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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ arthel: it might look and sound like it normally does.
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former president trump returns to the campaign trail, about an hour from now, this rally will be different with heightened -security inside andaround the . his first rally since a bullet nearly took his life a week ago today. also the first time since they'd trump vance ticket became official trump's running mate jd vance rowling a short while ago at this as we await the main event, the former president welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am arthel neville hi eric. eric: thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn for the aftermath of the assassination event is shattering the president right outrage the secret service lawmakers calling on the agency director to resign. she testifies this coming week on capitol hill. law enflaw enforcement and orgas say for this rally upcoming they are prepared. >> i am confident the president
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and the attendees to the event are going to be safe. they're going to be secure today. clearly the secret service is ramping up their protections. eric: alexis mcadams live at the rally site. you can see right now she is awaiting that rally in grand rapids, michigan. right there in grand rapids. hi alexis. cooks thousands of people inside this arena. our services been a little spot a year. we want to tell you jd vance just got on the stage a for a short time ago and talked to the voters here. even a guy from ohio is ready to get here in michigan and turn the state as red as he can. watch. >> i don't know kamala harris, i didn't serve in the military marine corps and built a business, what have you done? >> long lines of crowds have been wrapping around the arena for each person had to go
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through airport security no bags were allowed inside. some people even camped out last night the rally expected to be huge for the campaign tell me there's like 20000 people here but federal, state, local remain on high alert. there's a lot happening here on the ground. also, jd vance a short time ago and he says is going to help you win voters over in the rust belt that there is like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin and ohio. listen. clicked after he was shot didn't make you think twice for him to this rally? >> and no. cooks we are behind trump won 100%. >> i think it made us want to come to the rally even more and to show support. >> that rally's and battleground, michigan where trump campaign shows abbott. he won in 2016 in michigan lost to biden in 2020. with jd vance they're hoping to
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change that again. came from a working-class family grew up in ohio. some voters who might be on the fence and what do people think trump is going to talk about questioner cobe it's more about unity than attacks on biden, listen. >> i don't think is going to be attacks on biden. i think he is done with that. i don't think we need to do that when you talk about the issues and what he's going to do in the future and bring us back to where we were. [inaudible] [inaudible] eric: we can tell we're having some difficulty this happens in some of these large events with transmission we will get back o alexis who is at the rally in grand rapids waiting for that to start pretty soon. >> we didn't hear alexis attala's last hour it trumps running mate jd vance took the
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stage here zamora favors his remarks from earlier. >> i am just a blessed and so grateful to be up here. i was born and raised in southern ohio. i was born to a working-class family. my grandmother raised me i called her mama. she raised me because my own mom struggled with addiction for a bfor bigchunk of my early life. she was a tough bird. she was a very devout christian prick she really was not just a devout christian by a thoughtful christian she put a lot of thought into her faith required. she also love the f word, ladies and gentlemen she could make a sailor blush. but she kept me on the straight and narrow and gave me a chance at the american dream. what is this campaign about if not restoring the american dream for every child in this country? i want your kids at the same blessed life that i did. arthel: fox news will bring in trump's remarks alive that is
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set to begin at 5:00 p.m. eastern. to stay right here on fox news. >> as for our campaign it does not matter was at the top of the ticket because it is joe biden and the democrat party who have embraced the disastrous policies that hurt american families over the last four years but the white open border invasion, the wars around this world and of course the record high inflation. that's rubbing working-class families in states like michigan were president trump senator jd vance will be campaigning to date. arthel: president trump a battleground at mission president by and is fighting two battles of his own he is recovering from another bout of covid. he is facing growing pressure to reconsider his reelection bid. that pressure reportedly coming from top party leaders like former president obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi. senior national correspondent kevin is alive in rehoboth beach, delaware were mr. biden
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is isolating as he is recovering from covid. kevin, what more can you tell us? >> good evening arthel here for the president's dr. today a sixth round and as you pointed out he continues to recover from this latest bout with covid even as he also continues to face calls to step away from the presidential race. it is interesting that many of the calls as they say are coming from inside the house as they say in the movies. with ask theo's tonight reporting internally it is a fairly universal sentiment they have reached the end of the road. according to campaign insiders mr. biden is fuming, practically incandescent blaming some of the biggest names of the party for the problem. quoting the "new york times" representative nancy plus the former house speaker the main instigator. but it's irritated mr. obama owes welford behind the scenes of its puppetry it's working
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with nearly three dozen democrats calling for mr. biden. not everyone is sold on that idea. >> each has to make their own decision. from my perspective i am very grateful for what he has put in place that is already making a huge difference for people in michigan. >> a q the helping hand of hollywood late-night legend david letterman slated to headline a biden fundraiser on july 29. but again quoting times, this is a michael moritz sather does not swing the drumbeat to get out he says this president biden has a choice, vanity or virtue he can either condemn the country to dark and cruel times, or heed the voice of father time. the clock has run out. do not tell that to south carolina's gyms clyburn.
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>> in the modern times a wide open convention be successful come november. it is not happened. and i don't think it will happen now. this a process this drama may not be healthy but it is curable. i think we are well poised to win this election. >> for what it is where they want to share this. this is from the election guru alan ligament you may remember he's accurately predicted every presidential race going back to 1984. including donald trump's victory back in 2006 he knew he had said he's president biden is staying in the race and can win. arthel: okay is that news is this official or just prediction? is a strong prediction, right? set is a prediction. we will see.
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>> just to clarify senior national correspondent kevin alive at rehoboth beach, thank you. eric: at one prediction from the posterior sitting president biden can win it been reporting people and his party, they continue to be splits over their support of the president. our recent polska former president trump a slight edge over the income but he still has the backing of some party leaders. >> it democrats are going to come together. i'm going to be out there fighting for this ticket and so are many others. we are going to pull together in a win in november. because what donald trump and jd vance are offering as an alternative, would undermine everything in this country. >> how can we interpret all this building? let's bring in brent began president of the signal and a republican pollster. if you were to give not the tea leaf at the crystal ball you look at it and see these different polls, what you see
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happening? what is the trend? as a senator from massachusetts just said they're going to come together do you think that will happen or will there be a wide open convention? >> one thing we have seen in polling even going back to special elections in the last couple of years is that democrats would be disinfected and not answer the polls especially if they are not happy with their candidate or their nominee. but then they end up coming back at the end of the day. i do think it's going to look a little tighter but if you look at the rust belt states of pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, donald trump is polling better in those three states and i recall him pulling in and even 2016 and definitely 2020. democrats are in a tough spot because kamala harris would lose those three states worse than even joe biden because the old union democrat voters do not like someone like her. the odds this is a contested convention are pretty low. eric: in michigan for example
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the former president trump is up 1.7% over president biden. what did they look at in the campaign? do they look at just those three swing states is that where the election is pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan? that could determine the future of this election? >> joe biden barely won arizona one arizonaand georgia in 2020. those who are off the map north carolina they were flirting with a couple months ago is completely unwinnable for joe biden that just leaves these three states. he has to run the tables and when all three of them if i am a democrat looking at a place like michigan and i am seeing younger diverse working-class voters especially males are moving away from each of the republicans, i'm starting to understand the math is getting harder and harder as the days go on. eric: at the democrats have a few week until the convention to settle in all of this but let's take a look at some polls. among old voters one poll shows 70% of voters would like the
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president to step aside. 65% of democrats according to that pole and a recent fox news poll has some of the opposite it says 44% say he should leave, 54%, there 44% would like the president to drop out but more than half say he should stay in so how do we interpret these results when you got more than half a saying you should stay end but less thing you should drop out and they are all over the place. but she may not like to buy to you definitely do not like kamala harris. i think they realize there is no way to skip over her as the nominee if joe biden drops out so they are really just left with essentially no choice. eric: what choice you think that is? it is an biden or bust and at this point there really is no chance or time to change him oum out because they are talking about doing the nomination action before the convention so they can make the ohio ballot so the convention is essentially an
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opportunity to get their message out to not change their candida. you even you from the campaign and kamala harris they are definitely in with the two of them as the candidates for the democrat nomination. >> jen o'malley dillon who is the chair makes it steadfast the specific right now and clear the president is saying and they see that in their public let's listen to what she had to say about that yesterday. because i'm not here decide this is not been a tough as several weeks for the campaign there is no doubt it has been we have definitely seen some slippage in support but it has been a small movement and you know this the reason is because so much of this race is hardened already. >> she says they are dealing doing withthe voters in battlegd states, her words they have questions but they are staying with joe biden and our numbers are showing that. do you think it is that's why the president's are resistant to the calls for him to step aside?
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>> completely agree. we have to realize elections are no longer about persuasion especially a presidential election. it is ab not persuasion to turn out. the only thing you can do is ensure your folks show up right now democrats are pretty depressed. especially the progressive wing of the party they do not have a whole lot to look at it and say here are our wins and why we should go out and support to biden the second time. and so all of the enthusiasm, all of the excitement is on donald trump side. that is not even reflected in the polling yet. eric: others like aoc very intimately p pro biden and berne sanders, top progressive is back in the former president so others could differ with that. this is all part of the shakeup and we will see what happens. brittney can post a republican, good to see you. a lot to report thank you. >> exclusive new photos of hunter biden out and about in
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los angeles a hunter seems to be among his father's closest advisors and is reportedly becoming a regular at some white house meetings let's go to christina coleman if you live in los angeles with more. >> hi arthel. hunter biden was spotted back here in los angeles. hunter who has a publicly admitted to his struggles overcoming a tough battle with drug addiction recently was convicted of three felony charges related to lying on a mandatory gun purchase form made headlines again this month when reports surfaced he was attending meetings in the white house. he reportedly started sitting in on some of these meetings between his father and white house staff after his dad's rough debate performance hunter has reportedly been a big advocate of his dad staying in the race. however hunters a presence at the meetings was concerning to some republicans who wanted to know whether he had access to any classified information in those meetings? the chairman of the house
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intelligence committee demanded answers in a letter to white house officials he wrote according to news reporting the president's son sudden presence at meetings has caused confusion for white house staff. prompting a reaction of quote what is happening? he went on to say an immediate response is requested please notify the committee of the official meetings hunter biden is participating in and of classified information is being disclosed now that hunter biden is allegedly taking meetings with the president. however white house press secretary coreen john. maintains hunter did not have access to classified information. take a listen. >> the president spent a couple days at camp david with his family. he is a very close to his family as you know it was the week of the fourth of july which is why his family members were here last week. they walked together into the meeting. >> can you save hunter biden has access to classified information?
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>> no. >> as for hunter's father he remains on the other side of the country in delaware recovering from covid amid all these growing calls from some leaders of his own party to bow out of the presidential race. arthel: we wish the president a full recovery. christina coleman live in los angeles thank you. eric: in israel the idf confirming it hit several houthis military targets in yemen strikes a retaliation for the deadly drone attack in israel yesterday for the radiant back to rebel group houthis claims it wants an aerial strike at tel aviv hit one block from the u.s. embassy there. one person was killed in the attack, 10 others wounded stephanie bennett live in london with more on the retaliation. >> a lot to dive into this afternoon. according to a houthis spokesperson the israeli strike struck fuel tanks and a power plant. this all happening off the west coast of yemen and the red sea. of course idf essay the targeted
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port is used by the houthis the main supply route for the transfer of iranian weapons to yemen idf said this counterattack was in self-defense and a response to hundreds of previous attacks carried out against a state of israel in recent months. while the houthis rebels have their attacks on israel are in solidarity with hamas and the palestinian people israel cap'ss the foreign affairs minister posted on x saying in part israel delivered a severe blow to the radiant back terror organization in yemen today we will strike anyone who strikes us. >> the houthis attacks are acts of aggression a violation of international law. and a threat to the international peace and security. to date israel stepped up its actions in self-defense against these attacks. spacings of the last nine months the houthis of launch over 120 projectiles at israel which have
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all been intercepted until a couple of days ago drone strike hit central tel aviv near the u.s. embassy. killing one person injuring several others. the houthis claim their newest drones can bypass israel's aerial defense systems the israeli military says they are investigating what went wrong there. before tonight israel would not make any attacks on the houthis they say both the uk and u.s. have carried out previous strikes in the past after attacks on shipping in the red sea. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is expected to travel to washington d.c. address a joint session of congress. again that'll happening next week on wednesday. eric: alright stephanie, thanks so much. arthel: eric while mixer turning up the heat on federal agencies over the handling of the assassination attempt on donald trump. meantime there are still few confirmed details about the shooter, has a past and how he planned his attack will speak to former fbi profiler. that is coming up next.
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should joe biden had fired the secret service said? i do not understand that >> i'm not in on all the details of the homeland security side. there is a really serious after action report and process it. a lot of scrutiny going on there. i think everything that led up
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to that moment, that horrible moment is under a microscope. i believe present invited the administration. >> 's before this coming week the head of the secret service on monday testifies in front of the house because man, do they have a lot of pressure on them. rightfully so after the shooting of former president trump the investigation undercover new information of the security lapses including how thomas croaks out as ar-15 rifle belonging to his father, on the roof and reports that he surveyed the site with a drone hours before. and now there is new information we are being told about the president wound. bryan llenas is at the side of the rally in butler, pennsylvania. >> congressman and doctor ronny jackson served as the former physician to former president trump hasn't sent a letter updating the public on the wound that trump suffered on his right beard during the assassination
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attempt on his life a week ago today from right here and butler, pennsylvania the doctor says it was quote an absolute miracle trump was not killed. he said the former president is doing well and recovering as expected. doctor jackson said the swelling on that year has resolved the wound is beginning to granulate and heal property there is still intermittent bleeding but no stitches were required quote the bullet passed coming less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head and struck the top of his right ear. the bullet tract produced a 2-centimeter wide wound that extended down to the car tillage and the surface of the ear. there is initially significant bleeding followed by market a swelling of the entire upper ear. the butler county coroner's office is also telling fox digital more about -- it's officially now confirming that thomas crooks was killed by a gunshot wound to the head with a
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sore similar with the investigation tells me as a single shot fired from a counter sniper from the secret service that killed crooks. they are calling that shot a quote one and a million type of shot because the stripers view was obstructed but according to this source he could only see the shooter's scope and the top of his eye and forehead because the lip of the roof of the agr building that crooks was on a local police counter sniper also took a shot but missed we are told to remember the building was about what her 50 yards away from the stage had a clear line of sight to former president trump at federal law enforcement sources tell fox while crooks was on top of the agr building a butler township emergency services unit sniper team was inside the same building looking out of the windows watching for any suspicious activity. how did he get on the roof law enforcement tell fox it was initially thought he brought a letter put a ladder was not found on the sites. we are now told the more likely scenario is he had his father's
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death might hit his ar-15 near ac unit and climbed onto the ac unit to get up onto the roof of the building. this is the wall street journal reports that crooks flew a drone that very same day hours before the rally to survey the site before he shot at the former president, nearly killing him. >> that report of the drone's won't be centerstage among other things at the hearing on monda. wow, brian thank you. arthel: while his right we learn more about the date former president trump shooting investigators say they still have little evidence of motive. let's bring it now mary ellen o'toole a former fbi profile she joins us now before we get to the motive issue, i want to share this. a few hours ago a source familiar with the matter is saying that. eric: search ethan crumley on his phone before attempting to assassinate mr. trump what does
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this tell you? >> i'm not really quite sure what that could imply several things one of which was that is the only case in the united states or the parents were also charged and convicted of involuntary manslaughter. he may have been concerned and worried about his parents. there could have been other reasons as well that could have related to him and other ways. it is still a little bit too early to say with any kind of certainty why he zeroed in on them big oaks understood, thank you for taking the question. social media footprints, why is it taking what feels like a long time to pin down the shooter's motive? and why does motive matter? >> two great questions. it takes a long time for investigators to really work their way through one social media. and it sounds like he did not make it easy. it sounds like he was not -- making did not have a lot of
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obvious social media involvement. that is making it more challenging. and in fact he purposefully made it very difficult knowing that is the first thing investigators look for. we know that because that's the first thing that is discussed after we've had one of these cases. he probably does not do that much of it made it purposefully difficult to find it. the second question was motive. motive is always very important to understand. but motive in cases like this, they are not always obvious even though he is the type of shooter that he is. most of the cases i worked in the fbi we had to infer motive. which means people did not leave behind a checklist or a manifesto we had to study their crime scenes we had to study the evidence and from that analysis we are able to infer what the different motives are. i will tell you this, no crime no matter how simple, how
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complex only has one motive. crimes have multiple motives and they change throughout the crime. arthel: interesting gop representative michael walt's of florida it was on earlier expressing frustration with the lack of public information from the fbi or dhs. let's take a listen. >> i would have expected to see agr are the fbi director dhs giving daily press conferences. updating the public, letting them know at the latest is because in this type of environment, the vacuum of information is where conspiracy theories, where the public has a right to net 79 million people voted for the president. >> first if you could respond and then tell us what you make of the temperature of the vitriol and violence we are experiencing in current times. >> it's obvious people are
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frustrated about not having the clear answers. that is because the answers are not clear. it's taking a lot longer and the specific case to figure out what happened and why it happened. one of the reasons the fbi, having been an agent for 28 years, one of the reasons the fbi does not want to going tv and start talking about possible motives is because they are possible motives. the next day they may have to say it look, we dug a little deeper and now we found this. that would be a disservice what they are trying to do is give accurate information based on a very thorough investigation. again i understand why that can be very frustrating to people. and in the context of that people can begin to develop ideas information is being withheld. i will say this, one of the things i learned as an fbi profiler is that being a really good listener and being able to get all of the facts before you
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jump to conclusions is really critical. even though at the end once the fbi comes out the secret service they say this is what we found to be the case. the viewers may not like it. they may say i do not like that finding, i just do not like it at all. the idea is the investigation is going to be thorough, complete and based on a complete analysis. in the end of people like it? they may not. hopefully they will understand the investigation wasn't based on absolute expertise and thoroughness. arthel: well but that is why you are the expert. thank you very much for joining us.. us.. and we will be right back. the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all.
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eric: president biden continues
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to face it pressured to exit the race to report space bar frustrated by the lack of support from some donors and top party leaders that urge him to step aside for he is in rehoboth beach, delaware at his home there this weekend dealing with covid. on the right side of the screen you see former president donald trump will be in less than an hour from now. that is a rally in grand rapids, michigan. this in a key battleground state his first rally since last week's assassination attempts for joining is now a new york congresswoman nicole. congresswoman, good to see a lot of anticipation of course. excitement and may be being a little on edge with the president's appearance of what you expect to see in terms of his reception in just under may be 45 minutes from now? >> as you can see the people who love it president trump are undeterred. they are there to stand with him in solidarity. they are the there excited becae president trump is the one who is going to secure our border,
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restore our economy, get this country back on track. make our cities a safe again. that is exactly what we desperately need because under president biden all of that progress that president trump made from cutting taxes to securing the border has all been dismantled. americans just want economic prosperity prayer they want their families to be safe and they want to live in communities that are affordable, where they can put gas in their car and they can put food on the table and pay their rent and mortgage. unfortunately the democrat agenda has made it so impossible for them to survive. because they are too busy spending billions and billions of dollars in cities like mine providing free services for illegal immigrants. eric: jd vance is going to appear at the present for the first time together as campaigning. what do you expect from him and what do you expect from the rally were going to see in a few moments?
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>> somebody just returned from the convention i will tell you it was electric. there were so much energy. people are so motivated and excited to reelect the president trump. they cannot take another four years of the destructive biden agenda. as you mentioned whether it's going to be biden or kamala harris or any other democrat the left wing democrat agenda that has been so difficult for americans to survive with. they aren't suffering every day with the various policies that are coming out of the white house via executive order by the way because they want to ignore that congress is there and we have to go to court and fight constantly to stop bad policies i can say that is trickle down to the city and state level where i am in new york. i think someone like jd vance can help get the message across to young people. i think he is somebody who supports the union worker the
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hard-working men and women who built our city and our country justice president trump supports them. he is somebody i think you have some kind of appeal in the rust belt of this country. he comes from a very different background. he grew up with very difficult circumstances. in drug addiction and the father left the family in a very young age that is a story that sadly many americans are also experiencing. so i think he can connect with those types of families but with the single mothers of america. and with the young kids the young people growing up may have hardships. they too can become the vice president of the united states one day. i think his story is so inspirational. >> i say a threat to democracy. project 2025 and part of the policies they say are extreme. when it comes down to november, how do you think that will shake out as voters try to weigh both
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candidates? if indeed joe biden is the candidate. >> the democrats are so desperate they're trying to type this project 2025 for president trump but he already said that was not his agenda in the rnc put out their own agenda and made it clear there is a difference. look, president trump is going to secure our borders is going to make our city safe again because he supports law enforcement is going to push back on sanctuary cities like new york. he's going to ensure we get cheap gas, affordable energy once again he's going to end all these executive orders that biden put in place that has dismantled our energy industry. it's really fueled inflation as a result you need energy for everything including transporting food. that's forcing such high cost of costsat the grocery store as we. he is going to again extend those tax cuts. president biden's artist that is going to let them expire which means middle-class families,
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working families, businesses are going to see a tax increase in president biden is reelected. the doubling of the child tax credit which president trump did which lifted millions out of poverty that will be extended as well if president trump is elected. i think people have to look at what president trump did 40 years ago. we lead peace through strength, he secured the border. he is someone who is good for our allies. the abraham accord is a perfect example of that. look what he did four years ago now with the democrats are trying to fear mongering say about what he's going to do they are so desperate right now all they can do is lie for that the only card they have at this time because they know when in contrast president biden has been so bad it president trump was so positive for america. eric: that is the position from the republican point of view congressman thank you. we will be carrying the presidential rally and the vice
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president nominees rally as you can see on the right here on the fox news channel live as soon as it happens v. good to see you, thank you. arthel: capitol hill morning one of its own today after the death of texas congresswoman sheila jackson lee. just last month jackson lee announced she was undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer. her congressional colleagues remember her as a committed advocate. >> sheila jackson lee was a very, very good friend. we worked very closely together. she was as creative, as innovative as any person i've ever met. she demonstrated that time and time again. was a very, very smart and astute politician. arthel: in a statement, president biden says a quote always fearless. she spoke truth to power and represented the power of the people of her district in houston with dignity and grace.
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sheila jackson lee as part of a long line of patriots who deliver the promise of america to all americans. jackson lee was born in new york and went on to represent the houston area for nearly 30 years. she championed the civil rights and helped establish juneteenth as a federal holiday. her family says although she will be dearly missed, her legacy will live on. our sincere condolences to her family and friends. congresswoman sheila jackson lee was 74 years old. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come.
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how getting over this thing. >> some cyber experts call this the largest it outage in history. we are seeing a lot of issues, especially at airports. of thousands of flights around the world were canceled yesterday. there is currently over 2000 cancellations today. the massive outage is affecting major hospitals worldwide some e-mail cancer nonemergency surgeries. the emergency hit a number one center, dmv, banks, stores, a lot more. all of this stemming from cyber security firm called crowded strike. as a software glitch early friday morning computer systems across the globe abruptly shut down. crowded strike says they are working to figure out the root cause of this as the investigation continues. the ceo says this was not a cyber attack or a hack some experts say this outage really highlights just how reliant businesses are on computer
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systems. >> i would say, i have a manual process that are outside of computers in case there's a complete disaster were all of the computers go down you can still operate at some level. ex-president biden has been briefed on this. transportation secretary pete buttigieg is confident everything will be resolved soon. he said is closely monitoring the mistake that led to this huge disruption. >> it is a wake-up call. at there are not redundant systems if there are not alerts and security measures in place, we are going have a bigger problem if this was a major attack. >> now there's a big concern this may be the perfect opportunity for cyber criminals to really take advantage of people who are just desperate for solution. back to you. eric: thankfully it's all basically coming back up. in.all right medicine, thank yo. arthel: coming back for president trump is minutes away from his first rally since
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escaping an assassination attempt. of course we will bring it to you live right here on fox news when it begins. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage
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arthel: historic church and downtown dallas almost completely destroyed in a huge fire fortunately nobody was hurt.
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the crews believe the fire had started in the basement of first baptist dallas a church around 6:00 p.m. local time yesterday. the flames quickly spread to the second floor sent to plumes of smoke over the dallas skylight doctor robert jeffries the church and pastor and fox news contributor says his parish wil recover. >> i am grateful that the church is not bricks and mortar or wood, it is people and the people of god will endure. first baptist dallas will endure what we think so many of our friends around the country who are praying for us right now. arthel: absolute first dallas baptist was built in 1890 and wasn't designated at the texas historic landmark. investigators meanwhile are trying to learn how the fire started. well, any moment now former president donald trump and his running mate jd vance will hold the first campaign rally together. they are stopping in battleground michigan tonight for just about 120 miles from
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milwaukee were both men accepted their respective nominations at the republican national convention for today's rally of course comes one week after the former president was nearly assassinated. thankfully he was not brutal. that rally live for you right here on fox when it begins meanwhile eric and i will see you tomorrow at noon eastern. lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat,
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