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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 19, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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we now return to our interview with the insurance whistleblower. [ distorted ] i just think everyone should know there's an insurance company out there exposing other companies' rates so you can compare them and save. hmm. sounds like trouble. it's great, actually! it's called autoquote explorer from progressive. here, look! see, we show you our direct rates and their rates, even if we're not the lowest. so, whistleblower usually means you're exposing something bad. i thought it meant calling attention to something helpful. you know, like, toot toot, check it out! this thing's the best! no? 10:00 am tomorrow. in the meantime here's the 5. [ ♪ ]
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>> jeanine >> jeanine: hello everyone. sandra smith and more. it is 5 o'clock in new york city and this is "the five." a huge final night at the rnc, bringing down the house. but revving up trump. and a protrump twist on his hit song with kid rock. there is so much more on that, but first, donald trump meeting the moment during his big night at the rnc. the former president delivering a heart felt message of unity days before dodging a bullet. trump sounding like a changed man as he recounted his both chilling brush with death. >> i will tell you exactly what happened, and you will never hear it from me a second time because it is too painful to
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tell. i said to myself wow, what was that. it can only be a bullet. and moved my right hand to my ear. brought it down. my hand was covered with blood. just absolutely blood all over the place. i immediately knew it was very serious, that we were under attack. i am not supposed to be here tonight. not supposed to be here. (voices from the crowd chanting "yes you are"). >> thank you. but i'm not. and i will tell you -- i stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty god.
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>> jeanine: former president trump making sure to honour the rally goers injured in the shooting and embracing the uniform of the former fire fighter and father who was killed protecting his family. >> tragically, the shooter claimeds life of a fellow american. corey, he lost his life selflessly acting like a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. he walked over the top of them and he was hit. what a fine man he was. >> jeanine: since it was a convention speech, he had to take one swipe at the current commander and chief. >> if you took the 10 worst presidents of the history of the united states, adding them up, they will not have done the damage that biden has done. only going to use the term once. not going to use the name any
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more, just one time. the damage he has done to this country is unthinkable. >> jeanine: i want to talk with a unity quote when he talked about, and i will start with you pete, the fact that he was a president for all the country. not half the country. and when you talk about joe biden saying those horrible maga followers. >> even his response from joe biden included something like the dark address that donald trump gave. when you have that brush with death which the president did, it gets you in touch quickly with your humanity. and i think that phrase "i am not supposed to be here" was an honest one. and the crowd says, "yes you are," but he says no i am not. only by the grace of god. the moment with corey where he went to the uniform, and i thought he was going to salute, and he went around and kissed the helmet, that's something that has affected him. they say i am against democracy,
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but i believe i am restoring democracy giving power back to the people which is of course, true. and he hit a lot of common sense themes, ultimately. drill baby drill had a huge response. people get that. don't force me to buy an ev which i don't want. i loved the story about where he got the tips from, a waitress, and by the way, after the speech i was talking to our bar tender and he says exactly right, nobody carries cash any more. this is going to be huge for him. no tax on tips. alpha versus beta, normal versus weirdo. and i think he accomplished that. >> jeanine: the quote, sandra that he was not supposed to be here tonight. when you talk about how this -- convention was so different than all the others. i have been to five. but the idea of devine intervention and there was a
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hand of god involved. that spoke to the trump followers. >> the heart-felt messages he put out last night had to touch people. talking about the people that lost their lives at the rally, that was heartbreaking. following the funeral today was heartbreaking with a community losing that man. one of the best things that i have heard is van jones reaction on cnn. you have probably seen this by now. a former obama adviser, he said of the excitement last night as the president was giving the speech and at the rnc in general felt like 2008 obama. there is something happening. he described the spirit and the energy that he felt being there, at the republican national convention. that's a pretty remarkable thing, you know 90 minutes is a pretty long speech, but people hung in there for it.
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but there is something going on. and maybe this is a new dawn? i don't know. did he bring those hesitant voters, we will see what happens with the polling after all of this. >> jeanine: he did address what a lot of people said he would, which is a discord and division in our society needs to be field. as americans we are bound together. do we have a sound for that? okay. here we go! >> the discord and division in our society must be healed. we must heal it quickly. as americans we are bound together by a single fate. and a shared destiny. we rise together. or we fall apart. if democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch hunts which i have been going through for approximately 8 years. and they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people. we are going to win it anyway.
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>> jeanine: we rise together or we fall apart. you don't hear that from joe biden. >> no, you don't. and it is interesting, usually the conventions are filled with red meat for the audience, but lines like this, and particularly the line about -- i want to be a president for all americans, that was one of the biggest applause lines for the night for him. usually it is more sort of the divisive of conservative red meat stuff that brings people out. i too was struck by the van jones comment. it kind of -- shocked me but i think what is really, really particularly interesting about that is, you think about what happened after, you know, 8 years after barack obama surprised the world and got elected. >> jeanine: mm-hmm. >> americans were sick and tired of him and they picked up donald trump. we are now 8 years after donald trump road down the glass he is
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escalator and got elected. and what are we doing, getting ready to re-elect him. so donald trump deserves more credit than barack obama does, and he has done it in spite of the media and whereas barack obama did it because of the media. and i think it is even more extraordinary for him to do this. and he is right of course, the most unifying thing that democrats could do would be to stop this nonsense and stop the smears and the slimes and the persecutions and that would go a long way to unify the country. >> jeanine: one of the things and we will talk about this in the next block but the corey trnt. a lot of people on the left were not pleased with that. they felt it was fake and he should not have done it. >> that's a shame. i found it to be very moving and i was interested in hearing his account of what the rally was
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like and what that feels like. it is probably one of the greatest fears that people that do public speaking like that have. and i thought that was meaningful for the country to hear. but the rest of the speech was a complete departure from that first three minutes. the original speech, we had copies of it, we were reading along. and i have never seen donald trump live and i was grateful to experience that. it was supposed to be 3,000 words and he went 12,000 words. so that's 9,000 words worth of ad-libbing. so if you think all of the ad-libs were unifying, were about bringing people together, those were mistaken. and i don't understand why van jones and scott jennings are not sick of being embarrassed by saying that donald trump has changed. is this the night that he becomes presidential, there were no olive branches when it comes
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to the policies he was talking about, he was talking to the room and the room only. not talking to nicky hailey's voters and left leaning independents. these are the things that are standard donald trump talking. crazy nancy pelosi. name checking joe biden. he says i am not going to talk about the president and i am not going to use his name. talking about the migrant invasion and what the migrants are doing to the country. >> that's true. well that's true. more election denying. they cheated. we will never let that happen again. i am a victim -- he had even in the text, eileen canon was a call out, not particularly unifying, saying she did the right thing tossing the mara lago case. praising people like victor corbon. saying that kim jong-un misses him. >> he is an entertainer! you missed this. >> three of five people at the
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table, i know how you are voting. incharlie likes trump, and you like trump. but you can't do it alone. you need other people. and what is the obsession with hanna bolector. reagan -- it is not funny, it is weird. he was a sociopath that ate people's faces. >> jeanine: everyone knows he is a sociopath! >> you have rapists coming across the border. >> jeanine: you don't want me to describe what was done to a 12-year-old girl! >> i know what happened. but if you think again -- >> what did he say about the border that was not true? >> people don't like the classification of it as an invasion. >> they don't like the truth! >> jeanine: that's too bad! >> you guys are sold on the package. you know who isn't, white suburban women that care about their reproductive rights.
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>> jeanine: we are talking about migrant invasion. >> oh, sorry! >> jeanine: migrant invasion has to do with the illegality brought into this country. >> i am not a big dumdum, i know what it is about. >> jeanine: isn't that not what is happening? >> he talked about it in a way that was gratuitius. >> it is 9,000 extra words! you don't think that -- >> jeanine: so what, they listened! >> no they fell asleep and people were leaving. i was on the floor! >> do you think that joe biden could speak for 92 minutes? >> no. i don't want to hear donald trump or joe biden for 92 minutes. >> jeanine: america listened and they will speak on november 5th. >> i can't wait. >> jeanine: me neither, jessica. the liberal media melting down
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over the unity are in c speech. you just saw it here! [ ♪♪ ] ? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. >> jessica:
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[ ♪♪ ] >> kid rock, what are we looking for here. stressing the need for this country to come together. but joe biden and the liberal media, they are not having any of it. neither is jessica. the president blasting down president trump's speech saying it was a dark vision for the future. it is not who we are as americans. and the left wing press, not feeling the unity. >> this came in over an hour and a half long. it was a fidel castro
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experience. >> it was a long rambling speech. >> i was raised catholic, i am a christian girl. this assassination attempt -- you say something like god was watching me. that is a very un-christian thing to say. because it is very narcotics -- narsisistic. >> this is the dcm five criteria for narsisism. >> i was sickened by the using him as a prop, his fire fighter jacket. >> pete: donald trump says he wants prosperity and freedom for every race, religion and colour and freed. but msnbc's joy reid was attacking black magga supporters. >> it is rooted in returning
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white christian men but also white adjacent men, black men, brown men, who are white adjacent, trying to be in the dominant position in society and then you have women who are willing to go along with that. there are a certain kind of woman that will go along with that, the trad wife. >> pete: we are in new york city, for those at home. judge, take it away. >> jeanine: when she says, i am catholic, and something happens to you, and you say god was watching me, it is a very un-christian like thing to say, i wonder what catholic school did you go to. i went to st. peter and pawls and then i went to notre dam. i sang in the choir and everything, yeah, i was alto.
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the speech was about transending all of the things, not about mortality. for so many americans it went beyond that. it was about fate and devine intervention, people felt it was more than just, you know, a normal day where the president fortunately was not killed. and whatever you want to call it, don't call it an insult because you say that god was watching over us. i hope that god watches over us every day. and it transcends left and right. but they are so deep in the left. >> pete: it is basic gratitude. and that gratitude is a key part of all the religions of abraham, but certainly a core principle of christianity. and what you said pete is right. the reason it was unifying is
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because the platform is a very simple platform, it is about the economy, the border and peace around the world. and the idea is that -- if you focus on those things, it is for all people. it doesn't matter. and for some reason, you have these whack jobs on msnbc that want to make everything all about race. and i don't understand that. and i don't understand why we have such low standards for them that we allow them to talk about race all the time, and to be just blatantly racist and everyone is like, okay, that's fine, that's what joy reid does. how appalling is that. >> pete: do you have the joy reid dakota ring, jessica. >> jessica: no i lost it on the flight home at the crack of dawn this morning. >> pete: it is one thing to make a critique, and that's fine. it is another thing to sling
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this kind of stuff. >> jessica: you have to be very precise and fact-based when you are making a critique at that level and there are ways to do it and i aspire to do that, use the numbers and first person observation. if you are not in the room, also, it is hard to read the room. and i was in the room, so i understood that that was a completely unified room. i also understood that that was not a racially diverse room. there were latinos there and there were some black people there and i found the paster from detroit actually quite compelling who spoke at the church that donald trump visited. there was a lot of white supporters there. i get how that is galvanizing, but that made me take issue with what van jones was saying. if you have a room 99% white, and you say that's like obama's 08 convention, excuse me, wait a minute. the delegates that attended in o8 --
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>> jeanine: you are talking about the energy, right? >> pete: if you are seeing it through the lens of race! >> jessica: you guys too as well. if you see a poll that says donald trump is getting a historic number of black voters, it is the first thing that people want to talk about. >> sandra: so you are saying that is not happening. >> jessica: the people most enthusiastically out there are white. are you going to refute that? >> sandra: i don't know how we got there. the joy comments were highly offensive for people who believe in god. it is highly offensive, and to make the case, un-christian to judge someone for that. i thought that was kind of sad. but morning joe says on the new dawn, don't praise his new tone. i thought this was unbelievable reacting to what was heard last night.
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we need a moratorium in the media about donald trump's -- praising donald trump's new tone. that doesn't ever happen on this show, mind you. so not only do they want to silence anyone in the american public who is observing this new dawn or the softer tone, they want to silence the media this morning and today following that speech. >> pete: is that not the tone that morning joe is calling for. >> jeanine: that's what they do! that's what they do! they shut you down, whether it is social media, or canceling you, it is what they do. >> sandra: it is an idea that people cannot think for themselves and conclude for themselves what they heard. >> pete: says the show that was pulled off the air on monday morning because their own management didn't trust them for not saying something wild about a assassination attempt. >> the bombshell report on biden's family, they are talking
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are packed with healthy vitamins and are absolutely delicious. find force factor kids at the walmart vitamin aisle today. ♪ >> sandra: [ ♪♪ ] >> the latest shocking report claiming that president biden's own family is mulling the specifics of a 2024 exit but the whitehouse denies it. following another bombshell claim that president biden's exit could happen this weekend. the number of congressional democrats calling for him to drop out is now over 30. the president remains sidelined with covid19 in delaware. doing soul searching, and also furious about how the party is forcing his hand. saying he is going on the
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campaign trail next week. his campaign and top democrats are echoing a similar defiance. >> joe biden is more committed than ever to beat donald trump. >> the president is not going anywhere. the president can win. >> we stop focussing on his record and what he is trying to do, not only is he going to win, he has a chance to win -- in a big way. >> i am actually hearing more from colleagues who are doing what i am doing which is doing the work to win in november, supporting our ticket, president biden and vice president harris. >> sandra: jessica, i am going to you first because you are in touch with a lot of democrats. in this moment, it is a critical moment. he is hunkered down with covid19 right now. what are you hearing and could this happen this weekend, him pulling out of the race. >> jessica: i don't think it would happen this weekend. the report that set everyone off. >> sandra: you said not this
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weekend, but like monday? >> jessica: i think that really nobody knows at this point. and his inner circle is even torn about this. and the crux of it is, that he is a, rightly pissed that a lot of people are circulating reports with -- that they want him to drop off without their names attached. and that's really cowardly. >> sandra: 21 congressional democrats have gone on the record. >> pete: there are over 400 of them, so it will take more than that. and aoc did an instagram live last night it was about 50 minutes long and she was defending joe biden staying in the race. she made some really important points about this. a, his record, and that, that's good to run on, but b, saying, there is no time to be able to do this. there is no indication that somebody else would poll better and defeat donald trump. he is the one that has done this before. democrats have overperformed in
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the biden era. you are laughing but it is a fact. >> pete: i was laughing about something else. >> jessica: i didn't mean to bore you or distract you. >> pete: saying unnamed sources in the immemedia. >> jessica: this is even a bad topic for democrats and you guys can't stop. this is a main concern, it has not been made clear by the people that have publicly called for him to step down that they will surround kamala harris. >> sandra: not aoc, saying she doesn't see a viable alternative. >> jessica: that's what he is concerned about and that doesn't make sense. >> we are waiting for white smoke to come up.
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we should call for those materials, white smoke or black smoke. here is the best argument. the voters chose him. the democratic voters chose him. he has a right to be indignant. when he talked about the elites and the other people -- even though it is not true at all, it is the best tone he can hit. i don't think that the record is worth running on at all. this is a question of legacy. does he want to be -- i mean that's probably the best angle that you will take with him. saying is your legacy getting blown out or is it making a selfless exit. he has never done anything selfless in his life, so this will be a first for him. i don't feel bad for his family at all. they should have done this five years ago, and they didn't. now they are stuck and the country is stuck. we are all stuck as citizens of the country. >> sandra: charlie? >> obviously this is an absolute catastrophe, and i agree with
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pete, if you are going to run an election on democracy, it doesn't make sense to throw out the -- the primary election in which 14 million people participated just because you think it is not -- that's not the most effective way to win in november. it is kind of crazy, but the final thing is, i think it is really interesting. democrats are running up to the entitlement -- sense of entitlement that joe biden has, and has had for a long time in washington, and he honestly thinks -- he does not care about the party, as much as he cares about himself and his family. >> sandra: judge. >> jeanine: the party always talking about democracy is ignoring the primary voters and saying let's just pick somebody. but they did that in 2016 also, with james cliburn. but biden says he wants to be one of history's heros and senator coons is always speaking
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on behalf of biden "biden is weighing who best to win while -- and yet the campaign is insisting that biden is not stepping down." look, the democratic party is in total disarray. you have intersections locked down, and they don't know what they are doing. they are in total disarray. nobody has any idea what they are going to do. nobody right now. donald trump has all the swing states. he has the momentum. he is going to steam roll into november. >> sandra: five seconds left for you jessica. >> jessica: do you think that joe biden is the nominee? >> jeanine: are you going to wait for them to say. >> jessica: am i going to wait for the man to tell me who is the nominee, yeah, that's normal. >> jeanine: if you say, obama, nancy pelosi, and morning joe, all of them are literally and obama taking him off the stage
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is like foreshadowing him taking him out of the whitehouse, joe has -- >> jessica: he does have agency. >> pete: i agree. >> jessica: look at that! >> jeanine: agreements! >> sandra: unity! just like last night. drill baby drill and the inflation nightmare. former president trump laying out his boldest policies yet for a second term. [ ♪♪ ] former president trump showing his policies that show a bolder second term. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. ♪ >> charlie: former president >> president trump didn't just bring unity with his speech, he crushed it on policy. take a look at this. >> but tonight, i make this pledge to the great people of america, i will end the
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devastating inflation crisis immediately. bring down interest rates and lower the cost of energy. we will drill, baby drill. we have to stop the invasion into our country that is killing hundreds of thousands of people a year. i will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created. we want our hostages back, and we want them back before i take office, or you will pay a big price. >> charlie: gas prices, inflation, border, world peace, i don't think you can get more unifying than those topics. >> jeanine: he talked about all the issues that americans are concerned about, and all of the issues that biden has failed the americans on, whether it is energy, or inflation, or you know, not even talking about the hostages and talking about hamas
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and how much money did we spend for that floating pier outside of gaza, 3 billion -- some crazy number. we are a laughing stock for the rest of the world in terms of how fall we have fallen since he was the president. and ironically, president biden is bringing us all together, by recognizing how horrible it is under him. i will give the rest of my time to jessica. >> charlie: there had to be something in there that you liked. >> jessica: i loved bringing the hostages home. i hate how much it is removed from the day-to-day discourse. and i was talking to someone that works with us out of the dc bureau while we are waiting through the speech, and she is jewish and i am jewish and she was worried about a democratic
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administration and what will happen to israel. and everyone knows where i stand on this but hearing that -- and even seeing today that evan gershkovich got a 16 year sentence, in russia, he himself is a political prisoner, i like that talk. and i want to hear that from our country. and i think president biden has been doing a good job on this, but i think that's something that needs to be on the day-to-day. it is that important of an issue. as far as the policy stuff -- >> charlie: i knew we weren't going to get away with that. >> jessica: she gave me extra time. there was an alternate reality going on there. great, we agree. >> charlie: i agree that you are on an alternate reality. >> jessica: i am someone that has the stats on this. so unemployment is low for joe biden, especially for minorities. >> charlie: inflation was at 9.7 when he took office.
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>> jessica: inflation is going to spike. no one that earns under 28k is going to get a tax break. and that's a give away to hedge funders and lawyers, who can get extra hours and get tips, aka a tax break. >> sandra: the ultimate tax on the american people is inflation. gas prices up 40% under this presidency. >> jessica: his policies would be worse for it. >> sandra: that is the ultimate tax. and former president trump doubted a deregulatory environment, a lower tax environment, a progrowth approach to the economy that we desperately need right now. he had me at -- that -- let's address this inflation nightmare, incomes will sky rocket, inflation will vanish. from an economic perspective anyone that wants to see this economic grow, heard that and thought that will bring success.
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that's really important. >> jessica: that's just saying things. i would love to lower inflation. tell me how you are going to do it. >> sandra: deregulation and lower taxes. >> jessica: that is not worked before. >> pete: we did get a four year sample of what those things were like under trump. he sticks to the basics. you know, you want to reduce prices, drill, drill, create an opportunity for abundant energy. >> jessica: we are more energy independent under joe biden. >> pete: he strangled that. he stopped baselines and drilling. and he has made permits impossible to get. >> charlie: inspite of him. >> sandra: why does he keep tapping the emergency reserves? think about that. >> pete: he found the space force. the iron dome. >> jeanine: i love that idea of the iron dome. >> pete: we are going to need that. if we can't defend ourselves we are in big trouble.
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>> charlie: keep it simple. >> pete: trump maina running wild! all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good thing aspen dental offers affordable, complete care all in one place. with flexible hours and weekend appointments. plus 20% off treatment plans for everyone.
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>> jessica: welcome back >> sandra: welcome back. trump-a-mania is running wild. >> they tried to kill the next president of the united states! enough was enough! and i said, let trump-amania run wild. >> jessica: incredible definition for a man in his 70's. the crowd went crazy for kid rock! ♪ say fight, fight! ♪ ♪ say trump, trump ♪ (laughter). >> jessica, did you sing along. >> jessica: best night of my life. >> obviously i have to love it.
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i am a therapist for a lot of antitrump republicans that blame me for everything. and they were kind of surprised to see him. but you know, this is -- at least it is something different and you know. >> sandra: i got worried right there. so luke tweeted something that i thought was interesting, where he said -- he did, okay. he said, the clips are already out there. and people won't -- who didn't tune into this won't hear about, oh, trump went on, blah, blah, blah, they will sea hulk hogan and kid rock, and they will think it was a party. >> jeanine: it was electric! donald trump came out a hero. i mean this was the most unified we have ever seen the republican party. there was not a whino in sight
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to say anything. >> jessica: so united. >> everyone unites at a party! >> jeanine: he has always been an entertainer. there were always singers and entertainers everywhere he went. so this is donald trump. so comparetore -- people don't know how good he is now, and how kind he is and how sensitive it is. the whole thing was donald trump, start to finish. >> pete: we had mitt romney on the stage, this is the exact opposite of the boring stagnant country club republican party that so many people characterize it as. this is a big tent to your point. and these guys have huge social media feeds. this will get clipped and pushed out, and say, those republicans kind of interesting. >> sandra: it is like the
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republicans are the party of fun, jessica. >> jeanine: joe biden can't say anything short enough for a meme. >> jessica: that's not true. and people would take taylor swift over kid rock, but -- >> pete: not my kind of people. >> jessica: correct. one more thing is up next. [ ♪♪ ] it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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>> what would you have me do? i want you to fight. >> mr. gorbachev. tear down this wall to do donald trump. take that together in a must see interview jesse watters exclusive with the 20 24 june ticket as they outline their vision for the white house and america. >> monday on jessi klein time. . >> today's one more thing is brought to you by bolton i wi branch. t okay, i'll go first. okay. now check out this furryo fellw who got to meet his so-called biological father. disneylandand.. brody is a golden doodle known for his resemblance to chewbacca from star wars for his hairy coat. he's. it turns out no dna test
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is required. to mas you can see, the two are carbon copies of each other. and brody looks quits dae pleasd to meet his daddy. >> no. huh. okay, jessica, that's got my first. >> you go, girl.s la okay. a 16 year old has made quite a splash with her latest swimming accomplishment. maya, my sorry marriagnt.e. nam i was nervous about her last name, and i messed up. her first name. swam across the english channel on saturday, spanninswams thg 2e miles. she swam there in just 11 hours and 39 minutes. make s the teen one ofng. the youngest to complete the triple crown of open water swimming. and she's raised0 gran d over 1r in donations to fund cancer research for res charlie. all right. who knew there were texas longhorns in pennsylvania? this steer escapeder o from the back of a trailer on the highway using his horns to opeove rin the latch. that's not a move right there, right now. highway before taking an exit, visiting some local businesses. police were eventually able.
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to corral the boat aside. >> i wondelookr how they look at how big those magnificent creature. >> yeah. yes. pete all right, all right. >> mine is entirely self-serving. this is the sixth week that the war on warriors has been on the new york times numbernald three right now. >> by the way, if you want to understand how the secret marvice failed, donaldump so b o badly, read this post to see how this succeeds. >> it's about our institute. fans are manipulated by political correctness and social justice. wensensese and lowerin and loweg of standards and quotas that happen in the military. we have evidence it's happening in the secret service. >> you won't get a sense of it. all right. so let's finish up with this floridsidea man who wrestles an alligator inside a fire station. okay. awesome video. he was caught on video running through the fire station, jacksonville. the alligator was taking shelter under a truck. and i mean, this is pete. you do this all the time, man. right there. wow. all right. well, that's it for us tonight . >> have a great nigh


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