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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 19, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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nomination for president of the united states. the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an inch taking my life. i stand before you only by the grace of the almighty god. america's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger. freer, greater, and more united than ever before. [cheers and applause] >> look, trump-a-mania, run wild, brother, let trump-a-mania make america great again. >> they are not just after you, they are after all of us, and you just happen to be standing in their way. never i have been more proud to be a trump. [chanting four more years] >> the higher the stakes, the harder he fights. it is my honor to introduce -- [chanting u.s.a.] >> we will very quickly make
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america great again. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> brian: dropped the balloons. someone is picking them up. guess what former president he and his wife landing in new jersey last night last night: close out the convention. trump formally accepting the nomination in first public address since he was shot on stage at a campaign rally six days ago. >> together we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed. the discord and division in our society must be healed. we must heal it quickly. as americans, we are bound together by a single fate. and a shared destiny. we rise together or we fall
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apart. >> steve: and it was a star studded evening with a performance as you can see by kid rock and great speeches, loud speeches from hulk hogan and ufc president dana white who introd the former president. >> enough was enough. and i said let trump-a-mania run wild, brother. let trump-a-mania rule again. let trump-a-mania make america great again. >> we have all seen it with our own eyes. i'm in the tough guy business. and this guy is the toughest, most resilient human being that i have ever met in my life. >> ainsley: warm welcome from the crowd during the first appearance at the rnc. all of this coming as new reports claim that president biden could be dropping out of the race as soon as this weekend. >> brian: what is happening?
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>> ainsley: former president obama reportedly telling allies that biden needs to reconsider his race as at least 22 democrats are now calling for biden to withdraw. >> lawrence: but, first, a fox news alert. major airlines issuing ground stop as global it outages impact airports, hospitals and banks. we have a live report from a closed airport coming up. >> brian: first, we have live team conch on the stories in the political world. got peter doocy up early in rehoboth beach, delaware with more on the future of the current president. but we begin with bill melugin over in milwaukee. with the final night of the rnc. bill? i would have to say i wasn't predicting dana white and hulk hogan on the same stage leading to the comeback story of the 45th president. but it made it a lot of fun. >> bill: it did, brian. it was a party atmosphere in there donald trump is an entertainer. he knows how to line up a show like that. he delivered a really long speech. it was over 90 minutes, he
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managed to only say joe biden's name one single time there was also really emotional moment when he decided to honor the man killed at his rally on saturday in butler pennsylvania, take a listen. >> shooter claimed the life of one of our fellow americans; corey comperatore, he lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. he went right over the top of them and was hit. what a fine man he was. [applause] >> bill: he was a firefighter and trump brought out his fire fighting gear belonging to corey comperatore. at one point he walked over and paid tribute to that fallen man a father with two daughters and he appeared to kiss his fire fighting helmet. really emotional there. in addition to those moving moments. we also had kind of what you were talking about, brian, a party like performance. had you people going up there, riling up the crowd.
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you had hulk hogan. you had kid rock and you had ufc president dana white. take a take a listen. >> i want the world to know that donald trump is a real american hero. and i'm proud to support my hero as the next president of this united states. >> i know president trump. i know president trump is a fighter. i have been saying this since 2015. this guy never ever gives up. >> bill: big picture, this convention speech really felt like a trump rally, again, going more than 90 minutes. evidence went off script. he ad-libbed much of it. trump is going to have a real campaign rally. that's the going to be tomorrow in grand rapids, michigan. it is going to happen, guys, exactly one week after an assassin tried to take his life in pennsylvania. send it back to you.
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> >> steve: bill is right. bret baier is going to be with us shortly. he said he had just talked to the former president. the former president's comments were going to be his prepared speech. 55 to 60 minutes long. ultimately they were 93 minutes. 33 minutes of ad-libbing. and what is interesting is we knew that i had torn up the speech after as that bandage reminds us, he was almost assassinated six days ago. he was not introduced by a family member. usually a family member introduces the main speaker on the big night the nomination, but this time it was dana white. and they had planned this even before the assassination attempt. because the message was -- and he goes back to and brian, i think you told us this. dana white and donald trump were friends going back into the early 2,000s. but the whole message was going to be, donald trump is a firefighter. and that is the theme that carried on not only last night but the entire week here in
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milwaukee. >> ainsley: such an important crowd. the mixed martial crowd. hulk hogan. even billy graham's son up there saying a prayer. one extreme to the next. all religion what america looks like. >> lawrence: one of the things the former president wanted to do was he talked about this -- he was only going to talk about it one time. share with the american people what actually went on on that day. a play-by-play leading up to the shooting. this is what the president had to say, watch. >> i will tell you exactly what happened. and you'll never hear it from me a second time because it's actually too painful to tell. in order to see the chart, i started to like this, turn to my right. and was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which i'm very
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lucky i didn't do when i heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really really hard on my eight ear. i said to myself wow, what was that? it can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear. brought it down. my hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. >> i immediately knew this was very serious that we were under attack and in one movement proceeded to drop to the ground. bullets were continuing to fly as very brave secret service agents rushed to the stage and they really did they rushed to the stage. i'm not supposed to be here tonight. i'm not supposed to be here. >> yes, you are.
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yes you are. innocen.[chanting yes you are] >> once my clinched fist went up high into the air, you saw this crowd roared for our country like no crowd i have ever heard before. never heard anything like it. [chanting u.s.a.] >> for the rest of my life i will be grateful for the love shown audience stood on fateful evening of pennsylvania. >> brian: did he get a briefing from the secret service director yesterday. i wonder what the tone of that was. is he grateful with the secret service agents with him every
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day. threw themselves in front of what could have been a hail of bullets. 8 shots. it still looks like one shot that killed sniper. that's what they say. we have a lot of questions, i don't know if the president got his questions answered. because he is kind of torn. because he loves his people. men and women that are around him every day. at the same time, how did this happen? we hear things like the gun was left earlier. we hear things like the range finder. it's really for golf. range finders i understand are loud. >> steve: they were. >> brian: not anymore. like the whole shoe bomber now we take our shoes off at tsa. i'm sure he has some questions. you don't want to be the one alienating yourself from the secret service going to be with you the rest of your life e has to be angry. the more details to see how preventable this was to see this guy with ieds in his car. parents went out. the son is essentially dangerous. the bot the parents are therapists, this guy's nickname.
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one day the slope was the story. then we find out where the secret service set up. the secret service direct flat out light when he said the slope was the reason we weren't on. >> i have seen on twitter, formerly twitter, the white house roof is sloped. i have seen pictures of the secret service on the sloped roof of the white house. >> lawrence: the former president's point also is the people that were on him that day, as far as those secret service they have no responsibility for what happens that day. >> they didn't set it up. >> lawrence: didn't do what they -- i have been quite honest about one. >> steve: look at that picture. >> weapon appropriately as well. it looks like the director has got than under control, he has people that are more his body type size guarding him now. but the president wanted to show
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them appreciation. this is a washington problem. and i think so often we are talking about the fbi, cia, our criticism isn't the rank and file people that are doing their job -- it's the leadership. that's the question. what is the leadership doing in the secret service to make sure whether it's advance or counter snipers have the tools they need to secure our commander-in-chief. >> steve: supposed to get answers next week. hearings on capitol hill. >> ainsley: what i loved about ivanka. earlier in the week. little carolina sitting on her grandfather's lap and father was speaking. really cute. late night. >> brian: eric's speech was great. >> ainsley: i loved when donald trump after he recounted what happened last saturday that he remembered the firefighter corey comperatore. he walked over, his uniform was on the stage and he kissed the
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helmet. i thought that was really sweet and he asked for a moment of silence so everyone in that room and everyone watching last night was praying for their family. the usual is today. hundreds are traveling to his hometown to pay contribute to him and then donald trump talked about racing $3.6 million for three families: david dutch, copen haven also shot. talked about corey being such a hero. not only a volunteer firefighter, a chief, but also laid down his life for his family. he protected his daughter who was with him and his wife. >> steve: i bet after last night that go fund me amount is a much bigger. >> ainsley: donald trump said he talked to all three families yesterday, too. >> steve: give you update on that in the meantime. >> ainsley: go to senior white house correspondent peter doocy on reports that biden could exit the race by this weekend. peter, what's the latest? >> well, ainsley, nobody can force president biden to quit the race. and right now the campaign is saying he is not going to. >> president is not going
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anywhere. the president can win. and so we should just go campaign on the issues because we're right on the issues. and we have candidate with values and character and if you look on the other side you have a guy who only cares about himself. lies all the time. twice impeached. convicted of 34 felonies. and that's what we should be talking about. >> peter: but the headlines are brutal. nbc says biden left feeling angry and betrayed by top democratic on his campaign. cnn many senior biden officials believe he must drop out as he becomes increasingly isolated. reuters says once defiant, biden is now soul searching about dropping out of the race. bunch bowl: biden on the brink and democratic leaders get ready to move. "the washington post," pelosi has told house democrats that biden may soon be persuaded to leave the race. "the washington post," obama tells allies biden's path to winning reelection is greatly diminished and obama tells
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allies biden needs to seriously consider his viability to win re-election, according to people briefed on the matter. 22 democrats in the house or the senate now say joe must go. the latest, montana's jon tester up for re-election and writes the following: montanans have put their trust in me. responsibility take seriously. i worked with president biden when it has made montana stronger. never afraid to stand up to him. while i appreciate his commitment to public service and our country. i believe president biden should not seek re-election to another term. so, we have got officials from the campaign and from the white house insisting president biden has not changed his mind from when he told us after the debate that he is going to stay in the race. but it is entirely possible that they don't know exactly what is going through his mind while is he still here at the beach house isolated with covid. back to you. >> brian: thanks, peter. let's bring in mike allen now
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who has been leading the investigation in some ways and with axios, where he is the co-founder. we are hearing this stunning news. we watch a very unique, maybe one of the most successful conventions ever for a republicans and democrats. with the drama of the assassination attempt. then you factor in this story about the president, the former president has no opponent it seems. where is this at? is there any way joe biden holds on? >> sure. he has the delegates and peter is exactly right. that the white house will tell you he is going to be nominee. what axios is reporting. people very close to the president both the congressional leaders, personal friends, they believe is he going to get there as they put it, over the weekend. what surprises. >> steve: he has got to go. >> is he going to make the decision that he is needs to g. what makes them first sad and then a little mad is they were
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hoping that this would happen weeks ago. and the way that we reported it was they said they wanted to give him the chance to walk off the stage as opposed to be pushed or dragged off the stage. as one person put it to me. we want want to have to get to the edge of humiliating him to get him to make this decision. >> mike, explain this to me. because, some more context for the reporter. what we had heard was the biden camp is bringing the circle very close. meaning jill biden as well as hunter being close. anita dunn is pushed out of the way. two senior staffers close to the president now, and that is pretty much. >> brian: mike donlin one of them. >> lawrence: four or five people right here. then we hear reporting from people that are not within that circle that he is getting closer. explain the conflict here. are these people having conversations with the president? or is this probably coming within people four or five.
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>> the series of leaks we saw this week coming from every top congressional leader, coming from aides to the former president. that was the signal to him that not only do you have the support you need on the hill. you're not going to have the money that you need, the donors now think that this isn't going to work. and that they lo joe biden. they respect him. they like his accomplishments, but, they are not going to win the white house. they are not going to win the house. they are not going to win the senate. so it's as it became the personal interest congressional leaders they started to ratchet up the pressure. and that's when it will get to the inner circle. they have to convince him it's in president biden's interest. the biden legacy interest to make this. >> steve: when your former boss, barack obama stabbed you in the back. the write something on the wall. apparently they are going to have an all hands meeting today, the campaign is but what the
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complicating factor, you know this mike, is covid. you know, he doesn't want to go out a sick guy. he wants to be healthy enough to make the announcement himself. i have decided -- [coughing] he doesn't want that. he wants to go out on top. covid right now he can't do that. >> ainsley: maybe the announcement would be sunday. because it's been the five days. >> or a decision sunday announcement later. the way the one democrat in the last appeal to biden's pride put to me is they said they would love for the president to imagine the applause at the convention when we're all in chicago next month. imagine the applause if he is still in versus he is out. this democrat is very close to president biden said that the applause for him if he has passed the torch would be thunderous where if he were the nominee less so. >> ainsley: what happens next and when did they start to notice the decline? >> what happens next? there is real debate.
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vice president harris has an epic advantage like every sign is that she will be the nominee. the debate in the party is how do you get there? we expect that president biden, if he decides that he is not going to run, that he would endorse her, but then is there some sort of mini process? are there debates? is there a mini primary? like how do they get to her being the nominee because a lot of top democrats will tell you she will be stronger if there is some process process, the democratic party is being undemocratic, just looks like a coronation. >> brian: so, mike, is this about low ratings or is this about a president that is failing physically? if he was 61, instead of 81, would they still be looking to oust him because of his poll ratings? >> he doesn't look like a winner to people who have the juice in the party. that's the bottom line. is that they think it hurts the party. it hurts them. it hurts their control both ends of pennsylvania avenue.
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>> brian: lester holt interview you thought was hideous and that convinced a lot of people. >> what hasn't got an lot of attention 22 days since the debate. the president has done about fivish spontaneous interactions and a lot of the democrats who are making the case that they need a stronger, nominee, they will say if he could do town halls in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, he would be doing it. >> lawrence: there is no talk about the 25th amendment. this is just getting someone else on the ballot. but, he would -- fulfill his entire term. >> yeah. i have heard no talk of otherwise. and, that reality check where we started. he will have to decide. this this cannot be taken from him. he has the delegates and that's why the white house, the campaign both say in their statements. is he the nominee, which today is true. >> brian: axios did a great job. all of it could come crashing down as early as sunday, right? >> we could see, imagine the decision over the weekend. maybe some more family members get there as you are right.
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gets better physically always check on axios first thing in the morning. mike allen co-founder. thank you for your conch. >> ainsley: let's whe check in h rachel having breakfast with friends in milwaukee. she is getting reaction from the voters. good morning to you, rachel. donald trump stopped here during the last campaign. we are talking with voters. as you know, this is an important battleground state. i spoke with sue earlier. she says she has advice for the trump campaign. what's your advice? >> hi, the people in northern wisconsin are concerned that their vote isn't counting. and the high gas prices in -- by biden are affecting the farmers, the hunters, and they feel why should we bother voting because nobody is coming to talk to them. >> rachel: you are saying that donald trump, if he wants to win those votes, and they are important in northern wisconsin, he needs to get up there. all right. this is tim and becky.
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both of you know that the independent voter is the key person in this election in wisconsin. you have a daughter who is an independent voter. you happened to spend the weekend with her. watching this convention. dying to get your reaction to her -- your reaction to what you saw? >> i don't think we got her over the line. [laughter] >> rachel: work harder, dad. but it was a great influence for her and great opportunity. becky was volunteering all week long and we were right down in the heart of things. >> rachel: what kind of feedback did you get? >> she is confused. bart of that is she is influenced by her friends. and her group of people that she runs with. and they may see things differently in spite of her mom and dad feeling a certain way. we talk if a lot and she is more informed. >> rachel: becky, a lot of people aren't happy with the economy they can't buy homes, what are the issues your daughter talks to you about in terms of this election? >> well, our daughter isn't really into politics. and that's one reason why she is so confused. and on the independent side.
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but, i think that she notices the prices of groceries. and buying grapes and paying 10 bucks for a bag of grapes. she notices that. >> rachel: yeah. i think that your experience is very reflective of what a lot of parents are experiencing with their children. trying to help them get informed. even their adult children on the issues. great talking to you. all right, guys. right back to you. more "fox & friends" coming up. >> steve: i'm getting hungry watching all those people out in vegas. >> ainsley: i know. >> steve: thanks, rachel. >> brian: she doing a great job. alina habba thanking trump for everything he has done for her and america. >> president trump champions my journey. to me, he is my friend. [cheers] >> ainsley: there she is. a little choked up last night because of what he has done for her life. she is going to talk about it coming up. she joins us next.
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. ♪ >> brian: fox news alert. major airlines issuing a global stop on flights. this is big news. hospitals, banks, and businesses around the world are reporting
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outages. the new york stock exchange reacting to the outage telling fox business the new york stock exchange markets are fully operational and we expect a normal open this morning. and nasdaq saying, quote: our european markets and u.s. premarket are operating normally. we expect our u.s. markets to open normally, too. that's good news. david spunt joins us now with the latest. david? >> david: we are getting more news compared to what we saw a couple hours ago. things are beginning to normalize here in the united states. american airlines up and running after hours long ground stop we are told by one of our producers. we were just told that delta is no longer under a ground stop as well. this person is in milwaukee getting ready to take a flight. american airlines putting outing a message surrender door impacted multiple carriers including american. as of 5:00 a.m. we are fully reestablishing our operation. we apologize to customers for the inconvenience. now to hartfield jackson airport we go where delta flights were on that ground stop that delayed things for several hours. delta
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hub is massive. connection pointed to other cities across the globe. flights were allowed to continue in the air that were already in the air. but that ground stop slowly being lifted will help out a lot. this is all related to the company crowdstrike the it company and, of course, the well-known company microsoft. the ceo of crowdstrike putting out a statement saying this is not a security incident or cyber attack. the issue has been identified. isolated and a fix has been deployed. we refer customers to the support portal for the latest updates and we will continue to provide complete and continuous updates on our website. we have a map showing of the faa completely closed airports in the united states. milwaukee, where you guys are shows that it's still closed. laguardia, also las vegas. ground stop more but things slowly getting better with the functionality of airports. >> this is like a christmas tree. microsoft, td bank, mgm, visa,
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at&t, xbox, amazon. adt security. microsoft teams, spectrum. i could go on and on and on. this is a massive, massive disruption. >> david: effecting people from australia to the united kingdom to the united states. earlier, brian, about 110, 911 centers in the united states reporting outages. that number now in the 30's. ebb things definitely improving. we have reached out to the fbi to see what they are doing. no indication this is any kind of cycler attack. just a software issue according to crowdstrike. >> brian: david, you got up and thought you had one story we have a totally different story this morning. way to go. appreciate it? >> thank you. >> brian: let's change gears the rnc finale is done the building is empty. assassination attempt happened hours ago sharing a powerful messages of unity and calling on democrats. >> if democrats want to unify our country, they should drop
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these partisan witch hunts, which i have been going through for approximately 8 years. and they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people. we're going to win it anyway. >> brian: one by one he seems to be taking them out on his own. alina habba has a lot to do that. she is a senior adviser to president trump. gave a speech last night which was great. and has been all over these legal cases. alina habba, thanks for joining us. you were on trump force one last night. are already gone from milwaukee, right? >> that's right. we. is such a soldier and i'm trying to keep up with to be honest. got to bedminster 4:30 a.m. i'm back home now. >> brian: what was the mood on the plane like? >> i think very celebratory and happy. melania, obviously, was with us. and we were just happy that we had had an incredible convention. i think the support has just
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been resounding. i think the message was clear of unity. and getting behind president trump so that we can fix this country. we really, really were excited to frankly get back to work and keep going. the 100 plus days left. >> brian: alina, you gave a great speech you talked about him personally instead of legally. when it comes to these legal cases, what's next? and when do you start to look at the immunity ruling from the supreme court and see how it applies to the conviction in new york? >> it's a really great question. to be honest the immunity ruling not only is going to be applying to new york which we are briefing. we asked judge merchan to take a look at it. the fact that we had witnesses that were taking the stand that came from the oval. we had testimony about when he was president. this whole case was a sham. but the fact of the matter is, with this decision, it just makes it so clear. you cannot do this to
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presidents. executive branch is part of our democracy, republic. this isn't just going to effect the hush money case frankly. it's going to effect a lot of cases. the jack smith decision as well. i think all these cases should be dismissed immediately. >> brian: all right, alina, thank you so much. i appreciate the short turn around. wanted to get insight what it was like on the stage, on the plane and soon in the courtroom as the president is knocking them down one by one. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> brian: all right. meanwhile, 25 minutes before the top of the hour. we have a big show coming up saturday at 9:00. we will be live. piers morgan will be down there in studio flying from london. cory mills will be with us the congressman talking about what went wrong in that field in pennsylvania. chris swecker also weighing in on that. miranda devine about the new friendship between devon archer and tony bobulinski. also on the investigation. so much more and, of course, the latest with joe biden. it doesn't look like it's even
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possible to be the nominee but it is who would be up next. so strange. what a wild time. meanwhile fox news alert. in less than 30 minutes, we are expecting a verdict in the evan gershkovich trial in russia. we will bring you the latest. don't move. ♪ ckgo comes with a built-in engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. in just about 30 minutes, we expect a verdict in the espionage trial of jailed american journalist evan gershkovich. with russian prosecutors seeking an 18-year freshman p for the "wall street journal" reporter. >> brian: nuts. nate foy joins you now. >> good morning. we are 20 minutes away from a verdict that is expected to come back as guilty as the u.s. state department says that the entire
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legal process in russia is a sham. you mentioned that russian prosecutors are seeking an 18-year prison sentence for evan gershkovich who made his final statement before the court this morning. once again, the media did not have access inside the courtroom. as this trial is set to wrap in less than a month. gershkovich is accused much spying on the cia to gather information about a russian factory that manufactures tanks for its war in ukraine. gershkovich pleaded not guilty. the u.s. government says that he is innocent. as does his employer, the "wall street journal." the u.s. state department said yesterday they are working tirelessly on bringing him home as well as former u.s. marine paul whelan who russian authorities arrested in 2018. now, as for gershkovich. he has been in russian custody for 16 months. russian authorities said we would not see him again until after a verdict is rendered. so we will see if we get a look at gershkovich at the top of the hour when the verdict is
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expected to come in. >> steve: all right. nate foy live in our european newsroom. nate, thank you very much. so it's going to happen in 17 minutes. with reaction we have got the anchor and executive editor of "special report," bret baier. good morning to you. >> bret: good morning. >> steve: it's a done deal. he is going to be found guilty. >> bret: it is. they are looking to put him in jail for 18 years. but the thing that this does open is this negotiation for a prisoner exchange. and that has been -- those talks have been ongoing. we are told they progressed really far. so hopefully this is the beginning of the end for getting gershkovich out of there. >> steve: right. speaking of the beginning of the end. let's talk a little bit about joe biden. axios -- we were just talking to mike allen. it sounds like joe biden is being convinced -- got to get the family on board. it's time to go. >> bret: it is his decision. so that's the deal. the family is not all there, yet. i have talked to a lot of people. they put the over under at 3 or
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4 days before this all comes to a head. probably before the olympics on friday. we have to get going. if they are going to do what they think is like this mini primary before the convention, it's going to be logistically tough but ultimately it's the president's decision. >> steve: sure. apparently they will have an all campaign all hands meeting today somewhere to talk about what is coming up. but he has got covid. he would like to give a big speech. if he is sick he can't do it. >> bret: that and all of these officials come out and the leaks of these stories. it's basically a bolder going down a hill and most importantly the money has completely dried up, i'm told. and that's a big factor. >> steve: okay so, if joe is going to go. is it kamala or, you know, we have seen some reporting that has suggested that they would like an open convention. so she can be one of the people who try for the top slot. >> bret: i think this is a tough thing to happen. this is a tough jump to make.
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off vice president who is ready to take the ball. if there is one. you know, then it raises all kinds of questions. if he has to drop out from the nomination. how can he be president for six months? i think the open primary is what democrats are hoping for. because they can get a young thacket invigor rates the party. but to get from point a to point b is a little challenging, i wish we worked on a news channel where we had stuff to talk about. >> bret: can we make it until tuesday? just tuesday. >> steve: you just want the weekend off of a week here in milwaukee. you guys did a great job. great conch. >> bret: thank you. >> steve: of course bret baier 6:00 p.m. eastern time. meanwhile, hulk hogan straight ahead. will he rip another shirt open for us? like that! but, first, voters react to trump's rnc speech. rachel campos-duffy having breakfast at friends at miss katie's diner right here in milwaukee.
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>> i'm here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation to every citizen, whether you are a young or old man or woman,
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democrat, republican, or independent, black or white, asian or hispanic, i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of greatness like the world has never seen before. >> president trump striking a tonal of unity at the rnc. >> brian: we are getting reaction at milwaukee's miss >> katie: at this' diner which has been in the spotlight. >> lawrence: our own rachel campos-duffy getting a pulse of the people. >> rachel: we still have. donald trump trying to strike that unity message. which is almost by the way 20% hispanic. we have a panel of hispanic trump supporters and we thought we would get their opinion on what happened this week and also why they are voting for trump. what are your thoughts on the convention and donald trump saying he wants to unify races, genders, everybody?
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this is where it is at. important for trump that's where he was for america. >> trump 2024. >> rachel: do you think a lot of latinos are moving towards trump in this cycle? >> oh, actually i think a lot of them already are. i think a lot of them have been kind of shy about it. because of the, you know, we're in a democratic kind of bastion here. everyone is coming out of the woods and saying hey, let's make america great again. >> rachel: this convention helping it get that message out. >> unbelievable. i'm a local freelance writer writing about it. i watched it on tv because i couldn't get in. i mean. >> rachel: what are the issues that latinos are interested in this cycle? >> in the neighborhood nay live predominantly latino definitely the economy and crime for sure. >> rachel: do you feel like donald trump addressed that. >> absolutely. we follow him. latino vote we are high numbers and we are growing we know what he stands for faith, family and
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freedom. together unity. that's why we are here supporting him. >> rachel: what is your biggest take away as latino voter from the convention yesterday and the whole week? >> i think how he addressed public corruption and how failed our communities black brown, whatever or colors are they don't want us reading math they want to keep us on government plantation. we are exercising our right, our american freedoms and bringing -- is he bringing back our pledge of allegiance. >> rachel: patriotism is what we are after. got to get more opinions and pulses voters at this historic voter miss katie's back later in the hour. back to you guys. >> steve: thank you very much. >> thanks, rachel. >> ainsley: the pulse of the people. >> lawrence: shut we start doing that? >> ainsley: we have been having so much fun here in milwaukee. i had a chance to visit the
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bobble head hall of fame museum. watch this. >> brian: what? >> ainsley: yeah. it's here. >> ainsley: it looks like in the right place. the national bobble head hall of fame right here in milwaukee. take a look. how did you start this, phil? >> started with just a passion for collecting. started to pick up bobble heads. before we knew it we had one display case. turned into a couple of display cases and then we started produce bobble heads. >> we're here for the rnc. look at this. all the former presidents. >> all 45 men who have served as president, starting with washington. >> you do a lot of politics and a lot of sports. >> correct. and then a lot of movies. comics, really anything and everything can you think of. >> ainsley: i went to the university of south carolina. this is clemson and i want cocky and not the tiger.
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former president thomas jenkins, teddy roosevelt. >> ainsley: steve, this is you with all your cookbooks and you are friends with him. hi. look what i found hook em horns. have you 10,000 bobble heads in this museum. is this the only thing you have representing fox? fox sports? where is the "fox & friends" bobble head, phil. >> let me see what we can do. >> ainsley: is he going to create a "fox & friends" bobble head. here we go. >> steve: shaking the table. they are bobbling. steve. >> lawrence: why does brian have the bull? >> ainsley: because he is full of bull. [laughter] >> ainsley: that's what they told me. >> i have a disco pose. what is that? they did have a jesus. they had a jesus. >> brian: did i not know we had a hall of fame. now i know. >> ainsley: a whole museum. sports enthusiast.
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president all 45 there. >> brian: and hate necks. >> lawrence: more "fox & friends" coming up live from milwaukee. ♪ omach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪)
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