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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ >> john: a live look in the air at butler, pennsylvania, where five days ago a man tried to assassinate the former president. we are learning the secret service knew there was a person of interest in the crowd but let donald trump take the stage regardless. why is the question being asked. only the secret service can give us an answer to that, and so far
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the agency has not. at least not publicly. hello, i'm john roberts in washington and sandra with our two. >> sandra: more questions than answers as each hour goes by. this is "america reports" and fox told embattled head of the secret service kim cheatle did me at the convention last night with former president trump in milwaukee. there are still gaps, many of them in the timeline leading up to the shooting. we are told secret service did not deem thomas crooks a threat until he retrieved the weapon and climbed onto that roof. >> john: the butler town manager will join us in a minute to talk about the local police response to the shooting. back and forth and finger-pointing with the secret service. >> sandra: but first, we get to correspondent david spunt live in washington for a spear they say retrieved. does that mean the gun was hidden somewhere? >> retrieved, that is what we are being told that we suspected so but we are getting this from
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the secret service source. we don't know where the gun was hidden here are the investigators don't have that answer either appear that ar-15 rifle crooks head on the roof and it was too late. he did not walk into the rally just moments before the president took stage, but where was it didn't question him? investigators don't know and not saying publicly. crooks had a golf range finder which was not manned by secret service. crooks was a person of interest before trump took the stage only to become a threat when spotted on the roof. this parted within minutes. a secret service source telling us, "we went from golf range finder ohmic finder to ar-15 to fill in the gap." a direct quote and briefed by the secret service and fbi yesterday but there was one thing in common, the secret service knew about first before the former president took the stage and still allowed him to take the stage. senator said that crooks on a gaming platform called steam
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where he professed july 13th would be his debut. fbi officials looked through his laptop at the lab in quantico, virginia, and found searches of donald trump and joe biden and also july 13th rally. the police found a second cell phone at crooks' home south of pittsburgh with bomb making material. the second cell phone had 20 contacts and going through those names to conduct more interviews here for that phone is separate from his primary phone scene neo his body. and a photographed by pittsburgh tv station after pittsburgh snipers took him out. there is a remote control and you can see at the bottom of the screen and the authorities believe used as some sort of translator or detonator device. more than 200 and refused thus far by the fbi and still no definitive ideology or motive, which as noted, sandra. >> sandra: sure is, david spunt, thank you very much, john. >> john: butler township pennsylvania manager, thank you for being with us.
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i was speaking to the commissioner, edward natalie, i'm not sure how you pronounce that. but it sounds like an butler township, there were concerns local police forces being thrown under the bus by federal authorities. >> now, i believe that there is some truth to that. certainly at the onset of the event itself, aftermath of the event, there was what i believe information that could have been added to that initial press conference. kind of showing what township police department did in reaction to the alert of suspicious individual and person of interest and consequential pursuit of him. >> sandra: what would you have them add to that? >> i think i would have had to add that the butler township
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police responded to the person in question. the request to identify and find this individual first went out. the butler township's efforts did come in fact, identify the individual on the roof and able to identify that it was, in fact, armed and radio owed to law enforcement. >> john: we understand two officers responded and they were there on traffic duty or the butler township had told the secret service, hey, we do not have the manpower to guard any of those buildings. i just want to let you know that. but after this person was parted and after crooks spotted, couple of officers responded. one post of the other to the roof to get a look. our understanding that officer was holding onto the edge of the roof because he didn't have a ladder or anything trying to. up and crooks pointed the rifle at him and dropped back to the ground. unless you are
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arnold schwarzenegger, you cannot hold onto the roof with one hand and your sidearm to engage him. does that comport with what you have been hearing? >> sure is and as matter of fact, that is almost verbatim what has happened and what our officers relayed subsequent interviews. there was actually a total of four butler township officers responded to the building with the goal. they did a perimeter walk trying to identify the individual on the road. subsequently as the perimeter got wire to try to get planar view of the roof, two officers did engage in lifting an officer up to the roof to actually get an advantage point of digital determination. >> sandra: just to be clear, how long before the shooting took place did that happen? was the officer hoisting the other up to get a peek at the shooter? >> you know, that is a great
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question. i have yet to be told a concrete time-stamp for that. that is actually one of the things i'm hoping comes out from other audio and visual that may have been collected at the sc scene. so, i think that is a very important timeline to establish. speed to let me reask that question. so, what did the officer do? you got a view of the shooter, but he couldn't do anything about that because he sort of holding onto the side of the roof. he then did what and ran towards what? what did he do then? >> so, actually, once the weapon was pointed at him, he let go of the roof and dropped approximately 18 feet to the ground. at that point, both that officer in the officer that helped boost him up, both were on their radios indicating the individual, impact, was was on the roof and armed. >> john: who did they relay
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that information to? one of the big questions that has arisen here, thomas, whether or not adequate comps between local police and the secret service here at post 9 9/11, it is supposed to be unified comps but it is our understanding that may not have happened. did they radio to butler township headquarters on the hey, this guy has a gun and fixing to take out president trump or did they relate that directly to the secret service? >> so, everybody was on the same tactical channel at the event. i can't refer that secret service was a part of that. my understanding is that everybody who is working the security detail could hear anybody who was affixed to that kind of a channel. >> sandra: thomas, i am going to assume at this point, there has been incredible exchange of information with secret service
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and local police. that question would have been asked by secret service, you know, precisely what time that officer identified the shooter, climbed on the roof, identify the shooter, came back down here that is documented somewhere, right and exchange with secret service? >> i can tell you the energies that are officers have had directly subsequent to the shooting itself. and actually, the fbi. >> sandra: no secret service interviews whatsoever? >> nothing that i can confirm. with that they have been on the ground or not, i cannot say. but subsequent, no. >> john: do you happen to know what the time-stamp of the radio call was alerting everybody on the tactical channel to the fact that there was a guy on the roof with a gun? >> i don't. >> john: you don't come i think it was 6:11 something that the first shots rang out. if seconds between the time the officer dropped to the ground and the shots rang out is one
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thing. but if it was longer than that, you wonder if the ball was dropped somewhere. >> yeah, but i think we will wait to see that information show up in the final report with a little bit of anticipation. >> sandra: final question to you, the shooter, was he known to you personally or anyone you know? did you know about this person? was he a suspicious character locally? >> not to the best of our knowledge, no. >> john: thomas, it is great for you to take time and we appreciate you coming on and clarifying to it greater degrees with the butler township side of the story, thank you. >> sandra: thank you. >> i appreciate you having me on, thank you very much. >> john: sandra, that is a critical question, what is the length of time to officer king the radio and the tactical channel saying, there is a got on the roof with a gun. if a split second, that is one thing but if all longer.
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of time, a lot of questions. >> sandra: there is a lot of information to be given by those two police officers alone. it sounds like the fbi interviewing them and they would have that information. but this is sort of the problem, right? none of the information is given to the public to be taken through the timeline. boy, do people have questions, john. >> john: one aspect of this because somebody brought it up of beginning of the week that maybe the shooter was rushed? when he was discovered and people started yelling about him and when the police officer went up there and saw him and an end countered him he rushed the shot and that is why he missed and had he had more time, we might be talking about a very different story. so again, i want to say that to happen but it could be the police officer, the local police officer encountering him on the roof potentially played a role in saving the president's life. >> sandra: i suppose there is one way to look at it but the head turn by the president at
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the last second. >> john: so many things conspired together to save his life. >> sandra: absolutely, john. vice president kamala harris as we have been telling you is about to take the stage in north carolina as follows for president biden to step aside. former house speaker kevin mccarthy is here. he will dig in with that ahead. plus this. >> you let him go on stage with seeing him on the ground. [indistinct] >> so we need a resignation report right now. >> john: u.s. senators growing frustrated with lack of information on the assassinated attempt of former president trump. how they want to hold the secret service director accountable. that is next. >> this is not about the men and women in the field of secret service who are out there ready to give their lives to protect president trump. this is specifically about the director, secret service deserves new leadership to
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it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and love of country. [cheers and applause] and i know they are family with equal dedication and i think you also. [cheers and applause] and i say everywhere i go around
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the world, we are so proud that the united states military is the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen! [cheers and applause] which is why president biden and i are proud to have passed the pack act. [cheers and applause] the largest expansion of health care and benefits for veterans and military families and survivors, the largest benefit in decades. thank you again, everyone here, particularly military families for the service and dedication you have shown. so today, we are 110 days out from the election. [cheers and applause] and while many of us have been involved with these elections, every four years practically, nearly every time we will say, "this is the one."
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well, this one here is the one! the most existential, consequential, and important election of our lifetime. and they were so much at stake. last night was the latest example. so, some of you may have heard donald trump's running mate delivery marks at the republican national convention. he talked about his life story about growing up in southwest ohio, and it was compelling. it is a compelling story. and it was not the full story. frankly, what is very telling is what he did not talk about on that stage. he did not talk about project 2025. there are 900 page blueprints for a second trump term.
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he did not talk about it because their plans are extreme. and they are divisive. in recent days, they have been trying to portray themselves as the party of unity. but here is the thing, here is the thing. if you claim to stand for unity, you need to do more than just use the word. [cheers and applause] you cannot claim you stand for unity if you are pushing an agenda that deprives whole groups of americans of basic freedoms, opportunity, and dignity! [cheers and applause] you cannot claim you stand for unity if you are intent on
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taking reproductive freedoms from the people of america and the women of america! [cheers and applause] trying to ban abortion nationwide them as they do and restrict access to our to ivf and contraception as they are plan calls for. you cannot claim to be for unity if you try to overturn a free and fair election! [cheers and applause] and threaten and threaten to terminate the united states constitution! and you cannot claim to be for unity when y your entire economc agenda is designed to prioritize billionaires and big corporations over the middle class. [cheers and applause] we are too busy watching what you are doing to hear what you are saying.
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and lead us unpack that last point about the economy. this race can be boiled down to a single question: who fights for you? now, we know whose side are president joe biden is on. [applause] he grew up in a middle-class family in scranton, pennsylvania, and he has never forgotten where he came from. and i have been a first-hand witness with every decision he makes in the oval office, he thinks about how it will impact working americans. [applause] he understands -- he understands every day struggles because he has actually lived them. so friends come i say the contrast between joe biden and donald trump is like night and day. but with us election of his
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running mate this week, donald trump is also trying to distract people. he wants to direct attention away from his record and his project 2025 plan to suggest that he and his running mate are going to prioritize the middle class. but we are not buying it! [cheers and applause] we are not falling for the okey-doke. as many of you know, i am a former prosecutor. so, i say let's look at the facts, shall we? [cheers and applause] so donald trump tries to claim he brought back american manufacturing. the fact is under donald trump, america lost tens
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of thousands of manufacturing jobs. and more than 1,000 factories closed under his watch. the facts. meanwhile, president joe biden and i have created nearly 800,000 new manufacturing jobs. [cheers and applause] so much so, it has been described as a manufacturing boom! [cheers and applause] last night, we heard claims that donald trump has been fighting for our seniors. well, how the heck can you claim you fight for seniors when you intent to cut social security and medicare? [cheers and applause] which we all know is a lifeline for so many of our seniors. let me be very clear, president joe biden and i will always protect social security, and we
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will always protect medicare. [cheers and applause] all while we continue to fight to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors. but it's president biden and i that took on big pharma and finally closed the cost of insulin for seniors at $35 a month. who here has the family member with diabetes to know what that means? right here at about trump and his running mate and tend to get rid of our $35 cap on insulin here they will side with big pharma and let them make prescription drugs more expensive. not only that on the issue of health care, they intend to get rid of the affordable care act. [boos] donald trump and his allies
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tried more than 60 times to end the affordable care act, 60 times! to give insurance companies affect the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions. you all remember what that was like? children with asthma, women who survived breast cancer, grandparents with diabetes? president biden and i on the other hand have made the affordable care act more strong. [cheers and applause] because you see, we believe health care should be a right and not just a privilege of those who can afford it. [cheers and applause] >> sandra: a lot to dig into with our guests coming up. but first, what we heard from kamala harris on former president donald trump's running mate pick, j.d. vance at the rnc convention. if you claim to stand for unity,
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you need to do more than use the word. there was also a reference to project 2025, which we should know is not a drunk man or j.d. vance plan but clampett heritage foundation plan. in fact, the running mate j.d. vance was not explicitly endorsed project 2025 and a fact he says he disagrees with some of it and it's about having any connection to the trump campaign. interesting to see her approach as close call for the democratic party for biden to step aside in this race, john. >> john: the vice president and friendly territory for bill county, and the president won by by 17 points back in 2020, even though former president trump won the state by a very small little bit, real clear politics polls max shows donald trump leading by sx points. so we will see what the outcome is november 5th. in the meantime former house speaker kevin mccarthy. mr. speaker, thank you for being
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with us. we really appreciate it. what is your sense joe biden is going to do? our understanding is, everybody who is in the sort of second order around him is trying to tell him it is time to go. but people on the first orbit and the nucleus of this campaign are saying, "no, stay in." what do you think is going to happen? >> i always said he will be the nominee regardless. for the first time yesterday, i have a feeling in my own belief that it is beginning to crack. you have to understand what's going on behind the scenes. schumer and hakeem jeffries, the minority leader or week and haven't done anything. they are afraid of the debate. but nancy pelosi and barack obama have been pulling the strings behind the scenes. when adam schiff came out yesterday, that was nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi more than a couple of weeks ago went on and said he needs to make a decision when he is already made a decision. the move where president biden
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himself, prior in that interview with stephanopoulos so the only way he would get out is if god told him to. now he says a doctor. those are all movements going the other direction. the pressure is mounting. the president, he only gave three oval office addresses, even though he's been in office four years and utilize the assassination attempt to use that address to try to culminate in a given early nomination done before they got to chicago. but that has now stalled. so, it is looking more dire for the president with each passing day. >> john: in terms of whether or not corey comperatore gets out, i mean, can people control him into getting out or do theye leverage of donations and campaign funds to say, the monee don't believe in you anymore. you have got to go! >> they put all that pressure. his head in a vice and all pressure, they have taken the money away and people were telling him not to do it.
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they are doing a lot of damage to him now by making his campaign weaker. but he has all the power. he decides whether he stays and/or stays out but he has to answer this question because this moment is a watergate moment for the democrats. many of us have come out and said this has been a problem with him for a number of years and they've been hiding it so who, what, when. if he decides not to run, the next question is, should you resign because if you can't run in the future, how can you be president then? and it ends with watergate with resignation of a president. that is 18 on his legacy that i don't believe he wants. >> john: johnson did say at the end of march, 1968 he was not going to run until january of the next year. one of the big questions is who to replace with biden should he drop out and a lot of choices, but caring inside pulling show people like mark kelly and for
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senator from arizona, wes moore, the governor of maryland, who i had a chance to meet and he is an impressive person. gretchen whitmer from michigan who have a better than kamala harris. you can't just anoint harris or do you need to go through some process whether media primarily for the convention? do you do on the floor of the convention like 1968, which happened to be in chicago? >> you know, it is so ironic. the democrats a fair and honest election. but what they are doing right now is circumventing a fair and honest primary system. and remember what the democrats did. they literally change the primary so people couldn't run against joe biden. where south carolina became the first date where they have no debates. you would have seen joe biden and the rest of the world realizing who he is. so, i think that would be against democracy what they want to do. i think it is hard to jump harris, but i will tell you
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those trying to push biden out privately tell you harris is pulling worse and drop since the presidential debate. she has in a worse position but also money question, can the money transfer? maybe it will go to a super pac, but remember, money to candidates is more powerful than the super pac. candidates get to reserve tv time at a lower rate than a super pac. >> john: i want to ask you a quick question about tonight's speech to accept the nomination by former president trump. rose kessler from claremont writing in "the new york times" at this, "at the convention for 15 new promising rhetorical situation. his acceptance speech thursday night presents a political rebirth, magnanimity may not come naturally to mr. trump a close call with mortality can change one's perspective as ronald reagan admitted after his close call in 1981. it will be hard for mr. trump's opponents to run against murder for democracy on the ground he
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is a danger to democracy. nonetheless, they will try." think about that in terms of the president's speech tonight and where do you think he will go? >> i will tell you i think it is along those lines. i hear the president say unite more than ever before and not thinking about a party, but thinking about a country. i talked to the president the day after that attack on his life, and i did send something much different. like anybody else that would go through an experience like that. i have seen his actions in the last couple of days, more humble. i think he is a better man going through. and remember, we know he can do the job because he's already done the job here this idea, all's well so, going through this life expanse and see how humble he is and listening to the applause but also how he looked listening to his granddaughter. so he is looking for the future generation of america. in the very end, this tragic situation, like other times, might turn out to be one of the
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most positive things where it makes him even improve in the position of a man of who he was prior. speed when we will see, we will see what is got in store for us tonight. mr. speaker, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. >> sandra: the hero firefighter killed him the assassination attempt on former president donald trump. >> john: new details emerging about the shootings timeline. former secret service agent joins us next what he thinks went wrong and why he says the secret service director should be fired immediately. stay with us. but it's been a fs since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good thing aspen dental offers affordable, complete care all in one place. with flexible hours and weekend appointments. plus 20% off treatment plans for everyone. loving our patients unconditionally. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: back to pennsylvania and our top story growing crutches over the assassination attempt on former president donald trump and the law enforcement response
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to it. richard starr pulley a former agent from the secret service, the protective division and boy, oh, boy, we have had a conversation here. i mean, our minds are blunt that this was allowed to happen. you've had a big opportunity to look at the map, to see the plan, and to look at what you saw as massive failures with the way the secret service and the local police carried out their plan to protect the former president. what is it? >> massive failure is an understatement. talk about a breakdown in communication and a lack of prior planning. you can blame the local police department all you want, but ultimately, this falls to the u.s. secret service. i don't care if there was a police officer on site or state trooper manning an exit ramp 5 miles away. whatever the police officers do from the time that event starts until president trump leaves, that falls to the site agent of the united states secret service. they are passing the buck on
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this and it is totally responsible. >> john: one of the big questions here in washington, a lot of questions apparently the sniper teams on the rooftops have seen the shooter and held fire. people say, what are the rules of engagement? is it like the military where you need permission to take the shot, or do they have unilateral discretion to act? speak with the service is only domestic foreign agency where i am aware of the counter snipers have the proverbial green light. to disengage and shoot at will and shoot to kill. none of the shoot to wound or shoot to warn, there is no warning shots here or they are not waiting for the green light or authorization from everyone. what happened here was a number of things that cascaded one or two if you snipers up there. you have a huge event your code you have a building on top of you and as a matter of fact, sor almost too close to be handled well with that type of weapon ae
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high end optics on that weapon as well as the high end optics that the spotter is using. the other issue is there was some conflicting messages about who was actually posted on the roof. i understand one point and time there was a discussion about putting a police officer on the roof. there may have been a temporary breakdown in communication that because that counter sniper to have to ask, "hey, is that that cop that was supposed to be up there? who is that guy?" before he took the shot. >> sandra: mind-boggling what we have heard so far from director cheadle. this is some of what she said is the reason why they didn't have a man or a woman on that roo rooftop. >> that building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. and so, there is a safety factor that would be considered and we would want to put somebody on a sloped roof. the decision was made to secure the building from inside.
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>> sandra: we don't know what you know for sure and having worked as secret service and presidential production duties, but we see the proximity to the former president on that stage and we think, how did you not have discovered? what did you think when you're that? >> you don't need to be a train secret service agent here that building is in play and only a would stand on the podium proverbial x. >> sandra: what are you suggesting? how could they have this big of an oversight or failure to cover, how could this happen? speak with his happen because of lack of experience. the secret service job should not be someone's first time job and that goes back to all of the hiring practices going on for the last five or six, seven years. >> sandra: are you suggesting di? absolutely dei. take a look at the working shift and the employee secret service and put them in a hat, but you could go 300, 400 deep and pull out the names of male ages. yet, you are telling me of the six agents on the working shift, three of them coincidentally
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happen to be women and not one of those women was even close to being as tall as the president trump. the man at 6'3"! it seems to me when you pick those agents, optics has to take a background see in this thing! i need people on that shift that can do the job better or at least as tall as the president! it became evidently clear that they finally stood him up, he was exposed from the chest up to his head again! i would love to be on the working shift. i am not 6-foot tall. if i meant the same situation again when it comes time to have becky with the president and you can see it on the screen, i'm leaving his chest exposed. what do i do? i understand the job. i'm a professional and i understand the reason behind that and i don't pursue the secret service or threaten them because of a di issue. yet, the director of the secret service zero experience and the secret service never assigned to the presidential
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protective division and never done a site that involves the level of complexity and multicommunication that goes on here somehow becomes the director of the secret service. yet, we are still to hear from her coming up on a week here appearance be when she was on the second reduce detail, which are not in the obama administration? >> that is correct. >> john: i want to ask you two quick questions. the first is what playbook do you ever leave and you live in direct line of sight unprotect or with a direct line of sight. second, according to the butler township manager who we talk to a short-term ago and word went out on the tech frequency there was a guy with a gun on a rooftop. and i don't know if the secret service ever got that message. speak to those two things. >> two things, no world do you leave that vantage point unposted. i don't care if you put a secret service agent or a cop, a combination of the both and i don't care if you give a clear
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member of the press and put them on the roof to take good pictures. you have to have the roof post impurity we don't post buildings from the inside and wait for problems to come to us. you do it on the outside and you tell us you don't have four cops come up for secret service agents to post on each corner on the outside of the building? and the explanation of the director gave that could not put someone up there because it was too hot, the roof was looked absolutely ridiculous! the secret service, we do not subscribe to osha requirements. we are not concerned -- this is not union mentality and we are not teamsters. the job of the snipers to locate and kill someone! do you think these guys will be dismayed because they are on a roof 10 feet above the ground that has a little bit of a pitch to it? absolutely ridiculous! >> sandra: not to mention counter snipers were on sloped roofs. one final thought, they say the shooter crooks identified as a threat when he retrieve the weapon and climbed onto the roof.
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retrieved would insinuate the weapon was already there. >> that is exactly right. you know, however, this is a guy plenty of people say acting suspicious when he showed up here and why someone did not approach him and i say someone from a secret service agent or uniform division of the secret service simply walk up to this guy, introduce yourself and find out who this guy is and what he is doing there. one of the questions that i would have asked because i have done this and i have asked this, hey, why are you here? how did you get here today? do you have a car? do you have weapons? look at the town of pennsylvania come a huge hunting town with a big air problem. i bet if you went huge gnomic house to how she would pull an ar-15 out of every house. >> sandra: real quick is this a crisis of leadership? or a crisis of the secret service? do you believe the secret service right now can adequately cover the president and the former president? >> not with the cast of characters i saw at that event.
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they better handpick people that can do this job. it has been years in the making that leadership is poor, inexperience and should not be in the positions they are in. >> john: it is great to get your perspective on this, really appreciated. >> sandra: thank you. >> john: thank you. it is the moment rnc attorneys have waited for. former president trump speaking tonight for the first time since attempt on his life as a new report claims it is much harder for democrats to beat him in november. trump senior advisor alina habba up next developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse.
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well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. ♪ ♪ >> john: all eyes on milwaukee for the main event at the rnc. former president trump will take the stage to formally accept his parties nomination. just weeks ago, the former president faced legal cases, all of which are under scrutiny, delayed or in the process of being dismissed. alina habba is a newly minted senior advisor to president trump and she joins us now from milwaukee. alina, good to be with you. you told fox news digital in an interview today that you think we will see a different president trump tonight your could you said, "i think his perspective on life has changed since saturday, not that he wasn't already a great writer
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but i think the country needs to hear from him in a different light." put that in a different perspective for us. >> i don't think anybody could imagine having the perspective of president trump after nearly being assassinated. that is my point. we have all frankly on the trump team and as americans grown to love this country a little bit more and understand that when the country is so divided under this administration, when our children are so sick that somebody would choose to waive their life to tried to assassinate a former president and a likely future president, then our country has a cancer. we need to take that cancer outcome and we will do it with president trump. i tell you right now, i'm proud to be on the team and i'm now a senior advisor. i'm really excited. anybody that wants to support him, help us out and we have to save america. after what happened and butler come i don't know there is for america in this country that ist
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revitalized, not passionate, and does not have their faith and got little bit stronger. >> sandra: alina, thank you for joining us. how would you describe the current state of the former president right now, having some of the biggest two days of his life the past few days. how is he doing? >> is grateful. i think he is grateful. that would be the word i would use. he is grateful for life. he is grateful for the support of all the americans that have been out here at the rnc. he feels the energy and he feels the love. we all do. truthfully he is grateful, but i think he is excited. we have a tremendous amount of work to do and we cannot get lazy. he knows that and he reminds us of that. this is samantha put up his fist and said, "fight" after being shot. we have to get everybody out and he is keeping us charged up. he has a great leader and a great leader for me and a great
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leader for the trump team and a great leader for the country. we are excited to hear him tonight. >> john: i wanted to ask about the different public images of the two candidates. i want to put up a split brain, this is former president trump saturday right after he took off with that shot and narrowly escaped death and corey comperatore unfortunately did not. and on the right-hand side of the screen, joe biden yesterday in las vegas trying to get up the stairs of air force one. here is van jones, former obama advisor said about this contrast and interest. >> a bullet could not stop trump and a virus just up biden. who have got the nominees of this party getting their butts and biden is getting his butt kicked by his own party. the democrats are coming up and republicans coming together. >> john: what do you make of
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that analysis? mccoy think that is pretty accurate. i think the one thing he forgets to say, we have a president who is in serious cognitive decline. we have a party, the democrat party, falling apart because their love for taking down president trump came before their love for america. and that is a problem! and i think he is right, when you have cnn trying to take him down, don't think they don't have a plan or something up their sleeve. let's be very clear, the democrat party is not stupid. they know what they are doing and they are obviously not backing biden right now, but i will be honest i don't care if it is harris or biden, we have a winning team and we have a party unified. he is right about that so thank you for that, cnn, you are right we are stronger than ever and will keep getting stronger. >> sandra: there is reaction coming into your growing role on the trump team here at cory mills the republican from florida set the greatest part about what you do is that you don't speak from opinion. but is based on legal facts and
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procedures, and you do it in a way articulate, powerful, and gorgeous to boot! what is meant the response to you on the team? what is the general feeling right now as the calls are growing from democrats for the current president to step aside from this race? >> well, i think it is important, unfortunately, wrinkly, though statements from cory mills, that is lovely. the truth of the matter is this my only have my voice because of president trump, and i'm going to use it until november 5th. we need to use our voices until november 5th, and more importantly we need to use our feet that joe biden cannot use himself to walk ourselves to the ballot boxes and vote! that is what we are going to do. >> john: you better do more than walk to the ballot box. you better get early boats and as well because the democrats are very aware of that. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> sandra: we have been
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getting an update from the president's doctors as colds grow for biden to step out of the race. we will reveal what the doctors say next.
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president biden facing growing pressure to drop out of the presidential race." according to a new report it is a matter of if not when people do that. jackie heinrich reporting live at the white house at this hour, what do you have for us jackie? hello let mack hello sandra. dr kevin o'connor told us the president's symptoms are mild. but we have new video from him that was shot yesterday just before he was so sick that he called out his las vegas remarks and jetted all the way back from vegas to delaware. listen. >> i performed terribly so people are now saying well that was only one thing but he is 81 years old what happens at 84 years old?
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-- excuse me what happens 85? @reporters on the air force one bride said it was fast and bumpy they crossed the entire country in three hour 50 minutes. the president got off without a mask and told reporters he was doing well before getting into a vehicle and putting on a mask. he appeared to need assistance from an agent there. today his doctor said he's doing fine. the letter reads the president it's still experiencing upper mild respiratory symptoms associated with his recent covid-19 infection and continues to receive medication. he has no fate -- fever and vital signs remain normal. you will convict -- continue to conduct the business of the american people. pressure is mounting for him to withdraw though. according to reports, nancy pelosi chuck schumer and barack obama all told him in recent days his path to victory is bleak. if he stays in the rays he is risking democrat majority in the house and senate notably none of
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those four heavyweights have denied those reports. one democratic source tells me the message work recording from buck yesterday -- poker yesterday came from many others. >> he is facing a real question of what is best for the country and i think you will make that decision. a lot of us are doing everything we can behind the scenes to really talk openly and honestly with the president and his team about the best way forward. we've had private meetings and dc all of last week. i don't want to have the conversation in public. >> martha: so, there's a lot of discussion about it being a matter of when not if he drops out. but if you cover this president as we do you know he doesn't usually do anything without talking with his family first. the first lady and we know is with him right now but we are told there are on the -- no other family members there. he'd likely want to have a family meeting for any kind of news like that sandra. >> when not if i said at the other way. thank you so much jackie


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