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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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not just -- we're not victims. we're not survivors, even, we're thrifers, that vision and that. >> defiance. >> laura: that defines him. long before saturday night, that defined him. now a new generation sees it. >> how did it change perception of donald trump? >> they stick to him and ... he has blessed and highly faithful. >> that's great. mike drop. that's an oldie but a goodie. that's it for us tonight. we are here all week at the rnc be sure to tune in. follow me on social media, instagram and the rest. jesse watters takes it off from here. >> sean: lang knack.
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>> jesse: the second night is officially underway. we have a star-studded lineup tonight in milwaukee. ron desantis, marco rubio, ted cruz, nikki haley and victor ramaswamy. they will be taking this stage but the men in the arena will be donald trump, since -- just three days since dodging a bullet, he's expecting to make an appearance tonight and if it's anything like last night it will be special. >> please welcome the next president of the united states, donald jay trump. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: last night he was visibly changed and it wasn't just a bandage on his ear. he looked genuinely emotional in a way i've never seen him before. mature, battle scarred, humbled and at one with his destiny. although the party is completely unified there is one burning question on all of our minds. did biden secret service almost get trump killed? all evidence points to yes. we are told tonight the u.s. authorities have intel of an iranian plot to assassinate trump. cnn reports the secret service knew it and beefed up security ahead of the saturday rally. if you believe this report that means the security trump had on saturday was beefed up.
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impossible. credible -- credible reports say the security detail was starved of manpower. agents were diverted to a hastily arranged small jill biden event in pittsburgh at the same exact time is trump's rally. and kamala happened to be in pennsylvania that day as well. the secret service denies resources were diverted but reports say they was -- they were stretched so thin they only had to go counter snipers for the rally and they had to form out the rest of the protection to local stringers. secret service director said the assassins rooftop was a vulnerability but they decided to place counter snipers inside the building instead. here's why. >> that building a particular has a sloped roof at its highest point and so there is a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want -- wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof so the decision was made to secure the building outside.
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>> jesse: we have american snipers shooting from caves, clips, mountaintops but they can't handle a slippery roof? they had counter snipers on a roof that was even more sloped. the roof excuse is a hoax. what good are counter snipers inside the building if they can't see an assassin scale the building? the roof wasn't too dangerous for the assassin, he didn't slide off, he got eight shots off. cnn report they didn't even have drones in the sky. emma's birthday party had a drone and i don't have a 3 million-dollar budget. nevermind the drone, the shooter was spotted acting suspicious by men on the ground a half an hour before he opened fire. sources tell fox the shooter was seen with a range finder casing the stage, cnn says he locked eyes with one of the snipers through the rangefinder. multiple reports say authorities were radioing the secret service about a suspicious individual.
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even sending pictures. nothing was done about it and they let trump take the stage and remain on it. how does the secret service get out... with -- by a kid with no military training. crooks disappeared and was later seen with a backpack. the story keeps changing about the latter. now the media is reporting that he used an air-conditioning unit to hop on top of the 12-foot building. so where's the 5-foot ladder that he says he bought? and where police wearing body cameras? we would like to see those. cnn said he drove his car and parked it outside the rally so why did they toe away a conversion van? how does a soft civilian with a rifle get on the roof of a secret service watch post and almost murder the president? we are also learning tonight that crooks his father called 911 just after trump got shot. how did the data immediately
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know what -- know the sun was the shooter and why did they announce he acted alone before they had access to his phone? how did they know? we hear -- we hear they are in his phone now but they are not telling us anything. didn't have calls from anybody and no google searches. no social media footprint? come on. the fbi covered up the transit shooter's motive, never id the vegas massacre motive and called the... do you think we're going going to get a straight answer here? biden says he still has confidence in the director but doesn't know that they are a woman. >> is it acceptable that you have not heard at least publicly from the secret service director? >> i've heard from him. >> have you heard from her publicly? >> i've sat down downstairs. secret service, the fbi, the security agencies, homeland security, all major elements.
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>> sources close to the family says cheadle was well-liked by dr jail after serving on the security detail and that's how she got the job. this is your typical biden family affair. obama secret service director resigned when a man with a knife jumped the white house fence. so are they staying around to cover the stop? we can only get answers when she's out out and breaking now, reports that secret service agents have been warned that if they want to keep their jobs they will keep their mouths shut. but instead of investigating, the fbi is warning that trump supporters are a threat. the bureau says trump supporters will probably avenge the assassination attempt and shoot somebody. another kidnapping set up? we don't know. the minute we stop asking questions, they win. executive vp of the trump organization eric trump is here. did you know -- did you notice your dad a little changed?
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>> there was a humbleness and... my father almost lost his head. thank about that excuse. secret service is incapable of locking up a roof. my full year old daughter could've walked up that roof and they let a gunman at 130 yards which is a chip shot. it's a 4-inch pot, taking a shot at the former president of the united states, a very likely the future president of the united states from 130 yards away because they were afraid to step on a narrow roof? that's really there excuse? it's infuriating. it's an act of god that he survived and when he walked in here i remember -- i've never been more proud of my in -- in my entire life. i think he walked in with a graciousness and humbleness. i think fullness to be alive. and any other situation he probably wouldn't be alive. we hear this nonsense coming out we deserve better as a country and we deserve a whole lot
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better. >> the sloped roof excuse hoax that's what we're going to be calling it. your dad apparently ripped up the convention speech after surviving the assassination attempt and it's going to be different now. how was he going to be different and why? >> he goes i want to be... your life probably flashes before your eyes period it was metres away -- millimetres away from being came over. could you imagine a former president being executed on live tv? i was watching this with my daughter and my son on my lap and the whole country was watching, the whole world saw those images. that was going to be the image of america and american greatness? that's what we want to project all because of... and a president that does not know the secret service director is a female not a male? this is what we are dealing with
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as a person who would do anything for the man... it's unthinkable. how can this possibly happen? i'm telling you the love in this room you see right now and when he walked out was unbelievable. >> jesse: when you hear about the fact that not only they were cat and mousing this assassin, they were allowing your father to take the stage and stay on stage. what is that tell you and you feel safe, is your father safe for the rest of the campaign? >> my heartbreaks because i know some of the agents that were around him and they jumped on top and they would've taken a bullet for him. what happens if the threat was 300 yards away which isn't a long shot. what they have even picked it up at that point? so it makes me wonder about the whole perimeter around and my heartbreaks because the people who were on the ground did their job and they could have eaten a
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bullet as well. at can't happen. i truly believe a leader that will go down as the modern-day george washington, the modern day jefferson. he's in the ranks of those leaders, i really believe that. >> jesse: thank you so much, good luck for the rest of the week and god bless you and your family. let's bring in a host of sunday night in america, you are an investigator. you know how to put two and two together. after all of these, it's almost worse than incompetence. can you make sense of it? >> it's inexplicable. i'm not a security expert jesse but the first place i would look is on a rooftop. if you are trying to protect someone's life, the first place you look is on a rooftop. here's my fear. people use this we are going to investigate as a ruse to buy
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more time. you can have a quick investigation or you can have one that takes months and months. we don't have the luxury of a lengthy investigation. needs to be thorough and it needs to be quick because he's going to do more rallies. it's in his dna to do rallies. there will be other elected officials that are at risk. secret service better figure this out and they need a new director to do so. >> jesse: is the director staying in because she's a part of the cover up? you were an investigator in congress. it takes years to get the truth. you get stonewalled like crazy by these bureaucrats. what's going to happen here? is this going to be another cover-up that they are going to say no motive goodbye. >> i was there for lowest learner, i was there for the irs. it is very hard to get rid of. >> jesse: they destroyed evidence they are. >> it's very hard to get rid of them.
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the best way to get a new secret service director is to have a new president. the second best way to do it is for joe biden to see this is a political liability for me to keep this director on and i should replace her immediately. >> joe biden doesn't know it's a she. >> i knew it was a she. he also doesn't know the difference between kamala harris and donald trump or joan of arc and a joan rivers. he doesn't know the difference between lots of things. >> jesse: thank you so much. i hear this is your first convention is that true? >> it is. i hope it's not my last. >> jesse: how do you assess this crowd out here? you have people in tears. >> here's my assessment. he has unified the republican party. the next challenge is to unify the country and he has a chance to do what reagan did which is almost run the table. that is a unique historic opportunity. he has a chance to do it the
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next couple of weeks, months will be important. the party is unified. you've got nikki haley tonight, rhonda santos, can he unify the country? a lot of that will depend on his speech thursday night. >> jesse: if he doesn't have this historic victory, that means a major mandate. that means they can to get in the way of that mandate. no bureaucratic shenanigans. no hoaxes, not what they did during the first term. that means the american people's will is behind this man overwhelmingly and they have to get out of the way. >> if you win a narrow electoral college victory than you have the right to govern. if you win you have a right for transformational change. if you want transformational change, it needs to be a mandate which means to be an electoral college landslide. >> you will mass deportations,
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tax legislation, you will see trade reform. you will see everything that he promised during the campaign. how are the democrats and the media going to process that? >> they are going to talk about a portion. they are going to try to scare people. remember what they said before he was almost assassinated, he won't leave office, that he's a dictator, that he's anti- democratic. they will trot out those same lines but i think people have seen a different image of donald trump, particularly with this near-death experience and i don't think they are going to fall for it. >> jesse: because joe biden is so desperate he's now telling progressives that they have to get his back because he's going to shred the court. he is promising now term limiting supreme court justices. that changes everything. what does that tell you about what he's up to? >> it was john roberts that preserved obama care. it was a republican court that
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preserved the consumer financial protection bureau. this court is hard to predict. i think most people like what the court did. i think they like presidential immunity. if you want to run on stocking the court, first of all let's be honest, i am not sure he knows ... but if he does know they are nonmember to the court and he remembers it, that is not a winning political argument. >> jesse: joe biden also fighting for his political life. they are trying to kneecap him. we're hearing nancy is not finished, they are going to play games with delegates at the convention, is he still going to be the nominee? >> they will lose if he's the nominee and their hatred for donald trump surpasses their love for joe biden. they don't want to lose and they will lose if joe biden is the nominee. >> trump is run a campaign on love and they are running it on hate. >> which is ironic because if you go back to his inaugural address he mentioned the word
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unity more times than any other president in an inaugural address. he just hasn't done anything about it. >> he's the oldest and most unpopular president in modern american history and kamala harris is also unpopular. >> in her defence she got the same number of votes... except we didn't run. she isn't that popular. >> thank you so much. >> jesse: we have joe biden telling that he's going going to fundamentally rip the supreme court apart. and he gave a little preview later, watch this. >> the supreme court, trump appointed supreme court... >> they are still going to have the majority no matter if you win are lose. >> there are probably two more appointment for the court and there are people who are going to retire.
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just imagine if he has two more appointments, what that means. >> jesse: joining me now is... sorry secretary but ladies first. is this just another biden hail marry? is. >> of course. are we done yet? when are they going to be done? when is it enough? your desperation is clear as day. i am so sick of seeing this. our country is sick of it and it's loud and clear. look at the people behind us right now. this is because of joe biden. we did it joe, like what you did. you made us stronger. you can't believe it. they keep saying we're going to appeal it. donald trump appointed these people for the supreme court because he doesn't love america, what are you talking about? we are america first. the people behind me are america first. you know who is not? joe biden and the people that have their hands in china's
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pockets. they are making better. they don't care about us. >> jesse: you are seeing a split screen here donald trump rising above all the partisanship and then joe biden saying nasty, below the belt hoaxes day after day during his mediatorial. do you think the american people are buying this? >> they are remarkable. the stories for the last months were about how donald trump is going to rip up the constitution, he's going to be an authoritarian and divide this nation. the truth is you saw, the unity in our party, frankly more broadly if and then our party i believe we'll be demonstrated in november and leave them in complete chaos. nobody wants president biden and nobody wants a venn diagrams. >> they have an enormous challenge on their side and frankly a gives president trump the opportunity to deliver on what he worked on for the first four years. so i think you are going to see a very successful november for not only president trump before our party.
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it will be delivered in a way that allows us to execute. >> jesse: kamala called vance after he got picked and left a voicemail. they have a debate coming up. i don't know what the date is but they are saying vance is dangerous and kamala is going to wipe the floor with them. how will this debate shakeout? vance harris. >> like trump biden. same thing. it's electric vehicles, not buses. at the end of the day i know jd personally, he is a great person. he's our age,, our generation and i'm excited for somebody with a voice who can speak to the future, you will not giggle at an awkward giggle and will not say where thanks on tv like what is now then they will be the future. we need people to speak about
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policies, people who address the nation about things they actually want to hear about. this is time for our country to turn around and unite. jd is a perfect person for the ticket. on so proud of the decision president trump did on product -- proud to be part of this ticket now. he will wipe the floor with her three times. >> jesse: one is this debate going to be? it jd doesn't even know if kamala is going to be the vp. is she going to be on the ticket? >> we have a fox news alert. house majority leader steve scalise, right now is taking the podium. he was shot during a congressional baseball game. let's listen. >> i'm house majority leader steve scalise from the great state of louisiana. i was born in new orleans so i've seen some crazy things in
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my time. new orleans has nothing on washington dc these past four years. joe biden and kamala harris have spent your tax dollars trashing america's finances in ways no sane or sober mind and person ever would. let's talk energy. they have eroded the american energy dominance that president trump delivered. joe biden approved the pipeline for russia but he killed the keystone pipeline here at home. thousands, thousands of american jobs gone. it doesn't end there. biden let iran and venezuela export their oil but he stopped liquefied natural gas exports here in america. president biden is not done. president biden waved taxes on chinese solar panels but he raised taxes on americans. when we elect donald trump as
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hour next president and expand our republic and house majority, we will end of democrats assault on american energy once and for all. [ applause ] >> let's look at taxes. biden and harris want a five direct -- $5 trillion tax hike. our first hundred days, president trump and republican majority will make the trump tax cuts permanent. and yes, we will and taxes on tips and deliver another tax cut for working families. on the border, biden and harris opened it up to the entire world prisons are being emptied. president trump and a republican majority will read past hr two,
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the strongest border security bill in decades. we will lock down the border and yes we will finish building the wall. [ applause ] >> on voting, hour most sacred right as citizens, voting. biden and harris want illegals to vote now that they've opened up the border. republicans will pass the act to block illegal aliens from voting at our elections. on foreign policy, biden and
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harris brought us weakness and war. president trump and republican majority will begin rebuilding our military and will and the indoctrination in its ranks. we will restore american power and peace. on education, biden and harris opposed school choice. they investigated parents at school boards. president trump and republican majority will pass legislation expanding school choice and will repast the parents bill of rights. parents should be free to choose what their children are taught and where. lastly, i need to say something about saturday's attempt on president trump's life. many of you know i was there survivor of a politically motivated shooting in 2017.
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not many know that while i was fighting for my life, donald trump was one of the first two come console my family at the hospital. [ applause ] >> that's the kind of leader he is. courageous under fire. compassionate towards others. let's put donald trump back in the white house this november so we can make america great again. god bless you. may donald trump continued to receive god's blessing and god bless these great united states of america. [ cheering and applause ] >> please welcome the speaker of the united states house of representatives, micah johnson of louisiana. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> a good evening my friends, what an amazing crowd and what a great time it is to unite our party and to send president donald trump back to the white house. that's what we're going to do. we are not just uniting as republicans. we are uniting today as americans. in the wake of the assassination attempt on the life of president trump. everyone here listen to me at home and make no mistake. the house is a -- is conducting an immediate investigation of these events. that work has already begun. the american people deserve to know the truth and we will ensure accountability. i promise you that. is has always been an important
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principle to us. we in the republican party are the law & order team. we always have been and we always will be the advocates for the rule of law. we all know that that principle as well as many others is in serious jeopardy today. we come to a moment in america where the basic things that we once took for granted are being openly challenged like never before. we are no longer just in a battle between two opposing political parties. we are but it's not just hours versus... we are in the midst of a struggle between completely different visions of who we are as americans and what our country will be. the republican party stands for the foundational truths that made america the greatest nation in the history of the world. where the most free, most powerful, most benevolent nation that has ever been and it's not even close. we have no guarantee that this
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grand experiment can endure unless we respond to the call to keep it. 248 years ago, we proclaimed in our declaration that all men are created equal, not born equal, created equal. that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. we understand that our rights do not come from government. they come from god. [ cheering and applause ] there is another thing that we recognize. we recognize that we are made in his image and because of that, every single person has dignity and value and your value is not related in any way to the colour of your skin, what zip code you live in, where you come from, what your talents are or what you can contribute to society. your value is inherent because
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it is given to you by your creator. that's what we stand for. [ applause ] >> i speak a lot about what i call the seven core principles of american conservatism. what do we stand for as republicans they want to know. i think it boils down to a few things. individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace threw strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets, human dignity. those are the seven core principles of american conservatism but they are the core principles of our republic itself. while they resonate in our hearts, and in the hearts of most americans, the radical woke progressive left has disdain for those principles. they have a very different vision for what america should become. they want to tear down those foundations. and remould us into some sort of
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borderless, lawless, marxist, socialist utopia. we are here to say not on our watch. we will not allow that to happen. [ applause ] three weeks ago that kelly and i dropped off our oldest son at the naval academy. that's right. [ applause ] >> in four years he will graduate and join the 1.3 million active duty servicemembers who bravely defend our country. we are so proud of jack and all of our children. like most parents today we are concerned about their future. america can't risk four more years of joe biden's weakness that has invited so much aggression by our enemies. we can survive the dramatic increases in violence, crime and drugs that the democrats policies have brought upon our communities. and we cannot allow the many millions of illegal aliens they have allowed to cross our borders to harm her citizens,
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during our resources are disrupt our elections, we will not allow it. [ applause ] >> we are watching the principles of faith, family and freedom that what's defined our nation now being trampled underfoot by the radical left. as president trump raised his fist and gave a rally cry on saturday, now is our time to fight and we will. [ applause ] >> we're in a faithful battle of ideas and we have to recognize that. in this battle ended november, the american people will reject the party of self-destruction and they will elect the party of peace and prosperity and opportunity.
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we will take back the senate and we will return donald jay trump to the white house. [ applause ] >> standing arm in arm we will make america safe again. we reach out tonight to everyone watching at home. we invite all americans who believe in the promise of our great nation to join us in this faithful battle. we can and will reverse this current decline. we can restore our founding principles and preserve this exceptional nation that god has entrusted to us and what abraham lincoln referred to as the last best hope of man on the earth. thank you so much, god bless you, god bless our troops and god bless america. [ applause ]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, now please welcome the fact ramaswamy of ohio [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you for the warm welcome. it's good to be back in milwaukee. list time last year i was a candidate and i'm proud to say that i achieved the impossible which is that most of you actually know how to say my name by now. so thank you for that. it's good to be back.
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we are in the middle of a national identity crisis right now. faith, patriotism, hard work and family have disappeared. only to be replaced by race, gender, sexuality and climate. we are not going to win this election just by criticizing the other side. we are going to win this buy standing for our vision of who we really are. what does it mean to be a republican in the year 2024? what does it mean to be an american in the year 2024? it means we believe in the ideals of 1776. a means we believe in merit, that you get ahead in this country not on the colour of your skin, but on the content of your character and your contributions. it means we believe in the rule of law and i say this as the kid of illegal immigrants to this country. that means your first act of injuring this country cannot break the law. that is why we will seal the
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southern border on day one. [ cheering and applause ] >> it means the people who we elect to run the government ought to be the ones who actually run the government. not unelected bureaucrats in the deep state. these are not black ideas or white ideas. they are not even democrat ideas or republican ideas. they are american ideas that we fought a revolution to secure and the man who will revive these ideals in the united states of america is your next president, the 47th president of the united states, donald trump. if you want to seal the border, vote trump. if you want to restore law and order in this country, vote trump. if you want to reignite the economy in this country, vote trump. if you want to revive national
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pride in this country, vote trump. if you want to make america great again. vote trump. but there is one more reason i'm going to ask you to vote trump. the most important one of them on the media won't talk about but it's the truth. donald trump is the president who will actually unite this country. not threw empty words, but through action. success is unifying. excellence is unifying. that's who we are as americans. that's who we've always been. to those of you watching this at home tonight, i would like to deliver a message that the media doesn't want you to hear from the republican party. our message to black americans is this. the media has tried to convince you for decades that republicans don't care about your communities but we do. we want for you what we want for every american. safe neighbourhoods, clean
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streets, good jobs. a better life for your children, and a justice system that treats everyone equally, regardless of your skin colour and regardless of your political beliefs. [ cheering and applause ] >> our message to every legal immigrant in this country is this, you are like my parents. you deserve the opportunity to secure a better life for your children in america. but our message to illegal immigrants is also this. we will return you to your country of origin and. not because you are all bad people, bib -- but because you broke the law and then united states of america was founded on the rule of law. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> our message to millennial's, speaking as one myself, yes, it's true, our government sold us a false bill of goods with the iraq war and the 2008 financial crisis. loading up our national debt that falls on our generation's shoulders, telling us if we took out college loans we would get a head start on the american dream when it hasn't worked out that way. but we can't just be cynical about our country because the united states of america is still the last best hope that we have and we deserve a better class of politician, one who actually tells us the truth even if it comes with some mean tweets from time to time. [ cheering and applause ] >> our message to jen z. is this. you're going to be the generation that saves this country. you want to be a rebel?
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you want to be a hippie? you want to stick it to the man? show up on your college campus and try calling yourself a conservative. say you want to get married and have kids. teach them to believe in god and pledge allegiance to their country because you know what, fear has been infectious in this country but courage can be contagious as well. that is what it means to be an american. [ cheering and applause ] and you know what? if you are right home and you disagree with everything i just said, our messages this. we will still defend to the death your right to say it because that is who we are as americans. we are the country where we can disagree like hell and still get together at the dinner table at the end of it. that is the america i know, that is the america we miss. we do not have to be... we don't have to be this nation in decline. we can still be a nation in our
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ascent. nations whose best days, in a true way, a nation whose best days are actually still ahead of us. still on our way to that shining city on the hill, that country where no matter who you are or where your parents came from or what your skin colour is or how long your last name is, that you will still get ahead in this country with your own hard work, your own commitments, your own dedication and that you are free to speak your mind at every step of the way. that is the american dream. that is what one is the american revolution. that is what reunited us after the civil war. that is what one us two world wars and the cold war. that is what still gives hope to the free world and if we can revive that dream over group identity and victimhood and grievance, then nobody in the
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world, not a nation, not a corporation, not a virus, not china is going to defeat us. that is what american exceptionalism is all about and that is what we will revive it is november when we send donald trump back to the white house. thank you all, god bless you and your families and may god bless our united states of america. thank you. thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: one of the best speeches we've heard so far this week at the rnc. saying donald trump is going to revive the spirit of 1776, unite the country and then had a special message is for certain groups, millennial's, illegal aliens, immigrants, black americans, really moving toward the crowd. the courage to be our self and the courage to speak our mind. let's bring in north dakota
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governor doug burgum. i think you were pretty moved watching that speech. >> i've had a chance to get to know him over the last 12 months when we were campaigning together, now campaigning for president trump. he's a guy who can bring the energy. he's got a message that really hits people. you sought here today, fantastic reaction. >> how if you seen this rnc building in terms of momentum? that weekend was tough but that monday night and then tonight you can feel it really getting hot. >> monday night was unbelievable. forty-eight hours after we were a millisecond away from this week being in chaos and morning, we had the president walk in here as the pinnacle of strength and what a contrast to joe biden the picture that david mills took, that's going to be in school books 100 years from now.
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that might be the photograph of the century and it captures this american resurgence of leadership. when president trump walks in here, he's transfer that energy to america. >> jesse: what do you want to see him say on thursday night? >> his message has always been powerful. when he came out earlier this week and said he's tearing up the speech and is going to talk about unifying america, i think america is so ready for that. i think there is this group and the metal which has been called the exhaustive majority in the middle that is... it's people that are unaffiliated and the independence. if you can reach that group and talk to them about why his policies, the policies of president trump, whether it's the border or the economy or energy, they lift up everybody and when people start to realize he's not the caricature that the media is trying to make him out to be, he's the leader that
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actually cares about this country, i think that is what's going to kick off a landslide win in the fall is his keynote on thursday night. >> jesse: you are not upset to not getting tapped as vp? i know it. more coverage from the rnc, that's next.
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we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure,
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that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans
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that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them.
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>> jesse: moments ago, president trump departing for the rnc and will be here soon and appear with his brand-new vp , jd vance. fox news senior political analyst is here now. the current president continues this media blitz, and lester
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asked him this. >> you were in delaware when this happened, what was your first reaction. >> there's no place in the law for violence and politics in america. for example,, the january 6th attack on the capital. i wasn't going to run again because i lost my son. and until i watched what happened and one woman was killed. it was a bystander. the then president was asked what do you think, he said there are very fine people on both sides. not bind people on both sides. >> jesse: is that how you would advised the current president to answer that question? >> joe biden is...
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this is standard stuff he says. he says these things sometimes as an both people on both sides which is being debunked pretty clearly by now. still laying out the line that he's been saying. he said we had 9 percent inflation. that's not true. this is who he is and they are saying he's got to get out there. there's a reason why he wasn't out there. when we saw in the debate and since why that is. if he can do it, if he can inspire people and be strong and articulate and answer questions and to handle a news conference without mistakes, that would be good advice for him to be out there. as it is, it's not. >> jesse: in the last three days we've seen an attempt on the president's life and you've seen him pick a vice president. how has those two things changed this race?
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>> i think the assassination attempt was likely to leave him a more synthetic figure than might have scene. i'm talking about people who weren't already for him. jd vance was done as a compatibility choice. it's not an outreach choice and i don't think it will be much difference. it is winning full that the polls in the light of that debate have not moved very much. the reason for that is there is still a lot of resistance to donald trump in this country. to bring into... so that's what he's got to do. >> jesse: this could be the most important speech of his political career. >> it will be the most important political speech of this
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campaign. [ inaudible ] >> jesse: thank you so much. i didn't scream this time. unlearning my lessons. >> jesse: you heard a real humdinger and we now know how to pronounce his name, how have you interpreted this convention so far? >> the convention has been absolutely electric. i've been to a number of conventions over the years. they are fired up, they are excited. they are ready for november and ready for everybody from an... so amazing to see. last thing when donald trump walked into the arena... >> how did you gauge donald trump last night? i saw something a little
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different in him that i've seen before. >> he was almost -- he definitely understood the moment this is not a normal moment for him. the gratitude that you saw on his face, it was almost like he was emotional as this was going on which is not something you usually get from him because he is such a larger-than-life character and you don't ever think of him as being weepy or anything like that. it's interesting, democrats... this character of chaos, this guy that is a threat to democracy and i've never seen the republican party more unified than what we see right now and top democrats are openly talking on national television about how terrible their candidate is and how did they get rid of him. >> jesse: the state of the
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parties could not be more different right now. he says he's never seen a republican party... how would you see the republican party right now? you have desantis speaking soon, nikki haley speaking later. >> the party is more united than it's ever been. donald trump is stronger today than he's ever been going into an election. biden is not only trying to cobble together the coalition that is supposed to be strong for democrats, but he's trying to battle democrats back in washington dc. they are trained to pull him off the ticket including nancy pelosi and barack obama... he is focused on making sure... >> jesse: i know -- we have to
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go. johnny's on the floor talking to some delegates. >> vp pick jd vance just walked through and everybody is excited. we have tennessee over here. >> let's bring it back. >> she gave me this hat. we're having a good time and partying. why does tennessee love donald trump? >> he's restoring our republic and we're so glad he is alive and so calming and just the most , we need him right now. >> you were here when president trump walked in the room last night, the room was electric, tell me about that. >> i was so thankful to see him alive it was amazing. >> you wouldn't believe it but i have a joe biden fan in the room >> i love him. [ inaudible ]
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>> don't forget about his home state of florida right here. now what do you want to see from president donald trump on thursday? >> i want our president to say we are going to evict a joe biden from the white house and make america great again and when. >> how does it feel to have president donald trump living in your home state? >> it's wonderful. big freedom, low taxes. >> of course i had to get brooklyn over here. >> brooklyn in the house how are you doing. >> why does brooklyn doubt -- love donald trump? >> he is new york's native sun and he keeps it real like brooklynites. >> are you italian? >> hell, yeah,. >> is it calamari... >> let's take it back to tennessee. tennessee, donald trump, jd vance, how are we feeling about
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the ticket? >> go team, fight fight fight. >> whose speech are you looking forward to? >> donald trump number 1. >> what you hoping to see. >> i want to see that he can bring us back to a constitutional republic and i like his solid, he's a fighter and... >> favourite thing about the trump administration was. >> the governor up here with jd vance. she's a fighter just like that trump is. trump believes in the american dream, he's not biden or the republican party or conservatives are bureaucrats. >> we all love jesse watters, we're going to bring the party to jesse so what do we say? >> back to jesse. >> jesse: of course he found the italian and brooklyn on the floor. we have sean hannity, he just
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popped in. >> sean: we never get to see each other so this is like a reunion. i got this guy next to me. >> i haven't seen you in a while >> sean: great show. you said something to me, this is your first anchor convention. >> usually o'reilly has me running around. now i'm on the anchor chair. at nicer up here. >> sean: i think our audience loves you to. >> jesse: i learned everything from you. [ simultaneous talking ] >> sean: that guy on the other side i was mc when he became speaker in 1994,. >> i'm older than i look. [ simultaneous talking ]


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