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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 16, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> ainsley: such a powerful moment at the rnc, former president trump making had first ap appearance since surviving an assassination attempt. watch this. ♪ ♪ if i had to start again, just my children and my wife. thank my lucky stars to be living here today. ♪ ♪ the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away. i'm proud to be an american, where at least i know i'm free. i won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
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i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. because there ain't no doubts, i love this land. sing it. god bless the usa. ♪ >> lawrence: what a moment, former president met by roaring applause in milwaukee. his head still bandaged. >> steve: joining j.d. vance, embodies forgotten men and women. vance spoke about his history in the past with president trump. >> i was skeptical of donald trump in 2016, he changed the mind says mof me and a lot of americans. president trump did a good job.
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it is a good thing when you see somebody, you are wrong, admit you are wrong. i have the vision and agenda aligned with president trump to make the american worker peace to the world. >> brian: that was one-on-one with sean hannity. day two of the rnc kicks off today. the theme was make america safe again. eric trump, you guys have been through tough times over last two or three days. most people here are understanding and firmly in your corner. what changed for you after saturday. >> you watch your fath er almos get assassinated on live tv. think of the stain that would have been. >> where were you? >> on the couch and my children
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and lara. you walk into the convention and hear this love and thank your lucky stars, god bless the usa. the entire country in in that room. it was incredible. all the speeches were looking at him, thankful for him. they were chanting, usa, usa. they love the man and i love the man. the unthinkable almost happened and it would have been the g greatest stain on america. it wane happen. no question, it changed the tone. if you look at my father's face. >> lawrence: never seen him look that way, eric. >> maybe lucky to be alive. there was divine intervention. it is 130 yards, that is not a longshot with a rifle. i felt that somebody has had a
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hand on my father and guided him because in dark moments and unthinkable moments he's been protected and i mean that sincerely. >> ainsley: how has it changed your dad? >> i think it changed his p perspective, bullet an inch away. hau fragile life can be and meaning of life and the meaning of this and what he's fighting for. he's a billionaire, he has 500 friends that have done good for themselves, they are playing golf and flying in their jets, not getting attacked by attorney generals, he is not goofing off, he fights everyday because he loves america and sees it going to hell. >> steve: he told michael goodwin, what saved his life was
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he looked at a panel, a graphic that showed migration in the united states and had he not looked, he would be dead. that saved his life. >> he normally puts that at the end of the speech. he goes, let's do immigration. >> lawrence: on script? >> totally off script. and that bullet went by his ear. >> s >> steve: ivanka's death was two years to the day. >> there is a flag be ing it's0 and it flipped over in the shape of an angel. >> ainsley: i saw that. >> brian: pop that picture up. >> ainsley: do we have that picture? >> somebody watching down. my father is the best fighter. >> lawrence: ask you real quick before we move on, you are a
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trained marksman. when you get developments today that 30 minutes and they did not whisk him away. you are close to some members of secret service, some are on your detail. >> the people on the stage are the best of the best and phenomenal people. the girl on the stage would take a bullet in a heartbeat, the greatest people you have ever met. his lead agent, i can only imagine how upset they are. they can't pay attention to something 130 yards away. that is a chip shot, something my son could do every single time and he's six years old. should never have been allowed to happen. i can only imagine how furious the people on the stage are, the
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professionals. it should have never been allowed to happen. insane in a modern world. >> brian: the firefighter that lost his life, get down and he gets a bullet from this guy. they spot him 30 minutes ago, how close is the family following this investigation? >> incredibly, you see the vapor trail, who knows where that bullet ended up going. that will live forever in the archives. it is unthinkable they lost their life. we set up a gofund mepage, it has raised $5 million. he jumped on his daughter, from what i understand, we should not have this. this is a political rally, people are waving the american flag and love the united states and donald trump.
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based on some level of ink incompetence somewhere. >> steve: there is the vapor trail. breaking news, we know who your dad's running mate is going to be at this time. you have not been out and about, democrats unveiled 16 billboards and one mobile billboard attacking trump tick et. and they are referring to it as the trump/vance project 2025. you have guy who is brilliant, yale law school, marine, incredibly successful business guy. taken politics by storm and guy who will go into oncoming fire and almost a bad pun to use this morning, go on every network and prosecute the case. what is interesting is chemistry
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between my father and vance. they like being around each other, they work good together. you feel a natural warmth between the two. when you are in the white house together, that is credibly important? >> are you pushing for one of them? i know don jr. liked him. >> i like a lot of the people being considered, i tell my father, go with your gut, my opinion does not matter, vance would be my age or close in age, guy i could be great friends with and everything else, you have to have great chemistry with people. you have to have that warmth, that connection, be willing to stand next to that person every day in the trenches for a long period of time. he will be be excellent. >> brian: here is what he said to sean about his background. >> issue of is the world more
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peaceful than its four years ago? when donald trump left office, you had growing peace move mo movements. the abraham accord, no war in europe, asia looked like it was under pretty good control and three years later, conflict in every corner of the world and americans are poorer. i grew up in a poor family, my grandmother used to negotiate with meals on wheels people to give her additional food to feed me. how does a family like that deal withes inflation and gasoline and energy price inflation? it's gotten more expensive to live a good life. donald trump and i want to make that better and have policies to make that better. >> lawrence: big question is what do you think was, talk to
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your dad, liked them all, what was the final thing he heard that said this is why i'm going to select this guy? >> i think great energy, i mean that sincerely, on cnn, getting ruthlessly attacked and dismantling them. his policy and he's fantastic and a great story to tell. great in business, became successful, great in the political world, military background. can carry the torch a long time. >> ainsley: his story, not his parent's story. nikki haley will speak tonight, she's giving your dad her delegates, what message does she need to convey tonight? >> i have not talked toer had. i think it will be a warm message. never have i seen a party
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coalesce. it started six months okay and people were still on the outside. politics is brutal, it is on the other side. kamala harris used to call joe biden a racist, it happened, it is nature of the game. >> lawrence: your dad describes it as mma fight, you dog each other and hug it out at the end of the fight. >> brian: do you see next step playing role if the president should win? >> i don't know, i don't make those decisions, it is beautiful she's speaking, great for the party and america. great to have diverse voices up there. >> brian: your sister ivanka helped at the white house before, you are going to run the company. will you join, if your dad askings you, will you join? >> i would do anything, i would
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walk over broken glass for the man. i love real estate, i love our company, we have the best hotels and golf course. >> brian: they have tried to destroy you. >> guess what, they failed. we are the best we have ever been. we've developed a war chest, we are unbelievable company. they tried to bankrupt him and tear our family apart. here i am, eight years later, i sat here in 2016 and eight years later we're fighting from a stronger position than ever before. to all of them who spent hundreds of millions of dollars and spent a decade trying to get us, you failed, i believe he will be the 47th president of the united states and he will be the 47th president and wrote art
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of the deal and art of the comeback. it will be the greatest comeback in american political history. he almost foreshadowed this period when he wrote that book 25 years ago. >> steve: the comeback is a thing according to metrics they use to figure out, great to have you put it in perspective for us. >> brian: today virginia, minnesota, new hampshire, wisconsin, all moving a direction. how much would it mean toim had, victory and dominant reagan-like victory, is that a possibility? >> brian: that is ultimate vindication. you see states that have never been red, turn red, to him, ultimate vindication of amount of bullets and arrows he's taken to have states come over.
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>> ainsley: he wants the best for america. they impeached him, convicted him and shot him. >> dad, you want this to go away? give me about five minutes, i'll make a deal, and he would never do it, not in a million years. he's determined and loves this country. no one that believes red, white and blue like donald trump. he was literally bleeding one of those colors. >> brian: you put him over the top with the delegates. >> amazing, so great. >> lawrence: you are fired up, you are normally the calm one. >> i have my moments. >> lawrence: we crossed the rubicon. >> ainsley: you said you were angry. it was rage that could happen in america, rage for this country, rage that didn't know what was
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happening to him, someone wanted to expunge his life and all he's done is give this country his entire life, we all have. you know how hard i've worked and the entire family and gotten absolutely nothing out of it, and we don't want nothing out of it. combination of hurt and rage. he called me from the hospital and made this funny quasi inappropriate joke. okay, the father i know -- >> steve: can you tell us what that was? >> we'll leave that. [laughter] >> only jokes. >> steve: thank you very much. >> brian: good to see you. congratulations to you and your family. fox news alert. local officer reported suspicious person at trump's pennsylvania rally 30 minutes before assassination attempt. police were stationed inside the
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building, the shooter was on top of the building. >> steve: jonathan seerie has details. >> jonathan: shots emanated from this general area behind me. an active crime scene investigation until just recently. this morning is first time employees could return to this area. just behind me is slightly taller building the shooter used to fire from the rooftop. source with knowledge of the plans the same building was staging building for sniper team. secret service director kimberly cheatle confirmed that local police were inside the building, not on the rooftop. law enforcement source says a local spotified a suspicious man carrying a range finder and reported to state police 30
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minutes befores and citizens called when they noticed someone on the rooftop. >> on the roof, there he is right there, see him. he's laying down, see him. >> he's laying down. >> officer -- officer! up here. he's on the roof. >> two federal sources confirm that a local officer climbed up to the roof, spot the gunman who pointed the weapon at the officer prompting the officer to drop down off the roof. michael sloop defended the officer's actors telling the news, i would have done the same thing, absolutely. people think the officers are superman, hold on to the roof for one life and pull out a gun with the other hand, it does not work that way.
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releasing statement saying we are deeply grateful to the officers who ran toward danger to locate the gunman and for their unwaiveringing commitment. any news saying secret service is blaming is not true. in the interview secret service said saturday's events unfolded promptly, and promised a thorough review. >> the secret service is responsible for protection of the president. >> buck stops with you? >> buck stops withe moo, i am director of the secret service. it should not happen again. we will continue to be transparent and communicate with people. >> you plan to stay on absolutely? >> i plan to stay on. >> fbi officials say investigatesors have unlocked the phone of thomas crooks. agents interviewed 100 people,
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including crooks neighbors and members of the gun club. fbi is trying to determine a motive behind saturday's shooting, back to you guys. >> steve: something we all want to know. >> brian: i think we roughly know. >> lawrence: right, like one that killed former president. >> brian: they cut a limb off and counted the rings. >> ainsley: biden defending calls to put trump in bullseye in combative interview. >> president biden: i didn't say crosshairs, i said bullseye, focus on what he's doing. >> lawrence: we'll ask kayleigh mcenany if she finds that convincing. >> steve: here she comes. >> lawrence: look at that walk. >> brian: major league all-star game on fox at 7:00. going to be great. >> steve: and tomorrow pete hegseth having breakfast with
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friends in delafield, wisconsin. lu lumber text-in. 5:00 a.m. central time. >> brian: keep him company, he is sexy. jim caviezel here. you know, saint john paul this second profoundly impacted my life. and i just finished recording some incredible new meditations on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible. why don't you join us in the saint john paul the second challenge? it'll change your life. download hallow and join me today. god bless you. there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> ainsley: main-stream media wasting no time, they have been all over donald trump's vice presidential pick j.d.ed can j.d. vance with ruthless attacks. >> he's unqualified. singular issue. >> he is radical authoritarian and trump picked him. >> vice president who pledged 1 100% loyalty to the cult of donald trump. he would never stand for the constitution before donald trump. >> ainsley: my gosh, here with reaction, former white house pres secretary kayleigh mcenany. what is your reaction to that? kaitlan collins my
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>> kayleigh: the cult language, dangerous language, same language you just heard is what they were saying about trump at time j.d. vance wrote hillbily. >> ainsley: donald trump jr. was interviewed and he said we like that he is not a career politician. what do you think about j.d. vance and his policies? he said i was anti-trump and i owned that. i was buying the lies of the meed and. >> if you are never trump voter or a sceptic he can say, so was i and i saw the results. j.d. vance, look at what you are getting, we are in time of economic angst.
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80% of young people don't believe the american dream exists. j.d. vance talks about living the american dream and it will resonate with a lot of americans. >> ainsley: he ended up going to yale law school and met his beautiful wife there. and lawrence, we were assigned someone on the v.p. short list and >> lawrence: interviewed j.d. vance in his hometown and his home and he interviewed his life. listen. >> are you ready for the scrutiny that comes with being the second lady of the united states? >> i don't know if anybody is ready for that kind of scrutiny. we found the first campaign to be a shock, so different from anything we've done before. i am not raring to change anything about our lives, i believe in j.d. and really love
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him. we'll see what happened. >> kayleigh: a lot of talk about the suburban woman. nikki haley won sooush /* sooub suburban women. mothers will loob at her and listen to her and say, this is aic ittet i can consider. she is as big as a get. >> ainsley: she used to be a democrat. there are people who don't want to pick a party and they look at this and that will be important. we knew joe biden was going to have an interview with lester holt, day one of the rnc. he did that and it got pretty combative and lester holt asked him about the bullseye comment and listen to this.
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>> president biden: i didn't say crosshair, i meant focus on policy and number of laws, the focus on what he's saying. the idea -- >> ainsley: your reaction? >> kayleigh: he was asked if he's doing soul searching and he w wentos to malign trump with a blood bath and put on twitter, protect democracy, vote against donald trump and j.d. vance. >> ainsley: we'll be watching you on "outnumbered." inside to brian with the great one. >> brian: day two of the rnc kicking off with donald trump nominated as head of the gop
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ticket. two days after someone tried to kill him. mark levin joins us now, your reaction to what you saw last night? >> mark: j.d. vance is overqualified to be vice president of the united states if the test is kamala harris. j.d. vance has more qualifications than barack obama did when he ran for president. he served in the state senate and before that community rebel rou rouser. we cannot view the real world through the media. the media are vile and poisonous, they will defend democrats to the end and i want to say something to joe biden. i haven't been on the air since my president of the united states was almost assassinated.
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joe biden you owe the nation an apology. you spend years smearing people. i was there. things you say about prime minister netanyahu, and you save your words for donald trump. five days ago your party was trying to get rid of it. the media turned on a dime. the talk was this man has dementia and should be removed. and now as a uniter. he has never been a uniter. donald trump survived a bullet, god was watching over him, number one, brian. number two, lawfare is almost dead. donald trump has beaten a corrupt department of justice,
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you corrupt da and a corrupt da in atlanta. they have tried to impeach him a and -- remember when you talk about j.d. vance saying things about trump. he's apologized, when will the media apologize? they talk about what is wrong with america. there are sickos in america, there are too many people in the media. when will comcast do something about joy reid and nbc, when will warner brothers do something about cnn. they have no self-reflection. media led the charge with this hitler narrative, which is grotesque. as a jewish person, that may surprise you, that i'm jewish, as a jewish person, holocaust is the most horrendous thing that
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happened to you mr. plaintiff #2: s and when i watch corporate media hosts and politicians in democratic party call donald trump the greatest friend israel has ever had, has jewish grandchildren, jewish son-in-law. when i listen to these reprobates in media and they are not going away. they never stop and they never will stop. this is who they are. joe biden has been doing this for 50 years. when i hear what these people say and take no responsibility, not one fired by corporate media, not one has apologize and the head of the operation, man demaning his campaign go low, i'm telling it as it is. i have not been on the air for nine days. that is joe biden, always been. i want to say to president
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trump, everybody has been on, i want to say something. god bless president trump. he's pushed back the fbi, pushed back the department of justice and d.a.'s and attorney generals, survived two impeachments, survived a criminal investigation, no man should have to go through this. no man. i think the american people understand this completely. >> brian: share the video, do you have a monitor, i have not seen it yet, different angle to assassination attempt when trump, they tried to take him out on the ground. i understand you see his shoes being blown off and he would say get my shoes. i'm seeing this for the first time from reverse side of the stage. to think somebody would go through that, say slow down, i want to say, fight, fight, fight and put his hands up in the air
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and knowing he was bleeding and didn't know where. there are so many questions to happen how this is able to happen at all. >> i want to go to something else uniquely qualified unless you want to comment on this. >> he called me 30 or 40 minutes before he went on the stage. great mood, excited and happy about campaign and happy about life. he felt really, really good. he was very chatty, i called him the next day, i knew reagan, i knew a lot of great men. this man is historic. this man is special. this man is standing up against evil on so many levels. this man has put his life on the line, his family on the line, his career on the line, everything on the line. and i want the american people, compare to joe biden, who thinks
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the presidency, he deserves it. for some reason he should get re-elected and compare donald trump to people in the media and how reckless and horrendous they are. >> brian: now is looks like judge cannon said there is no reason for jack smith to have been apoint poinlt # /*ed and this case is done. what does it mean for the january 6 case and for the new york convictions? >> mark: let me be specific about this. this judge is remarkable judge, she's got -- like the supreme court justices do. they are under tremendous pressure.
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that case in florida, we had peepole this network telling us it was slam dunk, we had bill barr. i don't know where these people practice law at the appellate level with landmark legal foundation thats of involved. attorney general was involved in the case and they are repres representatives from the reagan justice department. they had a major presence in the courtroom, petehutchison and matt, aren't tv personalities. trump's lives have done superb job. what this judge said and this could be seminole opinion. look, constitution does not authorize misappointment, he was not nominated to be confirmed by
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the senate. there was a long debate about this and merrick garland blew it away. then congress has power to create the position by statutes, it has done so to enable a cabinet secretary to delegate power and did not do so with the department of justice. there is no budget for this man spending millions and millions of dollars and congress can fund the office. those three constitutional points, you would think a former federal appellate judge, attorney general of the united states would appeal this and they will lose. they lost immunity, people saying donald trump's is ridiculous. it is not ridiculous, trump won. obstruction was not correct, they misapplied what did supreme court say?
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misapplied. in case of georgia, on appeal for unethical conduct by the day in manhattan. the president has pathway to supreme court. lawfare is almost dead, on its back because donald trump defeated it and he has saved our justice system. that is what he's done by defe defeating, he has "saved: a war reporter's mission to make it home"ed the justice system. we are behind him 100% period. >> bryan: mark, you have not been on in nine days, in 10 minuteings, you covered nine days. can't wait to watch your show saturday and sunday. more "fox and friends" in a moment, don't move. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga.
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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: dairy farms, huge business in cheese capitol of the world in wisconsin. we sent steve pack to his roots.
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>> steve: i visited an hour outside of milwaukee and had an uderly wonderful experience. take a look at this. >> we're excited to have you in wisconsin, home to more dairy farms than any other state in the country. in all, around 26,000 dairy farms across the united states. 30 years ago, 125,000. we are seeing numbers shrinking. for many farms, these people have been farming for generations. >> steve: america's dairyland came from the governor of wisconsin back in the day, mr. hoard had the magazine. >> father of american dairy industry. >> steve: i've been reading how many family farms are closing every year. it is because it is so expensive
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and hard to make money. >> it is hard to make money. we put in the robotic system, unemployment got down to 2%. >> steve: cows are milked by a robot. >> four robotic stalls on each side. cow can volunteer, walk in, the machine does its thing and will give the cow a treat. >> steve: you are giving her a treat because she, you decide when to get milked. >> that's right. >> for farmers, milk is produced everyday and needs to go to mark et everyday or every other day. cost and fertilizer goes up. like everything we buy, once prices go up, they often don't come down.
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things are more expensive for producers, there is new technology and research being done and just anything that can help them be more profitable. >> steve: when i was growing up on a farm, my dad had a ford tractor that cost 400 bucks. how much is this worth? >> about $170,000. >> steve: are the cows hungry? >> they are hungry. >> let's feed them. >> you have many happy customers down there. >> so easy to grab a gallon of milk, it is a long journey to get it there. >> steve: you know what, the hoard's dairy man farm presented us with delicious cheese. >> lawrence: they have gouda. >> brian: take that netherlands.
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thanks, steve. you don't -- >> ainsley: what were you left with? >> steve: the rest of them and decorative box. it was fun. cheese is found in wisconsin and 13 other states and available online at they do tours and there is so much about the dairy business people don't realize, if you are up there, drop by, it is fun. >> brian: why are their shrink i there shrinking dairy farms? >> steve: everything costs so much, a big mulch maker, million dollars, farmers can't afford that because of cost of insurance and labor. rather than harvest things, they bring in custom cutters who do
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it every year. >> brian: great job. >> steve: we need crackers, hello. >> brian: dean cane will join us, first check in with bill hemmer and dana perino. >> lawrence: look at them. >> steve: say cheese. >> bill: nice to see you, karl rove, harold ford and kevin mccarthy will lead us off and we look forward to tonight. >> dana: and update the investigation into the assassination attempt of president trump, we have somebody from the fbi here. >> bill: the train rolls on, keep america safe is the theme, coming up live here in milwaukee. >> dana: see you in a few min minutes.
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>> lawrence: so the world's richest man, elon musk and joined bill ackman to endorse former president trump following saturday's assassination attempt. now elon musk is denying reports he is donating $45 million a month to a pro trump super pac. this man is also supporting donald trump, dean cain. good to have you here. you are in law enforcement as well. what happened to the former president and now you are supporting him. >> i've been supporting him the whole time. i think his policies are the difference bar none and always have been. i'm donating $45 million a month instead of elon, no, wish i could do that. with elon, by the way, it is not his money. once he put his endorsement behind president trump that's worth almost -- for him it could
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be more money but normal people that's a huge endorsement. i think what happened is crazy. law enforcement officers you look at that and say it's impossible. i won't go into the weeds. everybody else is figuring it out by now. what president trump did and reacted i call him a super hero. >> lawrence: it looks like a moment of unity when you look at the republican convention. nikki haley will speak there. donald trump has selected who his vice president will be, j.d. vance. some democrats aren't forcing joe biden out anymore. they've accepted defeat. >> that's what it looks like. when something like this happens on national television it changes -- it can change everybody's feeling deep and visceral within. it is a horrific thing. we were this far away from being
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at a funeral and changing the world. i'm glad that didn't happen. we did change the world essentially. the way president trump reacted to it, i think what he is doing now, even changing his speech. i can't wait to hear. it will be a message of unity and let's tone down the temperature. democrats are already ratcheting it up. when you say someone is a threat to democracy it's ridiculous and you will get a poor kid to try to stop the next hitler, which is ridiculous. the tone needs to be ratcheted down. >> lawrence: what do you want to hear from former president? i've never seen donald trump's face like that. it was -- you can tell he was humbled and taken back. he is normally just fight, fight, fight as he did when he was actually taking a bullet. but there was a somber type of mood from the former president as he walked in as the crowd cheered him on.
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>> i think when you face what he -- listen, we are talking about a centimeter difference and that's it. when you face that, i think your life changes. i know a lot of soldiers who talked about this and police officers. when you face this your life changes. for president trump it is a unifying thing and i think his tone and tenor will be one of yoonfication. >> lawrence: we've started to see it, brother. thank you for joining us. when can we see the latest movie? >> god is not dead. we the people is coming out september 12th. don't miss it. >> lawrence: make sure you support him. tomorrow you can see our brother, pete getting rnc reaction from voters live at the lumber inn in delafield, wisconsin. he wants you guys to come out and have breakfast with him. have a good time and he will pick up the tab for you. great show. dean. the rest of the three will be back with me tomorrow. >> bill: thank you. good morning everybody.
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a live look now.


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