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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 17, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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a democrat but i think that is their best run. >> dana: do you think he is capable to be president for the next four years i think all democrats would say no. >> bill: we want you guys to participate in something. before we go. say hey, baby dog. you are the star of the show in milwaukee, jim justice out of west virginia brought his best friend on stage. look at that. >> dana: that dog is super famous, baby dog. the governor bringing him there to give everyone a huge amount of joy. i wish i could pick up percy like that. >> bill: he is running for senate and we'll see baby dog on the floor. >> used to be you kiss babies. >> dana: america has changed. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> president biden: we begin
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with a fox news alert. fox has obtained new exclusive video of the assassination attempt on former president trump and information is coming in on the assassin was doing in the hours and days leading up to the rooftop, his perch to fire. plus there could be a very different potential plot against the former president trump and we're looking at the revelations coming about from that. it apparently was supposed to mean an increased security for the pennsylvania rally. did that happen? and if it didn't, why not? i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." exclusive video now, here it is. it was just shared with fox. it shows a different new angle of the chaotic scene after gunshots were fired on saturday. it also shows law enforcement ramming a fence surrounding the
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secure perimeter. but there is still a lot of questions about how a would be assassin would then become one after he was able to open fire from a rooftop at the event. the secret service had reportedly increased security for the former president leading up to saturday and there are questions about that. was it enough? and that was in response to some new-found information. government sources telling fox news now that they have learned of a plot by iran to assassinate president trump. former secretary of state mike pompeo has this to say. >> i'm sure the investigation will uncover this. this was a complete breakdown of the secret services ability to protect a former president. current candidate for president of the united states of a major party and with not only what we saw on saturday but this iranian plot that the biden administration has done literally nothing to address. it has been going on for years. serious business and it is a failure of leadership for the united states to allow a former
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president of the united states to come under this kind of threat and do nothing in response. >> harris: nancy mace is in "focus" with me. let's go to jonathan serrie in butler, pennsylvania. we're learning so much now. >> we certainly are. from spectators. everyday spectators at the rally. all of them with a cell phone not realizing they would be recording history. it is helping people piece together the chaotic moments that ensued during and immediately after the shooting. police attempting to move in the direction of the shooter are seen in one video. they are blocked by a perimeter security fence. they use a police cruiser to ram the fence to create an opening. the army veteran who shot this video tells fox news digital he was surprised the rally security plan did not have a patrolled access point to handle this type
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of emergency. a secret service sniper shot the shooter. officers were inside the building but other sources claim the cops were in a nearby building instead. wpxi tv obtained a photo from the rooftop showing a cell phone and transmitter like a tv remote. some sort of detonator and say they found explosive devices in the gunman's car parked nearby. investigators say in the hours before the shooting, 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks purchased a ladder at home depot and went to a gun store to buy ammunition. the owner of the gun shop says f.b.i. agents came by on sunday for an interview and the business is fully cooperating with their investigation. this afternoon members of the house and senate will receive except pratt virtual briefings from the secret service and
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f.b.i. and department of homeland security office of inspector general has opened on investigation into the secret services security plan for saturday's rally. in a letter to the oig senator chuck grassley writes this was a monumental security failure. former president trump came within a centimeter of death because a gunman was able to get within hundreds of feet and direct line of fire from where he spoke to his supporters. harris, back to you. >> harris: all right. jonathan, thank you. we'll bring you any new information we get out of the lawmaker briefings later. i can tell you this. this is just coming into fox news. house speaker johnson has now set up a special task force to look into this. we've been talking about certain committees all over capitol hill. congressman mike waltz from florida yesterday, from oversight saying they will be pushing ahead tomorrow. but we're also waiting to see if this secret service director kimberly cheatle will end up
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testify and congresswoman nancy mace is sitting with me and broke news. republican lawmakers are all in on getting answers. >> we will get to the bottom of it. we'll put a spotlight on it. >> what happened prior, what didn't happen prior. why weren't the building tops secured like they should have been? >> you need hearings. we'll have hearings starting monday. >> harris: one new headline in all of this. secret service's explanations for security failures ahead of the trump assassination attempt aren't adding up. op-ed entitled this way. secret service is in shambles reveals a white house where the buck stops nowhere. a column arguing biden should fire the secret service director, but he won't. that piece points out that president biden did not fire a single general after the disastrous afghanistan exit. he has not fired anyone over the historic border chaos. and we know where he could
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start. his vice president and his homeland secretary. the biden campaign also rehired a former white house aide who had bullied a female journalist with sexually explicit messages. that aide resigned shortly after the incident. in "focus" now i just mentioned her, republican congresswoman nancy mace of south carolina, member of the oversight and armed services committees. i know that you were working on this and you've got some news that you want to tell us. we just learned house speaker has set up a special task force. that seems like a big deal and something next. >> it is historic and needs to happen. also we've been trying to get briefed by the director of secret service. so far she hasn't shown up. supposed to get briefed today. i got off the phone with chairman comer and expressed my support to subpoena the direct or of secret service that will happen within hours today.
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>> harris: i'm not shocked she doesn't want to come in on her own volition but that you would have to go that far to subpoena her. nobody around her. who does she report her? nobody around her to say you have to take a seat and tell people what happened. >> i don't believe she will show up without one and what i expressed to him minutes ago. we'll have to do that. so far the secret service has delayed a briefing of the oversight committee for two days now. we don't know if the director of the secret service will even show up to the briefing that is scheduled today. for all of congress. we do not yet know if she will be the one to show up to the hearing monday. we'll have to subpoena her. >> harris: some of the reports that have come out is that with the secret service delaying a briefing they want to wait until they have all the information. you and i talked off camera. it seems like we're learning a lot now from american citizens in and around what happened on saturday. >> we're learning all of our information from american citizens.
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that's not the way it should be. we learned about a ladder and the shooting being reported to law enforcement with video and showing them and that we learned the building wasn't swept and how does this happen? these kind of protocols. i also learned this week after the shooting that the vice president kamala harris had an incident in her schedule just a month ago with a secret service agent and whatever happened the meltdown the agent was having delayed the vice president's schedule. we have major issues within the secret service. >> harris: it is day three for the rnc convention and former president trump's newly-minted vice presidential pick, ohio senator j.d. vance will take the stand tonight. we'll see him speak for the first time as that nominee for v.p. it will be his first official speech since securing that number two spot and the party unity is on full display this week and we've been showing you that, and again last night. former trump rivals ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy and
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nikki haley rallied behind him and aimed attacks at the biden/harris ticket. haley doubled down on the previous read of kamala. >> i said a vote for joe biden is a vote for president kamala harris. if we have four more years of biden or a single day of harris, our country will be badly worse off. let me remind you, kamala had one job, one job. and that was to fix the border. now imagine her in charge of the entire country. >> harris: vice president kamala harris released this attack on vance just a few hours ago. >> trump looked for someone he knew would be a rubber stamp for his extreme agenda and make no mistake, j.d. vance will be loyal only to trump, not to our
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country. >> harris: i want to get to this right away. first of all, just your thought on the pick of j.d. vance. >> i think it is a good pick. i think it's okay that he hasn't always been with trump. it will appeal to independent and centrist voters. a great story for rust belt states growing up in appalachia and growing up poor and being a former marine and going to yale and being successful. he has a great american story. only in the united states is this story even possible. >> harris: how does he match up with kamala harris or how does she match up with him? she wants that debate that's scheduled in late august now to happen with him. >> i cannot wait. he is a guy who is smart, brilliant, but talks in a way that just shows logic and common sense. i think he will run circles around her from a policy perspective. he talks in a way that whether you are a college educated with a master's degree or no
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education he speaks to the american people in a way everyone understands. i like the way he communicates, i really do. >> harris: i want to show everybody more of that interview that i had with the former president donald trump and here he is talking about the border. again, this was our exclusive talk on saturday just three or four hours before he was shot. let's watch. >> who wants open borders where criminals are coming into our country? we have tremendous power over those countries. those countries don't even exist without us. we give them tremendous amounts of money. when i got ms-13 practically removed out of our country i was taking thousands -- probably the worst gang members in the world. i was told you can't do it because in the obama administration, they wouldn't allow planes to land at the airports. wouldn't allow buses. you couldn't do it. i told them if you don't accept these people back into your country ms-13 criminals and gang members, if you don't accept
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them, we are going to cut off all aid and they called me back and i said not only are we going to cut it off. i have already cut it off. we have the greatest people. we will close our border and have people come into our country but come in legally. day one. they let millions of people pour into our country. you haven't seen one thing yet, migrant crime. they are just getting comfortable in our country now. the migrant crime is going to be numbers that you haven't ever seen before. we are getting them out of here. he won't get them out. we'll get them out and deal with our local police forces and get them out. we have no choice. they will destroy our country. >> harris: first of all, your reaction to what he is saying there. >> well, we're seeing leadership with trump. i've never been more proud to be an american than i am now. listening to him. the policy, resilience. he is a strong leader. that's what we'll talk about
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tonight. america's strength in our speeches this evening. >> harris: you get the briefings and you are dialed in. what shape has leadership by vice president kamala harris -- i said leadership, the president handed her this responsibility and it blew up like an oil fire. >> yeah. no, it did. they are not saving our country. this is happening every single day as nicki said she had one job to do. she could not do it. we need leadership right now. i will tell you in the last couple of days i represent a purple district. i've been back home. got her yesterday. i've heard from democrats, republicans, independents. people i would not have thought to rally around trump and now his vice presidential pick people are angry with what's going on in our country the last four years and don't want to hear anymore talk. they want action. they want solutions and what to know our elected leaders are actually going to do. for example, whether the border or the secret service. it is not enough to have the
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hearings. who is going to get fired? who is going to lose their job because they put trump's life in danger? he took a bullet for our country. whose head is going to roll and who is going to get fired? >> harris: we toss around the word accountability. i don't want accountability like oh, she or he was wrong. what are you going to do about that? i grew up as a military brat and used to people say there is a punitive action for the action you took. >> as you mentioned earlier in the program no one has been fired not for the 9 million people that invaded the border. no one has ever lost their job for violating the constitution and breaking the law and allowing these laws to be broken in our country. it never happens and why i ran for office. i'm sick and tired. we have hearings. it is important. american people need to know. they have questions that need to be answered but who is going the take full responsibility for what happened saturday night and every day in this country? >> harris: and pay whatever the consequences are for that. >> right. >> harris: we backed so far away
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from consequences that our crime is blowing up. everything. >> everything is worse today than it was four years ago. >> harris: you need to have a boundary on what's good and what's right and keep out the rest. congresswoman, great to see you in person. up next we'll hear directly from those though matter most, the voters. six republicans from across americans on their top issues, what they want to come out of this rnc convention and, of course, their reaction to the attempt on the life of donald trump. stay with us. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value.
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>> harris: the music is beautiful behind me now at the
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rnc convention warm-up. they do the rehearsals every day about this time. it's gorgeous. look at all the people on stage. they will serenade us on through. i'm harris faulkner and we're here in milwaukee. gorgeous, but i will shout a little bit if i have to. tonight will be senator j.d. vance's time to shine. he speaks to this convention for the first time since former president trump named him as his running mate. and we're hearing speeches from republican lawmakers and leaders. we're hearing a lot of analysis from pundits. i really want to hear directly from the people who count most. voters' voices. this is an historic moment. fewer than four full days since president trump was nearly killed. our panel of republican voters is from across america. in the top row carlos from
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arizona, chris from new jersey, in the bottom row now we have theresa from new mexico, eric from new hampshire and joe from new york and jasmine from iowa. welcome to all of you. i should mention that jasmine from iowa is the national chair for the young americans for freedom. great to have you all. let's get started with first of all your reaction to what has happened with our former president starting on saturday. jasmine, i will come to you first. >> i'm absolutely appalled by what happened on saturday as someone who has volunteered at many trump events and helped oversee security at one of the events when i met president trump and went through background checks. i can't believe it happened. the security is so tight and everyone is always making sure that trump is the priority. very disheartening that wasn't the case for this saturday. >> harris: i will check in with a couple of you and move forward . carlos, i want to
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know do you think that this changes the trajectory in any kind of way politically for either of these candidates? >> well, i saw the feed live. i was watching fox when that was going on. it was just so shocking and the time that it took for him to get up, it seemed like they tried to bring him up one time and they waited and brought him up but just when he stood up and raised his fist and the way he came off that stage and again in an act of defiance getting into that suv he stop, raised his fist again. i was still concerned because you don't know what kind of other injuries he could have had. it was truly inspiring. >> harris: eric, i want to get your thoughts and we'll move on to the border after this. this has been something that is one of those moments where we will all know where we were at that moment. you were just mentioning, carlos, that you remember
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because you watched it live. eric, what is your take? >> i remember it mainly because of the fact that i was busy getting a new phone, actually, in a u.s. cellular store and i heard about it and i was if disbelief at first. then i read about it and i was shocked. appalled, actually, that these attempted assassinations happen and that we have gotten to this point. i feel like rhetoric has affected that. nonetheless, i do find that trump's fortitude in that moment raising his fist was quite inspiring. >> harris: yeah. all right. let's talk about the border. something that the president was talking with me at length about just a couple of hours before he arrived in pennsylvania. senator ted cruz was on stage here last night and he tore into joe biden over the border at the rnc. let's watch. >> we are facing an invasion on
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our southern border. not figuratively, a literal invasion. 11.5 million people have crossed our border illegally under joe biden. americans are dying. murder, assaulted, raped, by illegal immigrants that the democrats have released. today, as a result of joe biden's presidency, your family is less safe. here is the good news. we can fix it. and when donald trump is president, we will fix it. [cheers and applause] >> harris: last night there was a line that ted cruz used, every blank day those things are happening to the point where they were chanting that here in the convention hall. it was remarkable.
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chris, i see you nodding your head. he hit all those points. >> he did, harris. and every day this country has a safety issue and it has a national security challenge dealing with the open border. we take our lives in our hands walking around the city streets. i know in new york city when i come in the city i've totally changed my behaviors. always eyes behind your back. no more driving in the city. you are afraid of carjackings. and in addition to personal safety, it is a national security issue because you don't know who is coming over that border. are they terrorists? are they going to do harm to our people, to our country? and it is a big question mark. and americans have to have eyes in the back of their head as a result. >> harris: therese, do you feel that most americans, those few who aren't watching television,
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particularly fox news and tuned in to know what is happening with biden's border crisis, do you think they are aware of how bad it's gotten? >> i don't think so. illegal immigration is -- unfairly burdening our children and hard working taxpayers. we must enforce the laws on the books. stop the flow of illegal immigration in order to prioritize the needs of american citizens. the language barriers and health issues that accompany illegal immigration are overwhelming our resources. the shortage of healthcare workers only adds to the problem. it is time to put americans first and address the damaging effects of illegal immigration. >> harris: i do want to hear from this one person who told fox about the rhetoric from both sides of the political aisle in the wake of the attempted assassination of former
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president trump. let's watch that and joe i will come to you straightaway. >> i think that it will probably calm people down somewhat, you know, make us feel whatever side you are, whatever you believe, we're all human beings and we all have the right to live and these things shouldn't happen. >> harris: joe, i want to tie together, if we can, what happened on saturday puts a real focus on not just our security around our presidents but as therese was just talking about, national security. when you have a border crisis that's burning hot as fire and no one is tending to it as it is happening during the biden administration, it does tie together. you need major resources now because of the people potentially who are in this country who come through an open border. >> that's true. it does affect our borders and the border basically -- what happens we get all these people
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here and people are upset. everybody is coming in here. we are taking care of all these people that are illegal and not taking care of our own people. we have veterans that are here that we aren't taking care of. we have people, seniors that need help and we're giving all this money to these people with t.b. and everything. it affects our economy also. we have a big problem. >> harris: jasmine, do you feel safe with the open border situation where you are? >> i do not feel safe with the open border situation. it is even injuring children under the age of six in the bronx. there is a daycare and a lot of children were sickened by that. it is so terrible to me. so disheartening. i personally work in a daycare and i can't believe that these things are impacting so many young people. so many of our next generation. >> harris: you know, eric, i will come back to you because i'm curious to know what your ideas about how we got here are. i mean, we know of dozens of
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executive orders that biden just wanted -- those policies of trumps wanted to flip the switch. in your estimation, what has gotten us here? >> i think it has been culminating over the course of several years and has just climaxed at this point since biden got elected and shut down some of the policies trump had passed. with that said, i do think that now you are getting less of people from actual latin america proper and getting people coming in to mexico from other countries and i think that validates a lot of what my fellow voters have said. but it has been a long process of not enforcing our laws. >> harris: so i do want to lean in on that point with you, carlos. we've been looking at the numbers together on "the faulkner focus" and as a nation we know how many chinese nation
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always are coming in. the demographics are changing from the people coming here, particularly the ones entering illegally, millions of them. >> yes, i'm in tucson, arizona. i'm sitting 65 miles north of the border. the tucson sector has been sometimes the most active sector. there are probably 1,000 to 1500 illegals being processed, brought into tucson to a center here an ngo run center and processed and being distributed throughout the united states. >> harris: wow. that's a lot of people. >> a lot of people. and when the -- when there was a budget crisis a few months ago they were worried that they were going to lose the funding to
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keep these processing centers open and they were just going to do street releases. can you imagine 1,000 to 1500 people being released onto the streets of a city like tucson, which has only -- we're probably 500,000 people in the city limits. the county is maybe a million. and the other thing is the fentanyl. fentanyl, since we're so close to the border, this is the initial distribution hub for fentanyl. it is so cheap, $0.50 a pill. we get fentanyl tourists coming from other parts of the country to come to tucson because the fentanyl is so cheap. >> harris: i'm glad you said all of that. yes, i can imagine it. parts of texas before abbott was putting up the wire, the razor wire up and the containers trying to do what the
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government, the federal government wouldn't do, stem the tide. i was at the border as that was happening and they were just released on the streets. so i can't imagine it but you hit the nail on the head with fentanyl. at one point that entry point at nogales south of tucson was number one for fentanyl crossing. i know they've tried to push against that. that puts your state in such harm. to hear you say that people need to know that that's the first point where it is distributed from and puts everybody from your state in extreme danger. the cartels only want to move their product. they don't care about lives. chris, what is your experience? >> can i say one thing? i would say the other thing there is -- we've had a crime tax that has been imposed on businesses and residents here in pima county because of this open
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border. the crime that's happening, retail theft, the glass store fronts being broken into, air conditioning units, catalytic converters. it is unbelievable. i think businesses are probably spending a couple thousand dollars a year just to -- we call it the crime tax here in tucson because of this lawlessness. >> harris: i did not know that. that is a lot of great information for your viewers because -- or our viewers because it may mean that in other places they are seeing it and probably does feel like a crime tax. look at where americans are being harmed by illegal immigrants, some of them. who are criminally acting violently. they are already criminals when they come in because they broke our sovereignty law and then do further damage with violent crime. what you are saying is somebody has to pay for the collateral damage they charge or form, rather. in tucson, that's a lot. $2 thousand a year for a small
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business just to fix broken windows and battle back from what illegals are doing is a lot. chris, president trump told me on saturday a lot about what he will do when he comes back into office should he win. should voters put him back there. what do you want to see former president trump do should he win the white house in november? >> so in regards to the fentanyl and in regards to the crime issue, the fentanyl you have to close down the border. that's where it is coming in. it is coming into different communities. not too long ago in a park near my house they had the police come with the drug to take them out of the fentanyl -- the person was under the influence and had to narcan the person. you knowed to close the border. as far as the crime issue, you need to ramp down and help to stop these d.a.s from going soft on crime to encourage the crime.
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here in new jersey, certain communities have posted police cruisers at parkway exits in their town so as to make sure the police can catch the stolen cars before they get on the parkway. just the crime is out of control. again, you have eyes in the back of your head. this has been happening -- i've seen it in new york with my own eyes since 2019, 2020, when you bring these prosecutors in, when you don't enforce the laws as far as crime and as far as imprisoning these people and not letting them out. it is an albany problem in new york. they have to repeal the bail reform issue. when you see that, when you get that change and there is that deterrence that is in place you will see the crime fall. >> harris: i live in new jersey, too. i've seen those. they place those squad cars and
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they look almost like homeland now. in my town on the hudson river they are painted black with recessed letters and making their point we're here. let's get into this. my exclusive interview sit-down at mar-a-lago on saturday hours before the assassination atemp with president trump. so much of what he has said was really interesting to know before he went into that firestorm and survived it and came out with his fist in the air fight, fight, fight. he has a vision for this country. he talked about it with me. and he knows that he could possibly face vice president kamala harris if biden is not ultimately the party's nominee. here is part of our discussion. >> harris: the reports that the biden campaign is polling vice president kamala harris and the strength against you to see how she would do. do you care if it is kamala that you run against? what would you do if it were? >> she has some very bad
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statements out there. some very radical left ideology that won't sell for this country. the country is tired of it. the country is tired of woke and the country is tired of all of these crazy things. open borders. who wants open borders and men to be allowed the play in women's sports and set records not thought of? it is so demeaning to women? it is not competition. who wants this to happen? >> harris: he has definitely thoughts on kamala harris. i come to you for your thoughts, therese. >> under trump, there was a focus on reducing regulations, cutting taxes and promoting a pro-business agenda which resulted in the strong stock market and overall economic growth for every american. under biden there has been a push for increased government spending that has led to steady increases in inflation rates causing concerns about the impact on the economy and cost
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of living for american citizens. that's why we need trump back in as president. >> harris: what do you think of kamala? >> kamala? i think she has a lot to say but she has not shown anything. >> harris: real quickly, joe, your thoughts on vice president kamala if trump should have to face her? >> she was a good senator but when it comes down to being a president, it is a whole different level on how you handle things. i don't think she is ready for that. >> harris: you thought she was a good senator in california? >> i mean, she spoke well in the senate but as far as being a president you see her now as vice president she doesn't do very well. i think that's one of her big problems and why a lot of people don't like her. she doesn't followed through on any policies or anything she has done as a vice president and
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can't really talk about. >> harris: the border is a disaster. she wears the t-shirt that goes with that. everybody, great to talk with you. such terrific perspectives. thank you for your time. god bless you, and vote. that's my word for today. voters' voices, thank you. top democrats finally on board calling for senator bob menendez to step down after his corruption convictions yesterday. 16 felonies for bribery and conspiracy. he was acting as a foreign agent for other countries, for being bribed. he is the guy with the gold bars tucked into clothing in his wife's closet. what happens if he leaves? republicans are trying to flip the senate. every seat counts. congressional democrats are urging the dnc not to rush president biden's nomination. the committee denies it is doing
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anything about that. it denies that it moved the date now for the virtual roll call, the party's division on whether biden should actually be the nominee just got a lot hotter. >> i don't think they can win with joe biden. i think the only way is to find a way for him to say i'm not running and to replace him at the democratic convention in august and hope to god it gives them a shot. our clients love these. you have got to read the testimonials. listen. the proper annuity used correctly can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees. sound too good to be true? if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose.
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>> harris: breaking news yesterday. we were on it. new jersey democrat senator bob menendez facing an explosion of calls within his own democratic party to quit. yeah, you know, they just found you guilty on 16 counts, blah blah blah and he has been through this before. so the rodeo has been tough riding along with this course. the charges are accepting bribes of gold bars and cash from three new jersey businessmen and acting as a foreign agent for the egyptian and qatar governments and perhaps more. at least 40 democratic senators so far have called for menendez to go. eric shawn, senior correspondent now. 40, that means there is barely anybody on the democratic side
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who wants them to stay? >> it could be growing. the message is quit or get kicked out. that's what both sides of the aisles are telling disgraced new jersey senator bob menendez the day after he was convicted of selling his senate seat for cash and gold. menendez found guilty on all charges of bribery, extortion, obstruction of justice and acting as a foreign agent. he maintains he did nothing wrong and despite that chorus of calls to resign for now he is staying put and running for a fourth term in the senate not as a democrat but as an independent. new jersey governor phil murphy, a democrat, says if menendez does not resign, he says the senate should expel him. the governor then would likely appoint the current democratic candidate for senate, congressman andy kim to the seat. kim says menendez also needs to quit. new jersey republican candidate for governor state senator says
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that menendez beat similar charges seven years ago. that, he says, is an example of the entrenched democratic machine that in some cases has tolerated corruption. a university poll last year found an overwhelming 80% of new jersey voters think their politicians are corrupt and get this, only 6% of garden state voters believe they aren't crooked. >> when his own party said he should resign it's an embarrassment that he doesn't resign. when you hold the public trust and you are found convicted, think about that. 12 people, you need a unanimous verdict, tell you, you are corrupt. you should resign. >> bill: turns >> turns out staying put may pay off. he could raise money for a legal defense fund and potentially use campaign contributions to help
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fund his appeal. harris. >> harris: excellent reporting as always both yesterday breaking and then today with all the details. thank you. we have breaking news. we need to get to this right away. we have just learned that the trump rally shooter thomas crooks' parents were looking for him in the hours leading up to the shooting. we're now told they eventually called law enforcement to report that crooks was missing and they were worried, and they also were told, those parents, are now being cooperative now with authorities but they gave them the heads-up that something is going on with our son. we are worried. we don't know the texture or the details of their concern so in other words, were they worried he had a gun? what were they worried about? worried he would try to attempt to kill a sitting president and then go ahead and assassinate --
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turn into an assassin and kill another person and injure two others? attempted assassination on trump but managed to murder anyway. are we talking about that? what were they giving the cops a heads-up about. the first time we're hearing this and stay on the story and bring you the details updates as we get them. crooks' parents were looking for him hours ahead of the assassination attempt on former president trump's life. they were worried about him. all right. more now on this. unity, well, they had it for a hot second. some democrats are now resuming their fight against president biden's candidacy and taking going after the dnc for rushing an early roll call vote to insure that biden is their nominee. they are going after that. the dnc is denying it is rushing anything by announcing last hour
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that any virtual vote would not happen before august 1st. how can you decide that he is the nominee weeks before the convention? when biden normally would get that nomination, if he has what it takes at that point. sounds like they are rigging the deal for him. a group of congressional democrats wrote to the dnc yesterday shutting down any possible change in the democratic ticket is a terrible idea. it could deeply undermine the morale and unity of democrats. democratic congressman andy kim. >> given what we've seen with the resolution i don't think it's the right way to go forward. i think there is room for us to have a tough conversation with each other. we should do it now. i think we should find ourselves in a room, lock the door until we come up with an understanding what the strategy is going forward and until we do so, i think that we have more time. >> harris: i know they say behind the scenes. don't we already know? top democrats are panicking.
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one battleground democrat told "politico" that former speaker nancy pelosi has given the impression she wants biden to take himself off the ticket. "the new york times" reported congressman adam schiff warned donors that democrats could be wiped out if biden stays in the race. another network broke down the data this way. >> with the president's standing, his approval rating and ballot numbers, people's view how old he is and people who view the state of the economy are bad for the president now. even if you just go back to where we start, donald trump is in command, the numbers are getting worse for the president. >> harris: here is what "the new york times" is reporting. biden circle shrinks as democrats fear election wipe out. his closest consultations have not been with his chief of staff or top campaign leaders. instead he has been turning to the first lady and his son, hunter biden, the convicted
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felon who are reportedly shielding him from opposition and bad polling. in other words, they are lying to him. biden is now raising some eyebrows with the pressure for him to step aside continues. >> president biden: it's because of you that i'm president and kamala harris is vice president and by the way, she is not only a great president, she could be president of the united states. >> harris: steve hilton, take it a way. >> i don't think i've ever seen a political party in such shambles. they are in total panic. they don't know what to do. they can write all the letters they want and make all the phone calls they want. unless they have a plan to actually make biden leave, nothing is going to happen. there are two things he has going for him that mean in my opinion he will stay. number one, his own incredible
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narcissism and vanity and ambition since his 20s he has wanted to be president and plotted and schemed to get this job. he said anything and done anything. he won't give it up now. the second thing is that he has support from certain parts of the party that really matter. he has the far left progressives, bernie sanders just wrote an op-ed in the "new york times." stick the biden. squad is behind him. congressional black caucus and congressional hispanic caucus has enough support to keep limping along. >> harris: we have the breaking news. what do you make of the first lady and hunter biden being his top executives in the office now? >> this is what happens when you turn -- when the whole campaign descends into chaos. all the professional people are leaving. nothing left except the people who are the core believers who always have been the ones. the family are the only ones who believe this guy can be president. >> harris: and now they're lying to him. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus".
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