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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  July 21, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> yes you are. >> she wanted again. the street is still intact and it's not one of those everybody gets a trophy show. we don't have the budget for more than one yellowjacket. [laughter] you've earned the yellowjacket ladies and gentlemen. we thank you for watching's fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. 10:00 p.m. every saturday right here on the fox news channel. don't forget to follow us on social media at fn saturday night. for more on me, a city near you a couple of stops left on the everybody calm down to her and the tickets are on sale now at fox across you can listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. eastern, good night from new york city. i am your bank man, i will see you next alex and th
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big weekend show begins with fox news alert, former president donald trump is holding a massive rally in michigan. let's listen in. >> onto the shoulders of our children and i will not give 1 penny to any school has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate. [cheering] i will keep men immediately, day one, a lot of women sports. [cheering] and i will fully uphold are very important but under siege second amendment as i did before. [cheering] i got the full endorsement from the nra, you saw that. they gave us all longest endorsement. for four years of protected and it was not that easy. we will protect innocent life and restore free speech and i will secure our elections. our goal will be one day voting
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with paper ballots, proof of citizenship's and voter ids, very simple. until then, republicans must win, we are to win, win, win, win. we want a landslide that is too big to read. i said it before and i'll say it 100, 200, 300 times before. november fifth starts in early september, north carolina is now we have ridiculous low season before the election, after, we got to have one day voting. what happened to the ballots over there? we moved them a little bit. you vote two months early, nobody knows what's going on, are they using a shovel? you see what goes on? take a look at georgia shoveling
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ballots into wheelbarrows moving them around. if you took the ten worst presidents in the history of the united states and added them up, they would not have done near the destruction to our country as joe biden and his horrible biden administration have done if they are destroying our country. they are destroying our country. we get out and we have laughter but nothing funny about it. millions and millions of people, many of whom are criminals and terrorists flowing through and people from mental institutions flowing through into our country totally unchecked and they move many of them into hotels, some of them luxury hotels, the good fortune and our military is living on the street yet they are putting people into luxury
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hotels in so if you want to save america, get your friends, your family, get everyone you know and vote. you got to vote early. vote absentee, i don't care how you vote. so we have to vote early, a lot of times you vote really, that's good. you got to vote and follow your vote. make sure it doesn't get canceled, you can do it. vote on election day. i don't care how you vote, you got to vote. everyone say vote early. you got to vote and you've got to get out and vote and protect your vote and that's what did anyone but better than anybody else in the country, it stayed right here when georgia went down in pennsylvania went down, it stayed right there, they found all these votes. totally great election. this time we are not going to have a country, we won't have a semblance of a country left and if you want to help us in short election and integrity, side of.
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it's called protect the vote.c protect the sign up. [cheering] that's on election and integrity, you've got to watch and watch very carefully. in conclusion from two midland, detroit and here in grand rapids, great victories. we won the state of michigan. we did the second time. we came in and had a crowd like nobody late in the evening. you were there. [cheering] we had a crowd like nobody's ever seen before. i said i was lose michigan? we won michigan. i was right. bill clinton told hillary that he was in michigan, a bullet good politician. you will lose michigan, lose wisconsin. they said why are we listening
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to this man? he was right. wisconsin and michigan, i said are we going to lose? 49000 people showed up. she had like 300 people show up. i said why are we going to lose? we won, we won michigan ended much better the second time but bad things happen, we are not going to let that happen anymore. we stand on the shoulders of the brave michigan patriots tough michigan workers who man the first assembly lines, you remember that? does anybody remember that? a long time ago, anybody remembers that, they are extremely old. anybody want to admit revolutionize industries and turned the state into a manufacturing powerhouse? we want to bring it back. i'm not talking about lots of industries, is the auto industry. [cheering] we are going to bring back cement, and just talking it's so simple, it will happen so fast.
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he will be at a level as though you are from 30, 40 years ago, manufacture cars and again at a level you haven't seen in many decades. we have to get rid of the stupid idiot representing the united auto workers because he sells -- i much more popular than anybody with the auto workers. we are going to get 95% of the vote. they have a guy -- i mean, he pushes the electric mandate and they will be made in china. they've got to get rid of that guy. he's bad news. michigan ancestors gave the mustang and the might of the american midwest and it really is. the fourth, they laid the railroads. tilt the field, forged the battles and won the victory that made america into the greatest most powerful nation in the history of the world. it's true. the most powerful. [cheering] now we are a nation in decline,
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a serious decline. stupid people. we are a nation that's lost its confidence and willpower and drinks a nation that's lost its way but we are not going to allow this holder to continue, not going to let it happen. less than four years ago we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation against. [cheering] with the right leadership, every disaster, crooked joe biden created can be fixed and very quickly. every problem can be solved and every wrong can be rectified by this time next year, america's borders will be strong, sealed and secure. [cheering] very easily. get ready, tom homan. inflation will be in full retreat.
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our economy will be roaring back, optimism will be surging. he will have your confidence back. we don't have any confidence. just like an athlete that can't sing the shop, can't hit the ball, we will have you hitting the ball again, playing at the top of your game. the american dream. driving again for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed. law and justice will reign throughout our land. freedom restored, the flame of liberty burning bright, crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country will be a fading memory of the past and break violent majority including was forgotten men and women of our country will be the one shaping america's magnificent future when i am the 47th president of the united states of america. [cheering]
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because we are all americans and together we will show november 5 to be the most important day in the history of america. it will be the most important day and when we turn it, our country is going to be great again if we don't, our country is finished. you know it and i know it and everybody knows it. we are one of movement, one family and one glorious nation under god together we will make america powerful again. [cheering] we will make america wealthy again. [cheering] we will make america strong again. [cheering] we will make america proud
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again. [cheering] we will make america safe again. [cheering] we will make america great again. [cheering] thank you very much. thank you, michigan. thank you very, very much. thank you. ♪ >> hello, everyone. lisa boothe, joey jones. you just saw it, donald trump making an observation about tonight's rally. >> it was exactly one week ago today for most to the hour, even to the minute. >> for the first time, you republican nominee for vice president j.d. vance joined donald trump. fox news correspondent alexis mcadams live in grand rapids, michigan. he still for quite some time. ♪ >> this place is packed, 12,000
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seats inside the arena and they were full and there were seats on the ground. from what is shift out of the way a little bit so you can see the former president still up on the stage and he talked for quite a long time but is not done trying to walk around here and connect with these voters in this very important battleground state of michigan. he did have a new bandage on his gear. he got up and reflected on the assassination attempt. most people wouldn't have wanted to be on the stage like this after being nearly shot and killed a week ago but he didn't skip a beat out here. he tried to hold a tone of unity. >> the other side is going around trying to make it sound extreme like i'm an extremist. i'm not. i'm a person with great common sense. i am not an extremist. we are going to do a poll, who's your favorite candidate, who would you like -- would you most like to run against? kamala harris --
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[booing] crooked joe biden -- they kept saying is a threat to democracy. what did i do? last week i took a bullet for democracy. ♪ >> former president trump and running mate ohio senator j.d. vance took the stage in michig michigan. they slammed president biden and vice president kamala harris pointing out they don't even know who the democrat nominee is going to be. that could help when over many voters and the rest -- where is that? michigan where we are now, pennsylvania, wisconsin and ohio and that's because j.d. vance is a working class guy who they believe can help connect with those voters and says resident trump wants to make america safe again. ♪ >> what is radical about telling the drug cartels and violent games across the world you are
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not welcome in this country? [cheering] there's nothing radical about having a strong national security that when we go to war, we punch and we find hard but being cautious not trying to get america involved in every corner of the world. ♪ >> an exciting moment for some in the crowd when a union worker pulled up onto the stage behind me by the former president and recognize that and said he been a defense before and thanked him for his support. watch this. ♪ >> the past up -- you're the same guy, those muscles -- are you the same guy? yes? no kidding. pretty good memory. unlike somebody else that happened to be running against. come on up there. look at him.
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[cheering] >> i'm glad to see you. i'm glad to see you. i'm glad to see this guy. i told you, we are going to get 85 million of us to vote for him so let's go home from this rally and do our part. ♪ >> that was just a little taste of that excitement inside the rally. the former president and vice presidential pig j.d. vance hope this momentum inside will flow out into the swing state of michigan as they hit the campaign trail to turn part of the blue state red. they said they did it in 2016 and hope to do it again but they need everybody to get out and vote. in terms of security and safety, they didn't allow any bags into the arena to that was something new but many people we talked to said they didn't think twice when it came to safety and
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security for themselves. they had to see the former president take the stage. >> alexis mcadams, you look like you're having a lot of fun. thank you very much. now alexis was talking about the momentum of the crowd had, that part of michigan has had for the president. i just kept thinking a moment, he constantly creates these moments that resonate with people. >> also to our speech and when i watch this, when i was in afghanistan, i'm not trying to build up his and oranges but i would walk down with an ied and one finally did us, can guaranteed the next time i walked down by an ied, had a different mentality. there was some trauma from the last time with somebody was blown up. you can't -- the president is very strong but you can't go through something like that and not have some traumatic response so for him to go one week and be right back up there and essentially the same situation, one is heroic in and of itself no matter his politics but two, i think he probably talked for two hours and his reflective
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tone because he still feeling that and those are the people he feels loves him the most so he's talking about and i felt that very unique. >> i didn't sense that he was cautious at all or even changed. i know in the beginning when he took the stage he was almost in tears because he was this was his moment, he had just had an assassination attempt, i thought he was stronger than ever tonight. >> that may have been his moment but this was his element. he loves these rallies in a way i think it is difficult to put into words because at these rallies, particularly this one in michigan, there were people waiting for him thursday morning to watch this rally. so he used it as an opportunity to perform those people and give them what they want and yes, it took almost two hours but i
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think it should be a rule, i said this yesterday, you get shot, you get to talk as much as you want within the following week. the speech went above 90 minutes, this one approaching two hours but he gave the people the answers they wanted and if there's one thing i learned from interviewing people this week about this michigan rally in particular -- two things. it was really important he held his first rally post shooting in michigan to the people of michigan and the notion the forgotten man and woman, did you feel forgotten, they have felt for gone viral republicans and democrats alike so for him to hold this rally that says you're not forgotten in the choice of j.d. vance tribes that home because for the first time in a long time, the people who drove the jobs away from detroit in michigan in the beginning trying to do it again in regard to electric vehicles, they viewed trump advance as a bulwark against that and they won't let those jobs go and that is huge
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to them, they are not going to be forgotten anymore if they put them into office. >> this new ticket of trump -- vance is in michigan, i look at the clear political polling in the battleground states and trump is ahead and all of them and sometimes, often outside margin of error except for michigan, he's up but not even two points. >> you look at michigan, the most competitive battleground state in the country in grand rapids michigan part of the county, president trump, trump one in 2016 and won the state. in the state of michigan, when you look at this republican ticket, the projects thanks. he got donald trump as he said i took a bullet for democracy, took a bullet raised his fist and defined, j.d. vance, a marine and comes at a time where americans think we are weak as a country, we feel like we are the
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kids getting lunch money stolen stuff into a locker. what this ticket represents is going back to american exceptionalism making america great again clearly. a couple of things i'm looking for in michigan, how does the boat play out for joe biden? michigan has the largest population in the country, he's had issues with the work in israel and does vance help trump solidifies the working but we are talking about? the union workers -- what does that look like? how does vance help him with the forgotten man and woman we are talking about? michigan, the most important state in this election cycle for sure. >> i had voted for obama twice. this week on my show who said but i can't believe going to vote for trump but i'm probably going to vote for trump. if that repeats itself, he wins michigan. one in a million shot, a source describes the cyber who took out the trump rally shooter. fox news correspondent bryan llenas live in pennsylvania tonight. >> good evening, fox news from
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lou over the rally site a week to the day since the attempt assassination on the former president. an interesting perspective given the "wall street journal" reporting the attempted assassination, the shooter thomas crooks flew a drone over the same rally site hours before the event on the same day. law enforcement sources tells fox the secret service was not flying drones that same day. interestingly, a source tells me crooks flew his drum specifically over the ag buildings he eventually climbed up onto attempt the assassination of the former president we are told secret service was not flying drones and remember, he was on top of that agr building ten minutes before trump took the stage. positioned 150 yards away from the stage and had a clear line of sight of the former president.
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law enforcement sources tells fox while crooks was on top of the agr roof, a beutler township emergency service unit sniper team was inside the same building looking out the windows watching for any suspicious activity. a source familiar with the investigation tells me? was killed with a single shot taken by the secret service counter ever who could only see about three to 4 inches of the top of crooks left i, forehead and the scope of the ar-15 he was using and described it as a one in a million kind of shot. >> there's no permission to take shot from -- you wouldn't have time to do that. and nobody's going to take a shot based on someone else's recommendation if you're in a position that's on you to decide of deadly force is necessary or not. >> one of the many questions is how crooks was allowed to be on top of that for 20 minutes before the first shots were fired, is it possible he was
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mistaken as a friendly -- is it possible they weren't allowed to shoot him because of the rules and engagement? one of the many lessons for secret service. >> they grow by the day. live in beutler, brian, thank you. joey, to break down more about the actual good. this is an angle we haven't talked too much about. break it down. >> learning something new about going over this but what we do know and pointed out here, i've already got the touch screen ready here so this is a video we have that probably you've seen 100 times. listen to the number of shots, first you hear three controlled shots and then five rapidfire and then a single shot. >> take a look what happened -- [gun shots] [screaming]
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[screaming] >> you seen it a thousand times but i want to tell you what you can take from it. a lot of this is not confirmed, you heard three shots that came from this position, they were well aimed, they sounded like a heartbeat boom, boom, boom. natural respiratory positive. in five rapidfire shots and in a hurry, maybe his movie, baby he knows his position is going about the time trump had come down and then the one-shot the sounded different, probably because it was suppressed, that was probably the shot that to come out from the reporting of think that's what happened. the majority of pictures, this picture you see are these guys here over trump's right should shoulder. the sniper is over here that a lot of people think they are the shortest distance, why didn't
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they see him? you see trees here, he would see more trees in this area so we see reporting from washington post and others saying they believe from their analysis the cyprus from seeing him. the changes are the cyprus who took him out were further away and it makes the one in a million shot even more impressive because they are further away, shooting through camouflage or through the trees so this idea that snipers should have been able to identify him and take him out, in my opinion, the thought does not lie with the counter cyprus, they are doing their job but they can't see past the tree, they can't see past the tree and that's why you have two teams. the fact that they only had a couple of issues, they might have had a chance to see him from there so what i want to go to now, i want to show you the guns used in this incident. first of all, this is your ar-15, i think everybody knows that. the reason i want to show this, this gun is a cybercrime, more of the cyprus shot him for usi using. this part of the gun here, this
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is what sends the bullet down range, this part of the gun is a hunting rifle. everybody in the state of georgia, alabama, texas and anyone who hunts deer, they are using a gun the bullet is the exact same right here, this talk and scope is for us as shooters, not for the bullet. it doesn't need those. the difference between this sniper rifle and hunting gun is how the stock is configured. you can make it fit your face a little better, your shoulder but the function of the gun is just as accurate and deadly as a hunting rifle and in a cyber set up, probably 308. the reason -- look how much bigger the bullet is, relatively the same speed which is what the shooter accused, this is their standard ar and the other thing, this has magnification and makes it bigger and gives you crosshairs. from what we see and it's unconfirmed, the shooter he is probably a red dot with no extra help.
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the reason i'm bringing this up, there's a narrative that could the shooter have been put there strategically trained? could he have been trained by a group that wants to take trump out? certainly possible that these are reasons i don't think that's the case. one is gun choice. number two, target choice. anyone who got to the gun range gone through an hour of instruction especially anyone who's hundred knows the primary place aim is the market largest target. if you're shooting head, you would hit an ear. if you hit the box on the chest, you hit it vital, he didn't exercise the marksmanship knowledge of someone who had gotten some training or knew what he was doing in that way so as much as i hear people say it
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is easy to make, he could have missed and gotten close as much as he missed and got his ear and i think it is important as we hear details and we ask ourselves, how did this guy do this asked for we are learning is complacency, better communication and the fact that the secret service snipers using $50000 worth of equipment in perfect position are not the same as the counter cyprus utilized by local police or apparently as reported inside the building he ended up getting on so i just want to show the characteristics hear from gun choice to bullet choice for cartridge choice to why counter cyprus closest to him might not have seen him. a lot of this stuff is someone who has been in these situations it adds up and it looks less conspiratorial and more wow, is the secret service a paper tiger? i know for a fact they leaned heavily on local law enforcement that's probably a policy that will change.
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>> to that end, kim cheadle will be on the hill to answer those questions. thank you. coming up on the "big weekend show", a biden eight apparently passes biden reaches the end of the road so what is biden doing tonight? is doing and lord of the right? mainstream media pounding the alarm about j.d. vance love of the lord of the rings yet it's not an onion headline, it's real and it's coming up. don't go anywhere. ♪
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♪ ♪ the vice president kamala harr harris. she doesn't like me. kamala harris said something to
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the effect that i have no loyalty to this country. i don't know, kamala. i did serve in the united states marine corps and build a business. what has she done other than collect a check from her political offices? >> a singer from j.d. vance. welcome back to the "big weekend show". the liberal media trying to take down j.d. vance. love of lord of the rings to what the media says are his extremist views. an absolutely ragu ridiculous lizard and leader of the fellowship of the ring, i personally like it digress. the article says perhaps vance is most millennial trait is just how geeky he is about the lord of the rings. taking it a step further, the lord of the rings is far right. >> lord of the rings is a favorite cosmos for naming things and cultural references for a lot of our right figures, mr. vance when he found his own
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capital named after one of the rings and called it maria, is area but move it to the front. >> no points make this up. joey, they are saying lord of the rings is racist. lord of the rings is one of the best selling books over 150 million copies sold, look at the movies and roast 3 billion, is this what they call grasping at straws? >> with their reasoning, my name is joey and maybe i changed that joe -- why. take the spelling of the name and rearrange -- wife? she said vance got all his jobs from peter and it's like okay, it's probably better than willie brown so if we make that
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comparison -- listen, i just watched lord of the rings this week, i've seen it four times, never read the books and now i want to. i never pulled politics out of it, will this idea that there is evil that exists in a world, any world or alternate universe and sometimes groups of people who don't like each other have to come together to fight the evil because survival and living together is important. i'll absolutely foot vote for a politician who believes that if you read the articles, he was interviewed about this at length and said it is not the charactef lord of the rings he finds fascinating, it is that time in english literature and talks about how he was best friends with cs lewis and the top intellectualism brought in this idea coming out of world war ii. coming out of world war ii and having this idea that you don't have to go to war, he used a great quote that i don't have about how work is essentially necessary but avoided at all costs, i agree with all of that.
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>> you got to look at these headlines staying on the grasping at straws a topic, this reads j.d. vance's hillbilly ideology ignores the crisis it portrays and then you've got the washington post all right attacks target j.d. vance indian heritage. newsweek op-ed says iran against j.d. vance in ohio, and extreme is to stand against freedom. plenty of this land? >> that article basically attacks j.d. vance hillbilly eligibility because of the emphasis it puts on pulling yourself up your bootstraps and not taking government handout. also attacks j.d. vance for not focusing on the greatness of welfare and how it helps people. think about it, attacking conservatives, j.d. vance saying we don't like that concept of
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pulling oneself up by the bootstraps, that is the overall take away. they are grasping at straws, they are desperate if they are attacking a book he wrote over a decade ago and this is the best think they came up with, they are in trouble. >> i agree, a lot of desperation there and we were talking in the break and you were saying they are trying to make him less masculine by trying to portray j.d. vance who enlisted after 9/11 who rags to riches stories being nerdy. nerdy is cool and he's old school to me because if it's vice president kamala harris his against, she's 59, but that mom and married later in life, he's young and values kids, it's almost 1950s, he's a little old school to make him a nerd, whatever. >> i like the image. >> so much to get to. coming up, will biden bow out? >> i've never seen in modern time, a wide open be accessible
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come november. >> biden apparently thinks behind the democrats calling for him to step aside. stay with us. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to the "big weekend show". president biden is at his house in delaware tonight and seems to still be divided against all calls for him to drop out new york times claims' thesis doing about all the pressure coming his way. the biden aide tells axios we've reached the end of the road. fox news correspondent kevin has some information for us. >> the president continues to recover from this latest out with covid-19 even as he continues to face more calls to step away from the presidential race and as they say in the movies, many of those calls are coming from inside the house with axios reporting that internally it is a fairly universal sentiment they have reached the end of the road. according to campaign insiders, mr. biden is fuming because of those predictions and he's
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blaming some of the biggest names in the party for the problem. according to the new york times he considers representative nancy pelosi, former house speaker the main instigator. as irritated mr. obama as well seeing him as a puppetmaster behind the scenes. if it's puppetry, it's obviously working with three dozen democrats calling for mr. biden's ouster but not everyone is sold on the idea. >> each of my client has to make their own decision. from my perspective, i am grateful for what he's put in place that's already making a huge difference for people in michigan. >> q the helping hand of hollywood with late-night legend david letterman slated to headline the biden fundraiser on july the 29th then there is this from the times, michael telling the paper there is a slow drumbeat for him to get out and get out now. mr. biden has a choice.
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vanity our virtue. he can either condemn the country to dark and cool times or heed the voice of all time. the clock has run out but don't tell that to south carolina's jim clyburn. >> i've never seen in modern time a wide open convention be successful come november. it has not happened and i don't think it will happen now. this process now it's created may not be healthy but it's terrible and i think we are well poised to win. >> to add a bit of color to what's happening here in delaware over the weekend, you may remember alan, the famed election guru was accurately predicted each and every presidential election dating back to 1984 including donald trump's victory in 2016, he said today on x spoken with ron klain
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formerly chief of staff and said mr. biden is not jumping out of the race and he can win. we'll see. back to you. >> lisa, this covid about, they filed a claim three hours record time, reporters shaking, getting back and looked sick when he got off the plane, is this shark seeing blood in the water? for the rest of the campaign, every excuse to come out this way? >> as some time they will walk you back and stand behind him a job biden doesn't go anywhere i don't mean this to be mean but will he even be able to walk across the stage by the democratic national convention? at the rate he's been deteriorating they are running against timeline, they have to nine when ohio is demanding the parties to submit the names of the nominees so they are expected to do the roll call from august 1 to meet that
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deadline. they are running out of time. >> in that soundbite we had, he's talking about how you can't have an open convention and when. a week ago we were playing a piece from him saying we could go in and do open convention, there's a way to get it done and it seems like democrats at large are extremely discombobulated and are in crisis mode. >> this is chaos personified. they have no idea what the answer is and you see that and everything being done. one interesting, a fascinating piece saying even people saying they want him to stay the want him out so that means the only people who want him to stay in the white house are the people in the white house who want their jobs to remain, that includes jill and hunter who want to part. >> let's go in september, and open convention sounds so xe and you drum up enthusiasm, they need enthusiasm they are running
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out of time talking about dates, michigan swing state two days after the dnc. >> big weekend show, what is kamala harris response to the rumors she will replace biden on the ticket? [laughter] >> the liberal media spinning biggest failure to look at like she did really good. that's next ♪ ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". kamala harris sticking by her walls as the walls caved in. vice presidential reassured party. i will start by sharing something with all of you, something i believe in my heart of hearts something i feel strongly, you should all here and take with you when you leave. tell your friends, too, we are going to win this election. we know which candidate in the us election, our president joe
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biden the media trying their best spin to try to make things good, usa today touting her experience at the border. >> i asked the vp today she's the most qualified to do it. >> hold up a second, did harris even go to the border? >> do you have any plans to visit the border? >> i am here in guatemala today. we are going to the border, we've been to the border so is all think about the border, we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. [laughter] i don't understand what you're saying. >> if i had a tail, i'd be ago eventually she did. the media loved it just like they are loving it now. >> i believe pamela will have a humane approach. i trust kamala and the democrats
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more than i trust the other si side. >> the fact that kamala harris is visiting there is the first woman, female vice president, the first woman of color to visit that region. herself and influence, this speaks volumes to those countries. >> she's going to do a good job at it. >> she oversaw a little invasion of our borders into our country by millions of people, how is that going to go on a debate with j.d. vance? >> she's going to get crushed. she's -- j.d. is smarter than kamala harris. a smart man she would be obliterated but she might also if it's not joe biden, strong likelihood is it would be kamala harris talk of the ticket, what can be burdened by what's been potentially with her. >> mesmerized. >> wanted to mention this earlier, there was a post analysis about joe biden in the seventh swing states would
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likely be decided, biden is trailing by margins of up to 14-point so to paint the picture about how it is for the democrat party right now, i think kamala harris would change the dynamics of the race a little bit but even more with michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania so i don't think she changes the dynamics enough to bring a home for them. >> it's not just border though, broke union task force, voting rights, vaccine, online harassment, she did a great job with unions that joe biden is about to lose the union vote but making it go back to kamala for a second, lisa mentioned a lot of the battleground states, a lot of the states have sanctuary cities in them. how do you think the people who live in those sanctuary cities are feeling about him of the harris how they now have to share resources with people she let it? >> as you look at the polling you mentioned, biden is down drastically in swing states, there are reports that he is
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staying in the race because he thinks he's the only one -- doesn't think she can be trump and asked for polling how kamala harris does versus donald trump and the answer is probably not that much better if at all. the second thing is as the democrats try to prop her up because might be a presidential candidate kamala harris, they are tying her for failures over and over again to potential terrorism, crime, speaking of blue-collar jobs, illegal immigrants are working often working for less so tied that to the economy so the more they defend her, more j.d. vance as vice president and donald trump as president could say that's not the case. >> she owns the failures of the biden administration. >> joey, now to this -- ♪ i took it and gave it --
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[laughter] >> the day before is about the rnc, the next generation maga and oldest grandchild of former president donald trump address the rnc giving us a rare look at side of the former president mainstream media doesn't want you to see. >> to me he's a normal grandpa. he gives us candy and soda when our parents are looking. [laughter] he always wants to know how we are doing in school. we play golf together. if i'm not on his team, he will try to get inside my head but i have to remind him, i am a trump, to. >> i love that and seeing the adoring look watching his granddaughter give this speech, it humanizes him in awake media doesn't want you to seek. >> tuesday the parents of the victims of conventional to the stage. here's one. >> i've had those conversations.
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this was not an overdose, it was poisoning. joe biden does nothing. i told joe biden, the border czar -- what a joke and gavin newsom and every democrat who supports who's responsible for the death of my son. >> her son is weston and that was, she brought the delegates to tears. while a loved is they are from california and that's where you see so much crime. drug dealers on the streets, the thing being done to take them off the streets and she said i did not have a drug drug addict son, he was poisoned because of. pressure to take a pill because kids are young and they are 15 and it was laced with fentanyl, he was poisoned. >> the tiniest amount can kill you. >> a serious newsweek from assassination attempt to what we are talking about, some of the things plaguing our country. somewhat like no, wrestling legend and debbie w champion, my
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childhood hero delivered an electrifying speech of the final night of the rnc. >> what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero. [cheering] and they tried to kill the next president of the united states. [cheering] enough was enough! run wild, brother. let trump rule again. make america great again! [cheering] >> what you going to do? >> check this out. i can't do it on social media. >> that doesn't for us tomorrow, life, liberty and levin starts right now. good night, everybod


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