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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 18, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> do you both notice that trump seems to be, he looks different a little bit. he still looks very youthful at this moment of when you focus on death it actually makes you a better person the. we're all here for a very short period of time. >> is going to change him politically for the better. americans who are concerned about donald trump and voting for him are going to see a different donald trump right there but also tonight and it's going to bring... >> see the introspection and this will be a speech for the ages tonight. >> biden is not going to be mentioned. there's no need to mention him. thank you both very much. that's it for us, stay with fox all night. donald trump is going to speak, this is history my friends. we will see you tomorrow night. >> jesse: tonight is the night
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at the republican national convention. before president trump takes the stage will be hearing from wrestling icon hulk hogan. >> when they took a shot at my hero donald trump, i realize that i couldn't be silent anymore. i had to step up and be a real american just like all these real americans here. i have a voice and i want people to know it's time to talk, it's time not to be silent anymore. >> jesse: ufc founder dana white's, kid rock and tucker carlson. here is a 45 earlier at a private event talking about his brush with death. >> this has been our best campaign and then i got shot. how does that happen? how did that happen? god was with me i tell you.
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that's why they call it close call. in many ways it changes you, your attitude, your viewpoint, your life and i think you appreciate god even more. [ applause ] >> not that it was pleasant. it wasn't like it was a complete mess but it was pretty terrible that that can happen. >> all week the former president has had a humble air about him as he watched his party unite in milwaukee and across the country. our producers put together a highlight reel for you. >> hello milwaukee! [ cheering ] >> this convention will come to order.
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>> we hereby nominate the greatest president that's ever lived and that's donald trump. he's done it before and he will do it again. >> he is fearless and is exactly what this country needs right now. >> he will try to get inside of my head if i'm on his team. i have to remind him i am a trump to. >> it's common since versus chaos. strength versus weakness. >> we have not forgotten. donald trump knew all of our children's names. we have another sun serving in the army and we do not trust joe biden with his life. >> we have a country to save. >> america cannot afford four more years of a weekend at bernie's presidency.
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>> all americans deserve a shot at the american dream. >> i never felt more free and more left than i do now. >> i went to prison so you won't have to. guess what, they did not... >> fear has been infectious in the -- in his country but courage can be contagious. that too is what it means to be an american. >> president trump back as commander-in-chief i would go back to... >> if you didn't believe in miracles before saturday, you better be believing right now. >> he looked out of the crowd and what did he say? [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: trump is a grandfather but it -- this is in your grandfather's republican party. it's a movement that cuts across lassen racial lines. speeding like a comet straight at the ruling class. it's clear why trump tapped jd vance as vp. he is a storyteller and his story is the american dream from where he came from to where he is today, it would not have been possible if he didn't have people fighting for him and protecting him. >> never could i have believed that i would be standing here tonight. now i was lucky. despite the closing factories and the growing addiction in towns like mine, in my life i had a guardian angel by my side.
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she was an old woman who could barely walk but she was tough as nails. i called her mama, the name we gave to our grandmothers. she once told me when she found out that i was spending too much time with a local kid who was known for dealing drugs that if i ever hung out with a kid again she would run him over with her car. she said jd, no one will ever find out about it. our movement is about single moms like mine who struggled with money and addiction but never gave up. i'm proud to say that tonight my mom is here. ten years clean and sober. i love you mom. [ cheering and applause ] >> i promise you this, i will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from. every single day for the next four years when i walk into that white house to help president trump i will be doing it for you , for your family, for your future and for this great country.
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thank you, god bless all of you and god bless our great country. >> jesse: jesse watters primetime will have the first joint interview with donald trump and his running mate jd vance on monday. it will also be the first on camera interview with donald trump since escaping assassination. after dodging a bullet trump ripped up his speech and rewrote it. we are hearing tonight joe biden will not be mentioned by name. this could be because the former president wants to tone down the rhetoric or because trump doesn't even know if biden will be his opponent. he will lay out his agenda and make an appeal for american unity in the face of hatred. 's appearance tonight will likely symbolize the great american come back, a comeback from when this country was great. a political comeback after the 2020 election and a personal comeback from saturday's assassination attempt. from hoaxes to impeachment's, from indictments to bullets, trump's in the arena in the most politically secure position he's ever been.
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the wind at his back and an angel on his shoulder. a new poll shows president donald trump extending his lead over joe biden by over five points nationally. trouncing him across the board in the battleground states. on the other side of the aisle, things couldn't be any worse. as the republican party nominates their man this week, the democrats are plotting to rip their man's nomination away. the biden coup is closing in. one family friend puts it this way. 's choice is to be one of history's heroes are to be sure of the fact that there will never be a biden presidential library. this morning biden woke up in covid isolation and watched morning joe pulled the plug. >> it's really incumbent on people that are around joe biden to step up at this point and help the president. and help them and they love. and do the right thing.
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this is not going to and well if it continues to drag out. the anger i hear are the people that are keeping him in a bubble or who may have their own interests. some financial in keeping him in the race. >> jesse: obama is telling allies that the time is up and the three horsemen of the biden apocalypse have told joe he's got to go. the report that top democrats thank biden could drop out of the race as soon as this weekend. mark halperin says a historian has been polishing up a biden's farewell. and if he steps down, he's not resigning the presidency. he will stick out the term but he will not endorse kamala. the plan is to have an open convention where a few will pete for delegates like american idol
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and what would be the first open convention since 1968. not coordinating kamala will trigger an identity politics civil war and fracture the party a long race and gender lines picture, a city plagued by violence is the perfect venue for this type of political knife fight. but this isn't guaranteed to. are told biden's soul searching. this is the guy who told us he was fighting for the soul of the nation but how do you fight for the soul of the nation if you can't even find yours? tonight's theme is strength. and for a while in america, strength was considered toxic, taboo, uncivilized. what'd that leave us with? a middle-class can preyed upon by foreign interests, criminals out on bail, chinese spy balloons floating across the sky on popped. and administration to afraid to fire failures. that's not what america is and that's not what america has ever been.
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tonight we will hear president trump's vision for what america will be in the next four years. let's bring in former white house press secretary... clay travis. the former president walked in, sat next to jason al deen and his beautiful wife. you can feel this momentum building. this is bringing in the closer tonight. >> i was listening to another network and they questioned his ability to speak in terms of unity. i thought to myself you don't know president trump. this is a man who knows how to meet the moment. i watched the george floyd footage with him. he talked about wanting to heal the nation and he gave out a beautiful speech. i was with him in the lead up to the last are nc. the speech was under lock and key i had to read on paper and they weren't even sending it out. donald trump unify the nation in that speech as hundreds of thousands of americans had died of covid 19 tonight i know he's going to meet the moment and
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here's why. kelly and jones has found out that just before he speaks, they will place garrett from corey comperatore, and his fire gear,'s helmet sent by his family president trump understands this moment, he's going to meet it and i predict that this will expedite the exit of joe biden after tonight. they will have seen one of the greatest moments in presidential history. that's my prediction. >> jesse: one of the best conventions i can ever remember. clay travis, the theme is strength and it's also about fight fight fight. you have ufc guys, kid rocket, cloak mania here in the building how does he... >> my wife told me to tell you make sure that jesse doesn't miss any of what hulk hogan says even if that means my own husband doesn't get to be on air so she's excited. i think kaylee had it. we don't need to appeal to the
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people who already love trump. they are ready to crawl over broken glass if necessary and vote for him even more so after saturday. he doesn't need to preach to the choir. he needs to convert people who believe that he can fix what's broken in this country. that's what i think he's going to do tonight, that's what i think the opportunity is. that's what jd vance represented yesterday and what i thought was such a fabulous speech. is going after the big ten states. you know who is super popular there? hulk hogan and dana white. this has the feel of a big game right before a kickoff, and arena right before a game seven. there is an electricity in the building and i think trump is going to meet that and i think he's going to propel joe biden out of this race and trump into at least the biggest win. everybody needs to go vote. that we've seen it since 2008.
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a shattering of the democrat identity politics coalition is coming and this guys going to do it. >> jesse: his speech a very eloquent night. his personal story, what does he call his grandmother. >> me mom. >> as a protector of him and a fighter she was, she did it because of love so that's probably how you would square the fight and the strength because as a president, as a family man or woman you fight and you protect the people who you love and that's probably going to be the thrust i think the president takes from jd into thursday. >> i think that's exactly right. he's not going to mention joe biden but he referred to joe biden by another name in his 2020 speech. the destroyer of the american dream. will he vaguely referenced him? he had a great line back in 2020 ...
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and all those who believe in the greatness of this country. that is the tone you will hear. he's going to knock it out of the park. >> jesse: in a few minutes we will see it. i can feel it. thank you very much. fox news alerts, we are getting more details about the would be trump assassin. secret service sources say that he didn't arrive at the rally with a gun. he case to the venue earlier and stashed the gun in advance. the secret service misted during their security sweep if they even did one at all. but trump rally volunteer who has attended dozens of rallies tells fox he warned organizers about security oversights the night before the shooting. watch this. >> we did a walk-through and we raised multiple concerns with the state gop staff about parking, security. we saw there -- where the lack of barricades were.
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all the safety concerns that we brought up on friday evening were turned down and there was no answers given to any of our questions or concerns about security in that matter and we always saw the change in placement the day of. this is the first one i saw no changes made from friday night to saturday morning when we got there. >> jesse: we also confirm that an fbi investigator closed off the roof top where the assassin fired from. sources tell fox is not standard operating procedure for the fbi to handle cleanup at crime scenes. the fbi preserves crime scenes. and when the investigation moves into a different phase, private contractors are hired to clean up. nothing about saturday's incident makes any sense. first, he had a van that police towed away. then he had a high on day sonata at the scene and now we hear he rode a bike the rally. which one is it? his house as an hour away.
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this doesn't add up. also the new york times is reporting that five days before the rally, secret service designated the building the shots were fired from as an observation post to watch the crowd. they decided not to watch the building itself. creating a massive blind spot within rifle range. just outside the perimeter, a perimeter they set. and that's not all. a whistleblower is saying the secret service and fbi held a conference call days before the rally. dr jill had an event in pittsburgh the same day as the rally, kamala harris event in fairly same day as the rally and the secret service was stretched thin because of the nato summit in washington. on this call the point was made that resources were limited for the trump rally and it secret service didn't look like they did anything. if you believe the leak that there was an iranian threat against trump's life last weekend this was a massive security failure. absolutely massive.
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they knew ahead of time that they weren't prepared. meanwhile director kim cheadle personally met with trump at the rnc this week. and i will be asking the president about that meeting when i interview him this weekend. a group of republican senators caught up with cheadle here at the convention. cheadle did not conduct herself professionally, but right now we are going to go to... trump attorney is speaking now. let's listen. [ cheering and applause ] >> i know you're all used to hearing me shouting outside of courthouse, but tonight, i want to take you behind the law and behind the headlines and share with you a side of president trump that reveals his character , his kindness and his
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commitment to saving this great country. [ applause ] >> as a devout catholic. [ cheering and applause ] >> up proud first-generation arab-american woman. [ cheering and applause ] >> and a feisty jersey girl. [ applause ] >> who is fed up with far left corruption in washington. president trump championed my journey, and powering me to be who i became today. 's unwavering support not only shaped my career but has inspired other young women with big dreams.
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president trump loves this country. he does. and he lifts up those around him. to my children, luke, chloe and parker. he has the man with the one heck of a golf swing that lets them ride in a golf cart with some of the world's most famous golfers so they feel included in mom's job. by the way, he can kick some of those guys bots. to my husband whose family members have survived the holocaust, he has a champion of the jewish faith. to my iraqi parents, he has a mentor to their daughter. but to me, he has my friend.
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not too long ago, a supporters shouted god bless you and president trump in the middle of manhattan after one of our trials little did that men know that i was on the phone with the president himself. and he immediately asked me to pause, and give the man my phone and spend time speaking to him and begging him for his support. [ applause ] >> despite the law fair and the politics, president trump loves
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the american people and he loves this country. [ cheering and applause ] >> for decades, the trump organization transformed skyline's and created thousands of jobs. his buildings and businesses are a testament to his commitment to excellence and his drive to turn dreams into reality. but his greatest construction project was yet to come. the left has tried to demolish president trump. but there is no bulldozer big enough or strong enough to remove the legacy that he has built or the future he is
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creating. [ cheering and applause ] >> as the 45th president of the united states, donald trump built a legacy of putting america first. and as the 47th president, he will build america stronger than ever before for we the people. [ applause ] >> as we stand on the brink of a new chapter in america's story, i am reminded of a country my family fled four decades ago. a place marked by religious persecution. oppression and a lack of freedom they came here because america
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is a beacon of liberty and opportunity. it is now our duty to protect the values that define us and keep this the greatest nation on earth. amen. [ applause ] [ cheering ] >> every attack on president trump only strengthens our movement. the left's madness is only a
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sign of desperation. sham indictments and baseless allegations will not deter us because the only crime president trump has committed is loving america. [ cheering and applause ] >> and america, we are winning. outside of his family and our country, president trump also has another love. music. a few years ago he wanted me to hear a new song he had selected for an upcoming rally. i could hear it blaring in the
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background at mara lago p. he landed on a song called hold on i'm coming. america, we no longer have to hold on. we just have to show up. [ applause ] [ cheering ] >> if you're ready to end the democrat destruction and if you are eager to unleash the best america has to offer, then let's
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send donald trump and jd vance to the white house in november. [ cheering and applause ] >> the future of america and the world is bright and it begins with the unwavering spirit of each and every one of us. because of the resilience and the leadership of my friend, president donald jay trump. so let us not forget that president trump did not just take a bullet in pot -- butler pennsylvania, he has and will continue to take them for each and every one of us.
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god bless president trump, and god bless you all and god bless the united states of america. [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: trump attorney cherries -- sharing some personal insight, even getting a little emotional there, tearing up. the secret service director kim cheadle was here at the rnc yesterday. was confronted by a group of republican senators. watch this. [ inaudible ]
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>> jesse: running away from republicans demanding answers about an assassination attempt that your inaction made possible makes americans not trust you. so far there have been zero on camera briefings from the fbi, secret service, homeland security and the doj. it smells like a cover-up. congressmen join me now you guys have the power of the purse. if cheadle doesn't resign, you can defund her salary. are you going to do that? >> there's a lot more that we are looking into. starting monday we are having hearings, the oversight committee... whether she shows up or not we are having that hearing to
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demand answers. there's other committees digging into these same things. she is now one of the new faces, not the only one, of the failures of the biden administration. there are too many, the incompetence she's so concerned about woke causes that she has failed in their primary mission to protect the president and former presidents of the united states picture needs to go, she works for us the taxpayers at the request of the president of the united states. he ought to demand her resignation and fire her on the spot. >> they are going to fire joe biden. he might go up before cheadle period you should strip her salary away and make her dip into her savings to go grocery shopping. it's unacceptable what she's done. so if you guys hold hearings, because there must be some sort of select committee on the attempted assassination of president trump, you should hold it somewhere else besides washington dc because of some of
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these people you get up there lie, there's not going to be anybody in dc that's going to say we will indict him for perjury. you have to do it outside of the swamp. you should try that. >> the statute of limitations will not expire by the time donald trump is president of the united states they are going to have to... >> i talked to another agent a few hours ago. agents are past, frustrated, they've repeatedly asked for resources. donald trump's into your normal average former president. he's not jimmy carter sitting in the old folks home and by the way, some other things are coming out like the shooter had three accredited accounts overseas at the same time we are having an iranian plot. is so i think this is going to go much deeper but the agents are going to hold her two accounts. their lives on the lines and she
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was not getting the resources they were requesting. that pittsburgh field office was the one responsible for the advance. that was clearly not done appropriately and distracted by dr jill. >> jesse: the field office was also responsible for covering up that bribery ukraine tip that came in as well p. or car you saying that you are getting information that says there is encrypted communications between crooks and foreign sources. >> and this was on the briefing we just received, he had three encrypted overseas accounts the fbi is trying to get into. >> jesse: what you mean by overseas accounts? >> they were based in service overseas. you've got to work over there with the liaisons overseas to start getting into them. >> jesse: do you believe this attempt on the former president's has some sort of foreign nexus. >> we know the iranians have been trying for years.
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everybody involved and the strike and we also know it's finally come out, many of us have been finding this for years that they pulled national security advisor o'brien's detail completely away. he's had to go to his own private security and the local law enforcement. there is all kinds of issues here and we're going to get to the bottom of it starting on monday. >> jesse: i'm not so sure i believe i am -- i believe everything on being told. what is next and is this a run at the clock situation? she's running away from senators >> it's disgraceful picture should be showing the transparency that the american people are calling for. we are calling for questions that need to be answered but the american people want to know those questions as well. they want those answers and deserve them. we are looking not only at the standing committees that are going to be starting monday, we are looking at setting up an independent commission. let the president talk about whatever he's going to do.
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we don't feel confident that they are going to be doing enough on their own, we are going to have our own investigation in the house with our own independent commission, we are putting that together right now and it starts monday with the oversight committee having their hearing on this. >> jesse: we will hold it outside of dc so you can get a grand jury... [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: we are at the rnc playing a video titled reagan a better off as we hear some sound of the background. we know that trump likes music according to alena. let's listen into this video.
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>> president trump, he will make america great again. >> please welcome journalist, author and american citizen tucker carlson.
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>> thank you. this is wild. thank you. good to see you. thank you. i feel like i know about half the people in the room. this is wild up your what you doing? justin wells, thank you guys. cannot just say say peter navarro is back. welcome. thank you for having me. i have been to many conventions,
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i've never been to a more fun convention or a convention with better vibes. they let navarro out of prison. first of all, thank you. this feels a lot different from what i thought it was going to feel like. i can't hear you but i know it something good. so i watched the video of what happened in butler pennsylvania about 50 times. i was one of about 8 million people who watched it. the more i watched it the more it struck me that everything was different after that moment. this convention is different, the nation's different, the world is different, donald trump is different. when he stood up after being shot in the face, bloodied and put his and up, i thought at that moment, that was a transformation. this was no longer a man, i
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think it was divine intervention. the effect it had, he was no longer just a political party's nominee or a former president or a future president, this was the leader of a nation. [ cheering and applause ] >> i think there's a difference. i've spent most of my life in washington where the president is at the top of the pier amid but if you think about with the presidency comes great power. that is a title that is bestowed by a process of some sort that can be subverted. in the end it does not confer by itself legitimacy. just because you call yourself the president, it doesn't mean that much inherently. i can call my dog the ceo of hewlett-packard, it doesn't mean she has. it's true.
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you hate to say it but it is also true that you could take a dead person and make him president p. or you could climb saying theoretically possible. with enough cheating that could happen. but being a leader is very different. it's not a title, it's organic. you can't name someone a leader, a leader is the bravest man. that's who the leader is p. or that is true in all human organizations. this is a law of nature and that moment, donald trump months before the presidential election became the leader of this nation that was the most obvious to me. i have to say, i think it changed him.
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reached out to trump within hours of it and what he said to me that night having just been shot in the face, he said not a single word about himself. he said only how amazed he was and how proud he was of the crowd which didn't run. i thought two things. the first thing i thought was of course they didn't run, his courage gave them hard. a leaders courage gives courage to his people. the second thing i thought was this is the selfish guy i've been hearing about for nine years, not a word about himself? about his people period. the second thing i noticed which i don't think anyone has remarked upon is that he'd turned down the most obvious opportunity in politics to inflame the nation after being shot. to inflame the nation which is an opportunity that almost every other politicians i've ever met
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and his opponents would've taken instantly and and it would've said what is this, how did he get shot? how did this happen? and those are real questions that we have to get to the bottom of. in the moments, the days, the week after the shooting, he did not say that. he did his best to bring the country together and i thought this was the device of figure. no. this is the most responsible, unifying behaviour of a leader i have ever seen. [ cheering and applause ] >> the question is where is he leading us? i could go on for hours but let me sum it up. i think the entire point from the famous escalator ride nine years ago until today of donald trump's public life has been to remind us of one fact which is a leaders duty is to his people, to his country and to no other. that's the only point. another word for this is democracy.
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democracy in case you are a little sick of being beaten in the face with democracy on television, actual democracy is the proposition that the citizens of a country on that country. they're not renters, serbs or slaves, they are the owners of the country. and for that to be true, their leaders have to represent them which is another way of saying they have to do what the people want them to do. or a close approximation thereof. but if they completely ignore what people want not just one year but generationally, say for 50 years, and it may be i don't know, it's not a democracy. i think the entire project paradoxically is to return moxie to the united states. let's pay attention to a people actually want. and the lack of interest in that question in washington is something that drove me out of the city after 35 years.
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lawmakers stepping over the bodies of their fellow citizens overdosing on drugs to go cast a vote to send to some foreign country. actually. we've lost more americans from drugs in the past four years then we lost in world war ii. our bloodiest war, more than we lost in world war ii. does anybody care? it is pathetic. and you hear a single word from washington about doing anything? we know where the drugs are coming from. we know the supply routes. you don't see our commander-in-chief suggesting that we use our military to protect our country or the lives of its citizens. that's for ukraine and it's too much actually. it's too insulting. it is too insulting. it's a middle finger in the face of every american. it's a very clear statement
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which is unmistakable. and that is we don't care about you. donald trump, whatever you say about him, i think he's a wonderful person. the funniest person i've ever met in my life actually. you can't be funny without perspective are without empathy which is true. he actually cares because he's interested in the people who live here because that's his job. a father's duty is to his family and his duty is to his citizens. he seems to be the only one who thinks that. and his choice for vice president, jd vance, he's made that really clear. jd vance,, >> one of the very few politicians who is very close -- very close to his own wife which
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is wonderful to see. she has wonderful actually. but jd vance has views that are closer to trump's voters than anyone else in washington in office. therefore he has the vice president. that's called democracy. i will stop at one point and that is what's happened over the past month, since the debate. particularly on saturday and butler. i a lot of people are wondering what is this. something bigger is going on here. i think people who don't believe in god are beginning to thank maybe there is something to this. i'm starting to think it's going to be okay actually. i do think that. the day after the midterm elections in 2018, nt fa came to
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my house. the democratic party's militia. my wife was home alone, they tried to come in through the front door, it was horrible. it wrecked our day. the next morning we are lying in bed and the phone rings for my wife and it's donald trump. who is not like a regular text body of donald trump, she picks it up and says hello. >> it's coming so i could hear it. the first thing he says is i'm going to stand guard outside your house and she goes so nice and he says i will never forget this as long as i live, he says there's a lot of hate out there and she said there is. and he says but there's a lot of love. there's a lot of love. and we are seeing that love. i don't think it's human love.
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i will stop with this. i'm not always convinced him on the right side. i've been on the wrong side many times. you will never hear me say i'm on god's side or god is with me or even i'm with god. i want to be, not sure i am. i will say this unequivocally and conclusively, god is among us right now. i think that's enough. god bless you. >> jesse: that was tucker carlson. you may remember him from the 8:00 hour here. talking about how the assassination attempt completely transformed donald trump into a national leader. the bravery he showed with the fist in the air, that curtis -- courage was infectious. used that moment to unify the country and he will represent the people, something democracy should be all about. and said god is among us.
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people are not just... people are talking about trump's amenity. last night we heard from his granddaughter, let's listen to this. >> he calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going and tells me all about his. by then i have to remind him that i'm in school and i have to call him back later. when we play golf together, if i'm not on his team he will try to get inside of my head. he's always surprised that i don't let him get to me. but i have to remind him i'm a trump as well. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> jesse: the softening of donald trump the man, we've seen a lot of that this week. >> we have. chi was on my show today and she said i'm with him all the time it. i said what you think when you hear from people, they present your grandfather in a way that doesn't feel real to you and she says i'm with him all the time because we play golf. it humanizes him, i think you are hearing a lot of these softer side of him stories that i think were quite -- much more obvious before 2016. as soon as he one and he had the audacity of beating hillary clinton,'s opponents wanted to turn him into a monster and that has been the battle of the last several years threw impeachment, through indictments and then with a bullet flying by his head it tucker made a good point, sometimes history takes the reins itself and an action happens. whether it's world war ii or 911 and you think about george bush
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on the fire truck and the moment that brought everyone together. we will see what happened tonight. the assassination attempt is the catalyst for this discussion but we have seen something deeper tapped into over the course of this week about what people want in the future. i also thought it was great win tucker said it's going to be okay and that there's a whole lot of love in the world. i think that's what we are hearing a lot of. >> he came into the reagan montage, are you better off for years after this? you've seen that comparison. it's as simple as black and white carl and when you add the emotion to it this has been a very powerful convention. >> absolutely pure tonight he doesn't need to dwell on the problems. he's pushing on open-door. he said we need to do something about it and another problem. touched on a more important thing which is he has been humanized. that was a powerful speech.
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at lunch today her father put... because they play golf all the time and she barely gives her grandfather around for the money because... the most important person to humanize donald trump is donald trump tonight. if he's not going to mention biden, a great. need to see only... we see you as you really are and this is a chance for him to be seen in that way. >> jesse: he has the bandage on the air that physically remind him of that humility. thank you so much. hulk hogan and donald trump, night four of the rnc continues after this.
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when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck,
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and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite
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part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home,
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he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. speed to the final night of the rnc continues. hulk hogan minutes away but everyone's looking forward to president trump's first major speeds since he was shot on saturday. so we are looking at the speech and he's going to do and say something that he has never ever done before. what's going to happen? >> i think it's going to be about the future of the country.
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it's going to be about not just making america great but what that truly means to the american people. it's going to be a speech about leadership not from him but what the country is capable of if we unite. it's going to be a great speech tonight from donald trump. >> it's going to be about the people. i'm sure he will talk about himself a little bit as most politicians do but the connection that he's formed and continues to form with the people is only getting stronger. >> that's what swing to be special about tonight. in politics it's been divisive, tonight's speech will be a speech for all americans. for every single person who lives here and tells stories that really show them who donald trump is and why he needs to be back in the white house. >> jesse: how do you see the republican party changing? >> we still have a party of conservative philosophies and principles. but the move into populism and what it's really generated is
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pressure on elected officials to actually do the thing when you got elected, to not wait and give speeches and is really galvanized voters from across the framework and across lines to a party that is responsive but still has principles that support a constitutional republic. >> jesse: imagine that. populism invigorating democracy. >> i think we have a window of time hear what the country is united to actually follow through and do the big changes that byron is talking about and prove to the american people that we are serious we can do this together. if we don't take action than the american people will lose their ... >> jesse: johnny on the floor talking with some delegates. let's go to johnny. >> it's electric down here. tonight it's not... why do we need to make america
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great once again? >> we need to secure the border and get the economy going. it's a patch to show that president trump is not alone. >> let's put it on myself. now jesse, i found one of your neighbours from new jersey. >> listen jesse, willie the whale needs to live. donald trump has got to stop these windmills on day one. build the wall, stop the windmills. i need to go and see the ocean, not windmills. >> we have wisconsin. we've been having a great time here and we got a cheese head, are you going to miss us? >> i'm going to miss you guys, i've had a blast. wisconsin loves president trump. >> president ripest -- trump is speaking tonight and he's not saying the b. word. >> what's the b. word. >> biden.
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>> the future as president trump and jd vance. >> let's take a look into the past for a second. we have elvis also in the house. elvis how are we doing tonight? >> fantastic audience. >> we found out president trump loves music, can you warm him up? >> anything for the king of maga from the king of rock 'n' roll. [ singing ] >> one message to you, what are we saying to jesse? [ inaudible ] >> jesse: sean hannity, kind of like elvis in a way. >> you have elvis here i don't know what you're talking about. >> it's not even about the hair. there's a new start bigger than you and elvis. [ simultaneous talking ]
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>> my first guest tonight scratch golfer. one of the top recruits in america. every school in the country wants her. >> better than your grandfather? >> i can't disclose that right now. >> have you ever beat your grandfather? >> i don't know, can't say. >> she's already a politician. >> i said your family is not competitive at all. >> not at all. [ simultaneous talking ] [ simultaneous talking ] >> thank you so much. >> laura: we are


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