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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 18, 2024 1:00am-3:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> todd: today former former president donald trump will formally accept his presidency when he speaks at the rnc. the theme of his message tonight is unity as he prepares to address the party and the countries the first time since the assassination attempt. you are watching a special two-hour edition of "fox & friends first" i'm todd piro. >> carley: the address comes after j.d. vance met by an electric crowd introducing himself to the nation as the vice presidential nominee. but as the republicans solidify their tickets, it is a much different story for democrats as top party leaders including chuck schumer, nancy pelosi join the growing list of democrats concerned about president biden's ability to win here at first live in milwaukee ahead a very big night for the president, hey, brooke. >> hey, guys, tonight's the
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night we have been waiting for. president trump will address republican national convention and accept the g.o.p. nomination days after that horrific assassination attempt. trump has attended each night this week but yet to make public remarks. he come to watch j.d. vance as he introduced himself as the vice presidential nominee for the first time. vance shared personal stories as a poor child in appellation with a mother who struggled with addiction. listen. >> error movie is about single moms like mine who struggled with money and addiction but never gave up. i'm proud to say that tonight my mom is here ten years clean and sober, i love you, mom! [cheers and applause] >> and you know, mom, i was thinking, it will be ten years officially in january 2025, and if president trump is okay with
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it, let's have the celebration in the white house! [cheers and applause] [j.d.'s mom! >> ca>> vance who was in the marine corps and iraq were shared his service and sacrifice but really focused on trump calling him a fighter and praising him for his efforts to unite all not only republican party but all americans. >> when donald trump rose to his feet and that pennsylvania field funko all of america stood with him! and what did he call us to do for our country? to fight, to fight for america, even in his most perilous moment, we were on his mind. his instinct was for us, the country, to call us to something higher, to something greater, to be citizens who asked what our
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country needs of us. now, consider what they said. they said he was a tyrant. they said he must be stopped at all costs. but how did he respond? he called for national unity, for national home, literally right after an assassin almost took his life. >> and donald trump jr. also spoke last night praising his father and saying, he considers j.d. vance a friend who will fight for the country. >> look at me and my friend, j.d. vance. a kid from appalachia had a kid from trump tower in manhattan. we grew a world apart, yet now we are both fighting side-by-side to save the country we love. my father has always said the people he gets along with best are the people who really work for a living. people with great, people who get their hands dirty.
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that is a big problem with washington, d.c. most of the bureaucrats who rule over us have never built anything in their lives. >> meanwhile president trump changed his political speech after surviving assassination attempt. he said tonight the speech is a chance to bring the country together and he thanks god he was given that chance. first lady melania trump and his daughter ivanka trump will be in attendance to hear him speak and formally accept the 2024 presidential nomination, guys. spill in the country, dare i say, the entire world will be watching, brooke, thank you. let's bring in brandy cruz hosted "then divided" and vance speech clearly fired up republicans. had to that land with independence like you? >> look, he i think he is incredibly intelligent, that is clear and he's calm, cool, collected and his speech is
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rousing vivek ramaswamy or ron desantis? no, trump is a showman. having someone a little more calm and cool is good. i have to say though, something that really stuck out to me for my background and i imagine there is a lot of people watching who have similar stories, my dad died five years ago. he was homeless, he was drug addicted after a battle with alcohol addiction, and after that happened and i talked about it publicly, i was shocked by how many people reached out to me and said they had had a similar story growing up. so i can't even imagine how many americans and how many american families feel seen by j.d. vance and his story and his mother there, which i think was a really wonderful moment of the left talks a lot about diversity, dei, diversity, equity, and inclusion and on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, but an aspect of diversity that isn't included and talked about enough of socioeconomic diversity.
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that is what j.d. vance brings to the table. and don jr. said it there, he grew up in romp tower and j.d. vance has a very different upbringing that will appeal to swing state independent voters. speed to end the news of the day on the other side of the aisle, president biden has co covid and isolating on the campaign trail. all that is going on you would think that would be the number one lead story but everything else it is still significant but so much going on. we got to keep track of it all. he announced he has covid and off the campaign trail. this is the same day of the dnc so they would delay his virtual nomination. and also the highest ranking democrat adam schiff calling for him to drop out of the race and nancy pelosi apparently told joe biden privately he cannot win in november and if he stays in the race, he will take other democrats down with him. what do you think about all of
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this and where this is going? >> look, i wish the president well, obviously, if he is sick, but i think isolation is probably the best place for joe biden right now. i don't understand somebody having difficulty communicating and continues to believe if he talks more, he will prove to people he is fit for the job. i think he should be talking less. one thing nancy pelosi leaks coming out here with the democratic caucus is very private and they don't like their business spilled out were seen publicly so those are strategically so it tells me nancy pelosi wants joe biden to step aside. i think he will. i made political predictions at the end of 2023, one was joe biden would not be the democrat party's nominee. i had a bet with my staff and i bet them a steak dinner he would have dropped out yesterday 1:00 p.m. specific time so i lost a steak dinner bet.
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but i think you will not be the party's nominee. speed to the stakes are high. >> todd: interesting timing on that because i would argue use at p.m. specific but i would say 12-16 hours which falls in that time frame. we have reached an inflection point where it seems less and less likely that he can continue on, putting all the all things and cognitive ability aside and how the party preceding him and how his party is supporting him. final thoughts to you. >> i will say this i spent six years with tds truly and three days before the assassination attempt i came out of the trump plaza and told my viewers if it is trump and biden i will vote for trump for the very first time ever in the assassination attempt i don't care who the democratic candidate is. i will walk a thousand miles to vote for donald j. trump for the first time and consider myself a
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moderate independent. i think there has to be an awful lot of americans that believe that. so i don't think it matters if joe biden or someone else. i think of donald trump can continue this momentum on the trajectory and a call for unity tonight, he's got it. >> carley: there is in a people that chose to they don't want joe biden to run again and big time folk say the money is drying up because it will be very difficult for him to continue to sustain this road ahead. brandy, thank you so much for joining us. sorry about that steak dinner. have a great day. the former president's granddaughter at the show last night when she took the stage to tell america who her grandpa really is and how she felt when she found out that he was shot. >> i got a call on monday morning from a young lady who said, dad, i want to speak at the rnc. i want to speak at the rnc
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because i want america to know what my grandpa is actually like. so for the first time ever on a stage, first time ever given a speech come i want to bring out my oldest daughter. >> i'm speaking today to share of the side of my grandpa that people don't often see. he gives us candy and soda when our parents aren't looking. [laughter] when i made the high honor roll, he printed out how proud he was of me. [applause] he calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going and tells me all about his. [laughter] i was shocked when i heard that he has been shot. it was heartbreaking that someone would do that to another person. a lot of people have put my grandpa through and he still standing. speed to the oldest grandchild
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said he is an inspiration to her and a job well done, that young lady. a fox news alert and attempted trump assassination reportedly spotted more than an hour before the deadly shooting. shocking details we learned yesterday. b1 investigators to get into the would-be assassins phone uncovering a trouble search history. jonathan joins us from butler, pennsylvania, jonathan. >> good morning to you, todd and carley. members of the house and senate demanding answers why the secret service was unable to apprehend thomas crooks before the shooting. local tv station wta e with cell phone video of the crowd at the rally that shows crooks lurking in the background an hour before gunfire erupted from the roof of the building overlooking saturday's trump rally. sources with knowledge for a briefing from a senator said
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crooks was identified as a suspicious person of interest at 5:10 that afternoon more than an hour before the shooting. at 5:30, he was spotted with a range finder and at 5:52, spotted by secret service on the roof of the building. 10 minutes before the former president took the stage at 6:02. then at 6:12, that is when gunfire erupted. >> the shooter has been identified in an hour before shooting occurred as a suspicious person. they lost sight of him. had a range finder. we had a backpack. the kind of things that would be suspicious to anyone. >> fox news learn senators were briefed and when investigators reviewed the laptop, they found reeves to make recent searches for trump, biden and when is the dnc convention and july 13th trump rally. in an online gaming, crooks
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wrote, july 13 will be my premiere and watch as it unfolds. and yet to find out if crooks had a particular ideology and people they interviewed who knew him did not recall the young man discussing politics. the source tells fox news, kirk's parents contacted law enforcement hours before the rally to report their son was missing and that they were concerned about his welfare. a trump supporter who had to leave the rally early to take his wife to the hospital for heat related problems was surprised to see the former president's motorcade arrived at their e.r. the couple had heard the news of those shooting and feared the worst. >> we are front row and my friends had blood come out of his head. >> oh, my god, oh, jesus! >> there he is, there is! >> you can hear the change in their voice, the relief when they see the former president arrived on a stretcher but on
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foot, todd and carley come back to you. >> carley: to live those moments with that people that said he had blood out of his head and thought you might have died in see him walk. you hear their belief in their voices. >> todd: you touch upon something i find fascinating and we need more answers on, that call made by the parents to the police earlier in the day. trace gallagher, her colleagues said might have a child 20 years old and she's gone hours upon hours for a time and i don't call the police when that happens. something more to that story, jonathan, i know you are on it come appreciate it, sir. senator j.d. vance, his speech toward the forgotten men and women and something echoed by the mayor of palestine. >> no hollywood elites or wall street billionaires live in palestine. just hardworking americans. i know a thing or two about train wrecks now, and let me tell you, that is what the biden
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mitt administration has been. >> carley: i see what he did there and we will talk to ohio voters and the state being represented at the rnc. ♪ ♪ dard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation.
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>> joe biden has been a politician in washington, d.c., longer than i've been alive, and he's been the champion of every major policy initiative to make america weaker and poorer. and four short years, donald trump reverse decades of the trails inflicted by joe biden. just imagine what he's going to do when we give him four more years! [cheers and applause] >> carley: vice president nominee, j.d. vance, bringing his age front and center of the rnc as he becomes the first millennial to join a major party ticket. austin brown, the correspondent and college student in ohio. samantha wilhelm is an ohio resident and they both join me now. what did you think about the big speech, alston? >> i think it was really great. i think that senator vance highlighting his age will be really effective with voters come november. i think a lot of people are
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quite fed up, honestly, with a lot of the politicians i'm a especially joe biden and his age and mental cognition on full display since the debate. since then there was a poll that found 85% of americans actually think he is too old for a second term, and i would agree with that sentiment but i think a lot of voters will be in agreement that j.d. vance brings a breath of fresh air to the political scene and provides a much younger perspective, especially for gen z voters that we haven't seen before. >> carley: samantha, here's a little more of vance's speech in his closing remarks. watches. >> i promise you one more thing, to the people of middletown, ohio, and all the forgotten communities michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, ohio and every corner of the nation, i promise you this, i will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from. every single day for the next four years when i walk into the white house to help president trump, i will be doing
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it for you, for your family, for your future. thank you, god bless all of you and god bless our great country. >> carley: there he is speaking directly to folks in appalachia and the forgotten communities in swing states. that is ultimately one of the reasons why the former president chose him as his running mate. had to you think he appealed to those voters last night? >> good morning, carley, thank you for having me. he certainly had a tremendous moment last night. we got to see the real j.d. vance. we are very fortunate that he entered. actually, east policy will tell you he's been a great senator. he's keeping them forefront in the minds that things are not okay there yet. so he is a man of the people. but is very evident, very obvious we look forward to supporting him and ohio he said seven times over in his speech. he is very proud where he comes
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from. i guarantee the few times i have worked with him, he will represent all the states very well. we are excited to support him on this ticket. >> carley: he took to communities where used to be prevalent jog that f went away and people in those steel communities and elsewhere are probably thinking, he is speaking directly to me and that matters. and austin and samantha he mention east palestine where you grew up. and the mayor spoke and we knew what happened last year that toxic train derailment. listen to what he said. >> for the longest time, the white house was silent, and we never heard of a word from vice president harris. i guess we were not there type of folks, no hollywood elites or wall street billionaires leave in east palestine, just hardworking americans. but donald trump cared. he met with everyone from first responders to local officials and residents. i know a thing or two about train wrecks now, let me tell
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you, that is what the biden administration has been. >> carley: if he knows a thing or two about train wrecks and that is the line but austin is showing up. j.d. vance and the former president did early on for this disaster but it took president biden a gear to go to east palestine. what did you think? >> i think just as the mayor put in his speech, he set a quite well, people don't forget. he didn't forget the difference in the leadership or lack thereof that biden showed during east palestine incident. people do remember trump took initiative and showed up a few weeks after the train derailment. when voters go to the ballot box in november, they will remember the dichotomy in leadership not just from the president but also the running mates and shows senator vance actually stood up for the people of ohio and east palestine and shed light and representation on a community that otherwise hasn't done much of that.
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>> carley: austin and samantha, great thoughts from both of you, have a great day. >> thank you, have a great day, carley. >> carley: did you hear this, joy reid compares president biden having covid to president trump surviving an assassination attempt to watch. >> this current president of the united states is 81 years old and has covid. should he be fine and a couple of days? doesn't that convey exactly the same thing? >> todd: unreal. jack brower here to respond to that next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> todd: secret service director kimberly cheadle said she has no chance of stepping down at the rnc over her agents handling the assassination attempt on former president trump. >> carley: all the details, hi. >> we learned about last saturday's assassination attempt
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and the more we see the angry and criticism for the agencies involved as secret service director kimberly was hounded at the rnc yesterday. >> >> this was an assassination attempt and you owe the people answers. >> she told the senators it was not an appropriate place to have that discussion and her office releasing the statement saying in part, "continuity is critical during the secret service director and kimberly has no intentions of stepping down but in the main template secret service conference call with lawmakers left many of them with more questions than answers. watch. there was a 45 minute briefing and they spent 30 minutes filibustering, walking through all the different things they did that they were at everything except how they didn't stop a man with a rifle from shooting the president. >> in terms of accountability, the secret service needs to go.
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they wouldn't answer all the questions we still have have the answers the senators would have liked to have heard. >> while the secret service when the building for shooter prompt himself on before assassinating nearly the president, the butler township denies that in a post stating, "the butler town police department had no security details for this event. there were seven officers, two traffic and period, they were not responsible for securing that building or any other location." the house oversight committee fully issued a subpoena to the director of the secret service, which is expected to take place on monday, guys. >> carley: stunning, stunning developments, thank you so much. president biden is back in delaware after being diagnosed with covid. joy reid here is her spin, comparing the president's diagnosis to former president trump surviving an
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assassination attempt. >> donald trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo up during an active shooter situation. >> his survival of that and bouncing right back i'm going to his convention is being conveyed in the media world is a sign of strength. this current president of the united states is 81 years old and has covid appeared should he be fine in a couple of days, doesn't that convey exactly the same thing, that he is strong enough older than trump gotten something that used to be fatal to people his age. >> todd: wow! jack brewer is the ceo of the brewer foundation and joins us now. so, the left is equating the mild cold you get with covid to being shot and nearly assassinated. jack, your thoughts. >> you have to wonder what is her reality, what is her motive to say something so idiotic.
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it really is unbelievable. a man that she gets to watch on television take a bullet, get up and throw his fist in the air and tell the american people to fight in . in the same instance, she wants to talk about covid. first, it is an illness joe biden it is a so he's has been a tea to it. i've had covid before many of us can have no symptoms. so to say something so crazy just shows you who she is and where she has. it is like she has no life experiences to base any of her opinions off of. so, it is nonsense. i can't believe people turn into listen listen to such garbage. >> carley: i don't even know if that comparison is something at the biden campaign would find helpful. and also the former president, he gets praised by a bullet in the next day he's in
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milwaukee. president biden gets covid and now he's in isolation and off the campaign trail. there has been an evolution and what president biden is saying about him staying in the race. initially he said, it would take an act of god for him to drop out. yesterday, he did an interview with bet, he said he would drop out if doctors diagnosed him with a disease. a lot of this is an interesting timing. where do you think all of this is going? >> i think this is a direct sign that the pressure is mounting around him. i think president biden knows himself, obviously come at some point, even if you are in this profession that you are in. i'm a football player and at some point, i couldn't play football anymore. i think joe biden is having that moment now where he realizes that it's going to be difficult for him to continue to have the wool over the eyes of the american people. but we have to remember that
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it's been four years, you know, since joe biden was in the basement, they have been hiding who he was in the state of his mind for a long time. because the media, the liberal media never put the pressure on him to as actually asked questi. so you start to feel bad for our nation and for all of the people around him who have really put this elderly man through that. i mean, what is their motive? so, i think america has seen it all front and center. i think just like the poll that came out that said 80% of democrats feel like the party is in shambles right now. that is what we are seeing and that is what we are witnessing right before our eyes. >> todd: one correction to something you said, jack them i would trust you in the secondary way more than joe biden with the nuclear and that is not an exact duration or hyperbole.
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big expectation for donald trump's rnc speech erica what are you looking to hear the president say? you expect him to make an appeal to the black motor tube bring more of them under the tent following what appears to be a sway from the democrats? >> i do. i think president trump will unify this nation today. i think you will see a man who saw his life flash before his eyes. i think you will find a man who has been humbled by the hand of god, who has had days to watch videos of literally god turning his head by a millimeter and being able to survive a violent, violent attempt at his life. so, i think we will see that on display. i pray for him. imagine the strength, i mean, even though strong military men who go through wars and people that are shot at and victims that go through ptsd.
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are present as a human being. so for him to have strength to be able to wake up everyday and not let that trouble be a burden on him and for him to stay stronger for the american people, i think it will be another example of his strength and the reason why he's one of the greatest of our lifetime. >> carley: trump said his real speech is a real humdinger and a real fiery address. but after the assassination attempt, he ripped off 20 pages of the speech and completely work-chopped it so we integrally wait to hear what he has to say. it could be a new side of the president we have not seen. jack, thank you so much. >> todd: apparently, joining us from bed and breakfast. also at the rnc, president biden waiting for the americas failing energy policy and showing how much his priorities are hurting american industry. >> president trump is high-energy and supports energy.
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biden is low energy and is against energy. president biden declared war on the oil and gas industry since day one! this campaign against responsibl and gas is crushing everyday americans like you and me. under president trump's leadership, america is great with economic revival powered by american energy. >> todd: thought was sara phillips and she joins me now. we all are experiencing pain at the pump these days, sarah. but use your speech to explain how biden's energy policies are literally destroying lives. explained that in a little bit more detail. >> so if you think about energy, most people think about powering their cars or leaving their homes, but what they don't really understand is oil and
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gas, the four pillars, the four pillars of modern society are derived from oil and gas so cement, steel, plastics, fertilizers. oil and gas is the fabric of modern lives in everything we do is intimately involved with oil and gas. if your grocery bill, sometimes it's doubled since 2019. that is not a coincidence. it is a direct indication of the attack on oil and gas. it is ubiquitous and everything is tied to oil and gas. >> todd: you also focused on this notion unleashing american energy, literally the energy right beneath our feet is the best way historically and worldwide to unleash people out of poverty. explained that a lynn a little bit more detail as well. >> so if you think about a family in 1250, 20 miles out of london, how would they get to
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london? they would take a horse if they were lucky, but usually they would probably walk. what is their house made of? stone. how do they heat their homes? wood or dung? that is 1250, 1350, same way, 1415, 1550, 1750, even as recently as 1850. it was the same way. from 1850 to 1950, everything changed. so we could take a car, a train, a bus, a hot air balloon, all of this was made possible due to hydro carbon spirit hydrocarbons were literally species altering. that is why they are so important. before 1850, we were limited by human expenditure. after utilizing hydrocarbons, we can rely on machines that can do the work of hundred maybe even a
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thousand people. >> todd: joe biden and the left wants to do away with at all in the name of their green energy push, which seems to be not as successful as maybe they want because american people do not aim to appreciate their push either, sarah, thank you so much. great speech last night. one of the most powerful speeches last night was from a 98-year-old world war ii veteran who says america is still worth fighting for. >> carley: god bless him. got a a standing ovation, u.s. chants broke out in the crowded auditorium. we will show you that moment next.
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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too.
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you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ >> todd: president biden with extensive interview with bt trying to make his pitch to black voters. take a listen if you can. >> why should they turn out for you? >> because you know where my heart is and you know where my head is. by the way, if you notice, whether young blacks, young whites, young spanish, young asian americans, they never focused after labor day. we got involved in distinct
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indistinct say you got arrested with a black family and they brought you back home, yeah, i remember that. in distinct indistinct because i named the secretary of defense a black man. i named tony g brown and because of people i named. >> carley: of the director for center opportunity independent women's forum. that is not what you call a stick to the landing when it comes to that interview. it came out on the same day as the major news broke that a former house speaker nancy pelosi reportedly holding a private meeting with the president telling the polls show he cannot win. he will hurt the party's chances if he stays in the race. there is a pelosi ally who told "politico," the speaker does not want to call on him to resign, but she will do everything in her power to make sure it happens. your thoughts. >> good morning, good to see you
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all. this is not surprising. first on centerview, president biden didn't stick to the landing and frankly, he did not start off well either. he stumbled through the interview. he did not make a pitch to black voters what he has done her plans to do. in fact, he said to them i was promised to be transitional in a that meaning i would assure the next generation of leadership but he said, you know the country is so divided. he told us also he was going to be a unifier in chief. the fact he would be leaving the office with the country more divided speaks to his lack of leadership and divisiveness in office particularly around policies but also his rhetoric. he did not make a good pitch to black voters and it is not surprising nancy pelosi and those close to him, chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries are speaking with him privately that he needs to step down. right after the core debate performance he had, nearly half of all black democratic voters told them it is time to
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step down. i can only imagine it's gotten worse since them. >> todd: whatever the highest panic, the left has surpassed that over the last 24-48 hours. you mention adam schiff we will throw him in there, the latest democratic only for the president to step aside for this reelection bid to. brings 220 and adam schiff trying to become a senator out of house of representatives so he has a vested interest in this as well. listen to van jones on cnn last night. >> today is a terrible day. if you just pull back and look at this thing, strength versus weakness, a bullet couldn't stop trump. a virus just stopped biden. you got the nominees of this party getting their kissed and biden is getting his butt kicked by his own party. the democrats are coming apart and the republicans are coming together. that is what is happening.
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at some point, this party has to look at the reality of that. >> todd: i don't think republicans could craft a campaign commercial as on point for them as what democrat left, van jones just said, your thoughts, patrice. >> i give van jones a lot of credit because he tends to be one of the few democrats at cnn broadly in the on the industry to at least be honest here at last night, that was an honest,e biden is an msnbc, joy reid saying, well, you can compare president biden overcoming covid to president trump getting shot at? i mean, the delusion is real there. but at least van jones is recognizing, and i believe he probably belongs to president obama, older wing of the democratic party that say, we are reading the tea leaves, folks. we can't hide this anymore. he can't hide his ability, not
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just age, but frankly, his mental acuity and now physical ability to run for four more years as well in question and frankly precludes him from holding office. i give van jones credit there. >> carley: the bad news when it comes to biden is so overwhelming the past 24 hours, he says he has covid appeared nancy pelosi privately giving him the writing on the wall speech sagging, things are not looking good. adam schiff says, terrible bet interview and then you have the dnc saying, "we will not nominate him until after august 1st because they were so many people in the democratic party who say he's not our guy." but that is living to the question if not him, then who? a lot of polls show kamala harris is less popular than president biden. so what happens? >> yeah, it will be hard to hop and skip over her because there are black voters and the
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democratic party thinks along the line of race and gender and those different checked the box classes first. so, it would be difficult to remove her from the ticket entirely. frankly, to not ever at the top of the ticket. with that said, you still have, you know, gavin newsom and the running, pete buttigieg, who actually is a part of the administration. i think you will see those folks step out a little bit more and more vocal and it becomes increasingly clear the party is not unified. but i am the vice president of the united states. frankly, that speaks to her inability to get things done during her tenure of the vice president. she should have been the transition that biden transitions two. >> todd: thank you so much, great insight. you have to check out the story, a 98-year-old world war ii veteran bringing the rnc crowd to its feet. america is still worth fighting for.
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watch. >> and i was fighting in europe, and i came back home. i kissed the ground. thank god that i'm back home. president trump back as commander-in-chief come i would go back to reenlist today. [cheers and applause] and i will storm whatever beach you want my country needs me to. [cheers and applause] [usa! >> todd: amazing, listing in the army at 17 years old receiving two bronze and one silver star for his service in world war ii. thank you, sir, what you did for our country and for an amazing speech. >> carley: amen to that eric goosby went back to milwaukee where president trump will accept the nomination and give his speech. he has completely rewrote to
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focus on unity. >> carley: vice president j.d. vance was the headliner last night who spoke directly to the forgotten men and women and tom homan spoke yesterday. he will share his thoughts coming up next. ♪ ♪
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>> carley: today former president donald trump will formally accept the party nomination for the presidency when he speaks at the rnc. the theme tonight is unity, he prepared to address the country for the first time since the assassination attempt. you are watching the second hour of a special "fox and friends first" on thursday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. the address comes after j.d. vance was met by an electric crowd introducing himself to the nation as the vice presidential nominee as the republicans solidify their ticket. it is a different story for democrats. top party leaders, including chuck schumer and nancy pelosi join the growing list of democrats concerned about president biden's ability to win. brooke singman live in milwaukee ahead of a big night for the former president. brooke. >> brooke: tonight is the night
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we have been waiting for, president trufmp will address te republican national convention and accept the nomination just days after the horrific assassination attempt. trump has yet to make public remarks. last night the president watched j.d. vance introduce himself as vice presidential nominee for the first time. vance sharing personal stories about growing up as a poor child with a mom who struggled with addition. listen. >> our movement is about single moms like mine who struggled with money and addiction. my mom is here tonight, clean and sober. you know, mom, i was thinking, it will be 10 years officially in january of 2025, if president trump is okay with it, let's
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have the celebration in the white house. [cheering] >> brooke: great moment. vance shared stories of patriotism and sacrifice, vance focused on trump calling him a fighter and praising him for efforts unite the republican party and all americans. >> when donald trump rose to his feet, all of america stood with him. [cheering] >> what did he call us to do for our country? to fight, to fight for america, even in his most perilous moment, we were on his mind. his instinct was for us, for our country, to call to something higher and greater. to be citizens who ask what our
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country needs of us. now consider what they said. they said he was a tyrant. they said he must be stopped at all cost. how did he respond? he called for national unite, for calm right after an assassin nearly took his life. >> brooke: donald trump jr. spoke saying he considers j.d. vance a friend who will fight for the country. >> look at me and my friend j.d. vance, a kid from appalachia and trump tower in manhattan, we grew up worlds apart, we are fighting side by side to save the country we love. the people who get along best with my dad are people who work for a living, people with grit who get their hands dirty.
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that is a problem with washington, d.c., middlost of t bureaucrats have never builts anything in their lives. >> brooke: president trump changed his speech after surviving the assassination attempt. he says tonight's speech will try to bring the country together. melania trump and his daughter ivanka will be in attendance tonight. >> carley: j.d. vance speech was phenomenal. we were told it would focus on his personal story and how it speaks to the american first agenda. he did that and it was funny, he talked about his grandma, he calls her mamaw, good christian woman, loved the lord but loved to use the f word, as well. >> todd: brooke singman loves to hear the f word, we have never
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heard it. >> carley: what? i don't think so. >> brooke: "fox and friends first." >> carley: delivering that etch spoo, what donald trump must have been speaking, he is a showman, as well. it ebbed and flowed, it was funny, spoke to rural america, people living in appalachia, forgotten communities. do you have insight on that? >> brooke: it was exciting, i was in there in the pfizer forum, it was exciting. you guys used the word electric earlier, having j.d. vance talk about his story, his family, his record, what he believes in and it was great amount of time he focused on president trump and how he's so excited to be president trump's running mate. it was a speech that was well received and i'm excited to see the president come out tonight.
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>> todd: i've been here seven years, number one thing people come up and talk about fox and me being on fox is when my mom was on. that shows, when you mention your mom, moms have a certain way of making people feel a certain way about people and i think if you are an independent that watched last night and saw how he talked about his mom after all she put him through, that will resonate with you and could translate into votes. >> carley: introduction to eshg m. thank you. hi to my mom. >> todd: roxanne, we love you. you addressed the crowd at the rnc, powerful speech, take a listen to that. >> i worked for six presidents,
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starting with ronald reagan. every president said they were going to secure the border. president trump did it. biden is first president in american history to come into office and unsecure a border, who the hell does that? that is not mismanagement, this is by design and a choice. it is national suicide. i got a message to mill knowios of illegal aliens joe biden is releasing in violation of federal law, you better start packing now, you are going home. >> todd: tom, as you were giving your speech and uch waing it is crowd's reaction, did you get a sense the american people have hope that if donald trump and j.d. vance are elected that the border crisis is nearing its end? >> yes, i do. the crowd was very electric. i think immigration remains a top issue. they wanted to hear that
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president trump will keep his promise and have historic deportation operation. that is not a racist or terrible comment. on the heels of historic illegal immigration, we know based on court data, nearly nine out of 10 of them will get an order removal at the end. if the court orders don't mean anything, what the hell are we doing? no option. you lose, you go home and that is what president trump is going to do. >> carley: and the border issue still on minds of people attending the rnc. brick wall suits to provide color for folks there. we want to ask you about the assassination attempt and latest news that came in yesterday. according to senator john barrasso secret service identified the shooter as suspicious more than an hour
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before donald trump took the stage. 10 minutes before trump went on stage, he was called a threat. there was a person who was a threat to trump in the area and they let him take the stage and the agent in charge was on the phone with local and state police while the shooting was taking place, how could this happen? >> this is a big fail and the director of secret service, we should not wait for her resignation, she should be terminated, fired. you have alejandro mayorkas who oversees the secret service and has total faith inner had. who has faith in him? he's been lying to the american people forever. that is a big fail and i'm pushing for and i think mark green and jim jordan, they need independent congressional investigation, not by the fbi, not by the secret service.
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i read last night, dhs inspector general will do an investigation. no, the dhs inspector general reports to who? alejandro mayorkas. it needs to be independent. the men and women on stage, i know most of them by name. for them to run up there and put themselves between the president and incoming bullets, american heroes. >> todd: no one should be attacking those individuals for doing a job that questions whether they will come home at the end of the day. they are putting their lives on the line. if our security leadership is failing thisspect tack larly with regard to highest profile target in the world, how safe should the rest of us people, tom? >> we should not be. we are talking about president trump. there is a large population in this your h country, be frank,
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want him dead, they want to stop him. i have been concerned about his safety for the last three years. i don't even approach him, if he calls me over, i get at least a look from secret service it is okay to approach him. they need to step it up. if we can't protect an ex-president of the united states, gop for next president, what does that say? is crime running ramp bent across this city. this administration puts law enforcement on the back seats, law enforcement does not have backing of their superiors or backing of soros-backed district attorneys or mayors in sanctuary cities who don't support law enforcement. we need a 180 on this. law enforcement need to do their job, know their bosses and mayors and people have their
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backs. we have to protect law enforcement, if we don't, they cannot protect us the level they can. >> carley: and john barrasso said the meeting the secret service director had with senators was cysa, and ted cruz said 30 minutes was a filibuster and not everybody got to answer que questions. now the secret service director has been subpoenaed to make sure she attends the hearing on monday. to this, big news on other side of the aisle. nancy pelosi is reportedly telling president biden he cannot win and risks dragging the party down as long as he is in the race. >> todd: that makes it 20 that make want biden to drop out. not good times for democrats.
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access to affordable internet, just like in roosevelt's time, back earlier than that, making sure there was electricity and agriculture in rural areas. that is all ittic tas time to happen. and so it is just taking time for people to see it. >> todd: we remember roosevelt loved the internet. david webb, fox news contributor join us now. moving on from that, whatever that was, assuming you can decipher the rest of the bet interview, is there a winning message to black voters somewhere in there? >> let's see, he talked about the internet, i've been to underserved areas, including black areas and they do have challenges, but internet need to expand.
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on agriculture, this guy's secretary of agriculture, v vilsak, maybe he should focus on that like black farmers in georgia. this is an old pitch on old ideas rather than addressing the needs of that community. education is key. safety is key. black parents want the same thing for their kids. that is not what the left is doing, not what the biden administration is doing. look at cities they are propping up rather than going in to do the work. when you see donald trump go into detroit and voters thinking about their interest and color of their skin is black, what are they saying? they see contrast between four years of trump and four of
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biden. whether trump or biden, take the name out. what is your interest? economy, safety, education, something that gets you ahead and stabilizes your lifestyle and what party platform has been better regardless of skin color. democrats are starting to see this play out with growing and aging generation of millennial blacks. >> todd: great point. republicans are looking to sway black vote ers ahead of tonight's speech. we give conservative voice to black voters across the company. president joe biden inked out his win four years ago. that vote might go somewhere
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else. you are on the ground at the rnc, does anything stand out to you when it comes to outreach, specifically in milwaukee to black milwaukee voter, which is battleground wisconsin voter? >> i do see that outreach, think of people like david clark, the former sheriff and others who are prominent in the community. talking about interest of black voters. it is key to get to people about what matters to them. in milwaukee, seen more on the ground. see people come in to the convention addressing issues. the blacks across america, 34.4 million black voters in america will be number in 2024, that means 8% becomes 10%, hundreds
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of thousands of votes shifting. it is key whether you are biden or trump. more importantly for black voters, any voters, vote your economic interest. safety, it is coming into black areas with illegal immigrants coming in. your children are told to step aside to house them. look at chicago, they have the dnc there. in chicago, they are displacing blacks for illegal aliens, what is your interest as an american, as a black american? >> todd: david, you're there, you are our eyes and ears at the convention, when you look at the crowd, what does it look like? is there a cross section. >> i get to say, i'm glad you
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asked that. i walk this crowd a lot, putting miles on the shoes. i see diversity in ethnic spread and in the age spread. i see younger people coming to the d republican national convention and a lot are talking about the issues, they cross the ethnic spectrum. democrats want to pit us against each other based on color of skin or some other identity, more people are finding what they have in common. i see it in radio row, where i have my radio show. i see people coming to broadcast and do shows. that diversity often represents diversity in america and our interest. >> todd: fascinating insight, david webb. enjoy day four.
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this is trump's speech. this is the day, this is the day. >> todd: an emotional moment when the families of 13 service members killed in afghanistan took the stage. >> joe biden may have forgotten that our children died, we have not forgotten. donald trump has not forgotten. joe biden owes the men and women that served in afghanistan a debt of gratitude. >> carley: the family members will join us next. rohn's diseas. put it in check with rinvoq... a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check! when flares kept trying to slow me down i got lasting steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check! and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check! for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief lasting steroid-free remission.
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>> carley: one of the most powerful moments at it is rnc when gold-star families of service members killed in the afghanistan withdrawal took the stage and sent a direct message to the white house. >> joe biden said the withdrawal from afghanistan was an
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extraordinary success. look at our faces, look at our pain and heartbreak and look at our rage. that was not an extraordinary success. our son, corporal hunter lopez, whose name joe biden has refused to say out loud, was killed august 26, 2021, while joe biden has refused to recognize their sacrifice, donald trump spent six hours with us and allowed us to grieve, he allowed us to remember our heroes. >> carley: wow. you just heard from two mothers -in laws and aunt along with father of taylor hoover. thank you for joining us, late
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night and early morning for you. what a powerful moment it was. what was it like to be up there? >> it was amazing, a little overwhelming. the response we received and the warm welcome we got was amazing, it felt nice. >> carley: there were shots of the audience, some crying, what did it mean to you? >> it meant for three years we've been pretty much ignored. we did not have high hopes anything was going to be any different. we had the warmest welcome. it was amazing seeing people take everything we were saying to heart. we felt love and support, it was amazing. >> carley: i'm sure all 13 of
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your families have gotten to know each other as you try to navigate your grief. do you feel forgotten by this administration, as well? >> absolutely we do. the only communication from this administration is a letter, a can letter thats the same thing to etch00 of us and looked like it was photocopied. there were no personalized sayings to the kids individually, everybody got the exact same thing. that is only communication we've had from them and no matter how many times we try for how long, nothing gets through and they can't get afghanistan in their rearview mirror fast enough. >> carley: getting a copy/paste letter, did that feel like an
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afterthought? >> it looked like it, yes, p photocopied and sent on its way. >> carley: on that note, president biden has never publicly said the names of your children, your daughter-in-law who died, made ultimate sacrifice. she loved her job so much. there is a picture of her h holding the little baby just days before she was tragically killed. last night, one mother whose son died said names of all of the 13 who passed away and the crowd echoed the names back. what a powerful moment, what did that feel like for you? >> it was amazing hearing our kids names, our heroes names out loud is amazing and we don't get to do it very often unfortunately.
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no longer with us, but hearing the crowd echo it back was like they were with us. >> carley: they are with everybody in the oaudience,ow viewers, the millions who watch fox news will 23never forget. if you had the opportunity to speak to president biden, probably not going to happen. if you did, what would you say to him? >> i have absolutely nothing to say to that know ma. we've lost so much and to say that there was no loss was disgusting. been nothing but disrespect since the kids all died. at this point, nothing he can say will not make a difference. the time was when they died, not three years later after everybody in the world finds out
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how the disrespect has been to us. nothing he could say. >> carley: darren, the president said no service members died on his watch. when you heard that, what went through your mind? >> a lot went through my mind. i just happened to be sitting with taylor's mom and we were watch being together and both of us screamed. i almost threw my phone at the tv, i could not believe the words i heard come out of his mouth. it makes me wonder if he even knows his own name right now, let alone anything else. how dare he try to say something like that. we have been front and center with him trying to get meetings and conversations going with him through the congressmen that have been helping us,
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congressman issa, the one that first brought us in and waltz and mills and a bunch of the others and still couldn't do it. he probably does not know where he was at during the debate, as everybody saw. >> carley: we're so glad you were able to share that moment together on stage and have everybody remember your loved ones, the 13 who lost their lives as heroes in afghanistan. it should have never happened, we will forever remember. thank you for joining us. we'll be right back. choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. -yes! -that's how you waffle! mr. “this script got a plot twist” at a radisson hotel. a business big leaguer. go for key. even the ultimate pool float inflator.
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and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> todd: the rnc has a house band, we do. mark cuban and elon musk go ing at it over musk support for president trump. cuban admits he is open to replace biden. >> cheryl: in middle of the rnc, talking about billionaires and politics, never seen so many businessmen jump into an
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election cycle like this week. elon musk and mark cuban, no love lost between the two. this has happened many times before. elon musk has endorsed former president trump to be numbers president. he said, the choice is clear. mark cuban responds saying the virtue of self ishness. cuban admitted trump is better than biden at sound bites. i am open to replace biden and/or harris. this new poll is fascinating. nearly two thirds of democrats do not want joe biden on the t ticket. only 3-10 are can have the confident in his mental capacity.
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>> todd: wait, there is more, bad news continues to snowball with these numbers. early s >> cheryl: the inflation story is a major issue. it comes down to kitchen table. new fox news polling shows 76% of voters are cutting back on spending to afford basic necessities. 76% are cutting back. now remember joe biden keeps saying that inflation, it is coming down. watch. >> what do you tell people who are paying $6 for cereal, they can't take their kids to a ball game. >> president biden: telling them inflation is coming down. you have 16 nobel peace prize laureates saying it is coming down. i have not spoken to the fed, my guess is they will reduce rates.
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we have to deal with corporate greed. since pandemic, corporate profits have doubled. >> cheryl: joe biden comes into office, inflation 1.4 and jumps to 9.1 and now 3%. it is up 3% year over year temperature is up. he says it is coming down. >> carley: it is just not going up as fast as it once was. >> cheryl: voters say healthcare, they are concerned about healthcare. we have seen healthcare services jump in the inflation report, as well. the economy, americans are speaking and saying they are struggling. >> carley: that is one reason why donald trump chose j.d. vance as running mate because of his background, where he came from and who he can speak to. >> cheryl: exactly, middle american voter, the average
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person that feels forgotten. voter that democrats have taken for granted does not seem to be there anymore. here is what j.d. vance tsaid watch. >> i promise one more thing, to people of middletown, ohio and forgotten communities in michigan, wisconsin, ohio and every corner of our nation, i promise you this. i will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from. every single day for next four years when i walk into the white house, i will be doing it for you, for your family, for your future. thank you, god bless all of you and god bless our great country. >> cheryl: taking his message directly to the average american that does feel forgotten and feels like they are being left behind. >> carley: wish we had enough time to play the full half-hour, did so well, we had to cut out
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applause for time. it was even more impactful. he talks fw forgotten communities, people who live in appalachia, union democrats that are now showing up to the rnc not so much democratic anymore. >> todd: the platform is unity, all americans love cheryl casone, we will celebrate her birthday with unity cupcakes. >> carley: a sweet tweet on your birthday to stimulate the economy and our stomachs. >> todd: not let the rnc stop us from celebrating. >> carley: you can take both boxes, i would like a red velvet. >> todd: you have 13 minutes to eat before you join mornings with maria. >> carley: next three hours on fox business network. we love you so much. >> cheryl: thank you, thank you. >> carley: check in with brian
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kilmeade to see what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> brian: hi, guys, see you soon. we continue to have fun in milwaukee, next three hours will be phenomenal. secret service is facing growing questions about security lapses, talking to butler township commissioner who is ush approximating back on claims local law enforcement is responsible for the breaches and at the rnc tonight, donald trump will have a speech, should last about an hour. first time we hear from him about the attempt on his life on saturday, what will he say? ask jason miller, who knows. yesterday applause for j.d. vance champion ing the working class, talking about his story. best-selling author to v.p. nominee.
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donald trump's granddaughter, kai highlighting the softer side of her grandfather donald trump. when you go to milwaukee, beer, i visited two breweries and i was forced to wear a hair net. plus, sean hannity, who told me he would never wear a hair net, lara trump who might and -- if we can fit it in on "fox and friends" from milwaukee, please watch us while getting dressed. throw in a wide shot. friends" f watch us while getting dressed. throw in a wide shot. in on "fox milwaukee, please watch us while getting dressed. throw in a wide shot. t in on "f milwaukee, please watch us while getting dressed. throw in a wide shot. fit it in from milwaukee, please watch us while getting dressed. throw in a wide shot. can fit it friends" from milwaukee, please watch us while getting dressed. throw in a wide shot. we can fit friends" from milwaukee, please watch us while getting dressed. throw in a wide shot.
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. ing kimberly cheatle says she has no stepping down even after being confronted by two senators over her agency's handling of the assassination attempt of former president donald trump. >> the more we learn about last saturday's assassination attempt and security failures. the more we can see the anger and criticism mounting for the agencies involved. watch as the secret service director kimberly cheatle is hounded by republican senators at the rnc yesterday. >> this was an aassassination attempt. you owe the people answers. you owe president trump answers. >> cheatle told those senators it wasn't an appropriate place to have the discussion. her office releasing this statement saying in part
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continuity of operations is paramount during a critical incident and the u.s. secret service director kimberly cheatle has no intentions to step down. while the secret service claimed that the building the shooter propped himself on before nearly assassinating the president was the responsibility of local police. the butler county police department had no security detail for this event. seven officers all assigned to traffic detail, period. the pbpd was not responsible for securing agr or any other location. the accountability committee formally issued a subpoena to the director of the secret service. an investigative hearing is expected to take place on monday. guys? >> carley: all right. chanley painter live for us with all the shocking details. thank you so much. let's bring in new york city congresswoman claudia tenney to talk about all of this.
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details yesterday worse than most people could have imagined with this guy being on the secret services' radar for over an hour. how could they possibly let donald trump on to that stage with this open threat? >> yeah. this is an epic fail on the part of the secret service and homeland security that allowed this to happen. there should have been a sweep of the perimeter. numerous events. every american has the right to express themselves. their first amendment right to go to a events like this. and the tragedy in all of this as we all know is that luckily donald trump's life was spared. but we're grateful for that but, you know, the lives of others were severely injured and we have the death of a wonderful american hero rising out of this. a 50-year-old man, father of two, i mean, this is incredible. and totally unnecessary that this person should have died. i think that secret service -- i think she should actually resign. and if she doesn't have a good enough organization behind her to stand up and take up the next step, then we know there are real problems in that organization. this is exactly our job in the
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house of representatives. we have oversighted over the secret service. we need to exercise that right. i'm glad that chairman comer is actually issuing a subpoena to get to the bottom of this investigation. >> todd: when it comes to getting answers, many of your colleagues in congress have used the word stonewalling. but i think it goes a little bit further. do you view this as less stonewalling and more of a cover-up? >> well, it looks like a cover-up. and it looks like stonewalling. they have been slow-walking everything from the bombshell testimony coming out of the irs whistleblowers in my committee on ways and means to what we see out of the department of justice. fbi, and all of them trying to kind of cover for the administration. and this is a real problem it undermines the faith that americans have in these institutions, vernal institutions like the cia, the fbi. you see cracks in these agencies that should be serving honorably. we see 51 so-called former
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intelligent agents that are either contractors that have the highest security clearances, you know, going out and in a political way, in my estimation, violating the hatch act in an attempt to say that hunter biden laptop is not real. these are all things that should be investigated and wrong coming out of these agencies, and the american people rely on these. these are the most powerful law enforcement agencies in the world providing, you know, security and with the secret service. let me first say that i am completely grateful to those who answer the call to serve. we have so many honorably serving agents, when you have problems at the top, you have the distrust of the american people. we need change. and the change starts at the top. >> congresswoman, there is going to be this public hearing on monday with the secret service director. you mentioned the subpoena that comer issued her yesterday. do you anticipate any bipartisan when it comes to questioning from democrats or republicans or
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is this one of those rare issues where there is going to be unity? >> there absolutely should be bipartisan. when you have an innocent american attending a rally for donald trump, a nominee for the president of the united states, and he is killed, also dying as a hero saving his children everyone should be part of. this everybody should be unified. it's a unifying moment. as horrible as that situation was in pennsylvania. i think you saw some unity and some sobering of everyone. i know that even some of my democratic colleagues reached out to me and said this is -- we are really sorry. where do we send a card to the cthis is good to hear and good o hear from some of my colleagues. >> todd: speaking of the word unity. we are all looking forward to donald trump's speech tonight at the rnc switching it from what it was going to be.
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>> carley: humdinger. >> todd: humdinger to unity. what percentage is going to be unity and what percentage is going to be maga, congresswoman? >> i think it will be a mixed bag. so excited to be here. first rnc convention as an elected official. so excited that we are unanimously in support of donald trump. very excited about j.d. vance our vp pick. this is going to be an exciting night tonight. i can't wait for it to unfold. a lot of great speakers. i will tell you what i have been the most heart-warming wonderful part of this convention is the speeches coming from the everyday americans. they are amazing. though show unity. they show an america that's ready to change out this terrible administration. bring us back. and i'm so excited about that. it's really going to be great night. >> carley: what an unbelievable time in politics where you have j.d. vance's speech yesterday. donald trump's tonight and on the other side of the aisle joe biden with covid and a whole lot going on there as well. congresswoman, thank you so much. "fox & friends" starts right now.


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