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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 17, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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headliner vice presidential nominee j.d. vance who will address the party for first time since becoming former president trump's running mate. you are watching "fox and friends first"s, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. vance's speech after a moment when nikki haley gave a full-throated endorsement of the former president. brooke singman with a look at what is coming up today. >> brooke: j.d. vance will speak for the first time since being named trump's v.p. pick. he and the former president look to highlight strength of their foreign policy agenda. we heard tragic stories yesterday from americans about impact of violent crime and illegal immigration there families and unity has been a major focus of the convention.
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former president trump making another appearance to hear his former rivals speak to uniting the party. >> donald trump has my strong end endorsement period. if we have four more days of biden or single day of harris, our country will be badly worse off. for the sake 'of our nation, we have to go with donald trump. >> my fellow republicans, let's send joe biden back to his b basement and let's send donald trump back to the white house. >> brooke: one of trump's final v.p. contenders marco rubio delivering an emotional speech honoring corey comperatore, the father who died during the attempted trump assassination. >> president trump trans formed
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our party and inspired movement of peep whole grow our food and drive our trucks. americans like corey, comperatore, a former fire chief, a loving husband, he was districted as the best dad a girl could ever ask for. last saturday he shielded his wife and daughter from a bullet and lost his life the way he lived it, a hero. >> brooke: devastating, he is a hero. speaking today in addition to vance, donald trump jr. and his daughter kai. former president trump will address the convention for the first time tomorrow and he and vance will accept their nominations. >> todd: brooke singman, thank you. bring in iraq veteran, former congressman and ranking member of judiciary committee and host
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of doug luzcollins podcast, dou collins. >> todd: for all speakers tonight, how do you make foreign policy both relatable and relevant to the american people? let's be real, oftentimes americans are more focused on domestic plsz and glaze over foreign policy, how do we do that, doug? >> >> doug: we don't have to at all, joe biden made it relevant when he made us embarrassment on the world stage when he pulled out of afghanistan or destroyed domestic energy and made us have to beg for foreign energy to help on oil. these are things people understand, the ukraine situation, no end and money requests and we don't see leadership from the white house on how to solve and end this war. when we see gaza and we see what
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happened in the attack on israel and we see the administration back and forth in how they support one minute support those who attack and another minute support israel. joe biden has messed foreign policy up so bad. >> carley: number of isis attacks in iraq and syria drastically increased double the rate of last year following several years of decreased capacity. how big of a deal is that for us at home? >> doug: a huge deal, especially when you have an open border to the south and have most every country in the world at the southern border. we have no control over who is coming in, and terrorists on the watch list have been caught and there are two million plus gotaways we don't have.
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what you see in middle east is most troubling across the world, you havin choo, russia and other players. from that area of middle east from iran and what they are doing is a concern. you go back to afghanistan. look, taliban was set up and left better than they were prior to september 11 and that is a devastating blow when you think about what we had accomplished and worked on over there. it was thrown away, taliban put back in control and yaaztra zena afghanistan goes back to what it was before the war. then you hear that we have to be aware of what is happening in the world, it affectses us in neighborhoods and homes. >> todd: border will be topic number know wo, one a is middle
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east and convergence of the two, but ukraine will be major topic of discussion. at a discussion where unity is theme of the day, how is thatun yooity going to be tested when factions of the republican party have different consensus when it comes to funding for the war? >> doug: you have to have different ways going about it. one pure fact, america's leadership has been questioned and we see that and that unifies us here. ukraine situation, never a solution put forward by joe biden how to stop this. i have to go back, i think nikki haley talked last night in the speeches before, this would have never happened had it not been for weakness shown by afghanistan and others. putin acting in crimea, under biden administration went to
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ukraine, under trump administration, they did not do anything. that is a big point that will be brought out tonight and that unifies us. >> carley: yesterday's theme was make america safe once again and michael moran, brother of moron /* rachel moran delivered a speech. listen what he says. my sister's death was preventable. joe biden and his designated border czar, kamala harris, opened our border to him and others like him. to this day, we have not heard from joe biden or kamala harris, but when rachel was killed, president trump called my family to offer condolences. he cared. that is leadership and we need real leadership back in the white house. >> carley: i think it takes a
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lot for somebody who is not a public figure or somebody who speaks to large crowds to speak so confidently about a tragedy they just experienced and he says his sister should still be here today, what did you think about that moment and that message? do >> doug: powerful and heart-wrenching, exactly what he said is exactly true. i don't want to hear from the left about the border and these things could happen and this is somebody that did something awful. it was preventable, he shouldn't have been here. that is point they miss on the open borders, it is preventable. our open border is the root cause here. it blows my mind. last night seeing that, if americans can't understand difference in leadership style, it is hard how they see somebody like that and not feel sympathy
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for what they went through when you go back to what was said. this was preventable. >> carley: now five children don't have a mother and these stories matter and can't be forgotten. >> doug: good to be with you. love y'all. >> carley: new video showing moments after the trump assassinate attempt. >> todd: absolute chaos, a live report from pennsylvania next.
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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ >> carley: fox news obtained exclusive video showing moments after shots rang out at the rally. >> todd: jonathan sheerie, joins
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us. >> jonathan: it captures the chaos that ensued after the gunshots rang out. >> we've got one down. we have somebody down. hey. [screaming] >> jonathan: the video shot by an army veteran who asked to be identified as todd the driller. after you see spectators flagging for help and the crowd cheers as president trump is escorted off the stage. the video shows law enforcement struggling to get through the fence, patrol car rammed the
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fence. a secret service counter sniper shot the gunman shortly after the attack began. there are bipartisan efforts to determine how a shooter could get on the rooftop so close. insp inspector general senator grassley wrote this is a security failure, former president trump came within a c centimeter from direct line of fire to where he spoke to supporters. the ig's office announce uncla unclassified -- secret service and fbi and there will be paralleled briefing for members of the house today, as well.
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back to you. >> carley: live in butler, pennsylvania. jonathan, thank you. back to the rnc, j.d. vance is set to speak tonight ahead of former president trump's address tomorrow. the two are set to appear tomorrow at a rally for the first time as official gop ticket in michigan on saturday, which is trump's first rally since the assassination attempt. caroline sunshine is deputy communication director and shein jos me now. what a moment for j.d. vance set to take place later today. he did not know he would make this speech in this capacity until it was announced on monday. his speech will focus on his bioand credible life story and how that ties into america first agenda. >> president trump is the great american fighter, ronald reagan may be the great communicator
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and now president trump is great american fighter. j.d. vance extraordinary american with inkredzible life story. at the top, dedicated to forgotten men and women of america, who president trump has spent his time fighting for, forgotten men and women. j.d. vance is from one of t communities, from the forgotten men and women and understands what takes place in the communities. he answered the call to service after our country was attacked by 9/11. j.d. vance past criticism of president trump have been brought up. it is important, it is convert, not critic and j.d. vance can relate to voters who in the past
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watched too much cnn or liberal media news and did not have the facts and not so much they are critics, they are converted. >> carley: been announced first trump rally will take place. the dhs and fbi have announced that there are increased concerns about retaliation or repeat potential attack on the former president. how concerned is he about that? >> well, as i said, president trump is the great american fighter, oge thing more remarkable than surviving the assassination attempt is in the moments immediately after, his display of strength, he leapt to his feet with blood on his face and said, fight, fight, fight. in a moment like that, someone's true character is revealed and
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donald trump revealed himself and he is for the american people. we are grateful for men and women of secret service and law enforcement who help keep us safe and will continue to do so. president trump came to milwaukee on schedule and said, we are not slowing down, i'm coming to be with my people. it is love of country that drives this man and president trump is fearless and courage is contagious. >> carley: former president called the wife of the man who died and she greatly appreciated that phone call. we want to play this sound from yesterday's convention speeches, sarah huckabee sanders made this speech, urging women to back donald trump. watch this. >> when the president hired me, i was the first mom and third woman to ever serve as white house press secretary. i endured relentless -- from the
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left. biden and harris can't even tell you what a woman is, they only care about empowering themselves. >> carley: can't tell you what a woman is, is one line that will get applause. what did you think about that moment? >> great to see governor sanders, i served under her and president trump's white house. president trump had a record number of women serving in top ranks of the white house. he trusts women to lead. left can't tell you what a woman is and they are not pro-woman. look at the open border, you cannot be proopen border and pro women. we are here to honor forgotten men and women, rachel moran, laken riley, all young women and girls who were killed allegedly by illegal immigrants allowed into joe biden's america.
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we have had 10 million come across the open border. if we're going to talk about safety and empowering women and protecting life and vulnerable, we have to secure our southern border. president trump said day one, he will launch the largest criminal deportation and secure the border and keep our women and children safe. >> carley: thank you for joining us ahead of day three of the rnc, i'm sure it will be a memorable one. we are learning about an iran ian assassination plot against former president trump. a live report next. >> when people like iran want to take you out, good for america, bad for iran, greatest political endorsement ever. (♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪
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>> todd: back with a fox news alert. federal authorities ramping up president trump's security
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detail after learning about an i iranian plot to assassinate him. >> carley: raising concern about secret service proficiency protection at the time. >> lucas: security detail was enhanced package according to new report from cnn which says, "u.s. authorities obtained information about plot from iran to assassinate donald trump and led to secret service increasing security around the former president." there has been detail since trump ordered droning of soleimani at the baghdad airport in 20two 20, who was responsibl for killing hundreds during the
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iraq war. >> it is a great endorsement when people like iran want to take you out, greatest political endorsement ever. their capabilitieses are more than a kid with a rifle. >> lucas: white house not denying, saying these threats arise from iran fseeking reveng for killing of soleimani. iran is irked by killing of soleimani. they want trump charged with war crimes. these accusations are un unsubassistantsiated from yiran trump is a criminal who must be punished for order ing the killing of soleimani. iran has enough material for two nuclear weapons according to international atomic energy soc.
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>> carley: that is other than canning. president biden is in las vegas and will appeal to hispanic voters. democrats are worried about biden being on that ticket. >> todd: cheryl casone is here with more. it has receded slightly. >> cheryl: there are a group of democrats that are looking for at least don't do virtual roll call at the dent to solidify biden as candidate. democrats are saying this is not way to set up joe biden, they have concern about viability of his candidacy. they write, regardless if president biden is our nominee, it is critical between now and november 5, and request that you cancel any plan for accelerated
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virtual roll call or extraordinary procedure that could be curtailed as attempting early resolution of the party nomination. listen what president biden said at an event with itthe naacp. >> president biden: folks, because of you that i am president and kamala harris is vice president. by the way, she's not only a great vice president, she could be president of the united states. >> cheryl: there are some talking about a hot switch, pundits that are saying, you could see biden on theic ittet and solidified and he passes the baton. no expert on the denc, but
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anything is possible. president biden will go to las vegas today to appeal to latino voters. we have seen his support slip. he needs black voters and latino voters. she's going back to michigan, it is all about that right now. >> carley: adam schiff said if joe biden stays on ticket, we will lose the house and senate. what is going on in silicon valley? >> cheryl: j.d. vance being nominated as vice president running mate to donald trump is really got silicon valley thinking about ai and technology and investments. j.d. vance had a vc firm and mark andresen, these are billionaires, biggest billionaires in silicon valley, well respected.
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axios said these two will donate to president trump's campaign. there is good argument why you will see silicon valley get weekend behind despite moral differences, it is about policy, money, deregulation and getting things like ai ush approximated forward. listen to what "shark tank" star kevin o'leary said why business leaders are thinking trump is better option. >> reason you get a ceo endorsing trump, environment for business will be better. you don't make money with politics, you make money with. >> cheryl: here is the thing, if you have a pro-regulation administration and that is the policy, which is what we've seen under biden admin stliadministr
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don't want that, this could change health science and way we live our lives and cr cryptocurrency, as well. there are reports yesterday they are working on ways to bolster technology under a -- if we guilty president trump in office, a trump presidency. you will follow the money and technology. this is policy, not morality, end of the day. follow the money, i will say it again. follow the money. you will hear more from the business leaders, maybe today. >> carley: shift in silicon valley. >> todd: thank you. gop uniting, nikki haley endo endorsing the former president. >> carley: how the republican party is planning to move
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>> todd: republican party u uniting and giving strong endorsements last night. >> donald trump has my strong end endorsement period. you don't have to agree with trump 100% of the time to votes for him. there is more than unites us than divides us. >> fight, fight, fight for these united states. >> todd: rnc chairman mike what theley joins me now. unity is grath, we love unity, will unity translateto votes? >> i think it will. talk about this election cycle, it comes down to one question, it is strength versus weakness. all americans take a look at
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where america was under donald trump, strong economy, strong southern border and strong standing in the world. right now none of that is the case. we are a strong country and having the republican party unite is critical. donald trump does not want to unite entire party, he wants to unite the entire country. talking to every american family because we really want to hear about the issues they care about, put solutions on the table and that is what donald trump is talking about throughout course of this election? >> todd: how will j.d. vance continue that theme, heavy on his biography, how does he bring the two together? >> well, when you think about it, j.d. vance is the embodiment
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of the american dream. growing up, serving in the military and moving on to the united states senate where his entire campaign was a conversation with ohio voters. he's never forgotten where he came from and never will. when we talk about the american experience, talk about the w weakness of our economy and where we are around the world and fact our southern border has been open by joe biden and made every community a border community, these are things j.d.ed j.d. vance has lived and he is qualified to help this ticket. he will be a force across the country and we're excited. >> todd: cnn predicting possible landslide win for the former president, listen to this. >> donald trump is leading in pennsylvania right now, donald
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trump is leading in wisconsin right now. donald trump is leading in arizona right now. donald trump most believe has the lead in nebraska. go back to where we start, donald trump is in command. numbers are getting worse for the president. >> todd: you hear big concern from democrats adam schiff on the down ballot races, they are worried they will lose d.c., donald trump, republicans, rnc, all on a heater right now, but how do you avoid sand fend off complaisance's between now and november 5. >> it will come down to battleground states and strength versus weakness. we'll celebrate the fact donald
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trump is here, it is a miracle we are having this convention and are excited about j.d. vance being on the ticket and accepting that nomination tonight. we will go back to our respective states and roll up our sleeves, get out the vote and protect the ballot and win this election. >> todd: it is important a lot of people were concerned last couple cycles as to why rnc did not do things they were suggested to be done? looks like michael what ley is doing just that. thank you for your time. >> thank you, guys, good morning. >> carley: look at this, did not think you would see this at rnc, jim justice alongside 4s dog baby dog. he shared this personal story
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about eric trump. >> imagine this. eric and i have been so far back in the woods on top of a mountain and blew the tire out on the back of my four-by-four and who was under the vehicle then? eric trump. eric trump changed the tire. donald trump has taught his kids tz very best. >> carley: baby dog predicts republicans will keep house majority and win senate and white house in november. baby dog is like punxsutawney phil making predictions. >> todd: famous props, clint eastwood had the chair. and he has baby dog. >> lawrence: and lawrence jones has -- >> lawrence: big show coming up, brother of rachel moran
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allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant giving scathing rebuke of biden's border policy last night at rnc. blaming the president and the border czar kamala harris for her death. he will join us, along with rachel's sister. big day for j.d. vance, he is set to address the rnc crowd as trump's running mate tonight after reports don jr. was a major champion for him as vice president. straight from the horse's mouth, don jr. will join us hey of his own rnc speech. one person looking for answers in trump's assassination attempt, former navy seal, congressman derrick van orden, after calling for emergency panel to investigate. the congressman speaks out on being attacked by nut job
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anti- anti-israeli protesters at the rnc yesterday. we have a busy show coming up this morning, we'll see you at the top of the hour. i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ (birds chirping) well this isn't gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this... will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart.
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♪ >> carley: former presidential candidates vivek ramaswamy delivering this message to gen z voters. >> and our message to gen z is this: you're going to be the generation that actually saves this country.
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you want to be a rebel? you want to be a hippy? you want to stick it to the man? show up on your college campus and try calling yourself a conservative? say you want to get married. have kids, teach them to believe in god and pledge allegiance to their country because, do you know what? fear has been infectious in this country but courage can be contagious, too. that, too, is what it means to be an american. >> rams also says he considered running for j.d. vance's ohio senate seat if trump and vance win the election. >> todd: make as lot of sense. chuck todd leaving some of his colleagues stunned, dumbfounded, flummoxed on his take v. j.d. vance. >> if the trump ticket gets elected that wing of the party is going to be in the for a generation. j.d. vance, teamsters, president last night this is an ideology very comfortable in the democratic party of walter mondale in 1984.
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>> it's wild to hear you say that out loud. >> joe concha is a fox news contributor and he joins us now. joe, good morning to you. i think what chuck todd is referring to maybe not so much about j.d. vance even though he did come from a family of blue dog union democrats, but the party makeup and where working class americans fit in has completely changed in recent years. >> isn't that amazing, right? democrats used to be the party of the working man and woman, right? now, republicans have seized that mantel, they are now the populist party. right? don't call donald trump a conservative, j.d. vance a conservative. they are populist. the reason j.d. vance is was chosen he can talk to people as a guy who grew up in a trailer park and joined the marines right out of high school which is crazy. and then he goes to ohio state and graduates in two years and then he joins yale law school graduates then becomes a senator eventually. this is like the ultimate success story that he is going
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to resonate with steelworks in pennsylvania and auto workers in michigan and farmers in wisconsin. that's why j.d. vance was chosen and the fact that he and imtrump seem to get along quite well compared to where they were in 2016. this is where we are at this point. vance, when you heard the pick why didn't he go with youngkin and rubio. now it's clear this is the reason why because he is connect with people the way donald trump does despite the background. >> this is driving the mainstream media wild and crazy. you heard chuck todd there. here is ari mel enter's reaction to the last 72, 96 hours. >> here is how the "new york times" put it on the first night of the convention trump was his own biggest prop. image for political mobilization, a spectacle for this candidate who we know is by his own admission obsessed with a sorted spectacles.
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>> >> todd: so the ear bandage was a spectacle. i don't know ebb was shot in the ear and needed a bandage. >> a bullet went through the ear and is he wearing a bandage because he lost part of the ear. we are three days since this man nearly got his head blown off only because he turned his head a little bit more to read some notes that were given to him on a screen around immigration is he alive right now. and msnbc as sick as they're and ari melber as sick as he is, go to hell, ari melber quite frankly because to say something like that, it's a prop? give me a break. show any sort of human dignity in this moment and he couldn't do that as could many on that network quite frankly. >> todd: if i could interject for a moment. we are going to beat up the democrats to their response, at least the politicians by and large had decent responses to
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the attempted assassination of trump. i found the media, whether it was stephanopoulos and are a raddatz,msnbc was scared of what scarborough and mika would do they would keep them off the air. who are these people? how have they gotten to this point where they are not acting in any humanity anymore. >> stephanopoulos and raddatz review it for the audience. blamed donald trump because his rhetoric is what brought somebody to try assassinate him and the martha raddatz yeah, remember, january 6th. the fact this is blown past the way it is, the questions that journalists should be asking right now is how did a 20-year-old get on that roof with line of sight to the president -- former president of the united states, likely future president of the united states from 130 yards out. i don't know how many people have told me because i'm not a firearms guy that's like a
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2-foot putt to make that shot. it was because he turned his head. people who purport to be media, how did this happen? why didn't the secret service fire back when you had the shooter in your sights for all of that time? instead you waited for him to shoot? how did he get on that roof? that was a staging place, apparently below him and yet, no one did anything. those are the questions journalists should be asking and not any of this stuff is the bandage a prop. >> carley: they are asking for the secret service to answer. jack black has a band tenacious. his band's name is kyle gas. take a hook at what he just said? >> [cheers and applause] >> don't miss trump next time. [laughter] >> carley: he said don't miss next time. after he said that he was axed by talent agent. jack black released a statement i no longer feel it is
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appropriate to finish the tour. i'm grateful to the fans for support and understanding. your thoughts? >> good for jack black. i mean, he had to do it. maybe if there wasn't such blow back, jack black's people wouldn't tell him you can't be associated with us anymore. either way, ultimately he did the right thing. >> carley: there is always one. >> todd: is this a change? four years ago would this have happened? would he have so quickly denounced kyle gas his band mate? >> no, definitely not not light of assassination. everything that we have seen over the last four years. about time to see. things have changed. >> carley: busy week ahead you are going to the rnc tomorrow. so we'll talk to you there. safe travels, my friend. >> joe: thank you. milwaukee, go brewers. >> carley: everybody have a great day. busy news day ahead. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪


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