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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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hosting major league baseball teams. many players actually on opposing teams have reported supernatural events here from bryce harp tore musicky bets. two saint cardinal elected to room together after ghost sight here. very few national teams have not reported a pair normal experience inside. former president trump and his team are staying here and they are hoping for some good spirits before his big speech thursday nights. we have day two of the republican national convention tonight. 10:00 p.m. eastern time. martha and i will be back to anchor that. until then, that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. the ingraham an gram starts right now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" live from day two of the
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republican national convention here in milwaukee, wisconsin. and tonight as usual, there is no shame in biden world. >> we're going to continue to be transparent and communicate with people. >> you plan to stay on absolutely? >> i do plan to stay on. >> laura: of course she does because there is zero accountability. and when you lose the game. change the rules. so biden is throwing bones to the hard left and stones at the supreme court. >> ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha. >> laura: well we will analyze meanwhile the g.o.p. is overdosing on optimism. can you hear it already tonight, which is where we start. watching and listening to the entertainment here at the republican national convention. you will hear a lot of music from the 1980s like the heart of rock and roll. caught up in you. don't stop believing. and, of course, we had the great lee greenwood himself here last night. and the tunes i was thinking about it really capture the moment.
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because right now, with the party united behind a charismatic, george just candidate, it's looking and feeling a lot like july 17th, 1980, and i expect thursday night we will hear trump deliver a message that tracks a lot of what we heard 44 years ago. >> i'm very proud of our party tonight. this convention has shown to all america a party united with positive programs for solving the nation's problems. a party ready to build a new consensus with all those across the land who share a community of values embodied in these words. family, work, neighborhood, peace, and freedom. >> thank god we don't have those horns anymore. but donald trump is the true heir to reagan. old reagan nights by the way like pat buchanon. ed mease and rush limbaugh all
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knew it. and everyone attending the rnc here and all -- from all races and religions, they know it as well. because the reagan revolution wasn't just about tax cuts or growing the military, it was about overcoming the establishment in both parties out of ideas and out of touch. and it was about finding not just any policies, but the right policies that would lead to higher incomes and a stronger national defense. and most of all, it was about rekindle ling a deep love of america and her people. and now, we could be on the verge of another great american era. now, for a long time, a lot of commentators, have you heard them claim that trump isn't as optimistic as reagan. but, i'm telling you, reagan wasn't optimistic in 1976 when he was running against ford or jimmy carter in 1979. the optimistic reagan that some of us remember is the reagan from 1984. when the economy was booming and we were headed toward
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re-election. and i think now that president trump is in the lead, i believe you're going to see a lot more optimism from him. and given his brush with death, trump may track reagan in another way. striking a note in his speech that transcends politics. >> i'll confess that i have been a little afraid to suggest what i'm going to suggest, join together in a moment of silent prayer. [silence] >> god bless america. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> laura: oh my gosh. i still get chills when i watch this. joining us now steve scalise house minority leader. congressman, the reagan era. it's a big thing to say trump is the air of reagan. i feel it here tonight.
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what do you feel? >> laura, it's great to be with you in milwaukee. i came of age in the. he gave people optimism at a time when we needed it. you hearken back to 80's songs being played. it was the jimmy carter years of malaise that gave us ronald reagan and think about where we are today. biden has given us worse times than jimmy carter years. i think at that point you see america turn around and say we need to turn to a better time and that's where donald trump is. i mean, donald trump gave us great four years. great economy, great opportunity for people. everybody was doing better. and this time around, i think you are seeing president trump even more sharp focused on what those needs are that people want. they want a strong leader. they want somebody who is going to secure the border. who going to tackle these issues that joe biden created. and the energy has never been higher. our unity by the way, laura, i have never seen this unified and that's saying a lot. >> laura: when he walked into the arena last night, i teared up.
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people i was with were tearing up. and even his look was different. >> yeah. >> laura: from before saturday and what happened on saturday. he was taking it all in. did you sense that emotion and what did that mean to you having had your own brush with death at the hands of a would be assassin? >> i think you are exactly right. i mean, he recognizes this is a different moment. things changed on saturday. thank god is he with us. and i thank god had key vine intervention on saturday to keep him with us. i think he recognizes that today there is a larger moment. people are looking to his words even more. and he said is he rewriting his speech. and i think it's going to be grander. the things he has been talking about. those folks who tuned him out a long time ago i think are going to be giving him a second look this time around wait a minute so much more at stake. refocused everybody. absolutely refocused president trump and a sharon herb way he was already rising to the moment. i think the moment is even higher around is he going to
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rise to that. >> again, like reagan, remaking the republican party. bringing in those working class democrats. those blue dog democrats, going into the rust belt. >> minority communities, hispanics, black voters coming to the republican party because they know it's the party of opportunity. >> laura: working people. >> at a time when they have been shut out by the democrats. this far left socialist craziness that nobody even -- blue dog does not recognize the democrat party, and they are going wait a minute, maybe i can look again at the republican party and they like what they see. and that's why it's so important for us to keep reaching out into knows community and widen the base. >> laura: 50 state strategy not just louisiana and the ones we know. >> we know those states in play never had a shot at since ronald reagan swept the table. minnesota is in play now, laura. >> feeling like the 80's. the media though, congressman, actually think that trump is somehow, when he walked out last night, playing the victim card. check it out. >> people are concerned and expressing concern that we won't be the guardians of memory.
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>> hmm. >> we won't allow donald trump as he is, you know, baltimoreed in the glory and grandeur of his party to rewrite himself as both a hero and a victim. >> laura: who plays the victim every day of the week? trump? >> never. trump is not a victim. by the way, who appointed people who fuel hatred every day as the guardians you have memory? what memories are they talking about? it's surely not middle america. middle america is fed up with all the far left malaise donald trump only one with the i. why they say all this hyper inner send area language about donald trump. they can't stop doing it because they don't want to talk about real issues giving what you face and we lost a gr great american.
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can we trust the biden administration with all its history to launch an independent investigation into what happened? >> well, laura, we are doing our own investigation in the house. the house oversight committee under chairman comer is starting that formal investigation monday. we ever bringing in the secret service and other agencies. chairman green of the homeland security committee is also going to be. >> congressman, shouldn't there be one? >> we are having those talks right now. we need to start at least getting some answers from the agencies with the committees of jurisdiction that have the ability to get those answers and then as -- if we are not getting the answers we need and i know some of them have not been given adequate answers. we have other opportunities to go get those answers. >> laura: one committee. otherwise it will drag on. everyone is leaking. >> believe me we are going to get the answers that we and the american people deserve to get. >> laura: congressman, always great to see you. >> laura great to be with you. god bless america. >> new threats to president trump today. federal law enforcement sources telling fox news there has been increase in secret service
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protection recent weeks. how is that possible? due to a possibility iranian assassination plot. and the security failures we saw this weekend may actually be even worse than we thought. i guess with more people? wpxi local pittsburgh station is reporting that thomas crooks was spotted by police just hanging around the american glass research complex more than an hour before the assassination attempt. >> the shooter was actually identified as a potential. >> threat? >> person of suspicion. unfortunately, with the rapid succession of how things unfolded, by the time that individual was eventually located, they were on the roof top. and were able to -- to fire off at the former president. >> should that roof have been secured, period? >> that building in particular has a sloped roof. at its highest point and so, you know, there is a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof and so, you know, the decision was
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made to secure the building from inside. >> laura: joining us now tim sheehy montana u.s. senate candidate. former navy seal. tim, we're supposed to believe that the secret service has the courage as we know to take a bullet for the president, but they are afraid of a sloped roof? really? >> the investigation is going to play out we will have to see what comes out of it. protectioning the president, farming out a lot of the these tasks to local law enforcement. a roof 150 yards away from. >> navy seal in the field. you got to secure like 200-yard perimeter. because i know you had to do it. i have a lot of friends who are navy seals that have talked to them in recent days. and you have an elevated position. 106 yards away from a potential target. do you leave that roof unmanned and unguarded? >> i don't care if that roof is filled with dogs and spikes, you're going to have on that roof. >> laura: so right now, the
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biden administration wants us all to believe that this is going to be conducted in an independent, fair and expeditious manner. given what we know about what the biden failures have been, should they be trusted to conduct this investigation? >> no. there hasn't been an investigation of any anything that's happened in this administration. guy back to afghanistan in '21 where i served. we still haven't had anyone held accountable for that. and if that most massive geopolitical failure with 13 americans. >> no one fired, ever. >> i don't have any reason to believe this one would be any different. >> laura: from what you see now in montana and some of these other close races for the u.s. senate, do you feel what i'm seeing, which is a change in the public sees -- this is broken system. >> 100 had%. they have been lied to by the media establishment for decades. and since the biden debated debacle, they can't deny it anymore. it's so obvious they can no longer hide the lie that they have been hiding, which is the fact that joe biden can't do his job. now they are all trying to run
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around and acts is if they are purveyors of truth and blowing the whistle on the situation. americans are fed up. montanan ares fed up. >> laura: your incumbent jon tester. military style hair cut. regular guy, a farmer. we're supposed to believe he is the great check on biden. when has he ever, when it was important stood up to joe biden and his radical policies. >> not once. >> laura: how does montana even think about reelecting jon tester. >> they are not going to do it this time. $200 billion every six years helping. they have to poor hundreds of millions of dollars. >> tim, the "new york post" is reporting tonight that secret service director cheatle landed her role largely to a close relationship with the first lady. it was not her experience in future matters that involve things like the secret service it was friendship, someone would say nepotism, what do you think about that given what happened on saturday?
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seeing it with dei in the military. secret service and massive failure has resulted. replacing a meritocracy with basically dei focused equality policies. tackle excellence with mediocrity. >> laura: when you looked at the detail with trump and again i applaud all of them for just putting their bodies in front of the president. but there is a biological difference with a 5'6" young woman, they all look in their 20's, very young. which is fine. the president is 6'3", and when had you to protect a target, had you to evacuate someone, you have to protect the head, right? and they were walking out and it's not their fault, but they are not tall enough to block the president. >> a lot of those agents were close protection. asi agents totally different part. >> laura: explain that for us. >> when the secret service is responsible for protecting the principle seal. i did a handful of presidential
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protection details because when you are leaving an area, especially the 48 lower 48, but you are farming out most of the protection to local law enforcement, swat teams, sheriff's departments and in this situation, they had homeland security agents augmenting secret service agents. they didn't have enough protection specialists, pull somebody doing counterfeit duty counter drug duty and now come over and do close protection. >> laura: some of those images were fumbling with your holster and sunglasses. that didn't seem i know a lot of incredible secret service agents. i'm sure they are amazing people. that just didn't see what i'm like used to see with presidential detail. >> hardest thing muscle memory. best things army seals. >> laura: repetition. >> repetition. secret service agent may do their job for 40 years and never actually do it for real. it's tough to be good at something you never do for real. >> laura: montana is going to wake this up election. great to see you. >> thanks for having me.
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>> laura: flummoxed democrats still don't know how to respond to this moment that we are in. they are responding the same type of venal rhetoric that they have been spewing for the last couple of years. but this time they got a new target. >> j.d. vance, i think, widely considered to be the most radical choice. j.d. vance is radical both in terms of what he thinks trump can do as president. also radical on policy. >> he is ambitious man who has decided that the people he grew up around have too many pathologies to figure out what he figured out and is he willing to dispose of them for power. >> this is a scary pick. it's in my view more dangerous for the country if he is vice president. it's not a unity pick. >> instead he goes to the other side of the planet. the other side of the galaxy and gets the most radical pick that he can find. trump at least is more of a distinctive kind of intuitive nationalist. this is ideological nationalist. much more dangerous form of the -- >> laura: do you know what they really hate? he had hate the fact that j.d.
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vance will be stalwart defender advocate of the maga agenda that's why they are really upset. judge, it's almost comical. you and i laugh about this a lot. it's so pathetic at this point. yale law school. enlisted in the marines. drug addicted mother. rescued by his grandmother. and this guy is living the american dream and he is the worst thing since sliced bread. >> judge jeanine: you know what i love about it the man is unqualified. they excuse me they ran barack obama with half the experience that j.d. vance has. look, j.d. vance has been in the private sector. he signed the front of checks but not the back of. they he wrote a number one book. a movie about him yirtsdz senator. classic american dream. tell him to go pound salt. okay? they don't have anything tolls talk about. i cannot wait for this debate. the left thinks going to sweep the floor with him. this woman can't stop laughing.
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>> laura: i meant best thing since sliced bread i had a biden moment here. i have to get no this from the post tonight. bineld is set to announce support for these major supreme court changes, radical proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and supposed enforceable ethics code. judge jeanine. isn't this nothing more than a bone thrown to the squad and stones thrown at the court because they keep losing? >> well, it's not only that it is a reflection of their knowing who they are. joe biden and the democrats are the titanic and joe wants to rearrange the deck chairs. he thinks is he going to change the supreme court? you want to impose a ethics code on the supreme court? they are an independent body. congress has no control over the supreme court. >> they don't believe in separation of powers, apparently. >> laura: they don't believe in that they are i couldn't know set about the unit and chevron ruling where the administrative state was the felt deciding
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these decisions, these people have lost it. they are going to lose the election. and this is joe biden's effort to just say i'm a powerful man going to change things. >> he has to show i'm vigorous. i'm joe. i'm here. i'm with lester holt. poor old lester holt is getting smashed from the left. he was too easy on biden. now they are eating their own. eating poor lester holt the last decent journalist over at nbc. >> truth is lester holt is very kind to him. he was forceful but also very kind to hill. the left doesn't know what they're doing. they have lost their mind. >> laura: all right. hold on judge. we have a fox news alert. today we heard ♪ >> laura: a number of disturbing reports of violence nearby near the rnc. it started earlier in the afternoon when a man was shot and killed by police near the perimeter. and we just before we came on the air, two more disturbing instances. congressman derrick van orden said he was assaulted by the pro-palestinian group code pink and just after that. we'll learned from our own bill melugin that an armed man wearing a ski mask was arrested
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yesterday as he was approaching the secure area just blocks away. this is the party of peace and understanding. and tolerance. >> judge jeanine: took the words out of my mouth. they want to call for unity. they want to say that we're the violent people that donald trump is violentment within hours of being shot. donald trump calls for unity. and the left will not give it up. look, i said today did anybody burn down a city when donald trump was shot? did they loot? did they create all kinds of chaos? no. the bottom line is the left cannot deal with the fact that americans are going to bring america back. way we want it. >> do you get the sense that we are back at the brink of a new great american era. i feel it. >> judge jeanine: i'm so energized last night the president came out. not as a candidate. but as a victor. as a hero, as man hand of god that his head turned and not split by an assassins bullet. >> he feels the power of prayer,
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judge jeanine. he said to me he feels it. >> judge jeanine: he does, absolutely. >> and these moments change people. but not their beliefs, but their approach perhaps. >> judge jeanine: i think donald trump that we saw last night was a little more somber. a little more tempered. he is a man who will meet the moment. he knows that there is divine intervention involved. he knows that the hand of god was upon him. none of us are overly religious. this is -- he is steam rolling towards this election. i mean, with the immunity decision, with the debate with joe biden. >> laura: documents case? >> classified documents. and with the announcement of j.d. vance, you know, we -- lawyers the issue is joined. it's joined and we are ready, laura. >> laura: it's a great moment that we have unity in the party. we have nikki haley speaking. ron desantis is here there was some concern that he might not come. i think it's great. everyone should speak. and i would assume that they are going to give their full-throated support to this man who has sacrificed so much for this country.
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screening jean talk about what j.d. vance said before. donald trump is a bigger man than the left. he can take people criticizing him and welcoming them back into the fold. that's who donald trump is. and he will do that to america. >> laura: they often say that like oh, trump doesn't listen to anyone. he doesn't listen to anyone. he doesn't take in other points of view. it's just his way or the highway and that's it. when you sit with him and i sit with him. he is getting lots of input, what do you think about this? what do you think? and then he makes his decision. >> he makes his decision based upon a lot of differing input. >> a doorman. >> thursday night. i mean, it was palpable. don jr. was teared up. i was teared up. a lot of us were. >> judge jeanine: you too? we are tough women. we haven't h. >> laura: we haven't ha moment in many, many years. that's why i substantiated the
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angle with reagan. logical heir of the reagan resolution. we needed optimism back. we needed that sense that we can do it all. biden says we are america. we can do anything. but his party is trashing this country from beginning to end. racist, rotten, constitution, throw it out. now attacking the court. i mean, they are just -- they have become so hateful. >> judge jeanine: they hate themselves. they hate this country. they are not even interested in addressing the fact that even their own secret servicemen who endangered because of an incompetent director who says i'm staying. it doesn't matter that the president was shot. i'm staying. i don't think so. >> laura: nobody is fired ever. >> judge jeanine: never. afghanistan? if there is not in afghanistan, there won't be ever. the border? >> laura: that's their policy, they want the border to be open. >> judge jeanine: that's why donald trump is going to win this election. americans are energized. what you and i are feeling laura
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is what america is feeling. >> laura: what do they want to do? are we going down to the floor? all right. i'm sorry. we are checking in with aishah hasnie a little hard to hear here down on the rnc floor. judge and i are having a lot of fun. >> aishah: i can't hear anything either. >> laura: rocking it out to the 80's girl. rocking it out. >> aishah: i'm wearing the hot pink so that you can spot me, laura. red, white and blue thought i would wear the hot pink. there is a party happening down here. going to get very exciting. yesterday was a blast. a lot of surprises. the former president has told fox that there are more surprises ahead this week. we're going to see a lot of former presidential candidates on the floor today making speeches. that includes ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy, of course, and nikki haley as well. we may or may not also see the big two on the ticket. we will see. we will find out. we haven't quite heard a
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confirmation on that yet. but we will stay tuned. i know everybody here would like to see the former president here on the floor. every single day. >> laura: aishah, we're going to go into dave mccormick's speech. of course, senate candidate against bob casey. [cheers] >> who is ready to make donald trump our 47th president. [cheers. >> are you ready for that. who is ready to make j.d. vance our new vice president? and who is ready to send chuck schumer packing? i'm ready. i'm ready. my name is dave mccormick and i'm running to be the pennsylvania's next united states senator, the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. and i want to first acknowledge what transpired just a few days ago in my home state.
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where i witnessed first hand from a front row seat in butler president trump's remarkable strength and resolve in a terrifying, terrifying and unpredictable moment ♪ the president rose brilliantly to the challenge. but what a sad, sad and frightening day for the families of those who were injured or lost and for our great country. and we all thank god that president trump is okay. [applause] i'm a sent generation pennsylvania from the keystone state born and raised. a west point graduate, a former army wrestler, i'm a combat veteran of the 82nd airborne division. all right. 82nd. [cheers] and i'm a business leader who helped create hundreds of jobs in western pennsylvania. but, most important, i'm a dad.
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to six daughters and i'm a husband to the love of my life deanna, wherever she is. [cheers] now, my opponent's name is bob casey. [boos] >> but you probably don't know him because he does nothing. for 18 years, bob casey has been warming a chair and drawing a paycheck. he is a do nothing, out of touch liberal career politician. and when he votes, he votes for joe biden's tired old ideas. casey has been around so long, so long that the number one song when he was first elected was the macarena? does everyone remember the macarena? but sadly this is no joke. because politics is about choices. and the policies of biden and bob casey are dangerous for pennsylvania, and america. they won't keep us safe.
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drugs have poured across the biden-harris-casey wide open borders, killing 100,000 americans, including 4,000 pennsylvanians last year alone. illegal immigrants have victimized innocent young women who could louisely be your daughter or mine. and time again casey has voted for pro-criminal judges who have made our streets across pennsylvania more dangerous. biden and casey's failed policies have crushed working families with sky high prices for gas and groceries and rent. and regulations to kill pennsylvania natural gas. under president trump, america was future was strong and prosperous and our adversaries feared stepping out of line. my friends, the choice this november is clear. it's a choice between strength and weakness.
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a choice between america's greatness or its sad disgraceful decline. this is, my friends, the most important election of our lifetimes. [cheers] and we deserve a president and a senate that will go to the mat to fight for america. a president and a senate that will unite america. and in pennsylvania that means voting for trump and mccormick in november. [cheers and applause] thank you all for leading the charge. god bless our united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> laura: all right. joining me now florida senator marco rubio. all rocking out to the 80's here. marco rubio was 5 or not even born. >> i was born. i grew up in the 80's. >> laura: you were so young. all right, senator, we just
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heard from dave mccormick and now your thoughts? you're going to be speaking. this is a big night. nikki haley, ron desantis is here. you are speaking. tell us about what we can expect. >> there is a couple things. very great message for americans. the other thing that's coming across is how talented this party is we have so many talented people. i mean we have, you know, i can think of 50 to 80 really talented republican compared to one or two democrats, for every one or two democrats. i think that's the feature of our party that we need -- gives us the opportunity to showcase. >> laura: optimism, forward looking thinking and common sense. people want common sense solutions. so you and i were talking about how this investigation into the secret service's response should go and that perhaps larger threats to president trump or elected officials. how should that be organized given the need to find the answers and the competing interest in the house of all these different committees? i think that's a tangle, senator. >> first, we have to all admit and accept democrats included that this is not a partisan
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issue, right? >> laura: not political. >> regarding the president and his family and everybody else. here's my thing. we have known for a while. it's been public, it's been publicized that iran wants to kill american officials, including the president and anyone they blame for the attack on: national security. now was this a systemic breakdown or one incident or someone made a mistake. question has that has to be answered. only a serious congressional inquiry isn't going to come back in two years. come back in time to make a difference. only that will get to the bottom of it. >> laura: americans right now do not trust their institutions that they should trust. it is a matter of great urgency. we want young men and women to enlist in our military. we have got to beef up our military recruitment. and, like they think the president isn't being adequately protected. the commander-in-chief that hurts. that hurts morale. >> look, the protection
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obviously is to protect human life. when it comes to the president and government officials. about the continuity of our government. god forbid some incident were to happen. this guy was not some ninja or navy seal or commands dough. a kid we will learn more about him. he climbed on his own on top of the building. seen two or three minutes before he took a shot. the fact he could get there is stunning. >> laura: longer what is vice president's about the future of the party. >> i think it speaks to the heart of donald trump's message. people have been left behind. and what they want is isn't anything unreasonable. good jobs and lower prices. border secure and streets to be safe. and america that's strong in the world. i think j.d. is one of the most if not the most articulate and intelligent spokesperson for that point of view. i think he is going to be a great asset to this ticket. >> laura: would you accept a cabinet position? i have heard your name by very high place people mentioned for a couple of big roles? would you be --
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>> -- look, we will cross that bridge, obviously, when we get there no one is thinking about that now. we have got to win this election. and then, like i said we will see what happens. i'm not certain i'm thinking that way but no matter what i'm excited about being back in the senate where we are in the majority and trump is president. >> laura: let's step down to the floor where west virginia governor, is he fun, jim justice. run for joe manchin's open seat. is he talking. is the dog with him? >> i absolutely believe with all my soul we got the greatest people in the world in west virginia. and we want you to come and try us out some day. now, with all that being said, i know that a lot of you want to meet my little buddy. so, if baby doll could come on out here. [cheers and applause]
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[applause] now, as the world watches. you didn't really expect that, did you? but, with that being said, let me just say just this. she makes us smile and she loves everybody. and how could the message be any more simpler than just that. now, i got to tell you just this. the foundation of my life is the truth. i have got to tell you just this and tell you this right now. i challenge the media all the time to find something that knowingly i have told them that's not the truth. and they can't do it. because i am not going to do
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that. now, i want you to listen to this and pay really close attention. the bottom line to why we are here the bottom line to every single thing that is going on in this great country today is one thing. we become totally unhinged if donald trump is not elected in november. [cheers] i want to talk to you tonight about my relationship with president trump. i want to talk to you about an incredible man. i want to tell you the truth about him and his family. he is tough. is he super smart. he is a business guy. but, maybe there is something that you have missed and that is he genuinely cares he cares about every last one of us. he lost this nation beyond good
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sense. he has amazing kids. i have hunted and fished with don jr. he is an incredible outdoorsman and a really treasured friend. now, imagine this: eric and i have been so far back in the woods on top of a mountain and i blew the tire out on the back of my 4 by 4. and who was under the vehicle right then? eric trump. eric trump changed the tire. donald trump has taught his kids the very best. he has taught them absolutely to respect the military. he has taught them to respect our first responders. he has taught them absolutely to treat our working men and women with lo and respect all across this land.
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[applause] let me tell you just this. i was in the green room with president trump and there was a maga hat laying there. i picked it up. we had just had our first grand baby. a boy named j.c. j.c. absolutely was just -- just not old at all. and all of a sudden i asked president trump if he would sign that hat for our grand baby j.c. he took it. do you know what he wrote on it? he wrote: j.c., always work hard. now, let's review. [applause] donald j. trump, my friend, my close friend, he is tough. he's super smart. he's a business guy. he loves america. he taught his kids the right
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values and is he a hard worker. sure sounds like a president to me. [cheers and applause] then ask yourself why does donald trump fight every day for us and continue to take this senseless persecution? why? and i know the answer. because we're worth it. [applause] baby doll has got a prediction for everybody here. and here's the prediction. baby dog says we'll retain the house, the majority in the house. [applause] we're going to flip the united states senate.
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[cheers] and overwhelmingly we are going to elect donald j. trump and j.d. vance in november. [cheers and applause] and baby dog says what is the reason that she knows why we are going to win? and the answer is one thing. because we're worth it. god bless you. god bless this great country, and god bless donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] >> laura: even baby dog looks optimistic tonight. great mood. marco rubio, i mean, story tellers are needed in politics. jim justice is a great storyteller. >> and he has problems. he has a prop which is a beautiful dog.
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>> laura: how did president trump tell you that you were not going to be the pick for vice president? >> well, i think we had been talking about this. there was some concern about the residency thing. >> laura: 12th amendment? >> and being from the same state. he has a great option in j.d. vance and someone he has grown personally close to. it's sort of worried about the residency thing and we have got a great pick in j.d. i understood 100 percent. i always knew that from the beginning. j.d. was a great option. so was doug burgum and all the other people that were talked about. >> laura: you would have have to have resigned and moved. >> we would have a guaranteed challenge. we would have won those challenges but guaranteed challenge. that's not why he picked j.d. vance. j.d. vance embodies and epitted mizes the voter that trump has attracted to the republican party. in many ways people are bad-mouthing him for things he might have said six or seven years ago. that's the transition that millions of americans have made when it comes to donald trump.
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it's why he is leading in the polls and going to win this election. that's something we should celebrate and that's something that's a positive. that's how you grow a party. that's how you create a national consensus. >> laura: if you became a cia director would you clean out the deep state. >> there is just more than the cia and the great state. field officers. administration of these agencies. cia and beyond of people that have figured out that, you know, what they are interested in is how can i get a corporate gig on a border leave here and not necessarily focused on the right things when it comes to the future of our country and its safety and security. spy agencies are supposed to spy on foreign threats. that's what we need to get back to doing. >> laura: so great. can't wait to hear you don't. >> look forward to it. >> laura: dr. ben carson, byron donalds, kellyanne conway all join me more action from the rnc here in milwaukee. ♪ ♪ 1
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>> because of you that i'm president and kamala harris is vice president. and by the way, she is not only a great vice president she could be president of the united states. >> laura: president harris, that's what's on everyone's mind tonight, not. joining me now dr. ben carson former hud secretary in the trump white house, famed, famed pediatric neurosurgeon, dr. carson, great to see you. well, they are trying, god bless them. bless their hearts. kamala could be president, which i think is terrifying. >> well, it is terrifying because she has not really earned it. she was put there because he said he was going to have a black woman. this is really the wrong way to run our country. you know, if you got on an airplane, would you want a pilot
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who was checking the boxes or a pilot who an excellent pilot or physician? why don't we do that with a president or vice president? we have got to wake up. now, i recognize that there have been some racial problems in the past. but we also have to recognize that we have made enormous progress without dei. you know, from the time that i was born from the time i was a little boy, went down south and saw the -- to today when we have black admirals and generals and ceos of fortune 500 companies and university presidents, we have had a black president of the united states. to say that we are naturally making a tremendous amount of progress is being ostrich. >> laura: nikki haley is speaking tonight at the convention. considered a very big moment. she was the most vociferous critic next to liz cheney and adam kinzinger. so important her voice is heard. i understand she is going to a
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give a terrific endorsement. full-throated of donald trump. >> it's so important that republicans and not just republicans but people of goodwill and people who think logically learn to put little differences aside. there are those who will not vote for somebody because they don't like them. does that make any sense at all? >> laura: he is an enemy of democracy. none of them obviously believe that because their thoughts and prayers and weekend long for donald trump the enemy of democracy. how does that make sense? >> exactly. if you were sick and you had a disease that requires a good southern, would you rather from the surgeon with boar bedside manner who saved everybody or the one who speaks sweet words and kills everybody. >> how important is it for president trump to continue to campaign in those traditionally blue or even liberal areas in urban america that's been left behind? how important? >> i think it's critical. i think it shows that he believes that a rising tide floats all boats. he doesn't pick and choose people. he wants to be the president of
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everybody. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for us to turn the page. >> laura: dr. carson, always great to see you. give my best to candy. >> i will. >> laura: all right. thanks so much. >> what was your reaction when you saw the events unfold on saturday? >> shock and then concern, obviously for the former president. this is an event that should have never happened. >> who is most responsible for this happening? >> what i would say is the secret service is once spa cybil for the protection of the former president. >> so the buck stops with you? >> the buck stops with me. i am the director of the secret service. it was unacceptable. and it's something that shouldn't happen again. >> the president and homeland security secretary said today they had 100 percent confidence in you. but there are some members of congress calling on to you resign. >> i appreciate the secretary's comments and we're going to continue to be transparent and communicate with people. >> do you plan to stay on absolutely? >> i do plan to stay on. >> laura: wait a second. we are going to continue to be transparent. meanwhile everyone has to get their information off of tiktok
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and twitter. how is that? joining me now florida congressman byron donalds. congressman, tell me how lawmakers have been briefed thus far on this. >> have been no briefings. talk to my colleagues on the oversight committee. supposed to be information that came from secret service. apparently the department of homeland security has now interceded themselves in that. oversight has full jurisdiction over secret service. but obviously the homeland committee has jurisdiction over homeland security. >> laura: this is all too complicated. >> exactly. >> laura: needs to be one conduit. >> special committee to get to the bottom of this. i will say this until i'm blue in the face. having four committees looking into this congressman is recipe for delay, leaking, back-biting and disaster. >> look. i agree with you on that. what he would are trying to make sure happens have the current head of the secret service in on committee on monday. that's the current plan.
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as it exists today. but in terms of the members on that committee oversight or on homeland being briefed on that that is not at this time. >> laura: i know you were sitting next to president trump last night after he made his first appearance. we were all teared up. i was with a group. sean hannity and i and others were sitting. and it was extremely emotional. tell me about that moment. >> incredible. nothing i ever saw or ever thought i would be a part of to see the president emerge after what happened on saturday. i saw him a little bit back stage before he came out. i think the moment was exception for our country. even for donald trump that emotion, i believe, hit him as well. because, we're talking about centimeters, laura. centimeters. and he could not be with us today. it was great night. this convention arena was the united our party is united. this week our mission is to unite our country behind donald trump. >> laura: i mean, some of the biggest critics are speaking tonight. obviously nikki haley, she is in the arena. i'm looking forward to hearing her remarks. we have all the folks who didn't
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win the veepstakes here. you're here. i just feel it's a different -- it's a different moment. >> look, in politics we all compete. we are all competitive. but, donald trump is the leader of our party. i talked with him about nikki haley coming. i think it's great move. we have to be united. >> laura: i told him to do it, too. >> it's bigger than any of us. it's about the people who work hard for the republican party here. it's for the forgotten men and women of our country who need a change in policy, a change in leadership. our policy is united behind donald trump. >> laura: forgotten no more. congressman, always great to see you. saw you on the street yesterday. more good news for trump. a brand new poll from the "times" says that trump is up in seven major swing states. is he up 7% in arizona, 5% in wisconsin. 4% in nevada, georgia, north carolina he is up as well. 3% in pennsylvania. 2% in michigan. and in one of the first polls that we have seen since the attempted assassination of
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president trump, insider advantage shows him leading biden by 3 points in georgia. joining me now is kellyanne conway, former senior counselor to president trump. of course, fox news contributor. she is still getting miked up. this is live television. this is what we do. kellyanne and i have been doing this for so long. we are not even phase fazed by this stuff. >> veterans. >> great to see. >> wonderful to see you. >> laura: these polls aren't surprising to you and me. they are a stunner. >> gap in american politics. i'm so tired of deck cadz of hearing. republicans have a problem with women i have been doing decades infer heard men's issues a single time what is that? all of a sudden they are struggling to get workers, not college educated. men of all faces it's where the
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new support for trump coming should worry democrats. union households, gay and lesbian households. independents, black americans, hispanic americans. it's not just that we are growing our usual base. people like to again great donald trump by saying it's his base. it's base plus. and the other thing i would say is i like the margin but we want to see donald trump at and above 50% in the next month before the democratic convention. that's what i'm keeping my eye on. >> laura: how important is it for him to win the popular vote to push this agenda across? >> get your cases dismissed. come here to a hero's welcome. pick a great vp running mate and then get the popular vote. that would be something. it really robs the democrats of all their core arguments about him. >> laura: the "new york times" is writing that adam schiff is freaking out, kellyanne, warning during a private meeting with donors that leaked out on saturday this party is likely to suffer overwhelming losses in
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november if biden stays on the ticket. he says presidency, house, senate, gone. >> laura: here is the problem for adam schiff, he wants to have four more senators in puerto rico and d.c. two each. he wants to pack the court. >> laura: biden packed court, too. >> i saw that biden and schumer shouldn't be in the same line by the way. adam schiff and others who have. this t their concerned about bin is electoral not moral. political, not medical. not one of them says i'm worried about him. right? it's oh my god he is going to cost us the house and senate and donald trump is coming back. not one of them says he should get off the stage and enjoy the last years of his life. >> laura: they don't care about the more man. >> they just care about winning. >> laura: biden does not want to debate trump any earlier than he absolutely has to. >> no surprise. >> check this out. >> mr. trump saying is he giving you chance to redeem yourself basically engage no another debate. >> we are going to have another
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debate. >> yeah have one in september on the books. we you be open to doing one in the next few weeks. >> i'm going to debate him when we agreed to debate and i'm going to debate him in september. >> laura: maybe september. >> maybe. i was really surprised that hear that vice president kamala harris called j.d. vance, congratulated him and said i will see you on the debate stage. is she going to go debate the yale law school educated comes on a show with no notes and no net? she is thinking she is going to show the democrats she is a better debarrett than joe biden. she is really not. her lack of energy is a little bit different than his. his is obvious. hers she doesn't do the work according to her senior staffers. >> laura: kellyanne she loves school buses. >> they are yellow. >> laura: kellyanne, so awesome to see you. how many conventions is this. >> my tenth. 180 was my favorite. a few democratic conventions, too. >> laura: that's right, girl. great to see you. >> thank you. >> laura: young voters are abandoning the democratic party in favor of donald trump. and our own raymond arroyo is at
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the lucky clover irish pub in milwaukee talking to him. raymond? >> raymond: new pew study shows 47% of young voters leaning republican. 46 democratic. that is a turnabout. we thought we talked to young voters. has this convention, the assassination attempt on donald trump and biden's debate performance changed your impression of either of them? >> no. but i do believe that the hatred is getting out of hand for both sides. >> raymond: okay. hasn't changed your opinion. what about you? change your opinion of either candidate. >> doesn't change my opinion. i don't agree with someone trying to be assassin natalled on national television. >> raymond: that's a good one. thanks for that. has this at all changed your impression? and what's the big issue for you as a voter. >> i think it solidifies trump has a chance to win the election. somebody from texas is a very important thing taking people to live in my state. >> raymond: okay. you are from kansas is that issue burning for you.
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>> i'm actually from texas. we are all from dallas. immigration is big on our mind, inflation as well. >> raymond: did this change, this convention, the assassination attempt, did it change your opinion of donald trump or solidify you in your decision? >> it is definitely solidified me in my decision. i think this has woken up people all over america to what is going on. and hopefully, you know, it kind of brings an awareness to all of the app. they thick voters out there to make their choice in november. >> raymond: excellent. laura, we will keep our eyes on this in the days ahead. these young voters, interesting their perceptions. back to you. >> laura: all right. raymond, this is quite a shift in not only young people and ideas and sensibilities here with donald trump, his example that they saw on saturday not staying down in the ground, refusing to be defeated, refusing to look defeated to the crowd. and messaging, raymond, to
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america. that we're here together, we're not just -- we're not victims. we're not survivors, even, we're thrifers, that vision and that. >> defiance. >> laura: that defines him. long before saturday night, that defined him. now a new generation sees it. >> how did it change perception of donald trump? >> they stick to him and ... he has blessed and highly faithful. >> that's great. mike drop. that's an oldie but a goodie. that's it for us tonight. we are here all week at the rnc be sure to tune in. follow me on social media, instagram and the rest. jesse watters takes it off from here. >> sean: lan


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