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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 17, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> harris: we come in with this fox news alert. we are learning chilling new details and uncovered now plot to kill former president donald trump. the course we know it was just four days ago that trump survived an attempt on his life. law enforcement sources now confirmed to fox, and this is the way they put it, that a confidential human source recently disclosed the plot to united states officials. you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner with my close family compound you and kayleigh mcenany and joining us today fox news contributor lisa boothe and fox news contributor and senior fellow at the american enterprise institute, mark theissen. these decimation plot is by iran and it's against trump, the latest attempt to kill americans on u.s. soil.
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iranian supreme leader khomeini has effectively put bounties on the heads of trump and former trump administration officials. david spunt is at the justice department. >> we reported on this news 24 hours ago and it happens to be coming to light after this pennsylvania assassination attempt of the former president. sources say it's unrelated at this point. there is no indication that 20-year-old thomas crooks in pennsylvania is involved or was involved with the iranians but four different sources, federal sources tell fox news that this human source came to the government specifically the department of homeland security found out about this alleged plot from iran and then beefed up security via the secret service, that is being
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called into question if former president trump's security was beefed up at all given the fact with what we saw on saturday. there is questions about whether some security was beefed up. one of the four sources made it clear the former president has had a continuous remove threats against his life. people thought it was enough of a threat, whatever the threat may be, that they increase to security. to be clear there's no indication it's related to thomas crooks at all in pennsylvania. yesterday we reported on fai dhs memo that exists to tell members of the law enforcement community, federal and local to
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be vigilant and be alert to potential repeat attacks or revenge attacks. fbi telling fox news we continue to face very real threats from those who seek to undermine our elections. the fbi remains vigilant in our efforts to detect and assess possible threats and as always we encourage the public to promptly report specific activities which could represent a threat to public safety. we don't know anything about any type of repeats from what we saw saturday in pennsylvania or any type of revenge attack from what we saw in pennsylvania but this is just to get everybody on the same page and be alert. >> harris: david's fund, great information. marc thiessen, you have worked on white house before. is this out of sight most times? does this go on? are we surprised iran wouldn't want to kill anybody at this point? >> this is not surprising. when you look at what is
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happening, it is trump that was targeted but in addition to trump, mike pompeo has been targeted by iran. bolton has been targeted by iran. robert o'brien who i worked with, national security advisor, targeted by iran. what do all four of those names have in common, they are either president trump or a trump official. this is not happening in isolation. the target is on trump officials. why? you heard david spunt. the killing of general soleimani. no new wars from iran because iran was too weak. i believe if the trump administration had had six months you would have seen the normalization of relations between saudi arabia and israel. that would be a game changer for iran. iran doesn't wanted to happen so they are trying to stop the man you are seeing on the screen who is the biggest threat to iran's axis of terror.
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>> harris: mark decent, you worked in the white house, i want to know your thoughts. i would imagine there are constantly threats against the lives of our top leaders in this country. iran has got to be part of that spectrum most of the time. they want death to america. >> marc: no doubt. the fact that there was an active threat against donald trump from one of the most sophisticated terror states in the world and the secret service wasn't able to stop a teenager from shooting him is really, really deeply troubling. the good news is probably that in the wake of what happened on saturday they have tightened security. that makes it less likely iran will be able to succeed than they would have been before saturday's events. other silver lining. as kayleigh said, we are going to have a discussion of foreign policy, that's the theme. keep america strong. donald trump is the president who whacked qassem soleimani. and just kill kosten soleimani,
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he told the iranians if they retaliated he had picked out 52 sites inside iran in honor of the 52 american hostages they had taken in 1979 and that he would take them out and hit them hard and fast they retaliated. this is a guy who bombed syria twice. this is a guy who destroyed the isis caliphate. a guy who launched a cyber attack on russia and took out hundreds of wagner mercenaries. this is the guy who told north korea they would suffer's theory. he's not an isolationist. there is a isolationist strain in the republican party and leaving donald trump as a isolationist, i hope we celebrate his achievements tonight because he's not an isolationist. >> harris: i want to get this and that i will come to you. trump administration officials who receive secret service protection in part because of a threat from iran. former national security
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advisors john bolton, robert o'brien, and it's worth noting that john bolton was the subject of an iranian assassination plot. also on the list, former secretary of state mike pompeo, which kayleigh mentioned in detail moments ago. former special representative for iran, brian hook, former defense secretary mark esper and general kenneth mckenzie, former sitcom commander. that's a pretty long list, lisa boothe. >> lisa: why are we hearing about this now? we have known this threat has existed since president trump took out qassem soleimani in january 2020. i find it suspicious of this being put out to the public now just after this assassination attempt, little strange. are we meant to be distracted question reports the point of this? i find it a little odd. but i also think back, did bennie thompson, ranking member of the house homeland security committee know about this threat
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when he sought to remove president trump's security detail with the disgraced former security act? did he know about it then? did president biden when he said that donald trump should be put in a bull's-eye which then makes that kind of rhetoric and the attempt to remove president trump's security detail much more reckless. i do hope today that we hear the reminder of what america looked like with the commander in chief. what america look like when our enemies feared us under president trump, when our allies respected us, there wasn't chaos in the world and we didn't have this kind of fear. i am looking forward to hearing people remind us of what it's like to have a commander in chief again. >> harris: great point. if democrats like the top of their ticket, joe biden, representative benny thompson.
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if they knew. we figure they do. they get the classified national security briefings. if they knew, than it really questions, what are their motives pulling the security detail? and the bill that benny thompson had cosponsored. emily. >> emily: it was congressman thompson's head staffer who made those horrible, reckless, atrocious comments after the attempted assassination about how the shooter shouldn't have missed. number one, the nexus between these credible threat in the open porous border. last month eight suspects associated with isis were arrested in this country, including some of them right here in new york city, that had flowed through the open southern border and that is just the tip of the iceberg with those on the terror watch list that have been found infiltrating our country so when you take these threats and you look at iran, who was probably looking at the fact that a 28-year-old got on a sloped roof, got a direct line of sight to the former
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president, and carried out an actionable threat that somehow fell through all the layers of security, then they are looking at this and saying gosh, that's even easier than we thought. so if president biden was serious with his kind and important words were he called political violence absolutely unacceptable and called for the safety and protection of president trump, then close the southern border. the second point is that as you listed all these esteemed officials who have had credible threats against them by iran, islamic republic and more, the point is that this is why the secret service needs all the resources and all the credibility that it can have so that it ensures the success of its protection of these people. >> harris: that's right. we have to know where they fell down if that's what happened. we know what the stakes are. they are very high. protecting those people who serve this country. coming up, exclusive new video giving us a fresh look at
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law enforcement's response to the trump assassination attempt. plus, a live report on the latest from that investigation, the parents of the suspect. we're going to drill in on why they were worried and contacted police before the shooting. ese—- and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.
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>> emily: we are learning new details about the shooter and his parents' actions hours before the trump assassination attempt. let's go to cb cotton live in butler pens maine with the latest details. butler, pennsylvania. >> as federal agents and committees demand answers we are learning the shooter's parents called law enforcement on the day of the rally to say they couldn't find their son. we know they are cooperating
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with law enforcement and this comes as a new photograph obtained by local station w pxi shows a detonator device found next to thomas matthew crooks body. crooks had explosives inside his car, bomb making materials inside his home. the alarming photo raises questions about whether crooks had other plans as he opened fire. less than 200 yards away from the rally stayed well position on the rooftop which the secret service as was within the perimeter delegated to local law enforcement. a federal source told me there was a local law enforcement presence inside the building the shooter was on top of, echoing what the secret service director stated during an "abc news" interview. but now there are conflicting reports from local media who cite sources who say local officers were only positioned inside a nearby building. we know from federal sources crooks was spotted acting
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suspicious before the rally and several photos including this one were captured and exchanged among officers during about a 30 minute window before the gun gunfire. trump's family now reacting to what's being called a major security failure. >> a major breach. i don't want to be the guy doing conspiratorial. i'm sure plenty of people will. all of those questions are fair game because it's so ridiculous. so flagrant. >> "the new york times" is not reporting the gunman received several packages labeled "hazardous material" in the last several months. emily. >> emily: thank you. harris, i want to come to you. some of your commentary last hour struck me. you talked about the parents making contact with police and you said "we don't know the texture of that conversation or their concerns." i think that is so brilliant. he reminds me of when i was
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supervisor returning with the federal government and the chief judge that i was supporting told me one day there's a fine line between homicide and suicide and we were talking about the context of employees that needed help in certain ways that the risk is sometimes much greater or much more outward than you might think in that moment. what are your thoughts about the dynamic in the parents in the morning here? >> harris: you know, they said they were worried. i think it's really important that we know what they were buried about. were they worried he had a gun? were they worried he would use it on someone else? what you point to, would use it on himself? i don't know necessarily what they would call the police about if they knew perhaps he needed help. i don't know how long they had been looking for him. and what they knew he had with him and all of that. but if you new york kid took 100 rounds of ammunition and all the other things the authorities have told us he had with him. he probably wasn't going to just
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kill himself. but we don't know because the texture of what they called police about is not known. until we know that, i don't think we can jump to any conclusions about what, did they give them a heads up if he was going to plot to kill a former president? what we can say is this, something was wrong with thomas crooks. thomas crooks was dissing. his parents thought there was something wrong and the missing part spelled trouble enough that the cops had to get involved. >> emily: lisa, let's focus on those local cops for a second. lots happening online, lots of armchair quarterbacking. the sheriff of butler county says if i am interrupted talking about the shooter that harris mentioned and i move my gun, you're going to have to reassess the whole situation so yes, you can make a case that those two officers indeed saved the president's life. >> lisa: i think we have heard a lot of excuses. we know a suspicious person was
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seen at 5:41 p.m. with a range finder and was able to get shots off at 6:11 p.m. how was he not stopped in the interim? how the heck did this happen is what we are asking as americans. you've got a guy who for most of his adult life has been told president trump is hitler. it's not hard to see the kind of environment this has created. i think we have seen the best and worst of america on july 13th. the best with president trump's response, reassuring america that we are good, he is good, he is resilient, willing to take a bullet for this country. american say usa, helping their neighbor, helping th each othert the event. this environment or government doesn't seem to function. secret service was outsmarted by a teenager on a sloped roof. if we learn more about the government, does anyone trust what they tell us? >> emily: we have the director
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of the secret service who has pushed blaine elsewhere while many -- pushed blaine elsewhere. pushed blame elsewhere. >> kayleigh: there were heroes in secret service that day, those seven agents, heroes. they did their job. the counter sniper did his job. the theater of secret service, kimberly cheadle, why weren't you at the briefing in the 24 hours after the shooting? we heard from local law enforcement. we didn't hear from you. this is the first assassination attempt on the sitting president and 43 years and you don't communicate with the american public? the first time we hear from you is in an abc interview where you defiantly say i'm not stepping down and the reason you give that no one was on that roof, the reason you give is that the building in particular has a sloped roof and its highest point. "we made the decision to secure the building from inside."
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give me a break. what about the security of the president of the united states? you can stand on a sloped roof. i walked into the white house every day and saw agents on the sloped roof. done with excuses. go before congress. >> emily: all of their training is on sloped roofs. that is nonsense. >> marc: reminds me of what donald trump said in the debate that biden never fires anybody. nobody got fired for the debacle in afghanistan. nobody got fired for that border disaster. now no one is going to get fired for failing to protect the president of the united states. it's a microcosm of everything that is wrong with the biden presidency. >> harris: nancy mace, congressman, told me she had gotten off the phone with chairman of oversight, james comer. they now know from the delays from the united states secret service to come to the hill, they keep delaying the hearings. they know kimberly cheadle is
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not going to under her own volition come in. they fully anticipate by today having to subpoena her. >> emily: wow. we will bring you any developments on that as they arise. coming up, powerful messages from american speaking at the rnc and what we can expect from j.d. vance's major address as trump's running mate. that's tonight. stay with us."
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>> kayleigh: it's a big day here in milwaukee at the rnc. make america strong again, that's the theme of day three at the rnc. haheadlining speaker, j.d. vanc, who sources say he will focus his speech on his life story. last night the moving speeches were delivered by victims of crime and border crises that
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americans all over the country are facing. madeline is the mother of an army sergeant and she said her hero son survived firefights with the taliban only to get fatally beaten and stabbed on the streets of new york city. >> responsible for his death. initially or facing justice. that changed when district attorney alvin bragg was ele elected. [booing] suddenly two of the homicidal maniacs are responsible for son's death had their gang assault and murder charges completely dismissed. we need justice for victims! and we need accountability for prosecutors who fail in their
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duty. >> kayleigh: and michael touchingly spoke about his sister rachel morin, the mother of five who was found rathe suspect charged in the cae never should have been here. >> my sister's death was preventable. the monster arrested for killing rachel entered the u.s. unlawfully after killing a woman in el salvador. what has gotten us through this unthinkable loss is our faith in jesus christ. [applause] and as brutal as the murder of my sister was, i pray that her killer will find jesus christ.
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>> kayleigh: absolutely beautiful. perhaps the most heartbreaking account, it gave me chills, even former president trump turned to vice president j.d. vance, vice president shall hopeful. the loss of her 15-year-old son weston. >> we did everything right. i have those conversations with him and fentanyl still found my son. on february 27, 2022, our lives were shattered and our baby was gone. this was not an overdose. it was poisoning. his whole future, everything we ever wanted for him was ripped away in an instant. and joe biden does nothing.
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i hold joe biden, kamala harris, the borders czar, what a joke, gavin newsom, every democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son. >> kayleigh: emily, the stories of everyday americans, and they gave me chills. there were tears. really beautiful moments of support from the crowd. it was really something. >> emily: i was struck by and grateful for the camera angles that showed so many grieving audience members. the empathetic anguish, so many people crying including myself. i too was watching this live and i was crying and my heart just breaks for these families that are suffering in such preventable anguish as their loved ones have been poisoned and murdered and fallen at the hands of these broken policies. i felt that their pleas were so simple and effective.
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[clears throat] excuse me. important for our sitting president to hear, justice for victims as ms. brame said. accountability for prosecutors under these policies. what more than you want other than to say their names, s and said, her son weston. why can't our sitting president see that? >> kayleigh: preventable anguish. last night the big moment was when nikki haley set i support president donald j. trump period. it was a bridging of the party. >> marc: it wasn't so readily important that she was so well received. i went back yesterday and added up all the numbers from the primaries. nikki haley got four-point to million votes in the g.o.p. primaries including about a million they came after she came out of the campaign. donald trump needs her voters. donald trump needs every one of
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those four-point to million votes and so the fact that he reached out to her and invited her to come speak and the fact that she came and spoke and endorsed him so wholeheartedly is really, really important for the outcome of this election. >> kayleigh: it is. behind me tonight, the big moment, hopeful vice president j.d. vance taking the stage. he needs to bring hillb hillbilly-elegy to the stage. national introduction. >> harris: i do think his personal story is so compelling. i remember when the book came out. i didn't see the movie but when the book came out it was like a best seller for quite some time. many people have read it. it's applicable especially now because there's some of the people suffering under the high inflation, high interest rates and low ability of this current president to see her suffering. i really want people to understand what it takes to go from that of becoming a marine
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to becoming a senator to becoming the nominee for the vice president of the united states of america. he can uniquely tell the story of that journey and give hope to so many americans. the other point i want to make has to do with nikki haley. it was more important for her, yes it was critical to endorsement for her to do from the perspective of you may not agree with everything trump has to say, she said, as she does. that's really, really critical. you've got enough people in the tent for trump to be nominated obviously. but to beat biden and whatever the democrat machine you see they are trying to move up to date for nomination to protect him to august 1, long before their convention. they wanted to be him, the dnc. so to beat that machine, it's about that more than biden. you're going to need, as mark said. particularly in battleground
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states. that is speaking to independents, not just republicans who say i just don't like trump but if he is the one, maybe. you need firm yeses and you needed from independents. >> kayleigh: 100% correct. as j.d. vance takes the stage, a poll says 80 of gen z does not leave the american dream is available. he could say the american dream is alive and well and i'm here to show that. >> lisa: i'm so glad you mentioned that because it's been on my mind. we've heard a lot about the diversity, the unity, these different things. there is also appeal to younger voters underway as well. as you mention, vivek ramaswamy also appealing directly to gen z, say you're going to be the generation that saves this country. we saw governor huckabee sanders, the youngest current governor in america right now, or j.d. vance lead the third youngest vice president in
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american history so there's this appeal to a group of voters who are feeling hopeful. they are feeling hopeless. can't afford to own a home. can't afford to get ahead. you have someone who has done that growing up in poverty to become this great success but we are talking about gen z, could be 40 million members of gen z voting in this election. the appeal to younger voters, as you pointed out where president trump has been doing well is so important and i'm glad you pointed that out. >> kayleigh: great point. next, not a lot of people are talking about this but the stunning new poll showing the number of americans want a defiant president biden to step aside. it's a pretty big number. we will show you next. one day, your joints hurt. next, it's on your skin. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. feel less joint pain swelling and tenderness back pain and clearer skin and help stop further joint damage with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx.
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>> kayleigh: we have new polling data from the associated press that reveals a staggering number of americans want president biden to drop out. 70% believe he should withdraw so that democrats can pick someone else. that is stunning. even more stunning, 65% of democrats agree. biden has been waiting for the numbers. we have them. the nightmare poll comes as calls to dig president biden are back after quieting down in the wake of the assassination attempt against former president trump. even congressman adam schiff said "i think we democrats lose if biden stays in the race." but that doesn't seem to be getting through to the president who seems to think it's his duty to stay in the race. speak out when i originally ran you may remember i said i was going to be a transitional candidate. i thought i would be able to move from this and pass it on to someone else.
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i didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. >> kayleigh: lisa, there has been a ton of reporting, a lot of it overlooked because everyone is focused on the rnc but the day before the assassination attempt, they say there was a call that took place between biden and moderate democrats. i want you to listen to the discretion of the call. the call was even worse in the debate according to one of the participants. he was rambling, he would start an answer, lose his train of thought and then say "whatever." he really couldn't complete an answer. i lost a ton of respect. a second person said the president was rambling, dismissive of concerns, unable to have a strategy. had this assassination attempt not occurred an hour later i would assume 50 people on this zoom are ready to come out publicly against him. the biden campaign pushes back but that's fascinating. >> lisa: it is fascinating. i think we all know with respect that president joe biden is no
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longer mentally with us. we have all seen it on display. we know that to be true. if you get rid of joe biden, you are stuck with kamala harris. if you get rid of kamala harris, you're admitting that not only did you mess it up with joe biden but you also messed it up with kamala harris. and you're telling the voters who voted in this process to go pound sand, that their vote doesn't matter. they are in a pickle with this. the lack of enthusiasm as well for the democrat ticket. the most hopeful, i feel the most hopeful i am or have about president trump and republicans' chances this election cycle and really helpful for america. >> kayleigh: the political playbook obtained a memo from a democrat polling group and what it shows is alternative democrat candidates run ahead of biden by an average of three points across battleground states. nearly every democrat performs better than the president, includes kamala harris, though
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she runs behind other alternatives. the polling data is there if he wants to look at it. >> marc: yeah. trump beats them all which still, because this shows democrats have a structural problem that doesn't get solved by joe biden leaving the ticket which is no one would care about his age if the border was secure and inflation was low and the world was at peace. it's the policies he has unleashed and the plethora of disasters he has unleashed, that the democrats have unleashed on the country that are dragging down his numbers. the age issue and the infirmity is just confirmation of the incompetence. but it's the policies that are dragging this president down. changing the head of the ticket isn't going to change that. >> kayleigh: "new york times" says, and i am stunned that biden has a 500 person campaign team. apparently doesn't want to hear from them. only wants to hear from mike donnellan, longtime friend. >> harris: the reporting today around this shrinking circle of
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the president, you've got it on the campaign side but the disturbing thing for the american people is that he is now not including in that circle his chief of staff reportedly or top advisors. the aides around him. someone is writing the script, right? we know he's getting some help from them. the people he is taking the most advice from our dr. jill biden, who doesn't see patience except for maybe him. [laughter] and his son, the convicted felon, hunter biden. that's who reportedly he is most -- spending most of his advisory time with. that's an issue. we didn't elect them in the elected official didn't appoint them to a position. we need to know what his decision-making workflow is like for the good of the country. governor sarah sanders said last night, to much laughter, every day is take your husband to workday in the white house. >> emily: that made me laugh out loud. i love her so much. to harris' point, guys, it's
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like the olympics where someone you're racing against false, you don't stop to help. you let someone else help. focus on the finish line. right now all of us need to be focused on this president, the sitting president as our president right now and how he's feeling and galvanize that to vote accordingly in november. don't pay attention to the dumpster fire. watch it. light the cigarette off of it afterwards. >> kayleigh: why some members of the liberal media reportedly want to bury this iconic historic photo former president trump taken moments after he was nearly assassinated. next. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going,
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>> dhs has launched an investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. how are balls so badly dropped? we will talk to an agent and jason chaffetz who held hearings into the secret service. nearly 100 hours after it happened why have we heard literally nothing from the federal government? a new ap poll shows nearly two-thirds of democrats want joe biden to be replaced on a planned roll call vote for his nomination next week has been pushed back. how long can biden hang on? it's foreign policy and national security night at the rnc.
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we will talk to gold star dance. our conditions right for a hostage release in israel question what the israeli defense minister says yes. ambassador michael oren joins us. i am john roberts. join sandra and me top of the hour for "america reports." >> emily: images capturing historic moments can have a significant impact on u.s. elections and on american politics overall. this week the photo former president trump standing tall moments after an assassination attempt, fist raised in the air, blood streaming down his face, arguably one of those images. it was chosen to appear on the cover of "time" because of its "historical significance." a new report reveals some in the media want to bury the iconic photo that shows trump standing strong. axial's reporting "a photo editor and photographer from the major news outlets had the amount that publications have been using the photo is
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kind of free p.r. for trump in a way and it's dangerous, they said, for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is." another photographer whose freelance for major publications worry that the photo would become "a propaganda machine." with the image itself making trump a martyr. i want to talk about the good that can be done with photographs and why it's so shocking that those would purport to stamp out the iconic imagery and the project took a positive effect can have. an incredible artist here in new york city has raised so much money right now that he's donating to the family of corey comperatore anti-trump campaign. street speed 717 saying they donated thousands of the family of the person who was destroyed by that shooter. it has nothing to do with politics, kayleigh, but so much to do with how this image inspires americans and the good that can come with it.
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>> kayleigh: no doubt. corey comperatore, a patriot, a hero. he died shielding his daughter from bullets. he's a firefighter, a churchgoing man. the photos highlight families in the demonstration of that day. these photos are from people in the white house press corps, getty images. the associated press. "the new york times." taking photographs since the early 1980s in the white house. these are history. these aren't propaganda photos. they aren't p.r. photos. >> emily: marc thiessen, that's exactly right. this is an historical moment that was captured. take from it what you will, americans, the role of the media is to keep it out there, the fact out there. not to tamp it down. >> marc: first of all, i am in awe of these photographers. they stood up and got these pictures. unbelievable journalists. the idea that any news editor
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would look at their work and say we've got to suppress this shows they learn nothing from the biden cognitive story. jill abramson from "the new york times" had a lot of reporters didn't cover that story because they thought it would help trump and how terrible it was and now you are repeating this. this is my seven in ten americans in a gala ball so they have little or no trust in the media today. >> emily: it serves to compound the tragedy of an attempted assassination. >> lisa: it tells us that too many in the media are interested in propagandizing us in so telling us the truth. when i see this photo i see american strength and american resiliency, commander in chief that will lead us on a better path that will right the ship we are currently on. i see the photo and it makes me proud as an american, makes me proud to go out and vote for donald trump. >> emily: me too. more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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>> breaking news in the "los angeles times" when your friends turn against you buried california congressman adam schiff has now asked biden to leave. he will kiss up to empty here is the quote, "has been one of the most consequential presidents in ancient history has left him as a vice president now president has made our country better" and here is the quote "but" which if it came before the word but he probably didn't mean it that it will undermine, blah, blah, blah, the choice to withdraw from the campaign is president biden's alone but shift believes it's time for biden to pass the torch. breaking news. the former head of intel when your friends turn against you. all right, that will do it for us on "outnumbered" more news, "america reports" now. speak to the alert on that ver


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