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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 20, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> president biden spending his weekend recovering from
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covid in rehoboth beach, delaware, as the new yorks times reports, he's fuming over the orchestrated campaign to push him out of the race and adding he's increasingly accepting that he may not be able to continue running and that some people close to him have begun discussing dates and venues for a possible announcement that he is stepping aside. welcome to fox news live, i'm griff jenkins. alicia. >> this as moments ago, a 35th congressional democrat has joined the growing list calling for president biden to withdraw his reelection bid with some democrats calling for a so-called mini primary. senior national correspondent kevin cork is live in rehoboth beach with the latest. >> hey, kevin. >> good to be with you, my friend. and despite that biden is telling democratic critics knock it off, he's in this to win this and he's going to prove them wrong.
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he's not only going to stay in the race he's going to win in november. he also intends to hit the campaign trail once he recovers from covid, with potential trips to georgia and even texas in the coming days and that of course, depending how the latest battle with covid goes. even as he recovers from delaware, many in his own party are urging the president to drop out of the race with nearly three dozen democrats saying joe must go with a 35th adding his name to the list within the last hour. what's more, axios is reporting the campaign's chair convened an all staff call on friday urger staffers, wait for it, tune out cable news coverage focusing on whether or not biden will be shoved to the side. the latest part of the campaign girding against falling staff morale. says jerry connolly, we have to cauterize this wound right now and the sooner we can do it the better. a sentiment obviously shared by
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many of the party's power brokers over on capitol hill. many believe while the party may be far from making a change, it needs to hash this all out as soon as possible. >> 85% of the people that have contacted me are all in for the president and so, i don't believe that we are unanimous in our support for the president, we are certainly unified in that support. >> not unanimous, but unified in that support. by the way, the times, new york times, that is, citing insiders, say the president is really battling covid, said to be quote, coughing and hacking as he again tries to recover here in delaware with hopes of getting back out on the campaign trail as soon as possible. alicia and griff, back to you. >> we're watching this minute by minute, literally. kevin corke, good to see you. thanks.
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griff: donald trump heading to the battle ground state of michigan today to hold his first rally with his running mate j.d. vance, the first since last week's assassination attempt. alexis adams is live in grand rapids, michigan with more. >> hey, griff. what we're seeing in grand rapids, michigan, the trump rally, the line gathering for hours. you can check it out behind me, the city of grand rapids has the trucks blocking off the area where the rally and arena is, safety and security are top of mind as we're now just one week out from the former president being nearly assassinated, watch. >> the president and the attendees to the event are going to be safe. they're going to be secure today. clearly, the secret service is ramping up their protections. >> so i want to show you, also, what we're seeing here in terms of line. this is the media and security check point is on one side and look in line, everybody is excited to be out here and they
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say they can't wait for the former president to take the stage with his new vice-presidential pick j.d. vance of ohio. people say they believe that j.d. vance has what it takes to win in the rust belt. and you don't have to hear me, this is what people said earlier, watch. >> gas prices are higher, food prices are higher and i think that michigan will go red. i think people have had enough of joe biden and his policies. >> so, griff, as you know being out the at trump rally, the merchandise, the trump 2024 hats and something new we've been seeing, the iconic photo of the former president being shot and blood on the ear behind the podium and fist in the air, fight, fight, fight. that's the rallying cry not
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just in grand rapids, but as he hits the campaign trail. >> usa! >> clearly the merchandisers are getting new tough out there. i see the trump vance t-shirt behind you. alexis in grand rapids. >> griff, for more on this, we're joined now by trump 2024 campaign national press secretary, carolyn levitt. we appreciate you being here on this saturday. first of all, really, none of us can say that we know who is going to be the top of the ticket on the side of the democrats. so how do you strategize with that? >> well, the democrats are certainly in disarray. there's no doubt about it. we're witnessing a silent coup against joe biden by members of his own party. democrats across the political aisle on capitol hill are now coming out and saying that joe biden is not competent enough to run this campaign. if he's not competent enough to campaign, how is he competent
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enough to be commander-in-chief for several months, ahead of the election in november. that's the question we should be asking the democrats. the american people see that joe biden is unfit to serve. as for our campaign, it doesn't matter who is at the top of the ticket, it's joe biden and the democrat party who has embraced the disastrous policies that hurt american families, the wide open borders, the wars across the world and inflation, robbing people such as in michigan where donald trump and j.d. vance will be rallying today. >> we'll cover that. democrats are trying to figure out the path forward in many different ways, but figuring out what to do should biden step aside. take a listen. >> you can-- the process is already in place to make it a mini primary. >> it would have to be quick steps. i don't think we can do a
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coronation, but obviously, the vice-president would be the leading candidate. i believe kind of a mini primary, whoever emerges, including kamala harris, would be a stronger candidate than if we tried to exclude a transparent public process. >> so, care caroline, we're goio hear that term a lot, a mini primary. the chair of democrat said on x, there are no mini primaries in their rules. they have a problem if they have to move forward without biden? >> absolutely, look, we're days away from the democrat convention in chicago and they're having discussions who can be their nominee, not only that, they're going to face many legal and financial problems. biden has already sworn to more than 3800 delegates on the ballot, tens of millions of dollars transferred to another candidate, a lot of legal challenges to face if that's what they do. it's nearly impossible to get
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joe biden off of the ticket at this point, but again, that's a problem for the democrats. we know that president trump will beat any democrat at the top of their ticket. the last week the american people saw a unified, strong enthusiastic republican party that's offering hope and inspiration to the american people, a promise to secure our border, a promise to bring down the cost of living in this country, a promise to get us out of these endless wars that joe biden's weak foreign policy brought us into. we have a winning message, a unified party and leader with president trump and the american people are ready to fight, fight, fight alongside him and good luck to the democrats and they figure out the chaos. >> and even though the americans called for unity this past week that that's not actually what happened. take a listen. >> their plans are extreme and they are divisive. in recent days they've been
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trying to portray themselves as a party of unity, but here is the thing. here is the thing. if you claim to stand for unity you need to do more than just use the word. >> i want to give you a chance to respond to that. >> there's absolutely nothing extreme about wanting to secure your southern border and ensure that you can't have a mass invasion of illegal people from all over this world. there's nothing extreme about wanting to cut taxes for hard working americans, put more money back into their pocket books. nothing extreme about not wanting men to compete in female sports. whats is extreme is kamala harris, she was named the border czar, and what is extreme, kamala harris who supports abolishing ice and kamala harris is extreme for supporting abortion up until the moment of birth. the democratic party is the party of extremism, hate, and
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the republican party is common sense, law and order and unity and that's why president trump is leading president biden and harris and including in michigan, thousands of people are lined up outside, a crowd that biden and harris could only dream of. >> caroline leavitt, good to talk to you. >> thank you. griff: new details emerging about the security of last weekend's rally where former president trump was shot as the investigation into the attempted assassination continues. cb cotton is live in butler, pennsylvania with the latest. what are we learning? >> hi, good afternoon, griff. it's a week since the 100 acre site in western pennsylvania turned into a crime scene. we haven't seen federal agents working here today, griff, but they were here for most of the week and now, we're learning from a federal law enforcement
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source there are two working theories how the gunman, thomas crooks, was able to get an ar-15 style rifle into the rally site. the strongest theory, we're told is that crooks hid the gun near an ac unit that he used to climb onto the roof and crooks could have carried it in a backpack, the strongest theory is that he hid it near an ac unit and that he reportedly flew a drone over the rally site hours before he tried to kill our former president and we know investigators are still trying to gain access to at least three encrypted accounts the shooter had with servers based overseas. classmates tell fox news that crooks was highly intelligent, but also isolated with parents who were not very active in their son's life. overlapping investigations are now underway into how crooks was able to fire from the roof of a building roughly 400 to 500 feet from where the former president was on stage. fox news's david spunt has
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learned a butler township emergency services unit sniper team was inside the building crooks fired from. we're told the snipers were looking outside windows for suspicious activity. we know ultimately it's on the secret service to protect the former president. the agency and director kimberly cheatle are facing tough questions why the building was not within the perimeter. and from florida, he says it's clear there was a breakdown in security and communications. >> clearly, there was a breakdown in what they call the advance work. that would have been done out of the pennsylvania-- or excuse me, the pittsburgh secret service field office and you know, how did that -- how was where the sniper was shooting towards the building, how was that obstructed? >> now, all eyes turn to director kimberly cheatle and her testimony before the house oversight and accountability
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committee on monday. griff: cb cotton, thank you. and let's bring in new york st state, and normal n.y.p.d. inspector and contributor paul morrow who is live in butler. let's start with you. we've learned a lot and a working theory about possibly the rifle was hidden and also, about drones being flown by crooks, possibly hours before the event. what can you tell us? >> well, in terms of the investigation, and let's switch into that mode, almost certainly what's going to lap. there's going to be a review of policy and this stuff can be very dry and interminable, but it's what matters. they're going to look on capitol hill as they talk to director cheatle whether or not secret service protocols were followed. the estimation was there was going to be 20,000 plus people here, plus 7,000 vehicles.
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they expected a big crowd in blazing heat. from what i can glean, there was about 80 law enforcement personnel deployed. the resources likely were not enough and i can tell you that at least one township here offered resources and was rebuffed. another town police department here, the butler town police department, i spoke directly to them, they were never called for help and could have provided help and in fact, would have. so, they're going to be mapping the procedures that should have been in place. they're going to look at the operations plan to see if it accounted for what it was supposed to account for. were the meetings held? were the site surveys done? we'll see where director cheatle, in aspen at the time for a conference, see if the protocols were followed by her team. griff: that's a great point, paul. it's certainly going to be a heated confrontation with director cheatle and congress
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on monday. and you were an agent and the agents on site must feel unbelievably frustrated this happened. as the finger pointing goes on with the number of resources they had and the protocols that were or weren't followed, how do you see it? >> you know, griff, paul is absolutely right. they obviously did not deploy enough resources and a lot of mistakes appeared to have been made and tragically could have taken the president's life and it took the life of another person. we need to take a look at this from the top down. how big was the perimeter they set up and why was it cut off where it was when you have that building that they thought was important enough that they have law enforcement officers at yet outside the perimeter that was established. we need to look at this immediately because there's a lot of events coming up, including the one in michigan today. griff: one thing, michael, that's really stood out to me. we can show you the time lenawee put together for you. you can see the hour here, it
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begins at 5:so p.m., identified as a person of interest and hour later, crooks fires the weapon. before the shot at 6:02, trump takes the stage. michael, why was he allowed to take at that stage and how is that the case? . i've had a chance to work on national security events, particularly 2008 when pope benedict came to new york city. the secret service took over everything. they were the ones giving instructions and telling everybody where they should be. i'm getting more and more concerned who this shooter is. the fact that he used a drone and encrypted accounts and a fact he was on nobody's radar screen, in many ways from a protective detail, that's your worst case scenario, comes out of the blue and does the things which seems to indicate some trade craft. the thing about having somebody out of the blue, typically
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they're complete amateurs and no trade craft, but this guy looks like he's got pre operational surveillance with a drone and doesn't have any fingerprints or any profile on social media and able to come in and almost take out the president? boy, a lot of questions starting to emanate from this guy's behavior. griff: that's right, michael. and you rightly point out. this was a national special security event, nsse, there's nothing that ranks higher in terms of the amount of security that needs to be done in the case of an upcoming nsse and we mentioned the drone. congressman michael waltz talked a little about those accounts. paul, i want you to listen to what waltz had to say. >> other things are coming out like the shooter had three encrypted accounts overseas at the same time we're having iranian plot. so, there is, i think this is going to be go much broader, much deeper, but the agents are
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going to hold her to accounts. there are lives on the line and she's not giving the resources they're requesting. griff: fox reached out and the authorities are not waving us off that statement by waltz there, what do you make of it, paul? >> so, i'm going to hold my fire a little on that. because i don't think we have enough facts. there are apps that you can load that anybody can load onto their phone to use the communications that are encrypted and are, in fact, held overseas and so, technically they would qualify as to what the fbi is saying. many of us have them. so i don't know exactly what is meant by that, but i will say this, there is a paradigm that i saw very often doing counterterrorism work for 15 years where it's a very low level operation, but it's very cheap and it's essential cat phishing and it gets into their head and weaponizes them. at this point some of what you're hearing, maybe consider
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it a possibility. somebody susceptible, prone to depression and doing so many online searches we heard about, he might have been a vulnerable target and somebody might have spun him up. griff: unfortunately, as best we know, crooks' patients, looking live at their home, they're cooperating and maybe we learn more on that. let me ask you, you if were a member of congress on the monday hearing, what would you ask? what would you ask to director cheatle? >> the number one question is, what are your limitations? why are the resources not being deployed to keep important figures in our government safe? have they asked for more resources and are you reaching out to extend resources to numerous police agencies? we heard earlier this agencies had not been asked. has the fbi been asked to assist with cases like this? there's a lot of different sources out there that we can use to keep people safe and the
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secret service doesn't appear to be doing that. griff: and michael, the last word. i've just got about 10 seconds. what would you ask cheatle? >> why did you go to the republican national convention and not answer the questions of senators who will be voting on your budget and taking it in your own personal way? this is so serious, nobody should be talking about this from the secret service except to congressional investigators and the homeland security office and it's too important to make it a political response. completely inappropriate. griff: i suspect she will be asked about that. michael, john, paul, thank you for your insight and your time. >> thank you, griff. griff: alicia. >> airlines, businesses and even governments are rushing to get back on track this weekend after friday's major global tech outage. that's next. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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>> issues are still lingering after a massive tech outage yesterday caused problems around the world in hospitals, airports, and many other businesses. madison scarpino has the latest on the outage from new york. hi, madison. >> hello. several businesses are back online. you're right, alicia, we're seeing a lot of issues,
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especially at airports, thousands of flights around the world were canceled yesterday and i can tell you there's currently over 1600 cancellations today. the massive outage is impacting major hospitals worldwide. some even canceled nonemergency surgeries and appointments. the outage hit 911 centers, dmv's, banks, stores, a lot more. all of this stemming from the cyber security firm called crowdstrike. there was a glitch with the software update early friday morning and computer systems across the globe abruptly shut down. crowdstrike says they're working to figure out the root cause of this as the investigation continues. but the ceo says that this was not a cyber attack or a hack. some cyber experts are saying this outage really highlights just how reliant businesses are on computer systems. >> i would say have manual processes that are outside of computers that in case there's a complete disaster where all
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the computers go down, you can still operate at some level. >> president biden has been briefed on this. transportation secretary pete buttigieg is confident everything will be resolved soon, but says he's closely monitoring the mistake that led to this huge disruption. >> a wake-up call. if there aren't redundant systems, alerts and security measures in place, we're going to have a bigger problem if this was a major attack. >> and there's a big concern that this may be the perfect opportunity for cyber criminals to take advantage of people who are desperate for a solution right now, back to you. alicia: a very good point. madison scarpino, thank you. you know, griff, i personally wasn't affected by this, but as someone who spends a lot of time in airports, man, was i feeling for those people. were you in an airport. griff: i was leaving the rnc, my producer, tyler olson and i were driving at 4:10 a.m. to
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get into the exit to milwaukee's airport when we heard on the radio milwaukee's airport was shut down. there was a ground stop and so, fortunately, we were very lucky. we were able to get about an hour delayed, which happens all the time, didn't affect us, but we even know some people who were delayed so long they got a rental car and drove all the way back from milwaukee to d.c. it was quite an outing and that woman in madison's reporting there has it right, this was a glitch from one company from a software update, not a hack. frightening stuff going forward to know a computer cripple the airline, banking, hospital industry at a moment's notice. alicia: a good argument for pencil and paper, indeed. griff: let's bring it back. meanwhile, a dallas church dating back to the 1800's was partially destroyed in a fire. the roof of the first baptist church partially collapsed as flames filled the building.
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while the damage is significant, senior pastor says no one one was hurt. it may have started in the basement. alicia: griff, texas congresswoman sheila jackson lee has died after a battle with pancreatic cancer. she helped her district, which includes houston for 30 years. in a statement nancy pelosi highlighted jackson's work to make juneteenth a holiday and on x, majority leader chuck schumer says she fought throughout her life to make our country a better place for all. representative sheila jackson lee was 74. sion is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) subway is offering 20% off any sub, any size whooo! 20% off subs is fun to say
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on his bid. >> j.d. vance is not holding back his thoughts on this. if president biden is dropping out of the race, he should leave his job. he wrote on x, if joe biden doesn't have the cognitive function to run for reelection, he doesn't have the cognitive function to remain as commander-in-chief. how can any dem drop out of the presidential race argue in good faith that he should stay on as president. democratic lawmakers pushing for 81-year-old joe biden to drop out of the race seems to be growing by the day and now includes prominent democrat california congressman adam schiff, a close ally of former house speaker nancy pelosi. and while biden claimed tohe elites wanted him to drop out recent fox news survey, the survey conducted july 7th through july 10th and shows 44%
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of democrats say he should withdraw from the race and allow his party to select a different nominee. now, this comes after his disastrous debate performance and growing concerns about his mental capability to serve effectively as president. some republicans say the softball questions the media have been asking biden the past two years certainly did not help. >> it's really fascinating to see the very people who were asking joe biden what kind of ice cream he likes for three and a half years suddenly are shocked by his lack of coherency that everyone saw on that debate stage that night and no one can unsee that, which is the problem they're dealing with. >> also, at the rnc this week, florida senator marco rubio shared j.d. vance's comments on biden, if he can't be the nominee how can he be president. griff: christina coleman.
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thank you very much. >> folks seem to see the writing on the wall and maybe it's not a matter of if, but when he steps down. >> it's impossible for biden to stay in. if he wants to stay in, how do they put that toothpaste back in the tube. >> what axios is reporting people very close to the president, congressional leaders, personal friends, they believe he's going to get there as they put it over the weekend. >> the media receiving a series -- a flood of anonymous leaks and tips throughout the week on the status of president biden's campaign. for more on the roll the media has played in biden's potential exit from the 2024 race, we're joined by axios politics reporter steph kite. good to see you. we are going to put up headlines, aura of inevitability around biden, anger, fear, bride, regret.
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washington post, pelosi told house democrats biden may soon be persuaded to exit the race. this is reporting being done on the situation that the president finds himself in. but a mechanism for democrats to try to get through to the president. your thoughts? >> i mean, look at some of what has been reported in recent days. it's been clear that there have been congressional leaders, people who are very close to biden, who has influence over biden, have tried to talk to him behind the scenes first. first they went to biden and his inner circle and they've had those come to jesus meetings with the president, trying to explain to why they they have concerns about his ability to win in november. these are people like senate majority leader chuck schumer, former speaker nancy pelosi, people who have been around in the democratic political scene for a long time. when that clearly did not seem to change the president's mind, we start seeing leaks from those meetings, putting even more pressure on the president and those close to him to take the situation seriously.
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and now, what we're watching for next is whether we start to see more on the record statements, media appearances, on these very same leaders, calling on biden to take that next step. >> yeah, and you bring up a really good point. one of your bosses, axios co-founders talking about the leaks done. take a listen. >> the series of leaks that we saw this week, coming from every top congressional leader, coming from aides to the former president. that was the signal to him not only do you not have the support you need on the hill, you're not going to have the money that you need, that donors now think that this isn't going to work. alicia: steph, as you know, there are some biden loyalists out there who see this as an absolute betrayal and here is democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> over the last several weeks, there have been lots of democrats who have been giving
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little anonymous quotes to the press, to some journalists, to print and i'm not here to knock the press on it, i'm here to knock my colleagues on it because to me, i think that's-- and i'm sorry i'm going to say it because it's after midnight, that's (bleep). alicia: steph, if the president doesn't signal his decision is going to be-- and not a decision that many in democratic leadership wants, this is going to get much uglier and much more public. >> yeah, and time is running out for various reasons. if democrats want to even have a chance of regaining a sense of unity before november, this decision needs to be made one way or the other very, very soon. of course, if biden does decide to step aside, that's going to unlock a whole other debate over where to go from there. whether democrats have enough support for vice-president harris to kind of crown her as
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the nominee or if we see this sort of loose primary situation where a couple of candidates throw their names into the hat. so, there really is pressure for biden to do this very, very soon. of course, keep in mind, we also are dealing with other important moments in the political sphere. we have, you know, prime minister netanyahu coming to d.c. just next week to speak with congress. a lot of big moments coming up. so it's clear that people want biden to make that decision soon. there is some talk that he could make that decision as soon as this weekend. not clear if that's the case. alicia: we'll continue to watch. thank you. >> thank you. griff: well, the united nations international court of justice calling israel's presence in occupied palestinian territories unlawful and asking for it to end. this as protesters in israel urge netanyahu to close the hostage deal ahead of his planned trip to the u.s.
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stephanie bennett is tracking all of it from our london bureau. hey, stephanie. >> griff, yeah, many people are calling this a landmark decision that came down yesterday that could sway some international leaders and their thought process and also, fuel moves for unilateral recognition of a palestinian state. now, diving in all of this, the top united nations court said that its policies and practices used by israel in its occupation of palestinian territories are in breach of international law. the international court of justice says that israel had no right to sovereignty in the territories, was violating law land by force, and right to determination. and also saying that israel must end settlement construction and all existing settlements must be moved. and other nations are obliged not to render aid or assistance in maintaining israel's presence in the territories. >> all states must now adhere
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their obligations, no aid, no assistance, no complicity, no money, no arms, no trade, no nothing. no actions of any kind of support israel's illegal -- to support israel's illegal occupation. >> and israel's prime minister netanyahu quickly denounced the nonbinding opinion, and he's expected to travel to d.c. and address a session of congress. and critics say that he's on that. we're getting breaking news this hour, israel military says it's struck houthi targets in yemen. we've been reporting the hit near tel aviv. and the houthis have been
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having many strikes, and none managed to get into israel except thursday night into friday. of course, we're going to dive deeper into this in the next hour, griff. griff: we will be watching. stephanie bennett tracking it live from london. thank you. alicia. alicia: thanks, griff. florida is expecting an unusual downpour this weekend of so-called dirty rain. that story is next. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months
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>> more record temperatures could be on the way for the western part of the united states. excessive heat warnings are in place for 19 million people in parts of california and even into nevada and arizona. parts of washington, oregon and idaho are also facing wildfire danger, and forecasts show a chance of dry thunderstorms. griff: well, florida is awaiting dirty rain as a plume of saharan dust is expected to arrive this weekend. fox weather's brandy campbell
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is in miami. i've heard of purple rain as immortalized by prince, never heard of dirty rain. what is it? >> a first for me. the saharan dust is moving over the region now just as storms are also expected. if you take a look over my shoulder, you can see downtown miami, that dust creating a hazy skyline. where is it coming from? this is coming a long way, from the saharan desert in africa after being launched into the atmosphere by tropical waves. i'm told the dust should be high up enough to not cause health issues, but as it mixes with incoming rain, it could stick to surfaces so it's definitely not the weekend to wash your car. now, while it's getting attention as it makes its way over land, it also has a large impact on hurricane season travelling across the atlantic between june and august. i spoke with the director of noaa's hurricane program on how the dust helps hinder
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hurricanes? saharan dust is from cyclone hurricane development, associated with very dry air. when the saharan dust is around it acts as a suppressant and limits hurricane activity. when that dust moves on, yeah, it can provide an opportunity where conditions can be more favorable for development. >> now, conditions like sea surface temperatures that are already above average could help storms rapidly intensify. however, he says areas of dry air and vertical wind sheer could hamper stores for the reminder of hurricane season, one predicted to be very busy with up to 25 named storms. now, griff, i'll tell you. we're going to take advantage of this dust, also, because i hear it can create a beautiful sunrise and even sunsets, back to you. griff: post pictures to social media, please. brandy campbell. thank you.
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alicia: griff, fox news cameras were there with researchers as they tagged and tracked sharks in order to learn more about their migration and behavior. that's next. maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did.
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>> new safety concerns over the growing number of shark attacks this summer. now fox news got up close and personal with sharks aboard a research vessel tagging and tracking the predators. danamarine mcnicholl is here. >> the attacks are shot slowing down and why the reports, just this week a spear fisherman was attacked and had to be airlifted to the hospital. and a young kid bitten in the
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waters. research scientists have a big job here. we spent the day with those scientists at msu harvey research center baiting those sharks a couple of miles off shore. we just caught an eight-foot sh shark, nurse shark off the back of the boat. we look at the dna for their diets, but how they attack and how potentially to prevent them. with high infection rates after shark bites, a big part of their mission is swabbing inside of the shark's mouth to figure out what kind of bacteria is growing. their hope is to develop species specific antibiotics. >> we'll hopefully be able to figure out ways to help protect people better and help them heal from those rare bites. >> shark attacks continue to make headlines with 22 bites in the u.s. this year alone, half of them here off the coast of florida.
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and according to the latest data, experts say the numbers of bites we've seen this year is normal, on track. now, despite this, derrick says that humans are not on the menu and each bite is extremely rare. to stay safe, he says avoid swimming at dusk and dawn, and areas with seals, schools of fish or diving sea birds. shark attacks are not exclusive to florida. n.y.p.d. just launched their drone shark surveillance program after their first shark sighting off the coast of long island. griff: danamarie mcnicholl off the coast of florida. thank you very much. all right. alicia, you know, i've got something to say about this and that's this. if i've learned anything in talking to so many shark experts in the segments we constantly do is that shark conservation, the efforts over the past, two, three decades have really been successful, but because of it, there are more sharks closer to shore and
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we have to sort of being smarter about how we deal with having this larger population near where we also swim and surf. alicia: that's true. and also, education is key. you saw those kids touching the shark because they were on a field trip that dana marie and her crew were able to tag along. that part is much more important, too. griff: much more ahead, stick around another hour of fox news live. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day...
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alicia: former president trump will hold his first rally since last weekend's


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