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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 17, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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for gmg and picture your life in motion. >> john: fox news alert looking at battleground michigan were vice president harris is about to speak over the most prominent sitting democrat yet come adam schiff called on her boss, joe biden, to drop out of the race. schiff says he has serious concerns as to whether biden can beat donald trump. with that welcome to our four of "america reports" i'm john roberts in washington. sander, it's kind of like, you know, what is the best way to put it? >> sandra: you at a loss for words? this never happens. >> john: i am just trying to figure out a gentle way of saying they are ganging up on him. >> sandra: got yet. this is the most prominent democrat to call on him to step down although he did say if he stays and he will support him
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and it's ultimately his dec decision. that makes listening for kamala harris in a few moments kind of interesting. she is expected to speak in 20 minutes. we will be listening to her remarks live and see if she has anything to say about what happened on saturday, john i'm sandra smith in new york this is "america reports." also breaking today democrats pushing back their plan to nominate biden as their nominee slowing down this process as dissent grows even louder. "the new york times" now reporting that biden's circle is shrinking as the party fears election wipe out saying "he is increasingly isolated during the biggest political crisis. >> john: but in milwaukee republicans are uniting behind donald trump come his running mate senator j.d. vance just hours away from what may be the most important speech of his life. rio fox team coverage, bret baier joins us in just a moment. >> sandra: but let's get to alexis mcadams live in milwaukee for us. what we can expect on day three, this is going fast, of the rnc
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what does j.d. vance plan to talk about tonight? >> sandra, john, we are hearing from a source familiar this will all come down to j.d. vance introducing himself to the american people and all of the people watching closely at the republican national convention in milwaukee. starting with where he grew up, j.d. says he grew up dirt poor in appalachia, has been through a lot in his life, his dad left him when he was six years old, his mother struggled hard with addiction and he hopes to share that to the american people to show he is an average guy who now has risen up from all of that and could be going to the white house. it all came down according to the trump family to former president and j.d. vance clicking, watch. >> just the perfect pick. there is a chemistry with my father that i think is perfect. >> that's the theme it's make america strong again. ohio senator j.d. vance expected to talk about trade, immigration, inflation, and
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stopping never-ending wars. the foreground of the yale law school will talk about those experiences and connect them to trump policies i am told folding and first-hand experience of the upbringing he has had that he believes has shaped his views, the speaker of the house weighing in on j.d., listen. >> he brings a lot to the table. he has great life experience, a great story coming from humble beginnings, military background, he is a thoughtful guy. a really intelligent guy. yale educated lawyer. he brings a lot to the table and a lot to the ticket. >> as you mentioned kamala harris will be up on that stage in michigan and a short time from now. we do know she called j.d. vance and congratulated him on becoming the vp nominee, but hey, the attacks are already on from the dnc, listen. >> tonight will hear from trump's running mate j.d. vance a man with a record just as extreme and an agenda just as threatening as donald trump.
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>> a former committee cases director you may remember, sander, for vp harris called vance the greatest threat to harris up on the debate stage and we know that could be a possibility here in the coming weeks if those two debate we will see how it goes, sandra. >> sandra: we will indeed live from milwaukee. >> john: let's bring in bret baier a special report anchor and executive fox news anchor so here is what in part adam schiff said he said "our nation is at a crossroads, the second term presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy and i have serious concerns about whether president trump or whether the president, rather, can defeat donald trump in november. while the choice to withdraw his president biden's alone i believe it's time for him to pass the torch. in doing so as to secure his legacy for leadership by allowing us to the feet donald trump of the upcoming election. kayleigh mcenany was on a few minutes ago she thought this would significant because he is
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very close to nancy pelosi. and like george clooney, likely would have run this past nancy pelosi before coming out with it. clooney as you remember ren's op-ed past obama and obama did not object. >> i buy that, jon perry good afternoon. i think there are a number of work democrats and republicans here in milwaukee around the coverage of this convention. i've run into some of them. some prominent. and they agreed with that promise. that adam schiff is tied at the hip to nancy pelosi and would probably not have gone this far as the guy who probably is going to be the next senator in california if all goes his way, as expected. this statement says something bigger. that is that there may be this effort to really push to get president biden to agree to this many primary, to step down from the nomination and to form this
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effort to get a nominee before the august convention. this pushback of the date of august 7th in chicago august 19th "the new york times" front page, all of this, biden own circle is shrinking, anxiety and the party expands, you know, this is the bible for democratic circles, "the new york times." and i think that is the story developing day by day. >> john: here are some headlines as the dems are appearing this way about "the new york times" headline in milwaukee g.o.p. transformation from dysfunctional to united. another "new york times" "new york times" headline biden's circle shrinks as democrats fear election wipeout. brett, this was nikki haley's big speech last night, some of it. >> i will start by making one thing perfectly clear. donald trump has my strong
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endorsement, period. we should acknowledge that there are some americans who don't agree with donald trump at 100 of the time. you don't have to agree with trump 100% of the time to vote for him. >> sandra: how far did her message go with swaying some voters who might just say they aren't ready to vote for donald trump? >> sandra: yes, well we don't know that yet. i think we will see a lot more in polls coming up. we haven't really seen all of the polling that has happened since obviously the assassination attempt on saturday we will probably not have that for a another week or two but i do think that message was well received in the whole. obviously the former president went into the convention hall early to sit there and listen to that speech. and also governor of florida ron desantis' speech which was also well received. and its projected unity and that
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is a giant contrast to what we are seeing on the other side of the democrats which are really kind of chaotic right now. >> john: so kamala harris will be speaking in michigan in the minutes ahead. we will see if she has anything to say about the assassination attempt on the saturday. here is what she said about trump's running mate j.d. vance in the new ad, listen to this. >> trump look for someone who knew would be a rubber-stamp for his extreme agenda and make no mistake, j.d. vance will be loyal only to trump. not to our country. >> john: trump look for someone who would be a rubber-stamp for his "extreme agenda." what happened to biden's call to lower the temperature of the rhetoric? >> well, maybe one day. and i think they will be back on the campaign trail. you are probably going to see if they use that on the campaign trail, a threat to democracy,
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extremist maga a lot. expect that to resurface. the vice president and the vance campaign confirmed that. they talked about a vice presidential debate worth reminding people that the former president agreed on behalf of is yet to be named nominee for a fox presidential debate. the biden/harris campaign agree to a cbs presidential debate so we will see how that all works out. but we are ready either way. i think it will be fascinating to see those two sat down and clearly they are on the way to do that. >> sandra: brett, i want to put this on this latest poll on the biden and democrats the majority of americans say they do want biden to withdraw from this race. overall 75% democrats. among democrats 65% say they want him to step out of this race. all of this as we put the headline up on the screen a
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moment ago. here is from inside of that "new york times" article. biden's circle shrinking as democrats fear election wipeout. it reads "biden is relying on members of his family, brett, a tight-knit clan including his son, hunter and the first lady jill biden with loyalists to steer him through a self creating crisis and quell a rising rebellion against his candidacy from within his own party. yet, when he sits down for an interview, this is how he responds. to whether or not he will stay in the race. listen. >> who do you listen to on deeply personal issues like the decisions whether to stay in the race or not? >> me. >> sandra: so, that leaves us wondering. >> listen, this is building. i think the assassination attempt put it on hold. i think to look at the reporting
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of the zoom call with a number of house democrats where there could have been 50 of them that came out and said they were calling for him to step down, but the assassination attempt on former president trump happens and that is the lead. i expect the president to go out and about to try to campaign, maybe do some interviews as we have said we welcomed them on special report and other shows on fox. and to try to salvage this but more and more this is a boulder going down the hill. it seems like democrats are getting their head around how to do it. the logistics of it will be tough. >> john: biden has lost schiff, nancy pelosi's loss too but we will wouldn't say that but she has been working greater reports behind the scenes to find a way to push them out. listen to what biden told that about getting out of the race >> i recently ran and i said
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i would be a transitional candidate. i thought i would be able to pass it on to someone else. but i didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. >> john: he says he thought he will be able to move past it and pass the torch to somebody else, but he stubbornly is staying in. when so many other democrats are saying no, please, pass the torch. >> you said you would, that's what i'm hearing and i think we will hear more and more allowed calls. i think the barack obama team is definitely on the side of having president biden step back. listen to all of the accolades from the obama years and what they are saying publicly. it is very loud, and it's going to get louder i think. >> sandra: i'm sure you are hearing a lot of that chatter around milwaukee. brett, thank you so much for it joining us, awesome coverage and we look forward to tonight.
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>> you bet, we will see you. >> thank you, brett, see you tonight. >> sandra: elon musk is grabbing a lot of headlines. for when he picked a side in the presidential race and two he is parting ways with california. so what was the final straw and who is he back in? >> sandra: plus secret service director under pressure as more come about security lapses leading up to the assassination attempt on former president trump. from utah congressman jason chaffetz when he was chairman of the oversight committee ran an investigation into the secret service. what he said then and what are you saying now coming right up. >> if the leadership in question for example is not setting the model for the way that the mission needs to be carried out, then that leader is no longer worthy of remaining in the position.
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>> john: the fbi and secret service will brief every lawmaker on the security lapses in butler, pennsylvania, over the weekend. there are big questions about secret service director kimberly cheadle and how she ended up leaving the agency. our hillary vaughn's lab on capitol hill and hillary, how is cheadle reacting to all of this? >> don, john, cheadle insists the buck stops with her and following the assassination attempt on former president trump so now cheadle herself is under a microscope since president biden appointed her as secret service director almost two years ago. she has made diversity a day one priority at the secret service setting a goal to get 30% of new recruits to be women by 2030. on trump's detail in butler, pennsylvania, there were several
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female agents. 's who >> i'm very conscious as i sit in this chair now of making sure we needed to attract diverse candidates and ensure we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce. particularly women. >> part of cheadle's or a woman push included having a youtube influencer come and train with the secret service in a lighthearted comedic style documentary while diversity has been a big priority for cheadle, republicans want transparency to now take a bigger focus. her explanation for the security gaps that lead to saturday's assassination attempt the sloped roof to use sugar ultimately fired from was an unsafe spot for a secret service sniper team to be carried republicans say it doesn't make sense. >> obviously there were security lapses. you don't have to be special ops expert to understand that. her explanation to the media that there was a slant on the
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roof so there was safety concerns -- >> there was a slant for the shooter too. >> come on. i think she has shown were her priorities are. >> another initiative cheadle has pushed for in her almost two year tenure is getting congress to fund a life-size white house replica for them to train and but considering a lot of the job happens outside the white house when presidents and former presidents are on the road come on the campaign trail i can butler, pennsylvania, maybe they should also ask for funding from congress to build some buildings with some sloped roofs john? >> john: hillary vaughn for us on the north wall of the white house. hillary, thank you. center? >> sandra: thank you let's bring in jason chaffetz now fox news contributor, thank you for jumping in with us. here is a live look, kalamazoo, michigan, where we know a campaign event is happening there. vice president kamala harris is expected to deliver remarks. we are told this is the speaker introducing her.
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there is a silly a possibility being about 92 hours now, right john? since the assassination attempt of the former president donald trump. it's possible those could come up in her remarks will be looking for that. give us your thought as she will be speaking in the very moment where a growing number of democrats most prominently now adam schiff calling for biden to step out of this race. >> yes, this is democrats recognizing joe biden does not have the cognitive or physical capabilities to be an aggressive figure on the campaign trail. he is poor into medication, kamala harris is worse her numbers are even more upside down then joe biden's. they have a real problem because they put diversity over competence. when you do that you end up with a kamala harris who has accomplished nothing in the last 3.5 years. quite frankly, all they have
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been able to campaign on is anti-trump, anti-trump, anti-trump because they don't have policies that can drive the agenda forward. and to be attractive to the american people. >> john: let's turn to the secret service. let's see how we got to where we were on saturday with the elevated position of able to see the president was unguarded. when you were chairman in 20 2014-2015 you lead an investigation into the secret service because of several security lapses in misconduct. the report that came out said in part "the united states secret service's test with a zero failure mission to protect the president end of the perfect ease at all costs. the agency's weaknesses have been exposed by a series of security failures at the white house during presidential bid i it's the mike to visits including vice president biden and former president former president of the united states. it's been a decade since that report came out has anything really changed? >> no and it's infuriating. i sent more than two years in a
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bipartisan way we looked at over 150 security incidents, shots fired at vice president biden's residence they didn't even have cameras and they cannot show me video, never call the perpetrators. so it was fundamentally wrong. i think i'm being told rat. >> sandra: thank you, jason. spoken like a true professional. kamala harris taking to the stage in kalamazoo, michigan, let us listen to the vice president's remarks. [cheers and applause] >> vice president harris: a good afternoon, good afternoon hi come everyone. please have a seat come everyone please have a seat. it's really good to be back in michigan, i want to thank you all for the work you are doing. debbie, where are you? that extraordinary senator of yours, she is over there somewhere. there she is. thank you, senator. every time i think i've come to the stage she has met me on the tarmac including today if they can for your leadership always. thank you. before we begin our conversation
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today with these two extraordinary leaders i do want to discuss briefly what happened on saturday. i have not yet had the chance to publicly talk about it. but i will say a few words about the attempt on the life of former president trump over the weekend. as we know, it was a heinous, horrible, and cowardly act. my husband, doug and i are thankful he was not seriously injured. that today as soon as we saw what was happening we said a prayer for his well-being. and our thoughts immediately turned to melania we have met and their family. the bottom line is no one should have to fear for the safety of a log one because they serve in public office our hearts go out to a true hero protecting his family to cory and doug and eye of course are holding them in our hearts.
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we hold in our hearts those who were quickly injured, a swift and full recovery. and to the first responders and local authorities. the united states of america, i believe, is the greatest democracy the world has ever known. [applause] yes. in this weekend's shooting one of the questions we now confront one of the questions we now confront is about how we should engage with one another in this campaign. on sunday evening our president joe biden issued a call for unity. there must be unity around the idea that while our nation's history has been scarred by
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political violence, violence is never acceptable. there will be no equivocation about that. [applause] at the same time, the hallmark of american democracy, the homework of any democracy is a strong competition of ideas and just as we must reject political violence, we must also embrace a robust discussion about what is at stake in this election. the surest way to reaffirm the strength of our democracy is by engaging in a vigorous and civil exchange of ideas. and one of the ideas, one of the principles that is at stake in this election is the issue of reproductive freedom.
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[applause] and that is why i am here today to discuss that topic. i look forward to our conversation, thank you all very much. >> sandra: brief remarks by vice president kamala harris in kalamazoo, michigan. she took to the podium at 2:23 p.m. eastern time so she spoke for about 4 minutes out of the gate she addressed the attempted assassination of former president donald trump calling it a heinous, horrible, and cowardly act. thankful he did not have a more serious injuries. she said she and her husband immediately turned to prayer for the former president. her thoughts turned to melania and family although i don't know if they phone call ever took place. she also set her heart goes out to the one who lost his life in that crowd shielding his family, comparatore cory, b remarks and now she will engage in a sit down with a panel in
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kalamazoo. spewing also praying for the brief recovery to the two men injured as well with jason chaffetz, here is the thing. i have been to so many presidential rallies i know you have as well because i have seen you there. been to so many presidential events. the one thing the secret service never lets happen is that there is a line of sight opportunity for somebody with a rifle to be able to get in a position where they could potentially shoot the president. so if you have a line of sight like you did, here is the map of what happened at butler, pennsylvania, there should have been either a barricade between that building and the stage, and if a barricade would not work because it is an elevated position they will use buses or dump trucks you have to put an agent or uniformed officer on that roof. here's what kim cheadle said about that, listen. >> that building a particular has a sloped roof.
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so there is a safety factor. it would be considered we would not want to put some on a sloped roof. so, you know the decision was made to secure the building from inside. >> john: in terms of the sloped roof i had a contractor from florida who emailed me a little while ago saying he has put up thousands of these buildings. that looked like a 1-12 sloped roof which means every 12 feet of length goes down 1 foot whereas the roofs the counter sniper teams were on looked more like a 2-1243/12 so they had a greater pitch than the one kirks was using. if you had counter sniper teams, jason on those buildings behind the president why wouldn't you have uniformed officers doesn't have to be a sniper team on the building so nobody got up on it? >> barney fife could've figured this out. anybody. you have local police evidently calling in. they were there pointing out the problem. look, here is the problem i have with the secret service. look, we looked at 150 security
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incidents. they have the aura of this impenetrable security but what we pointed out is it is an agency in crisis and they don't do the basic work. they don't have the proper training. they don't do the proper recruitment. they are pathetic when they do these things. there are some really good men and women who are overworked and what they do, but they don't do the proper training. you know the average secret service agent and uniformed officer what we found? the average amount of training they do in a year is 30 minutes. 30 minutes in a year, that is how much training they do. so it is inexcusable. they also have a culture of deception. they have lied to the american people, they have lied to congress time and time again, you can't have the fbi agent go out there after the incident and say we have not yet identified the shooter. as soon as we do we will let you know who it is but it's a 20-year-old male. how did you know it was a 20-year-old male? and then they say oh there is no more threat. how do you know there is no more
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threat if you haven't identify the person? and then they make this excuse about the pitched roof outside the perimeter, they have -- i can say here for hours and tell you about stories how they deceive the american people and congress. >> sandra: it is shocking how little we have heard from the authorities and officials on all of this, jason, thank you you bring up a lot more questions. it is day three of the rnc speakers expecting to foreign dominic ham or foreign policy so what do our allies in israel hope to hear from a possible trump administration former israeli ambassador mike or i will join us live on that next.
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this is set to take off moments from now followed by the house. ever signal member of the house will be briefed. live on capitol hill we have talked to some members who don't believe they are really going to get substantial new information, chad, perhaps we can be hopeful they will pay what are you hearing? >> center, there are two levels of exasperation among lawmakers. first, how did the secret service fail in such breathtaking fashion? and secondly, lawmakers are seething about a dearth of information. house speaker mike johnson intends to fix that. >> since the assassination attempt within hours i was on the phone with secretary mayorkas of homeland security, he did not have satisfactory answers at that time. answers have not been forthcoming. >> john cena centralizing the te house inquiry through the speaker's office he says that will accelerate the probe. johnson wants secret service officer kimberly cheadle to design and same with rick scott.
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>> taking the responsibility sometimes means you have to say look, i failed and i have to leave my job that's what happens unfortunately. so if it was her responsibility to make sure this was done right, i don't know how she can continue to keep her job. >> cheadle is not leaving. she is defending how the secret service handled the ra rally. that's why we are doing an internal review and we look forward to the external as well. obviously, if there are things we need to change about our policies or our procedures or our methods come we are certainly going to do so. >> no cheadle faces a subpoena to appear at a house hearing on monday. fbi director christopher wray leads both regions for house and senate members today. the senate briefing begins in about 22-23 minutes. back to you. >> sandra: we will wait for what happens from those meetings thank you very much, chad. john? >> john: sandra vice president kamala harris as the button rebellion ramps up. in another prominent lawmaker
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adam schiff publicly calling for biden's exit. but, the democratic national committee now says they will not hold that early roll call vote next week to cement biden's status as the democratic nominee. they say the earliest they will have that is the beginning of next month. we are now getting some information as to who might be behind the push to make sure it doesn't happen next week. peter doocy live from the north lawn of the white house with more on all of this. peter? >> it might be chuck schumer behind the effort to make sure they don't nominate biden early. according to our team on capitol hill. it is happening as nancy nancy pelosi's protege, adam schiff out with a statement he says in the "l.a. times" the choice to withdraw from the campaign is resident biden's alone but he believes it's time for biden to pass the torch and secure his legacy of leadership allowing another democrat to beat trump. remember, biden is saying he is not going to lead but it could happen. the pnc is delaying those plans
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to possibly nominate presi president biden for the convention. speak of this meeting was scheduled for many months, the one on friday and it was never meant to be the virtual roll call. that won't happen before the 1s. we just need to get it done probably by the 14th of august. >> a huge new problem for president biden, 60% want him to withdraw and let the parties select a different candidate just 35% think he should continue running for president. and then there is this, an hour before trump was shot on saturday biden got frustrated with house democrats on zoom at one point time jason crow a congressman and a veteran who challenged biden's viability tell me something you've never done with your brown's like my son. that was part of a larger point about preparing alliances and it doesn't sound like there are any feelings from crow. >> i think the president heard our message very clearly. reading the tea leaves is very troubling for many of us right
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now. we want to see a change and that's with the questions we are asking are about. >> president biden is campaigning in battleground nevada. when he is done despite the efforts to get rid of them he is off to delaware for some r&r. john? >> john: peter doocy left the white house we should point out peter doocy's at the white house today as well paired my wife did that a number of years ago but she worked for different net network. at least it's all on the family. >> it makes it easier i can carry the luncheon for both of us. >> john: i love it. glad to hear you are the one making the lunch. peter, thank you. center? >> sandra: all right elon musk going in on former president from a pulse of his campaign how big of a game changer could his money be? gerry baker will weigh in. there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things!
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>> john: still waiting to hear more about what happened in butler, pennsylvania, on saturday. when the former president of the united states was nearly killed. a local hero, cory, was killed and two other men were grievously injured. they are said to be doing well in the hospital. there you see the moment when the bullet tore through president trump's ear. our cb cotton has been following this literally since the moment it happened in butler, pennsylvania, with the very latest. on the investigation. cb? >> hey, john great to be back with you. we heard from the butler county district attorney that a local police sniper also shot towards the gunman thomas matthew crooks but the district attorney emphasized this sniper was not the one to kill the shooter. we know that kill shot came from a secret service sniper.
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district attorney told me the local police sniper has now been pushed on a ministry to believe which of course is standard protocol when there is an officer-involved shooting. as we continue to learn more details about what led up to this tragedy here in butler, pennsylvania, at the finger-pointing between local and federal officials continues. i just saw a facebook post up by local official who said he is very disappointed at the secret service response to this. the emphasize that there was no control and no responsibility that the gunmen positioned himself on top of that building for the latest we are hearing from pennsylvania is a local police sniper did engage the gunmen but did not fire that kill shot, back to you. >> john: cb, go back over it again one more time. who had jurisdiction for that building? >> so, that is where the discrepancy is coming in right
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now. we know the united states secret service director did an interview with "abc news" and is said to the building was outside of the hard perimeter that she says was under their control. she says the outer perimeter was under the control of local law enforcement, but now you have local officials in butler, pennsylvania, saying that was not the case. so that is where we are really trying to nail down here on the ground a lot of anger, a lot of frustration especially from locals in this community who feel like they have been, frankly, blindsided. >> sandra: cb, i don't know how much we can state how big that is when you sent out this note a few moments ago about a note posted by the butler township commissioner to his facebook page and the first we had heard of it i want to say this as clearly as it can be.
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the butler township police had no security detail for this event. there are seven officers all assigned to traffic detail, period he says with two exclamation points. this contradicts directly what they said from the directive secret service, cheadle, who said, and beyond of this, there will local police put in that building originally. i mean, this contradicts a lot of what we originally heard from the secret service. >> yes, center that is right. directorate cheadle said in that interview with "abc news" that local law enforcement were positioned inside the building that the shooter positioned himself on top of. we have heard from now local media reports there are sources that that was not the case. local media is reporting from its sources local law enforcement were positioned in nearby buildings. you see this back-and-forth going on. and i think this is a large part of the reason why.
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you have the call by so many federal -- so many committees, house committees wanting to get to the bottom of this, wanting to get answers. we just did an interview with the local man here and he said he feels like the secret service has failed this community. and a lot of people here are very hurt. >> sandra: can i do follow up really quickly? the sheriff has stated the police officers in the general vicinity which were traffic detail, okay? they said they have no one other than traffic detail in the area. some of them. they said those that were in the general vicinity left their traffic detail to respond to the report of a suspicious person with reports of the suspect on the roof a first officer being assisted by a second officer pulling himself up to see on the roof. so this was traffic detail on the part of local police that was originally referenced as local police that was aiding the secret service? >> that is our understanding again from the butler township
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commissioner edward natoli. that is our understanding these were officers helping out with traffic who then stepped in when they heard possibly reports of this suspicious person. okay, sandra want to spit send it back to you but a lot developing on the ground. >> sandra: air minor members of congress are getting a briefing right now from dhs thank you very much. >> john: this guy goes on to say butler township police department was not responsible for securing agr or any other location and anybody who says it, report on it, implies it is uninformed, lien, or covering their own backsides. wow. this new development is obviously something we will keed this afternoon. we will bema right back. feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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former president donald trump running mate jd vance no talking for the first time since that happened let's listen. >> we have some press in the background for the next ten minutes here so i have to be careful here i do want to give anything in life are what -- away for what we will satan appear cajoled with the president i am excited about this evening and i don't plan to screw it up but if i do it is too late. he made the pic right? it is official now. [ laughter ]
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pouring it out there and trained a fire of the proud night and make the case very easy case to make but important case to make that i've got to reelect president donald traded trump to the white house right. [ cheering and applause ] >> what i will do here is talk of little bit about what is at stake at this election. kyle talk about what i will try to do as his running mate and i will talk a little bit about why the biden presidency has been a complete failure. what i will do after my remarks is try to take some photos and hang up. if you've got anything for me to sign you will hear me speak tonight how much longer time. i'd like to get the visit with you actually. i'd love to talk with people and answer some questions and take photos. but i keep thinking to myself what is the best way and this is part of what i've been going
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through as ethic about what i will say tonight what is the best way to articulate why it is reelecting president trump is so important. there are all of these different sort of spends you could take on it. one you could say with apologies to our friends act that, the media has lied more aggressively and slanderously about the guy -- [ applause ] >> and he keeps on coming through it. he keeps on persevering and keeps on fighting. president trump has taken everything that they have thrown at him and he has come out stronger. the country has come out better for his service. we should be grateful to them and know all of us in this room absolutely are. but, you know, the way that we saw that, the contrast between the lighted media tells about president trump and the man all of us actually know, of course we saw it in really stark
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definition saturday because i'm sure all of you had a similar reaction to me. you see the video and your friends start to tell you oh my god they just shut the president and then when i first saw the club i was worried. he saw him go down and i didn't know what was going on afterwards. i was so terrified that we had just lost a great president, but unbelievably terrible thing for our country in that moment in time. i was so afraid for him and for our country. and of course he stands up one minute later after they shot him, they literally shot him and raises his fists in the air and says fight, fight, right. he fires up the crowd -- [ applause ] >> but this is where the media was dishonest. i think they really missed what he is maid of because after he literally got shocked, came within millimeters of losing his life and service of this country, what he do?
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i remember what i did i was upset. felt relief when i found out he was okay and i cannot believe an assassin try to take down the president of the united states. i was mad about it. was he mad and angry? he called for a national unity and called for calm. he showed leadership my friends. the media keeps saying they want somebody to tone down the temperature and well donald trump shot and tone down the temperature that's what a real leader does. [ applause ] >> you know, there is another spin on the contrast again between joe biden and donald trump i think is important to take on peer president trump obviously is one of these successful real estate executives in the history of our country, of course the trump name became synonymous with luxury and beauty in the real estate world and joe biden of
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course likes to attend he is just scranton joe. i don't think he knows much about what he is or isn't these days but, you know, the guy who actually connects with working people in this country is not fake scranton joe it is real president donald trump because they know -- [ applause ] >> because they know he has their best interests at heart. they know when he was president for four years, groceries and gas and energy and housing were actually affordable to a normal person in this country. after four years of the biden administration, the basic trappings of good middle-class life have became less and less attainable. in my home state of ohio the average family is about $10,000 poorer than they were four years ago. of course ronald reagan famously asked in a great debate, i think against jimmy carter, are you better off back in a debate i
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