have a list. it's not a very long list and that is if we are right on that list and we will be right back with more. live here in milwaukee as we continue our coverage on day one of the republican national conventionu do thi. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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>> sandra: all right. here is a live look at the rnc in milwaukee as the anticipation is building for former former pt donald trump's vp pick. we are told that will be announced in the next two hours. for public and senator josh hawley from missouri. it's what everyone is talking about here jump on it appeared what are your thoughts and who would you like to see the former president tap?
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>> i know whoever he chooses will be fantastic. i'm waiting like everyone else and i have to say it is a miracle that donald trump is alive. i thank god for it and we need to get to the bottom of what happened on saturday night. this can never happen again. we need to find out how this was allowed to happen and we need to stop it. >> bill: how will you do that and starting one? >> we need an investigation that is public. alejandro mayorkas needs to testify under oath in public. the head of the secret service needs to testify under oath and in public. no more sweeping this under the rug. this doj loves to do that. this can't happen. were security breach, were security failure for a president since jfk. we have got to figure out what happened here and somebody needs to be fired. the bottom line is there needs to be accountability here. a good american is dead and two others are in critical condition. we need to fix this. >> sandra: there will be big questions and there are a lot of members of congress that are
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pushing for a very deep investigations into all of this. surprisingly haven't got a clear update from the head of secret service over what went down that moment but we will likely hear more and we will likely get more from that investigation as it is ongoing. how big is this announcement and how big to president trump's potential to his run, to his candidacy is this pick? how much of a difference will it make? >> i think, not to take anything away from whoever the vp pick is, i think the start of the show is clearly donald trump and after saturday i have to tell you the nation saw courage and resolution like we haven't seen in a long, long time and i think the contrast between the current chief executive and donald trump is so clear, it is so bright. i think this country is looking for the kind of leadership and the kind of strength and courage that donald trump showed. i know he will pick somebody terrific in the most important thing is he picked somebody that can do the job and i know he
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will. somebody he is comfortable with and someone who will be loyal to him and he is running a terrific campaign. it will be a terrific day come november. >> bill: i want to go back to the events of saturday evening. there is a background virtual meeting with some of the house members. they will meet behind closed doors tomorrow to investigate the secret service breakdown and whatever happened in butler, pennsylvania. we know coomer is pushing for an open public hearing next monday which pushes us pass the republican convention here in milwaukee. are you or members of the senate coordinating with house members and how would that work? >> the homeland security committee and the senate just announced that we will indeed be holding a full investigation and a hearing and this is what i've been pushing for. democrats control it but i've spoken with the democrats and i told them this is not something that can be done behind closed doors. you need to do this in public. the country deserves to know. they deserve to know how this
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happened and an innocent bystander, that fire chief was shot. americans need to have the confidence they can go to a political rally and not be shot at. for heaven's sake, what is going on? this needs to be done in public. the senate will hold the hearings and i'm going to push to have all of his information out there in the public domain so we can understand what the facts are and prevent this. >> bill: when does your hearing happen? >> i am told it will be before the end of this month. in the next two weeks and that is significant. this needs to be swift, it needs to be public. there needs to be no attempt to sweep this under the rug, no cover up, no withholding of information. the american people deserve to know. >> bill: sir, thank you. >> sandra: thank you for joining us as we do anticipate this big news shortly. a live look at milwaukee and the rnc there underway. aisha hosni is there for us. what are you seeing and what are you hearing as the drama is
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building? >> good to see you. i am here on the convention floor and i'm trying to talk with delegates from the different states of the vp short-list contenders are from. i've talked to folks from ohio, governor dewine was very excited that j.d. vance could be trump's vp. he said he was already thinking about who might replace him as senator in that state. i talked with the florida delegation, the north dakota delegation before we found out that marco rubio and doug burgum are now out. the only delegation that hasn't been as open and talkative as the virginia delegation and that is where i'm standing right now. they've been a little coy about this. i don't know if they have been told not to talk but governor glenn youngkin is on this short-list as you know. he might be the dark horse pick of the day. we don't know yet but i'm going to walk over to my friend the ag of the state who is having a private conversation right now. this is jason we are is. i talked to him a little bit ago and i tried to ask him, trying
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to get out of use or what you think. are you hearing anything about glenn youngkin? you are being coy. >> glenn is a wonderful governor and a dear friend. i think the entire country looks at glen as someone who is a natural leader and i think that's what he's done in virginia. i called the virginia resin is not spirit he made virginia the best day in the country to do business. best record of law enforcement and tax released for virginians. a great friend and a great governor. >> would you be surprised if trump pick some question work >> i wouldn't be surprised because so many people see the virginia record and the virginia renaissance that governor youngkin has led recognizes that he would be a great running mate. he has an amazing combination. he is uncommonly decent but he has a spine and incredible judgment. it's a great combination. i think he would be a great running mate. >> when did you pick him? >> i will leave that between the
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governor and i. >> i have a attorney-client privilege but he is excited to be here. >> i appreciate it. i'm wondering if you've been told not to say anything. >> i can't confirm anything. >> i appreciate it sir. thank you so much. again, we are trying to work our resources in trying to ask as many questions as possible but the virginia delegation is being a little coy. >> sandra: we appreciate the effort. keep us posted and we will check back in with you soon as we continue to look live there on milwaukee. >> bill: one of the things the president talked about in several interviews going back to brian kilmeade's interview about a week ago. he talked about the issue of abortion may be a factor with doug burgum from north dakota with the legislature passed and he signed into law. he talked about the complications with marco rubio coming from the same state. many suggested that marco rubio would need to change where he lived and might need to move to washington, d.c., and he
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admitted there were complications and that as well. that is what we know. that's what we think we know anyway. awaiting remarks from the white house. i carry eye on this now and comments about the attempted assassination of the former president. what is the administration's message to americans question work we are waiting to hear more from the podium and back here in milwaukee at the forum, this convention is underway. stay tuned for every development happens. harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ i always wanted to know why i am the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry. it was amazing to see all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna. it's a family thing. it's a family thing. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone.
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precede it from a mean or narrow partisanship but from the broad and sincere concern for the well-being and safety of our fellow americans. it's part of our service to our country. more importantly we will also hear about donald trump's broad and inspiring vision for our country. this is not a program just for republicans but one for all americans! [cheers and applause] it reflects the value of america. it's a program that acknowledges our nation has seen better days and we can and we will blaze a brighter future! [cheers and applause] we love america and we want to restore her security, or prosperity, and her excellence. i invite all of you to join me in supporting president donald trump in this great endeavor! this is an endeavor.
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this is an endeavor that is going to make america wealthy again! this is an endeavor to make america safe again! this is an endeavor to make america strong again! and say it with me, fellow republicans. this is an america stomach endeavor to make america great again! [cheers and applause] so here we go. it is my honor to nominate donald jay trump for the office of president of the united states! [cheers and applause]
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>> amen to that. amen to that. the chairs around recognizes the delegate from nevada and the chairman of the nevada republican party michael mcdonald. [applause]
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>> good afternoon. i am chairman michael mcdonald from the state of nevada. it has been the owner of a lifetime to standby president trump side since 2015. in nevada we held the first in the west caucus where we blew the democrats narrative apart. but you cannot have voter i.d., the you cannot have paper ballots, that you cannot have results of an election on election night. in nevada, a state that is resilient on service industry president trump has proposed to eliminate taxes on tips on day one! [cheers and applause] unlike the biden-harris administration and the democrats that increased taxes on tips. [boos]
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president trump has transported our party to the champion of the working men and women. we fight for what is right, not what is easy. we are in a battle for the soul of our nation because we want the best future for our family and for our country. president trump is our fearless leader. who stood -- who withstood it the of weaponized law fair and who has fought even harder and stronger to represent and fight for all of us. i ask all americans to join me in taking back our nation by supporting president trump as he leads us back to victory once again! [cheers and applause] it is my honor to second the nomination of donald j. trump
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for the office of the president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] god bless you. ♪ ♪
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>> sandra: no doubt you can feel the energy they are and the chairs of the nevada republican party, the iowa republican party, they have that crowd of pumped. >> bill: it isn't quite edge, it's not quite the edge but the band is really good. they were warming up yesterday and played a number of the eagles tunes. they nailed it. each and every one of them. as they will want alexis mcadams to give us a flavor will happen 94 minutes we will check in with her. we will get a break here in milwaukee and we will continue our coverage as they get a few more speakers lined up here and we are digging in on vp picks. we want to figure this out before anybody else. hold that thought. >> sandra: we will be rightte o back. ♪ ♪ blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons!
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[ cheering ]
12:00 pm
back live in milwaukee roll call happening. let ted back. >> of this convention iowa 40 votes president trump. [ cheering ] >> nevada, 26 ballots. >> madam secretary the great state of nevada proudly casts all of its 26 votes for president donald j. trump. [ cheering and applause >> pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and rules and procedures of this convention, nevada 26 votes president trump. [ applause ] >> oklahoma, 43 delegates. [ cheering ] >> madam secretary nathan don republican party chairman of


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