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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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who never forgets where he came from. >> donald trump has my strong endorsement, period. >> a bullet couldn't stop trump. a virus just stopped biden. >> this is going to be like body slamming the giant wrestle mania. >> let trump mania run wild, brother. >> quite something. monday on "special report" the director of the secret service testifies on capitol hill. we will have that plus we have west virginia democratic senator joe manchin about president biden's fate. remember if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. in the east. 3:00 p.m. in the on west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. thanks for tuning in in amazing numbers. that's it for us, fair, balanced and still unafraid. t"the ingraham angle" starts no. ♪ >> good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham.
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this is "the ingraham angle." what a wild week it's been. hell no joe won't go. fourth democrat senator sherrod brown now telling joe biden to drop out and pelosi hinting to pals that kamala should not be the heir apparent. but, hey, biden's team is ignoring all of it, saying he is hitting the campaign trail next week. >> y'all think i'm kidding, don't you? ha ha. you know i'm not. >> laura: and disturbing new details about saturday's shooter and the failures of our secret service. >> secret service is solely responsible for the design and execution of the site. rnc. i sat down with actor dennis quaid who plays him in the new film. but, first. tragically the shooter claimed the life of one of our fellow americans, corey, comperatore who is a highly respected former fire chief.
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respected by everybody. who was accompanied by his wife helen, incredible woman i spoke to today. devastated, and two precious daughters. he lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets, he went right over the top of them and was hit. what a fine man he was. [applause] >> [applause] >> laura: not even a dry eye in the house. not even a week has past since the trump rally in butler, pennsylvania. seems like years. now, the nation's relief that donald trump survived the assassination attempt was another family's grief that a devoted father and husband did not survive. six days ago corey comperatore was looking forward to a trump rally but today his loved ones gathered cabot methodist church
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to say goodbye. what might this teach all of us. president trump was obviously moved by the comperatore story and that of david dutch and james copenhaver, the other two men who were shot at the rally. >> i am very proud to say that over the past few days we have raised $6.3 million. [applause] for the families of david, james and corey, who when speaking to the family i told them i said well, going to be sending you a lot of money. but it can't compensate. they all said the same thing, you are right, sir, we appreciate so much what you are doing. but nothing can take the place in the case of corey. >> of course it doesn't. and it can't. by all accounts, corey comperatore was a giver. yes, as a volunteer firefighter,
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but, more importantly, as a husband. a father, a brother, and a friend. his wife told the "new york post" he was a simple man but he put his wife and kids first, all of the time. i did nothing here. i didn't lift a finger. he did everything. and his obituary is a testament to his love of god. corey's life was a reflection of his faith. he was a man of god who loved jesus with every fiber of his being. his actions were guided by his unwavering belief and he inspired those around him to live with purpose and grace. ability to lift the spirits of everyone he encountered was unparalleled. while shielding his family from harm in his last seconds on earth was second nature to corey. he had done this after all his entire life. but he did it quietly. and without fanfare. our society recognizes and celebrates all the wrong things, doesn't it? money, fame, and even mayhem.
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the bigger your house, the faster your car, the trashier you directors the moreout rageously you behave. the more attention you get. on tiktok, on instagram, people with achievement or talent strive to be famous. well, famous for being famous. but then, there's the real world of every day heros who simply love their family, love their country, and choose to do the right thing whether anyone notices or not. because they put others first. they make their neighborhoods, their churches, and communities better places to live. why don't we elevate their examples over a guy who eats a flaming pile of night crawlers on youtube. i just learned today that corey and his family were not supposed to be sitting in the front at all on saturday. they were standing off to the side and before the rally began, they were offered seats in the first row, which they gladly took. any of us would.
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so, an unexpected treat ended up being wrenching tragedy. that's how life is. a last minute decision few millimeters make all the difference as we saw with president trump's head turn. it can also save you as well. we as americans and corey's family especially deserve answers from the biden secret service about how this could have happened. the fact that we are still waiting is unconscionable, rest in peace, corey. >> laura: for those of us who have been waiting decades for the rightful follow-on to ronald reagan, well, the love and the joy we all felt at the rnc, and donald trump's nomination, it felt like it was long overdue it. almost felt like a homecoming at times. almost everyone in the family has put aside their differences for the common good. and what was the trump message through it all? we can't fix this and we can fix
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this and we have reason to be optimistic again. >> have you been told to lower your exceptions and to accept less for your families. i am here tonight with the opposite message. your exceptions are not big enough. >> it's time to start expecting and demanding the best leadership in the world. leadership that is bold, dynamic. relentless and fearless. we can do that. we are americans. ambition is our heritage. greatness is our birth right. but, as long as our energies are spent fighting each other, our destiny will remain out of reach. and that's not acceptable. we must, instead, take that energy and use it to realize our country's true potential. and write our own thrilling chapter of the american story, we can do it together. we will unite. we are going to come together and success will bring us together. [applause]
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>> laura: joining me now ned ned ryun, founder and ceo of american majority. will cain co-host of "fox & friends weekend." will, i know you are saying that this is a return to the politics of charisma and strong leaders. explain. >> yeah. laura, i think much of the 20th century. you had politics to define ideology. that's had his pros and cons. earliest part of the 20th century thinkers like marx. conservatism was defined by leaders from william f. buckley through ronald reagan. i think over the great a arc of humanity, strong leaders, charismatic leaders. we have naturally gravitated towards someone who stands up in the face of adversity and represents us sim poll likely as much as ideologically. when i was watching this week, laura, that is what this reminds me of. this is where we have been as human beings, of people, as members of tribes, as nation
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states, donald trump represents something honestly beyond the republican party. and i think that he tried to relay that message last night. this is a strong image of america. and i think that's something we should be proud of, as an immac for america. >> well, and, ned, i think the charisma factor is key, right? because obama had charisma, clinton had charisma. george w. bush had charisma. they were all considered strong in their own way. but trump takes the charisma and adds the substance and the working class ethics in connection with that the republican party has really been missing since reagan. >> exactly. i would agree with will. i would say that trump is in the pursuit of americanism. it's not republicanism. it's not anything else except for the pursuit of making america great again. i have to tell you, laura, watching last night, it was amazing, i was there at
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mar-a-lago, february of 2021 with him, talking about his future, and about running i knew most of the republican party did not want him to run again. i knew they wanted america first to disrespect, and last night, trump triumphant, the republican party is know wholely united behind trump, behind the america first policy agenda. they are united in purpose. the picking of a 39-year-old j.d. vance as vp shows me that trump is looking at everybody else saying that you cannot last me for four years. i picked a young vp if i united in purpose to break the status quo at the administrative state. the foundation of the swamp. to then drain the swamp. to then return this government to one of by and for the american people. last night trump showed the nation why the party is rallying around him. despite a failed assassination. lawfare despite all of your
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encounter. still happy warrior unbowed by all of this. and his pursuit of making america great everyone. i think that's why the nation is going to look at this and go trump, trump is in the lead going into november 5th. >> laura: in 100 years from now, we're all -- our grandkids and great grandkids are going to be talking about this moment. and, a lot of the the other presidents, they will know their names. but they are not going to be historic figures. people, i kept saying to people and they kept coming up to me. i said take a moment, breathe this in. because you are watching history tonight. and people are going to ask you where were you when trump won the nomination for the historic will, third time by his party. never happened before. you were in that room. you were there. you were witnessing it. that can't be lost on any of us at that moment, because ned was right. they all counted him out.
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the supporters of this agenda hope that the agenda would continue. they weren't sure he was going to be the one to carry the torch. lo and behold, the energizer bunny, i don't know, times 10,000? will will will yi. i think that thursday night, laura is, only historic in so much as it is tied to the events of july 13th. and that saturday. that is the moment that i think will list in the history books for 100 years. because it is such a perfect symbol of the strength that we are all sitting here talking about today. i would also add one last thing to this. that first 20 minutes of his speech, laura, i think there were a lot of people. i don't think it's you or ned and not me who were taken by surprise, that they didn't know he had that gear. didn't know he had that pitch. we might have known because we met him personally there are people out there who believe the caricature that's been painted of him for the past decade. all of a sudden they saw a human being. i think that first 20 minutes, perhaps opened everyone else into this symbol we are talking about for merge.
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>> laura: ned and will, both of you, so great to see you tonight, thank you so much. >> will: thank you. >> president trump is literally putting his life on the line for something bigger than himself. and he's willing to risk it all because he loves this country. >> you can't deny the power of god on this man's life. you can't deny that god protected him. you cannot deny that it was a millimeter miracle that was able to save this man's life. >> when they took a shot at my hero and tried to kill the next president of the united states. [cheers and applause] enough was enough! and i said let trump-a-mania one wild, brother. let trump-a-mania rule again. let trump-a-mania make america great again! >> every 70-year-old man
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watching that is how does that guy look so good? who says politics can't be entertaining and inspiring. even trump critics had to concede how powerful this was. >> the last time i was in a convention that felt like this was obama 2008. there is something happening where you just wrote a headline by the way. >> joining us pastor lorenzo sowell, pastor who spoke last night at the rnc. phenomenal preaching at the rnc. because that's what it sounded like to me. i kept saying to everyone i'm glad i'm not speaking after the pastor. you were a hard act to follow. what's been the response that you have gotten last night particularly when you delivered your speech. >> laura, i'm so holy ghost happy to be here with one of my favorite. how are. i have got responses that have been amazing.
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but also responses from our fellow democrat pastors. they have called me and said they were concerned brought up project 2025. when i explained to them the type of man that our next president, donald j. trump, the type of man he is. the type of man give a platform to the kid to the east side of detroit. the type of man who would be willing to come to the hood, hood. when i explained to him i'm not bought and paid for like a lot of their democratic friends that he actually cares about our community, that i didn't reach out to him, laura, he actually reached out to me. when i had that type of conversation, laura, they got converted. i had a pastor in california today, he was like wow, i'm so glad i called you, i'm so glad that i reached out to you, because that's making me reconsider my as well. >> what's the best way to reach urban america fear from a group that traditionally is kind of dismissed by certain urban
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leaders. the first thing that our republican party needs to do is lift the first thing they need to do is take let's walk outside our doors. happening on our streets safe i'm not talking about every black american. i'm talking about those black americans that are in impofer riched communities and the republican party. they need to go back to our original message. it's not that black people are becoming republican. it's that black people have always been republican. right? when we talk about the grand ole party starting 170 years ago, black people that have led this nation have always been republican. it is just the democrats have hijacked us for the last 60 years and just like the prodigal son came back home we are coming back home to the republican party. >> laura: joe biden did kind of
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explain why his support among black voters was slipping, watch. >> i would ordinarily be going through black neighborhoods, in the crowd on the foot working through the neighborhoods. i have a tradition. i every campaign, no matter what campaign going into the projects and going into the east side. i can't do that now not because of the black community but because it's too dangerous for me to be out walking unaccompanied. >> ainsley: wait a second. pastor sewell, he is saying it's too dangerous for him to walk in, what? i mean, we did town halls in the south side of chicago. we were out with the people. i know he is president and now the threat. so that was before what happened last saturday to donald trump. so what is he talking about? >> well, he has zero street credibility. he has no street credibility. he has no one in the community that he has those relationships with. yes, people that have positions of authority, that have been bought and paid for by the democratic party, of course, can
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he go into their nice fundraisers and he can have those type of conversations, but, when it comes to actually coming into my community, when it comes to coming into communities whereby people are hurting, where you have. [lost audio] those communities. [broken audio. >> laura: all right, pastor, we just lost him. oh, there you are. >> people can see clearly they have been exploited. >> laura: pastor, we almost lost you there. look, we got you back. we got you back. pastor, i'm coming to see you in detroit. i've decided. i'm going to spend more time finding out what he is doing. all right. is the biden family planning to attend its own retirement party? hmm, details next. ♪
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♪ [laughter] >> excellent. excellent. >> a little. >> that looks so good. that's why it's called because it's gooey? >> it's gooey. yum. >> two doubles? >> yeah.
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>> did she say dodo? she should have just ordered a joe and kamala, double scoop. besides the ice cream, kamala also had a call today with major democrat donors organized on very short notice, this is coming as nbc news is reporting that the biden family has apparently started to talk about an exit plan. i don't know what i believe anymore. but, specifically, they said how joe would want to end his re-election bid on his own timing and with a carefully calculated plan in place. that means a negotiation, my friends. but 34 democrats have now officially called for him to drop out. but the number of anonymous democrats, that's way higher. >> over the last several weeks. there have been lots of democrats. who have been giving little anonymous quotes to the press,
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to some journalists, to press, i'm not here to knock the press on it. i'm here to knock my colleagues on it. because, to me, i think that's -- i'm sorry i'm going to say it because it's after midnight. that's bull [bleep]. like, if you have an opinion, say it with your chest and say it in public. >> laura: i think aoc makes a good point here. yes i just said a.o.c. makes a good point. if you believe biden should step down, you should say so publicly. democrats deserve an open debate, don't they, on who should be their nominee. joining me is alex marlow breitbart chief. and joe biden's former press secretary. michael, politico is now reporting that nancy pelosi actually wants an open nomination process if biden drops out instead of handing it
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straight to kamala democrats night not be all that, you know, keen on democracy after all. the sidelining old biden and leap inleapfrogging kamala. >> well, i think it's important to remember that biden, when he was vice president, was passed over by the president who selected him not once but twice actually he was discouraged from running. he didn't land the endorse of obama in 16 or 20. he had to earn it on his own. i would think kamala will want to enter a process on her own. earn this on her own merit. i ultimately would expect her to come out the strongest. and i don't know if she is going to be challenged that hard in an open contest. so it doesn't surprise me that pelosi would want that to happen
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as well. >> i was thinking about this on the nine hour trip to get here from milwaukee. i had to say why would you want to be the democrat nominee at this point if you are not kamala? i mean, it's kind of a -- you know, you are just getting set up for failure before they clean the decks and get ready for 2028. this is kind of a fool's errand at this point. >> this is exactly why governor newman is not hat in the ring more. i followed his career for decades, laura, he knows better than getting in the middle of this mix. if they go an open convention it, they circumvent the first black woman vice president and try to throw it. can you imagine what the chaos is going to be like? it's going to be unbelievable. my prediction is joe stays in. he has got the squad behind him. his family behind him. congressional black caucus behind him. he has got his inner circle, no defections, i think joe is in it and this chaos is exactly why he is going to probably stick it out. >> i say hell no, joe shouldn't
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go. democrat congressman seth moulton michael, is admitting in a new op-ed that he saw biden in a small group in norman did i for the 80th anniversary there for the first time he didn't seem to recognize him. , that can happen as anyone ages but i watched the disastrous debate i have to admit what i saw in normandy was part of a deeper problem. michael, said this before i'm going to say did again. all these democrats, including sherrod brown who came out today. they all spent a lot of time with biden behind closed doors. now, suddenly, he is not competent to be president. he needs to step aside. i think they are all making themselves look so duplicitous and fraudulent in the sudden concern about joe biden. >> they will have to answer for that you are seeing a very strategic approach.
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like i think pelosi, schumer, jeffries, they love the president. they tried to do this in private. they felt like their concerns were dismissed and were not heard by the president. so, the other day, they in a very well accord coordinated intentional launch of leaks, coordinated launch of leaks. >> laura: in is mafia hit. this is like mafia hit. like godfather 2 opening of godfather 2. biden was in masks and everyone else gets knocked. >> yeah, what you saw was them turning up the volumes on the president. sending him a message saying the leaks are the only thing standing between them and microphones and now, today, with the 12 democrats, what the president is seeing is a message being sent from democrats saying this is not going to stop. >> laura: well, they be subverdicting the will of their own voters, they know it. alex and michael, both of you, thanks. breaking new details about what
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trump's gunman did before the rally and that's next. ♪ this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast.
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lawyer breaking news. everyone has been asking why a drone wasn't flown over the trump site. we found out from the "wall street journal" that a drone was flown over the site hours before the alley but it was actually operated by the gunman. marsha blackburn. senator, this is unbelievable. we are just learning. sources telling the journal that the predetermined path suggests that mr. crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the site. he was researching other trump events as well. supposedly. also did some search about the
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democratic national convention. but this adds to the growing list of questions we have for the secret service director, this is getting worse by the day. >> indeed it is. and we have had no transparency. she hasn't done a press conference, which usually the lead agency head will assemble a press conference and let people know what is going on. and, laura, the thing that is so frustrating about this is we're getting these bits and pieces. we're trying to verify and make certain we know what is information and what is rumor and that we hold the director to account. with her job, it's not like you miss your sales quotas or miss your casework quotas. when you mess up, people die. and that is what we saw on saturday with death, with injury, with the assassination
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attempt on president trump. >> laura: senator, we get conflicting information in some of the accounts we heard that authorities saw him up to three hours before the rally started. then it was an hour. then he had to retrieve his gun. there was comment about a ladder. shimmying up the roof. numbers of shots fired. the way the shots were fired and of course the one shot that killed him. but none of this is adding up. i said a week ago. almost a week ago, if we didn't have transparency, immediately, and some accountability, conspiracy theories would fly and check out go online. you will see what people are saying. and it's not good. >> no. it is not good. this is why we have pressed the secret service director for answers. we thought it was so important that she talk with us.
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with senators and give us some answers: the american people deserve to get some answers. laura, we had people that saw things, they spoke out they spoke out. there wasn't a response. we know that they had 5:51 identified this guy as a potential threat. at 5:53, they alerted the sharp shooters. at 6:00 the secret service cleared president trump to go on that stage. and we want to know why he was cleared. and, also, why they did not have drones? why they were not surveilling that inner, middle and outer perimeter to make certain that president trump and the rally goers were all kept safe. >> laura: well, we also understand in some cases there were dhs security officials, not the traditional secret service
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officials who were with candidate trump. so that was also something that josh hawley discovered through his own sources. now you guys have to act as reporters. like you are journalists trying to find out information, what's going to happen next week, senator, given the fact that we have five different definitions going on which i think was a huge mistake, should be one investigation. >> we're going to see the house move forward with theirs. the senate judiciary committee is going to have a hearing. we're looking forward to getting the director in front of us. and asking specifics, laura, we have to put her under oath. and find out what went wrong with the advanced planning, what went wrong with the coordination between the secret service, the other federal agencies, the state and the local. this is just unbelievable, what a mess it is. >> laura: you have a man buried
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today and a ma family in deep mourning: senator, thank you. we have more breaking news on what happened on july 13th. you don't want to miss this, that's next.
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israel is under attack. israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently needs your help to send out emergency teams across the holy land. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift to rush emergency aid to the people of israel who are still devastated from the massacres of october 7. we are bringing food. we are bringing emergency resources to save lives. but we can't do it alone. we need you to stand with israel now. with terrorist attacks across every part of israel, tens of thousands of families desperately need
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emergency life-saving aid today. please don't wait. now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now.
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♪ >> laura: as joe biden remains defiant new details about how much security was actually on site for trump's rally on july 13th. a federal law enforcement source with knowledge of the security planning is telling fox news tonight there were just 22 secret service agents, including advance team, assault team and sniper team for the tens of thousands of people present. as i mentioned earlier, no secret service drone was flown over the event. joining me now, texas congressman chip roy. congressman roy, i am so upset as an american, so angry as an american, as a friend of donald trump, just as someone mourning for the poor comperatore family which buried their father and their brother and their husband tonight. >> laura, i couldn't agree with you more. right now the president of the united states, the former president, and hopefully soon-to-be present of the united
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states is alive not because of what secret service did because he providentially turned his head. that's the truth. the fact is the american people are sick of it. they are sick of lloyd austin still having a job after afghanistan. pete buttigieg after derailments. and boats in bridges. sick of the fbi and health keeping their jobs. endangers the former president and sitting republican nominee and they are acting like nothing happened. they didn't even have a drone flying. the guy who did it flew a drone. it is absolutely unbelievable what we are seeing here. >> laura: you can't even make it up. >> we have to stop funding it. we have to stop giving these people jobs. we have to hold them account being. and to your point, i'm glad mike johnson said we need one task force. we need to funnel it through one organized effort in the house. >> laura: you already see information being withheld from one group of congressional investigators. and then leaked to another. and multiple investigations will be a disaster and there is no
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credible way this administration can investigate itself. no way. >> no, there is no chance. obviously i think mike johnson has done the right job creating this task force it. doesn't matter who is on it. they have to organize quickly and seek the truth. again, laura, we can't continue to fund these disastrous agencies. >> fund them. it's not just the secret service. it's the pentagon. the department of defense, the fbi, the cia, dhs, laken riley is dead. you have got this firefighter who is dead. how many americans have to bury their loved ones while this incompetent administration endangers them and then there is no accountability. the buck needs to stop somewhere. it's not going to stop with joe biden. republicans are going to have to hold the line and make sure the buck stops where it needs to stop. >> laura: that means speaker johnson, when the pentagon comes around, shaking its cup for more money, you have to be able to have the wherewithal to say no. >> yes. >> we're not giving you any more money. you have a limited amount of money. that's what you are getting. don't come back for more.
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what do you have to show for what have you done with this money, other than a bunch of dei stuff and, frankly, a failed withdrawal of afghanistan. >> that's right, laura, you got to be willing to use the power of the purse to hold the administration accountable. we need to demonstrate what has been happening to the american people. lord willing we do our part. we get donald trump elected in november. we clean house in january. the american people deserve the truth right now there is also when you are making bad decisions about where you are devoting resources because you are focused on nato and first lady. when the republican nominee is stage 130 yards from a roof that didn't even have conch. you got to wonder whether this was willful blindness or just incompetence or both from a dei set of organizations. >> zelenskyy had really good security when he was in d.c. recently they had that area locked down. that's good. i'm glad they protected
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zelenskyy, and do foreign leaders. donald trump deserved the time of protection that everyone else is supposed to get. he didn't get it. and until they start giving us answers, americans are going to have theories swirling in their heads. and in a way you can't blame them. with all the dribs and drabs coming out. congressman, we appreciate you, especially what you are saying about funding. republicans across the country, listen to what he is saying tonight about that. it's critical. congressman, thank you. rnc this week reminds many of us about ronald reagan. up next, i'm going to talk to actor dennis quaid, who plays him in a brand new film. i know you are all going to want to see.
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>> i've set up before i will say
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it again. and donald trump is the true heir to ronald reagan. mark my words as someone who is young reaganite who work for president reagan history will remember trump in a similar way. not exactly identical to the way that history remembers reagan. it's of course not just the assassination attempt. but the way reagan changed the republican party and the way trump is changing republican party. unlikely hero and unlikely person to do all that and inspire us yes, but both of them will go down in history in a similar way. 20 us now and i'm so excited the stars of the film reagan. of course releases in all theatres august 30th. dennis quaid who plays president reagan in the upcoming film and dan boria who plays speaker of the house tip o'neill. both of you what a great great great honour to meet both of you and you love it and a big fan long time big fan. >> thank you.
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tele-sell start with you dennis. i know reagan and you said in many interviews is your favourite president but to have done this film to be at this convention after the most tragic events for the president trump saturday. the loss of life and now you're film coming out obviously the assassination attempt such an important part of all of this. what is this feeling likely. >> reagan was last president that were shot at. here it comes again. he handled that with such dignity and it really propelled it rest of his presidency. the entire nation i think got behind him. certainly congress did. there was a honeymoon period with that. >> margaret thatcher and her tribute to reagan at reagan's funeral in june of 2004 noted reagan's humour and optimism
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after the assassination attempt especially and how it actually gave his presidency a greater sense of purpose and the democrats by the way the time saw that as well. >> tip o'neill definitely did. matter of fact 1 of the first things tip o'neill said to ronald reagan after he was shot he went to see him at the hospital and he said he would do anything for vote. in. >> i think this film will be so big for so many reasons not just great acting but both of you are unbelievably seasoned and such well-respected celebrated actors but at this moment in our country's history at the time we need to be reminded of our wonders of our history. >> first of its meant to entertain. that's all movies are. but at the same time those may be born after 1885 can get a glimpse of what this country was in those that were alive at that time can be reminded of what
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this country still candice. the eighties all over this convention. we have a clip from the film that we are going to show. let's watch. >> jesse: there's a big job left to be done. whatever time i have left it belongs to him. though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall feel more evil the goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and our in the house of the lord forever. >> i love that. of all the incredible poignant moments in that film that's got to be 1 of the top 3 or 4 for. what did that mean to you given the bitterness and the divisiveness today but that moment of prayer and camaraderie across party lines. the ronald reagan the very beginning of his presidency said
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we're going to be bitter political enemies during the day but after 5:00 we're just a couple irishmen having a beer. >> roman catholic tip o'neill. ragan was not catholic but you saw the and you got that humour. >> they really exemplified what could be and what still can be in this country. >> i always ask people what do you want to see that's not in the books. and almost anybody a new who both of them said there laugh. they could make each other laugh and that broader cohesiveness and they were able to work through things. even though they might have disagreed they found common ground. >> the amazing thing what i was thinking about that moment in the film just reminded of that time in the eighties there was bitterness. don't get me wrong. it was brutal. 's. is going to into nuclear war. the economy was falling apart
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syracuse dam. same old stuff. but at the same time and there's a great sense of national pride and patriotism which we needed desperately smattering carter god will assume there is herself admitted by him a feeling of malaise in the country and ronald reagan came back and taught us we are not going down here going up. >> that's it. what weekly tab. i hope you've enjoyed the shows as much as we've enjoyed producing them for you. this is going to be a wild campaign so make sure to follow me on social media all weekend long at laura ingram on instagram and you instagram and jen la grassa. thanks for watching. remember it's america now and forever. jesse watters he takes it from here. [ ♪♪ ]


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