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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 19, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at >> john: is he in or is he out? president biden tucked away in rohoboth beach, isolated with covid. "new york times" reporting vice president kamala harris is set to address major democratic donors today in a call. it is unclear whether she has k dispatched them to calm down or if she has something else to say. i'm john roberts in washington. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith in new york, this is "america reports." it has been a rough week for biden as more and more democrats call for him to drop out of the
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race. that number of democrats is now rising to 30 and even high-ranking democrats. >> john: making a push for the 81-year-old to reconsider. nbc reports biden's family is discussing an exit plan. biden allies says not so fast. >> yes, he is old, but he can do the job and win. >> president biden is our nominee, we will nominate best candidate to take on and defeat donald trump, for me, that is joe biden. >> if we stop focusing on his record and focus on what he's trying to do, he will win and has a chance to win in a big way. >> john: with that, straight to senior white house correspondent jacqui heinrich. >> another senate democrat and four house democrats including junior member of the black
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cauca caucus called on the president. the latest call is from democrat lofgren. this has nancy pelosi's fi fingerprints all over it. lofgren won with 65% of the vote and her calling on biden to step out along with costa last night is at the urging of nancy pelosi, who is freaking out about democratic prospects and dismissing biden campaign internal polling that shows he has a path. here is biden's campaign chair this morning. >> we've seen slippage in support. it has been a small movement. we know people are not moving from joe biden to donald trump. what they are doing is saying to us, can he do it and president saying, yes, i can.
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>> john: in washington, d.c., kamala entered tyra banks ice cream shop. see if we can listen in here for a second. >> she works extra hard, single momma, like, mmm, time we could have together was everything. we had ice cream together. we would go to the ice cream shop. we would sit in the car and she talk about her challenges and teach me about tunnel vision and focus and working hard to reach it. i started this ice cream company as a love letter. we call smize surprise, free dream and that we dig and work hard -- >> wow.
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wow. >> yeah. >> we're going to start with cup or cone? >> cup, please. >> cup or cone? >> cone, please. >> one cup, one cone. and we have different smize surprises. this one is -- purple -- and then we have this one and it is cookie butter, we call it bookie cutter. can you say that? exactly. we have all of these different ones. your auntie wants captain c crunch. purple cookie monster is a purple cookies and cream, natural colors. we've got mint chip and dip, it has potato chips.
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crazy, right? we have one called straw-nana pudding. nilla wafers crunched up. this is the best vanilla i've ever had. it is not a vanilla that is -- this is vanilla like. how vanilla? >> point to it. that is chocolate goo-co goo ca. >> john: kamala harris there at som smize and dreams. if you read the tea leaves, the current president spends time in ice cream shops, is this indication we are looking at his possible replacement from the ice cream calculus? >> if you could glean that from
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a scoop of chocolate, chocolate chip, i could be making money right now. i not say that with certainty. from everyone i'm talking to, vice president is moving forward as vice president, the second person on the ticket with biden at the top, no change how she is approaching the race. the president has not made a decision to drop. this visit to knowa ice cream shop, she is getting time on tv, more visible and doing the work the president can't do because he is sick. if you have time for me to go back sinto the reporting about calls to drop from this morning, what i was going to finish saying, this california democrat becoming most recent calling on biden to get out is a dagger
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because lofgren won handily. it seems to have nancy pelosi fi fingerprints on it and lofgren's statement was interesting. she eluded to the call where nancy pelosi and biden were clashing. her statement says, i'm aware, you have been provided data indicating you will lose the race for president, i will not go through it again. that is pretty stunning in that statement, she seems to -- >> john: let's listen in for a second, she was taking a question and now back to ordering ice cream. let's listen in for a second. >> two do-dos. thank you, guys. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. >> what prize do you want? >> john: that is end of the ice cream photo op. let's let sandra jump in. >> sandra: think about this moment, we are all dying for ice cream. after seeing what looks like delicious ice cream. you have donors meeting behind closed doors and democrats in chaos, 20 of them now including prominent democrats calling for joe biden to step out of the race and kamala harris is getting ice cream. she can do that, for sure. what a moment this is. i was thinking back to her speech yesterday and how many times did she say, we can win this race, we can win. there was not reference to joe biden. f fascinating to hear what is happening behind closed doors and know reporters were asking
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questions and she was not answering them, john. >> john: we got information about biden and update from the doctor. he continues to experience mild covid symptoms, bloodwork and information were normal. he is saying he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. so still appear to be defiance on the president's part. that statement from zo lofgren, you have been shown data you are not going to beat donald trump, so time to go. the fact you could have coattail that affect down-ballot races. for a candidate, that is kiss of death and that is decision lindon johnson made in 1968. he was told, you are extremely
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unpopular, you will affect down-ballot races and need to get out of the race. h humphrey did lose that race. advisors say, here is data and roadmap that shows you are going to lose and take everybody down with you. do you want that to be your legacy is when they make serious decision whether or not to stay in. >> sandra: chair of his campaign is out there saying he intends to stay in. they appear defiant at thissure ho. >> john: in politics, you are in the race until you are not anymore. >> sandra: thanks to jacqui heinrich for reporting from the white house. look at pennsylvania home of the man who tried to assassinate f former president donald trump. the rally was not supposed to be at the show ground originally.
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special agent frank lovridge will join us on that. let's get to bryan ilenas, appearing live. what are we hearing from local law enforcement exactly? >> i got off the phone with airport manager at but lore county airport. they were asked to host that trump rally last week, they could not because they were hosting a car show for local firefighters. on face, airport is more secure venue and it is of note this airport did host a rally for former president trump in 2020 when he was president. butler farm show, their board got the call to host this rally instead 10 days before the rally and according to the president of that organization says the secret service agents visited
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venue on july 8th, which struck the organization's president as awfully quick turnaround. the fbi continue to command through the shooter's two phones and laptop to search for a motive. there is conflicting information whether the shooter wrote a me message on steam. the shooter wrote july 13th will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds. we are told the fbi cannot confirm whether the steam account is real or fake yet. the shooter had an account on discord app. michael waltz claims the fbi is seeking to get into multiple encrypted accounted based overseas. >> the shooter had three accounts overseas at same time we have an iranian plot.
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i think this will go broader and deeper. >> today a flag-draped casket carried retired firefighters corey comperatore who was shot protecting his family during the assassination attempt. police cars and motorcycles from across the country, law enforcement officers, lined up to pay respects. there was a 21-gun salute and tap ps played in his honor. his wife called him a hero for shielding not ome her, their daughter at the rally. >> sandra: a hero. thank you. john. >> john: for more, bring in frank lovridge, super visor on the president's detail. the agent who encountered crooks
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on the roof of the building, hanging on by two arms. he got on the tactical channel and alerted everybody on the channel, this is what he said. >> relayed directly to everybody on the same channel at the event. i can't confirm or deny that secret service was part of that. my understanding is everybody working actual security detail could hear anybody who was affixed to the tactical channel. >> john: call went out on a tactical channel there was a guy on a roof aiming toward the president, why didn't the call go out to get the president down? >> thank you for having me on the show today. address that question is what we plan to do in secret service, what is part of methodology is
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put representatives in our security room and monitor their network and relay that to our people who are on encrypted system that is closed. if information is not properly relayed and i don't know if it was or wasn't, information would not go out over our network and we would not have heard that. it should have been radoed on the network, i don't know if that happened and i don't want to speculate until we see the report. >> sandra: richard joined us on the program yesterday. he is furious what he is learning about this massive security failure. here is what he said. >> secret service is only domestic law organization where
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counter snipers have green light, engage and shoot at will and shoot to kill. may have been a temporary breakdown in communication that caused that counter sniper to ask if that was the cop up there, who is that guy before he actually took that shot. >> sandra: what do you think about that, frank? >> this is a very good friend of mine, i speak with rich quite a bit. he is right. rule it is of engagement are important and when you integrate different agencies, we don't train together, we don't know their tactics and they do not know what ours are. we had six days to figure out, what are rules of engagement? our shooters have a green light. they see a weapon and mitigate the threat and that is what they are designed to do. that is a problem when you
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integrate, they are good people and know what they are doing, if we're not on the same page that could be a problem. >> john: here is a question in my mind and that is leaving an elevated platform with direct line of site to the president unblocked or uncovered is a basic no-no. may not be on page one, but in the top 10. my question, is this the first time that's happened or has it happened before and they just got lucky? >> well, i will tell you this, john, it has been over 40 years since we had a president shot and the president's detail and other detail do our job everyday. that being said, we have to win everyday and we did not win on july 13th. we have to find out why they didn't. i don't think they missed that
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building in the protective plan. it was reviewed by agent, a supervisor, another supervisor and put out and documented. i don't think everyone would have missed that. i am thinking execution phase is where we had a problem. was everyone where they were supposed to be when this event occurred? >> sandra: what would help, if the director would come out and tell us. if there was a plan and the plan was rock soilid and somebody did notz show up where they were supposed to be, why not tell the american public so speculation does not run rampant. >> one thing i've been critical of, we need to be more transparent. when an event like this occur lgs, you don't have to get granular, you can get out and say something to put the american public and the country at ease. that would be one of my krith cat -- critical poens.
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let's see what kim has to say on monday. >> john: see what happens after that, some folks think that will be last time we see her as secret service director. great to get your take and appreciate your expertise. >> thank you. >> we've seen some slippage in support, it has been a small movement and you know this, the reason is because so much of this race is -- >> sandra: democrats are in disarray, will he stay or will he go? we will talk to reuters's jeff mason and ask him what he knows n next. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters.
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>> sandra: here is where things stand. president biden says he's looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail as he isolated with covid. he is doing soul searching and could drop out this weekend. bring in jeff mason. tell us what you know, everybody is wondering what happens next with joe biden. >> everybody is wondering, we're working on trying to find out. there was robust pushback against reporting i've done and my colleagues have done about president biden inching closer to dropping out of the race. he was doing soul searching and taking calls to drop out seriously. pushback from jen and others suggest that decision is
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definitely not made even if it is under consideration. >> john: let's listen to what she said today about whether the president is in or out. >> you have heard from the president directly time and again. he is in the race to win, he's our nominee and will be our president for a second term. >> john: sounds like he's in it to win it. you have covered primary campaigns, you are in it until you suspend your campaign. >> that is right. i had a couple people tell me yesterday, including an interview i published yesterday. the president has to state he's in and not waivering, if he did show waivering, that would open up a flood gate or dam of calls for him to step out.
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up until the moment if he decides to step aside, people seem to be thinking he needs to continue to show robust commitment to stay in the race. there have been trickles, if not small waves already of people calling for him to step aside. it looks like if he does continue to stay in the race and get back out on the campaign trail, those trickles or waves are not going away. this president as he said in his public statement and interviews, feels strongly about his record and feels strongly he should be the one to lead the ticket back against donald trump. >> sandra: as people have noticed that banner says 31 congressional democrats calling on biden to step out, betty mccallums winning in november
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and defeating trump must be democrats sole focus to give strong, viable path to the white house, calling on president biden to release his delegates. they don't all point to who they want on the ticket, she does. all we can do now is look at what the left and media are saying and what they want to see happen in their party. this is aoc defending biden staying in. instagram live last night. >> i have not seen a scenario, alternative scenario i feel does not set us up for enormous peril. i have not seen what -- to subknow stantiate an
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alternative. >> sandra: she does not believe sam bankman fried can win for example? >> that is how i would see that. that is how i interpret that. there are democrats concerned that president biden because of his age and debate performance will not be successful or could not be successful in leading the ticket in november and have a down ballot impact. there are others in the party and looks like the congresswoman may be one of them who thinks taking him away or having him step aside would elevate vice president harris who is the front-runner to become the nominee and that would not end well for the party either. there are counter voices to that, there are supporters for kamala harris that say she would energize the ticket and bring in
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progressives. apparently not aoc. not to mention critical african american vote. yet, there are question marks and have beg your pardon question marks around vice president harris since start of her vice presidency. it has changed, people in the demo democratic party became more -- lingering doubts and you see that reflected in that comment. >> john: polling suggest others would do better against trump than she would. we'll see, all great stuff for us to talk about. good to see you. thank you. >> sandra: thank you. >> john: enjoy the beach, been a week since assassination attempt on former president trump, questions remain. will lawmakers get answers from the director of secret service on monday?
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>> sandra: and investigators are saying little about the attack. bill daily with his insight when we return.
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results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. >> sandra: growing calls for kimberly cheatle to step down, she is set to testify on monday. chad pergram is live on capitol hill. monday is a big deal, do we know for sure cheatle is coming? >> she will not resign, she will in fact show up. cheatle confirms she will be at the hearing on monday. she eluded to senators chasing her through the republican national convention in milwaukee. >> answer the question. answer to us. [indiscernible] >> this is exactly what you were doing -- >> stonewalling. >> an assassination attempt --
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>> rare bipartisan statement oversight committee chair james comer and jamie raskin said it was essential for cheatle to appear to provide transparency and accountable. lawmakers are worried about false narratives. >> we need answers to quell rumors and quell down on conspiracy theories. they do not know what happened and said on this call they are open to all poeblths. >> investigators are dewild erred about the shooter thomas crooks and questions about him vex investigators most. >> the savviesness of this unwhy man is startling and a red flag and need to get to bottom, was he being groomed or empowered by some entity? >> local police will appear at a sprath house hearing on tuesday.
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it is doubtful cheatle will testify at that one and lawmakers hear from wray on wednesday. sandra. >> sandra: busy weekend heading into monday. >> john: six days after the assassination attempt, americans have learned little about the shooter and any possible motive. bring in bill daily, former investigators. we know little about people who try to assassinate presidents. we know little about crooks. we don't know why lee harvey oswald killed kennedy, there are conspiracy theories. he was 26, they were all about the same age. where are your thoughts with this? >> it is more involved analysis than we thought. no pattern manifesto left
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behind, no tremendous social media footprint left behind explaining why he xhcommitted ts act. maybe there is something hidden on the come puter or other sites. con congressman waltz heard there were three encrypted overseas sites this individual visited, they could be e-mail drops, gaming platforms. we don't know. it is tricky for investigators. we don't have that jump ahha moment where we say this is what he's about. i think it will be interviews of parents, people who knew him and people who were around him looking at any electronics and
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for analysis team to thread together and put this person in focus. what could have been motivation behind it. >> john: he was described by people who knew him as someone who kept to himself, ate lunch by himself. in 1997, it was found 67% of would-be assassins were described as social isolates, that would put him in a very rich category. >> it does. in some ways, in the past, we covered stories about horrible school shootings and some ways resonates a bit like that, has that sound. i'm doing from arm-chair
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analysis here. that is why it is saking so long and this abbe sense of information allows that to be filled in with information which creates an amalgum of obviskagz of the issues. wait until the investigation is know iffed. most concerned about protection and failure of protection on the perimeter. last couple of months of campaigning, both for kocurrent president and president trump and vance going in it is field, make sure there are no furth erfailures. we have heard about iranian threats emanating, it came out soleimani assassination by trump several years back. if that is out there, they are not a 20-year-old shoot erwho grabs his father's gun.
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it is more sophisticated attack. are we prepared for something like that? what do we need to do to make sure the campaign is secure and tight. >> john: if one lone 20-year-old shooter can do that, what can a trained assault team do given same, ises. great to get your take on things, we appreciate it. >> sandra: a live look at time square now, where some iconic b billboards that went dark due to the internet outage are back up. long waits continue at the airport as travelers are struggling to get to destinations and having trouble getting online. airports were live at one of the bus busiest airports with the latest how this happened. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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>> john: experts say it may be the largest it failure in history, a software glitch knocked millions offline grounding planes, delaying medical procedures and blocking 911 services. crowdstrike caused the glitch and says a fix has been deployed, it could be some time before all systems are back up and running. live at o'hare airport. >> let's get straight into the line, it is getting longer and longer as the day goes on. this is far bigger than just the airport here. the situation at hospitals is
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dire. affecting new york memorial sloan kettering were susbe pending -- a lot of people may not be getting to see family in time, it might be critical for some not just leisure trips. delta and american and united were all affected. here is one traveller earlier today. >> i chose this flight to get back to a concert i have to play ton tonight. does not look like it will happen. i don't know how they will get us on another flight or airline if possible. fingers crossed. >> take a look at this, that recovery assign, this is the residual effect of what happened. back to you, john.
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>> john: i wonder what instrument the guy plays, could he be replaced? >> sandra: bring in tyler cohen with you, cyber division chief. we just got word pete buttigieg gave an interview in los angeles and here is what he had to say, let's listen. >> i want to stress that the best indication that i have received are that safety critical system were not impacted, air traffic control was not impacted. these are disruptions nobody wants to experience. >> in terms of air travel, you are saying safety aspect may not have been affected, scheduling more. >> the most important thing is always safety. >> sandra: tyler, what can you
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tell us? there are a lot of people affected by this right now. >> absolutely, thank you for having me. i mean, this global it out age is causing critical disruptions worldwide and affecting airlines and financial sector and businesses, health care, emergency services and we've learning more. this could turn out to be the biggest outage we have ever seen. we are so reliant on technology, which does a lot to upon had us. when something goes wrong, it can go really wrong. >> sandra: fed ex, cv s, verizon, american airlines, a lot of airlines, bank of america, capital one, wells fargo, the biggest companies out there, consumer oriented. people are feeling this.
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when it comes to government entities, this can be down right tro troublesome, when you think about not being able to access records at the hospital, this can be a real struggle. >> it is terrifying and i mean a lot of procedures that are none critical have been rescheduled, for ones that have not been, it could be really scary and jeopardize and put people's lives at risk. you talked about the airlines, i'm on vacation flying on american airlines, i'm affected by this, too. >> sandra: my husband tried to go to the dmv this morning and that was down. everybody has something going on. thank you for joining us, appreciate it. john. >> john: if you are on vacation, stay where you are.
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they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> president biden's student lone belo felt another blow. edward lawrence live at the white house. it is a setback but not the final word. right?
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>> not the final word on this. the federal appeals court paused the safe plan only. the rest are going forward. the president seems to be losing the court battles over student debt forgiveness plan. the president has in total 168 s shouldered by all of the taxpayers. 4.76 million people affected by that. committee first bonsall federal budget says the plan adds to the debt. >> we were on an unsustainable debt path long before debt cancellation and all it does is make it worse. if you at a the president biden's proposed get cancellations we are talking about $1 trillion over 10 years but. >> reporter: there's an arrogance in the president and vice president out defying the court orders. >> we have forgiven student loan debt for nearly 5 million americans. and twice as much for public
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servants including our teachers, nurses and our firefighters. and then this election year student debt forgiveness is not energized young voters as they hoped it would at the white house. back to you. >> keeps losing in court because he's doing something he doesn't have the authority to do. we'll see. at lawrence thank you. we'll be right back. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem.
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