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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 17, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> day three of the republican national convention is kicking off in milwaukee intraday's name is "make america strong once again." with policy failures as the biden administration and headliner vice president j.d. vance will address the party for the very first time since becoming former president trump's running mate. you are watching a special two hour edition of "fox & friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro and after a major moment last night when nikki haley gave a full-throated endorsement of the president. brooke singman lived in milwaukee with what is coming up today, brooke. >> hey, you guys, j.d. vance is speaking tonight for the first time since being named trump's vp pick. highly anticipated speech as he and the former president look
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for the strength of the policy agenda. as you mentioned, the theme for today is "make america strong again." the theme for day two "make america safe again" and illegal immigration on their families under the biden administration, listen. >> my son from korea and afghanistan war retired veteran, he received enemy fire from the taliban only to be murdered with a knife on the streets of new york city. >> rachel, a joyful, accomplished athlete and mother of five was raped and murdered by a suspected illegal immigrant. there is nothing compassionate about allowing violent criminals
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into our country and robbing children of their mother. >> i'm standing here today to share the tragic reality of borders. i'm here to share the story of my firstborn son. in a moment of peer pressure, he tried something someone gave to him, and it took my baby's life. >> carley: as you guys have seen, unity is the major focus of this convention. former president trump making another appearance last night to hear his former primary rivals speak about uniting the party and winning in november. >> donald trump has my strong endorsement, period! >> if we have four more years of biden or a single day of harris, our country will be badly worse off. for the sake of our nation, we have to go with donald trump.
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>> my fellow republican, let's send joe biden back to his basement and let's send donald trump back to the white house! [cheers and applause] >> and one of trump's final vp contenders, marco rubio with an emotional speech honoring corey comperatore, the father who died protecting his family during the attempted trump assassination. >> president trump has not just transformed our party, he has inspired a movement, and movement of the people who grow our food and driver trucks. americans like corey co corey comperatore. it was the former fire chief and a loving husband. he was described as the best dad a girl could ever ask for. last saturday, he shielded his wife and daughter from an assassin's bullet and lost his life the way he lived it, a h
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hero. >> carley: he was a hero but also speaking today in addition to vance donald trump jr. and hs daughter kai, greg abbott as well and former president trump will address the convention for the very first time tomorrow. that is when he and senator vance will accept their nominations. >> carley: brooke singman live for us, brooke, thank you so much. janelle, good morning to you the most anticipated speech tonight was from nikki haley who receive the invitation on monday in the spirit of unity. what did you think about her spirit in that moment? >> i thought nikki haley did exactly what she was supposed to do. i'm not surprised whatsoever at the reaction as it relates to her going out there and giving donald trump a full endorsement. you know, this is where we are. i think president trump is a unique opportunity right now. unfortunately, it came as a
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result of him almost risking his life and almost losing his life, i should say, but he has a unique up or turn it to you to message to the people to pivot a little bit and to create this uniting force. this is opportunity for republican party to stand in the gap and show america that we understand what is going on. we may have contributed as well but at the same time, we know how to bring our emotions down and operate the way we are supposed to as americans. >> todd: in the end, all that matters boats and did nikki haley sell to her supporters trump and anti-trump individuals to actually get them to vote for donald trump? >> i think nikki did the best she could do. i think it is hard to say one person can get a group of people on board. i think she was carrying 12%, 15% of the republican base, which is a huge portion of the base. a lot of people have their minds made up.
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a lot of people feel we should move on from both. however, i think what they are seeing right now is that we do have a bit of a binary option here because we have a president who is leading the pack, president trump, and then we have a president laying down and asleep on the job, president biden. i do think there are a lot of people who may bite that bullet, no pun intended, and going forward to vote for president trump. however, i do see an opportunity for president trump to stand and show the american people that he can be the president that is a president of both moderate republicans as well as the more trump maga republicans. she did do her best shot and it may translate into something positive. >> carley: janel clement the blink of an eye, there are so much going on with joe biden ans that adam schiff is warning thes will lose the house in the senate joe biden stays in the race.
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if you notice a consistent same yesterday speech is republicans attacking kamala harris. what do you think will happen on the democrat side? >> you know what, this is an interesting opportunity for them as well. i do think president biden will be switched out. however, i see it as an uphill battle to get into that point. so, whether they can do that or not, we will see that in a little bit. however, president biden is not showing consistency. that is the problem. he can come out every once in a while and kind of muster up the strength to deliver a short speech or maybe answer two or three questions. however, it is not something he can maintain. that is where the democrat party is struggling but i know he has to keep this going all the way until november. that is not something he can do and when september gets here,
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the energy will pick up and the momentum will move. president trump has all the momentum right now. however, kamala harris is not a better option. i do see the republican party turn their focus to her because she has something we all need, and that is she can rally at the minority votes. she can really pull in the woman vote. that is where we tend to be struggling a little bit on the republican side. if we can maintain our support from diverse voters as well as the women vote, then i think what will be okay. they see the danger in moving kamala in there. >> todd: for this discussion highlights these comments from president biden yesterday about a potential kamala harris presidency. watch. >> folks, it is because of you that i am president and kamala harris is vice president. and by the way, she's not only a
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great vice president, she could be president of the united states. >> todd: what is your reaction to that? is that just one of the daily off-the-cuff comments by joe biden that you scratch your head out, or was that a targeted comment there to the in naacp crowd in the crowd? >> bit is comments like that that make me feel they will swap them out and prepping him. they are basically saying, hey, i know you have somewhat of a choice in the matter. however, donors carry the weight. if your donors are saying they were not willing to support you, then you are in a tough position. i think those types of comments causes us to pause a little bit and lets us think this is going to happen. in setting her up in that way allows to also remove the heat off of him. so it is no telling where he is going with that. >> carley: today is day three of the rnc, make america strong again and j.d. vance is
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speaking. we are told speech will focus on bio an incredible story and how that ties into america first agenda. what do you expect to take place tonight? >> well, first come i think j.d. vance was a strategic pick. i knew it would come down to him or doug burgum because of what they bring to the table and knowing president trump's personality as we have gotten to know the course of these years. however, i think j.d. vance is in a peculiar position because these young. he has all the future ahead of him where president trump has one term. so will he be able to stay in his lane and not teeter into the presidential role looking into the future where his struggle will be. however, this is a very strategic move and i do hope he talks about his upbringing and his connection to the blue color community. the fact his wife is indian shows he understands a lot of the diverse initiatives and
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diverse conversations happening. so i think he had the opportunity right now to win over the young poet, to win over the diverse vote, to talk to the blue-collar community and win over those disenchanted because they are struggling and they feel like they are the forgotten. if you can bring all of that and wrap that into his speech, i think you will have a strong speech. >> todd: he gets a lot of acclaim for being an amazing storyteller. that oftentimes happens when you write about your book that has turned into a movie. tonight is the most important story he will have to tell and we will see if he meets the moment, janel king, thank you so much. now to a fox news alert, armed with knives and shot dead with place inside the rnc should. zone and the officers from columbus, ohio, in town working the convention when they saw the suspect charged an unarmed man and he refused to drop their weapons, five officers opened fire. one day after mast man with armed blocked away from the convention. the police are failing the area
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when they noticed a man in a ski mask with a tactical bag which had the gun and a full magazine inside. charges pending review by the milwaukee d.a. to another fox news alert, fox news obtained exclusive video. take a look, moments after shots rang out a former president trump's butler, pennsylvania, rally. >> carley: the exclusive footage, jonathan. >> good morning to you, carley and todd, fox obtained that video from a spectator shooting the video on his cell phone and really captures the chaos and confusion that ensued after gunshots rang out. watch. >> [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]
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>> the video was shot by an army veteran who has to be identified as only taught a come of the driller. immediately after the shooting, you see spectators flagging and the crowd cheers has former president trump rises back to his feet and secret service escort them off at the stage. but the video also shows law enforcement struggling to get through a fence surrounding the secure perimeter. eventually a patrol car ramps the fence to create an opening, todd, the driller tells fox news he was surprised there had not been more advanced planning to d access so authorities could do their jobs. a secret surface counter sniper, of course, shot the gunman shortly after the attack began, but there is a bipartisan effort on capitol hill to determine how that shooter was able to get onto a rooftop with a line of sight so close to the former president. senator chuck schumer's office announced there will be an
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unclassified, all senators conference call today at 3:00. they were scheduled to your briefings from representatives of the justice department, secret service, fbi cured fox news learn there are also efforts for a parallel briefing for house members today. the inspector general of the homeland department of security with the post of the trump administration is also investigating the secret services handling of saturday's rally. in a letter to it joseph kothari, senator chuck grassley writes, "this was a pure failure and president trump came within a centimeter of death because the gunman was able to get within hundreds of feet in and direct line of fire from where he spoke to his supporters." in that letter, senator grassley also expresses frustration with what he called a lack of information coming from those federal agencies responding to saturday's events. back to you guys.
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>> carley: all right, jonathan, thank you so much. the widow of firefighter corey comperatore says former president trump called her yesterday. helen posted this on facebook and he was very kind. he will continue to call me in the days and weeks ahead. i told the same thing i told everyone else, he left this world a hero and god welcomed him in. he did not die that day in vain. >> todd: america's farmers and ranchers will also be in the spotlight after the rnc today. our next guest leads the farmers and ranchers coalition and will tell us why the trump/vance ticket is best for them. >> carley: we have guests coming up jonathan gilliam, doug collins come rnc michael whatley, all live, don't go any. ♪ ♪
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when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, get up to $800 off the new galaxy z flip6 and z fold6 when you trade in your current phone. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. ♪ ♪ >> todd: a southern california school district is suing governor gavin newsom over a law, a new law, pins students from notifying gender identity. the law violates parents rights and the california counsel agrees. this bill undermines their fundamental role in places boys
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and girls in potential jeopardy. moms and dads with constitutional and divine mandate to guide and protect their kids. elon musk said the low is the reason he's out. he will be moving x and spacek's headquarters to texas. i made it clear to governor newsom about a year ago loss of this nature would force families and companies to leave california to protect their children. now he's putting his money and his companies where his mouth as. back to milwaukee, former president candidate, vivek ramaswamy, delivering this message to gen z voters. >> and our message to gen z is this: you will be the generation that actually saves this country. you want to be a rebel? you want to be a hippie? you want to stick it to the man pushed mark show up your college campus and tried to call yourself a college conservative. so you want to get married, have kids, teach them to believe in god and pledge allegiance to the country. because you know what commit is
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infectious in this country but courage can be contagious too appear that, too is what it means to be an american. >> todd: vivek ramaswamy is considering for running for j.d. vance is ohio see if advances. >> carley: one way former president trump is to "make america strong again" is by helping farmers and ranchers. today the farmers and ranchers for the trump coalition with the great armor fair to fight the backbone of america. he is the former ambassador to the agencies for food and agriculture, and he joins me now. good morning to you. i want to get to all of today's events in just a moment, but first we have to talk about what took place saturday. you were at the rally in butler. you were sitting in the front row. what did you see and how are you processing all of this? >> i have to say i'm still processing it. i've never been through anything like that before.
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when first came to the audience, i thought i was reliving jfk assassination again it. so very surreal moment. but to see president trump go to the floor and corey comperatore going down behind me five, six seats behind me, it was a sad day for our nation. but prayers continue to go out for the healing of our president and for the corey comperatore family. >> carley: understand you met with the former president hours before the shooting took place. both of you are in milwaukee. tell us more about what is going on today. >> today we are conducting the foreign affair and farmers and ranchers for trump coalition will be active at that event. we want to continue to promote that food security is national security, but yet under the biden-harris administration we continue to offshore many critical elements that we used to produce food, fiber, and energy to places like china, russia, belarus. and we are reaching our own food
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security in our nation. at the same time, we need to invest in infrastructure and our nation and make sure our bio economy and contribution to exports continue to grow. we have seen nearly $17 billion drop in egg exports this year alone and $71 billion over the last several years. we need to work hard to make sure we make agriculture great again here at >> carley: as you know, donald trump chose j.d. vance as his running mate. when he had asked this pick he said this on true social, "j.d. will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for come with american workers and farmers in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, ohio, minnesota, and far beyond." that sheds a light on the focus the trump-vance will put on farming and i am sure that his music to your ears. >> it is, the bio economy and agriculture continues to evolve.
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we are producing new products all the time, but it would be great to have a president and vice president focused on agriculture and our food system making sure we encourage people to get into the industry. we continued to advance ourselves. i made seventh generation farmer and a live the american dream and started with something small and grit into something. my goal is to make sure the future generations contribute to the economy and grow our company. >> carley: the agricultural department, they are forecasting $40 billion drop and net farm income this year. it will be the largest report year to year tele-decrease and farming has become so expensive that it is actually pricing out young people who could be thinking about farming but see their parents struggling and say, i'm going to do something else entirely. i am sure this is on your radar as well. >> it certainly is. under the biden-harris administration, usa seems focused on exports. we are competing with the brick
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nations and trying to get our products around the world. we are being supplanted by their efforts to replace the products that we usually sell to some of these customers. at the same time, it is a call to action for us to develop agricultural strategy to make sure we continue to grow the agricultural's vector. 25% drop in one year will be devastating to many farmers across the states and ranchers at the same time. >> carley: the former president and what do you think about the title of agriculture secretary? >> those are decisions that are up to the president of the united states in any of his inner circle to make those decisions. i hope you pick somebody that wants to grow the agricultural sector. possibly somebody who's a farmer and understands what we go through and agriculture. i tell you what come again among focused on the next generation. we need to make long-term shifts to make sure we make agriculture great again.
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>> carley: you are in a great vary state to have your farm featured later today and i'm sure will be fun. thank you for joining us. >> we look forward to it, thank you. >> carley: we are learning concerning news about iranian assassination plot against former president trump. >> todd: former intel officer rebecca koffler to analyze the threat next.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: today's rnc theme is "make america strong again," putting a spotlight on president biden's foreign policy failures. from failed afghan withdrawal to ukraine to china growing threat on our homeland and hamas attacking israel, the world is on fire under biden. a former president trump's top rivals agree america was safer under trump. >> we agree on keeping america
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safe! as ambassador to the united nations, i had a front row to the national policies. we sure could use those again. >> our border was safer under the trump administration, and our country was respected when donald trump was our commander-in-chief! [cheers and applause] >> todd: rebecca koffler is a former defense intel officer, author of putin playbook and manager to the newsroom. rebecca joins us live on the set. great to have you on as always. what do the speakers need to say tonight in order to convince the casual viewer of the rnc of the threat environment that has been able to fester under this president, president biden's administration? >> absolutely, at this "make america strong again" is right on target. we need a major course correction because the biden administration has made american vulnerable. we have seen it with our own eyes just how vulnerable we are.
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and the foreign adversaries have noted when the assassination attempt, thank goodness a assassination of president trump, imagine with all of the billions of dollars that were flown into ukraine, trillions into afghanistan and all the other foreign wars, we have not resourced and trained adequately our own secret service! remember that foreign adversaries, russia, china, iran, even though a lot of them have plans to defeat america on the battlefield, if we intervene with their plans whether ukraine or taiwan, they also have what we call in the intelligence community and that is the strategy, which is to defeat america from within. and that is what they are doing right now. we need someone strong who was going to defect our military and
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understands how the adversary and health putin, president xi, and biden does the exact opposite what he should be doing to keep america safe and deter the dictators like putin and president xi. >> carley: we learned about another threat against president trump in an assassination plot orchestrated by iran and so serious secret service protection around the former president has been increased. but this threat came in before saturday. so during saturday shooting, the secret service protection was already at those increased levels and it didn't stop the shooting from taking place. what you think about that and also the threat coming from iran? >> absolutely, let me give you guys the backstory. first of all, why do we learn about this just yesterday? having served in the intelligence community, i will tell you this, iran has been developing clandestine networks within the united states for
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more than a decade. that is ten years! okay, with a goal of kidnapping assassinating, and otherwise harming u.s., senior u.s. officials here at like the example, we are paying millions of dollars per year for the security of mike pompeo and someone who work for him. well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to make an analytical assessment that president trump to whom pompeo reported and who actually authorized the strike on solomonic, he was at risk as. and the intelligence community within the secret service, they should have been ready for it long, long before the attempted assassination. >> todd: it is really concerning that they knew about it and this is the best they can do on saturday. it makes no sense. you mentioned ukraine. ukraine is going to be interesting as a topic tonight because what is the one word we have used so far during this
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rnc? it as unity! the republican party has i don't want to say divided the, but there are different opinions when it comes to funding ukraine, the war there within the republican party. how does that meld with a whole unity theme at the convention? are they going to be in lockstep tonight or will be here different views? what do you expect to hear? >> what needs to happen to make us go in lockstep, we need to not start using opinion but we need to start using an incredible come intelligence announcement. i've been talking on the show for two years, ukraine or is unwinnable for ukraine. it is mathematically impossible. but his victory. we have been thrown good money after bad money. so, the common sense republicans understand that this war is unwinnable. we, the united states, don't have the industrial capacity to
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prosecute the war, even though we are being dragged in daily. the word is escalating because biden just authorized ukraine to use u.s. weapons to strike deep into russia. putin is not an idiot, right? so right now, ukraine, the weaponry is flowing they are very, very slowly. putin come on the other hand, has transitioned its economy and military and a one-time putting seven years prior to the invasion. that is the intelligence assessment. we war came to this intelligence community that the war will end up nuclear. yet, some people, somehow, believe ukraine can win the war. that is reckless! >> carley: that is why it is so important for former president trump said all nato allies have to pay their 10%. if he becomes president again, i am sure he will make that 3% as well. so much going on around the
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world. rebecca, thank you so much for joining us today. president biden will be in las vegas today while vice president harris hits the campaign trail in michigan, but democrats are seemingly worried about the president's reelection bid. listen to this, fox obtained a letter to the dnc circulating among congressional democrats saying, "regardless of whether president biden remains our nominee, we request you cancel any plans for accelerated, virtual roll call and further refrain from any procedures that could be perceived as curtailing legitimate debate or attempting to force an early resolution of the party nomination." the dnc virtual roll call would dominate biden next week rather than that convention in august. that will situation is a hot mess. >> todd: speaking of hot messes come i will see your hotness and raise you, 38 democrat senators and dozens of house democrats calling on
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new jersey's senator bob who was guilty on 16 counts and bribery. but menendez maintaining his innocence. >> i'm deeply, deeply disappointed by the jury's decision. i have every faith that the law and the facts did not sustain that decision, and we will be successful upon appeal. i have never violated my public oath. i have never been anything but a patriot of my country and for my country. i have never, ever been a foreign agent! >> todd: the jury would disagree with that. menendez denied gold bars found in his own belong to him and said, actually his wife speared fellow new jersey's senator cory booker doubling down his call for menendez to rn but also taking a jab at trump. >> he was guilty on all 16 charges. so yes, he must stand up now and leave the senate. donald trump, too, 34 charges. that should alone be enough for
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anyone to be disqualified from the highest office of the lamb. so many people on that stage tonight that he has not only been in deep disagreement with on policy issues, now they are running to that stage to endorse him. >> todd: let's get back to menendez, mr. booker. senator menendez will be sentenced october 29 facing maximum of 222 years in prison. this horrible stretch for the democrats continues and grows each day. it turns out some of the soccer fans arrested for storming the gates at the cope america final world legal migrants. you won't want to miss the story, details next. >> carley: a mother gives a powerful speech about crime in america at the rnc last night. >> prosecutors like alvin bragg in new york, kim fox in chi chicago, and george gascon in
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los angeles have turned our great country and cities into war zones! >> carley: what a moment former fbi special agent jonathan gilliam reacts to that right after this. ♪ ♪
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therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. ♪ ♪
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>> todd: did you hear about and see this? 11 of 27 people arrested for storming the stadium during copa america final world legal immigrants. two migrants charged with battery on law enforcement officer and trespassing. those tried to rush through the gates of the stadium scaling walls and crawling through air vents to watch columbia take on argentina. that is not how we do it in our country. we actually go through the turnstiles here at the latest examples of these individuals ignoring our walls. they are requesting to take them into custody if least decide to release them. quite unbelievable. >> carley: quite the turn of events and family members of crime victims made powerful speech is at the rnc and that includes the mother of afghanistan war veteran, sergeant hassan korea who was murdered in new york city. >> soft on crime prosecutors
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like alvin bragg in new york, kim foxx in chicago, and george gascon in los angeles have turned our great country and cities into war zones! joe biden and kamala harris, who claim to represent us, have abandoned us. >> carley: former fbi special agent and navy seal, jonathan gilliam, joins me now. what a moment from that woman and her name is madeleine. jonathan, she said her son received enemy fire from the taliban only to be murdered by a knife in new york city. she goes on to explain to the people responsible for her son's death, gaining a soul and murder charges completely dismissed here they received labor sentences and she feels like sh. what are your thoughts? >> well, she is right and there is nothing like a powerful mom
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to lay it out exactly the way it is. and i don't know if you can realize this, we should all be able to realize by now that anything the democrats touch, this sounds like a political statement but it is absolutely truth for investigator standpoint. anything they touch with a run to when it comes to the military, for instance. they run the wave withdrew from afghanistan. they run the way ukrainian bishop before it was even a war should have been handled. they don't handle china. we look at law enforcement around the united states wherever democrats are there and it is degraded, devalued. people suffer because of what actually increases is not the quality of life, it is the amount of crime and the amount of people that get away with crime. everywhere you go, that is the case. >> carley: speaking of crime, yesterday a man was shot and killed near the rnc convention.
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he had a knife in each hands and refused to drop them when the police told him to. one witness said he lived in a nearby homeless camp, but a guy with a knife outside of the rnc convention getting killed by the police what is going to make headlines. what do you think about this? >> i think this a regular crime, street crime, and in a homeless community. i saw one interview with a guy that knew that both individuals. it had nothing to do with the rnc, but especially when that type of the thing is happening in that area after what happen on with attempted assassination. you are asking for a big problem if that is in the vicinity of that location. i don't make anything out of it more than that, but it is a sad circumstance when somebody pulls out a knife and gets in a fight and actually law enforcement officers from other places in the country supporting that
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law enforcement in milwaukee. >> carley: jonathan, how much do the president's policies or the president hands on becoming soft on crime versus what former president trump would stand for and how much does that matto fighting crime, which usually more has to do with the local level when it comes to that kind of thing? >> well, let's look at the reality. this transcends local law enforcement. it goes into federal. if you look at what happen in you boldly a menu look at the response that occurred -- firstf all, the crimes that occurred and the response to that crime and the outcome, all of it was absolutely determined to sit could occur proper assessments were not done at schools and law enforcement when they showed up, they were not properly trained and didn't work well together. tremendous amount of time elapsed where young children and teachers died before a group of
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officers just went in and did what they had to do. when you compare and contrast what happened on saturday with attempted assassination and all the things that keep unfolding, there are is not one headline, one piece of information that comes out of that that doesn't mimic what we saw some form or fashion which is complete failure start to finish, talk to down, bottom up. it is a failure. >> carley: one of the questions that still remains on that very topic, why there were not any police officers or secret services stationed on the roof that the shooter used? now, the secret service director has come out with this explanation as to why. listen to this. speak with that building in particular has a sloped roof ats highest point. so, there is a safety factor that would be considered there that would want to put somebody on a sloped roof. the decision was made to secure the building from inside. >> carley: she said it was too dangerous to put a
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secret service agent or police officer on the roof because it was sloped. your thoughts. >> it seems that's what they did with the counter assault team that was stationed on a sloped roof behind president trump when he was speaking. i mean, that is a stupid excuse, and i will be honest with you, up until now, i don't -- i didn't want her to get fired immediately so we could let this unfold and give the blame where it is to be. i don't want her to get all of the blame and walking off and nothing changes in the secret service. that answer alone should not only get her fired, it should get her investigator for malpractice of her job in allowing people to be killed. i mean, a person died and two people were critically injured. a former president probably next president was shot in the ear! this is a colossal failure. the responsibility does go all the way up to the top.
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but for a director to say something like that and say they are not going to leave, that is something that a narcissist would say that has no concern for the reality of what needs to be done and who needs to be punished. >> carley: the shooter also used the sloped roof. was able to climb onto it despite the trajectory of it. the secret service fbi, doj will hold unclassified all senator briefing today, and we also await the hearing that is going to take place next week for jonathan, thank you for joining us once again go always great to talk to you. >> you got it, corley, thank you. >> todd: shark tank explaining ceos and business leaders say trump is the better option this november to watch. >> the reason you could get co endorsing trump is probably the environment for business will be better. you don't make money with politics. you make money with policy. that is what investors are
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saying. we see a shift in policy and no one is there yet. >> todd: doubling down on that at the rnc last night. >> the largest tax cuts in american history. our energy independence, no new wars when donald j. trump was president. maybe most importantly good though, you could actually feel it in your everyday life. now, you didn't have to love everything that he tweeted, but you cannot deny you were better off when donald trump was in office. americans were finally able to start saving money. home prices were affordable. >> todd: talking to her partner in this rnc gamut. chairman next. tonight senator j.d. vance will address rnc since being met named as the running mate. >> carley: we are live in milwaukee coming up next. stick with us.
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