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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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alicia: former president trump will hold his first rally since last weekend's attempted
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assassination in butler, pennsylvania. that'll happen at 5:00 p.m. eastern today in grand rapids, michigan. trump will be joined by his running mate, ohio senator jd vance for their first campaign event together. welcome to fox news live, i'm alicia acountry-specific that. hey -- acuna. griff. griff: and i'm griff jenkins. this comes on the heels of rnc in milwaukee and more democrats call on presumptive nominee to withdraw from the presidential race. alexia mcadams -- alexis mcadams is live kicking things off. reporter: hey, griff, you can see the crowds of people here in grand rapids, michigan, this important swing state for hours getting ready to see the former president speak. i'll step out of the way so you can see what's going on here in michigan. this is happening before the president takes the stage and
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pick winning some states and part of the rust belt and this is what they had to say about trump picking vance, watch. do you know much about vance? with r you surprised he was a pick or think he and trump clicked and came down to chemistry? >> i knew about him from the movie and i kind of followed him a bit, but i didn't know he was going to be one of the picks so pretty excited about that. >> if trump thinks he's good enough then i'm for him. >> we're going to be red. look at these people. you don't see this at a biden rally. we've got thousands and thousands of people here. we're behind him. reporter: we're talking about safety and security, griff and alicia, one week after the former president was nearly assassinated and breaking moments ago in the jupiter, florida, police department, a man in florida was arrested for written threats saying he was going to kill trump and vance days after that attempted assassination and shows you why security and safety is so
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priority here, not just in michigan but across the country as the former president hits the campaign trail. back to you. griff: alexis mcadams live for us in grand rapids. thank you. alicia: the new york times is reporting that president biden is fuming over the effort inside his own party to push him out of the 2024 presidential race as he spends the weekend in delaware recovering from covid. kevin cork is live in rabobath beach, delaware, with more. reporter: alicia, you're right, quietly fuming and the insiders and describing the president's mood according to the new york times and practically incandescent inside the party insiders and brokers in particular and they're fretting over election chances in november and 3,000 democrats on capitol hill including on
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capitol hill and stepping inside the good of the party and going for another candidate to take on the resurgent former president trump. however, not all congressional democrats are on board charged with swapping out the 81-year-old and going for them not necessarily being elevation of vice president kamala harris and then set off a political eruption inside the party and she says democrats are simply not prepared for. >> if you think that there is consensus among the people that want joe biden to leave that they will support kamala -- vice president harris, you'd be mistaken. i have not seen an alternative scenario that i feel does not set us up for enormous peril. reporter: this as nancy pelosi are looking for an open convention nomination process should the 81-year-old step aside.
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>> joe biden is our nominee as i said before and he has a really big decision to make but what gives me a lot of hope right now is that if president biden decides to step back, we have vice president kamala harris who is ready to step up to unit the party. reporter: listen very carefully to the language in what they say and in particular sometimes what they don't say. now, of course axios is also reporting president biden is eager to get back out on the campaign trail once he gets over covid and hopes to make trips to georgia and texas. we'll see if that happens soon. for now, back to you. alicia: that's right, it's not what they say or how they say it. griff: congressman from california and house foreign affairs and financial services committee and thank you for being here. >> good to be with you, griff.
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i'd like to take a second to pass on my condolences to the family of sheila jackson lee. she was a great colleague and member of congress and she'll be missed by her family and constituents. griff: and missed by reporters and capitol hill. she was always very gracious, very professional and would talk to us and i appreciate you doing that. sheila jackson lee. let me turn now and get to what appears to be a breaking dam, congressman. we've seen each day the number of democrats calling for biden to step aside grows and now it's at 35 and now most recent and california colleague ranking member and veteran affairs committee, and we've seen now four senators yesterday. do you believe that there's any way to reverse this tide and where do you stand on calls for him to step aside? >> about 15% of our caucus has called upon the president to
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step out, maybe about 15% has been very vocal saying stay in. i think the more intelligent decision is to give your advice quietly to the administration and to the campaign. we ultimately -- look, i think just about any democrat has a pretty decent chance with trump. this is a man who's america's hitler, unfit and reprehensible and an idiot, according to jd vance. we've got to maximize our chances to win. this is a professional decision. you know, i've won 31 elections in a row if you count primaries, and i don't go from a hunch. griff: congressman, would you want the people closest to you to tell you if you were showing these signs of mental decline because you saw that the president will get back on the campaign trail and he's "eager to prove democrat critics
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calling for him to step aside wrong". how would you say he's doing in terms of proving them wrong because we see on a daily basis he's fighting with the short stairs on air force one, he's stumbling, making mistakes, perhaps not as bad as the doe bait, but introducing zelensky as putin ask calling vice president harris president trump. >> every slip of the tongue gets wildly exaggerated. franklin roosevelt, the greatest president of the last 100 years never walked up or downstairs. but campaign operatives need to be brutally honest. i remember the time my campaign manger told me i was -- manager told me i was bald. i was shocked but that's the case and reviewed a number of my other weaknesses as well. and campaign people aren't worth a d damn if they're not straight with you. we need focus groups to -- and
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this could cost a million dollars. but with good pollsters carrying out good focus groups, we can see where this campaign is going to go and test not only biden but other possible candidates as well. ultimately the delegates make the decision and those delegates are going to vote for biden unless there's overwhelming evidence that it's best to go in the other direction. griff: what would it take for you to call for them to step aside and your constituents are what you represent in your district and george clooney, was very public about asking for him to step aside and he's your constituent and are you representing the will of your constituent if you don't call as well for biden to step aside? >> according to my wife, george clooney is the second best looking man who li li lives in y district. i represent him proudly and 750,000 other people. my phone calls are going in both
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directions. i don't think it would be but what would take me to help me go private is how he performs many private and helping in the focus groups, and i think polling maybe, polling is helpful to some degree and if we go in another direction, trying to figure out whether, you know, josh shapiro or gretchen whitmer, no one knows -- well, people watching fox know but swing voters aren't watching fox. they're watching wheel of fortune. swing voters are the ones that consume the least news, we would need to show swing voters clips and bio-material and figure out which direction to go in. but for both focus groups and polling is useful to make that first decision.
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griff: if president biden were to decide to step aside, are you in favor of this open convention? >> i think it's an open convention, but i think the delegates would go with harris unless there was very strong evidence in some other direction because harris is obviously next in line. but we'll do whatever we need to do to maximize our chances of stopping this threat to our democracy, and look, two of the -- harris and knew newsom are both from my state and harris is next in line, but protecting our democracy comes first and if we went with somebody i didn't like or even didn't know, if the professionals demonstrate that's the direction to go in, that's the way we go. griff: last question, we're out of time and i appreciate you being here onset to talk about this. it's obviously the conversation all america is having and comedian bill moore had a thing last night that really sort of got me thinking he was talking
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about basically whether or not president biden should fire secret service director cheatle to point out that it's unacceptable what happened just last answer here, do you think that the president should fire director cheatle? she's coming before the house monday? >> i want to see how she answers these questions before the committee, but it may not just be here. i doubt she was dealing with the site plan for that individual event, and i'd want to see a review of all the other outdoor rallies to see whether this was the one roof that they didn't cover. one would suspect that it would be a phenomenal twist of fate if crooks found the only roof that wasn't patrolled. we need to look -- yes, because the vast majority of times when the president or the former president speaks, there isn't an assassin in the audience. griff: yeah, we shall see what
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we get on that front. congressman brad sherman, thank you for your time and being here. goo good to be with you. griff: alicia. alicia: new details emerging about the security at last weekend's rally where former president donald trump was shot. as the investigation into the attempted assassination continues, cb cotton is live in butler, pennsylvania, with the latest. hi, cb. reporter: hi, alicia. fox digital learned that the gunman, thomas crooks, researched mass high school shooter ethan crumb blizzard ly before hetried to assassinatr president donald trump and these details come as we also learn from another source the strongest working theory investigators have right now for how crooks was able to get that ar15-style rifle into the rally. a federal source tells us right now investigators believe crooks hid the rifle near an ac unit he
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used to get on top of the roof. now, lawmakers who were briefed by the fbi this week provided a time line. they say that crooks was identified as a suspicious person by law enforcement at least an hour before the shooting. several lawmakers say that detail alone is enough to demand answers as to why former president trump was even allowed to step on stage based on federal law enforcement sources and local officials, these were the officers present at last saturday's rally. 22 secret service agents to include secret service snipers, 16hsi agents, 30-40 pennsylvania state police troopers, seven butler township police officers providing traffic detail, and one butler township emergency services unit sniper team. we're also told some canine units were there too. butler county district attorney told me that a member of the
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local sniper team took a shot at would be assassin again, thomas crooks, but missed. the secret service says one of its snipers that shot and killed crooks could only see crook's gun scope, part of crook's eye and forehead. we're told the roof's lip was blocking the secret service sniper's view and the source describing the shot to fox as "one in a million". >> there should be multiple snipers on every roof and all throughout that terrain. they shouldn't even be in a position where they have to be that perfect if they're not able to take that one in a million shot, the details will come out on that later. reporter: crooks reportedly flew a drone over the rally site hours before he open fire. alicia. alicia: cb cotton, thank you. griff. griff: congressional hearings into the assassination attempt into former president trump set to begin on monday in the head of the secret service confirms she's coming.
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senior con depressional correspondent -- congressional correspondent chad pergram drills into what's ahead. >> marquee hearing comes monday before the house oversight committee with kimberly cheatle and lawmakers are raging at cheat l over a lack of transparency. >> they spent an hour telling us nothing. >> four republican senators dogged cheatle through the hallways of the republican convention in milwaukee. [inaudible]. >> lawmakers were already livid with the secret service for the security breach at the rally in pennsylvania that cheatle ducking senators infuriated them even more. >> she says it's not appropriate
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to talk about it here. we need to go some place else. we walk out the door and she runs and we chased her and the irritation with the lack of transparency. >> little is known about the gunman thomas crooks, and lawmakers find the lack of detail even more vexing. >> the savviness of this young man is what's very startling and i think it's a red flag and i think we need to get to the bottom of perhaps was he not being groomed orem powered by some other entity. >> congress isn't running the only investigation into the security breakdown. the department of homeland security is conducting two probes and the fbi. local butler, pennsylvania, officials and the head of the state police are slated to testify on tuesday. and expect questions about the shooting for fbi director christopher wray at another hearing on wednesday. on capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. alicia: more on this, let's bring in member of the house oversight committee, republican texas congressman pat fallon.
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congressman, thank you for being with us today. so, on monday, what are you hoping and what are you wanting to hear from cheatle? >> well, alicia, there's several questions, some big and some small but first is this, how did a untrained loner, 20 years old with a week's notice, select the absolute best location to take a shot at president trump when the entire secret service missed it? they didn't secure that location. if you look at a satellite image when you have six buildings, alicia, that are problematic. the number one most problematic building is the agr building where he chose. he figure it had out but the entire secret service couldn't. who approved the security plan? who was the agent on site that day? why was president trump allowed to even take the stage when there was a person of interest with a range finder that law enforcement had lost sight of? after the shots, why wasn't president trump whisked off that
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stage immediately and god forbid there was a second shooter or a foreign nation state trying this, it would have had a very different outcome. alicia: the management of resources sounds like it's going to be a huge highlight in questioning. one thing you did say, you talked about crooks being untrained and there's an interesting interview that griff did earlier in the last hour with michael balbony and norm ny state new york -- former new york state homeland sad visier. >> he has preoperational surveillance with a drone and now doesn't have any fingerprints or profile on social media and is able to come in and almost take out the president? lot of questions starting to emanant from this guy's behavior. alicia: how does that hit you, kongman, the possibility -- congressman, the possibility this is someone that had train and willing wasn't an amateur? >> oh, it's absolutely chilling and that's what we have to conduct this investigation and be incredibly thorough and
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swift. if -- there's a few different possibilities, alicia, talk about -- let's be frank. he either was somebody that acted alone or he acted with others or this was some kind of a deep state conspiracy to leave president trump exposed. i don't believe it was the latter, but we need to ensure it's not. that's why we need to conduct this investigation and we're doing it when we get back monday morning. you also have to ask why were the majority of the president's security detail that day not secret service? only 22 secret service agents. you cannot secure the president of the united states, former president and leading candidate to be the next president with 22 secret service agents when you're talking about a crowd of 20, 30+ thousand. it's ridiculous. alicia: you and your colleagues will be very busy this week ask chat burgum was talking about it as -- chad pergram talking about it as well and you have one on
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monday and tuesday with pennsylvania officials and on wednesday, fbi director christopher wray testifying before the house judiciary committee and in stark contrast to on camera briefings that we have seen from all of those in charge from the various departments of our government. zero on camera briefings and we're one week out and american people have yet to hear any of the leadership from these places come forward and just talk to them. >> yeah, alicia, you make a great point, they're ducking and covering. i asked the fbi for access to the butler site for tomorrow, and they didn't respond at first then said it's an active crime scene, you can't come. i'm a member of congress sitting on oversight committee about to question the director of the secret service and they're not going to give me access. that makes absolutely no sense. i have top security clearance. why not? i want to do my job for my constituents and the american people to find out what happened. you know what, alicia, we can't ever have this happen again to
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anyone. democrat, republican, independent. we've got to protect our principles and have to protect the folks running for the presidency or we have a banana republic. it infuriates me they're just trying to really cover their backside instead of finding out the truth. alicia: congressman pat fallon, you have a busy week ahead. we thank you for your time on this saturday. good to see you. >> thanks, alicia. god bless. alicia: griff. griff: the israeli military said they struck several houthi targets in response to this week's attack in tel aviv. that's next. ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪
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alicia: israeli military f15 fighter jets struck houthi military targets in yemen this follow ago drone attack in tel aviv earlier this week. stephanie bennett is live with the very latest on this, steph. reporter: hey, alicia. it happens just within the last couple of hours and we're monitoring very closely and happened along the western part of yemen near the red sea. the idf said in a statement this in response to the hundreds of attacks carried out against the state of israel in recent months. of course we mentioned in the last couple of hours that latest strike that happened acouple of days ago in israel. that was the first one to get through after hundreds of
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attempts to get through. now, they claim they -- according to houthi's own tv station, they claim the latest attack targeted oil refinery facilities and also a power plant and there could possibly be fatalities as well. now, this morning the israeli minister of defense and prime minister benjamin netanyahu held a meeting to approve this operational plan and this of course comes as we mentioned after the houthi's claimed responsibility for that air strike? trillion tel aviv and killed one person and several others injured and israeli person describe that had strike on thursday night into friday as a terror attack targeted to kill civicivilians and houthi rebels launched drones and missiles towards israel and latest numbers show in the past nine months of attacks from the terrorist group, iran's terror proxy in yepen launched over 220 projectiles against israeli civilians and instrategies structure and they were all
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intercepted till this one. the houthi's claim the newest drone can bypass the israel defense system ask israeli military was investigating what went wrong earlier this week and think it might have been human error, but there was no interception of course till today israel had not made any attacks on the houthis till today, but the israeli military confirm that had today's counter strike was in response to those previous attempts in the recent months. president biden we're hearing has been updated on this situation. again, it is ongoing. of course this comes though as top united nation nassau county court just said their policies and practices used by israel yesterday in its occupation of palestinian territories are in breach of international law. the international court of justice of course said israel had no right to sovereignty in the territories and was violating laws against acquiring land by force. mr. netanyahu is expected to travel to washington dc and address a joint session of congress on wednesday. critics say netanyahu is
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prioritizing this military operation against hamas and possibly now over in yemen with this latest strike even though there's international-backed ceasefire deal that president joe biden has taken the lead in promoting. for now though, president biden, he's still expected to meet with israeli prime minister this week, but of course the white house is caution that had he is still overcoming covid-19 so we'll see how that plays out but for now, we're still waiting on the latest breaking news here whether we'll see any fatalities after this strike and what comes next. we'll bring you next hour next hour. alicia. alicia: we'll check with you for updates. stephanie bennett, thank you. griff. griff: alicia, how the trump campaign is handling the uncertainty of over will be their democratic candidate on election election that's next.ony. ♪ sure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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alicia: former president trump's vp pick jd vance suggesting that if biden drops out of the 2024 race, he should resign as
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president. this as the democratic national convention is just weeks away. christina coleman is live with more. hi, christina. >> hi, alicia. jd vance is not holding back his thoughts on this saying if president biden is going to drop out of the race, he should resign as job as president. he wrote on x, if joe biden doesn't have the cognitive function to run for reelection then he doesn't to remain commander in chief. how can any dem pushing him to drop out argue in good faith he should stay on as president. now, president biden maintains that the elites are the ones who want him to drop out of the race. however a recent fox news survey shows otherwise. the survey was conducted between july 7 and july 10 and shows 44% of democrats say he should withdraw from the race and allow his party to select a different nominee. now, this comes after his disastrous debate performance and growing concerns of mental capability to serve effectively
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as president. meantime, the number of democrats pushing for the 81-year-old president to drop out of the race keeps getting longer and now includes prominent democrat california congressman adam schiff, a close ally of house speaker nancy pelosi. and florida senator marco rubio who was on the short list to be trump's vp weighed in. >> how undemocratic they like to talk about democracy, this is basically inner party coup. that's what it is. they're basically telling this guy, you've got to go. i don't care that the voters picked you. >> the democrats clearly dealing with a lot and also at rnc this week, rubio said if there's something so wrong that biden can't continue to be the democratic nominee, how can he still be president? rubio clearly sharing the same opinion as jd vance on this matter. alicia. alicia: we'll be looking to you to watch during this very, very long summer. christina coleman, thanks.
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griff: all right, bring in today's political panel. joining us now, the former chairman of the federal energy regulatory commission under president trump, neil chettergy and fox news contributor richard fowler. gentlemen, thanks for being here. we just in the last hour gotten the latest letter from president biden's doctor saying he's taking his sixth dose of packs loved and improving signs and -- paxlovid and kept him off the campaign trail but he's eager to get back on the trail and prove to voters, particularly democrats members of congress that have doubts about him. here, i want to play for you, richard, a sound byte from the campaign chairwoman. listen here. >> he's got to show he's fighting for the american people and done that day in and day out since the debate. griff: has he, richard? he's shown that he's not fighting with anything other than the short stairs on air force one, fighting with the
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english language when he makes these small mistakes whether it's introducing zelensky as putin or calling -- forgetting secretary defense austin's name and something every single day, and that's what the american people are seeing. >> thanks for having me, griff. i want to take a moment of personal privilege before we get to this question, but just honor the life and legacy of congresswoman sheila jackson lee. got a chance to work with her office and know her very well, and i want to thank her for the work she did on human rights, civil ri rights and champion against women's acts and it's important to bring her up in this moment because as democrats are having this conversation around what they -- what to do around the nominee and there's a lot of folks that showed a list of people saying joe biden should drop out, and what make this is moment so eyebrow raising is you want the current president to leave but you're unwilling to say who you want to replace him. that's part of the problem that we face in this moment because the natural replacement if he
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were to leave and only joe bide biden's choice is the vice president of the unit kamala harris, a woman that came up under the legacy of sheila jack sob lee and a woman that was a prosecutor and was a prosecutor and attorney general of the state of california and a woman that's been the sharp edge of this administration when it comes to the foreign policy in africa and fighting for maternal health and fighting for women's rights. so i think the problem the democratic party has in this moment is they're saying they want joe biden off the ticket, donors and members of congress not saying who they want to be the replacement. griff: donors are saying no more dough till no more joe. >> but they'll continue to be in the melee till they say what they want. griff: following up on that, you raise a great point we now see nancy pelosi appears to be signaling her support for open convention should biden choose to step aside. what about that argument say that it's essentially democrats saying that, look, the
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democratic voters elected a primary, joe biden, and now it's football games going to be -- it's not going to be him, it should be open again. >> 14 million voted for joe biden in the past primary and vice president kamala harris and think about the backbone of the democratic party. it has been and will continue to be black women followed by black men and if that's the case, if you look at which members of congress aren't saying that joe biden should leave the ticket and the black con gression or congressional hispanic caucus and many made up of women and one was sheila jackson lee. if that's the case, the natural choice should be kamala harris if the president decides that he's leaving the ticket. i think the reason why four weeks after the terrible debate performance we're in this sort of conundrum has everything to do with the fact that the folks pointing to joe biden and saying you need to drop out of this race, they're not giving the american people or the voters a way forward that's an easy choice. which should be the vice
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president of the united states. griff: neil, what do you make of that? if the democrat -- if biden's campaign chooses to step aside and if the thinking is that richard sort of laid out it's harris and has to be harris. by the way, i'd add to your point that, you know, president biden has been saying from day one she's always been qualified to be president. if she's not chosen, then was she not qualified all this time? when you look -- we have polls and i think i can put it up there of a head-to-head poll of harris versus tram and see what most of the polls -- trump and see what most of the polls have showed and slight lead by trump and harris very competitive there and in some of them, harris beats trump. are you concerned about facing harris instead of biden? >> i'm not. these are national polls. they're meaningless. this race will be decided in three states: in wisconsin, in pennsylvania, and in michigan.
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and >> the blue wall. >> the blue wall and i frankly think a liberal democrat from california is going to struggle and probably underperform joe biden in those critical blue wall states while democrats are fighting a little over 100 days out from the election about who their nominee should be, republicans are unified and coming together and -- griff: wait a second. talk about the blue wall because i think you're onto something there, but if you had a harris at top of the ticket and governor josh shapiro of pennsylvania and wildly popular there and the poll number haves increasingly gotten worse for biden in pennsylvania, it's almost the case of if we're in a boat all together and we have three holes in it, try to plug the biggest one first so you go to pennsylvania and try to turn things around where biden has bled the most of the three states of the blue wall. are you not willing to say if you had a harris shapiro ticket,
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that's more dangerous than what currently exist s? >> i think governor shapiro is very talented there's no question about it. most people don't know who he is and trying to define him in 100 days and raise the amount of money to do that is a herculean task. meanwhile you've got donald trump trying to not only unify republicans, but degree the map and expand the field. we had the head of the teamsters union speaking at a republican convention. there was an event oned sidelines of congress venges and hundreds of people attended and senators, congressmen and leaders from clean energy space talking about how the president's america first energy policy could reach out to voters who care about things like climate change and the energy transition. the republicans are expanding the map while democrats are struggling to even figure out who their standard bearer would be. i'm not concerned at all about running against an undefined ticket 100 days out. griff: i'm almost out of time and have to give richard the last word. >> if you look at all the polls
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and take joe biden's debate performance, which was we can all agree was disastrous, donald trump should be ahead by 15 points in some of the states, 20 points in some of the states but he's not. and the reason why is because if you look at -- if you also look at positive gain, you'll find that most people don't like donald trump. donald trump has been a weak candidate from the beginning. that's a small set of american people. most don't like donald trump and if you say there's a unified party amongst republicans, then the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell should not be getting viewed on the floor of the republican convention. the republicans have parties and trackturing in it. fracturing in it. the democrats aren't sure what they're going to do and he's barely up, that's not a tune fioed party. griff: it does seem what we're facing is a gop that seems to be unified and energized where democrats seem de-moralized and disarray about what's the next step. >> don't underestimate the
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average voter what they saw last saturday and president trump sprung to his face and pumped his fist and blood rushing down his face and the average voter saw that and inspired by the demonstration of strength that it showed. i'm telling you, he may soon be up 15, 20 points. griff: ridd rock has a new song, fight fight fight. richard fowler, neil chetterjee. thank you very for time, guys. alicia. alicia: thanks, griff. how airlines and other industries are recovering from friday's crowd tech strike outables. that's next. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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griff: police in bangladesh imposed a strict curfew with orders to shoot violators on site and follows a string of deadly protests and policy reserving nearly a third of government jobs for the families of war veterans. the unrest has reportedly left
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dozens dead in just the past two days. alicia: four people are now confirmed dead after a russian missile attack in ukraine. according to the local media, one of the victims of the attack was a 10-year-old boy. after the strike, ukrainian president zelensky said such daily terror demonstrates there's not enough pressure on russia and that ukraine needs new measures to support their defense. griff: massive takeout felt across the world causing disruptions to banks, hospitals, airlines and many other businesses. some of those issues still lingering today. madison scar pea know is here with -- scarpino is here with the latest on the chaos. >> hey, griff. some cyber experts calling the largest it outage in history and some businesses are back online, it could take days or even weeks to fully recover and get back to normal. a major cybersecurity firm
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called crowd strike was doing a software update friday morning and something went wrong. computer systems then across the globe abruptly shut down. crowd strike says the investigation into the glitch is ongoing. the firm is looking to find the root cause of the update in the stake but they say it's not a hack. >> here's what we're learning in the aftermath, it is not over. there needs to be a closer look at how a single company can disrupt every day life throughout the world. reporter: people stuck at airports and dmvs having issues and early voting in arizona was even disrupted and those are just some of the examples of many problems the outage is causing. there's now a new concern though, experts are worried this may be the perfect opportunity for cyber criminals to take advantage of people desperate for a solution. president biden has been briefed on this. transportation secretary pete buttigieg is confident
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everything will be resolved soon. but says he's closely monitoring the mistake that led to this huge disruption. griff, it's unclear exactly how many businesses are still dealing with issues right now, but airlines were hit hard and are trying to get back on track. i can tell you that there's over 1900 flights canceled worldwide today and that number keeps going up throughout the day. griff. griff: and my wife trying to fly back from atlanta, i'm hearing a lot about it and don't have any good answers for her. madison scarpino following it all. alicia. alicia: thanks, griff and madison. the stories going viral this weekend. weekend. stick with us. ♪ the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough
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alicia: today marks 5 years since the apollo 11 lunar landing bringing humans to the moon for the very first time. astronauts buzz aldron and neil armstrong planted a american flag on that day celebrating americans winning the race to the moon. armstrong said "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". griff. griff: jury jurassic park jackd
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a dinosaur skeleton that's roughly complete and believe it's 230 million years old and would have been 8 feet long and the fossils uncovered by heavy downpours back in may. alicia. alicia: well, slithering across your g screen are some of the hundreds of wild snakes in a rare colorado maga den streamed on 24/7 live feed and aimed at discovering the secret lives of snake and the polytechnic university started project rattle cam and now some of the rattlers even have names like tongs, clover, and agent 008. for nose that needed new material for your nightmares, you're welcome. griff: i can't look at it. i don't like snakes. love the sharks, don't like snakes and a megaden of rattlesnakes. i've encountered one in real life with border patrol in arizona and making rattle noise
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and big 8, 10-foot snakes and terrifying and nightmares with the rest of the viewers. alicia: do you freeze or run? i don't want to watch. griff: i was ready to run. that's all for us this hour. fox news live continues with eric and arthel. i'm griff jenkins. alicia: and i'm alicia acuna.. alicia: and i'm alicia acuna.. thanks for -really? -get a quote at subway is offering 20% off any sub, any size whooo! 20% off subs is fun to say 20% off subs are fun to eat you'll love 20% off subs the point is, any sub any size. 20% off at subway
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