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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 19, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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right alongside him. such a beautiful moment to see these 2 men reunited in milwaukee in their fight to continue fighting for the forgotten men and women of this country to make america strong safe, proud, happy, wealthy again. >> you just laid it out so well. never forget east palestine february 3rd. he gives a state of the union. february 7th and our president doesn't mention east palestinian but the next state of the union he mentioned the floating dock for guys out of a national longer in existence. airline sunshine thank you. brilliantly said. make sure you are turning into jesse watters primetime monday for an exclusive interview with president trump and jd vance. this will be the first tv interview since last saturdays assassination attempt. that's all for tonight. sean is next. hi uncle george." see manikis. lobster season. let's go.
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>> welcome to hannity and tonight we are at the end of a momentous week for donald trump. the republican party and the millions of americans who want to get our country back on track coming up tonight hulk hogan will join us to recap his pretty electric speech at the rnc. but the main event was last night's keynote speech from donald trump. that capped a powerful convention. centred around courage liberty unity keeping america safe and the american dream. only days after donald trump was nearly killed. take a look spee less than 4 years ago we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again. in an age where politics too often virus now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. we are 1 nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. [ cheering and applause ] under my plan incomes will
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skyrocket, inflation will vanish completely. jobs will come roaring back in the middle-class will prosper like never ever beforehand we are going to do it very rapidly. i'm here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation. to every citizen whether you're young or old, man or woman, democrat republican or independent, black or white, asian or hispanic. i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of greatness like the world has never seen before. >> sean: during his remarks former president trump pay tribute to the brave firefighter that was murdered at president trump's rally in pennsylvania on saturday. sharing a stage with his uniform. he was killed while shielding his family from a hail of bullets. make no mistake saturdays violence puts a lot of things
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into perspective. now it appears the republican party that they are more united, more determined than ever before take a look at this video put together by a trump supporter on x. look at this. >> let me tell you something you already know. the world is not all sunshine and rainbows. it's a very mean and nasty place and i don't care how tough you are, it will be you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. we are nobody, is going to hit his heart is like but it's not about how hard you hit. it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. how much you can take and keep moving forward. that's how winning is done. >> sean: that iconic video and that speech from sylvester stallone and his rocky movie. the momentum behind donald trump is unlike anything we've ever witnessed. but with only 108 days until
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election day, only 59 days until early voting begins in pennsylvania and then around the country, very different seen playing out across the aisle with the atmosphere is downright dismal. cnn, van jones he summed it up pretty perfectly. take a look. >> today is a terrible day. if you pull back and look at this thing strength versus weakness, a bullet could not stop trump. a virus just stopped biden. you've got the nominees of this party getting their butts kissed biden getting his butt kicked by his own party. the democrats are coming apart. the republicans are come together. >> the last time was obama in 2008. there's something happening. >> you just read the headline. >> sean: donald trump got hit
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with a bullet but top democrats have treated their own candidate joe biden like dead men walking. for weeks operation, bumped dump and destroy joe biden has been in full effect. now through targeted leaks, public statements, nancy pelosi, hakeem jeffries congenital liar, adam schiff have all urged biden to drop out of the race. interestingly behind the screen and behind the curtain is barack obama. earlier today hakeem jeffries aoc cap 1400 prominent african-american women are now urging biden to stay in the race. there's an internal battle going on in that party. all while ignorant dc elitists led by obama and ignorant fools like far-left hollywood elitists people like george clooney have called for biden to step aside. meanwhile state run media the mob have not been given the green light to finally start telling the truth.
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we've been doing it over 4 years. we've been doing it before the 2020 election as it relates to biden's cognitive decline." truth they've all known about. they've all covered up for years. stories about joe's mental and incompetence suddenly everywhere. even anonymous d&c. of course they're not worried about his cognitive decline. they've covered up all this time they are not worried about the horrendous state of the country. they're not worried about our standing in the world. these democratic elites only care about the polls and the polls a very bad for joe biden. also call malaba joe biden in particular. so what we are really witnessing here is maximum pressure campaign all designed to humiliate the sitting president of our country so he will drop out of the race and these are the very same democratic elites that drape themselves in the virtues of democracy, warned that democracy is in peril of donald trump if you wins. now they are trying to literally avoid millions of democratic
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primary votes. and literally disenfranchising own party members in order to select a more preferred candidate. little bit of a coup some may call it. there is but 1 problem for all these party elites. as of tonight joe biden says you're not going anywhere. apparently as of now you can't humiliate man that has up to this point have no shame. joe biden was picked by a wide majority of democratic voters to run for a second term. into his credit as of now he's not just going to step aside to appease the desires of barack obama, george clooney, you know, elites in washington, elites in hollywood. multiple reports now confirm biden will in fact absolutely stay in the race. hit the campaign trail next week , campaign officials deny reports biden is making plans for a quote graceful exit. the drama is not over. according to nbc news top
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democrats in a plan take the criticism of joe biden public next week if, in fact, he refuses private calls to step down. so next week with joe biden hit the campaign trail he wont just be campaigning against donald trump but against the elites in his own party took the dc hollywood, and party donor class. so we are exactly 1 month jordan to the d&c. democratic party is in shambles. joe's nomination is scheduled to happen even sooner. that's supposed to have been virtually and to add insult to injury biden is sidelined with covid-19. after his diagnosis he can barely climb up the short baby stairs to air force one. he has long given of the big boys stairs. cannot walk to or from marine 1 without a crowd surrounding to cover for him enter there in the biden's cognitive struggles were on full display. at 1 point he forgot the name of
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his own secretary of defence referring to lloyd austin joe, as cloak the black man. take a look. >> president joe biden: it's all about treating people with dignity and about making sure for example. look at-- because i named the secretary of defence, the black man. because of the people have named >> sean: the secretary of defence the black man. this guy has not had a cabinet meeting. as reports go 9 or 10 months during a speech at naacp convention biden struggled to finish sentences, organize his thoughts. in other words continuation of everything we've been showing you since before the 2020 election right here on the show for your own eyes to see. never cheap fake videos. the only 1 with cheap fake
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videos are the rest of the media mob. take a look. >> sean: when i say joe you may have congress. you all told me i could not pass inflation reduction act. you told me. anyway we didn't. we are going to bring ranks down. bill 2 million for the homes. 5% a year so corporate landlords can't guard-- anyway. i don't want to keep it going. i'm going to get very upset. $160 billion. then have to pay exorbitant prices. anyway. >> anyway is his way of saying i have no idea of what the hell i was about to set. i forgot so i will move on. house democrats reported similar behaviour from the president after a recent zoom call went totally off the rails. according to those on the call biden was rambling, dismissal of concerns unable or unprepared to
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present campaign strategy. 1 unnamed lawmaker told the daily beast biden would start an answer, lose his train of thought and then would say whatever or anyway. we could not complete an answer. i lost a ton of respect for him. a flat out lie also from the source. they all knew. they all knew and covered it up. at 1 point during a disagreement about foreign-policy joe biden started screaming congress and jason crow former me ranger who served 3 tours of duty overseas. biden reportedly trashed congressman crow's bronze star, staffer hands biden a note telling him quote stay positive, your astounding defensive. how do we know that? biden took the note and then he read it out loud. like when he reads on the teleprompter. pause. let me see what i'm going to
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say. i say this. pause. biden is in bad shape and has been for many years. mentally and politically. and tonight at know exactly how this democratic war will end politically but i do know biden has always been nothing more than a front man for his party's radical left-wing marxist socialist new green deal policies. so no matter who the democrats and up nominating whether joe or com or anybody else, that radical agenda is gone to the same agenda. that agenda is failing all of you. every american in every way. everything is now worse under this administration. 1 thing nobody can run on, are you better off than you were 4 years ago? talk about biden inflation. record violent crime. even a secret service now facing a massive and rightly so crisis of confidence. the director kim cheadle refusing to step down.
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i accept her son's ability. yeah, i made the decision to put them inside the building. why not surround the perimeter? 1 have sniper eyes on the building? by the way there's no slope on that roof. i know. i was a roofer. after saturday's massive security failure she won't even hold any regular press conference to update the public on the ongoing investigation. i after the school shooting within hours we usually know a lot about the shooter. the head of the dhs alejandro mayorkas, head of the doj mayor carolyn, head of the fbi director ray are noticeably all missing in action. this was the biggest security failure in 50 years and no 1 in the biden administration even seems concerned. democrats silence has been deafening for at least an hour before the shooting. we know the would be assassin
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was being tracked as a suspicious person by the secret service. why did he have a rangefinder? who brings a rangefinder and happens to have it with them? this is after he shows up at the checkpoint. they saw that he had it and then they lost track of him but this to let president trump take to the stage. this guy was captured on video just walking around outside the trump rally plotting his attack. he had a ladder and rifle. that would be suspicious no? and yet he was able to climb on the roof with a ladder in plain sight, only 130 yards from donald trump. cheadle claiming her agents were not stationed on the roof because of a slight slope. meanwhile secret service sniper team was positioned on a nearby roof as you can see with an even steeper slope. but it gets worse. for what seemed like an eternity trump supporters spotted the shooter on that roof. the called out to enforcement to
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stop him in this amateur assassin was able to set up his long rifle and fire off multiple rounds before a secret service sniper returned fire. how can this happen? who will take christmas ability? is anyone else involved? we know anything about this and will anyone in the biden administration be held accountable for anything ever? make no mistake biden should be his party's nominee because he was elected by the millions of primary voters during that process. but let's be clear. joe and his fellow democrats should not be anywhere near the halls of government. they have failed all of you from day 1. are you better off than you were 4 years ago? is biden somehow manages to get reelected you just are going to see more of the same and all of you will suffer more and our country will suffer more in the world because he's abdicated america's role as leader of the free world, we are all suffering because of it.
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here with reaction pot coast host is with us and fox news can shooter ari fleischer is here. tutor start with you. i'm sorry all of this is an acceptable. the fact nobody is willing to talk to the american people, the fact we don't have answers, any school shooting within hours we usually have a profile on the person involved. how come it's now nearly a full week? we know next to nothing about this person. >> so happy you're saying this because i've been watching a week to see if the other networks of said a word. i have heard from the other networks is then demanding trump's doctor come out and say he was actually shot. i cannot believe they are not saying where is the secret service? why are we not been briefed day by day? if it's a school shooting or some sort of a disaster in government we are briefed every single day. we have not heard it all what happened here. we have not had an excuse. we have not been walked through
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the day. we have not been told whether or not the another will not have this happen again. imagine the family of cory the firefighter who passed away that day. imagine the family of the other 2 people who ended up injured. and they wondering what happened? every other person echoes 20 type of political event is saying are we safe? does the government want us to be safe? the fact they are not telling us something is what's so suspicious and makes us all say why are we not allowed to know? what do they not want us to know. you point out the roofs. you can look at the 1 roof clearly stoped people standing on strata. they're not even try to hold themselves up on the roof. it is ridiculous in the american people are demanding answers and i'm so grateful to you you are demanding answers tonight. >> trying. later on in the program ari fleischer will have josh colley. he actually went to the site and said it's flooded with fbi agents and investigators. out our cue little too late at
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this point. they want to throw them off the property. he will tell us all about it. why would they want to throw a senator off the property when he's there on behalf of the american people investigating how this could possibly happen? >> i hate to say about the federal government's handling of of the post shooting is a must as bad as its handling of the security arrangements that led to the shooting. this is inexplicable to me. i spoke this week to form a very high-ranking secret service official who told me the following. number 1 site advance that's where the fatal mistake was made, the original sin site advanced people never should have let that roof gone unsecure. obviously we know that now. number 2 on stage when you so heavily armoured guys get up there and body armour is a secret service agents were piled on top of donald trump he said there's only 2 of them. normally a secret service counter assault team would have
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4 or 6. there's only 2. they're understaffed. and then he pointed out the responsibility for all of this lies with the special agent in charge of the pittsburgh office. that's the person who approved all the plans. and then it leads to why haven't we the public and the government officials been told what went wrong and why? if you want to know why there's so many conspiracy theories and rumours left and right, it's because the government has created a void. it's a responsibly of the government to fill the void with the truth. they are not doing that and that makes anybody including me even more suspicious. >> it should make every? not heard from them. we've not heard from the fbi director. we've not heard from the ag. we've not heard from the dhs secretary. we have not heard really from head of the secret service. exit question, will joe survive? tutor dixon. >> i don't think he's going to
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survive. is coloured so kick him out. >> out of the could subdue his colleagues. it's up to biden and he sick and tired of being considered the little kid at the little table by the clinton's and obama's. i think it's more likely now he's come to stay out of stubbornness and to prove he and biden is right and better than the kids at the big table. >> sean: i think either 1 of you can be right. i don't know what that means. telling times. i will say that. okay thank you both. women comeback the funeral for the firefighter killed at trump's rally was held earlier today. this as so many more questions remain about the assassination attempt on president trump. whistleblowers have come forward to senator josh colley who went to the site about the security lapses. the senator is doing an investigation and will join us to explain straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> sean: this is a fox news update. i'm jonathan hunt in los angeles. businesses are struggling to recover following the biggest it outage in history. chaos erupted overnight when a faulty crowd strike software update affected computers worldwide and cancelled surgeries knocked banks off-line and grounded flights. >> sean: this is my third or fourth time being at the airport and i never experience anything like this. >> reporter: the biden administration is racing to a stress the fallout from the outage saying a backup system is needed spanking underscores very basic things. we have to continue to build resilience in our systems. continue to build redundancy. we have to continue to diversify so we are not reliant as best possible on any single point of failure. >> the government now urging caution cyber criminals quickly
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launched fake websites to try to profit. i'm jonathan hunt. back to hannity. >> today was a sad day in the commonwealth of pennsylvania where mourners gathered to say a final farewell to firefighter corey comparator the man killed at saturday's trump rally. last night donald trump paid his own emotional tribute to corey during his rnc speech embracing the late firefighter's equipment on stage. this comes as we have more questions and answers about the security lapses that led to the shooting. the director of the secret service who should be fired will finally testify before congress on monday. we do know tonight whistleblowers have come forward to missouri senator josh colley with a very serious allegations including that the rally was classified as only a lease security event and many people protecting trump were not even
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secret service agents at all. we need answers to the and a lot of other questions. senator josh colley travelled to butler pennsylvania and local officials to see firsthand the building and sniper the 1 they scaled trying to assassinate president trump. senator holly joins us now. my understanding is that harley was pitched roof. i can look at it and tell you as a guy who fell off a roof 3 stories it is not a pitch roof. number 1. number 2 if they knew it was a threat and didn't want her agents on it i can live with that. why weren't the sniper eyes on? why weren't there agents surrounding the perimeter and where they keep telling us it's outside the perimeter? 130 yards is not inside the perimeter. the perimeter would be to find is any distance that any harm could be brought to a primary, in this case donald trump that you are protecting. and why are they blaming local
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law enforcement? that's not their job. >> i saw it ahead of the senate committee hearings on this. i went to go see myself. i went to the grounds into the site because i don't trust the fbi and secret service to give us the real story. i want to see it myself and that roof is hardly pitched at all. consider slight slant. i could not believe so close it is to where trump was. i stood right where trump stood and looked over at the building. it is 150 yards max. it is a clear line of sight for more president trump was to that building in the whistleblower they have told me is unbelievable that they were not patrolling the perimeter with canines. they are not patrolling the crowd to adequately keeping the area around the stage safe. they didn't have highs on the roof and the building. it's unbelievable. >> it is. tell us what is whistleblowers are telling you that's most
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alarming to you. >> well 1 thing is that most of the detail assigned to trump that day and that rally were not secret service. that most of them were from other federal agencies including homeland security and they were not prepared. they didn't know the procedures. they did not have the site locked down. they were not adequately patrolling the perimeter as you said a moment ago. they were huge gaps. whistleblowers also tell us they're allowing people to come into the grounds who were not checked. monitoring who's getting up around the stage. it's unbelievable and having been there today myself i can tell you it is so close. that building where the shooter fired from his so close to where trump was. the idea that you can have all of this time lapse and nobody notices no law enforcement notices he's on the roof. 1 other thing whistleblowers tell me law-enforcement were actually on different channels different radio communication channels. there are multiple different channels and they were not
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coordinated. it's a total disaster. somebody needs to resign. >> sean: secret service director needs to be fired but they knew there was a suspect. guy had a rangefinder. who carries around a rangefinder with them? how stupid is this director? we don't want to put the officers at risk so he put them inside the building but not outside the perimeter of the building to make sure nobody got on top of the roof of the building, and you are telling me it was mostly not secret service and why are they blaming again local police? that's not their job. it is the job of the secret service. they don't have enough resources , may be we take some money back from ukraine and apply it to the secret service and protect every elected official. >> what local authorities told me here today i talk to local law enforcement and what they told me as they are angry
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they're getting unfairly blamed and they told me listen we did our job. we did what we are asked to do. the secret service wasn't prepared. they didn't give clear instructions. locals are saying don't roll this over onto us. you should take her sensitivity secret service and they should endure point about ukraine is right. we consent how many billions on ukraine but can protect an american president. what's going on around here. we've got to get the facts and i will rest until we get them spee i appreciate that. the fellow democrat silence is deafening. why are they more outraged over this? >> i don't get it at all but went to the site the fbi has got more security on the site now then they did the night that trump was shot at. the fbi. mashiach-controlled information. they tried to kick me off they said to get out of here, you shouldn't be in the site we don't want to hear.
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>> sean: get out of here? >> absolutely. they brought local cops. i am their on-site. i had permission from the local security operator to be there in the fbi came out and said you have got to leave. we do not want to hear. that's what they're trying to. >> sean: from want to hear from the secret service director i want to hear from department of homeland security secretary. i want to hear from other democrats. i don't want any politician to get shot like this and i don't care if you're republican or democrat liberal conservative, it is meaningless. protect elected officials. senator great job. and believe they try to kick you off. pretty unbelievable. when we come back liberals on msdn see conspiracy channel, they were in meltdown mode this week over the successful rnc we've gohet the worst of the wot next. [ ♪♪ ]and
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>> sean: this week the liberal leftist marxist msdn see were having on-air kind of qanon meltdowns over the rnc. while their primetime anchors they stayed in new york, the network they tried to deceptively project a live feed of the convention into a giant screen behind them to kind of make it look like they're actually in the convention hall. they were not. that false premise and providing the backdrop for a week of pretty unhinged conspiracy theories as per usual from the network and some of their peers in the media mom. let's look at them. >> that's intended and may very well prevent any normal account of the vote this year, any normal tally of the votes
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including in the electoral college. if you're going to hold power despite the expressed will of the people than your unpopular positions will never be a problem for you because nobody gets to vote on who's in office. >> broadly there's a lot of facts that support the fact the biden administration have not weaponize the federal government. that will not stop the right from suggesting it is because it is important tool when it comes to soaking raging grievance against the deep state. >> these men are both elderly. donald trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason was given 9 seconds to take an iconic follow-up during an active shooter. we'll figure that 1 day. what we saw yesterday was a replay of trump's 90 minute constant rallies. too bad the bandage was over his ear. should have been over his mouth. >> sean: led by crazy left-wing radical conspiracy theorist distorting their rachel
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maddow. former arkansas governor mike huckabee, fox news contributor jason she fits with us. we'll start with you. figured you might have a few funny lines. there's a serious side of this. these are the same people that peddled the russia hoax. no problem with 18 million-dollar evaluation mar-a-lago. no problem with statute of limitations running out. no problem with pfizer warrants based on a dirty disinformation hillary clinton bought and paid for russian dossier. no problem with weaponization of justice and they just go nuttier now that trump is doing well they are losing adam schiff. >> you have the best line of the night with that 1. ought to be angry and upset with the self they say because it's so totally otherworldly but they make me laugh and i'm going to laugh even harder the night of
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november fifth when donald trump is landslide victory and these people are saying they're going to leave the country. i want to go ahead and start booking some seats on flights because these people have lost their minds and the truth is they would know malaise from mayonnaise as just amazing to me that donald trump called them fake news but we caught in the act pretending there at the convention sitting in front of a green screen in manhattan. perfectly where they should be. let's hope they didn't get anywhere near the rnc because they would have stunk the place up. >> sean: the same people pat lange, these are cheap -- pedaling. they are all. all of a sudden after 4 years of us showing tape after tape after tape of joe's cognitive decline, my gosh they discovered, you know, like out of thin air the magic of joe's cognitive decline and should he go or stay.
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jason mass your most serious question and you have been active in investigating this issue of how's it possible that the shooter got within 130 yards of a president, how is it possible the head of the secret service still has a job tonight. how is it possible they had their eyes on this guy, reviewed this guy is a suspect, let him get out of their sights and still allow donald trump to take to the stage. where were snipers with eyes on that roof. why wasn't the perimeter covered? >> it really does seem almost impossible. it's infuriating because we did investigation over 150 security breaches. we made a 400 page plus recommendation because it was an agency in crisis. we've been so-called lucky so far but that was a tragic day. it was a fatal day and catastrophic failure at every
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level and it goes back to recruitment. it goes back to training. they don't have to use the radio communications and barney faifua have done a better job getting up there and saying hey what about this vulnerability and then to blame it on pitched roof. where i come from that's a flat roof for goodness sake. and i think the only reason she still has a job. >> i fell off a roof 3 stories. this part of my arm from here down was dangling. busted my teeth and my face. would've died that day myself. that's not a pitch roof. i promise you. >> that's alive. this is what bothers me. they have a culture of deception and have liked to the american people time and time again. they should be having press conferences 2 or 3 times a day showing the facts. they will give them to the senate or the house. they have to go to the hearing on monday because she was subpoenaed and she will have to
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answer the hard questions. but they did not do it they are supposed to which is protected president and candidate as candidate as protective. that's what they're supposed to do. >> governor huckabee there's a couple of things that stand out to me. where's the democratic outrage over this? they've been nearly silent, kind of like during the summer 2020 and the 574 riots they claim are mostly peaceful and more importantly after school shooting usually within hours we know a lot about the shooter. information about the shooter has not been forthcoming and i would argue we have to look back to you think and see the fist pump photo of donald trump after being shot nearly killed and say that was a tipping point in the selection? >> no doubt about it. it was a tipping point. we were already on her way to a tipping point but that pushed it over the edge i think in an
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irretrievable manner. people a real chance to see the difference between a leader and somebody who doesn't know where he even is contested be led off the stage. much less to be led to make decisions. i was amazed the rack -- the whack job joint read was saying well president biden getting over covid that would be just like donald trump surviving an assassination attempt. that's the most desperate ridiculous singing think of overheard my life. i would be embarrassed to say it and demanded to be taken off the air and off of all youtube channels. if i said something stupid. i have sent stuff almost that stupid but that stupid. and i'm just amazed. the american people are not stupid. they know the media lied to them. now they are beginning to wise up and realized all trump is the person they need as president. >> sean: was the democratic outrage? where's background information of the shooter? why hasn't been forthcoming?
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>> shame on them. when i did these investigations it was about barack obama and we did it in a bipartisan way. democrats should be totally embarrassed they are not joining in this call because secret service protection democrats as well as republicans. >> sean: okay. we need an outside investigative team to do this. i don't trust list to be done internally. thank you both and straight ahead tonight, the rnc last night went absolutely wild for hulk hogan speech in the wrestling legend will join us next as hannity continues.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> last night legendary pro wrestler hulk hogan captivated america with a very entertaining speech at the rnc including this scene of him ripping his shirt
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off. take a look. >> but what happened last week when i took a shot at my hero, and they tried to kill the next president of the united states. on off was enough. let trump mania run wild. let trump mania rule again. let trump mania make america great again. [ cheering and applause ] [ chanting ] >> here with more wrestling legend hulk hogan. i was in the building. it was electric. and amazing speech. i don't know how much of that were prepared remarks versus you just being you. what was it?
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's. brother it was electric there last night. my partner so the stage manager commented to him he hasn't gone to the teleprompter for 6 minutes. i'm surprised they have not taken him off the stage so i was laying and flying and pivoting just do not a walls listening to the crowd and feeling them kind of like being in a wrestling ring. >> you said something that really caught my attention. you said as an entertainer you try to stay at of politics. he went on to say but after everything that's happened to our country over the past 4 years if you happened last weekend i cannot longer stay silent. explain. >> as an entertainer you want to sell tickets and really don't want to switch your audience. you don't want to sam a democrat or republican. you until kind of people come to see you perform. i stayed silent for so long it
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was killing me. i watched the border crash and burn and the economy crash and burn. i watched trump's family be compromised. i watched his business and try to put them in jail." silent and i hardly could hold my tongue. and then when they took the shot at him and tried to kill our leader that was it from your brother. i couldn't do it anymore. but that is why i silent because it was a business decision. it was a weak decision. it was a cowardly decision but now that's over with. i'm on the team. >> it's amazing you talk about things and i'm sure over the years you've done really well financially. i started out with no money in my adult life. i would probably did as well. and i remember those days. it's kind of burned into my brain. i still have same thought process in some ways and he
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think of 25% of americans forgoing meals. think of, you know, 2 thirds of the country saying they're gasping for air trying to make ends meet. you look at 11 million unvented illegals at our border. look at the insanity of no bail defund dismantle reimagine the police. look at america's standing in the world, look at the high price of energy for everybody. is just downright pisses me off because everything that i mentioned including the assassination attempt, all of this was vegetable. and when preventable things happen it drives me. >> i feel the same way. with the money when we do not put america first like has been happening for years and years if we had that type of money every american should be a millionaire would billions and billions of dollars they have given away it kills me to see our vets on the street, to see them not been
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taking care of. i've been with the wwe since 1977. 1 of the things we do is we visit the hospitals. we do the tours. we go all over the place. these vats put their lives on the line for us so we can be free. and we don't take care of them, donald trump is putting his life on the line to try and make america great again. someone like me is going to remain silent. it doesn't happen. it can go this way. i want other people that were in the same position i was, the ones were afraid to put trump sign on their yard, the ones who are afraid to our trump shirt or trump hat, just not be silent anymore. we need to save this country not for ourselves but for our children and children's children for generations to come. this country needs to be saved. after, you know, he doesn't need to do this either and i've asked many times why do you do it. we've got to say our country. we have to him and so i thought process. it's instinctive at this point.
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when he says he will get it done very quickly i believe he well. >> i know this man. this man has been good to me and my family and i watch her he treats people over the years. i've known him for 35 years. what the press does is make him like he's the devil or something. they right there were stuff in the world and it's not sure. this is a great man. he's got a personality. a lot of us do. he's got a little bit of an eagle -- ego or a lot. who cares what he loves america. he loves people and loves to see people do good. that's what he's all about and the sooner people get this the sooner better off they will be. >> they try to create a caricature and dehumanizing and they are willing to do anything to stop him. by the way 1 thing that would stop me from ever getting in the ring is you. ethical a pass on that opportunity if i never given it.
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i've watched in the ring for a long time and your killer out there. we appreciate your spare car got remarried and never go stepson i just got into jujitsu. >> awesome. appreciate it. hulk hogan. thank you. more hannity straight ahead.
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