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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 19, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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big haters. i'm the donald trump of rap. i go through the same thing every single day. donald trump is really like owning the door in the very beginning for the entertainment part of the presidency. once i started following him how corrupt it is against him. i started going through the same thing trying to take me down. tried to take my social media and got me involved in the party that way. >> todd: there are a lot of rappers for trump. lil' wayne, i think you all should go on the road. doing a tour and potentially even fund raising and doing rallies for donald trump that would blow the left's mind. they may not be able to last after that. >> carley: and going to have your song in our heads all day, trump, trump, baby, the mayor of magaville? is that what it is? have a great day. thank you for joining us. what a show. what a week. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> i proudly accept your nomination for president of the united states. [cheers and applause] [chanting] >> the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of inch of taking my life. i stand before you only by the grace of almighty god. america's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater. and more united than ever before. [cheers and applause] , trump-a-mania, run wild, brother. let trump-a-mania, make america great again. [cheers and applause] >> and they are not just after you. they are after all of us, and you just happen to be standing in their way. never have i been more proud to be a trump. [chanting four more years] >> higher the stakes, the harder he fights. it is my honor to introduce.
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[chanting u.s.a.] >> we will very quickly make america great again. [cheers and applause] >> ainsley: former president donald trump and his wife melania landing in new jersey overnight after a powerful scenes last night here in milwaukee. donald trump formally accepting the g.o.p. nomination in his first public address since he was shot on stage at a campaign rally about a week ago. >> together we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed. the discord and division in our society must be healed. we must heal it quickly. as americans, we are bound together by single fate and a shared destiny. we rise together or we fall
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apart. >> brian: there you go. it was a star studded night with the performance from kid rock. yes. electric speeches from hulk hogan. not his birth name. and ufc president dana white. >> enough was enough. i said let trump-a-mania run wild, brother. let trump-a-mania rule again. let trump-a-mania make america great again! >> we have all seen it with our own eyes. i'm in the tough guy business. and this man is the toughest most resilient human being that i have ever met in my life. steve and the crowd went wild when melania trump showed up and it was her first public appearance at the rnc last night. and donald trump's granddaughter, caroline, stealing america's hearts, sitting on grandpa's lap as they
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watched her father, eric trump address the crowd. meanwhile, tomorrow, donald trump and j.d. vance will be heading to michigan for their first rally together and wind up in ohio in his hometown. >> all of this coming as new reports claim president biden could be dropping out of the race as soon as this weekend. former president obama reportedly telling allies biden needs to reconsider his race for the white house. as at least 22 democrats are now calling for biden to get out of the race. >> ainsley: but, first, a fox news alert. major airlines issuing a global stop on all flights as hospitals and banks and businesses all around the world are reporting outages. >> brian: not much news today. david spunt has the latest. david? >> you know, this is effecting millions, tens of millions from sydney, australia, to london to boston here in the united states. rare to see a global outage like this persisting for several hours. the good news, american airlines
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back up and run run normal. i want to put up a tweet from american airlines within the last few hours. earlier this morning a technical wish a vendor impacted multiple carriers including american as 5:00 eastern we have been able to safely establish our operation. we apologize for the inconvenience. we have calls out to the fbi to see what is being done here. as we can tell this is strictly software related. it appears to be improving at airports. communication systems that runs check-s in at airports. keeps flights on time. those were down. it's related to the company crowd strike and microsoft. hartsfield jackson airport. that's where delta airports are still on a ground stop. the ground at atlanta, massive. connection toingt to other cities across the globe. flights in the air being allowed to continue to their destination inland. other are not taking up. all delta flights are paused as we work through a vendor technology issue. any commerce whose flights are impacted will be impacted by
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deal that. customers should check the app. for updates. we apologize for the inconvenience. i want to show you a live faa map showing completely closed airports in the united states. las vegas, boston, new york's laguardia in new york. those are all closed. now, will are ground stops at many more, crowd strike is affecting microsoft servers functioning the functionality, guys of websites and apps, checked into airports, also banks in washington, d.c., train service is back up after a several hour outage. >> this can be prevented if we have and will ahospital new technologies like block train that will decentralize the database. >> earlier, about 1911 centers in the u.s. were reporting outages, according to that site that tracks data that's down now in the 50's. improving there again. no indication this is any sort of attack, we are making calls to find out and see.
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it appears some sort of software update across the globe. back to you. >> steve: david, it was a software update that didn't work right or somebody was able to take advantage of something in it and that's where we are today? >> yeah. you know, we don't know at this point. we know there is some sort of software update from crowd strike. microsoft is also affected. and a lot of these banks and trains and planes. they use this microsoft service that's still being investigated. >> ainsley: american is the only frongt airline fronts and runner. >> frontier also but on the large scale american. >> steve: as we look at the map of all of the ground stops, one of them is here in milwaukee and. >> ainsley: brian end of the nivmentd brian is delta. >> steve: this is a lot like what happened after the iowa caucuses. in des moines. because of record cold weather, there were all these flight delays.
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they canceled all the flights that day. and today we could be scrambling. you might see us on monday right here back on the couch in milwaukee. >> brian: it was a shame. i was going to pack this up. i was going to shrink wrap that. >> lawrence: let's leave it. >> brian: the president of the united states had the longest speech -- the former president, longest speech in convention. >> ainsley: 93 minutes. >> steve: beat his record. >> brian: what an opening. he had so many great speeches. eric was fantastic. mike pompeo was strong. and then you had hulk hogan. you saw some dana white introduction. nobody better. >> ainsley: franklin graham. >> brian: basically he endorsed donald trump which i don't think his dad ever did. >> ainsley: a prayer, too. everyone had their heads bowed, eyes closed because of what happened to him last weekend. >> brian: fascinating the way it started do. this once, it's traumatic, i'm not telling it again. so here is donald trump describing what happened last saturday. >> i will tell you exactly what happened and you'll never hear
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it from me a second time because it's actually too painful to tell. to the right was a large screen that was descraing a chart of border crossing. under my leadership, the numbers were absolutely amazing. in order to see the chart, i started to like this turn to my right. >> thank god. >> and was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which i'm very lucky i didn't do. when i heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear. i said to myself wow! what was that? it can only be a bullet. and moved my right hand to my
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ear, brought it down. my hand was covered with blood just absolutely blood all over the place. i immediately knew it was very serious that we were under attack. and in one movement proceeded to drop to the ground. bullets were continuing to fly. as very brief secret service agents rushed to the stage and they really did. they rushed to the stage. [cheers and applause] [applause] the beautiful crowd didn't want to leave me. they knew i was in trouble. they didn't want to leave me. can you see that love written all over their faces. [applause] i'm not supposed to be here tonight. not supposed to be here. >> yes, you are! yes, you are. [chanting yes, you are] >> once my clinched fist went
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up, and it was high into the air, you have all seen that, the crowd realized i was okay and roared with pride for our country like no crowd i have ever heard before. [cheers and applause] never heard anything like it. [chanting u.s.a.] >> for the rest of my life i will be grateful for the love shown by that giant audience of patriots that stood bravely on that fateful evening in pennsylvania. >> lawrence: so i think for probably the first 40 minutes of the speech the entire crowd were on their feats the entire time. just locked in as the former president told the story. and there was a point, you may have not been able to hear it, but he goes i wasn't supposed to be here. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: then the crowd chanted yes, you are. yes, you are. and. >> ainsley: he said but i really
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am not. you never seen the president so somber, taken back so calm. it was great speech. >> steve: and we had heard that after that event that near death event he tore up the speech. obviously he tore up the speech. because a week ago it didn't have any of that stuff in there. and so ultimately, you know, what was different was we heard that. we had seen exactly what happened. because the attempted assassination was televised. but to hear him talk about it from his point of view, and that's what gave such potency to how he was talking about how he would like to heal and unite the country. and while we had heard ahead of time he was not going to mention joe biden's name one time. not going to do it one time. he did it one time. but the nicknames were not there we didn't hear about crooked joe or anything like that. and i. >> brian: i think we got a crazy nancy. >> steve: i'm talking about joe.
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>> ainsley: he might not be even be in the race. >> lawrence: one time. and we will talk a little bit about joe in a minute. but, you know, it was a different kind of donald trump. for at least the first half hour. a different kind of donald trump. >> ainsley: he even mentioned his faith he said every single moment we have on earth is a gift from god. we have to make the most every day. mentioned god a few times and acre trump was the one who introduced him. i thought it was really sweet to see the family. they stayed on the stage a long time after the speech. >> brian: a lot of balloons. >> ainsley: how cute were the little kids they were trying to throw the gold balloons in the crowd. carolina lara and acre's child messing with ears and hair and yawning at one time. >> brian: story i'm going to walk away the trump family revealed. they will be around for awhile. generations of talent there that was pretty strong. the other thing is the production. used to appreciate, trump in the background. all of a sudden goes from red, white and blue to the white
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house. out comes the podium and out he comes. i thought it was great. melania's perfect walkout. everyone was waiting for her. >> ainsley: he wasn't expecting her, right? >> steve: kind of surprised. >> brian: when she walked out the crowd went crazy. it reminded me of ufc fight, because, before you see the person, you hear the crowd erupt. and then she came out. i don't know how she did it but she actually looks better. >> ainsley: this was the moment he didn't see her walking out on stage oh there you are. they were holding hands. >> steve: and action. >> oh. hi, honey. >> that's right. there was one other big moment and we're about to talk about it right now. >> lawrence: that's so funny. former president trump taking a moment to honor corey comperatore, the father and firefighter dealed shielding his wife and daughter bullets during the rally. [applause]
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>> brian: jonathan serrie joins us from butler, pennsylvania ahead of the fallen fighter's funeral today. hey, jonathan. >> good morning to you. corey comperatore certainly died a hero shielding his family. throwing his body against him to protect them against a would be assassin's bullets and paying the ultimate sacrifice as a result. at last night's rnc finale, some emotional moments as former president trump brought corey's fire helmet and jacket on stage and honored his self-sacrifice as part of the spirit that forged america in her darkest hours. mr. trump also honored 57-year-old david dutch and 74-year-old james koppenhafer who were seriously injured at the rally but recovering in the hospital. he praised the generosity of donors to a fund for the victim's families. >> we did something which cannot match what happened. not even close. but i am very proud to say that
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over the past few days, we have raised $6.3 million. [cheers and applause] for the families of david james and corey. >> yeah, as the president explained, definitely a bittersweet situation. so much money, so much generosity. but also the president, former president acknowledging no money could ever compensate the victims for the terrible loss that they suffered. at a memorial visitation yesterday, friends remembered corey, corey's life of service. take a listen. >> once he graduated high school, he joined the fire department. and he joined the army, also. he just -- all he ever wanted to do was help people, just no matter what. and friend tells the "new york post" that corey comperatore and his family initially were
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standing just off stage to the left of the stage, but someone came up to them and offered them front row tickets. they were avid trump supporters, so of course they are going to take them. tragically, it put them in the direct line of fire, at 11:00 this morning, at a church just down the road behind where i'm standing, there is going to be a private funeral service and it will be followed by a very long procession of family and friends and about 500 fire trucks that have driven in here from all corners of the country. back to you guys. >> ainsley: incredible. hundreds are traveling there to pay tribute to him. $6.3 million they raised for those three families? >> got another million dollars yesterday, the president pulled out a check. >> brian: the president out of everything going on. i think he has taken that element, obviously the death of corey the hardest. >> steve: right. >> brian: obviously he must to some level feel if i'm not doing
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that rally. he was put into the front row. if this doesn't happen, corey, this great guy, fantastic father and firefighter is still alive. >> steve: right. i wonder if the trump family will have a presence at the funeral. you know, the former president, current nominee couldn't come probably because of security. >> brian: do you know what happened, steve, they said they couldn't secure the woods. >> steve: right. that's the problem. i wonder if anybody else from the family will be there because it's such an impactful story. >> ainsley: he kissed his helmet and cited scripture talking about laying your life down for your friends. it's beautiful. overnight president biden's campaign reacting to trump's speech saying, quote: the stakes have never been higher. the choice has never been more clear. president biden is more determined than ever to defeat donald trump. >> steve: this despite a lot of reports that joe biden could exit the race by this weekend. former media allies now claiming even his senior aides say joe, it's time to go, as he is,
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quote, soul searching and biden is on the brink. >> lawrence: that's not all former president barack obama also reportedly casting his doubts. telling allies biden needs to his viability to win. >> brian: oh, no, it's a brutus situation. pete hegseth joins us now. "fox & friends weekend." it's friday, pete, but this is unbelievable story. >> pete: it sure is by the way the campaign is adamantly denying is he leaving. probably will be adamantly denying ever more increasingly until the very end until they don't. you have to do that. the minute you show a crack. >> steve: the money stops. >> pete: by the way money is leveraging. donors coming in the campaign management the money is going to dry up. this is, you know, the holy trinity of democratic politics from obama, more than trinity, schumer, nancy, clinton, all of them are effectively moving in different ways to create this.
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but joe is stubborn. joe doesn't want to go. you see that in that statement. >> steve: mark halperin, the journalist multiple sources says joe plans to announce his withdrawal from the nomination as early as this weekend. probably on sunday. john meacham is accomplishing up remarks for him. joe is not resigning. he will not endorse harris, according to mark halperin. they want an open convention with harris and about three others. super delegates will not be allowed to vote on the first ballot and harris' vetting at least four running mates, including andy beshear and possibly governor shapiro. >> pete: i have seen that reporting as well. could be true. i heard reports of also an announcement coming. we will wait to see if that does come about. they are in an impossible position. either he chooses harris with an endorsement and then they're accused of being antidemocratic the party of democracy or open it up. it sounds like they would be open-that will be an absolute. >> ainsley: what about the money the money they have i se raced?
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>> pete: head start. wanting to beat trump i'm your gal. i don't see her reason nation that much in the rust belt of wisconsin, ohio and michigan. >> lawrence: how does he get out of race and stay as president. democrats have confessed he is unfit. too old. they still want him to remain commander-in-chief. >> pete: he has been absentee this long he can be absentee a little longer. easiest thing to do. get his family affairs in order. cut a deals. >> lawrence: hard peer and there. >> pete: if hunter is convicted after he is out of office. if you want a presidential library and want everybody to donate to it might be time to say goodbye. >> brian: doesn't know what anyone is talking about also the squad. ilhan omar says it's offensive for her to see all these democrats turn on him it. looks like bernie sanders is standing by. the congressional black caucus. >> pete: they got everything they want under this guy.
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he has been a progressive's dream. so why wouldn't they stick by him. >> brian: al sharpton said i'm not pushing him. i had a conversation with him. he doesn't seem like is he ready to go. good luck with that this is the worst scenario for democrats. can you imagine? this is like for donald trump's team think about what is going through their mind like getting to the super bowl and no opponent. what ads do you run? what do you say? okay do positive image ads, fine but then when you say what kind of bounce did you get from the convention? well, how do you judge the bounce? >> lawrence: right. >> steve: that could be one of the reasons he was not going to mention joe biden's name. he did once because in four days joe could be gone. >> pete: running against an agenda of a guy. administration. that is biden. that may change. be careful what you wish for. because biden is the opponent they want. we will see what happens in the coming days. >> steve: you have done a great job here. >> pete: appreciate you guys, likewise. >> brian: fox nation. as soon as the speech wrapped up. >> pete: no sleep. >> brian: not having caffeine he
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told me. >> pete: yeah i'm off that. >> ainsley: of course vodka. >> pete: of course. come. >> steve: we are in milwaukee, he had beer. >> pete: come on. give it your best, brian. do you want me to do it. >> brian: yeah. >> pete: check in with rachel campos-duffy as you say one woman, three names who have having breakfast can kids. >> ainsley: nine kids. one woman, three names, nine kids. >> pete: that's even better. >> rachel: lots of numbers. pete et pete you were there last night too. how are you doing? >> rachel: i'm actually super impressed when i was there. you were still partying at the fox nation party wisconsin. >> brian: oh my goodness are you kidding me? >> rachel: i think he is wearing the same suit. >> brian: fox nation party we didn't know about. >> lawrence: same suit from the party. [laughter] >> pete: do what you gotta do. >> rachel: well, the sun is rising, the coffee's pouring right here in milwaukee at miss indicate ypsz diner.
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we're going to check in with all of these wonderful people who have joined us this morning. get their temperature on what happened. we are even joined by shane from wisconsin metal arts. our good friend he has been to new york city. probably about 15 times. he looks a lot more comfortable in wisconsin. so, shane, you watched the speech. what are your thoughts? >> i think him talking about the assassination attempt was probably the most emotional part of the evening for sure. >> rachel: yeah, it sure was. >> yeah. >> rachel: move on over to these ladies over here. what's your take away. a moment that maybe stood out for you? >> i love how he always calls out whoever owed credit, god, the military, first responders. i always respect that about him. >> rachel: absolutely, he said every day is a gift from god. >> yeah. >> rachel: hi. your thoughts? >> my favorite moment about last night was when eric trump talked and he mentioned god was with trump during the attempt and the
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look on his -- on trump's face was just serene and calm and thankful and a side of him that it is so nice to see. he is just real. >> rachel: what about hulk hogan bringing down the house? >> oh my god, that was awesome. so great. he really brought that energy. i don't think that place needed it. it was great. he really topped it off. >> rachel: let me run around over here. what's the take away that you had? >> i was in awe of president trump. after everything he had been through, amazing. >> rachel: right. >> he talked about unity. how can't anybody even think about that? i mean, unity, he wants to bring everybody together. i love it. >> rachel: your thoughts? >> i love the part too about god and the unity. we're bringing everybody together. doesn't matter how are. what you look like. just we're all americans. >> rachel: that's right. i will give you really quick. my favorite part. franklin graham telling donald trump to stop using foul
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language in speeches. and donald trump saying i'm working on it. it was interesting. right back to you guys. >> steve: she is live at miss katie's diner right here in milwaukee. rachel, thank you very much. >> brian: i found out that's a legendary place. i did not know that. >> steve: miss katie, something. >> brian: legendary hulk hogan will join us live this morning he will have at least two shirts. >> ainsley: will he rip it off. donald trump delivering a message of unity. >> as americans we are bound together by a single fate. i am running to be president for all of america. not half of america. >> lawrence: did his new message resonate? former presidential speech writer marc thiessen is joining us next. ♪ ♪
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>> brian: here we go. fox news alert. in about 90 minutes yes we will expect a verdict in the espionage trial of jailed american journalist evan gershkovich. russia seeking 18 year prison term for the "wall street journal" reporter who was arrested more than a year ago. "the wall street journal" issuing a statement yesterday saying they are pushing for the immediate release, again, adding evan was doing his job as a journalist. and journalism is not a crime. bring him home, closed quote.
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the verdict expected to come around 8:00 a.m. eastern time. we will bring it to you live on "fox & friends." now let's go out to ainsley with marc thiessen. >> ainsley: thank you so much. brian. former president trump sharing the details of saturday's assassination attempt and delivering a powerful message of unity in his rnc acceptance speech. listen. >> as americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. we rise together or we fall apart. i am running to be president for all of america. not half of america, because there is no victory in winning for half of america. >> ainsley: fox news contributor and former speech writer himself to president g.w. bush marc thiessen and he joins us now. >> ainsley: what really stood out to you? >> i will start with what i really loved in the funniest moment is when he had the chart up and he said without that
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chart i wouldn't be alive and the whole place came down. i thought i have never seen a chart like that at an rnc speech before. i think that chart is going to be at a trump rally between now and election day. i thought the opening was riveting. when he talked -- the quote he said about being a president for all americans and then when he said i'm going to tell you this story once. only once because it's so painful. walked us through that you could hear a pin drop in the room as he described the moments of the shooting. and just -- he emotionally connected. he made the case for unity. then, unfortunately, it sort of devolved into a trump rally. and, you know, all of a sudden, you know, the crazy nancy made an appearance. he had said he wasn't going to mention biden with you he mentioned him twice. attacked bush. so, it was -- that was a lost opportunity, i think. he made the case at the beginning for unity. and connected with the audience. >> ainsley: yeah. he said he was going to rewrite his speech and he added the beginning, definitely the story of what happened on saturday. and then he had corey, the
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firefighter. >> yes. >> ainsley: he had the uniform on stage and kissed the hell method which i think is really powerful. >> the man needed a rally. the man was just shot a few days ago in front of his people. i thought it was very moving how he described how the crowd reacted there wasn't a stampede. they didn't run away. and they were waiting to see if he was okay. and so, you know, this was the first time he had spoken to his people since that moment. i think he needed them. they needed him. and so he did his thing. the problem is that everybody in that room and all of his people who go his rallies, after saturday, they are going to walk over broken glass to vote for donald trump. ains right. >> he needs people not going to trump rallies, people in the chamber. people who are really disappointed with joe biden. but not sure that they want to vote for donald trump. and i think he started out the right way to connect with them and it sort of became a trump rally and he became too focused on the people in the room as
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opposed to the people out in the rest of the country watching by the millions who wanted to see what kind of president he would be. >> ainsley: i definitely saw a humbleness last night and he mentioned god a lot. >> yes. >> ainsley: i'm doing this for the people you are a part of this movement instead of me, me, me. it was about the people. >> absolutely. agree with you. >> ainsley: it was a long speech 93 minutes. but i loved seeing the family afterwards, too. >> i agree. >> ainsley: thank you for being here. breaking overnight a global ground stop. major airlines stopping all nights. worldwide outages. kurt the cyberguy is going to break it all down for us. m that's coming up next. ♪ig do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy.
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have you tried these new febreze car vent clips? the new intensity dial gives you total control. i can turn it up... that smells good! or turn it down... hmm. nice and light. enjoy 40 days of freshness, your way. ♪ lalalalala ♪ >> steve: if you are just waking up a fox news alert. right now a major tech outage forcing airlines to issue a global stop on all flights. outages are also being reported at hospitals, banks, and 911 centers. it is apparently tied to the
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communication systems at microsoft and crowdstrike and minutes ago crowdstrike's president, ceo, updating, quote crowdstrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for window hosts. this is not a security incident or cyber attack. the issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed all right the fix has been deployed to figure it all out, kurt the cyberguy joins us now. they were trying to update the software and everything got screwed up, right? >> yeah, faulty software update from one single firm, this crowdstrike they can do this global disruption. first reported at 1:20 a.m. eastern. saying that they have widespread reports of the blue screen of death on windows computers around the world. we're waking up to huge disruptions, steve. airlines such as american, united and delta all having
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disruptions can't check people. in they are issuing manual boarding passes in some cases. the faa saying they are assisting with this at this moment. expect delays if you are traveling today. i would use your phone to access that of course not a pc at this moment. windows computers tied to these organizations that use crowdstrike are causing. this and it is a crippling thing -- supermarkets, banks, telecommunications companies. we go down to website that monitors when companies go down or services go down. this is like a christmas tree. microsoft, td bank. mgm, at&t, exbox. microsoft, spectrum. i can go on and on and on. this is a massive, massive destruction globally from australia to the u.k., europe, right here home in the u.s. all being affected. and, yeah, the good news that it is not a cyber attack.
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the bad news is that until systems can catch up to that solution from crowdstrike and roll back that disabling update, we're going to continue to see the impact of these. and they will be substantial. >> steve: right. with airlines, you know, apparently when they issued the ground strike. they would not let planes land that were in the air. nothing would take off. and nobody could land. but things are kind of getting back to normal. and, apparently, american airlines is back online. but, kurt, real briefly, regarding banks. because everybody has got money in a bank. what we know right now it has nothing to do with your deposits, it's accessing your account online, right? >> kurt: for the most part. remember, financial institutions have multiple systems. what this outage is this morning we are waking up to effects windows-based systems that use crowdstrike. it's a huge amount of computers. but, your money is safe. it's not going anywhere.
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but, access to your financial institution may be delayed and disrupted this morning. now that they have a fix, i'm not so worried about the stock market as we wake up to that later this morning. >> steve: right. >> kurt: we got will show you how to undo this if you are at home and have you that blue screen. can you look at it on your phone. >> steve: great idea. go to cyberguy, thank you very much for joining us on this friday. >> good to see you. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, rachel campos-duffy is getting the reaction to donald trump's rnc speech last night from miss katy's diner right here in milwaukee. cheers, everybody. you're coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies.
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republicans united behind the trump vance ticket as former president trump lays out his vision for america. watch. >> you have been told to lower your exceptions and accept less for your families. i am here tonight with the opposite message your exceptions are not big enough. time to start expecting and demanding the best leadership in the world. leadership bold, dynamic,
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relentless and fearless. we will unite. we are going to come together and success will bring us together. [applause] >> lawrence: did the g.o.p. message reach critical undecided voters? that's the big question. let's bring in three independents here, here in wisconsin, kaitlin, mary and rick. undecided voters. let's go to you, kaitlin. what did you think about the speech? and did it change your mind? >> i think the speech in general, even eric's speech. the message of unity laying out what we had under former president trump, what we currently have and what we can expect in the future it did push me forward. >> lawrence: mary, did you think that the speech struck the right tone last night and did you see something different in the former president? >> i did, i did. i think the tragedy that happened last week really toned him down. and i do believe that it's exactly what was needed. his personality can be a little bit harsh and sometimes people
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don't listen to his policies because of that. so, he did come off very humble. and he even said, hey, i have been pretty good, you know. i think that did. i think he had the unity, put america first was good: the veteran was phenomenal when they -- when they had the veteran one. i think it came off. if you listen to -- if you listen a lot of people don't turn into that though the former president only mentioned the current president once in his speech. was that the right move to make last night. >> yes, in some ways because i think he was trying to say too biden is probably not going to be the nominee is he is not going to criticism against biden against democrats in general. i thought he was fine with that. >> lawrence: how do you think the former president did that speech? >> i liked the beginning part.
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then it turned into more of a rally speech. and i have seen two of his rallies. in person and then i got bored to be totally honest with you. i thought he kept looking back. four years ago we did. this i want to know what is going on in the next four years. i'm tired of hearing what you did. i want to know what you're going to do. and so it didn't push me closer to him. >> lawrence: kaitlin, what is going to be your big decision as you -- what's the number one issue for you i should ask first and do you see yourself voting for donald trump? >> the most pivotal moment for me is the debate biden. biggest issue for me is the economy. i have three kids at home. and what's the plans for the economy? gas is expensive, food is expensive, how is my dollar going to stretch further? how is my retirement account going to grow? >> lawrence: mary, how about you? what do you see yourself voting for. what's the most important issue? >> the most important issue for
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me is the border. i agree the economy. the cost of living, it's just tough. you know, covid had a lot to do with it. something has got to stabilize it. the debate really, really, i think, showed who can handle this country and who cannot. and then the tragedy also showed later. that's what we need. at this point in time that, is exactly what we need. so, i'm not as undecided as i was at first. >> lawrence: rick, who do you see yourself voting for and why. >> bobby kennedy still and trump. biden is out. i can't picture any democrat coming in coming in to be able to pick that up torch and run with it. but trump more so because i think he definitely after the assassination attempt showed a hero moment. he really stood out like this is america. i'm strong and i can handle this. and so there is that. and i think he'll be mellower.
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>> lawrence: in his approach. >> still all the issues. i think i'm leaning toward trump. >> lawrence: fascinating conversation from independent voters who now figured out who they are going to vote for. we are still waiting for your final thought, rick. kaitlin, mary, rick, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> check in with rachel having breakfast with friends at miss katie's diner in milwaukee. hey, rachel. >> rachel: hey, lawrence. what a fascinating group of voters you had right there. we are going to check the temperature here in milwaukee where the sun is up. and everyone is drinking coffee and getting their breakfast and see what they think. your name? >> will martin. >> rachel: so, obviously donald trump is trying to reach swing voters, we just saw lawrence jones talk to independent voters. all three of them are leaning towards trump right now what is your experience with friends and family that are on the fence? because wisconsin is important. >> it is. i talked to independents that i know who actually volunteered but they were really moved by the whole convention. i think the addition of vance on
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the ticket. somebody who grew up in abject poverty and rose above. i think that story really resonates with a lot of people who are struggling right now. >> rachel: all right, jesse? >> yes. >> rachel: what are your thoughts on that? do you think this speech is going to humanize trump? get a new angle on him? convince other voters? >> i do. i think one of the most interesting parts of this weekend this week was the emotional tribute to firefighter corey. and it humanized him knowing that the relationship between his family and theirs is forever linked. and i think people want to know if there is apathy and sympathy and there is real emotion behind it. i think voters want to see that from donald trump and i think they got it. >> rachel: all right. your name? >> kate. >> rachel: kate, what do you think? >> i thought it was really fun as a mom to see that his family is so close. especially when i saw his grandkids just freely go and sit on his lap. made it like i know that they are really close and that those
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grandkids know him and love him sweet to see. >> rachel: those kids were a little miss chiefous which we can all relate to i'm sure. more "fox & friends" coming up. you guys. [cheers and applause] ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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