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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 16, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next president of the united states, donald j. trump. [cheering] ♪ >> carley: and there he is, former president donald trump making a surprise grand entrance in milwaukee last night, receiving a thunderous applause. the former president getting emotional, with his door bandaged. welcome to a two-hour edition of "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. yesterday quite a day. first time ever, the former president stood alongside his v.p. pick, j.d. vance. day two another exciting one
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with the theme "make america safe once again." brooke singman is in milwaukee. >> brooke: tens of thousands welcomed former president trump, cheering him on two days after he was nearly assassinated. he was joined on stage monday night by his v.p. pick j.d. vance. trump announcing on truth social saying j.d. will continue to fight for our constitution, stand with our troops and do everything he can to help me make america great again. advance spoke with sean hannity about his history with president trump. >> i was skeptical of trump in 2016, but president trump was a great president and changed my
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mind and changed the minds of millions of americans. it is good when you see somebody, you are wrong about them, admit you were wrong. i have the vision and the agenda aligned with president trump to make the american worker better off, bring peace to the world and advance an against for american citizens. we have president biden slamming trump's newly selected running mate. >> he is a clone of trump on the issue, i don't see a difference. >> brooke: amber rose took the stage. >> i'm a mother, my whole world revolving around providing for my children, keeping them safe and giving them a opportunity for a better life, something that unites all american pa
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parents, we all want a better country for our children. the left told me to hate trump and the other side, people who support him. when you cut through the lies, you realize american families were better when donald trump was president. >> brooke: everyday americans shared their experience. >> i left nicaragua. in 2022, my three boys and i stayed at and starting over in joe biden's economy was almost impossible. >> i just worry about getting through today, the big boy joe inflation turned dollars into nickel. >> i asked my father which party toin jo. he said, we're hispanic, we vote
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democrat. the more i saw, the more i saw democratic party did not represent my values, republicans did. >> brooke: vice president harris reached out to j.d. vance and welcomed him to the race and said she hopes they can debate on cbp news in the coming weeks on july 23rd or august 13th, we'll see if vance agreed to that. >> carley: he is just 39 years old, millennial and the word is, brooke, the president called him 20 minutes before posting and announcing he was going to be the running mate. >> brooke: that is right, to see the president announce on truth social that j.d. vance was his
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pick. we were thinking it was possible marco rubio or north dakota governor doug burgum. this was a lot of speculation surrounding this and a rumor it could be a dark horse candidate. it did seem like j.d. vance was going to be that pick and it was. now that is the solidified ticket. >> todd: his kid was running around in the background screaming. >> carley: and the former president was on the phone with the seven year old. what a whirl wind day. wasn't all fun and games, thousands of protesters took to the streets of milwaukee for day one of the republican national convention rallying against the former president. >> violent rhetoric is result of his own violent rhetoric.
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>> we lived with enough trump, it is crazy we made it this far and that he's gotten away with so much. >> i don't think violence has a place in our democracy, sa same:time it was result of republican policies that allowed that to happen. i can't feel too bad for him, i feel like it is what him and his party want. >> former president trump has 34 felony counts against him and a lot of people forgetting that. i questioned whether to come down here today, i am totally nonviolent and everybody should be nonviolent. >> no matter what political parties, nobody should be assassinated. if you are protesting genocide, you should not praise somebody getting shot in the head.
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>> todd: protesters plan a larger demonstration for the dnc to protest law in gaza. to the latest on the investigation in pennsylvania. police were warned about a s suspicious person moments before the suspect tried to kill the former president. nancy mace joins us next. the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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and z fold6 when you trade in your current phone. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> todd: fox news alert, local police officers were warned about a spouspicious person on e rooftop before the shot. >> carley: jonathan seerie joins us. >> jonathan: police radio traffic during this rally indicated police officers were searching for a suspicious individual identified by citizens on site. sightings were captured on
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video. >> there he is right there. >> where? >> right there, see him. >> he's laying down. >> officer! >> up here, he's on the roof. >> jonathan: that building was used as a staging area for a sniper team according to law enforcement source. two federal sources confirm a local officer climbed up to the roof and spotted the gunman, pointing the weapon, prompting the weapon to drop back down. a statement was released, our agency cannot fulfill our mission without support of courageous police officers, we're grateful for the officers
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who located the gunman. any news suggesting secret service is blaming local law enforcement for saturday's incident is not true. investigators have unlocked the phone of thomas crooks, the agency is fo cussed on determining motive and any associations the gunman had officers spoke with crooks neighbors and where he had gun practice, who was quiet and kept toim himself. the attempt has prompted calls for candidates to tone down their rhetoric. president biden has said it is time to put president trump in the bullseye, he is riding in his golf cart bragging about
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scores he did not score. lester holt pressed mr. biden on what he said. on a call a week ago, you said it is time to put trump in the bullseye, there is context -- >> i didn't say cross hairs, truth of matters, i guess what i was talking about, there is little focus on trump's agenda. >> the term bullseye. >> it was a mistake, i did not say crosshair, bullseye, focus on it. in the short term, the attempt on former president trump's life has prompted politicians to review political rhetoric they are using and causing law enforcement to reeshg valuate some methods they are using to protect politicians. >> carley: thank you, jonathan. bring in south carolina
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congresswoman nancy mace who sits on the house oversight committee who will be briefed on the assassination attempt. we'll talk to you about that in a moment. fi first, your reaction, federal law enforcement says it was job of local police to secure the buil building and there were police officers in time given an 86-second advance warning from people who saw the gunman on the roof. what do you think of all of this? >> well, we also learned yesterday that building was not swept by federal or local. the hearing on monday will be important to get answers. the secret service issure on jurisdiction, and for the american people, how did this
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happen? how is this possible with the amount of law enforcement on the ground, regardless of their jurisdiction, how is this possible? we've seen interviews of citizens on the ground, rally goers who saw and reported it and nothing happened fast enough clearly. we'll get to the bottom of it because we have to. i want to make sure that bobby kennedy jr. gets secret service and donald trump and joe biden have enough secret service, we do not want this to happen to anyone. >> carley: your colleague mike lawler introducing legislation to increase secret service p protection of leading presidential candidates, do you think something like that will pass? >> i think it is quite possible, it will take the eight democrats that got a bill to strip donald trump of secret service, they should get off that bill on
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monday and show this bipartisanship temperature is sad we have to legislate this way. this should be a given, there should not be a bill for this. if you are running for president, you should be protected. >> carley: you'll be smeeking tomorrow, the theme is make america strong once again. love to get your reaction to everything that unfolded yesterday, the president appearing emotional, one of the first times we've seen the former president noticeably emotional and the moment well received by the crowd and understandably so given what happened on saturday. >> well, i've never been more proud to be an american watching donald trump in the moments, minutes, hours and days after
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ch the assassination attempt. melania commenting. everybody is coming onboard to defend donald trump. keep america safe, i will talk about china's aggression on the u.s. and around the world, an important conversation we need to have. reagan's peace through strength in the '80s kept america safe. i will be talking about donald trump's strength, a policy speech and looking forward to it. i'm honored. it is great responsibility to bring the nation together in way that has never been done before. >> carley: congresswoman nancy mace, thank you for joining us this morning. >> todd: a lot of republicans are reacting to j.d. vance as trump's v.p. pick. here is fellow ohio republican and u.s. senate candidate bernie
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moreno on the new trump/vance t ticket. >> he's followed every moment of his life and career and knows what it is like to live in p poverty, forgotten by pol politicians. he is dedicated to make sure no american is ever forgotten again. >> todd: bernie moreno is live from milwaukee. glad to have you on the program again, my friend. we see j.d. vance, the senator, and we know his story, compelling and kacaptivating story. what do you want the world to know about your friend j.d. vance? >> he's genuinely an amazing human being, great friend, great father, great husband. a lot of people go into politics that are not good people, they
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want power, fortune, fame, j.d. is opposite of that. he loves this country and is a great human being. i'm so proud to have seconded his nomination yesterday, historic moment, couldn't be happy. >> carley: he can he from the great state of ohio, help you win your race? >> >> ohio wants the election to happen today, they want to send a clear signal to reputeiate sxp go back to normalyy and common sense. you will see a huge voter turnout in ohio. get to work in january to put this country on track.
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>> todd: you'll be speaking at the rnc tonight, what can we expect to hear in your address? >> let's see cure our borders, have energy dominance, restore american domes nance and energy and keep the world at peace. those principles are what we are going to talk about, that is what americas waubs. this is what a united party looks like. >> carley: what an honor it is to run alongside janicdonald j . onward to victory. you were with him yesterday alongside him, this 34must have been an emotional day, what was
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it like yesterday? >> he was overwhelmed. you have the weight of the world on his shoulders, his wife is amazing, they have three little kids. their kids, some will not know anything different. the life he had prior to yesterday is over. new listen started last night. emotional moment, great honor of my life to second that moment. he is a new generation of american leaders that deeply care about this country and are going into public service to move this country forward, not for themselves, this idea of selfless service is what we should strife for. >> carley: a whole new adventure, thank you for joining us. have a great week. >> todd: good luck tonight.
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>> carley: elon musk is pledging to a super pac supporting the trump campaign. >> todd: he is not the only billionaire backing the former president, his donation will be insane. cheryl casone will tell you all about it next.
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>> carley: make america wealthy once again was the theme of the first night of the rnc. >> todd: cheryl casone from fox business is here with more. what's going on in >> cheryl: seeing head of t teamsteres make a speech last night, here he is in milwaukee. it is an honor to be first t teamster to address the republican national convention. today the teamsters are here to say we are not beholden to anyone or any party, we have bipartisan coalition ready for the american worker.
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>> cheryl: look, there are 1.3 million teamsters, he did not endorse trump, but he did not endorse biden. this is a big blow for joe biden. they have always dependd and thought of union membership as in their back pocket. guess what, two new surveys have small businesses say they will not survive a biden second term. one in three workers feel they are living paycheck to paycheck on current salary. >> carley: teamsteress union president. this elon musk donation, an
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amount we have never seen before. >> cheryl: 45 million a month elon musk upon commit to the america pac. this pac is going to be go ing t swing states, pushing for mail-in ballots, voter registration, 45 million a month is change toim had. w winkel boss twins and joe la lawnsdale, founder of that company. all this after this flooded in after the assassination attempt, elon musk and big ackman coming out and endorsing donald trump. a ackman was going to waits, he was worried about his ipo. he pulled the trigger. wrong word, i apologize.
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he wanted to wait until later to endorse trump, but he knew he was going. sorry, the words. >> todd: the markets seem to be parti participating a trump win. >> cheryl: the trump train and investors are betting on another trump term. stock market on hope of more hawkish trade policy, extension of tax cuts that are supposed to expire next year. whoever is president will overpopulatedsee that and deregulation. stocks are hot right now, eric diton with the wealth alliance. >> it is donald trump with his fist held high and american flag, ultimate picture and
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markets are excited. >> cheryl: couple more things, trump median technology group that stock closed 30% higher. fun ware, that stock jumped. rumble, video sharing platform, that jumped yesterday, as well as cryptoand blockchain and prison companies that are publicly traded. you have to realize, follow the money, all of the financial and donations, the big money is behind donald trump. they believe in betting on the winn winner. >> carley: i did not participate publicly traded prison companies? >> cheryl: researcher in me. >> todd: one thing you will notice, j.d. vance is a technology investor, that is how he's made his money.
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fas nat fasinating to see how silicon valley will react. >> todd: and cheryl casone will be on mornings with maria 25 minutes from now. cheryl is also a baseball team, last night was the homerun derby. 2024 version of the derby came down to the contest final pitch. >> everyone on their feet, swung. legs. oh, no! oscar hernandez is your 2024 t-mobile homerun derby champ. >> todd: that means that guy, los angeles dodger outfielder hernandez takes the derby.
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will cain is speaking with players yesterday. >> it is a great event, this is a super great opportunity for people to enjoy america's past time, for sure. >> baseball has been around for, i mean, 100 years, being able and being america's past time, everybody can watch the game and relax and enjoy all-star week. we'll go out and have fun and enjoy the days and get back to it. >> todd: will cain in arlington, now coverage will start 7 p.m. eastern tonight on fox. and president trump appearing last night with j.d. vance. here is how democrats are reacting. >> i love the republican ticket is real estate developer and
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venture capitalist. >> pledged 100% loyalty to the cult of donald trump. >> carley: mike huckabee will tell us what he thinks about j.d. vance as the v.p. pick coming up. hi, governor.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time.
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that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> carley: former president donald trump announcing j.d. vance as his v.p. pick and democrats and media were quick to react. >> i love the republican tickets is real estate developer and venture capitalist for the people. >> he's unqualified, singular issue. >> he's a radical authoritarian. >> picked a vice president who pledged loyalty to the cult of
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donald trump. >> he would never stand for the constitution before he stand for donald trump. >> todd: can't you feel the temperature going down. mike huckabee joins us now. what do you make of those attacks? >> yeah, todd, it is so cold because democrats have turned the thermostat down and it is cooler. thank you so much, a summer in arkansas is pretty hot, not anymore democrats have cooled it off with their rhetoric. j.d. vance is the ultimate picture of the american dream. this kid grew up in the toughest of circumstance on welfare with nothing. went on to successful career graduating from ohio staithe and yale law school and served during marine corps during iraq and made something of himself, embodiment of american hope and
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democrats, i'm glad they are laughing now because november 5, they will all be crying, their balloons will be stored in a warehouse and unable to be let loose and people celebrating will be working class americans. president of the team sdlt /* *- teamsters delivered. >> carley: yesterday donald trump had his classified documents case dismissed by the judge. he spoke to bret baier and said he's having a graeat week, comig from somebody who was shot not 48 hours ago. wind in his political sails. >> it does. it takes something off the table that should never have been there. donald trump has proved himself
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to be the road runner, wily c coy coyoty and democrats in the media, go after him in a silly trial, repeated impeachment. tearing up his state of the union, it blows up in their faces. another example, they have gone after this ridiculous case that never should have been filed and the judge acted properly. these folks cannot give up and go back and come up with something else and it will blowup in their face. >> todd: acme warehouse where the balloons are stored, i'm sure hillary clinton is there waiting. >> carley: i know what you are talking about. >> todd: you know. today's theme for day two of rnc
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is make america safe again. is today the day republicans really speak to and win back that suburban woman who may have fearmongered into voting democrat and now is turning to know ares. she is scared for safety of her family in joe biden's america? >> what could be more important than safety and security? can she walk to her front door or in the parking lot without being afraid? if somebody does something criminal to her, will anything happen or will the person be let go? this is fear a lot of americans have and result of no punishment to criminals, all punishment to citizens policies of the far
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left. there will be a fascinating speaker tonight speaking about woman, i know her fairly well, ko current governor of arkansas who has greatly exceeded her success, which was her goal. i told her it was a low bar, she could clear it. my daughter, sarah huckabee sanders will be delivering a speech and i expect it to be extraordinary. then again, i'm as objective as democrats are of donald trump. >> carley: you are a proud father, rightfully so. talking about the republican national convention and j.d. vance being vice presidential pick, all the horrific events that unfolded saturday. focus has shifted and democrats have called for him to step down. because of this i shift, do you think he survives this?
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>> he very well may, they are in a bad spot, he won't quit. they want him to, this is guy that won't go home. he's like that relative who comes for thursday and he's still there christmas morning. i think they are stuck with him, put a snack out every evening at 6 before his bedtime. he has a financial issue, they can't use the 200 plus million that they have gathered up for him if it is kamala. forgive me if i'm not crying about it, after four years of his admin stlagz, stragz, i'm looking forward to a new day, we can be respected and feared around the world, that is ethe
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america most of us want to live in. blood running down his face, fist in the air, saying, folks, i'm back and america is strong. what a picture for all of us. >> todd: an iconic image, as will tonight be with your daughter addressing the rnc, proud poppa. another theme for today focuses on giving parents a voice and fight for parent rights. co-founder of moms for liberty will join us next. >> carley: steve doocy will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." hi, steve. >> steve: hello todd and carley. we are live at the rnc in milwaukee all morning long recapping the bick kickoff yesterday. you heard it on our air, j.d. vance will be donald trump's running mate. lawrence sat down with him and his wife taking us inside their
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faith and family and priorities he will take with him perhaps to the white house. >> people in politics, they don't give the american people enough credit, if you speak from the heart, people respond to it. >> everything he does is based on thought and always trying to do better. >> steve: on v.p. short list was doug burgum, what is next for him? he will join us live. yesterday trump referred to him as mr. secretary. brand new interview, joe biden tries to defend his remarks calling to put trump? the bullseye just days before the assassination attempt. he nearly lost his father this week, eric trump on his dad's return to the stage last night and mark levine will join us live and kellyanne conway,
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kayleigh mcenany and mike pompeo next. you are watch ing "fox and friends first." choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. -yes! -that's how you waffle! mr. “this script got a plot twist” at a radisson hotel. a business big leaguer. go for key. even the ultimate pool float inflator. . h ot.
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♪ >> todd: moms for liberty going to make their presence known at the rnc hosting panels on parents rights and giving
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parents a voice. they are going to be discussing the economy, border, education, a lot of topics, tiffany justice is the co-founder of moms for liberty and she joins me now. tiffany, to the democrat parent who says this is the republican national convention. i don't want to hear what they have to say. i don't want to pay attention for that what's your message for them. you are warning these are not republican issues. these are issues all parents need to be aware of? >> you are absolutely right. moms for liberty is a parental rights organization. and every parent has a fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children. it's sad. i think there there are a lot of parents who are democrats who would like to see the lawmakers stepping up and making sure they are defending parental rights at all levels of government. >> todd: looking at polls, how do you attribute to your movement and to your pointed a second ago to parents of all parties fighting back for their parents and what you did to alert them of what is happening to their kids? >> i served as the a school board member and i saw behind
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the education curtain and covid happened and all of america saw behind the education curtain. >> moms and dads are standing up and speaking out in the busiest time of our lives i think we forgot we needed to run for office. we needed to get involved in politics. that's what you are seeing right now. last night at the convention it was so amazing to osee so many people get up and talk about the influence their parents have had on their lives. we are making sure the parents are in the driver's seat a part of every decision. >> todd: arkansas governor, the aforementioned sarah huckabee sanders and wisconsin senator ron johnson. tiffany, what are you hoping comes out of these panels? >> we're going to talk about issues that are really impacting americans because that's the -- the truth of the matter is that, you know, parents are concerned. americans are concerned about what we are seeing happening across the country. there is amazing state leadership like governor sanders, like governor desantis. we will have some attorneys general there, a.g. bailey. a.g. morrisey.
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a.g. moral from louisiana. we will talk about how these leaders are empowering the people in their state to make good choice. the federal government has way too much say in our lives. we need to put it back in the tiny box it belongs and strong state leadership can do that. >> todd: last 15 hours has been about j.d. vance. he has three kids. what have you seen from him the way he handles his kids and the issues he talks about that encourages you he is going to be an ally in your fight. >> wonderful to see j.d. do an interview with his wife and talk about how important their kids and families are every american feels that. every american watched what happened to president trump. that young man if you think about it was 16 when cody hit. locked kids down two years and put them on zoom. horrible effects on their mental health. we hope to put kids first in america. no child should shoulder the burden of adult fear or
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selflessness. we are excited to see a dad with kids going to be in the white house. >> tiffany justice, thank you. speaking of j.d. vance's kids. >> carley: we have to bring you this cute nugget yesterday. yesterday senator j.d. vance shared what happened when he got the call to become president trump's running mate. >> when the president called me today to actually formally offer me to become vice presidential nominee. it's crazy. my 7-year-old son was sort of making noise in the background getting embarrassed. he actually has me put my 7-year-old son on the phone. you think about this. everything that's happened. the guy just got shot at a couple days ago and he takes the dime to talk to my 7-year-old. it's a moment he will never forget. >> carley: fun piece of information. something all parents relate. to say. >> todd: kids don't care when it' an important call comes. in seems like that's the time to start yelling with that -- >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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