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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  July 21, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ pete: it is the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, secret service director kim cheatle set to be grilled on capitol hill tomorrow amid if mounting scrutiny over the trump assassination attempt. rachel: this as the former president makes an emotional return to the campaign trail, rallying battleground michigan alongside j.d. vance in the first public event since the attempt on the president's life. >> let me begin this evening with a very special thanks to americans nationwide for your extraordinary the outpouring of love. will: meanwhile, president biden still recovering from covid in delaware, but there may be no recovery for his campaign as even more if democrats urge him to drop out. and you'll never guess who at least one columnist is float being as a replacement. the second hour of "fox &
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friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ rachel: good morning, everybody. it's 7:00 here in new york city, and you're looking at a beautiful picture of myrtle beach, south carolina. boy, i want to be there right now. and i'm here with will and pete -- pete: that means you don't want to be here. rachel: i want to be with you guys -- will: love to be there right now. pete: at myrtle beach. rachel: but i'm here, with will -- [laughter] no, it's great to be with you guys this morning. pete: great to be with you too. will: yeah. great to be with you guys. donald trump thought it was great to be with j.d. vance because they were on stage last night in grand rapids, michigan, for the first rally as a team, and trump took the stage and said he was there the but for the grace of god and honored those that, sadly, lost their
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life in that attempted assassination last weekend in butler, pennsylvania. >> let me begin this evening with a very special thanks to americans nationwide including all of you here today for your extraordinary outpouring of love and support in the wake of the horrific last saturday vent. event. [background sounds] and when you think of it, it was exactly one week ago today almost to the hour, even to the minute. i stand before you only by the grace of almighty god. that's true. [cheers and applause] i shouldn't be here. i shouldn't be here. we continue to pray for the recovery of the two citizens who were wounded in that evil attack, david dutch and james copenhave or.
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re-- we remain in contact and send our deepest respect to to corey comperatore, the brave firefighter whose funeral was yesterday. he shielded his wife and daughter from the bullets of this horrendous person. corey was a hero, and we will are carry his memory in our hearts for all time. [cheers and applause] great hero. will: we're still beginning to gather information about that attempted assassination on donald trump. every detail paints a more vivid picture of what happened last saturday. pete, you sent us a video that you have seen, it's a recreation, a 3-d model recreation with ballistics trajectory, and we have to take everything with a little bit of humility on whether or not its veracity is 1000 percent. -- 100. you see the shots that the other rally-goers injured and killed,
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corey comperatore, and one of the things that stuck out to me is the bullets from the assassin's that correctly, or from his gun is the -- trajectory is the fourth, fifth, sixth shot and how close they came to donald trump. the first shot, which grazed him, but then the ores after that when the secret service is huddled around him starting to protect him, i don't have -- we don't have height in the particular molding that we've seen on how high above the ground the shots were, but they're right there online with where he was after he hit the deck can and after secret service is had piled if on top of him. rachel: that's a great point. we talk a lot about how he just barely missed, and that a picture that you say we're painting, the more we learn -- so the killer had a drone and flew it ahead of time, but our vet service didn't -- secret service didn't have a drone. donald trump and his team said we were denied the amount of agents that we felt we needed for more protection, they came
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out last weekend defensive said, no, that's not true, and now they're walking that back. we're finding out that an hour before they id'd this kid and thought he seemed suspicious, and yet they went ahead with the event. and even minutes before when he was id'd on top of the roof with a gun, they still didn't take donald trump not to take the stage. if there was even a slight chance there was somebody on the roof, donald trump should have never taken the stage. and he told jesse watters yesterday, headed no problem waiting 5, 20 the minutes to figure out what happened. these mistakes are so negligent, they're reaching -- it's not, to me, it's in the even enough to fire the woman. this seems like criminal negligence. pete: it's gross negligence, at best. rachel: yes. pete: and a failure of imagination. i think maybe in some agents' mind or leadership's mind these things are routine, they run themselves, you know? if of course -- and a failure of just basic prudence.
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just basic take the moment to pause -- rachel: yes. pete: make sure and, obviously, a failure of communication. because if someone's -- we know now that one of the agents, local police got propped up, peered over and there was the barrel of a pointed at him, and he dropped -- was with injured when he cropped -- and he hit the radio. the fact that radio couldn't get to people who were making a decisions to do a hold on trump is a failure. all of these things are failures that lay at the feet of the secret service director, kimberly cheatle, which is -- she'll be on capitol hill tomorrow. you know what? those things are always utterly unsatisfying. always. rachel: totally. >> i don't recall, i don't know, i'm not sure, wasn't my call, local cop, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. the only person who should be making this call is the guy running against donald trump. joe biden should say -- rachel: fired. pete: -- unacceptable, you're fired. isn't that a good political move to do?
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it's the right thing to do. rachel: i'm a political spouse. all this information is coming out, i just think about melania trump and how stinking mad she has to be right now seeing all these failures one after another. i agree. she should come to capitol hill, but sheshed have been fired even before she came. will: more on these details are coming together, expect vet service director -- secret service director is, as pete said, set to receive tomorrow -- testify tomorrow. rachel: and we're learning new dethat tails about the failures including a shocking report saying that the secret service denied donald trump's request for more security at events, something that donald trump's team said last weekend. pete: fox news' national correspondent c.b. cotton has more from butler, pa. >> reporter: hi, good morning, guys. i'm told by a source whenever former president donald trump's security detail was denied more man power over the past two years, it's been because the secret service was stretched,
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quote, too thin. but now the agency itself is going on record to acknowledge what trump's team has been saying for quite some time. an agency spokesperson writing in part, quote: in some instances where specific secret service specialized units or resources were not provided, the agency made modifications to ensure the security of the protectee. this may include used utilizing state or local partners to to provide specialized functions or otherwise identifying alternatives to reduce public exposure of a protectee. "the washington post" reported in the past two years leading up to the assassination attempt on former president trump's life, members of his security detail were sometimes rejected after requesting with more manpower and gear to screen people at a sporting events and large public gatherings. the rally, though, in butler, pennsylvania, was reportedly not one of the events where resources were denied. in fact, u.s. officials said
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trump's security had been bolstered after u.s. intelligence learned of an iranian assassination plot against trump. but that's what makes the attempt more puzzling. how was the gunman able to get on a rooftop with a clear shot towards the rally stage? now lawmakers have pressing questions for secret service director kimberly cheatle who will testify tomorrow about the security lapses at saturday's rally. we've also had had whistle mowers -- whistleblowers tell our committee there were resources diverted to nato is and to dr. jill biden, the first lady. did that really a happen? there's a finite number of buildings that needed to be secured. why wasn't that done? this shooter is identified at a 6:09. 6:111, president trump is shot. that critical 22 minutes, what all happened -- 2 minutes. >> reporter: and now representative brendan boyle who served the pennsylvania suburban district has become the first congressional democrat to join the chorus of other republican voices calling on director
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cheatle to resign. back the to you. rachel: thank you, c.b.. well, one of the things that people have been talking about in regard to this investigation which needs to happen, but doesn't just need to happen, we have to have confidence in it, and a lot of people are saying i don't trust the fbi. the fbi over the last few years has just done a lot to discredit itself, especially the leadership. and that topic came up when our own jesse watters interviewed donald trump, president trump if j.d. vance. listen to this. >> the fbi is doing an investigation on the assassination attempt. do you trust the bureau? >> i don't trust the bureau leadership, but i certainly think there are a lot of good field agent guys on the ground. what the hell was going on? i think somebody, whether it's higher up or somebody else involved really did screw up. >> there's some things going on with our government that with we have to really worry about. did we have enough people. why didn't we have enough people? somebody said that a lot of
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people were put on biden's detail. the problem is biden doesn't draw anybody. he draws flies. [laughter] rachel: he attracts flies. pete: oh, man, there were more secret service is agents than there were attend.c. at the biden rallies sometimes. rachel: and just think about the prioritization. you are the secret is service and you only have -- you have a limited number of agents, and you going, i know, i'm going to direct them all towards jill biden and leave donald trump who clearly is somebody who's more likely to to get assassinated given how much he's been vilified by the media and by the biden administration, leave him understaffed. pete: yeah. well, that full interview, by the way, we're grateful to the show for giving us a couple clips, it's going to air a monday on jesse's show at 8 p.m., first interview with the two of them -- rachel: good for you, jesse. pete: it is a fair point. jill biden, her crowds are probably very modest, joe's are
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modest. it doesn't take as much manpower to oversee that as it does tens of thousands of people at a trump rally. there's probably a technical matrix of a currently-sitting president, current flotus and then candidate, but that doesn't match reality. the reality is, you know, they were denied the resources that they need. rachel: and we know that it's been politicized because we've seen what happened with rfk jr., that he's been denied up until, you know, this happened secret service -- pete: if he probably doesn't have big rallies either. rachel: no, but the point is that was a very political move. rfk jr. running for president, given the history, should have been given that and he commanded it -- and joe biden, because he was mad that rfk jr. was creating problems for him in the primary or just for political reasons, withheld it. will: j.d. vance was on stage last night with donald trump, the first time, it and became apparent, i think, in the speech that j.d. vance's role is going to be the largely to go after
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vice president kamala harris which is probably wise from a strategic standpoint because she could end up being the presidential candidate. so the attacks begin. the offense against kamala harris begins. and here is j.d. vance saying although we have questions about kamala, we don't know who's going to be at the top of the ticket. >> what a cool thing it was to be asked by president trump to seven as his running mate and to get out there on the campaign trail. but there's some bad news, actually. the vice president, kamala harris, she doesn't like me -- can. [background sounds] kamala harris saiding something to the effect that i have no loyalty to this country. if. [background sounds] well, i don't know, kamala, i did serve in the united states marine corps and with built a business, what the hell are -- hell have you done other than collect a check in. [cheers and applause] will: yeah. and then donald trump took the stage to say, it's a mystery,
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who am i going to be running against? if. >> and now we have something coming up where they're going to go for their convention, and they have a couple of problems. firm one, they have no idea who their candidate is, and neither do we. [laughter] that's a problem. [laughter] but we'll see. hopefully they get it worked out. sort of interesting. pete: sort of interesting. rachel: he's enjoying it. pete: well, it is sort of interesting to have the consolidation -- what are we, four weeks out? in you don't know who your candidate is in i mean, we do know who it is, it's declared, the delegates are very well. they're prescribe presumably lining up speakers and laying out an agenda, a party platform. but it all feels like a facade right now. rachel: right. there's a lot of back room dealing going on -- pete: or maybe there's not a lot going on. maybe joe's just happening out in rehoboth -- rachel: maybe. pete: saying i'm not leaving,
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all that's just news, jill's telling -- rachel: or he's saying i might consider leaving, but you've got to pay the price, make it worth the while for the biden enterprises to step aside. because this has been pretty profitable for the bidens, having joe biden in power. the amount of checks they've been able to get from foreign countries, from china to russia, to ukraine and also you have the protection of, you know, the fbi, basically a protection if for joe biden -- i mean, for hunter biden. remember, they even were helping with the gun problem that he had. when he was, he's a felon, and he shouldn't have had that, and they were getting involved in that. so they've had protection from being, you know, in power. so if they're going to be out of power, they're going to want to make sure that they still have that protection. will: well, if he is hanging out, he's apparently hanging out with the encouragement of a surprising supporter. rachel: that's right. will: apparently, the clintons are in joe biden's corner
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telling him, hey, hang in there. that's reporting behind the scenes. if big democratic leaders like pelosi, schumer or obama is pushing him out, the clintons seem to be behind him. but that's something you have to reconcile with this in the hill, why we need hillary more than ever. the strongest argument against replacing president joe bide season the notion that no suitable success sr. exists, but there is. and not just a good one, but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office, hillary rodham clinton. the the swing-back voters are crucial for winning. clinton can be a powerful reminder of the stakes, a strain in 2024. rachel: you have to believe hillary put someone up to that. they are the most craven political operatives ever. just when you think people might unite in that party, the power -- [laughter] pete: i haven't seen that a video in a while.
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will: i think nothing would motivate a swing voter more against democrats hand nominating hillary clinton as their candidate. pete: such a terrible idea. rachel: are they the only -- but that's an interesting question. is this just bill and hillary thinking this is a good idea, or even on the democrat side, is there an appetite for this? pete: this is some op-ed reporter for the hill knowing it's click bait. rachel: you you don't think this is a real thing. pete: if the reports are true, it's probably based on animus they might have with obama -- rachel: you don't think it's a plot to let's cozy up to biden -- pete: you really think hillary's coming back? rachel: i don't know. pete: got us to talk about the it. what do you think, will? you're just smiling over there. will: i think hillary clinton was love to win the presidency. i don't think she'd love to lose the president she again, so i don't think she'll be running. i don't think hillary clinton can win --
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pete: no, and joe's not going to let it go if he thinks -- he'sal resentful about being passed over the first time by clinton. rachel: that's right. she brought a bottle of chardonnay over to the biden's' house, and they're just commiserating. pete: i don't think that's what happened. [laughter] bill maher makes unfun of voters who believe in god, that god spared president trump from death. >> since the bullet that was meant for donald trump messed him last saturday -- dissed him. republicans have been endodgerring -- [inaudible] pete: so close. will: mike huckabee reacts live next. ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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♪ ♪ >> i stand a before you only by the grace of almighty god. they keep saying he's a threat to democracy. i'm saying, what the hell did i do for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. [cheers and applause] pete: a defiant president trump taking to the stage in swing state michigan exactly one week after a gunman tried to assassinate him. will: trump surrogate and former arkansas governor mike huckabee
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joins us now. governor, great if to see you this morning. >> great to be with you. happy sunday to you. will: you know, president donald trump talks about the grace of god, that but for half an inch and the grace of god, he might not be here. that idea has been mocked, it has been dismissed by the likes of joy behar on "the view" or bill maher. governor, who said the following when it comes to the role of god in sparing donald trump. >> there's nothing on earth, not even an assassination attempt, that can't be made just a little worse by adding religion. [laughter] since the bullet that was meant for donald can trump missed him last saturday, republicans have been indulging in an orr entry of magical thinking -- [laughter] saying things like trump wears the armor of god. it's the 21st century, enough is enough in interpreting every random event as a dm from heaven. will: what do you say to these critic, governor -- critics,
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governor? >> i actually like bill maher, and sometimes he makes more sense than anybody on the political spectrum. but upon the issue of religion, he is just blind when it comes to recognizing the reality of god, the creator, and the lover of all of us. if i think sometime in his childhood maybe bill maher got run over by a church bus, and he never got over it. it's the only thing i can figure that causes him to be so utterly contemptuous toward the anything of faith. but i would remind bill from the scriptures on this sunday morning that it says god is not mocked for whatever a man sow, shall he reap. bill should be very thoughtful about mocking god. it doesn't have a good conclusion. but i hope he comes to a point where he can recognize that what we saw a week ago saturday was, in fact, the grace of god. there's no other explanation. there were miraculous things that happen. in the view of a complete collapse of security measures, i
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believe, you know, satan took his best shot, but the angels of god said, not today, satan. rachel: i totally agree. you know, i don't think it's just bill maher or joy behar. i just think that contemptuousness that you talked about comes from the left and is directed, i think almost exclusively, at christians when it comes to anyone of faith. why do you think that? if why, why is the cultural elites and the left in general so contemptuous of christians? >> ray quell, when you look at romans chapter one, it talks about how people will turn over in their own juices, basically. i think what we have is we have a culture that is worshiping the creative rather hand the creator. so you have people on the left, they worship the earth, they worship the environment, they worship all the things that we believe god made, but they don't believe a god made them. for those of us who are of faith not only the christians, but
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look at the anti-semitism towards jews. the judeo-christian that there is a creator god who created the heavens and the earth and who created man is and who made us to be the stewards of this earth. not the slaves of the earth, but the caretakers of the earth. they have a reverse view of the world. and their theology is one that is man-centered, not god-centered. and when you have that, you end up with this kind of conclusion that can dismiss god, don't take him seriously, but take yourself really seriously. i think the better perspective, take god seriously. done take yourself too seriously. pete: a lot of humility to the perspective. by the way, governor, so donald trump added another person of faith, a christian, to his ticket in j.d. vance, and you are part of a new fox nation special that i had the pleasure of hosting. it's called who is j.d. vance. it's on fox nation right now. and, governor, you're a part --
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just real quick, something about j.d. vance's background maybe on faith that poem aren't familiar with that -- people aren't familiar with that a they'll learn in this special. >> he connects with ordinary americans like no other. nobody can say, well, yeah, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. no, he wasn't. he has been living in a world so much like many americans who struggled, who knew poverty, who had to literally find his way from the bottom up. and i think there are a lot of americans who are in fam i will -- families with addiction and challenges. he's going to speak to them, relate to them. and he's an america first guy who believes we ought to be building jobs for americans, not for people overseas. i'm thrilled with the selection of k. vance is. he'll be a great -- j.d. vance. he'll be a great vice president. and donald trump, let's just say this, he did good. [laughter] pete: done good. i like i, governor. appreciate you being on this morning and for taking part in that a special as as well. >> my pleasure. thanks, pete. peter: check it out on fox
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nation, who is j.d. vance, get a better sense of who the running mate is. rachel: well, president trump's former physician gives an update on his health including just how close that bullet came to the president's head. dr. nicole saphier's here on the latest, next. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology
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time since being shot, this time with a little bit of a smaller bandage on his ear. former white house doctor, congressman ronny jackson -- who treated the former president in the white house -- now revealing the bullet missed his head by less than a quarter of an inasmuch. here -- inch. here with reaction, dr. nicole sapphire. i a read the whole report that ronny jackson put out as he reviewed the president's wound. anything that a stuck tout out to you -- stuck out to you in. >> you know, or pete, i've been communicating with ronny jackson, heard from him as a late as yesterday, and i'm glad he put out this update because people really want to know. we've seen all of the things on social media and just how close this bullet came to going through president trump's skull. there's a 2 center meter wound to the ear. it did get deep enough, town to the cartilage level of his ear, but it was by the grace of god and a turn of the head that president trump is with us
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today. if that bullet entered the skulker it would have been greater a than a 90% chance of it being a fatality. and the fact that a president got on a stage again one week later at a rally -- now, you have to remember, pete, this may be now a physical deformity of his ear, butt it comes with -- but it comes out with emotional scars. that just shows you the strength emotionally and physically that he has, and he is determined to show the american people that he is pressing on. pete: you're right. there are rampant if conspiracy theories about that it was the staged or it was glass from the teleprompter which has has already been debunked, so you've got to put stuff like this out otherwise folks on the left will find every reason to dismiss it and downplay it and pretend it wasn't real like a high caliber round going through his ear -- >> well, pete, by the way, people calling for him to come out and show his ear, what a saist. if a woman says she had a mastectomy, are you saying i
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want to see your car? i -- your scar? this is a vile situation. wish the president the best. i'm going to send him a care package of my favorite herbs, and i tell you, he's going to do just that. but this is going to leave a scar, physical and emotional -- pete: he doesn't seem like an herb guy -- >> yes, he does. he loves natural remedies. i know this. pete: oh, wow. i stand corrected, doctor. appreciate that. on the other side of the aisle, joe biden is still recovering from covid in rehoboth this week, and this is, you know, something we've heard about, it's been reported on. he's apparently taken a sixth dose of paxlovid. here's a quote from the physician if of joe biden, let me read it real quick. he's completed his sixth dose this morning, he's still experiencing a loose, nonproductive cough and hoarseness, but symptoms continue to improve steadily. we wish him well, but what's
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your update? >> is you know, i think at this point we really need to stop with the daily updates on the's her cold. even the cdc at this point has grouped covid in with influenza and rsv. he's not needing to isolate. they essentially just say you should stay home if you feel sick. when you're not feeling sick anymore, you can go back out. there's quite the stark contrast, the daily updates talking about president trump who was recently shot and president biden with his covid infection. we do wish him well. i think he's going to finish out his paxlovid regimen tomorrow. there's not a lot of data on the benefits, especially after several boosters. he's also on some medications that may mix with paxlovid, so i don't think we need these health updates. i think rest and relaxation, that summer cold and get back on the campaign trail, he'll be just fine. pete: oh, how far we've come from back in the day. it's good to hear you say that.
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that's how these things should be treated, probably much longer ago, but we're going to get the updates whether we want them or not. dr. nicole saphier, thank you for your time. make sure donald trump takes his herbs. >> thank you so much. [laughter] pete: all right. secret service under scrutiny over new reports the agency repeatedly denied requests for additional resources on trump's detail. the director faces a grilling from house lawmakers tomorrow. the questions that need to be asked and answered, coming up next. ummer. save up to 25% on moving and storage for a limited time. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save. visit today. ♪ you've got some winning genes. ♪ and for a limited time, ancestrydna can show you how your genes stack up against world-class athletes. ♪ find out which athletic traits you inherited. but hurry, the clock is ticking.
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gotta get the corners. ♪ if. ♪ will: well, this morning still more questions than answers over the massive security fail leading to donald trump's attempted assassination. a shocking new report claimed the secret service denied trump's request for more security at events for at least two years beforehand. our next guest served as a secret service agent under presidents bush and obama, bill gage joins us now. let's start there, if you wouldn't mind. last weekend the secret service spokesperson came out forcefully and said, that's not true. now a new washington post reporting backed up the idea that this had been declined to the trump campaign, this idea of more protection from secret
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service. >> good morning, will. thanks for having me. and, yeah, i've read those reports and, you know, for years the service has been chronically understaffed, underfunded, and i know from a political lens it looks like that those requests were denied for political purposes. i can tell you that that is not true. the service is an apolitical organization that makes these decisions based on available resources. and it is a simple supply and demand equation for the secret service. you know, biden had an event on that sunday at the lbj library. there was also the rnc that was cooking off in milwaukee, so the service was already stretched thin and has been for probably the last year, year and a half just due to the campaign season kicking off -- will: right. >> and there's still a president traveling, you know, there was probably close to 5000, maybe 700 agents in milwaukee plus multiple cs teams.
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they have to allocate those resources effectively. will: yeah. i appreciate that, bill, and i appreciate that the goal of the service and, i'm sure, many of the agents is to be apolitical. it's hard to accept at face value when there's an immediate denial last weekend from the secret service spokespersons person that is now being contradicted by reporting. it seems in that moment something is not adding up in how they're responding to this, this allegation or perhaps truth. you deny in the past when you're say, no, we have not. it just sort of brings them into question what exactly is going on behind the scenes at least at is -- at the highest levels of the secret service. >> yeah, will, great question. i can appreciate the inquiry and, listen, i can appreciate the optics there. you know, i get questions from friends and family all the time about that, if from both sides of the aisle. and the secret service is in a difficult spot. i have a lot of friends in federal law enforcement, i have a lot of respect for what the fbi and other agencies do.
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but when you look at the core mission of the secret service, it is vital to the funking of our democratic system -- funking of the democratic system. they have to make decisions based on their best judgment, not under threat of violence. you would essentially have a j6 every month if we didn't have the secret service. is so i think their mission is vital when you look at the funding they get compared to the fbi, it's appalling. this is a great opportunity for the director to say, listen, need more funding. you know, that rally in pennsylvania should have had 500 agents and 30 cs teams, but they just don't have those resources. will: let me go through a few of the details of the advance work. i'd love to hit as many as i can in the time we have. "wall street journal"'s reporting that crooks, the would-be assassin, flew if a drone. their reporting is that day. he flew it before the rally that day. should not that not have been picked up by advance work by the secret service? >> you know, possibly. possibly, will. you know, i actually saw that
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this morning, or i saw that reporting, and i thought, oh, there's no way he flew the drone during the actual event or prior to the event. and then i actually saw some footage that was captured during the vent of him flying it -- the event. it was right near his, you know, maybe, like, 20 or 30 feet in the air right near him, and you could clearly see him. yeah or you know, the service has a lot of sort of plain clothes assets that are out there that probably should have caught that. will: right. >> and the secret service is known as counter, surveillance units where they're plain clothes and sprinkled throughout the event and looking for that exact type of thing and, absolutely, that should have been picked up,. will: is so that's -- >> i do want to add that done -- drones are so ubiquitous now, everybody has them, so it probably really didn't draw attention -- will: real quick, what about this reporting in we don't know how he got the gun into the event. there's some suggestions maybe he hid it behind an air-conditioning unit and
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retrieved it when he wanted to use it. should that the not have been picked up in advance work by the secret servicesome. >> yeah. i think that's going to come out in the investigation. i don't want to speculate on if that it was a security gap or not, because he could have hid it well outside the perimeter which is not typically a place that the secret service would what we call sweep on the far outer perimeter, they're really only going to sweep that inner perimeter where the protect. eric:s' going to be. i don't want to speculate without having the facts but, absolutely. if someone was able to get a rifle and you look at the dimensions of a rifle, that should have drawn red flags. will: right. >> i don't want to speculate on if anybody should have noticed that. will: and then there's the timeline. we'll have to get into that in a future time, but the timeline about eyes on this individual, how long he had, how long he had on the roof. there's a lot of questions there as well about the timeline and the minutes given to allow this to happen. hopefully, we can have that discussion in the future. thank you, bill gage.
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>> absolutely. thanks for having me, will. will: all right. let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: hey, got a big siren coming right down the street so get ready. take a look at the weather map, we've got a lot of rain across the southern tier of the country it's going to be to keep that flood threat in our forecast all the way probably through friday or saturday this coming week. today bigger threat across parts of the southern appalachians, tomorrow moves in across much of texas. texas, you're going to be under the gun from this for the next three days. already today, this morning, things start out a little bit mellow, but it will heat up. and and once the day heats up, storms are going to fire again. how much rain over the next few days? especially texas, parts of louisiana, some spots- 3-5 inches. will: thanks, rick. 35 democrats now calling on biden to drop out. our next guest is calling out the cowards for not speaking up about biden's decline years ago.
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rachel: 35 democrat lawmakers are now calling for president biden to drop out of the race. only widening the democrat party's gap just weeks ahead of the dnc. and as biden is on track to raise just half of his june
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donor amount, our next guest is calling out the cowards who didn't speak up on his condition years ago. journalist and author the batya ungar-sargon joins me now. great to have you. it's been interesting to hear democrats in the meet ya sort of jump -- media sort of jumping onboard, joe biden has to go. you're one of the few people saying, i feel bad for joe biden. [laughter] where were these people, you know, why were they raising money for him just four weeks before, now suddenly, you know, they're stabbing him in the back? >> that's exactly right. the thing your viewers have to understand is that the people calling for joe biden to step down now either explicitly or really the ones doing it behind the scenes in this very cowardly way, you know, obama, the media, right, attacking him for the first time, clooney, pelosi, all of these people gathering and stabbing him in the back, these are the only people who have had access to joe biden consistently
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throughout the four years that the media was not reporting on his -- of course here on fox news you guys covered it consistently. rachel: yeah. >> and what that tells you is that these people knew if about this throughout, and they had to problem reelecting him as long as their democratic voters did not know the truth about joe biden. the minute that cnn viewers and new york times readers were exposed to the truth about joe biden in that disastrous debate, that is when immediately they did this 100-degree reversal. and the reason for that is simple. it's not because they think he's not capable of running or winning, which he wasn't before, but they were perfectly happy for him to, you know, run against trump as long as the voters or didn't know the truth. the reason that the fives are out for him, the reason -- the knives are out for him, the reason that it is coup o'clock -- rachel: love it. >> is because joe biden has
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exposed them. he exposed their lies, and he has embarrassed them. he embarrassed obama who, of course, was the champion of this oligarchy of credentialed, right? few you don't have an i've -- if you don't have an ivy league degree, you're nothing. and the democrats saw themselves as the party of the smartset which is, of course, much harder to defend when you have a president like president biden. rachel: he seems to be having hillary clinton, joe biden, as a supporter. obama's stabbing him. the clintons, what's going on there? really quick, because i want to get to the ore topic. >> -- other topic. >> it can does seem like the clintons are stand by him although to have been there was an op-ed in the hill saying -- rachel: okay. i want to move to j.d. vance, because we talk about the battles going on in the democrat party. but there was a battle since, i think, donald trump came down the escalators, for the heart of
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the party. what kind of party is this going to be. and i think, you know, the message from donald trump was we're going to be the party of no wars and a workers' party, a party that stands with families. and the corporate interests have been fighting against him since. is the selection of j.d. vance, somebody who clearly has been fighting on behalf of workers and against corporate interests, is that a sign that the battle other, that the party is officially remade many donald trump's image? >> when donald trump came town that escalator, the republican party was the party of big business, country clubs, foreign interventions and foreign wars. donald trump took an axe to that partiment it is now a pro-worker, indiana-war, socially mod if raitt -- moderate party, and j.d. vance embodies that. rachel: very fascinating. you are where left and right meet. [laughter] it's a new world. all right. more "fox & friends" in just a moment.
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