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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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moment of strength encourage for president trump but it's what we got to see. i know you know every single day in the white house with somebody -- didn't know what was coming at him, he was going to keep coming back up, keep hearing anything out of america got to see -- >> jesse: when i saw it i almost cried but i'm a man. so i suppress that emotion and i just pushed it deep, deep down inside and who knows what's going to happen and how it's going to manifest. >> if you want to cry my shoulder -- >> jesse: i'll try. thank you. >> have to get in touch with your feelings. >> jesse: anything in dutch. i know you're interviewing your feelings. touchy-feely larry remained as what they call you. [laughter] that's all for us tonight. sean is next with his inclusive -- exclusive interview you with j.d. vance. ex for watching jesse watters "prime time, of the rnc continuing, right now. >> ♪ ♪
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>> sean: welcome to hannity, were in before milwaukee, we are in wisconsin whenever -- with a very first day of the 2024 republican national convention. it is off, is running after a weekend that shook america and frankly the world to its core. make no mistake, saturday's assassination attempt against president trump, well, was so much in perspective. and now it's official. republican ticket is not set. not up has selected ohio senator j.d. vance to be his running mate. senator vance will enter a presidential race unlike any other in american history. how many times do i say we are at an inflection point, the world is at an inflection point? and he will join it ticket with tremendous momentum. donald trump is now i had in virtually every major poll. his lead is going and breaking today a federal judge, and this is huge, tossed out the doj's focus documentation against president trump in palm
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beach. know the trump-vance ticket can focus on what really matters, the american people. americans -- immigration, economy, line order, energy back issues that matter to all of you. so without further review conjoining is now, marine marine, senator, author of the massive big hit both in book form and movie, hillbilly allergy in their public and vice president nominee, j.d. vance. how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? >> sean: i'm sure you had a pretty slow day today. you on pretty boring. [laughter] >> sean: let's talk about the process. a lot of questions for you obviously. what was it like because the last couple of days -- or was not like for you? >> you know, i just tried to the right. what an honor to be considered -- i try to just have a good average -- attitude about it. my family is very excited busy asking a lot of questions. i will say i hope not
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betraying much confidence here but when the president called me today naturally formally offered me to become recognized by the initial nominee which sounds crazy my son, my 7-year-old son was so making noises in the background, you know, i was getting embarrassed saying "-- >> sean: so the phone rings and he calls -- >> or maybe it's about call. it's a call, who knows what is good or bad by then he actually has me put my 7-year-old son on the phone. you think about this. everything that happened, like i just got shot at a couple of days ago and he takes the time to talk to my 7-year-old. is a moment aisle never forget. >> sean: all right. and what did he actually say? >> he does that look, have to save this country. i think you're the guy can help me in the best way, you can help me govern, he can help me when, you can help me in some of these midwestern states the consulting account michigan and so forth and he said rightfully that we have been very, very close for a long time but especially since i endorsed you in 2022 back and they would not have
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won that race without donald trump's endorsement and the president's trust then in his partnership since then been something i valued. >> sean: let me ask you, you know this happens all the time. you get announced an incoming begins. let's go over some of it. >> please. >> jesse: >> sean: and not questions you haven't heard about -- but i think americans want answers. >> sure. >> sean: let me go to for example after, you know, he announced this, the media -- starting to read every article, right back and put siding you that, you know, here's our guide, this came out of ohio, your support for national abortion ban in his twisted believe that women should stay invited marriages for the benefit of the children example affianced is dangerous extremism primitives not just wrong for ohio, he's wrong for the country. actually saw those articles this weekend and i said why would i wait -- i wanted to know the answer. i called you. >> yeah.
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>> sean: how do you address that? >> first of all, democratic completely twisted my words here and as you know, both me and my mom actually were victims of domestic violence as a way to say that grenville had supported woman staying in violent marriages gimmick i think it's shameful for them to take a guy with my history and my background and say that that is what i believe. is not what i believe. is not what i said. i think sean is evidence of the democrats complete inability to talk about the future. what are publicans running on? delivering the present bowlers -- donald trump or -- what are democrats running on? lies and complete distortions of people's records. something i think i'm working people are going to reject and do smart for it. >> sean: you know, i said on january 2nd when the year started i said let me tell you what this year will be like and i tried to have a perspective to my audience it's not my first rodeo. and i said democrats are going to try to make this election about "democracy and peril, love how often have we heard that? me while you might want to
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disenfranchise every primary boater that they have. and he wanted to get down from off the ticket in some states another example. would be about january 6. would be about abortion. and we hate donald trump. can be run on the issue -- is the country better off than it was four years ago mark. >> of course, they can, sean. they can't run on that at all and they can't run the issue the world is more peaceful and it was four years ago. remember when donald trump left office, you had real growing peace movement all over the world. , -- gérald lacroix that showed real progress in uniting the israelis with some of the arab states permit there was no war in europe. asia look like it was under control. in three years later it seemed like we have a conflict in every corner of the world and americans are -- you know a little bit about my background. i grew up in a poor family. remember when my grandmother raised me because she used to negotiate with the meals on wheels people to give her additional food so that she could keep me from account as
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a family like that deal with joe biden's grocery price inflation? has a family like that deal with gasoline and energy prices inflation? it's gotten more expensive just live a good life in this country. donald trump and i want to make them better. and have policies to make it better. democrats have lies and distortions and again i don't think the american people are going to reward that. >> sean: had an opportunity to dr donald from and i knew this question was going to come up. actually for almost every person that was under consideration. and that was passed comment that you had made about him. and when i -- out tell after what his response was. but you didn't have the nicest things to say about him back in 2016, which seemed like a long time ago now. you know, literally said you texted a friend that trump is a cynical a hole like nixon who wouldn't be that bad and might even prove useful and that he's america's hitler. and he compared him to a cultural hero and in the atlantic monthly.
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and i'll tell you trump's response but you said that then. what you say to people that say well wait a minute, what did he mean? >> well, sean, i don't hide from that. i was certainly skeptical of the letter in 2016 but president from what a great president and he changed my mind. i think he change the minds of a lot of americans because again he delivered that peace and prosperity. if you go back to what i thought in 2016, another thing that was going on, sean, and i bought in to the media' like distortions, i bought in to the idea that somehow he was going to be so different, a terrible threat to democracy. it was a joke. joe biden is the one who's trying to throw his political opposition in jail. joe biden is the one who is trying to undermine american line order. president from did a really good job. and actually think it's a good thing when you see somebody you are all about him, you got to admit the mistake and admit that you were wrong. >> kellyanne: >> sean: when i brought it up to him -- >> i can't wait for the. >> sean: okay. when i brought it up to him he said, yeah, "he goes but he doesn't think that we now,
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does he? so he answered he had a very good sense of humor about him, he also said a lot about him -- where u.s. political back then? >> not really, sean. my book came out in 2016, "it back, lois lee in the story about poverty and achieving the american dream, starting up a business. really didn't care that much about politics, i certainly had many years, i was a republican. but i wasn't nearly as involved as i was -- and i am today and something that change for me and i think a lot of americans and we saw the results from presidency compared to the obsessive, deranged media reaction 2019 and 2020. like, what's going on? what so bad about this guy that he delivered rising wages for american workers and peace in the world? what is the media so obsessed with him gimmick i think a lot of americans ashley had a similar awakening over the couple of years because he compared the results with a reaction and clearly other people with their reactions to the problem, that's not president from's fall. >> sean: a lot of people forget too back in the first debate i believe there was an
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kamala harris was on the stage with joe biden at the time and she said i was not euro if you remember that moment, it was a very hard-hitting moment, what she was referring to in the fact that joe biden had partnered with the former klansman and try to stop the immigration of public schools -- integration of public schools, joe biden's words, he didn't want the schools to be -- become racial jungles. >> sean, kamala harris basically said joe biden 11 like me -- she said this months before she joined his ticket, sean. is that some bad things about alone from ten years ago but i think is also important to be able again to admit that you're wrong. i think you can make the case with american people, people who may have been skeptical of the president back in 20 2016, who can receptacle now that we've seen the results? speed alaa sakr about all of it and i think these are important times, are special times ramin khamis he was happening with the border, for example. i think it's now become the number 1 national security threat. >> oh absolutely. >> sean: and we have nearly
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11 million unvetted joe biden illegal immigrants in this country back what should we due with them? >> we have to deport people. we have to report people who broke our laws and came in here anything we start with the violent terminals. president from has been very, very effective and human getting on this, so that the point where no majority of markets believe that we need to report a larger number of people welcome here illegally. there is a major political victory for him and i think it will lead to a policy victory to the american people. but, sean, we have to talk about the fentanyl problems, because this is something that i know extremely personally. and we have 100,000 americans dying of drug overdoses everything will your most of it brought in brought in by mexican drug cartels cabinet factory in china, then brought in by these cartels. my mom started -- had an addition for a big chunk of my early life, that's why my grandmother was basically memo and raise me. but maybe the greatest blessing of my life is my mom is about to survey ten years sober. and she's able to celebrate ten years sober frankly because the poisonous him across the border now wasn't
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coming across in such large numbers 15 years ago. when you're depriving americans of our second chance with her loved ones. you cannot keep doing this. you're offering an entire generation of kids. you go to pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, sean, he have thousands of grandparents raising grandchildren that they were expecting to raise because of the poison joe biden a cross-border. president trump is the guy to stop this and if we don't stop it and were going to lose a generation of young kids. >> sean: you know, when i saw you in atlanta, i said i felt a little embarrassed because i was one of the few americans because most people knew hillbilly elegy -- hillbilly elegy that was a massive bracelet and became a movie. and i didn't -- i literally read at least a book on a researching -- >> i know you do. >> sean: radio and yet -- television so i decided to watch the movie. and when i saw you, i did ask you, is this really what your life was, appalachia? and this is necessary of a
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palacio, you become a marine. and by the way, your mom was a drug addict and alcoholic "your father, not exactly the greatest father in the world. a new report and you had an amazing grandmother that came out of your life too. but then you join the marines, who served in iraq. you came out of school, went to ohio state, he went to yale. you prospered at yale. then you went on to be successful in business. which by the way the request are criticizing you for. to which you failed but i guess when they wrote that considering where you came from, is the american dream. and then, you know, you got on the politics and you did so successfully. pretty amazing story. give us some texture and context of that life. i mean, that's a tough life you had -- you have. >> yeah, sean, it was a lot of waste but blessed in a not -- in a lot of ways and you have to accept the written about. i wouldn't see the same now world -- the grandmother who raised me
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with such an amazing person. she was a woman of the christian faith, she cursed like a sailor. i mean, she had a mouth that would really make a marine corps will instructor blush but she was so disciplined -- she also believed in this country and recognize that most people in washington do not care about people like her. and when i talk about generations our grandparents raising generations our grandchildren, that's exactly what i think about because my grandmother because she can afford her medication, she couldn't afford other perception drugs that she needed. she sometimes couldn't even afford before both me and her. those are the people suffer when we have the policies that we've had over the last three and a half years and those are the people stand to benefit the most from president from ron two. >> sean: me go back to the scene and you -- wheels on wheels and she would negotiate an extra something because you had nothing else?
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nothing. >> while we sometimes -- we struggle but sometimes 90 mcclennon have anything and she would novitiate to get a bit extra so she can share with me and also have enough or herself. look, sometimes times were hard, right. but, you know, i look back about anything for myself win i go and talk to people, when i served the people of the united states, senator for the state of ohio, i go admitted it would make a actually innocent little bit what people are going to an soja it it was tough and i was dealing with it. but now i really do think it's a blessing because it's given me perspective and a lot of clinicians don't have speed alaa sakr about what you believe the role of vice president should be. >> sure. look, sean, i think it's very simply. number 1 you need to support the president in enacting the internet. weather is going to meeting with foreign leaders, whether it's working with the senate and house to get legislation passed. the president can't be everywhere. i mean, the long-term can't be everywhere so you have to be a person i can trust that you can rely on to actually advance the agenda. that's the most important job. of course, -- but i think
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donald trump and very healthy, going to serve go very good years. what we've got to have republicans who are helping him with the internet. remember this as well as anybody, sean, a successful as he was politically, even after he was elected at certain republicans didn't know what to actually enact the america first agenda. you got to have leaders in washington are supporting him and not fighting against him. >> sean: not talk about an occasion where you might disagree with them. >> sure. >> sean: how do you view your role in terms of handling that moment? >> is very simple, sean. i think you owing to the president to be honest with them if you don't think he's doing the right thing, if you disagree with him. but you do it in private. you offer your council in private because a lot of the vultures in the press, they will blow up every object -- >> sean: so you've heard -- met my colleagues right here at my home state run media. >> the art they run media. and vockler still state run that even after president trump and -- trump was shot and he showed a remarkable
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amount of unity and defiance and calmness, they blamed him for the rhetoric that even though he was the victim of a near assassination? is crazy. but i think it's really important that you don't have republicans who blow up disagreements so that they can win points with the media who are never going to treat republicans fairly. the job is to help him enact the agenda. and whether that matter? because they were -- going to make people's lives better. >> sean: let's talk about -- i'm sure in the course of this process, had to go through your head -- what if. we saw this on saturday, president trump, a millimeter, if he didn't turn his head we would be having a very different conversation. >> yes, we would. >> sean: and i certainly believe in god and faith and -- but it was that close. -- i'm sure americans are watching you tonight.
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are you ready at a moment's notice to step into that rule? what do you believe most qualifies you for that roll? >> matthew maggio answer is yes, and how to take your time some humility about this. is the biggest or mineral but serving my country so justly in the united states marine corps, i had a successful business career, and i have the business and the agenda align with president trump to make the american worker better off, to bring peace to the world and to actually advance an agenda that is good for american citizens. and inexperience that may be most americans care about is not and i spent two years in the senate and i think i've had a very she settled years in the senate. is that i came from nothing, became a united states marine and succeed in business. that the experience that i think gives you a fresh perspective. you combine that with the ability to get things done and that's what you need to do but, sean, i have to say, knowledge of is as healthy as anybody i've ever met. i don't him all times, he's got ridiculous jeans. i plan to be a very good vice president for the long-term for four years. >> sean: let's talk about
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when the shooting occurred this weekend. what was going through your head and now we have some perspective. on the people around him on a stage, secret service, i got into no secret service guys over the years, doing this job. i have found them to be amazing people, they're willing to sacrifice their lives for you, for the president are for any artificial they maybe assigned to. they are phenomenal. and then we found out how is it possible that a mere 130 yards away? they talk about a perimeter, it was outside the perimeter. now, the perimeter be shooting range for any assassin and the guy was able to get on the roof, unknown was apparently asked by people in the crowd trying to warn law enforcement. to me, a massive failure. what is reaction to it? >> look, sean, it's scary. on actually playing minigolf with my kids when people started to text me and i realized the president had been shut. of course, i didn't know what his condition was. my frustration was just a
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program. obviously terrified. and president from had been killed, of course,, terrible, terrible, terrible. manure reverberations in the country, it would've been a world historic tragedy. think that he was okay. you know, i don't know enough about the security protocols, but i was i in and it states marine. and 150 yards is not nearly enough -- >> sean: for anybody has any skill at all. >> with any school insuring agreement is amazing, sean, frankly that he wasn't hurt much, much worse. so i think they need to be a full-scale investigation, we need theunissen what happen because clearly -- look at the secret service right other california bodies over and he reacted quickly. that's not what worries me. what worries me is why was there a shooter 150 yards from the president -related estates. it doesn't make an awesome sense. love, we noticed a lot of americans are extremely worried about president tr trump, rightly so. and they're very skeptical of the official narrative on anything. the way to solve that is to get the bottom of this,
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understand what happened in picture three doesn't happen again. >> sean: let me go back must go through some issues and raised on on things and where the administration would stand assuming you in 115 days -- by the way early morning start in about six to fornaish and state you know very well. >> that's right. >> sean: let's start with immigration. what do we due with the nearly 11 million unvetted illegal immigrants that i might add, many coming from countries with erin heise like syria and iran and afghanistan and people from venezuela and egypt and tens of thousands from china, russia. what should have been? is there an orderly way to say if you didn't come in legally, we will escort you home? >> yes there is, sean, remed first of all we have to stop the flow. joe biden has turned over in the southern border, and president trump had it under control. we have to stop the flow to begin with. what you due with 11 million people? as we think it's more than 11 million people who are here right now. number 1 to start with the most value when people, the
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people about criminal records have to be willing to department. number 2 -- >> sean: how do we find them? >> i think we already know where they are contest crazy thing about the. [crowd groans] administration is that people and cathy give him asylum and we actually know that these people are sort of out there in our country. some will be hard to find sure but a lot of them usually can find just because -- if you are to be tried like which is what the. [crowd groans] administers and hasn't done. the second thing. [ engine roars ] is we have to make it hard for illegal aliens work in our country -- let's talk about maybe some americans that you do know, people in appalachia, poor people. there was a study that came out 25 sens of americans had to forgo meals in the last year and nearly two thirds of americans say they were literally gasping for air and having a hard time making
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ends meet every month. what is the best way to get america to economic disparity quickly? how do you do it? >> number 1 you got on this america energy, president trump is so strong in this. we had energy independent, joe biden has started. we can have energy dominance, we can be the main source of energy in the world -- absolutely and that would actually -- weekend russia, iran and some of these other regimes but we're sitting on the saudi arabia of natural gas in ohio and pennsylvania my joe biden would rather stop from iran and buy it from pennsylvania and wor workers. doesn't make an uncle sense, sean. other thing is that the river -- biggest contrast media doesn't talk about between joe biden and president trump is president trump was right about every single disaster that joe biden was wrong about. nafta, destroyed the manufacturing economy in pennsylvania and michigan. real estate developer from new york from new york, donald trump unnaturally right about that issue. letting china in to the world trade organization. joe biden supported it back a real estate developer from queens named donald trump
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opposed it and now, of course,, daughter is saying open up america's open -- energy markets and joe biden is trying to destroy. is actually talking joe biden's entire career is about -- president from's' entire career is how about how do we rebuild and how do we correct the mistakes of our broken leadership class. >> sean: let's talk about foreign policy and uncle at the vance doctrine because it will be a trump doctrine. >> it will be the content doctrine. >> kellyanne: >> sean: okay. lásková not part of the world i for the life of me can understand joe biden''s policy on iran, i don't understand -- in our navy and international waterways. why russia got a waiver for the north -- don't scream 2 pipeline for example. but we got a lot of hotspots in the world and very outspoken issue of ukraine, hundreds of billions of dollars in joe biden and i would argue that joe biden surrendered in the war on terrorism with hamas by not
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supporting israel further in their offensive moves after the worst terror attack in that history. is get your overall view. let's get micah zandee-hart sparks. ukraine, iran, the war in the middle east. first of all served in the united states to -- when the things -- you don't -- unless you really have to. but when you do, you punch any punchcard permit any that's no that you are respect americans brave men and women who are serving. let me see something on -- >> sean: when you say that, for example how president trump -- and he did it in a matter of months. but also iran, sean. a lot of people recognize they need to lose something with iran but not vis-à-vis little bombing runs. if you're going to punch the americans, you punch them hard and that's what he -- by the way that action, people -- and slow them down a
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little bit. but -- because maybe no one imported the blank statement -- but you also got an phishing enabled the israelis and the -- to work together naturally provide alibis to iran for my joe biden has done nothing. you have the intersection there sitting there tweaking iran, strengthen our ally israel for my joe biden has done nothing with. donald trump reinvigorated i it. >> sean: if one of the more -- i guess achievements down from the nothing of talked about a lot -- the saudis at the emirates jordan, the egyptians like my last day in the middle east.
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how do we deal with the situation there now? i think israel should have the right to win the war on terror and there are -- our rick sallan release but i don't think -- >> here's the problem, sean, is joe biden has made it harder and harder for israel to win the war. you want to make things happen, -- naturally as possible -- second after the war you want to be in -- between israel, saudi arabia, of the jordanians and so forth. what biden hundred in the worst of all possible worlds. he's prolonged the war, israel's rotary taken harassment in the process is actually what it harder for the really the cinema centerpiece landmark everybody agrees with it even a lot of my democratic colleagues fully agree with
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her. but here's the issue, sean, is we've now spent $1 million. was totemic when a return to work on this? is the arrest of isolation in the neutral -- nuclear wall? -- and you've got a lot of minor in washington dc. -- bring this so that americans can focus on the real issue -- i spent a lot of time on this program pointing out joe biden i hope you watch the show and if you like my claiming real videos unedited of joe biden or cheap thanks, all my gosh he's a cognitive mess, we got to get rid of them. what is your action to all of that because i find it
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disingenuous and practically their outright lying and there's been a cover-up of joe's cognitive state? you believe he'll be the candidate, what do you think of the cover of? that's kamala harris replace him? what are your thoughts on relevant? >> there really, sean, six month ago what you're saying in the program, the media was telling the conspiracy and now the media is telling an obvious fact so euro -- way ahead. >> sean: i was ten years -- and put it up on a the lower third now would be nice. by the way hell will freeze over my go-ahead. >> look, for sevarg and then regrets want to try to run for this and they're saying that, you know, joe biden has to step down or joe biden can't run for president. is nonpublic spiritedness. that's political cynicism because they should have been saying it three years ago. kamala harris has that an american to be sound the present nuclear and how america -- it is not public spiritedness to go for him to step down when he is about to lose an election. he should have been doing it years ago massage public, nancy pelosi ben carr
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phishing national like mcnamara street american people, sean, as we can either reward or punish that behavior. and only way to punish the democrats for lying about joe biden's health and threatening us with an incapacitated president is to vote him out of office in every level come november. >> sean: do you really believe regardless of which smirk i believe the democratic party is basically -- there are united front. i don't think immigration policy will change our thinking on the policy will change, i think foreign policy will change. >> nothing will change. every single one of their policies in exactly the same. nineteen like men without falling asleep forgetting where he is
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which they would be, you know, you don't actually solve any problems. >> sean: the -- because after reading a lot of the attacks that had already begun on you, of course you did anticipate them, correct? >> sure. >> sean: all right. let me go back to the issue of abortion. and it was this article that said oh j.d. vance said it's inconvenient. i want you to address that and i want you to explain as much detail as you want which i would argue rarefied first trimester abortions which is mostly double deville availability would be -- but what -- what i did say is that we sometimes in the society seabees as a convenience and actually -- but we do see babies like mike here's the
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thing, roe versus wade is no more and what donald trump has said very larry is likely is california if you're going to have a different policy from ohio. ohio one are different policy from alabama. and is reasonable to let voters in states make the decisions. doesn't mean you have to agree with that. but you have to have some respect for the political process to make this is one important, sean, that respect for the political process. doctrine is running against a joe biden president who wants taxpayer-funded abortions under the moment of birth. presenter and then to identify a similar -- we can turn thing down fine print of if you choose to have babies. these things are i think where the republican party is going and focus on. the democrats want the most radical abortion policy funded by taxpayers. so the idea that they can run on this and attack us when
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president trump is the one trying to identify some reasonable compromise and they're the ones who wants pro-life christians to pay for abortions and 39 weeks? it's insane. i don't do any nonphishing any american by the. >> is interesting said -- which we can see in the statement -- >> that's a big difference actually with democrats in the -- the woman that raised me that she was pro-choice women choose to stay safe, legal and rare. and i remember liking was her understanding of what an democratic party view was. the republican for polack on the democrats were safe, legal and reprimanded in the records are saying that funding -- unlimited? that's ridiculous. and for them to try to say that we are radicals on this, sean, i don't think the american people by. >> sean: so you will completely agree or in full
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complete agreement with president trump and is the answer example minigame during the debate? >> my view is the long-term is the republican -- and his views on abortion are going to be the views down from the -- have to believe in reasonable exceptions because that is what the american people are and you have to let there is a reasonable thing and that's think how evil some bridges and have some respect for one another. >> sean: let me ask a class question, i'll combine two issues in one. it always comes back up the issue of 2slgbtqia+ rights now the issue of trans status and what's age-appropriate in schools for kids. the second amendment. >> look, i think we should be teaching kids sexually is missing anything, whether it's w-2 or anything else -- is called the federal funding for -- a lot of the craziest
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stuff you see in our schools, liquids yes books and so forth, it comes from federal funding. anything 90% of democrats and republicans how this one because the eradication be monday one -- you don't want four squares to read sexually explicit stuff. that's not a life -- >> look over my shoulder has a role change element is wednesday? since saturday? and you're speaking with as they. >> exchanged a little bit, sean. of course, it has. i mean, long-term has given me an agreeable honor and we get to go and make the case for the american people in a drum's next four years can be as good as a neck -- maybe even better and is an incredible thing to do. but, sean, i'm so proud that man, my faith, i get to spend a few hours with my wife and kids today, we got a 7-year-old got a 4-year-old, in 2-year-old, things are crazy and things are way different but i'm still husband and another and smacking an adverse and i
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will make me a very happy guy over the next four months sweden will look forward to seeing you and will be out with you on a campaign trail. first of all, congrat congratulations, on revelations that we people of ohio. have a lot of friends there who wish to beth macdonell of this. j.d. vance, for my colleagues in the mob and the state run media, they're not going to be your friend, ever. anyway. >> god bless you, sean. see later. >> sean: thank you for being with us. in case you missed it earlier this was the moment donald trump was officially nominated for the republican candidate of the president of the united states permit take a look on the graph of our entire family and on behalf of the hundred 25 delegates in the unbelievable state of florida, we hereby nominate every single one of them for the greatest president that's ever lived in us donald j. trump. [cheering and applause] here by declaring him after public and now many for presidents of the united states of america. >> ♪ ♪ [cheering and applause]
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>> pursuant to rule 40 b. of the rules of the republican party, i formally declare president donald j. trump and j.d. vance as the republican nominees for president and vice president of the united states. >> sean: it was a long difficult road but no long-term is not one step closer to winning the second term. going is now at rnc cochair lauren trump is with us back in -- working long ours. >> we don't have a lot going on. [laughter] >> sean: it's your father-in-law. i have been around you and your father-in-law. you have a great relationship. very special relationship. and eric obviously, who you're married to because this is his father. and i didn't have a conversation with you guys after i was on the air on saturday night. was not like for you, watching that seeing that not knowing -- when did you first hear his -- he was going to be okay? >> i mean, it's something
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we'll never forget and it felt like an eternity. we were watching in realtime with our kids actually, at home. >> sean: they saw an? >> they thought something was happening and had to turn them away and distract them. and a time before he got up, you know, it felt like forever. and it'd take us a little while to confirm. of course, we also noticed bob. and that meant a lot. >> sean: it's not iconic. >> is iconic and i think it's much larger than that moment and then the ground and even the people watching, is a moment in history, but is there a resident of this country. and i think donald trump really represent this cou country. because we've been through a lot. we may feel knock down and in a bad place where you can always get back up. and the fact that he got back up that moment and rally back was incredible. but i can tell you it was a very, very upsetting time for all of us in the family. >> sean: it was a millimeter away and your husband happens to be quite a good marksman. i know that for a fact. and brown jr as well.
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>> yes. >> sean: that we go to the issue were real hundred 15 days a week i have taken on this position as cochair of the rnc, big position mack and i know i've asked you this before. so forgive the redundancy. you know the question going to ask you. but we are 115 days away from election data early voting starts in pennsylvania and 65 days. and in every other state rolls out and i've asked often about early voting and voting by male. and, of course, legal ballot harvesting. now i see the president, cultural, has been out there on the system traveled early accountable by male. he resisted that. a lot of conservatives come republican's have resisted that. are they resisting skill or are you seeing movement? >> i think we're seeing movement and i think it's really important, sean. and alter himself said that voting early voting by male voting on election day are all great ways to vote. and the reality is if we all wait until election day, life happens. we saw the kari lake lost an election in arizona because there were problems on election day in a very public
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area with the machines and a very specific location. you can't wait. we want you to get your vote banks and then we want you to spend every moment from that day all the way to election day taking people to go vote emma if we do not play the game the same way, we will not win. we want to stop the board can we want to make it too big to work, we had a loop -- huge election and equity operation unlike everything -- we are ensuring that every legal vote is counted in our message to anyone out there who we'll decide to cheat in an election is that if you cheat or you are a noncitizen who illegally boast we will find you, will jacket on and we'll prosecute to the flexing of the law. >> sean: you just had the mill in congress, i saved at, was passed by republicans. it won't pass in the senate. why is that -- when you think the democrats want -- to want people to have proof of this in ship, widely resist wanting id, widely would resist integrity measures,
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signature verification, updated voter rolls, tina pentoni controls covid-19 and partisan observers watching in every present in the country in -- the vote counting all night, why would they resist that? >> i can't imagine anyone who would not want more safeguards and more transparency in our electoral process and anyone who would not want to make it harder to cheat and easier to vote, not wanting anyone -- anything much eating an election. i can rationalize it. what i can see it from the rnc it is our number 1 focus. realized that thanks have not gone smoothly in the past. we are rectifying it every single day. record to secretaries of state making sure that they claim their voter rolls. we are making sure the rules of the road are set up for that as much so that the first day of early voting every american feels confident in their boat and every american should. >> sean: when did you know j.d. would be the choice? >> and you today. [laughter] >> sean: like me. >> like -- and you today. >> sean: is at your father-in-law i'm saying i can -- you can really bring a lot of news if you just tell
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me right now. i did and i had much luck with it. when did you speak is mike when you speak? >> i speak tomorrow night, i will be the last speaker here. >> sean: will -- lauren trump you're always generous with your time. wait to be with you. we appreciate it. coming up night one of the 2024 republic national convention fully underway, but a lot of behind me. we expect to see president trump here, apparently at any moment when that happens we'll bring it to life as we continue. were in milwaukee, "hannity" on the road, rnc. thank you for being with fox. >> ♪ ♪
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at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me.
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i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's
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to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them. hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me.
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it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: all right this is a fox news alert from a former president the long-term is now in the building as night one of the rnc is underway. makes the -- expect is going
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to be on the stage any moment now. and running is now on the governor of north dakota, doug burgum and south carolina senator tim scott are with us. both name certainly finalists to be vice president that i spent a lot of time today we'll j.d. vance. was that -- we've known each other -- but was not like for you in any moment that call may come and you knew that you are under consideration without? >> what an honor to have an opportunity to be considered to be vice president of the united states emma this is the most exciting time in american history in many ways. we have a chance to reclaim the high ground for the american people. and knowing that donald trump has the right mission at the right passion and frankly i believe he is called to do what he is doing. and to be a part of that process was exciting. it was fun. i love this country only in this nation is my story possible. sure having a chance to cheer -- share the gospel this entire nation, to share hope
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to be an ambassador for the good things of this -- that this nation brings to the entire world. what a blessing. >> sean: and you're getting married soon. now, i knew his girlfriend way early when he started dating her and i wasn't allowed to talk about it because you're like me, i keep my life private. you know, i didn't really know you well, governor, but about intino you a lot better. what was it like for you to be -- i would imagine a great honor to be under consideration. when did you find out for example that it wasn't you how close did you think you got? you certainly were a finalist. >> it was absolutely a great honor, sean, but i think like a lot of americans today we were in thinking about ourselves to make it only been 48 hours since me were a millimeter away from, you know, chaos and morning in our country and here we are today, celebrating the endorsement of a fantastic ticket with trump-vance and the focus has got to be now on winning in november. i mean that there are a lot of good things got great lawsuit, three this morning for president trump but we got -- work to do between no
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and november. >> sean: it certainly was an amazing ruling and by the way something i believe -- merely appointment them and believe in any way constitutional. i thought it was the perfect write and write ruling, you know, we now have -- live in america were our department of justice has been recognized. you see what has happened. and we also learn something else. i mean, the big shock and surprise after the debate over at joe''s cognitive abilities really? has anybody -- he ever seen my show? because i've showed a lot of those videos -- for 4 years. >> 100%. them national media has been covering -- covering for joe biden for years. and finally it came to light. the american people are frustrated with a media that is an extension of the democratic party. it is devastating to the average person in this country to wake up to the reality that for years that they've been like to. and at the same time the same media has been engaged in character assassination of donald trump.
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>> sean: you know what caledon care about the phony evaluation of mar-a-lago. didn't care about the statute of limitations issue with the misdemeanor in new york upgraded eight years later at a legal mba done by a lawyer, labeled as a legal expense. didn't care about 51 former intel officials lying to the people about this -- of this country before an election. and they did nothing about that laptop caledon care about four -- or the double standard. you live in clinton, joe biden had top-secret classified information. governor kathy didn't go after and invade their homes they waited donald trump. >> know that they certainly didn't. of course, now we know that vice president harris was a co-conspirator -- conspirator and completely complicit in this cover-up of joe biden. and i think joe biden has been a national security risk for our country for some ti time. and he still is today. and i think that is the biggest cover-up we've ever actually seen is where the media and the white house
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essentially lying to the american people. >> sean: you know, i think one thing that might come out of all of this process, that you guys have been through. and i'm sure there's probably a bit of emotional -- an emotional roller coaster for you both is that america has got to know i got in to an almost -- both of you and have to imagine god knowing president from four -- we've known him for many years, that you're both going to get phone calls maybe to get other jobs. i'm not so sure when either one of you believe your jobs because you're good at it. when you do it though? would you consider at? >> you know, i've been staying at the entire time, it's not the who, is the one. as president from''s agenda that matters. nineteen now we can due to make sure that american people get four more years of low and employment, high enthusiasm got closing our southern border, whatever i can due to be a part of that process, i meet up. >> and, sean, as you know i have wanted 52 days left in the greatest double door -- will! as i've said all along that i was never in this for a job,
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a cabinet position, the vice president role. this was to support president trump. and because joe biden was wrong on the economy, he's wrong on energy and his roman national secretary the including the border and in a state like ours were affected by that everything day. and the policies that he's driving here in the republican party cabinet trump-vance ticket, these policies will lift them or -- every american, democrats independent, every american we'll get lifted up. >> sean: assay this cap you to think -- to get the position in federal -- good to see you both. >> thank you. >> i appreciate you, sean. >> sean: coming up, more like coverage from the rnc. were expecting the love from himself at any moment. jim jordan is next as we continue from milwaukee. thanks for being with us is. [ ♪♪ ] blackman
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it's night one of the republican national convention and fox news is live from milwaukee. in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on the former president, we bring you 24/7 coverage night one of the republican national convention on fox news channel. america is watching. we continue with live coverage from night one of the rnc in milwaukee, wisconsin. so we expect president trump. he will be making an appearance
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any moment. if that happens we'll bring it to you. joining us now, chairman of the all-powerful house judiciary committee, good friend. programme congressman jim jordan. how are you? >> i'm doing fine. >> sean: it's hard to hear because of all the noise in the building. pretty electricity. j.d. was on. we had a long interview. i didn't know him as well and then i finally said, let me watch the movie. >> yeah. >> sean: what a life. >> read the book. it's fascinating what he went through, his experience and he is so impressive. never hurts to have smart people in charge, and j.d. is one smart guy. great communicator. i saw him on "meet the press" where the bad guys were coming after him a week ago. he knocked it out of the park. he's great pick. we're excited. >> sean: appalachia, poor, grows up mother, alcoholic, drug addict. father in jail. then makes it to the marine corps. then to ohio state, right? okay. and then to yale. he thrives at yale.
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from yale a really successful businessman. senator. and here he is. it's a great -- >> could it happen anywhere else but america? >> it's a great country where a young man from humble, humble surroundings like that can be i think the next vice-president of the greatest nation in history, and it's -- again, a testament to president trump that he sees that. he sees what you saw in the interview. that 30-minute interview that went so well. he sees that and this is why this ticket and this place is so energized. and you add that to what happened saturday where president trump, that triple fist bump after this assassin tried to take out a great man, a great president, and the energy, the american people can feel it and they know change is coming. back to the good days when president trump was in office before. >> sean: what really struck me once i got over the shock that i first thought -- i thought they killed him. that was my first thought. and i've known him 30 years. we both have personal
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relationships with him and a professional relationship, and i thought they killed him. and then he got up. and he threw that fist hard and he did it twice when he was getting in the car, and what a comparison. >> here we go! >> sean: donald trump is making his way. you can see that he has -- [ cheering ] from the shooting his ear was pierced. he does have that right -- his ear was pierced. >> yeah. i lost it. >> sean: donald trump is in the building. you can't tell by the crowd noise though at all. [ cheering ] wow! how iconic when we look back after the election, assuming if he wins, what will saturday mean to this when he got up? >> yeah. >> sean: what will ma part mean? >> my old college coach used to talk about moments of magnitude in your life and in the season. this is a moment magnitude, saturday, for the whole country
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where he had that leadership literally under fire. >> sean: he literally just pointed to his ear. [ cheering ] he's got what looks like mostly full gauze pad on the ear. you can see his daughter tiffany with her husband. but this crowd just lit up big-time. i'm just looking up right now and i see everybody and the reaction of the crowd. my understanding is speaker mike johnson is also with him or was just with him. so it's obviously going to get very, very interesting. i wish i could stay on the air for another five hours, but i don't think i can. anyway,. >> don: trump will be coming out any second. stay with fox news and our continuing coverage right here on the fox news channel. don't ever miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled. brett and martha, take it from here. take it away