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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 18, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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does democrats don't and he should withdraw and the overall those 70%, independent 77% that is public. but i think what they're showing our internal polls in different swing states that may have moved significantly. and when you're down five or six points in pennsylvania, a most went, when you're starting to see virginia tighten or even go bus to the trump side those are real warning sides -- signs like red alerts for democrats who need to run the table in order to get to 270 electoral votes. >> neil: thank you for all thought brad look forward to your coverage tonight. as we heard the president's speech in and around an hour i don't know if it factors in, plenty of applause. the first opportunity hearing the president since something that could've changed all that last saturday that was then this is now. so is the five.
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>> dana: hello, everyone, i'm dana perino along with jesse watters, joe jeanine pirro, and greg gutfeld. and this is "the five." from a brush with death to speaking with millions, the anticipation is building for donald trump's you know rnc address this evening. his first speech since would be assassin's bullet came near to killing him. the speech tonight will be north of an hour and he will not use the name biden once but he'll weigh out the case for the ticket and we will focus on unity and parts in the wake of saturday's assassination attempt. we got brand-new video of the former president talking about the attempt on his life. a first time we've heard this. >> this has been our best campaign. how does that happen?
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how did that happen? [cheers and applause] that's why they call it close call. that was then amazing thing. in many ways it changes your attitude, your viewpoint on l life. obviously i think you appreciated that even more. just something happened. something happens. not that it was pleasant. it wasn't like it was a complete miss. but it was pretty terrible it can happen. >> dana: is going to be a blockbuster star-studded night jam-packed with celebrity guest speakers including wrestling legend hulk hogan and kid rock. he gave us a preview. >> he just arrived in milwaukee.
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to support our tried and true red, white, and blue. 100% american president. >> dana: i think there's anticipation here at the table, knight four, jesse watters, what are you looking for? >> jesse: it's a continuation of what j.d. vance laid out last night. he's a great storyteller. i understand why donald trump tapped him as vp. he told the story about when america won the cold war, you have people like joe biden in the ruling class coauthor globalism which was great for american corporations but devastating for the american worker. sending children to serve overseas, jobs overseas. fentanyl and foreign workers poured in untold donald trump emerged and slammed the break on the allies taking advantage of us. he stood up to china and mexico and then he unlocks the stagnant wage scenario. at this point in the 21st century the american people
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are exhausted. trying to fight for abstract ideas like globalism, democracy abroad, and they'll fight for their own home was the message. they'll protect their own families. who's the great protector last night? 's grandmother. he told great stories about how his grandmother when she caught him hanging out with a guy dealing drugs said if i see you hanging out with him one more time, i'm going to run him over with my car. no one will ever find out. sadly when the grandmother passed away, they were going through the house and found a 19 guns scattered around the house and every single room because she needed to be able to protect her family at all times. that's what the message of last night was. fighting and protecting. and he talked about the cemetery plot where he'll eventually be buried with seven generations are buried. these are people that fought for their homes, protected their
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land, protected the american family. the spirit in his grandmother and the family is the same spirit of donald trump. his story was the american dream and the donald trump will fight and almost die to protect the american dream. if you will see that tonight. >> you've been there every night and president trump will block out the sun. everything that's come before tonight will be remembered but not like this. >> good to be back here with everybody. it was a great opening night, all of the acts. we came to see them tonight, we can't see prince come up but we will see the real act. everything he says tonight to jesse's point. dana w rather, will be remember. i was pleased and impressed with senator vance last night. if you didn't know we are at a
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republican convention, parts of the speech remind me of reverend reverend jesse jackson speech. if we talk about forgotten americans, he talked about a quote america how we were really billed as a nation, how constituted as a nation. it you can't help but be impressed with the personal story of overcoming personal struggles that he personally has had to overcome. hearing him talk about his mother, the 10-year anniversary of sobriety on her part. first time i heard a republican give a speech at a convention like this, no mention of tax cuts, small business, empowering communities that way. we will see here over the next few weeks on the months how that resonates. without question tonight is donald trump's night. his conviction will be remembered for the unity and what he'll say this evening. >> dana: judge, i want to play my favorite part which was not j.d. vance's speech, it was trump's granddaughters. kai trump, i thought she was
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spectacular and reminded me of my own grandfather. watch here. >> on saturday, i was shocked when i heard that he has been shot. and i just wanted to know if he's okay. i was heartbreaking that someone would do that to another person. a lot of people have put my grandpa through and he is still standing. a grandpa, you're such a inspiration and i love you. a speech at one of the most important parts of what she said that touched me and you can hear the audience react is when he's just like any other grandpa, he sneaks us candy and soda when our parents aren't looking. >> judge jeanine: like any other grandma too. the truth is i think she touched the audience, she wanted to speak. i loved the way down junior introduced her. he didn't expect he was going to be introducing his daughter and she got up there. if she wrote that speech. it was from the heart, it was
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genuine, the audience could tell. he's definitely the guy who'd call her in class and talk about golf. he tried to get into my head but i must be six too and i wouldn't let him. that was a great line. the trump family, i think she talked about america being trump strong too. they have a family they protect her from the onslaught that happened from the left but these people are strong, strong as you get. tonight we will see the icing on the cake. we will see donald trump come out and basically have complete control of the republican party. maga the platform, he is going to plead for national unity on a night where the theme is to make america strong again. that's why you've got dana white and you've got hulk hogan and so many other people. i agree with jesse, j.d. vance.
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i love hearing about mamaw. ten years sober. so many americans can relate to that. drunk, addiction, overdoses, poisonings. that's a passion of his and he's going to address it. i saw the mother of the young boy who was killed by fentanyl. as soon as she said we have to declare them terrorist organizations, it's almost as though there was a rock and under j.d. you know they're going to be dealing with the drug problem which the biden administration has ignored at the border. the democrats cannot stop talking about the contrast between biden and trump, but we will see who the strong person is. we will see tonight that he's bigger than the democrats who will be more than just words. they are not going to attack democrats, and believe me in terms of his own personal grievances, he's got many of them but he's going to prove
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them wrong. he'll make them eat their words. he ripped up his speech, it'll be a speech of unity. >> dana: it's not just the speech but the entire convention has been produced in a way to build up to the moment and then it's got a lot of different types of appeal for people if you look at the guest list. >> greg: you've got hulk hogan, dana white, it's not a convention it's a pirate ship. everybody's invited on the ship as long as you fight. it's like a wild bunch meeting the dirty dozen. soft and sad, i look at tonight's speech with hope that it isn't just about strength, power, and control. trump has been successful all his life and with that kind of life it's really easy to believe you're the center of the universe, the director of the movie called life and then on a saturday you get shot. he realized suddenly you are not
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the director, you're the actor, there's a larger force offering events and it's not you. i think with that comes humility. life is not in your control. you may think it is but it belongs to something else. when you survive a shooting, it's the universe telling you there must be something more in store for you and it's beyond your control. you didn't choose the fate, the fate chose you. it's interesting how the world -- the universe is pointing trump in one direction and pointing biden in another. you can feel that, right? the fact that trump survived is both humbling and reminds you of a new rule that i hope he decides to take. they asked him who he wants to face in the election and he said he didn't care. i believe that because it's out of my hands, case or officer, what will be will be. and that's trump. >> dana: that's going to be a great night.
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>> greg: i wanted to talk about j.d. vance. i saw him speak eloquently about the plot of land where he's going to have his family. and i saw alex wegner and msnbc attribute that to white supremacy. the idea of spending in eternity with your family on your own plot is a sign of white nationalism behind j.d. vance would impose on others. it shows you how far identity politics can poison a mind that she expects dei to go with you when you die. where you choose to bury, to lie for eternity, somehow has to answer to identity politics is disgusting. >> dana: there's more on that coming up you will see throughout the show. president biden may decide to drop out of the race as soon as this weekend and barack obama might be on board. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden could be forced off the ticket as soon as this weekend and barack obama seems to be on board. right now our covid st stricken president. the battle with the rona runout is forcing the big guy to reflect on whether he should stay in the race. one report claims top alleys of the president think joe will be out of the race soon. not after that we learned how joe got -- the path to reelection is diminished and joe needs to reconsider his reelection bid. following the three horsemen of the biden apocalypse.
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none of them are denying reports they are urging president biden privately to drop outs. here's the biggest betrayal. biden rolled out of bed this morning to watch his favorite tv show turned into morning mutiny. >> judge jeanine: the dems need to get it together, they need to get whatever they've got going. and may or may not be joe biden, i trust joe biden's abilities, i also trust nancy pelosi's political acumen. nobody knows politics more than her and nobody more than nancy pelosi. she does not get out there without information to back it up. she doesn't take risks and she knows her politics, she knows her numbers. >> jesse: adding insult to injury in a brand-new cbs poll, the national lead over joe biden has grown to five points. 52-47. dana perino. the clock is ticking. this is moving quickly.
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>> dana: a quick trip down memory lane, the d the debate at 9:00 p.m., i stopped taking notes and i said it's over. i was texting with my friend and she said on that night you said that joe biden will be out by july 30th and now i feel like i should play the lottery or something like that. george h.w. bush talked about needing the big mall right now to move forward and joe biden it is the big slow. it started as a trickle and now it's a torrent. now they are trying to figure out how do you get him well enough to be able to graciously figure out a way to deal with this? there is the immediate follow-up question if i'm the press corps, peter doocy, if he gets called on, the first question is if you're resigning -- if you're pulling out of the race, how can you function as a president for the next six months? the third question is are you endorsing kamala harris? the problems are all the ones that they've made for
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themselves. it is self-imposed. he can try to bunker down and get better, but i think these forces are moving so quickly. you add barack obama to it, i mean we feel bad for the guy, i do, i've gone through all sorts of emotions. right now watching his video last night trying to go in and out of the suv, trying to get up the stairs, they are pushing him to do all the interviews telling him if you do interviews it'll be better. no they made it worse. the good news for them maybe is that if they move quickly over the next few days, they've got three and half weeks to get ready for their convention in chicago. >> jesse: you here, greg, he's a big believer in fates. >> greg: he slow walking his exit figuratively and literally. dragging the party with him. i've know some of the for anybody. i'm so happy i can use the analogy in reverse.
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the last chapter in his career recalls the final days of the movie "downfall." you know, it is no longer him as a threat but a feeble retreat into isolation where they refused to admit he's lost and the generals begin to bail on him. that is where we are. but i think it is unfair for the democrats and the media to be hard on joe. he got this far because they got him this far. they made him, protected him come alive for him, they are mad the jig is up. the caper was exposed, they are upset because joe is sick or they might lose, they are ticked off because they almost got it. they are being too greedy. you know? they should be happy they got away with this for 3.5 years. they tricked the public for three and a half years, pushed through absurd legislation, divided people into race and
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gender. they did more damage then covid the art of joe perform the service as best he was, the hollow bucket in which they filled all the progressive tripe they could. fooling the public into thinking he's moderate old joe, but i feel like the media is worse than joe. you know what the media is? it's the teacher's pet. but the teacher got fired. and they don't know what to do. >> jesse: according to "the new york times," several people close to president biden say they believe he's begun to accept the idea he may not be able to win back in november and he may have to drop out all the race. harold, if he drops out, will you change the policies or are you going to put a younger face on the bad policies? >> harold: i think the country deserves a presidential race, a robust and competitive exchange of ideas. the race is much as president trump emerged over the last few weeks picking up two, three, four points nationally,
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widening his lead to ten states critical to the outcome. this thing is tight. this is an unbelievable convention for the republican party. i've not seen a convention where people are as united as this group. even sensing alternative views sprouted at the podium. everybody comes back to donald trump and what he wants. we should not kid ourselves. that there is differences between how democrats want the government and republicans want to govern. we'll have the opportunity if president biden steps aside to put someone in that spot who is young, vibrant, and appears to be the future of our party. campaigns are always about looking ahead, looking forward. j.d. vance last night giving us a sense of who he is buried get a sense of what he wants to do to affect in those things. what policies, what ideas. we'll get a chance to see democrats in a few weeks do the same and the country will be afforded a great race in september and october, early november.
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dana made the prediction. >> jesse: judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: the white house and the democrats are literately besides themselves. this is kind of like -- you know the first week it was obama who had the conversation with biden. biden didn't do anything. that was the end of it. you've got chuck schumer last weekend who had the conversation with biden that he's buying his time, he's not doing anything. all of a sudden because they know there is no chance they are going to win this. they are like let's start working. and it all started leaking. the leaks were allowed because biden cannot be allowed to just sit there and not make a decision. they are going to force him out and that's what the leaks are all about. i really think it is a shame because biden the other day said that he recently said he was in better shape than trump. at the sad part about it is the
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democrats approved that mentality. the democrats wanted to pull the wool over our eyes. irrespective of the fact you're taking money from people who are supporting them and now joe is too old to run again but he's also too old as dana said to run the country. i'm concerned about national security, unconcerned about the fact that this country is in a situation now where our enemies know the secret service not only cannot protect the president with heightened secret service protection but against the 20-year-old nobody. joe biden is senile, he said in a bet interview, he forgot the name of his secretary of defense, he is the black guy. and then within a couple days he said that the head of the secret service is a him. joe biden should not be allowed to make decisions for this country. >> harold: i don't think you should step down.
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go ahead. >> greg: you made a point the parties are different. i seem to think j.d. vance by him being picked is challenging the idea in terms of the working class of the left and the working class of the right being not that different at all. i think what's happening with the democratic party is you are not represented by the working class. >> harold: i agree, i like he talked about the working class. it democrats and republicans want to focus on -- we have a different set of ideas on how to empower them then we do. but working americans, both parties are focused on, guess what. they are going to win this thing and finally have a voice in government that stands up for them. >> jesse: well said. joe biden secret service director chased down by republican senators for refusing to answer basic questions about the near trump. ♪ ♪
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think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. it's odd how in an instant
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♪ ♪ >> greg: republicans are fed up with a lack of transparency from the secret service after many failures after the attempt on donald trump's life so she ty went straight to the chief herself. >> this is exactly what you're doing today. >> you owe president trump's answers. >> greg: donald trump met with secret service director and while she proved that she can run, she cannot hide from the mountain of screw ups under her watch. hunting new video shows the gunman lurking around the grounds an hour before he opened fired. thomas matthew crooks hid his weapon in advance but was
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perceived as a person of interest and not yet a thread after law enforcement saw him acting suspiciously and determined he had a golf range finder. i suppose, jesse, if that is your real name. the big question is if she has not resigned, why hasn't she fired anybody? she says the buck stops here but she's out of box. if she doesn't give a buck. >> jesse: that's why she stick and run. can you imagine after the attempt on reagan's life or the jfk assassination, senators trying to get answers from the director and the director running away? why don't you say, hey, senators i'll go find a room, take your phones off, tell the aides to scram. i'll give you 30 minutes to ask me whatever you want. if she's hightailing it out of there like she's guilty. maybe we are hearing from whistle-blowers now. that they had a conference call a couple days before the event because jill biden had an event in pittsburgh. kamala harris had an event and
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the commonwealth was stretched. they said all of the secret service agents were tied up in nato, washington. the guy sitting on the call saying we don't have enough resources to cover trump and they still went along with it. the guy stashed his gun but they didn't do any sort of security sweep around the perimeter or find anything there beforehand. what car did he drive? first they said he took the hyundai, then they pulled some van out of there that was his and now he rode a bike there? everything keeps changing. we saw a video of the fbi agent scrubbing the rooftop. that's not the job of the fbi. they are never the ones there to clean up crime scenes. reporting that he's got a source inside the service that they were supposed to have a counter sniper team on the roof but the guy played hooky that day. never showed. >> greg: harold, do you think that it's bureaucratic screw up or if they are else they are?
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something deeper? >> harold: the question you asked jesse from the outset poses the frame. if she's not suspended or fired right away, maybe they want her to conduct of the investigation or need her around, if she's under suspension she can answer the question. i imagine the pittsburgh office as the offense that coordinated a lot for the secret service. wherever the office is. we've not been kept apprised of what they are doing, the questions they are asking, holding people accountable is beyond me. the fact we don't know how he was transported or transported himself there. if you place the weapon in our before or day before, these are basic questions that government leaders and others. having said that it's out of line for the senators to look like children chasing her around the rain out. i understand she may not be giving you the answers you want, but that's not the way to do it. i would have probably asked for her to be suspended or asked for
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her rigid resignation. >> greg: t the dash toward trump, and when you look at it, take a big step back, all of the institutions that have looked down on trump, all of the alphabet organizations see him as awful. is it normal to say it's may be the secret service, the bureaucrats they are did not think he was as important as joe biden? you can't prove it. >> judge jeanine: you know what i think that i can't say it. the truth is i don't have the facts. i want to see a couple things. you said that the senators were acting like children and chasing the director of the secret service. i can recall during the cavanagh hearing the democrat senators running down the hall and i'm sure you said the same thing
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about them. >> harold: i'm sorry, what are you talking about? >> judge jeanine: during the hearings, chasing the republican senators of who they are going to vote for. a >> harold: that's a press conference. >> judge jeanine: some democrats are senators. more importantly, you cannot fire her because she needs to conduct the investigation. she's the last person who should conduct the investigation. as far as i'm concerned, she's a suspect in the investigation. i will not go as far as you want me to, but she's a suspect. i'll tell you why, we know the secret service is responsible for the totality of circumstances. someone who is for presidential protection was fired today. he said you can blame the local police department all you want, but the ball is in the secret service. the site agent of the secret service and they are passing the buck on the locals on this. it totally irresponsible. and secondly, we have been talking about whether or not everyone's on the same
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frequency. what he said was the secret service is the only domestic law enforcement agency that does not need to listen regarding the rules of engagement. they do not need permission, they have the right to shoot on sight and to shoot to kill. and they did not do that. it appears there was some kind of mixup in terms of what's going on on the ground. finally, he attributed some of this to dei. three of the people on the stage were much shorter than the president. we talked about it before, he said optics have to take a backseat to safety. those people meeting the president of state should not have allowed the president's head or chest to be above them as they removed him from the stage. look, this is a problem. she should be removed, and in the end i think we are going to find there was a lack of attention to say the least. >> greg: all right, dana. >> dana: something jesse is
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saying is something we assumed but now to confirm here that there's not enough resources to handle all of the events that are happening at once. if i were governor my argus, i would say freeze we have a problem, we do not have enough resources for all of these. let's triage the situation, think about who's going to need what going forward and do a rougher action report and tried to figure out from there. it may be tell the first lady ma'am, i'm sorry, but we have got two presidential candidates and they have to do their events. we are not able to go to the education event with you. can we postpone that? just so everybody can get a handle on things because the candidates -- whoever the democrats are going to be, but president trump has a big rally on saturday. he's going to be a go, go, go. they need to figure out a way
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they have enough resources. and alejandra my ogres should be sitting with her. he's her boss. >> i said suspect, i meant in terms of her not running the investigation but saying she should be answering questions. >> harold: i would fire her. i think she should be suspended for at least fired. >> dana: what you want to be clear about? >> greg: we've got to move on. joy reid thinks biden getting covid is like trump getting a bullet. ♪ ♪
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from joy reid regarding the attempt on trump's life. if she thinks joe biden getting covid and donald trump getting shot in the head are the same. >> donald trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. his survival of that and bouncing right back i'm going to his convention is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strength. this current president of united states states is 81 years old and has covid. should he be fine in a couple days, doesn't that convey exactly the same thing? >> judge jeanine: i'm going to tell you, i know who someone's who's going to get angry with us. greg, they are so desperate to put him on a level playing field equating millions who died of covid with an attempted assassination and bullet to the head. >> greg: i don't know, the comparison was him getting covid and him having an injured ear
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which shows -- look, my first question if i was there, how did you free yourself from the straps on your grainy and what would you rather have? an opportunity to get shot or covid? you can't say bloody ear covid because when you're about to be shot, you don't get to choose where you're going to get shot. and somebody tells me you would have gone with the covid. opinions can be crazy, that is fine. but crazy cannot be an opinion. when every word out of your mouth and easily come from a homeless guy on the street corner wearing discarded trash bags and tinfoil, you have to save to them mental illness is not an opinion. that's a message to the msnbc president, take a moment and think about it. if there is nothing for you to say, perhaps silence is the intelligent avenue. >> judge jeanine: okay, all right, how rich is it? joy reid's complaining she
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hasn't seen the medical records and does not believe it's real even though it's debunked it was not glass. aren't you -- don't you think she should be curious about joe biden? >> greg: i do. this me when she sang they assassination is a deepfake did you know the msnbc crew is not in milwaukee but the studio is set up is a cheap fake. they put up an arena of the rnc convention behind them but they are in new york. they are not even here! >> greg: are you serious? >> judge jeanine: that's insane! >> jesse: would you rather catch a bullet or catch covid? i know my answer. that joe biden had covid and did not know he had it. he had to get tested. i think trump knew he got shot in the ear. trump was tackled and rushed it to hospital. biden got on the plane and went to delaware. which is worse? trump came this close to a
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funeral and biden had a runny nose. >> judge jeanine: harold, you cannot deny the reality. a bullet could not stop trump but a virus just stopped biden. >> harold: we cheapen a moment and the president of the united states, someone tried to kill him last saturday. we remember, i remember where i was. i was thrilled and he's blessed to be alive by the slight turn of his head. that's what saved his life. we shouldn't try to make make light of it. president biden has covid, i wish him a speedy recovery but we should not try to compare the two. >> judge jeanine: have you seen the medical records? it's a joke. >> harold: he has it i assume. god bless president trump, we've got a race to run but we should be thankful he's alive. >> greg: he says he has covid
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but he's not wearing a mask, really? >> jesse: 70 at msnbc suggest that trumps your bandage is fake. they think that your bandage from a shooting is fake but it is necessary to wear a covid mask that that is not fake. i also had a great idea just now. i'm going to create a game. you know the games where you have all the cards and you spread them out and everybody has to act out a part. it's going to be called big dad. i come up with a scenario and you have to come up with the most audition spin to get out of it. and whoever has the most audacious spin, the judge gets to decide and that's who wins. i'm work shopping this. >> greg: the winner gets a job at msnbc. >> jesse: she might not have one of those soon. >> judge jeanine: coming up, rnc convention goers are rocking trump style ear bandages. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: very good. >> harold: anticipations building for president trump to
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take the r and c stage and attendees are sporting a new must-have accessory. trump style fake your bandage. greg, i personally don't like this, you should make light of this. of >> greg: that's a fun way to do it. i think michael and dallas should come up with a my ban bandage. i'm going to name drop, i rented to trump this morning and he let me look at the wound. pulled the bandage back and i got to look at it. it's an ugly tear. there was blood, but like america, dana, it is healing. for four years of biden, we were trump's ear. it damaged and torn by an inspired hatred, but now the bandage has arrived, harold, the healing has begun. we will be right back. >> dana: i mention the last thing he wanted to wear the bandage.
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i admire him like yeah, i have this bandage like here we go. i think it is fun. showing solidarity even wearing a covid mask. >> jesse: johnny well. i'm glad he didn't get shot in the eye because we'd be wearing eye patches running into each other. it did you ask to see the ear or did he show you? >> greg: i'm not going to comment on that. m not commenting. >> jesse: show me where he shot you! >> greg: he said he'd be good to have a witness since people want to know. >> harold: with you think about the accessory? >> judge jeanine: i think people will do anything they can to show their support for donald trump. that is what this is about. tonight, it's going to be electric in the auditorium. i mean, people are so happy and so proud to be here. it's been a great week. >> harold: looking forward to the speech. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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f ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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>> no application fee if you apply by august 29th at university of maryland global campus, an accredited university that's transformed adult lives for 75 years. you're not waiting to win, you're ready to succeed again at
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♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing," jesse? >> jesse: today is a sad day for the fox family. lou dobbs passed away. journalist, talk show host. starting cbp. 30 years and then in 2011 came to fox business. one of our favorite colleagues for a very long time. our thoughts and prayers are with lowe and his family. lou and hisfamily. he will be missed. tonight on "jesse watters primetime" we will have the trump speech. 8:00 eastern. >> >> as you have seen we have been everywhere this week. we all wanted to say thanks to the crew here that helped us out here. picture of everybody, team photo. we thank you, everybody. we know we are not easy to deal with. you have done incredible job. >> all right. greg? >> all right. i too want to echo my sadness and shock over lou dobbs' death.
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he was one of my favorite people here e did red eye with great humor. it was something that was like kind of out of his wheelhouse. out of his orbit. and he loved every minute of it. he had a great sense of humor. and really sad. tonight, we have charlie hurt, mary katharine ham, tom shillue and kat timpf. remember we probably won't start on time because of the speeches. we are on for a full hour whenever it ends. judge? >> judge jeanine: all right. it's time for ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: get a kick out of this. alexander mcqueen is coming out with a no hoots boots style. some are calling the style redonkless but i like the look. what are your thoughts? >> dana: i want to see them on jesse. that's it for us, everyone. have great night. >> bret: jesse would look good this n. those boots. he really would. >> dana: see you tonight.


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