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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 18, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> todd: humdinger to unity. what percentage is going to be unity and what percentage is going to be maga, congresswoman? >> i think it will be a mixed bag. so excited to be here. first rnc convention as an elected official. so excited that we are unanimously in support of donald trump. very excited about j.d. vance our vp pick. this is going to be an exciting night tonight. i can't wait for it to unfold. a lot of great speakers. i will tell you what i have been the most heart-warming wonderful part of this convention is the speeches coming from the everyday americans. they are amazing. though show unity. they show an america that's ready to change out this terrible administration. bring us back. and i'm so excited about that. it's really going to be great night. >> carley: what an unbelievable time in politics where you have j.d. vance's speech yesterday. donald trump's tonight and on the other side of the aisle joe biden with covid and a whole lot going on there as well. congresswoman, thank you so much. "fox & friends" starts right now.
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♪ >> it's time to put that flag on your front porch. that red hat on your head. because we don't cave and we don't cower. >> president trump back in commander-in-chief i would go back to reenlist today. [chanting u.s.a.] >> the media make mice grandpa seem like a different person, but i know him for who he is. to me, he is just a normal grandpa. >> trump has given everything he has to fight for the people of our country. >> president trump told us personally right after that attack he stands with the american hostages. [chanting] >> may have forgotten children died. we have not forgotten. donald trump knew all of our children's names. we have another son serving in the army and we do not trust joe biden with his life.
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[chanting joe must go] >> let's elect a president who will instill patriotism. >> it's a choice between people who are proud of america and people who are ashamed of america. >> walk into that white house to help president trump, i will be doing it for you. [cheers and applause] >> steve: well, that was last night. and today is the big day. former president donald trump will make his first major speech since that assassination attempt on saturday as he accepts the republican nomination. melania trump, ivanka trump are expected to be here in milwaukee for the final night of the rnc where the theme is make america great once again. >> last night, trump's new running mate j.d. vance introducing himself to the nation as the official g.o.p. nominee for vice president. >> so tonight, mr. chairman, i stand here humbled and i'm overwhelmed with gratitude to say i officially accept your
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nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [chanting j.d.] >> while trump made another return to an energized crowd at the rnc, president biden was shuffling off to delaware where he will be isolated after being diagnosed with covid. and it comes as the division within biden's own party is growing deeper. >> brian: top democrat leaders like chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, hakeem jeffries reportedly joined a growing list of democrats, expressing concerns about the president's ability to win and, perhaps, do his job. >> steve: there you have got adam schiff on that as well. did you notice how the president -- the current president was laboring to get up those stiers because we didn't know at the time until later that he had covid even though he
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was out shaking everybody's hands. >> lawrence: looks like the democratic leadership has finally had enough. you see donald trump and his poll numbers. you see what happened at the presidential debate. and they were expecting some sort of recovery or joe biden to drop out. of course he has refused to. and then fascination attempt that is not only -- assassination attempt not only galvanized. independents, everybody that may not have agreed with everything the president said now wanting to stand whim. now you see the contrast. you got donald trump. >> steve: swagger. >> lawrence: to a man's world. james brown and then the current president of the united states that is off to delaware. >> ainsley: one with covid and who one ho survived an assassination attempt with a bandage over his ear. last night was awesome. donald trump jr. did a great job he introduced his daughter. she said after her grandfather was shot she wanted to speak and tell america what he is like. first, let's show j.d. vance the
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official v.p. pick. >> steve: he's official because his name is on the plane now. >> that's true. that's true. j.d. vance talking about beating all the odds, came from a very poor family. introduced his mom to the audience beverly who said she will be clean in january. it will be 10 years. he expects to celebrate in the white house her anniversary of being clean. here he is last night. >> when donald trump rose to his feet in that pennsylvania field, all of america stood with him. and what did he call us to do for our country? to fight. to fight for america, even in his most perilous moment, we were on his mind. his instinct was for us, for our country. they said he was a tyrant. they said he must be stopped at all costs. but how did he respond? he called for national unity. for national calm, literally right after an assassin nearly took his life.
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president trump represents america's last best hope to restore, what if lost, may never be found again. a country where a working class boy born far from the halls of power can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] our movement is about single moms like mine, who struggled with money and addiction but never gave up. and i'm proud to say that tonight my mom is here, 10 years clean and sober. i love you, mom. [cheers and applause] and our movement, ladies and gentlemen, it's about grandparents all about this country who are living on social security and raising grandchildren they didn't expect to raise. my ma'am may died shortly before i left for iraq in 2005. when we went through things, we found 19 loaded handguns. and so this frail old woman made sure that no matter where she was she was within arm's length
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of whatever she needed to present her family. that's who we fight for. that's american spirit. [cheers and applause] >> brian: i think it was less of a speech more of a conversation. here is who i am. very comfortable on staining. if anyone thinks ♪ talented. comfortable in his own skin. i didn't see a huge ego. i see a lot of pride and gratitude. look at his record look at what he believes. see the vulnerabilities. but you got to be ready it fight. meet the press, face the nation, if you are kamala harris, whether you are vice president or president depending on what position you end up getting, if you are taking him on, he is formidable. no doubt about it. i thought tom homan was fantastic last night. i thought michael waltz who is going to be on in 15 minutes, was great. the families of the 13 who lost their life at abby gate so important to let them all speak. >> ainsley: everyone in the crowd said each of their names. >> brian: here's the other thing. like it or not, they have personal interaction with the
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president that humanizes him. he does not talk about it. like jonathan diller when he talks to the family i asked him what was it like in there between us and the family. the family is like no, no, he went up to my 7-year-old. my 3-year-old asked if he could give him a hug and he had all these things behind the scenes. trump doesn't talk about that. and then you have the family saying he invited us to bedminster and we spent hours with him. first time we were able to smile with somebody that cares. we got to put him back in the white house. perhaps the most moving. and as much as it bothers people on the other channels, is he a human being, is he a father. most of all he is grander if a. i have news for you, for those who think that you have to wait out 78-year-old trump and move on. there are generations of trump, if they choose to, they could dominate the public spotlight. buckai trump 17 years old said , i want to speak. so he introduced her. she spoke.
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and she gave us an idea of what the president is like as a grandfather. watch watch. >> speaking today to share the side of my grandpa that people don't often see. to me, he is just a normal grandpa. he gives us candy and soda when our parents aren't looking. [laughter] >> he always wants to know how we are doing in school. when i made the high honor roll he printed it out to show his friends how proud he was of me. [applause] he calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going and tells me all about his. [laughter] but then i have to remind him that i'm in school and i will have to call him back later. [laughter] when we play golf together, if i'm not on his team, he will try to get inside of my head. [laughter] >> i know. and he is always surprised that i don't let him get to me.
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[laughter] but i have to remind him i'm a trump, too. [cheers and applause] even when he is going through all these court cases he always asks me how i'm doing. he always encourages me to push myself to be the most successful person i can be. obviously, he sets the bar pretty high but, who knows, maybe one day i will catch him. [cheers and applause] on saturday, i was shocked when i heard that he has been shot. and i just wanted to know if he was okay. it was heart breaking that someone would do that to another person. a lot of people have put my grandpa through hell, and he's still standing. [cheers and applause] grand parks you are such an
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inspiration, and i love you. [cheers and applause] >> steve: that's just so charming. >> lawrence: yeah. to brian's point, it's not just the stories from other folks whether it's the 13 that died in abby gate and their families but it's his family members. if i'm democrats i'm worried. because i don't know if people have been watching the former president, but he has been in this calm state almost looking emotional at times as these speeches are going on. and the question is what donald trump is going to show up to the rnc tonight to deliver this speech. he has talked about unity. he hasn't been saying things that are inflammatory on truth social, which he has every right to do after he literally got shot. but he is staying consistent with the message and it's not just him. it looks like the rnc has taken control of all of these speeches and made sure every one stays within the thing. >> one of the speeches was world war ii veteran.
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sergeant william p pekrel. so cute. he said he fought in the battle of the bulge. he would reenlist and storm any beach that trump wanted him to. i love the american hostage families were on stage remembering their loved ones, 8 american hostages still out of the 120. and okay member neutra his parents talked. talked about birthing him in new york city. is he an american. and walking across the queens borough bridge when she was pregnant. her husband spoke. they said there are 24 countries represented out of the hostages. five different religions. he said president trump called us personally after our son was taken. >> steve: here's -- you know, we are trying to give you a recap of what all happened yesterday. but really what it was about, they were -- you know, we had the rollout of j.d. vance and he is talking about his mom. we see the trump family and they are talking about grandpa.
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what it's really about is family. they are trying to show that the republican party is a big family that has open arms. it's a big tent. come on in if you would like to be part of that family. and it was a chance to reach a larger audience. and, in particular, try to win over some of the blue collar states like michigan and pennsylvania where family is so important. and that's going to go forward again tonight because we understand melania is going to be here and ivanka is going to be here. the big question will be will melania actually introduce the former president as he accepts the nomination. >> ainsley: i hope so. >> steve: the news is of course the rnc is going on day four, make america great once again. but you saw that split screen that we opened our program with. while you see the swagger screen right of donald trump, screen left you have got joe biden who is struggling in las vegas to make it up those 15 stairs. he has got covid.
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>> brian: the baby stairs. >> steve: van jones on cnn perfectly summarized what we are looking at right there and what has happened over the last 80 hours. >> today is a terrible day. if you just -- if you pull back and look at this thing, strength vs. weakness. a bullet couldn't stop trump, a virus just stopped biden. you have got the nominees of this party getting their butts kissed. biden is getting his butt kicked by his own party. the democrats are coming apart. the republicans are coming together. that's what is happening. and at some point this party has to look at the reality of that. >> steve: is he absolutely right. >> ainsley: seems nancy pelosi is looking at the reality of that. it's being reported this morning that she had a private conversation with president biden to say the polls are indicating that you cannot beat trump. >> brian: yeah. there is no doubt about it. chuck schumer also did not deny
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that they had a similar conversation with hakeem jeffries weighing in. now there is 21 democrats who said he should be -- somebody else should be the nominee. adam schiff without nancy pelosi's blessing would never have said what he said yesterday. and that is if joe biden is the nominee, we're going to lose the house and senate. he fears the house and senate as well as that so something has got to be done. is he defiant. i mean, joe biden is actually doing his job. is he doing what george bush does and john kerry tried do. two or three events a day. is he doing interviews regularly. i assume somebody is running the country even though he doesn't note name of his secretary of defense. >> steve: hunter is black at the white house. >> lawrence: some black man. >> brian: black person he put on the supreme court. and he thinks the head of the secret service is a man. >> ainsley: right. bryan brian is he actually trying to keep up this pace and making regular mistakes and then he is got covid. >> ainsley: that's what don jr. said last night if you vote for biden, who are you voting for?
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who is running this country? it's not joe biden. >> brian: ainsley, who do you think they want to run against? they want to run against joe biden. >> ainsley: i think they would rather run against joe biden. >> steve: 100 percent. running the infrastructure to run against joe biden. >> ainsley: put kamala in the debate with j.d. vance and they will see. >> lawrence: harris biden or biden harris whichever one we don't know who is going to be at the top of the ticket. they are making it seem as in j.d. vance is afraid of kamala harris. now, you guys. >> steve: that's funny. >> ainsley: is he a lawyer. and graduated from yale law school. >> lawrence: kamala harris former communications director said one person they are afraid most of is j.d. vance to debated kamala harris. >> ainsley: who said that in the democrats? >> lawrence: last communications director. >> brian: brian hughes just said on response why don't you commit to a date to debate. he said we don't know who the democratic nominee for vice president is going to be so we can't lock in a date.
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>> lawrence: that's true. >> brian: to do before the convention. to do so would be unfair to gavin newsom, j.d. pritzker, gretchen whitmer or whoever kamala harris picks as runsing mate. >> steve: top democrats are telling the president to his face, chuck schumer went to rehoboth last weekend and said mr. president, for the sake of the party, get out. and you have got hakeem jeffries and he said, listen, this is going to remain private, mr. president, until it isn't. >> steve: jonathan karl at abc went over to chuck schumer's office to confirm the report they didn't condition the report. >> steve: what cnn reported yesterday there is no indication he is changing his mind, but now he is listening to people who are saying things that he doesn't like. and apparently the three things that he is considering, polling, is he under water. cash, according to catsenberg, it is drying up. and the states in play. and when you look at the swing state polls, joe biden is being beaten by the guy who could run
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up those stairs, compared to him. and cud suddenly, you know, it's looking a little dimmer for the bidens. >> brian: reuters just did a poll and it's only trump by 3. so that's what biden is going to say. look, what polls are you looking at? >> lawrence: that's right. >> brian: i'm still in contention. >> ainsley: he actually did do that he said nancy your information is wrong look at these polls that i have. >> lawrence: right. >> steve: can't h run for president unless have you people with very big pockets digging out cash, right now nobody is digging out cash for joe. >> ainsley: waiting to see hot final ticket will be. they can't stand trump. exactly. >> lawrence: he has forgotten a lot of things. he still knows is he president. he kn know no one can force him out. does he care about the legacy or not? >> brian: going to get social security if he retires. >> steve: $1 that you are going to wind up paying over the last couple weeks. >> ainsley: let's talk about the assassination attempt because we are learning more about that. the gunman who tried taking the
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former president's life on saturday was reportedly spotted more than an hour before that shooting. >> steve: jonathan serrie joins us live from butler, pennsylvania with the latest. jonathan, i understand apparently the shooter went through the mags, took the golf range finder with him. and when he was up on the top of the building, he was looking at the snipers through the range finder and they were looking back at him. >> yeah. because of these findings, lawmakers are demanding answers, they wanted to know why the secret service failed to apprehend this guy before the shooting. even though there were so many warning signs. take a look at this video, local tv station wtae cell phone video appears to show 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks lurking in the background of the rally about an hour before the gunfire erupted. sources with knowledge of a closed briefing for senators say that was around the same time that law enforcement identified
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crooks as a suspicious person. a person of interest. fox news has learned senators were also briefed that when investigators reviewed crooks' laptop, they found recent searches for trump, biden, when is dnc convention and july 13th trump rally and that crooks wrote on the online gaming platform steam, quote: july 13 will be my premier. watch as it unfolds. investigators uncovered two cell phones. one near his body at the shooting scene and the other at his home. that secondary phone had only 27 contacts which the fbi is in the process of interviewing. a source tells fox news crooks' parents contacted law enforcement hours before the rally to report that he was missing and that they were concerned about his welfare. a trump supporter who had to leave the rally early to take his wife to the hospital for heat-related problems was surprised to see the former president's motorcade arrive at the same er. the couple had heard the news of
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the shooting and until they saw the former president walking on his own two feet they had feared the worst. >> we're front row. and my friend has blood coming out of his head. >> o my god. oh, jesus. >> there he is. there he is. >> you can hear the relief in their voices. the former president's attacker fired from the roof of the agr building. it's just outside the secret service perimeter. agency officials had said local law enforcement were tasked with patrolling that area. but bought ler town commissioner is pushing back. edward naftali posted this on facebook. the butler township police department had no security detail for this event. there were seven officers. all assigned to traffic detail, period. the btbd was not responsible for securing agr or any other location. and commissioner that at that
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timely by the way will be joining us on "fox & friends" a little later this morning. back to you guys. >> brian: i don't get it, jonathan. do we know how he got the gun through? we know he had the scope in his hand which is ridiculous that he was able to get through having said that where is the gun? >> the gun is actually at quantico as long as with other evidence being analyzed. >> brian: no, i'm sorry. >> steve: the zone. >> brian: how did he get the zone. >> ainsley: he was outside the zone. >> lawrence: he didn't make it in. >> he was outside the zone. there was some altercation around the imagine nah no tom ter. they didn't want to let him through. then the shots were fired from that building that was outside ever the secured zone. so he didn't have to bring it through the magnetometer. the issue is people had eyes on
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him on top of that building. but nothing happened until it was too late. >> lawrence: just to confirm they let him go 60 minutes before the event. 20 minutes before the president even took the stage, they knew he was lost. they could have allowed the president to stay in the motorcade until they tracked him down sniper team for 20 minutes were locked on him but they didn't shoot him. so senators tracked her down here. >> the senators, she is at the rnc, and there were at least four republican senators who confronted her. they did have that private meeting frustration the q&a portion of the meeting didn't last long enough. those are some of the answers that they are trying to seek. and what will helpfully come out of these multiple investigations
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that will continue into next week. >> brian: five day no, sir press conference. inexcusable. absolutely nuts. jonathan, thank you so much. >> lawrence: apparently hanging up on senators as well when they called over. >> brian: briefing was embarrassing going over minutia instead of getting to the heart of the problem. >> steve: coming up. >> lawrence: so carpool something with friends. brian's uber rating is forcing us to golf cart. >> brian: that is not true. >> ainsley: look at the two of you at the back of the golf cart. >> lawrence: look who is here jason campaign manager jason miller. ♪ is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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>> let me tell you about the future. president trump's vision is so simple, and, yet, so powerful. we're done, ladies and gentlemen, catering to wall street. we'll commit to the working man. >> when he stood up with blood on his face and the flag at his back, the world saw a spirit that could never be broken. [cheers and applause] >> i was shocked when i heard that he has been shot, and i
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just wanted to know if he was okay. a lot of people have put my grandpa through hell, and he is still standing. [cheers and applause] >> that all happened last night that was g.o.p. vice presidential nominee j.d. vance. you saw don jr. and precious daughter kai trump last night on day three of the rnc. as tonight trump prepares to give his big speech since the assassination attempt, first speech yet after that attempt. focus tonight on making america great once again. so, what will he say? we are asking senior adviser for the trump campaign mr. jason miller. jason, thanks for coming on. >> good morning, thanks for having me. >> ainsley: this has been incredible week what will happen in the arena behind us. >> tonight will be very special. millions of americans have been asking ever since last saturday how has president trump had the strength to get up and continue forward not just with the gain but to lead our nation? what will this speech look like? what will his address be like?
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i can tell you after last saturday just by a quarter of an inch avoiding being killed by a gunman, president trump tore up the speech that he had and said i need to redo this. it has to have a different tone and lay out a pathway forward how we unite the country not just words and tone which is very important. also how we bring about success he is going to do that tonight. and when you talk about the contrast between our party being united, we saw whether it be governor desantis or governor haley, the senator rubio, everyone on our ticket being unified. the democrats can't even unify their own white house. >> ainsley: who else can we expect to see tonight? >> so tonight we're going to have some surprises. i guess they are not so much surprises now if i'm saying it hulk hogan will be there tonight giving a speech will be great. we will have the great dane that white who will be introducing president trump. franklin graham will be there. eric trump and, of course, president trump with his remarks. and ainsley, i just want to say about president trump and what he is going to say, this is going to be very personal.
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this is going to be very much from the heart. he has been writing this by himself. he said he knows exactly what he wants to say. he knows the issues that he wants to talk about. he knows ohio wants to connect with people. and with all the division and hatred we are seeing from the democrats, and what going on with joe biden and kamala harris and now adam schiff and the whole thing is chaos, americans need leadership. and it's so unique that you have a former and future president providing that leadership when joe biden can't do it anymore. >> ainsley: jason, i want you to hear this soundbite joy reid comparing joe biden recovering from covid to donald trump recovering from being shot in the ear almost in the head. listen to this. >> donald trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo op. during an active shooter situation. this current president of the united states is 81 years old. and has covid, should he be fine in a couple of days? doesn't that convey exactly the same thing? that he is strong enough, older
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than trump, to have gotten something that used to really be fatal to people his age. >> ainsley: conveyed as exactly the same thing, jason. >> what do you even say to that? it is so outland dish and so bizarre. president trump talks about how countries are emptying out their mental institutions and flooding people into the united states. we think we know where they are ending up msnbc. what joy reid said right there is absolutely crazy. >> ainsley: jason, thank you very much. thanks for coming. in you spent a long week. i hope you get some rest next week. >> thank you. ains donald trump, sean hannity and governor glenn youngkin. look who is here next. it's congressman michael waltz. hey, congressman, come on up. ♪ ♪ all loyalty members earn points toward mylowe's money.
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>> president trump back in commander-in-chief i would go back to reenlist today. where i come from, when somebody comes for me or my home, you dig in your boots in the ground and never look back. that's the attitude that saved the free world. >> brian: 98 years old. president biden's foreign policy failures put into protect ramsey clark including the botched afghanistan withdrawal one of the ghors our military history. took the life of 13 service members. wounded many. one of the gold star moms speaking out last night. >> now we have another son, serving in the army and we do not trust joe biden with his life we have in donald trump to lead our military, please join us in supporting donald trump
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for president and commander-in-chief. [cheers and applause] >> brian: our next guest was also on stage prior to the 13 gold star families come out. driving home that this would never happen under trump's watch. former green beret commander and florida congressman michael waltz. great to see you congressman. great speech last night. >> thank you. >> brian: your thoughts about how those 13 families afforded themselves in front of the world last night? >> there wasn't a dry eye in the house, brian. and i was able to tell the story of president trump after biden wouldn't meet with him. wouldn't take a call from them. saying come on up here to bedminster. he was scheduled to spend an hour with them. he ended up spending six hours with them. by the end of the night. they were crying half the time and then he had them dancing half the time. and laughing and two of those moms that were up on stage came up to me afterwards and said it was the best thing this evening
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with president trump was the best thing that had happened to them since they lost their son and i was able to look at the president last night and say you helped them heal because he did. that's a compassionate, caring commander-in-chief. and one that we need. >> brian: five days ago he almost lost his life. he wouldn't have been there. this country would have been different. obviously the rnc might not have taken place. we are getting more details about what took place. so many things with this assailant walking through with a scope. still allowed to walk through. the secret service with eyes on him 10 minutes before. know there was a guy with a gun and still let the president on stage. what about you as a human being and from a congressional point your reaction? >> first of all the protocols are gun, gun, gun. president's off. or i have been in a rally where local law enforcement called in had something suspicious. they held the president and didn't go out until it was
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cleared. clearly there was a major breakdown between local and the inner core close in detail. but i keep pointing out that because that detail was denied additional secret service agents, they were reliant on local law enforcement they hadn't trained with before and not the same systems. >> brian: if you have a guy with a gun on a roof and you know that 10 minutes before the president comes out and you don't shoot that guy or keep the president in his green room. >> he should have never gone out or immediately been pulled off. now, another issue when we have the director of the secret service before our committee on monday is there is different rules of engagement for seeing something that poses a threat versus reacting to a shot. we have that in the military. and i believe they had it here but i want to know what it was. >> let's look at marsha blackburn and senator barrasso saw, heard that the secret service director was in the
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building. take a look at this footage. watch. >> that's exactly what we are doing today on the call. stonewalling. >> this is an aseamtion attempt. you owe people answers. >> brian: not to tell the american people five days not to have prarches inexcusable. not to tell you guys is unacceptable. and then we have to do that? >> well, look, we had a call yesterday. it was worthless it. didn't tell us anything that you can't. >> brian: with the fbi director? >> with the fbi director and the service subpoena her to come. she wouldn't come voluntarily on monday. what the hell is going on? she should have been the first person to stand in front of the country and assure them, assure us to say we're going to get to the bottom of this, period. >> brian: no one is running this white house. she should be fired and the president thinks his director is a man. we are in a lot of trouble over the next four months.
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congressman, great job last night. i love your message. and i love you bringing the inside story to what president trump was like behind the scenes. he will not say it and you will. meanwhile tonight, president trump will speak for the first time since the assassination attempt. it will be dramatic. it will come from the heart. our next guests are all former democrats. what they hope to hear. ♪ subway is offering 20% off any sub, any size whooo! 20% off subs is fun to say 20% off subs are fun to eat you'll love 20% off subs the point is, any sub any size. 20% off at subway why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that.
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what is your feel? why donald trump now? what is he doing differently? >> i'm voting for donald trump because i, again, i think is he great businessman. when he first got in politics, he wasn't really a politician. and i think he's learned and grown so much from where he was in 2016 until now. i think he will brings that change that the country desperately needs. that's why i'm voting for him.
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>> lawrence: mario, big game for the former president with hispanic voters. you're an immigrant here. how do you view donald trump's policy when it comes to that? >> i think donald trump's policy is good. i think he has the right intention in mind. i do think that the republican party view on immigration has to change a little bit or has to be open to a different interpretation, i guess per se. to pulling more latino voters. because right now, i know a lot of latinos that are conservative. and they align more with the republican party, but i think they are mo afraid to vote republican because of immigration issues. and i think that that would make a huge change on their vote. >> lawrence: roger that. monty, you are a former democrat, you have turned to the republican party now. the person that donald trump is running gentsd current president
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of the united states, could not remember who his secretary of defense is. i want to play this soundbite for you. let's watch. >> it's all about -- it's all about treating people with dignity and making sure that -- for example, look at [inaudible] i named the -- the secretary of defense, a black man, i named cketanji brown because of the people i named. it's about making it clear that american history is black history. black history is american history. we are being built by it. that's why we are strong. >> lawrence: there is something critical there obviously the president is dealing with mental decline there. to only associate your secretary of defense with his identity just being a black man, if donald trump would have said that, it would have been outrage, right? >> i agree. >> i agree. >> i run into that quite a bit. people expect me to be one way and i'm very much a different way. and it's usually centered around
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the fact that i consider the democrat party to have two primary planks on their platform. abortion and homosexuality. those are not social or civil issues as much as they are issues of morality. >> lawrence: um-huh. >> that's a tough one with me. so, i talk it people all day every day. this is what i do. i pretty much do what you do in terms of your stance, your position. your aggressiveness. and. >> lawrence: ha ha ha. >> i encounter it a lot. how can the democrat party assume that blacks don't have a problem with abortion, don't have a problem with homosexuality? people i talk to and i talk to people every ethnicity, they think that we should dump that
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ideal, that position. >> lawrence: you think they should focus more on the economic things and things that matter to everyday voters? >> yes. >> lawrence: thank you all so much for joining the program today. we really appreciate it? >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> lawrence: before watching donald trump to take the stage tonight. we sent dooce on the loose. watch. >> steve: all right. it's convention fest 2024. we are in the heart of milwaukee. this is oncology conventional dooce on the loose. rough estimate. how many times do you have the word trump on your body? >> we love trump. >> we love trump. >> steve: i'm getting that feeling. what's your name? >> jeff. >> what's my name? >> peter. >> oh, no. that's your son. >> thanks. >> you have been overtaken. say cheese kurd. >> cheese kurd. new jersey in the house.
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these shoes were made for walking. that's just what we do. >> steve: one day those shoes. >> are going to walk all over you. >> i want to show you this shirt it says black lives maga. >> steve: you're ivette? >> yes. >> steve: what's my name? >> peter doocy. steve doocy. >> steve: should have stopped at mr. does. doocy.>> i'm having identity c. >> so is the left. >> what are you having more of beer or cheese. >> cheese. >> steve: i have never had a cheese kurd. >> white baby cheddar cheese. >> it honestly is one of the best things i have ever had. i think i might have to have a couple more. what is a walking s'more? >> take golden grams, mini marshmallows ice cream chocolate and walk away with it. >> steve: do you know what i'm going to say when that cup is empty? >> i need another -- i need more. >> i need s'more. >> oh my god.
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i wanted to meet you so badly. >> what's my name? >> peter. ha ha you have a son. >> steve: they have a lot of food but also a lot of merchandise. as a new grandfather, brian and jay flags of valor what have you got for kids? >> american flag building kit. a way to pass freedom on in the next generation. >> steve: winds up looking like this. this is a special project because the proceeds go to the families of the victims of the assassination attempt. >> that is really nice. >> absolutely. >> steve: what's your name? >> bob. >> bob, what's my name? >> i actually don't know. are you on tv? >> steve: my son is apparently: hey, what are you asking me for. >> a signature on my hat. >> steve: this is great honor. david, what's my name? >> peter doocy. [buzzer] >> steve: that's wrong. i'm peter doocy's dad. i'm steve doocy. >> i got to buy him a drink. cheers. >> for dooce on the loose, i'm peter doocy.
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[buzzer] >> ainsley: excellent job, peter. that's so funny. >> steve: i understand currently we are going to rehoboth beach delaware. peter doocy were your ears burning just now. >> peter: yes, since last night. that's the craziest thing. why did you have a beer on tv. >> ainsley: i didn't drink it. >> steve: yes i did. >> ainsley: tv. >> steve: well, kind of. >> ainsley: do people call you steve? >> peter: yes, all the time. it's a great compliment. >> brian: that's very nice of to you say. >> steve: it is about 20% of the time they think i'm your brother. you are so screwed. >> peter: either means that people think i look 30 years older or you look 30 years younger. >> ainsley: peter, don't move. we're going to come back to you in just a minute. we have a big show ahead. stay with us. >> brian: believe her.
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