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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> carley: fox news alert. major airlines issuing global s stopover a tech outage. hospitals and banks reporting issues and in the u.s. 911 calls were not going through. >> todd: former president trump acce accepting republican presidential nomination in historic speech sharing message
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of unity with the party and country days after nearly being assassinated. ♪ >> i stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty god. [cheering] >> i'm not supposed to be here. corey comperatore, unbelievable person, everybody tells me. to every citizen, whether a young or old man or woman, democrat, republican or independent, black or white, asian or hispanic, i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. we rise together or we fall apart. i am running to be president for all of america with faith and devotion i proudly accept your
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nomination for president of the united states. >> todd: you are watching a special two-hour edition of "fox and friends first" on a friday morning. feels like we've been doing this a while now. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the president's speech remembered the firefighters who lost his life on saturday night at a rally and shared message of un unity. he had celebrity guests. >> run wild, brother. rule again. let trump-a-mania make america great again. ♪ ♪ >> say fight, fight, fight. say, fight, fight, fight. scream. >> i'm in the tough guy business and this guy is the toughest, most resilient human being i've met in high life.
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>> carley: chanley painter has details. >> chanley: former president donald trump took the stage in rock star fashion with lee greenwood singing "god bless the usa," and trump's right here still bandaged for his first major speech since dodging an,a assassin's bullet last saturday. he focused more on unity. >> it is time to expect and demand best leadership in the world, bold, dynamic, relentless and fearless, we can do that. we are americans, ambition, gr greatness is our birth right. as long as we are fighting each other, our destiny will remain out of reach and that is not acceptable. we must take that energy and use
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it to realize our country's true potential and write our own thri thrilling chapter of the american story. we will unites, we will come together and success will bring us together. chance >> chanley: it was 45 minutes before he mentioned biden. he did not hold back criticizing the current administration. this administration said we will raise your taxes and people are supposed to vote for them? never heard it. you are paying too much, we will reduce your taxes still further. we gave you the biggest one and we'll give you more. tonight i make this pledge to the great people of america. i will end the devastating inflation crisis immediately, bring down interest rates and lower the cost of energy. we will drill, baby, drill.
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[cheering] >> chanley: the former president spoke 90 minutes about the economy to energy independence to immigration, including mass deportations on day one. >> hanibel lecture would love to have you for dinner. that is insane asylums they are emptying and terrorists. i will not let killers and criminal says into this country. i spoke to the grieving mother of joslyn nungaray, a wonderful woman, a precious 12-year-old g girl. -- released by this horrible administration we have right now. rachel's mother will never be
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the same, i spent time with her, she will never be the same. i also met the wonderful family of laken riley. >> chanley: trump and j.d. vance lead a united republican party and are expected to hold their first rally this weekend in michigan. >> todd: thank you very much. bring in lee carter, pollster and president of . most striking moment happened when talking about events of last saturday. listen. >> i will tell you exactly what happened and you'll never hear it from me a second time because it is actually too painful to tell. i heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right h ear. i said to myself, wow, what was
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that. it can only be a bullet. and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. my hand was covered with blood. i stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty god. [cheering] >> i'm not supposed to be here. >> todd: lee, this is one of the only times i can remember seeing the president donald trump as vulnerable as he was explaining that horrific incident, will that somber tone specifically with regard to that explanation of what happened actually translate to votes? >> we saw last night and early in his speech and on social media, people talking about he's a changed man. he seems humble and really in touch with the human side, that
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he has had an enknow counter with god. these things did change some people's view of who donald trump was. the speech was long, there were a lot of different parts to it, this entry where he started talking about his experience that he seemed like a different person and i think that really is going to help voters see a different side of donald trump. >> carley: he said he had his speech all written, a fiery one, everything happened on saturday and he decided to rip it up andic ta-a much more softer, unifying approach. here is more of that. >> in an age when our politics too often divide us, now is time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. we are one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. to every citizen, young, old, man or woman, democrat,
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republican or independent, black or white, asian or hispanic, i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of greatness like the world has never seen. i am running to be president for all of america, not half of america. [cheering] >> there is no victory in winning for half of america. >> carley: a message, lee, that was in j.d. vance speech on wednesday. he talked about what he called forgotten communities, reaching out to people who do not normally vote and create a larger tent. do you think that will be successful? >> in many ways, it will be. not just donald trump did it during his speech. j.d. vance did that. we saw union leaders there this week. we had different kinds of people you don't usually see at
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republican national convention making the case for donald trump and the republican party. it is a different party than it has been before and the tone was different than we've heard before. he did go on to more traditional campaign style rally for the rest of his speech. those two moments showed a different side of donald trump and one many people had an appetite to hear from him in that way. >> todd: we saw trump as a family man appearing with his kids and his grandkids, seeing this side of a dad and grandpa, how much impact is stuff like that have on the voter at a time when let's face it, lee, policy is more important now than ever. how much does this stuff play in? >> huge impact, in 2016, a lot of voters watched all of his
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children give different etch spoos. ivanka was one of the biggest in 2016. if he has kids like that, that says something about him. if he has a family like that, if he's that loving, there is something about him. i think kai trump's speech, amazing impact on him. and sitting his granddaughter in his lap did not seem scripted or staged, it was a beautiful moment and it humanized donald trump. that is the kind of stuff that has a big impact. >> carley: thank you for joining us, have a great day. hospitals, banks, international airports and 911 services facing outages impacting people across the world. what services are still out and what else we know so far. >> todd: this is big. democrats campaign dollars drying up as biden insists he is
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not going anywhere. next guest helped raise money for barack obama, her take on the growing pressure for biden to step aside, don't miss it. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth.
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>> carley: more than 100 911 call centers in the u.s. are down. >> todd: splunk live from washington with the latest. david. >> david: lifted their ground stop that was affecting millions of passengers. flights in the air controlled by faa are allowed to continue to fly to their destination, the others are just ground stopped. this out age is from sydney, austraeriralia to london. this is strictly software related and seems things are improving. this is related to a check-in
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program and banks down, related to the kouchl company crow crowdshare. the airport includes boston's logan airport, laguardia airport and las vegas. crow crowdstrike is affecting apps and websites we all use. the faa map, red circle with white x's show they are closed. harry reid airport is completely closed. the goal is to get up and running soon as possible. that is up to the faa. no new flights are taking off unless they are american, that ground stop was just lifted. that software is affecting other it's00 impacting computer
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systems, including at united. we are holding all aircrafts, flights that are airborne are continuing there destination. delta has a similar problem. at lant is a huge hub. earlier 110 911 centers were reporting outages across the country and that is now in the high 50s, improving there. >> carley: david spunt live in washington. bring in silicon valley tech pioneer. we will have you on to talk about president trump's campaign, we will also talk about this outages worldwide and what you think is causing them. >> good morning from milwaukee. part of the problem, we have
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centralized servers from microsoft, i am supporter of cryptob cryptoblockchain. it will get worse can ai. most privacy data is stored on cloud servers called azure, that is why they invested in open ai. these computers were running crowdstrike, security software. it crashed and forced microsoft computers and cloud security system to break down. it is a chain reaction. i'm not a cyber security expert, but i have a tech degree and researcher from stan ford, i believe this is going on. there is chain reaction and at the bottom of it is microsoft centralized server and front end is crowdstrike.
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this can be prevented if we have and will adopt new technology like blockchain, to decentralize the database so our information, important information on banks, on electrical grid are decentralized and can't be hacked into like the mi microso azuresystem. >> carley: it looks like this was a crash, it is impacting everything from 911 call centers. todd has a friend on the cruise ship and there are issues. paris olympicses it has impacted them. hope to get everything up andun a aring fast. let's talk about joe biden. report was released yesterday, co-founder of dreamworks, had a sit-down meeting with joe biden
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and said, listen, the cash is drying up. if no new funds are coming in because everybody is worried about joe biden being able to sustain another four years, if no funds are coming in realistically, how long does joe biden have? >> i don't think he has that long. i think we're looking at hours. the dnc, the president, puppet president joe biden, as you can see and "fox and friends" called it, along with me and jesse maxine that he was asleep at the wheel. he can't even complete a sentence. who isun aring the puppet? the word is 10 to 15 people including obama, schumer, nancy pelosi, probably soros and his family, right?
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end of the day, these people are data driven and they have the sm smartest tech billionaires onboard who have bought into their socialist ideas. they are data driven and a month ago, when we blew the whistle, they did not listen. after the debate, they could not unsee what their eyes saw or what their ears heard which is that joe biden for lack of a better word is not competent to be president of the united states. the data, 18% of americans said that he is qualified to be president. there is no more money, no more votes for joe biden. >> carley: he has a polling issue. there was a report this week that elon musk was going to donate 45 million to a super pac affiliated with donald trump each month and there was back and forth whether that was true.
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elon musk has come out in support of donald trump, so have the winkle twins. is donald trump making gains in silicon valley, which is almost 1 100% across the board blue? >> i believe he has because the rnc and donald trump is now the party of ideas and silicon valley is about ideas and vision. how will we make the world a better place? the idea democrats and liberals and i originally started as a clinton democrat and liberal, their idea now is socialists represented by dei and they conflate equality with equity and so we have this orwellian double speak and they have used for lack of a better word george
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soros because he defeated communism in eastern europe and they feel he can reform capitalism in america. that is their vision and i feel like that is not a vision that americans or silicon valley is behind. we are a country of new fresh ideas, a country of innovation like donald trump said, we are going into the golden age of artificial intelligence. our vision is to create jobs and wealth for all americans and not to regulate ai, social media and robotics to death. we need to do it in a very nuanced way to balance control of big tech companies. they know everything about you and you don't know anything about them. they have been abusive with financial, tech and their knowledge of us. >> carley: when it comes to
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silicon valley, j.d. vance has a lot of connections in silicon valley and i'm sure he will use his previous experience to benefit the trump/vance ticket. thank you for waking up and talking to us about both pressing issues of the day, have a great day. >> carley: former president trumps he can end a war with a phone call as he calls out president biden's failed foreign policies. >> todd: more on that coming up n next. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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i always wanted to know why i am the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry. it was amazing to see all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna. it's a family thing. it's a family thing. >> todd: former president donald trump vowing to end every single international crisis upon reentering office. listen. >> i will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created, including the horrible war with russia and ukraine which would have never happened if i were president and the war
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caused by the attack on israel, which would have never happened if i was president. the whole world was at peace and now the world is blowing up around us. all these things you read about were not going to happen. under president obama, russia took crimea. under the current administration, russia is after all of ukraine. under president trump russia took nothing. >> todd: a michigan congr congressional candidate and iraq war veteran joins me now, tom, what do you think? ending every international crisis upon entering office. do you think it can be done? do you think voters think it can be done? >> i think voters are wise to remember the trump administration and foreign policy achievements president trump had. we did not have war like we do watching the failed biden
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policies that started with the disastrous and unforgivable withdrawal from afghanistan where 13 servicemembers were killed. that led to innovation of ukraine and war in middle east and adversaries becoming embolden. we have two case studies on foreign policy, what made americans safer and what saved lives abroad. war going on overseas is tragic loss of life. we have seen war break out in international parts of this world, making americans les safe and people around the world less safe. president trump had a message of strength and one we should return to. >> todd: the trump-vance rally is happening tomorrow. trump is up by about four --
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trump's first rally following his assassination attempt is in michigan, how important is that fact to the michigan voter that is on the fen, independent voter that voted for biden in 2020, thinking about voting for trump this time around? >> the president made a unifying speech last night, we're proud to host him for his first rally after this convention, where we really saw a unified republican party going forward. president trump gave a real heroing speech, starting his remarks, recounting the attempt on his life. he thanked those that were there and secret service that leapt into action. it showed a different tone from president trump that will maybe reach out to folks that did not support him in the past.
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he said, i'm humbly asking for your vote and i feel he has a mission to go out and do his best to turn around this country. we're proud to have him in michigan, this is the most competitive race in the country in the heart of michigan. we're excited to have president trump here. go to >> todd: how that translatein down ballot races like yours, will the spirit of unity, we'll see. a somber moment at rnc as former president trump remembers the firefighter killed by that assassination attempt last saturday. >> carley: a family friend of corey comperatore joins us coming up. take care of it with gold bond's healing
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formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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president trump last night. >> corey comperatore, unbelievable person, everybody tells me. he lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. right over the top of them and was hit. what a fine man he was. no greater love than to lay down one's life for others. this is the spirit that forged america in her darkest hours and this is the love that will lead america back to the summit of human achievement and greatness. >> carley: a family friend of corey comperatore helped organize wednesday's vigil, heidi joins me now. yesterday donald trump walked out on stage and corey's uniform was wheeled out. there was a moment of silence. trump made corey a big part of
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the rnc speech. what did that mean to you? >> first, corey was a hero long before the tragedies of saturday. this to me and our community is a human event, not a political one. corey was a trump supporter, before that, a family man, brother of god, hero to so many here. it was lovely for president trump to bring that honor to him but it is one none of usun waed. i don't speak for his family, it has been very difficult for them. >> carley: i can only imagine. you say that you want corey to be remembered not just as a rally goer, but because he was so much more than that. >> that's true.
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he was a hero and this community has surrounded him with love and that was obvious at the community vigil. there were several organizers at that event and came out to share stories and love and tears and music and prayer. it was a powerful, very powerful evening, couple of hours for our community to show that this was more than what color hat corey was wearing. >> carley: you are right, he shielded his wife and daughter. he was a hero as a firefighter and died a hero, as well. you said there were stories told at the vigil that you helped organize. can you share some of those with us so we can get to know him a little better? >> yes, a dear friend he had known for a long time actually purchased his family home and
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told stories of corey's love for fishing and his fishing rod came long after his love for his family. it was joyful memories and i spoke with a friend last evening over dinner whoir shaked that corey wouldn't have wanted anything to do with the spectacle this has become. he would rather be out on his boat enjoying peace and quiet and that is what we hope his family is able to find in the aftermath. >> carley: has vigil was well attended. how is his wife and how are his children? >> everybody is coping as well as can be expected. there has been a lot of hours, pressure and attention and that -- i can't imagine what that must be like. i don't think any of us can and to know that his passing will be a moment in history for our
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country and seeing at the memorial yesterday seeing so many firefighters and medics coming from all over the country to pay respects. people in line behind me had two gaming, one from san diego, retired medic and one from new york city, retired firefighter, the line out the door and immense pressure to greet and co-support one another is t tremendous. >> carley: funeral is today, he was just 50 years old. he won't just be remembered as a rally goer, he will be remembered as the hero he was. thank you for joining us. >> todd: with powerful moments like the tribute to corey, the media is criticizing the length of the former president's speech. watch. >> this came in over an hour and a half long, this was fidel
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castro experience. >> there is energy down here now, during the speech, there were folks dozing off, lawmakers snuck out early. >> bizarre feeling i'm not able to fully articulate now. they are painting it as a party, it is deeply divisive message. >> todd: it was 90 know minutes long, longest in the convention's history. joe concha joins us. does the media characterization of the speech reflect reality in any way? >> joe: being here in milwaukee and being in that hall last night at fiserv forum, the energy and optimism was off the chart. message of unity did resonate and this was a happy warrior in
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donald trump and all the other people that spoke during this convention. you hear the reaction to this and it does not reflect cents sentiment on the ground. you have a former president, odds on favorite to become next president, this could have been ronald reagan or berlin wall or abraham lincoln, it would have been criticized in some way. >> carley: cbs news has a headline, meandering rnc speech, that is an opinion. a lot of opinion shared about the rnc, including this gem from joy reid. watch. >> you have seen this election before, you see the same thing in hungary rooted in returning white christian men, also men adjacent men, brown men, white
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men, in terms of trying to be in that dominant position in society and you have women willing to go along with that, certain number of women. >> carley: i had to google if trad wife means a traditional wife. the keyword is white adjacent here. >> joe: another two words we have to google. this is same person, joy reid, screaming all week on the network and social media that maybe donald trump was not shot. she insinuated this whole thing was staged, as if you could hire a 20-year-old kid to come within -- fight, fight, fight when the secret service was carrying him off. this is same network who accused trump of wearing a bandage on a gap
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gaping wound when he lost part of his ear for political purposes. they push false conspiracy theory, that it was broken glass that hit president trump. the teleprompters were perfectly in tact. we are in an alternative u universe what we are hearing out of that network over assassination that happened in front of the world. you saw blood on the president's face and still have people like joy reid saying this was choreographed. they are promoting her to higher position for lying to viewers and mahmou management is too ped to do anything or they do not care. >> todd: banter week eof nonsene from joy reid. if you gets get shot on
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saturday, you request take all the time for a speech you want on the thursday. i have not been shot yet. >> carley: you take that as comp limp and retract it. have a great day. safe travels back to new york. check in with rachel campos-duffy who is having breakfast with friends in milwaukee to see what is coming up on "fox and friends." hi, rachel. >> rachel: i'm loving todd's new rule. >> todd: good rule, going with it. >> carley: what is coming up on "fox and friends"? >> rachel: we're here at the diner in wisconsin, historic diner, a big stop for political figures. donald trump was here at one time. we'll talk to wisconsin voters and see how last night went for them and if this will change minds in wisconsin. back to you.
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tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) ♪ ♪ >> todd: the vibe was electric as donald trump arrived at this year's rnc being greeted by star studded lineup. watch. >> trump amania, one wild, brother. let trump amania rule again. let trump amania make america great again. >> i'm in the tough guy business. and this man is the toughest, most resilient human being that
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i have ever met in my life say fight, fight. >> fight, fight. >> say fight, fight ♪ say trump. >> somebody scream! >> rapper forge an know joins us now. gone are the days of stuffy political events this was a party, what did you think? energy was crazy. kid rock. jason aldean. hulk hogan. it was amazing. >> todd: has the tide turned. are the republicans now the party of cool. of young, diverse voters all goes to what i'm calling donald trump 3.0? >> i think a lot of people now can create with donald trump what is going on with the
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indictments. see people pushing back against him e can't catch a break. working so hard. the younger people, younger generation are seeing it. seeing the problem at the border. seeing all the new issues. we are putting in the music. people are supporting you never know when your last speech is going to be. he had a long speech last night. people are extremely happy with him. >> carley: so much going on with joe biden as well. money problems, party problems, party problems, polling problems. now there is news that former obama is sending signals calling for him to step down, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, all the bigwigs in the democrat party. it is starting to feel like it's only a matter of time. what do you think about all of that? >> i think we all knew it was going to happen i have been saying michelle obama is going to be the candidate. i'm not sure if kamala is going
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to be the v.p. or gavin newsom. they do whatever they try to get. assassination out here on donald trump. trying to take all his money, indicting him. stood tall. it couldn't happen. now they are going at biden. they pretty much froze a the loft money that he was using and now he has covid. but we all know he doesn't have covid. is he just going to be sat down and say hey, it's over for you. >> todd: with that lead-up. i literally thought you were trying to say or sing biden has got 99 problems. but then i realized that you can't finish the end of that song on air but you can finish this song. it's your new song. trump, trump baby with amber rose. celebrating former president trump. it was actually played during the rnc is going viral. watch. ♪ yeah, yeah it's the mayor of magaville, baby. >> amber rose. >> you know who we voting for. >> we voted donald trump, baby. ♪ trump, trump, baby. >> america needs saving.
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>> america needs saving ♪ we voted trump, trump baby. >> todd: i love everything about this. especially mayor of magaville, great line. what was it like forge at toe having your song played in fronts of all those people at the rnc. >> >> amazing since 2015 until now. going hard for the campaign. people don't see your vision. that was showing my vision of what i'm doing with the music. music is changing culture. i'm trying to change culture. i'm new voters come on over here, donald trump, come on over here and support the republican party. rnc, baby, let's go. >> carley: have you always voted republican. >> yeah. i have always been down with trump and the republican party. at first it's about trump's a boss. all these people had a wish trump. every rapper wrapped about trump before he became the president. that's like his book letters of trump. he did the unthinkable.
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he came the president. big haters. i'm the donald trump of rap. i go through the same thing every single day. donald trump is really like owning the door in the very beginning for the entertainment part of the presidency. once i started following him how corrupt it is against him. i started going through the same thing trying to take me down. tried to take my social media and got me involved in the party that way. >> todd: there are a lot of rappers for trump. lil' wayne, i think you all should go on the road. doing a tour and potentially even fund raising and doing rallies for donald trump that would blow the left's mind. they may not be able to last after that. >> carley: and going to have your song in our heads all day, trump, trump, baby, the mayor of magaville? is that what it is? have a great day. thank you for joining us. what a show. what a week. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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