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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 17, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> he stood up and raised his fist and reminded us that our people and our country are always worth fighting for. >> fear has been infectious in this country but courage can be contagious, too. that too is what it means to be an american. [cheers and applause] >> he is fearless and is exactly what this country needs right now. >> it's real simple. has he done it before. and he'll do it again. >> will we choose joe biden open borders amnesty and chaos o. >> no. >> america cannot afford four more years of a weekend at bernie's presidency. [applause] >> he will bring peace through strength standing with our allies and causing our enemies to fear us. >> we have a country to save and a unified republican party is essential for saving her.
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[cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] [chanting fight, fight, fight] [cheers and applause] >> here we go, look at these guys. [cheers and applause] >> pete: how are we doing? this is the second hour of "fox & friends." and we are live. where are we? waukesha county, wisconsin? [cheers and applause] in della field and it's an amazing group of folks here. i don't know, you guys are going to have to tell me, brian, steve, ainsley, lawrence, as far as crowds go, we got this room full here another there a line out the door. almost everybody is from within 30 minutes. this so local crowd. coming on out to say hello. some drove many, many miles. they are fired up of watching
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this convention. some have been participants in this. and we are talking about j.d. vance and how do we feel about j.d. vance in this room? [cheers and applause] so, we're go 25 miles west of you here. you guys are all in milwaukee and brian, ainsley, steve, lawrence, give them a hello for me, will you? >> ainsley: hello, good morning. >> lawrence: pete, it looks like. >> pete: they said good morning. >> lawrence: the donald trump fist fight, fight, fight has become the rallying call of republicans, right? >> pete: no doubt. i have heard it time and time again. everybody here feels galvanized by what donald trump did on saturday night with god's hand on his shoulder and so certainly over top of everything that is happening at the rnc. >> steve: great that you have got -- it looks like a couple hundred people there in delafield and throughout the morning, pete is going to talk to them, pick their brains, see what they thought about last night and looking to the future
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because with the republican party, it's all about unity, and they were union fight there for breakfast. >> brian: people can't get in. people on the outside that can't get in. >> ainsley: let them, in pete. come on. >> pete: rear trying. you go the to east faster. there's a lot of people outs. [laughter] >> pete: we're trying. >> ainsley: maybe the new round will come in at the end of the show. we still have a few more hours. >> steve: that's the thing about diners, once somebody sits down. they don't want to leave. even though they finished breakfast in the 6:00 hour, they want to stick around until 9:00. >> ainsley: those women want to watch pete, right? that's what i always hear from the women "where's pete?" today is night three. j.d. vance is going to speak tonight. all about unifying the party behind donald trump last night. today's theme for day 3 is make america strong once again. >> brian: amongst tonight's speakers is going to be donald trump's new vp pick j.d. vance. first big speech since his
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nomination. >> steve: it's going to be a very big day. we have live team conch right now. we got jonathan serrie in butler, pennsylvania, with shocking new information on the trump assassination attempt. we're going to show you exclusive video from the moments after the gunman opened fire. peter doocy as you can see is live at the white house. joe biden tells a crowd that he is all in and vice president harris could be president. >> lawrence: here in milwaukee we got alexis mcadams. she will show you how kamala harris' attack j.d. vance in the attack ad. first go to bill melugin with a preview of the day. bill? >> bill: yeah, lawrence, good morning to you. donald trump said he wants to unify the republican party that was on full display at the rnc last night. several opponent at the primary season all spoke out including ron desantis and nikki haley bot of whom offered their full endorsement, take a listen. >> donald trump has my strong
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endorsement, period. if we have four more years of biden or a single day of harris, our country will be badly worse off for the sage of our nation. we have to go with donald trump my fellow republicans, let's send joe biden back to his basement and let's send donald trump back to the white house. we also heard from everyday americans last night includes the half sister of rachel morin the mom who was raped and murdered by illegal alien. >> say there is no proof we are invaded at the border. they are the ones not at the border so they really don't know. and i feel like there has been such an uptick on crime and it just seems like too coincidental that this is happening right now
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is looking ahead to today, day number three, the theme is make america strong again. we once again expect to hear from everyday americans one speaker expected tonight is a jewish alum of harvard university, who is suing the school for discrimination as a result of those anti-israel protests, we were seeing spread all along college campuses after october 7th. so, a lot to look forward to tonight, guys, we will send it back to you. >> lawrence: thanks, bill. >> brian: governor greg abbott, donald trump jr. michael waltz is going to be speaking today. a real big night. >> steve: very cleverly, and obviously a lot of tv producers in the g.o.p. what thresh doing is they're taking things that people have been watching over the last year or two. on their home televisions. and things that resonate with people and things that bother people. and they are going to show folks at home particularly during the prime time hour on all the networks how the republicans would like to change all those problems that we have seen crop
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up over the last three years. >> lawrence: republicans theme every night and showing the contrast between president donald trump and joe biden. overall, it's been a positive convention. it's been inspirational. it hasn't been debby downer. steve steph right. i wonder if the assassination attempt actually changed that. >> lawrence: i think. so the president ripped up the speech. >> ainsley: last night also was a good reminder of how these individuals that took the stage, lara trump, sarah huckabee sanders who talked about how their lives have been affected because they're conservative. sarah huckabee sanders said someone at her squeal, a parent at her school spit on her car. she talked about how they -- someone walked up and tried to harass her at a restaurant when she was there with her family. she talked about how. >> brian: kicked her out. >> ainsley: made fun at her at the white house correspondence dinner and she still goes on. and it's worth it to her. lara trump talked about even watching on television, watching
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her father-in-law be shot while she was sitting on the sofa in their living room with her husband and her little children. and they watched their grandfather fall down. listen. >> i actually had a very different speech that i was prepared to give up here tonight. that all changed at 6:11 on saturday evening. nothing prepares you for a moment like that. our family has faced our fair share of death threats, but none of that prepares you as a daughter-in-law to watch in real time someone try to kill a person you love none of that prepares you as a mother to quickly reach for the remote and turn your young children away from the screen so that they are not witness to something that scars the memory of their grandpa. if donald trump has shown us anything, it's that when it feels impossible to keep going,
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those are the times we must keep going. he is fearless, and he is exactly what this country needs right now. [cheers and applause] >> brian: there wasn't one speech that wasn't gone over by the rnc. so everyone of the higher ups from gone through all of that to make sure and in this case she rewrote her speech. i also thought what you thought sarah huckabee sanders underrated. i think the president was moved by that because the most important her speech was when he heard how she was being harassed he pulled her over in the hallway and said a bunch of great things about her. who you are, what you have accomplished. >> ainsley: how beautiful she is. she was attacked for her looks, remember? >> brian: that doesn't come out in whispers in the "washington times" or "the washington post." that comes out when people get to know him.
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>> ainsley: she looked fantastic. i want to add one thing about sarah huckabee sanders. she said when i was press secretary i got the chance to take my 4-year-old son huck to bring your kid to work day. much like jill now drags joe bring your husband to work day. >> steve: we just heard from lara trump, we are going to hear from don trump jr. he is going to be on with us in one hour, actually about 50 minutes. yesterday it was keep america safe. today the theme is keep america strong speaking of keep america safe it would be nice if they could keep our former president safe. fox news alert. exclusive video moments after shots rang out during assassination attempt on former president trump's life at his campaign rally in butler, pennsylvania saturday. >> brian: jonathan serrie joins us now from the scene of the shooting right now with footage we have not seen before. jonathan, what have you got? >> yeah, very dramatic video shot by an army veteran in attendance at that rally it.
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really captures the chaos and confusion that ensue you had once gunfire erupted. [shouting] someone is shot. hey! someone's shot. [cheers and applause] >> we got somebody shot! >> the video also shows law enforcement struggling to get through a fence surrounding the secure perimeter. eventually they have to use a patrol car to ram the fence to create an opening. a secret service counter sniper eventually shot the gunman actually just seconds after the gunfire erupted. gunman was on the roof of a building overlooking the rally. senator chuck grassley wrote a letter to the department of homeland security's inspector general. this was a monumental security
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failure. president trump came within a centimeter of death because gunman get within hundreds of feet and direct line of fire where he spoke to his supporters. house and senate will receive separate virtual briefings from the fbi and justice department. former president trump called the widow of firefighter corey comperatore who died while shielding his wife and daughter from gunfire at saturday's rally. helen comperatore posted on facebook, quote: he was very kind and said he would continue to call me in the days and weeks ahead. i told him the same thing i told everyone else. he left this world a hero and god welcomed him in. he did not die in vain that day. and local tv station wpxi is reporting that after the gunman was killed, investigators found a cell phone next to his body, as well as a transmitter a transmitter resembling a tv remote. back to you guys.
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>> steve: jonathan, what is the suggestion about the tv remote? >> well, investigators have said that they found rudimentary explosive devices in the car. that fueled some speculation that, perhaps, this device was to be used as a detonator although authorities have yet to publicly confirm that. >> brian: yeah, they did say he was a good science student. was in that blackrock video. thank you so much, jonathan. just a couple of things about him. trying to figure out does his family know. both of his parents have health issues. while the young man lived with him so far it does not say -- investigators say they are keeping close tabs on them. looks like the couple has struck investigators as loving parents but not particularly attuned to the specifics in heir son's life. in high school, which is only two years ago, he evidently hygiene problems, constantly picked on. one of his classmates said we used to call him the school shooter. how many times have we heard descriptions like this a loaner
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that was picked on and bullied not that there is an excuse for being a killer. >> lawrence: did they not see. generally asking did, they not see all the equities explosive material was that being made to the house according to some reports, tons and tons of exclusive equipment? i just think that, you know, often in washington, they say there's going to be an investigation. and we find out years later. >> brian: got to be quick. lawrence lawrence this has to be real quick. and if you care about democracy. you don't get to take out the person that is number one to replace this president, which is donald trump. >> ainsley: answers about what happened at the shooting in nashville. >> lawrence: no. we still don't have a dossier. >> brian: or las vegas or vegas. >> steve: one other note regarding the shooter in pennsylvania. there is some reporting now that apparently he asked his boss hey, can i have saturday off? i got something i got to do. that's what he said. and then he said i'll see you
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sunday. presumably he thought he would make it out alive. >> lawrence: apparently not the only person who thought that as well. dan bongino who used to be a former secret service agent obama's body guard and hillary clinton's body guard reporting from sources within the bureau someone that was supposed to be in that building decided to call in that day and didn't show up and they didn't replace him on the building. i would like an investigation to figure that out. if someone calls, in don't you think you should replace them? >> steve: we're going to talk to mike rogers running for senate in michigan. >> ainsley: so bizarre they saw this guy on the roof it took minutes before they did anything about if. one of the law enforcement officials said well, we were patrolling him from inside the building. >> brian: taking pictures of him because they wanted to see if he is going to be trouble. they also. >> ainsley: is he on the roof with a rifle. >> brian: that would be after the fact. >> steve: oh now we know who it was. >> brian: joe biden said we have stability with our administration. we are not firing anyone. you don't fire anyone because you don't ever meet them. you don't have cabinet meetings.
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no one is accountable. no one reports to you. definition secretary disappears to the hospital. you should be firing this woman as a -- >> ainsley: which thinks is man. he was in that interview and they asked about the director of secret service. it's a woman. and joe biden said oh, yeah, i have talked to him. i have met with him or something like that. >> lawrence: that inspires confidence. >> ainsley: lester holt covered and said well she said da da da da. >> brian: then holt got yelled at throughout that interview. >> lawrence: she reports to alejandro mayorkas we have seen what he did with the border. he doesn't inspire confidence. >> brian: he never says anything of worth. >> lawrence: no. >> brian: why he is still there is just a travesty. >> steve: we still need answers. >> ainsley: he might not be after november 5th. >> brian: right. >> steve: you are absolutely right. right now go to alexis mcadams with new reaction from kamala harris on donald trump's pick for vice president.
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alexis? >> that's right. you heard there when pete was at that diner. a lot of people excited about j.d. vance in wisconsin. kamala harris and her team and the biden administration, say he is not a good pick. we will get into more on that in a second. this is all coming as we know j.d. vance is going to get on the stage at the rnc in milwaukee speaking publicly to these americans here at this massive convention for the first time since he was nominated. i mean, he hasn't even finished first term in the senate and now he could be on his way to the white house. kamala harris and her team putting out a new ad this morning slamming j.d. vance. check this out. >> trump looked for someone he knew would be a rubber stamp for his extreme agenda and make no mistake j.d. vance will be loyal only to trump not to our country. >> so fox has now confirmed that vice president kamala harris called j.d. vance on tuesday telling him congratulations on the vp nomination. a source familiar telling fox that the conversation was brief and respectful. also, we are being told as this
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all develops here that both vance and harris have agreed to debate, no word on exactly when that would be, but maybe at some point this summer. they are looking forward to getting on stage the source says. though the details are being worked out. earlier this week the biden campaign saying this: vice president harris is prepared to debate j.d. vance. we have accepted the proposal from cbs news. i think as folks are aware of this, to participate in that debate and we feel very good. j.d. vance, to say the least, isn't worried about debates kamala harris. listen. >> kamala harris has allowed americans to be saddled with the president who clearly doesn't have the mental capacity to do the job. it is not public spiritedness to call for him to step down when he is about to lose an election. they should have been doing it years ago. >> one of the things a lot of supporters of j.d. vance say he is really strong in those interviews and protecting trump and supporting him and going after anyone who opposes him
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including kamala harris. listen to this. we have reported this before but i want to bring this back. a former communications director for v.p. harris has called vance the greatest threat on the debate stage. go after on the border and some other topics. should be a must see event when that happens. send it back to you. >> steve: get the popcorn. that will be something. >> ainsley: that will be great to watch. >> brian: they did a fact-check "the washington post" about that speech be -- she was a border czar and she had one job and she blew it? they go well, she is not the border czar. she was hired to do root causes and she did get -- when the road -- when the main migration came from venezuela and cuba. that's really not the root causes. excuse me? that's the stupidest fact-check i have ever seen in my life. you decided to make it the root causes, and then the root causes changed. you don't get to change with it. >> ainsley: root cause is at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. joe biden is the root cause of this crisis. >> brian: they had biden for president t-shirts on when they
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crossed. >> lawrence: thank youing him. >> ainsley: they know they can get away with it now so does putin. >> steve: 7:20. >> ainsley: president biden is set to be speaking in las vegas as he tells he believes kamala harris could be president one day. >> brian: always interesting listening to those speeches. peter doocy joins us from the white house. >> peter: president biden is explaining why is he backtracking on his promise to be a bridge to the next generation of democrats. >> and, look, when i originally ran, you may remember i said i was going to be a transitional candidate and i thoughts he would be able to move from this and pass it on to someone else. but, i didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. >> peter: to stop the democratic mutiny the dnc try continue to stall biden as the nominee before their convention next month virtually. many democratic lawmakers do not want that to happen. writing in a letter to the dnc
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chair regardless of whether president biden remains our nominee we respectfully but emphatically cancel any virtual roll call and free freezing rain from extraordinary procedures that could be seen as curtailing legitimate debate or force early resolution of the party nomination. if biden is not for some reason the top of the tickets, it does seem that the vice president has his blessing. >> it's because of you that i am president and kamala harris is vice president. she not only a great vice president she could be president of the united states. >> peter: and the president thinks that being out there on the road campaigning is going to show people that he still got it. he made a promise that he not keep last night. he was reading from a teleprompter and said that he would like to cap rent increases at $55 a year. that is not the policy. the policy proposal is for 5% a year. so either he read the
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teleprompter wrong or somebody put the wrong thing into the teleprompter. >> brian: right. >> peter: back to you. >> brian: let alone the policy sucks. >> steve: the question is who does put everything in the teleprompter. peter, one other thing yesterday because he is tanking in the polls, in the swing states. he came out and he said he would like to make major changes to the supreme court because that's what his base wants to hear. yep? we're not getting the decisions we want because there are a bunch of righties so we are going to blow up the court. >> peter: yeah. that's what his base wants to hear but the primaries are over. >> when you look at every single poll of whether a persuadable voters want. where do you find term limits for supreme court justices. i don't think i have seen a poll where that is in like the top 50 issues. >> brian: thanks, peter. nancy pelosi convinced biden will lose. as work the phones, adam schiff told democrats in a fundraiser. we are facing a wipeout if joe biden stays on top of the
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ticket. so this has gone lower but it's not over. >> ainsley: pete is talking to the people. he is having breakfast with friended from the battleground state of wisconsin. hey, pete, what are they saying? >> pete: that's right. breakfast just came out. the skillets are fantastic, aren't they? they are really good. that's what i'm hearing. yeah, we are talking to voters this morning. republicans watching the rnc either because they are participating or watching from afar. some of it have had a bit of a change of heart. ma'am, what's your name? >> ellen. >> ellen you are more recently just recently came around to saying hey, trump is my man. >> yeah. i was going to hold my nose maybe and vote for him. i was really a big nikki haley fan. but over the last few days his demeanor has changed, president trump's. is he a humble man. he just entered the rnc with a humble aura about him. i really like j.d. vance. i'm a former buckeye and i like his background. i like the working person aspect
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that he promotes and understands. so, yeah. i will vote for trump. >> pete: there you go. that's unity right there. that's unit. [applause] >> pete: ma'am, what's your family? >> ellen hampton. >> pete: you watched all the speeches last night. what did you take away? >> what i really liked last night that all his opponents that were speaking negatively about him in the past came together and, from what they said, i think it's the beginning of healing, which we really need. the focus on god, which we have lost. and. [applause] his daughter-in-law speaking from the heart about' this strong leader but the human side of him that we don't see. >> pete: beautifully said. so many other people we want to talk to but we got to pay the bills. we have got to go commercial break. we will be back talking to more voters in i wisconsin. ♪
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♪ >> steve: all right, it is 6:30 here in milwaukee. and happening today the secret service and fbi will have a closed door briefing of the congress on the attempted assassination of donald trump on saturday. this as house committees ramp up their investigations of the security breakdown. calling on secret service
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director kimberly cheatle, the dhs secretary mayorkas and fbi director wray to all testify. as fox news exclusive video shows, a new perspective of saturday's shooting as we learn the crowd warned law enforcement and, yet, the guy was still able to shoot trump. joining us right now, u.s. senate candidate and former intel committee chairman mike rogers who running for senate for the great state of michigan. good to have you. >> thanks for having me this morning. >> steve: you know, it sounds like they tried to get the secret service director to come and talk to capitol hill yesterday. scheduling problem. you would think that if somebody is able to shoot the president, and actually hit him, she would have better things to do, be able to cancel that and go talk to him. >> absolutely. there's really no excuse for it. it tells me they are hiding a little bit of something. it's not only that they shot the president, he got off so many
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rounds before the counter sniper team were able to get them -- take him out. that tells you there was confusion on the ground. you could kind of see that in some of the videos. there were secret service agents, i think to be very clear who performed brilliantly. >> steve: right. >> secret service agents who were shockingly bad. the secret service is going to have to evaluate that part and then how somebody got on top of a roof with line of sight to the president, and then the fbi is going to do the investigation back how does a young man with apparently decent grades and doing okay go from 18 high school graduate to 20 assassination attempt on the united states. that's where the fbi is going to come in on the investigation. >> steve: one of the troubling things, mike, we learned yesterday that apparently intel and you were the intel committee chair, there was intel that the country of iran essentially had ordered a hit on donald trump. they were trying to take him out. and so they amped up security
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before this happened. >> yeah. >> if that's amped up security, we're all in trouble. >> yeah, secret service is going to have to have some hard conversations with itself. one what their staffing needs are to me, it looked like there was significant lack of training for some of the agents, and, listen, this is a repetitive thing. you have to train and train. and then when you think have you trained enough. train some more because it all comes down to instinct when that first crack of the round happens or when somebody calls in a shooter on a roof, there are certain things that should happen in sync tialy. what you saw when they created the shield around the president, that's instinct. that's training. so that training got them to where they knew exactly what they were supposed to do. the things around it, looked a little bit suspicious to me. >> steve: in addition to the agents fog their training, donald trump who was instructed by the street service, fbi, if there is ever a problem. get down as low as can you. because those red, white and
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blue barriers are bullet proof. and he followed instruction. >> yeah. absolutely. he did exactly what he was supposed to do. and then including that, are a a real sign of courage, strength and commitment when he got up and told the crowd he was good and ready to keep fighting. that. >> that could be one of the most iconic photos in american presidential history. yesterday was make america safe again. that was the theme. you were one of the big speakers last night. if you missed mike rogers, listen to this. >> i have never seen anything like the biden-harris open border policy. they are rolling out the red carpet for violent gangs, fentanyl, chinese spies. individuals on the terrorist watch list. it is long past time that we restore law and order. we make america safe again. >> steve: you were inside the big pal last night. one of the things about the republicans, during the primary, the party was kind of fractured.
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but everybody is now behind donald trump. and everybody is on board with things like keeping america safe again. >> you know, it was really refreshing and exciting to see all the different factions come together. listen, these are family fights. so people are allowed to have differences of opinion. but they are family fights at the end of the day. what you saw last night was a republican party that is unified from every branch and faction of the republican party because they know how important november is. and so that's what was exciting about that. and, you know, we get questions from the press about well, somebody said something bad or, you know, bob said something bad about sally, listen, that's all done. that's a family fight. now we are united for the future of the country. >> steve: right. it was particularly good to hear ron desantis and nikki haley who were two of the biggest contenders during the primary. and they both said look, the alternative is terrible. we 100 percent support donald trump. >> yep, absolutely. the party needed to see that i
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think everybody around the country needed to see it. and i think you are seeing america come together on this as well. >> steve: mike rogers, good luck, run for senate in the great state of michigan. all right. meanwhile. it's a party at the lumber inn this morning. and it might be because of lawrence. >> lawrence: brother pete, he's getting the rnc reaction from voters live. he wants you g guy come out and have breakfast. have a good time and he will pick up the tab for you. >> steve: okay. usually the host doesn't have to pick up the tab. >> pete: oh, really? >> steve: did you bring your wallet or checkbook or bitcoin. >> pete: how many people heard lawrence say yesterday i was picking up the tab? [cheers and applause] >> pete: i don't know about that. we'll see. don't go anywhere. more diners to talk to in a moment. ♪
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law, lawrence you guys have been selecting the president and gotten it right since 2,000. have you been here that entire time? >> yeah. we have pretty much done that since i have been in here. >> lawrence: so the question is, sir, who are you all going to select this time? >> i'm looking at what's important. i think the environment is important. the economy extremely important. i think we have got some improvements to make there trump has probably done a better job there. >> i went back several years in my checkbook register and checked out what groceries and things were and it's bad now. so i would say president trump. >> i predicted trump will win. i think he would be the best for this country. i think for years and years we have had these politicians who who are concerned about themselves. i think we just need to start running this country like a
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business instead of what happens best for the politicians. >> lawrence: so you just heard from voters in harmony wisconsin where since 2,000 they have correctly picked the winner in all 13 presidential and gubernatorial races. and the post debate poll, trump is leading biden in the critical battleground state by 5 points. so we sent pete to dellafield, wisconsin, to get the pulse of the people. the man who taught me how to do diners, over to you, pete. >> pete: lawrence, you said i was picking up the tab. guess what i'm going to pick up the tab and hand it to you. okay? so we got you covered. it's great to be with the great folks of waukesha county. how are we doing this morning, everybody? [cheers] >> pete: this is still the line to get in to the lumber inn. we are trying to move everybody as much as we can and talk to everybody. amazing folks. this is trump country. >> absolutely. >> pete: you are a colonel. thank you for your service. >> thank you.
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>> pete: top issues most important to you you are watching the rnc. maybe about the republicans or the race at large. what are you thinking about? >> i'm so concerned about america. you know, the bottom line is we need to rally together to save america. all of america. and there are so many issues of concern, open borders, our economy. you know, just our way of life. the cost of medicare premiums going up. everything. it's all of us. and we need to pull together and make america great again and safe again. >> pete: there you go. she answered all the questions right there. [cheers] >> pete: top issue for you? >> immigration and the economy. >> immigration. >> >> there you g sir? >> border, law and order. >> border and law and order. >> i would go with border too. >> pete: ma'am, top issue for you? >> inflation. >> sir? >> gas stoves. [laughter] >> pete: you want to keep your gas stove. >> yeah. i want a toilet that can flush.
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>> pete: ma'am? >> border. >> inflation. >> inflation. >> border. how about these young people here? top issue? >> border. >> same. >> border. border as well. sir? >> america first. inflation. >> border? >> my coffee. >> security and fake news. >> pete: got to do something about that. inflation? >> inflation. >> border. >> border. >> border. oh, too many to count. [laughter] >> border. >> border. >> inflation. inflation. >> absolutely. >> economy, crime and the border. >> top issue, ma'am? >> top issue would be abortion. >> abortion? >> economy. >> economy? >> pro-life. >> the administrative state. and we have reached the end of the line right there. so we're going to go back inside the lumber inn asking more questions about how they felt last night. the speeches, the unity inside the party. as far as waukesha party here we are feeling good this morning?
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two more days in the rnc, lawrence, back to you, brother. >> lawrence: incredible. >> pete: picking up the tab. [chanting trump] >> pete: there you go. appreciate that. >> lawrence: all right. brother. we appreciate it. donald trump jr. is coming up. but, first, another rnc speaker, staff speaker i'm sorry staff sergeant david bellavia as the g.o.p. looks to make america strong once again. he's next. ♪ ♪ (♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ (♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years.
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. authorities discovered a potential iranian assassination plot against president trump just weeks before this last weekend's shooting. but, sources say iran is not
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connected to the attempted assassination by thomas crooks. u.s. officials are saying, quote: these threats arise from iran's desire to seek revenge for the killing of kassem soleimani. we consider this a national and homeland security matter of the highest priority. >> lawrence: they could have showed us that. here to discuss it is medal of honor recipient staff sergeant dave bellavia speaking today at the rnc. we get -- i don't like giving any room for conspiracies but when you get this report of an assassination attempt against a former president, and then you see the security failures after the attempted assassination attempt what are people supposed to say these are abject failures that happened there. >> and the most basic kind. everyone that goes to this convention has gone through security. you understand that i mean the president was surrounded by secret service on the floor of the convention on day one.
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the types of failures. the director, when she gist her interview, and talks about a sloped roof. come on. the sloped roof? there are slopsd roofs everywhere. the snipers were on sloped roofs in the absence of fact and trainers. peotransparency. people get creative. unfortunately the chaos being bread right now. >> these two assassination attempts not connected iran is denying. this they say the accusations are unsubstantiated and malicious from the perspective of the islamic republic of iran. trump is a criminal who must be prosecuted and punished in the court of law for ordering the assassination of general soleimani. what is your reaction? >> first of all, no one gave credit to president trump for taking out soleimani. what he represented. they took him out baghdad international airport. this was a state visit. this is one of the most, you know, the biggest murderers in the region. and he is parading around and the u.s. said, you know what? you're a bad guy. you have got american blood on your hands. and we're going to take you out.
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now, fast-forward to where we are today, and that's one of the things we are going to talk about at the convention. every one of these gains that president trump was able-to-achieve had been eroded and erode sod quickly in the world. >> ainsley: soleimani gave the okay to take soleimani out in the middle of the night. the question was to joe biden if you go to sleep at 8:00 or 9:00, are you going to be aware? are we going to be able to wake up up national emergency. >> after 8:00 p.m. what are we going to do night missions that's why we have night vision. soleimani was brazen. it sent a bold message to iranian revolutionary guard, quds forces you can't hide from us. we expect you to stay in check. remember iran had the gross domestic product of the haiti at that time. look how he enriched they are. what do they do with their money? they go out and create havoc and have american hostages. and kill american civilians. >> lawrence: that goes back to what the american government has
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talked about weakness of joe biden. the theme tonight is make america strong. you are speaking tonight. what do you plan on striking if you give us a quick teaser? >> listen. i want people to join my military. i love what the military represented. we make promises every day. guy were across the country. i look at parents and ask them to trust america with your sons and daughters. we're going to love them like they're our own. we are going to take care of them. that's lifetime. these parents for the first time in four years are saying we don't believe you. what about the 13 at abby gate? what about the civilians falling off the cargo planes? what about the two heros in jordan. they don't believe us anymore. we got to get back that trust. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> ainsley: the government we have seen what they done to donald trump. we saw the assassination attempt. we can't get answers why this guy was on top of the roof. >> lawrence: it's unbelievable. >> ainsley: talking to parents possibly send their kids to war. can they trust the government to do the best job? >> that's a problem. that's why we got the lowest,
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20% lowest approval rating we have had in decades. because of this administration. >> lawrence: david, thank you for your service, brother. >> thank you. thank you. >> ainsley: looking forward to hearing you speak tonight. are you serves have you? >> no. >> lawrence: he has been in combat. >> ainsley: a powerful moment. don jr. getting emotional watching his father's triumphant return after surviving an assassination attempt. >> lawrence: he will tell us about that moments away. he's next. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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