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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 16, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> john: hours away from night two of the republican national convention as investigators pieced together a timeline entity attempted assassination of president from. we are learning a local police
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officer flagged a suspicious man at the rally to state police 30 minutes before the gunman opened fire. welcome back as "america reports" rolls into the second hour i am john roberts in washington. the information just continues to dribble out here, sander and it's not good. >> sandra: exactly breaking new details i'm sandra smith in new york we are also learning that the crowd did spot that gunman one minute and 26 seconds, john, before the bullets went flying. the fbi found at least a dozen guns and the shooter's home and shooters say he bought 50 rounds of ammunition the same day of the shooting. >> john: fox team coverage starting right now moments away on trump's appearance at a revved up rnc, bryan llenas has a complete timeline of the shooting but first chad pergram has been doing his duty on the ball menendez trial on the secret service investigations coming up on capitol hill and chad, there is discontent in the ranks of capitol hill about the
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lack of information. >> yes i have talked to a numbers of members today on both sides of the aisle and some sources that they thought they were getting a pretty clear answer at least of what they thought they knew up to this point from dhs and certainly the secret service. one in your source told me that kind of clammed up. they are supposed to have briefings today for the homeland security committee and also for the oversight committee. these will be virtual briefings because the house and senate are not in session right now for the republican convention in milwaukee. there was one scheduled yesterday. that never happen. we were told today that is influx. we do know there is supposed to be a hearing next monday. this is the oversight committee with kimberly cheadle is the head of the secret service and james comer, the chairman of that committee. here is what he wants to talk about on monday. because so we have a lot of questions that every american has that we hold to be able to ask the director on monday. and then, hopefully she will
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give us some transparency. by then she will be able to answer all the questions as to what went wrong. >> we've also learned that the house homeland security to many chaired by mike green republican of tennessee he will try to hold a hearing on tuesday. he wants the home and homeless garrity secretary alejandro mayorkas to appear along with the fbi director christopher rae and also kimberly cheadle. the other thing we just got a statement from jim hans a democrat from connecticut and he is the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. he is calling for full transparency in this investigation. you know, there was a statement a couple days ago from josh hawley, their public and senator from missouri, who indicated he did not think anything should be classified in these briefings because there is concerns about conspiracy theories but right now they are not happy on capitol hill about the dearth of information. john, sander? >> john: we will see if that changes soon chad, thank you. center? >> sandra: bryan llenas now what are we learning?
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>> in the assassination attempt there are important gaps in that timeline particularly before the first shot was fired at 6:11:00 p.m. the first sign of trouble sources tell fox was about 30 minutes before the shooting. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't forget the men who died who gave that right to me ♪ ♪ i gladly stand up next to y you ♪ ♪ speak of this is big crowd. this is a big, big beautiful crowd. [cheers and applause] we have people -- >> right here! on the roof! he's on the roof! >> it's millions --
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>> officer. >> he's got a gun! shoot him! >> he's got a gun! [screaming] >> what are we doing? what are we doing? >> shooter is down are we good to move? >> clear! >> let's move! >> my god! >> get that son of a [bleep]. >> get around him! at around him. >> that was the audible and visual timeline of the event as they unfolded as we know, less than 3 minutes after the first gunshot the former president was
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safely in his suv. now sources did it tell fox the shooter was seen on that roof without a gun about 30 minutes before the attack and we know local police, sander, were first alerted about a suspicious person pacing near the magnetometers at the entrance at the head of the rally. local police were exchanging photos of that suspicious person who later turned out to be the shooter. how long was that search going for? it's one of many questions still unanswered. center? >> sandra: bryan llenas, thank you. >> john: let's bring in chief political analyst and that scene last night let's roll the tape of trump coming out of the first night of the republican national convention. i mean, it absolutely raise the roof. here is the guy wearing a bandage on his right ear who got hit by a bullet some 52 hours before and he comes out there triumphantly. and then this image that will probably be used by the campaign just about every advertisement they've got between now and
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november 5th. the raised fist surrounded by secret service with the flag in the background, contrast that with what we have been seeing from biden lately >> this is obviously not a good comparison, none of it was planned as far as the campaigns were concerned. certainly joe biden is very, very unfortunate performance in that debate was not something they planned. i guess the biden campaign did every thing to avoid that and they got it anyway. and then of course comes this black swan event of somebody able to get on a roof close enough to draw a beat on the former president and actually nick him in the evening. lucky he wasn't killed. and he gets off the stage, fist in the air, trying very hard, struggling against the secret service's effort to get him down, get him low, get them out of there, to show he is okay and undaunted, which i think he certainly did in that iconic
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photograph you have been showing. that is a contrast that obviously favors the former president. i think, john, when he came out on that stage last night in milwaukee, it was a striking moment. we had not seen him really, how do we? there were some pictures of him playing golf on the weekend but that was all. this is the first look at him. was the first sign we saw of him with a bandage on his ear. he seemed to me at least sub subdued. like he may have been really affected by this. it's hard to imagine he wouldn't be. i mean, considering what had happened to him and what a near miss that was. >> britt democrat, sander here. there is so much talk on capitol hill about the information they are getting or in most cases not getting as chad pergram just reported members are starting to get restless about the lack of information they are getting from dhs and secret service. in the meantime, this is what we are hearing from the director of
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the secret service, kimberly cheadle. this was her speaking on the shooter being identified as a person of suspicion before the shooting took place, which we are learning was about one and a half minutes beforehand. here she explains why they were unable to move fast enough. listen. >> the shooter was actually identified as a potential person of suspicion. units started responding to seek that individual out. unfortunately, with the rapid succession of how things unfolded, by the time that individual was eventually located, they were on the rooftop. and were able to fire off at the former president. b2 now there are explanations that the roof was too sloped to put secret service agents on there although the counter snipers were certainly on a sloped roof what was your reaction when you heard that? >> i find her answer about the roof and why that roof was not
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covered absolutely astonishing. i mean, when she said the roof was a sloped and there was a safety issue, i mean as you pointed out, sander, the fbi to counter snipers run a sloped roof, that's how they set up. it is not an explanation i think any reasonable person would find remotely acceptable that they were worried about the safety on the sloped roof. i would be surprised, sander, if it even turned out to be true that was the reason but that's what she said. and i would say she said in that interview as well of course as you have heard that she planned to stay on the job. after this is little hard for me to see how she possibly could keep that job. >> john: i'm a look at the slope of that roof. it is a very, very low slope. and apparently there were police inside. how they didn't hear somebody crawling about on a tin roof above them is beyond me. hey, i wanted to get your reaction to this because it happened just a short time ago. adam schiff apparently told a group of donors he feels for
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what is going to happen not only to the top of the ticket but down ballot if joe biden does not drop out. here is what he said he said "i think if he, biden, is our nominee, i think we lose. and we may very well lose the senate and lose our chance to take back the house. 's" is concerned of the party more broadly in a someone like shipp is saying it's time for biden to go it can't be long before the dam breaks. >> well, the question then becomes, john, how exactly does the dam go about breaking? because, after all, the president has nearly all of the delegates. he has the votes he needs to be nominated. these are his people, people who signed up to be biden delegates. and they are the controlling force on the floor of that convention coming up. so he has the votes. the status quo means he stays. so it takes some real force to dislodge him and get him to agree to step aside. the president, i'm talking
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about. so far it looks like the family that is closest to him a salad for him staying in. as long as that is the case, it just may turn out that if barack obama and nancy pelosi and senator schumer and others of influence around him went to him and said, mr. president, you are endangering the party's majority, you are endangering the presidency, losing their private presidency of the republicans if you see in the race when he get out? well, he might, but remember, it would be his call. that's what they have to work on. it's not clear yet how that could be brought about. >> sandra: bridge, look forward to tonight were nikki haley will be speaking at the convention. originally not even on the invite list, but after the attempted assassination we got word she received an invitation, accepted it, not only that except at a speaking role. "the new york times" giving their thoughts on this today
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saying she is set to speak at the convention as republicans aim for a show of unity. many hope she would use her remarks to toe the line on the unity theme. they want many of her voters have always wanted her to stand for something namely the more traditional conservative values with mr. trout's agenda. according to a source with knowledge nikki haley's team, they tell me that her speech will "address voters who are uncertain about voting for president trump and make the case for why she is voting for him." what do you anticipate from this speech tonight and how important is it for the former president's campaign? >> while a piece of what one would imagine this convention is all about. i mean, after all, the president was ahead following the debate, but not by all that much. all of this polling with few exceptions have been within the
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margin of error. so he is right there. , president biden is. and president trump's lead is not big. he must hope, i would think he does hope, that this convention and the aftermath of his big shot after responding with such determination will give people a new look at him. a new view of him. you know, there are people out there i would imagine our giving them a second chance, second look at thinking i didn't like him before, i didn't vote for him, i have misgivings but under the circumstances could i bring myself to vote for him? that's where people like nikki haley come in. that's where having a kinder gentler tone to the convention comes in. to kind of give people permission to vote for somebody they may have resisted before. i suspect that's what nikki haley will try to do tonight. >> john: j.d. vance who says i didn't like him in 2016 but i grew to like him he had nikki
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haley who liked him then didn't like him and like them again so conversion is an important thing in politics. i wanted to ask very quickly about this, next week the dmc is trying to push the lockup of the nomination for biden early by having a virtual convention with the delegates to solidify him as the nominee. but now apparently some democrats are pushing back against that saying no, no, no we have to wait for the convention to happen. what do you think? >> the reason why they had that idea of a virtual convention was the votes being cast was to do with the situation in ohio with a deadline to get on the ballot. they still have that virtual vote on the calendar, but it is not necessary, ohio fixed the law and they don't have to do it even so, john, if they went ahead and were nominated and then stepped down he could certainly choose to do that and the party would then have to gather, right?
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at the convention and nominate somebody else. so that is what they are looking at, but in the end comes back to the same thing we've been talking about, john. biden would have to agree. that is the stumbling block. there is no other way to do it that makes any possible sense. >> sandra: britt, so good to see you and thank you for joining us. >> john: thank you. >> my pleasure. >> sandra: president biden tried to calm down concerns with another sitdown interview last night. did it work? we will discuss with lawrence jones and jessica tarlov. >> john: and hearing lawmakers are getting restless waiting for answers on the security breakdowns that led to the assassination attempt on former president trump. house majority leader steve scalise is coming up on that, stay with us. nnuity used correctly can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees.
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speed to the attempted assassination of former president donald trump we are learning now that dhs and the fbi have agreed to hold a phone meeting tomorrow with not just one group or committee but every house lawmaker. let's bring in steve scalise could have you on the program. appreciate your time. the majority of this with they found requests from somebody different members saying we will do this all at once with a phone call. do you expect them to come out and give the straight up facts about what they know that led to this? >> sander and john good to be with you. i am not expecting a lot on this phone call. you don't usually get a lot of candor on these kinds of large phone calls. that is why you need hearings. we will have hearings starting monday. i know jamie, and the house
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oversight committee will be holding a hearing. chairman green and homeland security committee will hold hearings as well and people want answers, deserve answers and there is still a lot of questions. you hear these leaks even though the head of the secret service will not, address the public which is a major concern. they are trying to blend this on local law enforcement. it is still their respon responsibility. major, major questions about the rooftop, did the secret service heads and say it was too sloped? the 20-year-old had no problem getting up there. this is a major failure we still need to get to the bottom of what really happened. we will get those answers in a public setting. not on a phone call where it is very just kind of very generic. >> john: on those two points of people identifying the shooter on the roof here.
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>> there he is right there. right there, do you see him? laying down to see them question marks >> there he is. officer. >> he's on the roof! right here! right on the roof! >> john: you hear them saying there is some on the roof apparently it officer climbed up there, kirks pointed his rifle at him for fear of being shot instead of engaging him but here's what kim cheadle said about why they didn't have anybody up on that roof. you mentioned this here is what she said. >> that building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point and so there is a safety factor that would be considered that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on the sloped roof. so the decision was made to secure the building from inside. >> john: you pointed out, congressman, the shooter had no issue getting up on that roof and if you look at pictures of the counter sniper team, they were set up on a roof that looked like it had the exact same slope so what do you make
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of that excuse? >> i think a crisis of confidence right now at the top level of the secret service. not the agents on the ground, but the head of the secret service. many of my colleagues have been expressing the same concern for her to make a statement like that, it raises even more questions. why wasn't a counter sniper team on that rooftop? as you pointed out the other groups had similar slopes the shooter had no problem maneuvering that roof himself. whether they were taken, whether she took this seriously enough or not, we certainly have not gotten the answers we deserve. we will get those answers. frankly, there needs to be accountability. unfortunately one of the things we have seen from the biden administration and so many areas of failure is there is no accountability. at some point if someone doesn't do their job properly, you have to bring in somebody else. this is too important of a job. or one task is to protect the president of the united states
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and former presidents of the united states and other things she is focused on her outside of the mission and i think she lost sight of the mission. >> sandra: you wonder if she'll keep her job. she was asked about that in this brand-new "abc news" interview here is how she responded. >> who is most responsible for this happening? >> i was a deceived stomach secret service is responsible. >> the buck stops with you? >> the buck stops with me on the director of the secret service. it was unacceptable and it is something that should not happen again. >> sandra: makes you wonder about her future. are you, congressman, calling for her departure? >> i think we need new leadership at the top of the secret service. somebody focused on the mission, the main mission and that is to protect the president of the united states and former president that they are tasked with protecting. all the other things you see in their mission statement that have nothing to do with that show you she has taken this agency in the wrong direction and lost sight of what the main
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mission is supposed to be. >> john: i was talking with jason chaffetz the other day he will be in tomorrow with the chairman in 2014-2015 when all of these problems with the secret service for going on and two directors lost their jobs we will talk to him tomorrow about all of that. congressman, great to see you hope you enjoy the rnc. >> great being with you thanks again. >> john: all of the board the trump/vance train as former president trump announces his vp pick. because the political newcomer help trump won in key states? >> sandra: and john the fight is intensifying for the background of wisconsin we will speak to the chairman of the republican party there and find out what it takes to win back his state next. our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan,
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decision i've never violated my public oath. have never been anything but a patron of my country and for my country. i have never ever been in a foreign agent. >> john: a verdict has been reached and the corruption trial of senator bob menendez. he was found guilty on all counts. let's get out to eric shawn with the latest from outside the courthouse. despite the protestations from the senator, the jury felt completely differently, eric. >> that, the jury dated, john. as you know he will forever be known as "gold bar bob." the jury convicting him on all counts finding that yes, senator bob menendez new jersey senior senator and the former chairman of the center for relations committee sold his office as prosecutors said for cash and gold. it took just over two days of deliberations for the jury at this courthouse to convict him and his two codefendants of all the charges. he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in payoffs and expensive gifts all to
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interfere in u.s. foreign policy on behalf of egypt, cutter, and three new jersey businessmen two of whom were also convicted in this case. prosecutors said menendez engaged in what they called an "shocking level of corruption." >> this is not politics as usual, this is politics for profit. now that a jury has convicted bob menendez, his years of selling his office to the highest bidder have finally come to an end >> prosecutor told a jury of the $480,000 in cash found a strewn throughout his house, some stashed in his jacket pockets, and those 13 gold bars worth 100 grand hidden in a bedroom closet as well as a mercedes-benz convertible and other lavish gifts were all payoffs for him to interfere with the u.s. foreign policy for his own greed. menendez said he was deeply disappointed his lawyer, adam fe said will appeal. >> we were surprised and disappointed with the jury's
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verdict. would disagree with it and we believe today as we have since day one that bob is innocent. >> prosecutor said menendez funneled the bribes through his wife, nadine who was charged in this case but her trial has been suspended indefinitely because mrs. menendez is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. and it is now faces potential total of 222 years in jail. the sentencing will be in october. john, back to you. >> john: shocking levels of corruption is how the u.s. attorney for t the southern district of new york put it. sander? >> sandra: we are expected see southern j.d. vance we have alexis who has what we may see very shortly. >> hi, sander, an exciting day for j.d. vance and his family yesterday when we saw him take the floor in milwaukee at they are public and national
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convention he looked pretty emotional, had some tears in his eyes as he stood there by his wife's side hearing the crowd clapped and chant "make america great again" but as you know, sander and john, j.d. vance has not always been a big trump supporter although now he is a strong ally. many people asking him questions of exactly why he had been full plopping on, watch. >> i said some bad things about donald trump ten years ago but i think it's actually important to be able again to admit you are wrong. to make a good case to the american people, people who may have been skeptical of the president back in 2016. who can be skeptical now that we've seen the results? >> skeptical no more this morning j.d. vance and his family spotted walking around downtown milwaukee. just a regular guy out for a stroll but he is not, he's now the vp nominee on the ticket. vance was once a fierce critic as you heard, the former venture capitalist marine and grad of yale law school was elected in the senate in 2022 and has become one of the biggest advocates of the former president's make america great
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again agenda. let's get to what's on that agenda that he agrees with. despite being in the senate for a short time he has these policy positions you are looking at. he does not support giving money to ukraine, increasing tariffs, he wants to do that on china, and going to more on exactly what his other positions are we have been asking him repeatedly what his position is on ukraine, here is what hannity asked him about that, watch. >> i think what president trump has promised to do is go in there and negotiate with russians and ukrainian's, bring this to a rapid close so america can focus on the real issue which is china. that's the biggest threat that we are completely distracted from. >> we are hoping to hear more from j.d. vance in a short time from now, sander. >> sandra: alexis mcadams live in milwaukee. >> john: wisconsin has been decided by less than one percentage point in four of the last six presidential elections and it looks like it's going to be a close contest once again is
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a new poll average shows donald trump leading by three points right now. ryan is chairman of the republican party, thank you for being with us. first of all i wanted to get from you what the atmosphere is like at the rnc in milwaukee because his last former president trump came out in public for the very first time after the assassination attempt on saturday he brought the house down. i mean, ronald reagan was a president who almost got assassinated who came out at his convention but that was three years after the incident. this was 52 hours afterwards. what was the atmosphere like? >> john, thank you for having me. it was electric, honestly down to the floor. the wisconsin delegation is towards the front of the convention hall. certainly amongst my delegation here but as i walked around the floor, the feeling is almost as if it was nomination night. i mean, we've all been praying and thinking about what has gone on in pennsylvania, but i will
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tell you as we go with the republican convention, people are excited. look, i had 5-10 potential vice presidential nominees that i think would've gone over well. j.d. vance going over very well at this convention. and have president trump walk in, it was almost like the final night when he gives his speech, it was really something. >> john: all right let's look at what is happening in wisconsin and whether or not the president can repeat what he did in 2016 and win the state. the latest rcp average looks like this trumpet had 46.5 to biden's 43.5. here is where the race was four years ago on this date. biden led by 7.6%. he won the state by less than 1%, so that is a pretty big swing. which suggests if history were to repeat itself, trampled win by a substantial margin. >> i think so, john. we have had 12 races in the last
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24 years in wisconsin, a state of about 6 million people, 12 races 24 years decided by a less then 30,000 votes. including ron johnson's race, senator johnson's race in 2022. we see that consistently. we will see the poles behind what is actually happening as you say seven points behind on the rcp average in the internal polling too and other research work they do. frankly, john that is why joe biden has to be in wisconsin constantly. he loses wisconsin, he loses the white house. >> john: here is what an internal campaign memo says from the biden campaign "we have multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes but we know up in savannah, michigan, and wisconsin are critical to victory, which is why we are investing heavily there and president biden has prioritized the region over the past week. trump and j.d. vance are going to be holding the campaign event
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in michigan on saturday but i would expect the president is going to say to j.d. vance get on a bus and the only places you are going to go between now and november are wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. you think that's a strategy that could pull that victory? >> yes. what congress and peep has now determined in michigan. we were saying much of the same thing. there is something people are missing, john. there is a 22% enthusiasm gap in favor of donald trump and a lot of swing states including wisconsin right now. that is not something you see in the polling, necessarily, but it is a huge factor. the democrats know what to. they will be writing books about this, john. think about what happened the last couple of weeks. the democrats have gone from confidence in joe biden to the calamity of the debate to the crisis of who they are going to nominate. 37% of democrats, only 37% of democrats wanted joe biden to
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run for reelection before he announced they have a huge, huge enthusiasm gap. i see that, i travel to see all the time. they have a huge problem out there with their own base. >> john: i don't need you to respond to this but on the enthusiasm gap here is what a recent market law school poll found are going very enthusiastic about voting for the candidate, 61% of trump voters said they are, 39% of voters said they are very enthusiastic about biden. when it comes to the issues that matter to wisconsinites economy trump wins on that, 50 to slash 34 commemoration border trump wins 52-28, those are the top two issues for people in wisconsin. so it looks like he is in pretty good shape so see if he can keep it up. brian, thank you for joining us. >> john, thank you for having me. >> sandra: president biden sits down for another prime time interview but did he do enough to calm concerns from his own party? lawrence jones and jessica tarlov are here to
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discuss that, can't wait that is next.
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>> you said it's time to put trump in the bull's-eye there is some issue about the -- >> i said bull's-eye not crosshairs. there was very little focus on trump. >> the term is bull's-eye. >> i didn't say crosshairs, i meant focus on him. >> sandra: president biden sitting down for another prime time interview that was last night but seemingly did little to reassure critics in his own party. the calls for biden to step down have quieted since the trump assassination attempt but there is still questions about democrats path forward after the
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g.o.p.'s unity last night. fox news contributor and cohost of the five jessica tarlov is back, great to have you, jessica. jessica. "fox & friends" cohost lawrence jones, great to have you. all right, so adam schiff has been warned about a wipeout for democrats, jessica. if biden remains in the race representative schiff of california told attendees at a dem fund-raiser that the party would lose the senate and miss a chance to take the house of the president did not drop out. jessica, where do you stand on this? should president biden remain in the race? >> well, thrilled to be back with you guys. it's been wonderful. what an insane first week back from maternity leave it's amazing in milwaukee. in terms of what is going on on the democratic side, i change depending on the hour what i think is best. i want to be risk-averse, i know joe biden is a winner, i know he has an incredible record, and he
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has beaten donald trump before and democrats have over performed expectations time and time again in the biden era, and then there are moments like the debate where you sit back and think is this the best person to leave the top of the ticket at this particular moment? and i appreciate that everyone was quiet in the week of the assassination attempt which was obviously terrible. but i did not think it would be quite forever. i think the worst bit of news for joe biden is some reporting out of politico that came out yesterday that nancy pelosi has been working the phones and saying something similar to adam schiff or the comments he made at that donor event. if you have nancy pelosi working against you you are in trouble. >> sandra: i appreciate that answer where you at this hour? in or out? >> i am feeling in at this hour but, you know, 4:00 p.m. could be different. i am bullish on democrat chances and i will say that. i don't see this as a wipeout
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situation. >> sandra: that is interesting in lawrence i will let you go off of that but also put this nbc news poll up on the screen which are you satisfied with your party's presidential nominee. an overwhelming number of democrats 62% say they are not satisfied. that number is even bigger when it comes to republicans who are satisfied with their party's nominee. boy was last night big for republicans, lawrence. >> well, the problems the democrats have for them right now is you had people before, even the terrible debate performance by president joe biden saying they wanted a new nominee. they wanted a primary process. the democrats rob them of that process. and so i don't see much really changing with the voters in the democratic party. i think joe biden will be the nominee, there is nothing they can do about it. they can work the phones, they
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can use their political power, but joe biden may have forgotten a lot of things but he still knows he is president. you contrast that with the republican party right now, you've never seen a more united republican party. young nikki haley who was, you know, an obstacle i guess if you want to call her for donald trump with that 20% of republican voters. although she didn't really get that many delegates. she was still some friction in the party, that has changed. and also, it was a crazy situation that happened. we're still learning more details about the 30 minutes they could've taken the shooter out but it has rallied the party now. there could not be a more of a contrast. the democratic party out of control don't know who their nominee is going to be and the unified republican party under donald trump. speak to lauren good to get your thoughts. we are more breaking news of this hour thanks to both of you we have to get to this.
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>> welcome back. >> sandra: welcome back to jessica. >> happy to be here. >> john: fox news alert now breaking news coming out we have discovered something that makes it a lack of security and the security lapses at the donald trump event in butler, pennsylvania, all the more glaring and literally impossible to understand. david our justice correspondent has the latest. >> john, it's a currently puzzling. we're learning right now through two federal law enforcement forces in recent weeks there was a credible threat to former president donald trump from the iranian regime. i want to be clear this is unrelated at this point to the alleged shooter thomas crooks the 20-year-old in pennsylvania who attempted to assassinate the former president on saturday night. but we are told via two sources that dhs and secret service and others in the law enforcement and intelligence community
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recently through a human source through what one very good human source got some intel on an attempted plot to assassinate inform president trump increased his secret service presence. that's why you say it's all the more glaring in all the more puzzling in recent weeks.d johns been concerned and has expressed that concern to former president trump's team about holding outdoor rallies. he likes to host outdoor rallies, events, sometimes pop up events. he will meet with people, he is out and about very frequently. that has been something when i say dhs i say dhs what because dhs oversees the united states secret service. we know when he was president that he received a lot of threats from iran because of the assassination of the general qassem soleimani in january of 2020. that has continued since he left office but this is a particular credible threat according to two sources we spoke to today than the last 45 minutes or so that
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say something made them want to increase the secret service presence to the former president because of this threat. and again, john, it seems like yes, it's all coming together at one time, but at this point it does not seem to be related at all to thomas crooks. but it does pose the question if security was increased to former president trump because of the alleged plot out of iran, how did this happen on the saturday in butler, pennsylvania? >> john: no connection at this point but why do leave the roof uncovered if you knew there were concerns for the president security? it is mind-boggling. the lapse in security here and the failure, david, thank you. >> thank you. >> john: we will be right ba stenback. the proper annuity used correctly can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security.
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>> martha: here's a live look from the rnc milwaukee and the convention enters its second day with a focus on crime and immigration. south carolina senator them scott held an event in milwaukee last hour to reach out the black voters and some of the communities hardest hit by crime there. progenitors -- harold, single-parent home and that's why he was here in downtown milwaukee at a gop black community centre talking about his past and economic opportunities that the gop is offering people just like him to change their lives while we're here there was -- a wisconsin chair of the african-american council elected to me that the cycle back content could garner more than 15% of the black vote which would be more than double what it was in 2016 or 2020, centre -- senator tim scott agrees, saying you will
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be driven by one specific demographic. listen here. >> there's no doubt that the most loyal part of the construct of the immigrant party or black woman. most loyal, most fierce. like men are very different. they are -- >> we shall see. meanwhile in the wake of the assassination attempt on president trump, i ask whether or not this might resonate in some way with black voters or materials senator tim scott speaking up for the first time publicly after saturday's tragedy. listen here. >> if you didn't believe on miracles before saturday because he believed in them now without question. that bullet less than an inch towards his head, totally different country we have today. i am thankful that the hand of the lord is still on this country and that we will continue to see miracles happen in our lifetime and that in my opinion was a modern-day miracle.
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>> there you go, senator tim scott peeking out about the assassination of them for the first time and really this push that every republican, african-american, believes that economic message from this gop is going to change for them and that is the top issue, of economics, although we did ask the mayor of milwaukee, cavalier johnson this morning, i ask what -- he said, "i'm not buying it." >> sandra: all really interesting stuff. griff jenkins on from not -- >> john: particularly confirmation of this iranian plot against the former president and why in the world if you increase secret service protection for the former president would you leave that roof uncovered? and as for kim cheadle statement about didn't put some of them because it was a sloped roof, this is the other side working from the secret service gather on a roof were the pitch looks like it's an even greater angle then the roof that
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crooks went on to understand how you can make that point that you couldn't put anybody out there because it was a sloped roof. >> sandra: and i would assume that the secret service has this down to an exact science, you know? roof that would be -- by the secret service would be unable to work off of my clearly this shooter was able to get on that roof and carry out what he did, john. i think there's a lot more details that we are going to learn in the coming ours and days and we know members of congress are going -- getting antsy for more information and their pressing for more answers. >> john: senator -- wants a january 6 style committee investigation on all of this. and -- to really just investigating the be jesus out of this because how do you let that happen? >> sandra: absolutely. >> john: that your dvr, never missed "america reports." thank you for joining us, i'm renn roberts. >> sandra: and i'm chandler smith. "the story" starts right now. >> ♪ ♪ >> martha: that's a grea


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