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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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getting a big ego, we can't have that. we have sean hannity who's now here, joe biden has covid again. >> i'm going to be nice, i wish the president well. >> jesse: i want to speedy recovery too. >> anyone who gets the china virus as donald trump likes to call it, wish him well. he's got every democratic establishment candidate, it will be part of my monolog, out to destroy him starting with obama, chuck schumer, jeff reese, nancy pelosi, all on board. operation destroy and get rid of joe biden is underway. >> jesse: these people are vicious. you and i would not know anything about that. can't wait to watch her show tonight, we appreciate it. >> it's great, you are in the anchor chair. >> jesse: i grew up. thank you. >> great job. welcome to hannity, we are
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broadcasting live. day three of the republican national convention. beautiful no walkie, wisconsin where the festivities are underway. moments ago former president trump made his way back to the convention floor. the republican party is rallying behind donald trump like never before. we will have a tale of two parties coming up in just a minute. just days after a would-be assassin of course came within millimeters of murdering the former president and the leading presidential candidate. tonight we have shocking new details that are emerging from the massive security failure that allowed eight arranged lunatic with a rifle and a ladder to post up on a nearby roof only 130 short yards away if you are a good shot or not even a great shot. multiple shots rang out. an innocent person was killed, others were injured. as it turns out, the secret service had been tracking this would be assassin as a suspicious person for more than an hour and get this, ten
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minutes before president trump took the stage, the secret service determined that the suspicious person was, in fact, a serious threat. why did they allow donald trump to ever take the stage until that known threat was neutralized? and why did they allow this lunatic to scale up a nearby building in plain sight and take aim with his rifle? why does the director of the secret service still have a job tonight? we have a full complete report, new developments straight ahead. plus, we will dive into the latest chaos coming from inside the upper ranks of the democratic party. the interparty rebellion has not been quelled. it is now accelerated. tonight more calls for joe biden to drop out, more questions surrounding his cognitive decline and a nasty phone call between joe biden and democratic lawmakers that is only adding fuel to the fire. apparently biden started
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parading his fellow democrats on the call while struggling to complete sentences. we've only been pointing that out for four years, even prior to the 2020 election. to add insult to injury, joe biden now has covid. coming up we will have a lot more on all of tonight's breaking stories but first, while we do await the former president and of course all the special guests, the president just came into the building, that will be speaking tonight including jd vance who will be introduced by donald trump junior. but first, the other well-known trump's on from the trump organization, your big night is tomorrow night. >> tomorrow night, right before the president. >> jesse: topping your wife might be hard. she gave a great speech last night. >> she's the best, she's a great mother, a great or eight or, she's elegant, beautiful, everything the republican party should be. >> jesse: i have known you both for a long time and you don't know this but they keep cutting away to you and you are
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like a beaming proud husband, dad, standing there smiling, happy for her. >> it's not easy. first of all it's a big family. >> jesse: not easy of your last name is trump. you may want to consider changing it. getting. >> you do this every day and you understand it by getting on that stage in front of 15, 20,000 people and being heard by tens of millions around the country is not easy but she went out and did so with such great poise and grace and beauty. the message was beautiful. coming into the trump family, talking about him and she got to know later on in life. and how well he welcomed her into the family, it was a beautiful speech. >> jesse: i've seen it and i've tried to watch him at times persuade your wife to do things and you know exactly what i'm talking about which is a lot of fun. on the serious note, more and more details are emerging as it relates to this assassination attempt. and it is such a monumental failure that it's hard for me to comprehend. what many people may not know
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about you is you are a real marksman, you make your own guns , you manufacture them, you build them, you do the whole thing, right? >> i did competitive long-range shooting, shock and shooting, pistol stuff, the world i grew up in. i know it as well as anyone. hundred 30 yards with a precision rifle is a joke shot. ask anybody who understands marksmanship, he should not be here today and it was incompetence. the people on that stage were incredible, they jump on him and almost died because of the incompetence of whoever did the advance on the site and whoever allowed a madman onto a roof at 130 yards with a rifle. we almost changed the democracy forever, we almost change the trajectory of the country forever, we almost had a former president murdered, we almost had a future president murdered, and that was live streaming on every tv around the world. it was on fox, cnn, every single network, america would have lost
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one of the most iconic political figures in it's history live streaming on tv based on the incompetence of somebody that allowed a madman on a roof with a rifle and it's not acceptable. then you hear the secret service director come out and say the roof had a pitch to it. the roof was like this, the roof was practically flat. the roof at the other snipers were on had more of a pitch on it. >> jesse: i used to be an construction, to do roofing you have to stand on a roof. >> that's about a 3 percent pitch. give me a break. then you have joe biden come out and say i spoke to secret service, i spoke to the secret service director, to him. but the only problem is the secret service director is are her. it's an outrage. and they started to blame the local pd and it's coming out now, a local pd was assigned to traffic patrol and i don't care, the reality is, my children sat in my lap and almost all their grandfather get executed. i sat there watching my father on the ground bleeding from his ear not knowing if he'd taken
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shots to the head. i saw one that went to the head, thinking the worst, not knowing if he taken shots to the chest, not knowing if the man was even alive, and then these are the lies they spoonfeed you. i know i'm on fire right now but i don't trust the fbi to get to the bottom of it. they've lied about the russia hoax, they've lied about dirty dossiers. that was held over my head for a three year period. >> jesse: spying on your father. >> and no one in the country believes it will conduct an honest investigation and that breaks my heart to say because the men and women that carry their guns in that organization are some of the greatest people that we have in the country so i'm angry. it's incompetence that almost put him in the grave, incompetence that almost changed our country. this should never have happened and should not happen again. she should resign. one last thing, i wish to call the family would get a call saying we know it was a big lapse in security and here are the ten things we are going to do about it. as an executive, that's what i would do if i screwed the pooch
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on something that happened in my company, but they don't have the fortitude. it will be the blame game and they won't do anything about it. >> jesse: all these families, your dad run on immigration and was attacked for it, all these people, a 12-year-old girl raped -- 13-year-old raped in new york, joe put it did not call that family or the family of the 12-year-old girl, did not call your family or the family of the mother of five. he goes on stage, state of the union, it's a her, not a him running the secret service. what frustrates me is the more that we know is they had identified this guy as a real threat but then why did they allow your father to take the stage? let's say the pitch story of the roof is fine, why didn't they have sniper sites on the roof, why would they have people inside the building and not surrounding the perimeter? the guy took a ladder with a rifle and got on the roof.
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130 yards away. >> the problem is, americans trust is shattered. a 500-yard shot with a person who knows how to operate a rifle is not a far shot. if they are not covering the building at 130 yards, you think they are focused on 500 yards away? the problem is it makes me lose faith in the perimeter of what's going on and i love the agents on the stage, i know everyone of their names. >> jesse: i hear, i have sources in the secret service, they are trying to blame those guys. have you heard that? >> they would never get away with it. those people jumped on him, those people had -- if the counter sniper hadn't fired back they would've been for love bullet holes. >> jesse: >> who is in charge of advance because the head of the secret service admitted they'd identified that building is a potential threat but the pitch of the roof caused them to put the agents inside. >> a flat out lie. that is a flat out lie because
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the roof at sean: the other snipers were on were steeper, steeper than this. give me a break. >> sean: why didn't they have a scope? >> they are the finest shooters in the country, amazing people. i know some of these guys are my friends to this day. these are some guys who are in the best shape. trust me, they are not going to have a problem walking up a roof like this. it's ps but everything the biden administration tells us is nonsense, it's always lies, never accountability. private industry, somebody would get fired for this, my father almost lost his head. thank god it was divine intervention that he did not but there needs to be real reflection because i don't care if this is republican or democratic or independent, we have to protect our leaders of the country. of our leaders start getting assassinated by lunatic 20 -year-olds in the country, we will go down as a third world nation, we will become the laughing stock of the world. and civil wars have been started in countries for less than this.
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could you imagine what would happen in this country, could you imagine if anybody suspected that there was any funny business or even if there was any notion of that back which i clearly don't, but i mean what that could do to democracy, you can't have it happen. our elected leaders cannot be assassinated. >> sean: we have the ability to protect them. this is a monumental failure. let me turn to another topic. the fall on effort to dump and just right biden is in play. jeff reese, schumer, making phone calls, they want him out big time. you see the pressure, they are trying to delay the nomination of joe biden which was supposed to be done virtually. they have to push it to july into august and try to prevent him from getting that nomination. your father does not know who he's running against tonight. early voting starts in 62 days
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in pennsylvania. >> go figure. no, he does not know and it could be biden, you could have this old man stubbornness or it could be someone completely different. was most telling to me is the second that biden came off the debate stage, every single network started attacking him using the exact same lines, almost like it was coordinated. he did a horrible job, a total embarrassment, but when he came off the stage they started hitting him instantaneously. every single network that it covered him for years and one instant turned on him. don't believe that wasn't for an advantage. you better believe that was orchestrated in the background, this massive reversion from being kind of the puppet masters of joe biden to turning on him overnight thinking they could create so much political pressure and infighting and so much of a tied. >> sean: it's sad to me, i've
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never been as concerned about the direction of our country. i think we are at an inflection point, or the direction of the world. i believe this incident where your father was nearly assassinated and you have to ask pointed to your children, you have to explain it to your younger brother baron, i heard he had a hard time with it. of course he what, of course your children would, of course you would have a hard time. very understandable. and then it's preventable. 11 million unvented joe biden illegal immigrants that are the criminals that are amongst them, those with terror ties that we have caught coming from countries with terror ties, coming from top geopolitical foes, all preventable. the biden economy, it did not have to be like this. energy, we could be paying a lot less at the pump, inflation doesn't have to be this high. america is standing -- america's standing in the world can be reestablished. that's what seems to be on the line. >> my father almost lost his head that night but he's one person, how about the 300,000 people who die, children, kids, teenagers, youth that die in
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this country every year based on fentanyl because you have an a ministration that does not want to do anything about it, they don't want to close the border, put pressure on china, to anything about the cartels, 300,000 kids dying every year, we have holes in the roof of our country and you have to fix the economy, you have to fix respect around the world, you have to fix interest rate, houses are unaffordable, it's come out of college, they get a job, they have no chance of buying house. inflation crossed everything, it's so expensive. interest rates have caused mortgages to be unattainable for people. the border is a mess, our world standing is a mass, there are wars everywhere, the middle east as a mask, we have to get back to the basics, fix our country, and that's why you have this kind of reaction right now, this kind of love. >> sean: electric out there. it's been tough, your family has been through hell, you personally have been a part of it and it's very interesting. i sense in this country enough is enough, the country has had
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it. you have a tough act to follow, your wife did a really good job last night so -- >> we are a very competitive family. >> sean: i had no idea. >> when you speak from the heart about a person you love to death, a person who has changed her life and so many ways but a person you know better than any other on earth, it becomes a very easy speech to give. i don't care if it's in front of 50 million, 60 million, it becomes very easy when you talk from the heart about someone you adore and i adore my father, he's the greatest man in the world and i think he will go down in history especially after what happened as truly among the greatest -- >> sean: i've known that for 30 years. when he got up and saw the blood, i thought he got hit in the head and i thought i'd lost a friend too. i interview him professionally but i've known him. i said this to your brother last night, every time i'd interview him at trump tower he would walk me back to see you and everyone else. >> i remember those days very
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well. >> sean: good to see you, we will be watching tomorrow night. jd vance his coming up, also donald trump junior straight ahead. let's start with this though, a tale of two parties unfolding in realtime. republicans are celebrating their candidate, their message of unity, democrats are in a complete state of chaos. listen to this, abc news reporting that the senate majority leader chuck schumer telling joe biden the country would be better off if biden drops out of the race. house minority leader jeffries reportedly warning biden that he will hurt the democrats in november. both schumer and jeffries reportedly collaborating in an effort to delay biden's official nomination process. why? to by time, to get joe off the ticket before it's too late. in the words of nancy pelosi. and the bad news for joe biden does not stop there because earlier today the democrats, you know, top russia collusion
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conspiracy theorists, the congenital liar adam shift, also called on biden to drop out. so let's see, they say republicans are a threat to democracy. really? the party that wanted donald trump off the ticket, now the party that wants to completely disenfranchise every democratic primary voter, sounds like contempt for the people and a coup by washington elitists or elitists in nantucket like the obama's or of course the leftist marxist hollywood elitists like george clooney and company. the truth is, they all knew about joe's cognitive decline prior to the debate, they all lied about it, they all covered it up and now they think he's going to lose and to hell with the people, they want power at all costs. motors be damped. meanwhile other house democrats are also reportedly turning their backs on biden after a recent zoom call that apparently
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went off the rails. according to those on the call "biden was rambling, mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumbling, dismissive of their concerns and unable or unprepared to present a campaign strategy. one unnamed lawmaker telling "biden what start an answer, lose his train of thought and then would just say whatever and he really could not complete an answer. i lost a ton of respect, maybe they should have been watching this show because we pointed that out million times. at what point during a disagreement about foreign-policy, biden allegedly started screaming at congressman jason crowe, a former army ranger who served three tours of duty overseas. biden even reportedly trashed the congressman's bronze star. a staff are evenhanded biden a note saying stay positive, you are sounding defensive, we know this because biden read the note , stayed positive.
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he read it just like he reads the teleprompter. pause. anyway democratic elites want biden out but does joe biden want to leave? after all, americans and his party, they picked him. recently joe said it would take an active got to force him out of the race. now joe says he might also consider dropping out if a medical condition emerged. take a look. >> some medical condition emerged, the doctors came and said you have this problem, that problem. but i made a serious mistake in the whole debate and look, i recently said i would be a transitional candidate. i thought i would be able to move from this, pass it on to someone else. but i did not anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. >> sean: i'm sorry but joe biden is, has been a walking medical condition and has been for the last four plus years. we were telling you this before
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the 2020 election. biden is now running instead to the heart left to secure his radical base, he's now proposing new price controls on housing, similar to what you might see in a communist country. joe is also floating a plan to take over the u.s. supreme court with strict term limits and other restrictions on the justices. pretty crazy stuff. by the way, it reeks of desperation. but joe biden does not have to go anywhere, he got the votes, you should be the nominee, the people voted him there, they knew about his cognitive decline if biden is truly unfit to serve, if they believe that, then his cabinet has a duty, chuck schumer has a duty to tell them, jeffries has a duty to tell them, to invoke the 25th amendment, remove him from office now. otherwise how do you explain he
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should not be the party's nominee? of course that doesn't mean he's a good candidate or a good president, he's pretty much been the single worst president in decades in the modern era, if not one of the worst in u.s. history. 's failed leadership has even impacted the secret service which allowed that lunatic with a ladder to scale literally a building 130 yards away from a trump probably and take multiple shots from an empty roof in the direct site line up a former president. the more we learn, the worse it gets. we will talk more about it just a minute but first joining us is judge jeanine pirro, cohost of the hit show "the 5" and she won't admit it but a personal friend. how are you, good to see you? >> how good we not be great tonight, look at what's going on behind us. >> sean: every night the volume level goes up. kind of like us when we give monologs. but a lot of serious issues on the table. i talked at length with eric and clearly he has every right to be
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angry and passionate. it was his father and he came within a millimeter of dying. what we are now learning is infuriating to me. a colossal failure, security failure, that should not happen, should not have happened, and the excuses are pathetic. >> well, you know, the sad part about this is this is after the secret service learned that there was an attempt or intelligence that the iranian's wanted to take out president trump. >> sean: two weeks earlier. >> so there's this alleged heightened protection and awareness and you have a kid who's 20-year-old with no military experience who literally gets 130 yards from the president, they find him on the ground an hour before with a rangefinder as well as a backpack and it seems like he's scoping things out. twenty-six minutes before they find him, again saying he's suspicious, donald trump should
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not have been allowed to go on the stage but the men and women on the stage were performing as well as could be expected. but in the end, the secret service can say we had outer perimeters, inner perimeters, they are responsible for the totality of the perimeters and for follow-up on that perimeter. >> sean: we need to highlight this because they talk about this being outside the perimeter let me tell you what the perimeter is, anything within range that could cause harm to the primary that they are protecting. that is the perimeter. >> that is a perimeter and they are the secret service have an obligation to follow up, to make sure they are on top of it. let me tell you something else, there was a gait from inside from outside, law enforcement could not get out because it was locked and nobody from secret service was there to allow them to go out to the outer perimeter this was crazy. she should go, we should not even be concerned about it, we have a president almost dead by an assassin, and this woman
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thinks she should keep her job. it's an outrage and the american people are fed up, as well they should be. >> sean: let's take a minute, we can see president trump, chanting of "usa, usa" as many people have taken to chanting, as they do. let me ask about the presidential race. i wish the president well, i don't want anyone to get sick with covid. anyone who's had it, not fun, too many people died. we need to hold china accountable, different story for a different day. however you see this effort now by the elites within the washington elitist democratic establishment, you see the obama's involved, you see the hollywood elites involved and it seems like a big effort to disenfranchise voters. >> they are doing that, there's no question. clooney would not have sent the op-ed without obama and adam schiff is not talking without nancy pelosi. these people have known for months that joe biden is nothing
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more than a -- >> sean: months or years? >> years, i agree. they've brought this trojan horse and under the guise of being a moderate, 65% of the american people don't even think that joe biden is running the country. so what you've got our the electorate -- >> sean: judge. >> they are not having a chance to have input. >> sean: you ever go to walmart or target and you know those very nice people, often retired, they want a second job where they are bored or extra income, whatever, they are the nicest people in the world. welcome to walmart, is there anything i can help you with. i go and i'm like they are so nice. i'm and in and out guy when i go shopping, where is the sporting-goods department? is right there, go down this i'll, back to the store. joe biden could not be a walmart
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reader. i've said this on the air and we've known this for years. >> i would not let him walk my dog. >> sean: nobody would be capable of walking that crazy dog. >> i have a wonderful dog. >> sean: you get so defensive of your dog. >> the problem with the secret service reminds me of afghanistan. we've got agencies in this country, whether the secret service or austin, it's an embarrassment. the world leaders are looking at us saying if a kid can almost take of donald trump, we are in better shape. this is a frightening time for america, the 25th amendment should be used to take of joe biden. >> they are not going to invoke the 25th amendment, they don't have a right to say they will replace. >> absolutely. >> sean: judge, i was to have you, thank you. >> i love you. >> sean: love you back, thank you. last night the rnc burst into applause and laughter after arkansas governor sarah sanders delivered this very line, take a look.
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>> when i was president trump's white house press secretary... [ cheering and applause ] >> the best job. i got the chance to take my 4-year-old son to bring your kid to work day. much like jill now drags joe to bring your husband to work day. >> sean: here now with more, arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders. how are you, good to see you. i think i was one of the first to predict you would run and win and one of your first supporters if not the first. >> other than my parents, i think you are definitely at the top of the line and i appreciate that you always give me props over my dad. he does not appreciate it all the time but i think if anybody is excited, he's okay with it. >> sean: when i bring it up with your dad, he's obviously a proud dad. i said, you know, you were once the best governor in the history
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of arkansas. i watched your speech last night, a terrific job. we really are looking at two different things, we don't know who president trump is running against, do we? >> we don't but we do know that he's running against a bad party of ideas regardless of whether it's joe biden or kamala harris or gavin newsom, we know they are all terrible and we know what donald trump is capable of. he has already shown he has the ability to lead our country, to make us strong, to make us prosperous and to make us safe and we know he can do it again. i don't think it matters who the democrats put up because people are sick and tired of the bad policies and what it's doing to our country and they want donald trump back in there to lead us back in the right weight. >> sean: last night was really a night of unity. we saw back-to-back speeches, we covered it during this our, former ambassador south carolina governor nikki haley, governor ron desantis who will be joining us in a bit, and earlier vivek
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ramaswamy who was also with us last night. it was unity night. this seems to be a party that is uniting, that is coalescing. versus a party that is incomplete disarray, intramural politics, it seems to be the elites in washington, the elites and hollywood. i've always had the democratic party is a party of coastal elites and now the republican party is the party of hard-working men and women, the people that donald trump targeted as voters, forgotten men and women. is that now established in the minds of americans? >> absolutely. i had the opportunity to go to my first convention in 1992, i was a kid with my parents and i had the chance to go every year since, i've never seen our party so unified, so energized and so excited for a candidate, because they know what we get with donald trump. this is a race unlike any other where both people have already had the job. one did it successfully from a
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position of strength. if ever there was a question, is donald trump ready to go back into the white house, he showed it in a way that no one else ever could when he stood up after being shot, put his hand in the air and reminded us just how tough, how strong, how resilient, how courageous he is and how much our country needs him back. >> sean: how is it for you to be governor, enjoying it? >> im, i love it. it's an incredible job, a great opportunity and i'm proud to be governor of of the best date in the country. come on down. >> sean: you are taking on my free state of florida? >> i will take you on any day of the week and i will tell governor desantis that too. >> sean: he's right out there, i can see him. you can tell him on the way out. >> i well. a good friendly competition. >> sean: for years i got to know governor rick scott and the governor of texas at the time, they would all be up in new york stealing business and competing.
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they would all be up there and i would be interviewing him in studio all the time because they all came up and made their pitch for companies. by the way governor desantis is right there, you can tell my governor what you just said. >> i will tell him. florida is a great state, i'm pretty biased. >> sean: saying our state is better than our state. >> and i will gladly take business from florida. we are taking it left and right from california. love governor desantis but i'm pushing arkansas all the way. >> sean: good to see you, we will check in with what's going on on the floor, some gold star families apparently have taken to the stage and we will listen in. >> no service members have died during his administration. none. that hurt us all deeply. so we are here to say the names of all 13 servicemembers who lost their lives. [ cheering and applause ]
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all 13 servicemembers who lost their lives at abbey gate. david espinoza. [ cheering and applause ] >> nicole. [ applause ] >> taylor hoover. [ applause ] >> ryan. [ applause ] >> rielly. [ cheering and applause ] >> dylan. [ applause ] kareem.
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[ applause ] >> jared... and my son hunter lopez. [ cheering and applause ]
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[ chanting ] gall-mac joe must go. >> joe biden has to go. he failed to the american people , he failed to the afghan people and our military servicemembers. he failed our family and he failed hunter. donald trump has a proven record of keeping the peace and honoring those in uniform. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> everyone: joe must go! [ chanting ] >> all of us on this stage recognize the efforts of mister trump. we know this firsthand, we've experienced it. whenever we've met with him, he has demonstrated compassion. he has joined us on our mission for answers. and he has given hope to our extended goldstar family. [ applause ] >> now we have another son serving in the army. [ cheering and applause ] and we do not trust joe biden with his life.
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we have faith that donald trump to lead our military. please join us in supporting donald trump for president and commander-in-chief. [ cheering and applause ] [ chanting ] >> everyone: usa! usa! >> sean: a lot of chanting there, joe must go, usa and never forget.
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the crowd right here in milwaukee. we just heard from goldstar families addressing the rnc. they read the names of the 13 servicemembers killed at abbey gate in afghanistan. we will dip back into the convention floor throughout the night. here with reaction, fox news contributor, former white house position and a very, very angry governor at sarah huckabee sanders, jk, ron desantis will join us in a few. a big issue tonight. last night unity, now it's about foreign policy. if we look at what happened in afghanistan and i look at these families and they are heartbroken, you never recover. i've interviewed families, you know, over the years. and then you look at joe biden as far as i'm concerned has surrendered in the war on terrorism. when he said pressuring israel
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after the worst terror attack in their history would have been the equivalent of losing 40,000 americans in a day and taken thousands hostage and joe biden abandon our ally, pressured them to give up their war on terror rather than to win their war on terror. i don't think that's going to go over well. congressman, starting with you. >> he has not only a ban of the war on terror but he's funded it. when he gave 6 billion to iran and did not enforce the sanctions and they ended up with 40 plus million in oil revenue, that money was used to finance jihadi terrorists that were sponsored by the iranian state in syria, in iraq, in yemen, all over the globe, and they've attacked american troops repeatedly. he has not just backed away, he's given money to the terrorists so you are right. the war on terror is not over, it's building. >> sean: the war against radical islamic terrorists and their call for the destruction of israel. 1200 israelis, worst terror
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attack in history. after years of tens of thousands of rockets fired from hamas in the south, from hezbollah in the north, out of lebanon, and that's his response. >> and think of the years between 2017 and 2020, the isis caliphate, the mother of all bombs dropped and often a stand. suddenly north korea -- suddenly kim jong-un was listening and most importantly vladimir putin wasn't moving on ukraine like on crimea during the obama administration. joe biden keeps talking about how great his foreign-policy record is but it's one of the worst in history and there's a reason why. his former defense secretary said he has been wrong about every foreign-policy decision and that has borne out over the last three and half years. >> and if you look at every other failure. you know, we went back to 2015
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when he came down the stairs at trump tower and talked about emigration and the media do von him and jumped on him, saying there are some bad people that will come here and murders will take place and rapes will take place. look at what has happened just within the last month. these families have not gotten calls as we learned last night from joe biden. the media by the way, they are complicit, state run media mom, you cover them every day. >> and here's the thing, when we hear about millions of people coming across the border, 10 million people since joe biden took office, that's more than the total population of 40 u.s. states, but then when trump ordered out bad people coming over, hundreds of people on terror watch lists had been apprehended. what about the ones who are not apprehended, we had eight ice is k members arrested just this past month. >> sean: 180 countries, many
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with terror ties, some of our top geopolitical foes, tens and tens of thousands from china, russia, talking about iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, venezuela and elsewhere. last word. >> exactly right, those people are in our country now, joe biden is going to get countless americans killed because he's going to get us into another war after some big 9/11 event happens again which is bound to happen with all of these jihadi terrorists in our country now. >> sean: jd vance is coming up, the vise presidential joins the nominee of the republican party. you can see president trump in his boots tonight, here for the third night in a row. he has florida senator marco rubio with us but thank you guys, we appreciate it. we are waiting, senator jd vance , donald trump junior will do the introduction. joining us now as we continue our live coverage, florida governor ron desantis. you walked out and got a
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standing ovation. a good night last night. >> we took the bark off joe a bit. >> sean: is that what we call that? >> i was tough on him in his speech. >> sean: tough? weekend at bernie's? >> i sure hope he holds onto the nomination because i think they are working to move him out. we want to run against joe biden partially because we want to hold him accountable for his failures but he also can't get the job done, that's just the reality that we are dealing with. but we've got a great opportunity in this election cycle and i'm looking forward to it and i am not going to sit here and say that arkansas is better than florida. as the floridian, you've got my back. >> sean: i had your back, just so you know. i stood up for our state, the free state of florida. so much to talk about. let me go to this issue though, weekend at bernie's, what i am saying is me now have operation dump and destroy joe biden. we see who's responsible, now they've got the elites and
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washington, the schumer's, the pelosi's, jeffries, and then you've got the obama's working their magic giving the seal of approval to all of this. now you've got adam schiff. so that establishment. then of course you got the hollywood elitists establishment and it's interesting because they talk about democracy in peril. sounds like they want to disenfranchised voters and everybody, you cannot convince me that everybody did not know about joe's cognitive decline issues. it was a big part of the debate with you and gavin. >> from january 2021 until the cnn debate three and a half years later, they worked to hold the american people in the dark about biden's true condition. we did the debate with gavin like nine months ago, you asked is he fit to be president, i said hell no, he's a threat to the country. gavin said he was totally fine. these people all new this. now they want to move him out,
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not because they are worried they have a weekend at bernie's, they would be fine with that if they could hold onto power, they are just concerned he's going to lose. that's what they don't want and so that's why they are doing this. but this has been a total fraud. having a president who is not in possession of his faculties, that's a threat to democracy. >> sean: it was a lie and a cover up and they all knew, but now they are acting surprised,. >> it's a fraud and kamala harris was in that the entire time, because she's dealing with him, she would go out and say if i ever saw anything i would say it. i've been dealing with biden since he got in, he came down to florida for the surfside tower. >> sean: tell us about it. >> clearly this is a guy, if you looked when he was vp to now, it's been a huge deterioration and from the time he took office to now it's been a major deterioration. and the democrats realize, 85% of the american people don't think he's physically capable of serving a second term and so
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they are freaking out. but i think we have to be prepared that they are going to put someone else in and the media is going to elevate that democrat, they are going to give him hundreds of millions of dollars. >> sean: this to them will be the second coming of jesus. >> and so republicans, right now it looks really good for us. hopefully biden is the candidate but if he's not we will have a fight on their hands. democrats will not just give up power and so we need all hands on deck and we have to get the job done. >> sean: it really is about power, isn't it? >> power above all else. a president that's not in control of his faculties, they don't care, that puts our country at risk, he only works from 10-4, are you kidding me? is iran going to say well biden is not working, give me a break. so the democratic party and the corporate media has colluded to hide to this for three and a half years, they worked to ensure that the american people don't know the truth. first of all we don't know who's making decisions in the white
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house. as governor i have things percolating, i have to make the judgement. we don't know that biden is making those calls on a day-to-day basis, we don't know what's going on. >> sean: by the way, i just want you to know i stood up for our state. >> oh yeah. >> sean: going from chuck schumer to senator rubio, senator scott and from cathy hochul to you. there's no comparison. >> i can cite statistics, we cut spending, pay down debt, low taxes, but where are people moving? since i've been governor we've been the number 1 state for net immigration. >> sean: and house new york and california? >> they are losing. the u.s. economy has grown at 11%, florida has grown 22%, our economy, we would be the 13th largest economy in the entire world if we were our own country. you made the right choice. you don't regret it one minute. >> sean: not for a second. i've had a place in florida for two decades. i've been paying taxes just so everyone knows. >> well now you are homesteaded
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and it's a good thing to have there we are glad to have you. >> sean: and i have residents. a registered republican. i was a conservative in new york >> the republican party in florida has a strong brand and we are proud of that. >> sean: good to see you, thank you. here now with us, fox news contributor, congressman, both friends of the program, great to see you guys. how do you see -- we don't know who the candidate is, how do you see this unfolding? congressman. >> on the democrat side it's pretty clear that joe biden has no path to victory. in my view the only place they can go is kamala harris but it does not matter, joe, harris, gavin, gretchen, put the name at the top of the ballot, the agenda is the same for the radical democrats. their policies have hurt more -- working families got poor families, seniors on fixed income. foreign-policy is a mess, donald trump has to be the next
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president to get our country on track. >> sean: let me ask you, if there had become a senate seat and governor desantis had an opening, do you think your name would've been on their, would you have been interested? >> you are going to bring that speculation. we don't need that. >> sean: at least when we do it it's for fun. they are now in a bind of likes of which we've never seen. we are now 62 days outside of early voting in the state of pennsylvania, 110 days out of election day and they don't know who their candidate really is. >> it's amazing. this is an historic news event. i know i've never seen it in my lifetime. it's extraordinary. and by the way it could not have happened to a better bunch of people. if democrats had to run on the record, on the policies, they would get smoked worse than they are getting smoked now. this has always been the secret
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to donald trump's success. it was the secret to his success in 2016, as it is now. he ran on the issues. 2016 was an election about issues. this is an election about namely one issue, one issue that matters to voters that democrats could win on, i can't think of one. >> sean: you are both making great points. whoever is going to run for them, whatever it happens to be, i will let others determine what the odds are, the policies will remain the same on the border, on the economy, on energy, america's role in the law and order, that won't change. but the one thing they cannot run on, are you better off then you were four years ago? they can't run on that. >> they simply can't. the energy in this arena also demonstrates what's happening in america. forget the parties for a moment, there is a movement of people in our country who, like it was said last night, are sick and tired of being sick and tired. they want a change, they want donald trump back.
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we think it will be great for us this november. >> sean: what a night. have you noticed the volume goes up every night? >> wait until tomorrow. >> sean: you think it will be higher? jd vance, we are waiting for his speech, the vise presidential nominee. that is straight ahead tonight. we will take a quick break and come back. hannity live from the rnc straight ahead, stay with us.
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at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most,
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not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in.
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and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them.
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there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: broadcasting from you to call milwaukee, wisconsin. knight number 3 at the convention. we expect to hear from jd vance the ohio senator, now the vice presidential republican nominee. jordi gus now, former chubb campaign manager paul manna for.
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i think that you have run a convention or two, not an easy thing to pull off. i have been to a number of them. this one has been about as flawless as any i have seen. >> i have done 10 conventions, this is the best. the first two nights of this convention have hit all of the marks. the messaging, the imagery, the contrast between why trump is running, and who he is running against it. the media is picking that up. they recognize what we are promoting. and donald trump who in 2016 revolution lysed conventions is re revolution inc. conventions. he is drawing the attention of the media in the world to the
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podium. >> sean: did you notice on night one, we have both known him for a long time, he seemed to get emotional. the first appearance of coming back from an assassin's bullet to. that came within millimetres of killing him. >> not only was he emotional but millions of us watching got emotional. because you could feel in his mind to what was going on. it was projected through his eyes it was a very moving moment. >> sean: let us talk about jd vance if you will hear from him tonight. i had a long interview with him i don't know if you had a chance to see it. >> yes. >> sean: i did all of the research. i am not very fond of the colleagues, i do not consider them colleagues, liberal talk shows masquerading as journalists, they are not journalists. a few of them looked over my shoulder like this he and anna.
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but the story is pretty compelling. >> i do not read the book that everybody else read it. it also became a hit movie. here's a guy who grows up an appellation or joins the marines, served in iraq, comes back, goes to ohio state, gets into yo-yo -- law, top of his class, huge success in business, his mother was an alcoholic and a drug addict. 's dad was not a whole lot better. he had a grandmother that loved him he worked his way in the business world to the top. then he becomes the senator of ohio and now he is the vice presidential candidate. to me that is the quintessential american dream story. >> 2016, when the movie came out, i saw the movie and i said this is not real. i do not know the book. i saw the movie. it looked like a fictionalized version. but the point was the
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message was uplifting because it was the american dream. and then i found out it was a real story, his life story and that it's what trump does he understands the cadence of the country. he understands what the american people need to identify with their government which they do not identify with today. >> sean: one of the things that people do not know about you you wrote about this in your book, you were isolated in prison for how long? >> almost a year. >> sean: almost a year. correct me if i am wrong, you told the story to me when i interviewed you at the time that almost on a regular basis, they would come in and talk to you and say it tell us what we want to hear and you can go free today. is there any bigger incentive then once freedom? and your answer was i
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cannot lie. i will not lie. but i will tell you the truth. >> they did not want the truth. i was the trial run for what they have done to donald trump over the last three years. they have trusted the facts. all they wanted was me to say that trump was involved in something he was not involved in and i would not do it. >> sean: you made me feel good when i interviewed you you said for nine hours a day, because with this in it, 3-6 eastern time, mark live in 6-9, another hour you would sometimes be able to hear this tv show. that helped you. >> it was my north star. did benny realize there was hope out there. the world was crazy it seemed to me at the time. there was a door, a portal, i realized i was not alone. i felt the power of prayer when i was in solitary. i got thousands of letters from people i did not know. walking around tonight an incredible experience because many of these people i knew in 2016
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and many i did not know and people came up and thank me for my service. it was very gratifying. >> sean: an amazing thing, you are a poster child of what we talk about, the weaponization of our justice system this has to be fixed. >> i went and saw peter before he spoke. >> sean: he just got out today. >> i talked to him. try to help him get ready. so i went down, gave him a hug, i said welcome back the world will be a lot better. >> sean: thank you for jordi gus. we are awaiting jd vance. stay with fox news channel. continuing coverage from rnc. we have a lot more to get to. never missed an episode of "hannity", any time, any time, in the meantime "let not your heart be troubled." have a great night. [ ♪♪ ]