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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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we will hear from north dakota governor doug burgum. he was on the short list. also texas governor greg abbott. we will hear from donald trump jr. he will also take the stage and finally, vice presidential nominee j.d. vance. hwife will introduce him. j.d. vance will deliver that acceptance speech tonight as former president trump's running mate. please join martha mccallum and me conch special 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox news channel. thank you for tuning in. every night this week. we have been number one across the board watching this convention and thank you for having us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced and still unafraid. as we look at the convention floor. laura ingraham is getting ready right next door. she has a great show coming up. we will see you tonight 10:00 p.m. eastern time. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" live from day three of the
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republican national convention here in milwaukee, wisconsin. and this is a fox news alert. joe biden has been diagnosed with covid. and new video shows him struggling to make it up the short stairs on air force 1 and also this just in from abc. senator chuck schumer told biden in a meeting on saturday, this just came out that it would be better for the country if he ended his re-election bid and that is big. so, while the democrats are in disarray, back biting, finger pointing, republicans here are totally united. and they are excited for this new team of trump and vance. and tonight, we're going to see vance present himself to the american people a in his first major speech as trump's running mate. but, first, all right. with the g.o.p. in milwaukee, it does feel like kind of the awesome 80's. but, with biden in vegas, it kind of felt like the sluggish 70s. let's bring back price controls. >> the idea that corporate-owned
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house something able to raise your rent 300, 400 bucks a month or something. i'm about to announce they can't raise it more than $55. >> laura: actually it's 5%, joe. the man can't even state his own policies correctly. rent control isn't the only thing the squad is smiling about tonight. so as adam schiff and schumer try to give him the hook, biden is on a radical role. >> join me in getting these weapons of war off the streets of america. it's time to outlaw them. [cheers] >> i did it once and i will do it again. we're going to keep relieving student debt. we're going to raise the federal minimum wage. >> they convinced us any spending of money is costly. it's saving money by god's truth it's saving money. >> laura: that's not all. democracy joe wants to do an end run around the constitution and radically change the supreme court. that's a direct attack on the
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independence of the judiciary and separation of powers. because, when they lose, they want to change the rules. so every democrat running in key races should be pressed on whether they agree with biden's assault on the court. i'm talking tim kaine in virginia, tammy baldwin in wisconsin. jon tester in montana, and so on. the question to them tonight, are they on board with ending almost 250 years of judicial independence? and meanwhile, top democrats, of course, still trying to boot biden off the ticket? they would prefer he shelter at home with covid permanently. and meanwhile, look at the republicans. it's unity as far as the eye can see. trump has brought together a strong, diverse and growing coalition of americans who are willing to work together to stop the hard left from doing any more damage to this country. it's a 50-state strategy for renewal with a powerful outreach to working people from all socioeconomic background. all races, and all.
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seen this at the convention. there are more compelling stories because it's actual american story telling. of struggle, success, and, yes, redemption. not the usual dry parted san lectures. >> we escaped from vietnam just days before saigon fell to the communists. in america saved my life. >> i was always vigilant to be the best mother that i could be. fentanyl still found my son our lives shattered. >> my son received enemy fire from the taliban, only to be murdered with a knife on the streets of new york city. >> look at my face. this is the high cost of war. i've been through the fire but hope has not been extinguished. it is reignited. >> laura: it was inspiring. and this coalition was only made possible by one man who put it
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all on the line, donald trump. joining us now lara trump, co-chair of the rnc she has done a fantastic job helping put this entire extravaganza together and bring the party together. laura, i mean, you are a young person. but, have you ever seen soible happy people in one place at one time given everything they have been through and everything your father-in-law has been through. just in the last few days? >> no. i mean it's incredible. i would say yes i have at a trump rally because it's a very joyous event always positive but honestly, laura, you can't overlook the fact that it feels like there is such unity. i think that the republican party is more unified now than we have seen in generations. certainly in my lifetime. it is incredible. give that credit to donald trump. he changed this party don't forget whenever he ran in 2016. to see what's gone on here in the past two days. i couldn't be happier and it is so well deserved for my
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father-in-law. >> his faith. a lot of people are talking about the smile on his face when he came out the first night, and, also, last night. he has come out every night. there is something that looks almost different about him. and i don't want to get too like holy rollerrish here, burr have you noticed that, too, a sense of like serenity and gratitude and real love for the moment? >> i don't think you are wrong at all. i think that's exactly right. you can't miss it. it is written on his face. and, look, he had a near death experience. by all accounts, donald trump should not be here right now. i don't know how you go through something like that and it doesn't change you. and so i think that the speech we're going to hear from him tomorrow night, i think it's going to be amazing. i think it's going to be historic. he said he ripped up the herb fox & friends first version of his speech. heas totally rewritten it. i think the irony of all of this. despite all this man has been through. despite the way he has been attacked. i believe donald trump will
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ultimately be the figure that unites the united states of america. >> laura: it's greatist political comeback story i hope of all time. laura, this just in from the house oversight committee. secret service director kimberly cheatle is going to comply with come member's subpoena to testify on how the agency handled the shooting of your father-in-law. what do you want to hears a far as answers and accountability? >> well, first, let me just say that the men and women of the united states secret service are some of the most incredible people i have ever known. >> laura: we know them. they love your dad. >> detail for four and a half years. they ever burial. did is inexcusable that you had 130 yards of roof that was totally unchecked and uncovered. and i think the american people deserve answers to this. certainly as the family of a man who almost lost his life. we want answers as to why that happened, how it was allowed to happen. and i hope we get them. >> laura: we now find out that the shooter was seen as a
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suspicious individual as much as three hours before the shooting took place. they knew he had a range finder. one report on cnn said three hours that he was spotted because he came through the magnetometer. again, the facts are shifting. but they saw that he had a range finder with him and they kind of observed him and so on and so forth. but, the number of things that were red flagged that didn't prompt him -- them to poll him off the stage or make sure he didn't get on the stage at all. >> laura: yeah. it's frightening. it's terrifying. and honestly he is so lucky and my heart goes out to the family who actually lost a husband and a father in that horrific situation that man should be alive today but for the negligence that clearly we saw last saturday. something went terribly wrong. and it never ever should have happened. we certainly need answers. >> >> laura: so biden has cody. he was struggling to go up the stairs today. do you think he is going to remain as the candidate, given all this pressure on him? >> i have never seen someone
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with so much pressure to drop out of an election before. it is really amazing. he has said he is staying in but then he also said i would only drop out if there was a medical issue. now that he has covid, i don't know. look, no matter who it is, i don't care if it's joe biden, kamala harris, gavin newsom, or any of them, we are ready because we believe we have the best candidate. we have the best ideas. we have the best future vision for america with donald trump back in office. and so, it doesn't really matter to us at the rnc and trump campaign who they run. i wish biden well. i hope he gets well soon. >> laura: tell me about what we can expect from j.d. vance tonight. >> look. i think a lot of people need to be really introduced to him. because. >> laura: they don't know who he is. >> he is a young senator. he hasn't been a senator that long. i'm sure people have heard his name. his opportunity to introduce himself to the world. maybe people red hillbilly elegy. >> laura: that's when the liberals liked him. he was the toast of the town.
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liberals loved him back then. >> it's amazing because you have donald trump who so epitomizes the american dream. some ways so does j.d. vance. started hum being begins and become a united states senator and those two men. the current republican party and the current vision for america and the future of the republican party coming together, i think is very exciting and what a great. >> laura: have you gotten to know him at all or his wife at all? could they be more brilliant? >> laura: yeah. yeah. >> laura: these are two accomplished, really smart people with a wonderful family. isn't that what we are supposed to hope for for america and americans? >> and aspire. to say absolutely. we are so lucky to have him in our party. >> basically your age? like your. >> yeah. >> laura: someone of your generation? >> absolutely. and i think it's going to be great. i think this is exactly what this party needs. and, look, laura, we have to win in it 24.
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'28, '32 and beyond. can you feel the energy here. >> laura: a lot of people didn't think that donald trump would come every night because of everything that he has been through. he has been here pretty much every night. he is enjoying it? >> i think is he loving it. he loves it. he loves these people, look, people have to remember what w. donald trump, he didn't need to do this in 2016. he certainly, laura, didn't need to come back in 2024. knowing what he would face. knowing how they fought against him the first time around. and he did it. i said it in my speech last night. he did it and he continues to do it because he loves this country. i think he knows he really is the only hope we have to save america. >> laura: there has been some talk and i have been saying this off and on. that might this not be a good time to turn the page from the political sense prosecutions for donald trump to come out and say, you know, we're wiping the slate clean in i'm elected we're putting away the investigations
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of the bidens, hunter biden, all of it, we're going to start clean? could that be a good idea? >> it could be a good idea. did he that when when he became president in 2016. he didn't go after hillary clinton. he didn't prosecute her in any way or have his justice department wemsed against her. i think right now we have a moment of unity. i think he senses that and he knows that and i believe he will be that unifier and maybe it's through an action like that. maybe it's through the things that he is going to say in his speech tomorrow night where he is going to reach tout to every single american, people who have never voted for him. people who maybe, quite frankly in the past didn't think they could vote for him. i think is he going to have a message that resonates with them that they hear loud and clear and i think is he going to change a lot of minds tomorrow night. >> laura: kids if they go to school or political day at school they should feel safe wearing a maga hat. >> absolutely. >> laura: it's outrageous that people have felt they can't put signs on their lawn wear a red baseball cap where it says maga or not. we shouldn't have any violence or calls of threats or fascist.
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do you think that might be possible going forward? >> gosh, i hope so. that's the beauty of america. we always want to get to the same outcome. we want the best things for our family and for our country. we may not always agree okay the best way to do that and what that looks like. we are supposed to have debate. we are supposed to agree can. that's how you get to the best place and get the best ideas, and so, yes, can we get back to place where we can all wear maga hats and support whoever it is that we like and these important positions. i would love to see that day. and i do think that we could see that day. i feel very optimistic right now about the future of america. >> laura: i do, too. congratulations on all the success of this convention so far. >> thank you. >> laura: can't wait to see what happens in the senate and the house we haven't had a chance to talk about that but we will have you back. >> thank you. >> laura: all right. lara trump. >> lower the temperature politics doesn't mean we should stop telling the truth. where is the truth about why donald trump's presidency was
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held from black america? he tried to repeal obamacare. he had a $2 trillion tax cut. when child care, guess what? mom or dad could work. left no room for us to do what we should be doing. to grow the economy. folks, i know what a black job is. it's a vice president of the united states. the first black president in american history barack obama. >> so when he is not doing that weird whispering thing is he yelling and it's not working. i'm talking about a newly exposed rambling zoom call that biden held before the trump assassination attempt. the call was even worse than the debate, if that's possible. that biden would lose his train of thought, or caboose of thought. and he couldn't complete an answer. and even worse, when told his messaging isn't breaking through to voters, biden yelled back on national security nobody has been a better president than i have been. name me one. name me one. so i don't want to hear that crap. and fox is confirming that biden even insulted veteran and
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congressman jason lake tahoe saying tell me something have you never done with your bronze star like my son? joining us retired navy seal derrick van orden. now, this is the time where the leaking comes. right? this is when they really want you out, they start leaking this is pretty interesting campaign made the lie claim about trump calling veterans liars or losers and suckers. >> right. >> laura: and now. this let me tell you something i know jason crow. he will served his country honorably as hammer ranger. for joe biden to bring in the fact that his son beau was award add bronze star and compared it that to jason crow who earned his own is just bizarre. it is very clear that the democrat party is done with joe biden right now. >> laura: i mean, people are so distrusting of this administration. that you are seeing online
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people don't even believe he was covid he basically said if there was a medical emergency or hand of god. god came down and told me my staff told me i couldn't win that i would get out. otherwise, i'm staying. in that's how bad it is. i'm sure -- of course he has covid and we wish him well. that's how little people believe in this administration. >> yes. i really do wish the president of the united states well. >> you bet. >> he is an elderly man. is he very certainly in cognitive decline. is he not healthy. he shouldn't be there to begin with yes, when you start seeing this stuff and now there has been this pattern exposed of the press covering for joe biden. that debate wholly beanbags. hundreds of people saw joe biden for the first time that means that the democrat party wants him out that the cat is out of the bag and they can't cover it anymore. >> laura: congressman, puck news also reporting that biden also yelled on the call name me foreign leader who thinks i'm not the post effective leader on foreign policy.
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tell me, tell me hot hell that is. congressman, is he just falling. >> i would work your way to xavier and zimbabwe. name all the people there. anymore of those people have ever washed, i don't know, television for instance. they will see that joe biden is absolutely incompetent. his projection is strategically has gotten us closer to world war iii than we have been to in my lifetime. no world leader wants that, except for possibly vladimir putin and xi. >> laura: breaking news on chuck schumer now. wondering when this was going to happen. coming forward on that call and saying joe, for the good of the country, have you got step aside. we love you but you have got to step aside in a meeting on, i guess it was last weekend. does that change the calculus for biden, do you think? >> it very well may change the calculus. >> laura: plus covid. >> plus covid, plus chuck schumer and a bunch of other people. here's the problem. i don't trust a lot of stuff that chuck schumer says to begin with. >> laura: all leaked out conveniently. >> of course. they wants biden out when chuck came out and said that, if nancy pelosi comes out and says joe,
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is he out. >> but they all knew he was in decline. the great scandal of all of this is they were willing, if the american people hadn't seen that debate, let's say if they didn't debate at all, they were willing to try to put him in for another four years knowing that this man is just losing it more on a daily basis. >> you are correct. >> isn't that the scandal in the commander-in-chief is that guy yelling at everybody? >> it's horrible. the legacy media, the entire cabinet. a bunch of oligarchs and the elites in hollywood all knew that joe biden was cognitively declined. george clooney saying that wasn't a deep fake with obama walking him off the stage. >> laura: they told us we were purr i have aing misinformation. >> exactly. >> laura: whether we brought it up. people got to remember if we are attacked by nuclear power you have six minutes to make a decision. dear lord i hope that comes between 10:00 a.m. in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon when biden is there. >> laura: i got to get your take on the secret service investigation.
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we got all these new developments today, the timeline, they are trying to fill it out. secret service initially said that local authorities were inside that building where the shooter was position positioned. turns out that's not true. they were in adjacent building. we can't get straight answers and we still have the veto service director. >> make sure the president of the united states is not shot, and the president of the united states is shot by definition have you failed your mission. so, we need to do this. i have implored speaker johnson to make sure that we don't approach this problem. >> one commission. >> one. >> one? >> i bring an outside counsel. >> so, their heads need to roll. >> laura: we have new breaking news. more from abc. okay. the pig pile has begun. hakeem jeffries has express add similar view to biden that we heard from chuck schumer accord dog a source familiar with the things that are happening. obviously these leaks are going to start. i was going to say that the
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bidens are so stubborn and selfish that he will never leave, be the jaws of life pulling him out of the white house. but, this looks like this is just a matters of time. >> laura, i'm telling you, nancy pelosi is the key. if she says you need to go. he will leave. >> don't you think chuck schumer and pelosi are going to operate in tandem here? they are not going to split off. >> they have for quite awhile. we will see. the dominoes are falling right now. and i hope here's the one thing the american people need to understand. this i have not heard single one of my democratic colleagues say joe biden needs to go because he is making the world more dangerous and worse to live as an american citizen. >> they are going to lose. >> the election which says to me that they're only after personal political power and that's as dangerous as keeping him in office right now. >> are you okay after that attack on you? >> listen. i don't want to compare this in any way, shape, or form about what happened to president trump. he got shot in the head with a bullet. i have been hit harder by air coming out of a blow dryer. the thing is.
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this these code pink people need to be called on the carpet. >> enough of this garbage. >> they are peace nisc. >> that's a lie. they asked if i wanted to press charges i said absolutely yes. we have the same equal rights as they do. time to exercise it. we're done. >> laura: i love it, congressman. it's great to see you. thank you so much for being on with us. all right. let's get a check on the floor with fox news contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, a lot of breaking news up here. what's going on down there? >> laura, it is hot down here on the floor of this convention and in more ways than one. i have been talking to these delegates about their feelings about have the president join them every night here at the convention. what has that meant to you having him here in the box? >> well, you know, it just shows that a true leader he really is. when things are tough, the leader shows up. and president trump showed up. he showed us that he is red to lied. is he ready fight for a us. boy, i really appreciate that.
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>> raymond: how did the assassination attempt change your appreciation of him and his presidential. it's incredit i can bably impressive. i think it really inhaving for rated. >> and tell me about the security concerns. are you confident that the secret service can protect the president going forward with all that we are learning and hearing? >> 100 percent. with all the security that we heard about. before the assassination attempt, i was like okay, it's going to be a crazy security. and then they just upped it and it's -- i mean, the number of officers, the planes, the drones, everything around here. you couldn't be in any safer place. >> i want to talk to mr. billboard here. come here. he ruins my shot with his billboard which i kind of like. look, here's. >> jesus christ is king. >> it looks like the biden campaign has asked so many people in the democratic party are urging the president, president biden to get out of the race. your thoughts on that? >> oh, for sure he should get
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out of the race. i kind of want him to stay in the race because it just makes it an easier beat. but, it's kind of sad to watch at the same time. you know what i mean? because, you feel like it's that old guy that's at the bar or something like that and you come out and oh, yeah, hey, how are you doing? that's how you would deal with him if he came up to you in real life? do you know what i mean? kind of sad to watch. >> raymond: we really have never seen anything like this in the modern age. it's incredible the drama. this assassination attempt and major party asking its candidate, 14 million americans voted for that candidate to basically step aside. laura, i will pitch it back to you. boy, it's getting hotter down here. i will bring you all the latest as it happens. >> laura: all right, raimondo. thank you so much. democrat are starting to show a little unity calling for biden to drop ow congressman adam schiff joining the list and the two most senior democrats in congress are also turning on biden tonight. a source confirming to fox that
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both schumer and hakeem jeffries push for democrat officials to delay their efforts to formally nominate president biden as the party's nominee. successfully adding a few days to the process that many rank and file dems felt was overly rushed. joining us now. kevin mccarthy. former speaker of the house. who knows this process intimately. speaker mccarthy. tell us about this moment for the democrats. what's next? >> well, i think when you see adam schiff doing this. it's not adam schiff. it's nancy pelosi. she controls it. and while she is doing it. she thinks hakeem and schumer are weak leaders. so, remember what she said a little earlier where she literally said biden needs to make up his mind, when he already had. i think that's more obama and pelosi behind the scenes trying to make the push. and after this assassination attempt, biden believes this is the moment he can secure the nomination. move the vote up before they go to chicago. no dem had come out until adam
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had done that. that's why pelosi had pushed that out there. >> laura: you think there could be disunity in the democratic party about what should happen next? is that true? >> that's true. the only way biden gets. >> laura: looks like a pig pile right now. >> biden has to say i'm off. what they're trying to do is give him all the push to make that decision but he is not doing it. remember, obama jumped him for hillary when he was the vp. i was with him one time in the situation room. i could tell how mad he was. and then he runs and wins. he believes he's the only person who can win. >> laura: everyone should remember how impossibly stubborn joe biden is. i mean, i remember him since the confirmation battle like with justin thomas. he is stubborn. and he is deeply insecure. because he knows that people think he is not that smart. >> they make fun of him. >> laura: he has a chip on his shoulder. i'm going to show him. pelosi, hakeem, whoever it is,
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that he has momentum because he is in play. >> remember when he was president and he brought president obama back. his own staff flocked to obama and he was left walking around not knowing where to go. >> laura: what would be the process though? i mean -- >> he would have to relinquish his delegates. but, remember what they did. he literally got the party to change their rules for the one they took away the debates, they pushed people off. they made south carolina the first primary so he would be locked in so others wouldn't want to run. >> laura: mr. democracy? >> yeah. if democracy is on the ballot. you can't switch him out. because you are letting a few decide that. >> laura: thank you sore saying that because so few have. they have made this big push that donald trump is anti-democracy. he's going to rip the whole system apart. is he a dictator. meanwhile this guy won all the primary support no we are going to pull the rug out. >> they are so afraid that president trump winning. afraid they will do to him what
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they did to all of us. they changed the rules. they go after him with the doj. they do everything they can. but it only has made him stronger. >> mr. speaker, this is so filled with drama, and so filled with unity here and it's great to see you. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> laura: some of the big speeches come up in this hour. we are going to bring them to you, more from the rnc coming up. ♪ hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear, much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to.
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>> laura: absolutely shocking news coming out a of an all senator secret service meeting today. source telling fox secret service knew about the threat prior to trump walking out on stage. state police alerted them nearly 10 minutes before trump came out. while the site agent was on the phone with police to talk about the threat, well, the gunman fired. >> he was identified as a character of suspicion, saw a range finder as well as a backpack and this was over an hour before the shooting actually occurred. so, you would think over the course of that hour you shouldn't lose sight of the individual. somebody ought to be following up on those sorts of things. no evidence of that happening at all. >> laura: so the security failures here keep piling up. "the washington post" is reporting that local police told the secret service outright that they did not have the resources
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to even a patrol car outside what turned out to be the building that the gunman used. now we are learning from butler township town manager the local police's role? well, what was it, actually? >> >> once the suspicious individual was identified as being in the vicinity of the agr building, our police who were primarily assigned to traffic duty and traffic patrol did in fact because of proximity move towards that building. >> laura: joining me now missouri senator eric schmitt and wisconsin senator ron johnson. we also just obtained video appearing to show the gunman walking around the site an hour before the shooting. so, what else did the secret service say about the length of time is that this man who brought a range finder through the magnetometer which apparently is okay. no problem there. how much time elapsed? >> well, first of all, understand the only piece of information that is used hearing
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is that piece of information and not volunteered by the secret service or fbi. john cornyn asked the question when did you first notice this? probably all shocked it was more than an hour before. only four senators got to ask questions afterwards. the question i would have asked when did the secret service snipers, when had they identified the individual. when did they have him in their sights. again, they all talked about we don't want conspiracy theories. we want to be transparent. they are not transparent. they haven't answered the questions that are floating out there in the internet right now. >> laura: senators, hold on a moment. dip in to the floor where former trump adviser peter navarro is just beginning to speak. he was just released from miami federal prison yesterday after serving four months for contempt of congress. is he a hero to a lot of these people in attendance. and we're going to watch. [cheers and applause]
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wow. >> [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [chanting fight, fight, fight] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> it's a beautiful thing you folks just want to know if you can see my maga tattoo that i got there. [laughter] yes, indeed. this morning i did walk out of federal prison. [cheers and applause] >> in miami.
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joe biden and his department of injustice put me there. tonight i'm here with you in this beautiful city of milwaukee. i got a very simple message for you. if they can come for me. if they can come for donald trump. be careful. they will come for you. if we don't control our government, their government will control us. if we don't control all three branches of our government, legislative, executive and judicial, their government will put some of us like me and steve bannon in prison. [crowd boos] and crossing the rest of us.
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here is how it went. here is how i got in prison. the legislative branch came for me first. your favorite democrat, nancy pelosi. [crowd boos] created your favorite committee, the sham january 6th committee. [crowd boos] which demanded that i violate executive privilege. what did i do? i refused. [cheers and applause] the j 6 committee demanded that i betray donald j. trump to save my own skin. i refused. [cheers and applause] here's the thing about the constitution. they demanded that i break the law because they have no respect for it. i refused. and a democrat majority in the
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house then voted to hold me in contempt. all right. what happened next? the next jacket to drop was the executive branch. another one of your favorite democrats. democrat attorney general merrick garland. [crowd boos] >> there's a winner. him and jack smith, indicted and prosecuted me for criminal contempt of congress. now, here's what is weird about it. it's something that democrat prosecutors refused to do against one of their own, including two guys with blood on their hands and eric holder and alejandro mayorkas, the great border czar, right? they have actually gotten people killed. for decades. for decades. the department of injustice right now, the department of
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justice policy stated -- hear me out on this. if congress slaps a subpoena on a senior white house adviser like me, the adviser's duty is to politely tell them to go pound sand. [cheers and applause] that's exactly what i did so so far we got two branches. legislative and executive. the judicial branch delivered the final blow. just as -- here's another favorite of yours. just as democrat judge juan merchan, you know this guy? [crowd boos] did to donald john trump in his manhattan kangaroo court, another democrat judge a guy named ahmed -- keep your eye on this guy. ahmed obama appointee, they stripped me of every possible defense, and then what? just like in manhattan with donald trump, they threw me to the wolves of an anti-trump jury
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in where? the d.c. swamp. they convicted me. they jailed me. guess what? they did not break me. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [chanting fight, fight, fight] >> and they will never break donald trump. they will never break donald trump. all right. now, here's the most important thing i'm going to tell you. you may be thinking this couldn't happen to you. huh-uh. make no mistake. they are already coming for you. joe and kamala. they threw out the woke blue carpet across the rio grande opened our borders to, what?
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murders and rapists. when donald trump said it, thank you for saying that, when donald trump said murderers and rapists in 2016. oh, racist. whatever? we read the papers. it's murderers and rapists. >> that's right. >> murderers and rapists. drug cartels, human traffickers. terrorists. chinese spies. and a whole army of illiterate illegal aliens stealing the jobs of black, brown and blue collar americans. they put them right on your front doorstep. >> that's right. >> now, here's another thing joe biden did. you got to love. this the green new scam. we're had the heart in milwaukee. this is where the auto industry. that new scam is destroying our industry leaving us at the mercy of the battery factories in shanghai and slave labor in the congo. biden inflation. you are going to hear a lot of this because it's so frickin' true. biden inflation is coming after
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what's left of your savings and eating your wages. here's the thing. i'm sitting in prison thinking about this. it just eats at me. it's democrats come for your kids. they are indoctrinating them with poisonous attitudes on race and gender. and here's the thing. when politics fails, the investigations and prosecutions begin. they did it to me. they are going to do it to trump. but hear me out. they also have done it to catholics pro-life activists parents just standing up for the kids at school board meetings. [applause] this is a tale of two americas, know it wasn't this way when donald trump was president. i remember the days i was there. in trump's america, you were safe and our borders were secure. in trump's america you were more prosperous and you didn't have to choose between, what?
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food on the table. medicine in the cabinet and a roof over your head. [cheers and applause] and in trump's america you didn't have to worry about being locked up for disagreeing with the government. [cheers and applause] i went to prison so you won't have to. [cheers and applause] i am your wake-up call. all right. this is where i'm going to it have fun now. i'm going to leave you now with the last three words, the last three words my beautiful fiancee said when i left that morning for prison. they weren't i love you. that was a given.
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she simply said: we got this. "we" got this. [cheers and applause] [chanting] [chanting] [chanting we got this] >> bring my girl out now. that's what these lawfare jackals don't understand. when they put people like me in prison and fire figurative and now literal bullets at donald trump, they also assault our families.
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[cheers and applause] >> on election day, america will hold these lawfare jackals accountable. [applause] >> here's the sweetest thing that's going to come off my lips. vote trump-vance, 24 for trump 47. i'm peter navarro i went to prison so you won't have to. this is my beautiful girl. she did the time with me. that's what these frickin' democrats don't understand. they do this to our families. >> laura: back with me in missouri. senator erec smith, senator ron johnson thunderous reaction to peter navarro. of course, former top aide in the white house. nark garland. remember, he was held in contempt of congress, too. but the doj refused to charge
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him. >> a great speech an american hero. >> laura: phenomenal speech, right? american hero. greatest line best line of the convention. i went to prison so you don't have to. >> from the lawfare that's been waged by this administration. people deserve to know they are being treated in our fairly justice system. >> equal justin. >> two tiers of justice. they have censored americans. tried to throw political opponents in jail. that's not what america is about. that's what this election is about now. you have a clear choice. they claim president trump is this threat to democracy. they have bulldozed all these safeguards. they bull dosed all the rules and all the norms. weave got restore this normalcy. >> laura: young people watching that speech. is he an older gentleman. but he was still optimistic, even though he had that fight in him, which kind of incapsulates trump's entire political career. he is optimistic but is he a fighter. and navarro who is mr. awesome on trade in china and all -- is
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he like i just stepped out of prison today. i think there are a lot of young people like okay, i want to learn more about him. what happened? because a lot of people don't know who he is. >> again, when he said i went to prison so you don't have to, that's just true. he was willing to sacrifice his own freedom to stand on the principle that you have executive privilege and the lengths legislative branch can't overstep that he defended the man that he was loyal to. that is going to resonate in this hall. i hope it resonates with americans. >> laura: what the democrats said today about j.d. vance. j.d. vance is not going to be loyal to the constitution. j.d. vance is going to be loyal to donald trump. and they are saying that as they are literally the white house staff cocooning joe biden, preventing him from learning the truth about his own political condition, and trump is the problem on that? >> right. i think it's in our d.n.a. to ron's point as a country it's in our d.n.a. to push back against
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concentrations of power. that's inherent in our cop constitutional structure. what have you seen over the last three and a half years is a massive concentration of power. covid exposed to many people. talk about young people. look at voter i.d. for younger americans since 2020, it's overwhelmingly more republican now because they saw the abuses of the democrats. they don't care about the law. it's all about power and control. >> laura: and, senator, we only had a handful of democrats support the legislation that would limit voting to american citizens but then they are all saying oh, well there is only a handful of people who have ever voted in our elections who are illegal immigrants. >> doesn't that speak volumes? something so commonplace, voter i.d., supported by 80% of americans, and you have democrats, they won't support -- you're racist if you actually want to make sure that a voter is eligible to vote. so democrats obviously want to make it easy to cheat, we want to make it very difficult to cheat because we want to restore confidence in our election system. that's not what democrats want.
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>> laura: abc is reporting that biden in a meeting was told by schumer that he should drop out of the race. now, we heard from schumer just recently is he denying the report. his office saying this is idle speculation. we have got covid hanging out there. we, again, people are -- people online don't even believe anymore. a diagnosis of covid. which is essentially for many people like a cold now. so i'm not sure why that is news. even if he did have code. but, what of this? i said it? i didn't say it in the rumors, the leaks? >> they are trying to nudge him in a particular direction. joe biden has made it clear is he not going anywhere. trump is going to win. i think the democrats know it. it's a sinking ship. they are all trying whether they are catering to the donor class or pundits to curry favor. they are telling biden one thing. is he not doing it. even if he did. it does not change the reality. what you are hearing in this convention this week is exposing that kamala harris is a big part
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of all of this, too. right? whether it's the border. whether it's calling for defunding the police. she is part and parcel of this administration that's been a total disaster. >> laura: ron, we have been talking a lot about unity and the party. and the old establishment, you know, even mitch mcconnell is here. obviously we had nikki haley coming here. and she gave a pretty good speech, i thought yesterday. this seems pretty amazing. >> we were host of issues on the republican party. what unites us is the fact that democrat policies are destroying this country. and we want to save it. >> laura: all right. senators, thanks so much. let's dip into the rnc floor where former trump acting ice director and overall awesome guy, tom homan, frequent guest on the angle is getting a huge welcome. and he is about to start speaking. look at that smile. from>> thank you, how are you cooking? my home state of new york. where is new york at? give me a shout.
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damn right. [cheers and applause] >> look, for those that don't know me my name is tom homan. >> i began my career as a border patrol agent in 1984. after 34 years, i became the first director of immigration and customs enforcement, ice, that actually came up through the ranks. i have worked for six presidents, starting with ronald reagan. every president i have worked for said they are going to secure the border. president trump actually did it. [cheers and applause] he created the most secure border in our history. and that's a stone cold fact. the data proves it. and, guess what? he's going to do it again. [cheers and applause] under president trump we have cut illegal immigration by 90%. the lowest level in 45 years. deportations rose to the highest level ever, including historic numbers of illegal alien gang
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members and criminals. most importantly, four years under president trump, we had 13 people we arrested on a terrorist watch list. joe biden, 381. [crowd boos] >> and let's remember. let's remember. we got over 2 million known got-aways. how many of them came from a country that sponsored terrorism? god help us. biden is the first president in american history to come in to office and unsecure our border. who the hell does that? on their first day in office. first day in office, joe biden and kamala harris suspended deportations, they stopped the border wall. they canceled remain in mexico. reinstated catch and release. proposed amnesty for millions, along with free healthcare. and now we have a record illegal immigration, a record number of women and children being sex
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trafficked. a record number of americans dying from fentanyl. a record number of known and suspected terrorists sneak across our border. here's what you need to know. this isn't manage management. this isn't incompetence. this is by design and it's a choice. it's national suicide. but you know what? on november 5th. the american people do have a choice and they are going to stop this madness. i got a message. as a guy who spent 34 years deporting illegal aliens. i got a message to the millions of illegal aliens that joe biden released in our country in violation of federal law, you better start packing now. [cheers and applause]
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you're damn right. because you're going home. i got another message. another message to the criminal cartels in mexico. you smuggled enough fentanyl across this country to kill 148,000 young americans. have you killed more americans than every terrorist organization in the world combined. and that's when president trump gets back in office. he's going to designate you a terrorist organization. is he going to wipe you off the face of the earth. you're done! you're done! [cheers and applause] ppresident trump hasproven to te that he is a warrior. and is he going to make america safe again. and you can take that to the bank. [cheers and applause]
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lawyer all right, joining me now katie pavlich. fox news contributor brian kilmeade and host of one nation with brian kilmeade. guys, this has been so much fun to watch. having so much fun. got the 80's music. which we love. we got the optimism, we got homan. we had navarro. the reaction to these speakers, all of them. every speaker has been just -- i mean, i tingle. i'm tingling here. >> brian: i thought last night was great. tonight is better. tom homan knocked it out of the park. if you are an american. not a republican or democrat you looked at tom homan you said thank you i hope you are in charge soon. >> laura: how you doing? >> to me watching the speakers and listening to what they are saying they are so relatable to the issues happening in the country. there is some political talk to joe biden, of course agenda. about the issues effecting americans. whether it's the mom who spoke last night about her son dying
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from fentanyl. whether people are worried about the border. the economy, i mean, the list goes on and on and people can watch and listen to everyday people here and understand exactly what the republican party is standing for. >> laura: meanwhile, the other side is >> meanwhile the other side is so unhinged. covid flying around, a secret service director who's incompetent and fuelling conspiracy theories. and then you have just insane theories from people like the old rnc director zhang it wasn't a bullet just glass from the teleprompter. are these people nuts? >> putting on bandages to make it look good. but it's everybody and the panel of four or five people. the people are going past the media. they told them joe biden was fine, donald trump was evil trump was evil, unelectable to begin with and everything has turned out to be wrong and now you are watching this dehumanizing of donald trump. maybe he was reluctant to do it in 2016 and
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2020 but he looks like a father and grandfather at a husband this week. he looks like a human being who exhibited an unbelievable strength in the line of fire. you've talked to soldiers, they say his instinct under fire is something they train with and they hope they act that way. >> laura: they are so pathetic on the other side saying you should not use the photo. the photo of him with his fist up, that's photoganda. >> there he is walking in. >> it's a remarkable piece of american history, the image will be seared into the minds of americans and people all over the world for decades or centuries to come. the left is clearly super desperate, they are panicking, that's why you see this coup attempt that is being pushed onto president joe biden even though he's saying i'm not leaving. you are seeing them try to rip the primary away from him, trying to get him out of office.
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undemocratic to me if you ask. >> but now they've done the worst possible thing, they've endured him to the point were he doesn't have to leave but he's wounded to the point where he can't win. so what do you do with this 4000 delegates? it will ultimately be his decision whether he leaves are not and now he has covid so he now ducks under the fray for another couple of days. >> laura: when i watch this amazing group of people, they are the opposite of what they've been caricatured for. hateful, horrible, racist, nazis i felt a lot of love and it's not just because people watch fox, love for the country. >> they are happy, they are dancing, loving to meet their fellow citizens, the people from different states, they are excited to be here and i haven't heard a single hateful thing this entire conference. they are moving forward.
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>> your concentration is unbelievable with the music by the way. jd vance, i hope he says this, it's true i did not like the president, i did not know anything about him, i've made some comments but i've changed. there are a lot of people watching saying i never used to like him but i changed. i would bring that up. >> i think that's fair, people have moved on from that, that speaks for himself. jd vance needs to introduce himself to the country. we know who he is, not everyone knows who he is, talk about his personal story, it's relatable to a lot of americans and what they are going through. >> laura: a lot of us had difficult childhoods, a lot of us had horrible awful things can happen and a lot of people watching his story tonight is going to see the heart of this man with the intellect. >> tell the story, that's what they want to know, who he is. >> laura: facts, statistics, the usual political diatribe,
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plenty of time for that but storytelling was reagan's quick -- great quality. trump when he gets going can tell a great story and he's funny. people want to laugh again. they want to laugh and have a good time. >> when people hear a joke from him they take him serious. america understands they don't need the strainer of the media to tell them what trump is about and i think nikki haley nailed it, expand the base. republicans aren't enough. tell the american people about your message. >> trump is expanding the base and democrats, boy, when the new york times says it's divisive times for the democrats and unity for the republicans, it's great stuff. great to see you both, that's it for us tonight, six -- stick with fox news for jd vance his speech. we will be back tomorrow night, special coverage on the final night up next. fox news alert, the third night of thenc


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