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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  July 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ will: 8 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend. starting with this a triumphant trump returns to the rally stage for the first time since surviving assassination attempt on his life. >> i stand before you only by the grace of almighty god, that's true. eve this a couple of problems number one they have no idea who their candidate is, and neither do we -- rachel: so will joe go? he's got multiple fundraisers scheduled despite donors reportedly threatening to withhold funds until he drops out. or vp harris at the top of the ticket? >> you need to get to go and need to get to where you need to go. whnch we talk about thes children of the community, they are a children of the community. i love diagrams circles, three
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usually -- [laughter] >> you can't beat playing the hits it doesn't get old. we're going to go off the wall with a look at harris's political record. the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ will: play the rolling stones because piers morgan compared to mick jagger just decided we're all going on sol level of vacation soon. i think i'm going to watch been trying to decide what to watch what -- are you laughing at? pete: jd vance on fox nation? rachel: promoting never ends. i love it. will: veep seen clips but that kamala harris clip i've got to see veep.
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it is crazy it's on the nose, but it is before. it was pre on the nose. bigger one. i recommend the chosen. we've talked about that. rachel: i'm going to watch the chosen. my parents did too so two really great recommendations going love it. will: you've said it was good when i decided to sit down to watch something i want it to be candy like that feels nutritious and i don't want nutrition. i want mcdonald's. i want some mcdonald's. pete: i get it. i saw a tweet from babylon b. saying holding stop the steel rally. they try to steal the nomination away from him. it's his. don't take it away from joe. rachel: bob lon b. is so funny i think i probably most of the things i sengsd your way are
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babylon b. or not the b. the same these days. for sure. thanks for joining us this third hour of "fox & friends" weengsd what day is this? sunday -- july 21st. will: getting late. pete: day of or lord 2024. two firsts, first public rally that donald trump has held since assassination attempt on him exactly a week earlier. also the first rally that he's appeared together with the new vice presidential nominee jd vance both took the stage and here's some highlights. >> i find it hard to believe that a week ago assassin tried to take drump's life and -- in four years, he undid i believe 30 years of damage of
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terrible leadership. are we ready to give him four more years? >> i said earlier this week i stand before you only by the grace of almighty god. further protect michigan autoworkers i will end the biden-harris electric vehicle mandate on day one. it is gong to end on day one. with the right leadership, every disaster, crooked joe biden is created can be fixed and very, very quickly. freedom will be restored. flame of liberty will be burning brights. crooked joab joe biden worst president of our country will be fading memory of the past and great silent majority including once forgotten men and women of our krpght will be one shaping america's magnificent future when i am the 47th president of the united states of america. [applause] rachel: let's bring in our friend, shannon bream from fox
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news sunday. and shannon, if you love trump rallies you can see the wind is on his back. this is like the greatest hits plus, of course, he talked a bit about what happened to him the week before. shannon: it's amazing to think about what's happened in a week. l there folks were united even nec can i haily took the stage got cheers and positive feedback as did ron desantis rivals in the primary, the party felt more united than i've ever seen at a convention. and i think people were very emotional and passionate about okay we have our differences let's close ranks move forward. so i think president trump and now senator vance is his vp pick have all of that wind at their back as you say. heading out to the crowds who feel more doubled down on him than ever before. pete: shannon one of the things left had a lot of extreme rhetoric about how dangerous trump is after the assassination they've had to try to tone it
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back although not very good because it is a central premise of their campaign but one other aspect they've been highlighting hearing more of it more of it as well is this dangerous project 2025 that the left is talking about. it is a heritage foundation effort to both look at policy and personnel in a future administration it's been done before by think tanks preparing way for a new administration. but this one is really being -- demagogued by left as being very dangerous as a result donald trump is rying to distance himself from it heard it before put it out on true social saying this is not my effort not involved we have our own platform campaign. but at the rally yesterday he went further than he has before. talking about project 2025 saying this is not my effort. listen. >> thes other side is going around trying to make me sound extreme. like i'm an extremist. i'm not i'm a person with great common sense. i'm not an extremist at all. like some --
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on the right severe right, came up with this project 25. sort of the opposite of the radical left you have the radical left and you have the radical right and they come up with this i don't know what the hell it is. it is project 25. he's involved in project and then they read smfght things and they are extreme. i mean they're seriously extreme but i don't know anything about it. what they do is misinformation and disinformation and they keep saying he's a threat to democracy. i say what the hell did i do for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. [applause] pete: shannon your thoughts because there's trump alumni that work on heritage but not work on the campaign not officially apartment of this but the political aspect to distance himself. shannon: couple of things as you noted president as former president both rnc said we have official platforms nothing to do with project 25 of course a
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small political universe people who used to work with trump that worked on what was at heritage but seems to be number one thing democrats want to talk about because they're con strangtly trying to tag him with this but second thing i would say is a lot of things that are said about project 25 are not true and maybe trump is thinking what in the world like going to avis rate social security and things that are not part of the plan even though it is separate from president trump. but they do say yes we embrace stuff that people will think is radical we want to get rid of safer department of education. so these are superconservative ideas, kevin roberts president of heritage says this is grassroots conservatism and what we're doing is serving something up on a platter for the president like a number of think tanks do he's commander in chief he's guy in charge he doesn't have to take this but putting this at his disposal. rachel: it is very effective what the democrats are doing i have a daughter who is friends with a lot of, you know, early
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20, you know, young adults. and she's getting calls saying i'm scared about project 2025. demonized online and lies are easy to see they've got memes going around out there that -- describe them in a certain way i had kevin roberts on the will cain show we broke it down and talked about what was behind it and encourage you if you're curious because my personal opinion called heritage foundation vision of the next four years they wouldn't be talking about it today but because it sounds like netflix project 2025 they've turned it into the one thing they can use against donald trump. meanwhile, some of the was used against donald trump was assassination attempt and tomorrow kim cheatle head of the secret service will appear before congress, pete pointed it out earlier rarely does anything definitive come of the hearings what can we expect with the director of the secret service? >> we have james comer on the
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show today chairman of the house oversight committee they're leading that investigation. that starts off tomorrow with that hearing, and i think that's always the question. people feel like congress has these hearings there were sound bites there are promises there are good back and forth fireworkings but does anybody get held accountable a whole idea of anybody within this administration because that's what we're focused on right now. does, you know, get held accountable for things remember when the secretary of defense disappeared for more than a week and people were like where is he? you know number two didn't know that he was in trouble or getting medical treatment. there are all kinds of strange things that happened but this is attempted assassination and for the director of secret service now learning overnight from "the washington post" when a number of conservative outlets were saying that there were denials of requests for help and additional dog and agents all kinds of things secret service said undeniably absolutely false. now a different report overnight so they have tough questions for her. but people at home want to sea
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real action and that takes time. rachel: jesse watters landed interview that came first interview after the convention, and it's going air tomorrow night, and in that, he asked president trump about the two minutes that, you know -- the secret service ided guy knew he was on the building with the gun yet nobody told donald trump to not hit the stage. so watch this. >> mistakes were made. they were monitoring this guy for an hour before hand. no one told you not to take the stage? >> nobody mentioned it nobody said there was a problem. and i would have waited for 15, they could have said let's wait for 15, 20 minutes, five minutes something. nobody said i think that was a mistake. how did somebody get on that roof and why was not he report because people saw he was on the roof you had -- trumpers screaming the woman in the red shirt.
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she was screaming a man on the roof and then other people said there's a man on the roof who's got a gun. and that was -- quite a bit before i walked on to the stage. so you would have thought somebody would have done something about it. will: that's what he told jesse waters talking about that tomorrow night on prime time how much time he said he would have if he had a warning we'll see something like that comes out of that hearing tomorrow. shannon: he was already late for that rally they certainly could have waited for a few more minutes and fact there were local law enforcement others who took photos of this guy who radioed it in. there has to be accounting where that broke down and he took the stage. will: staggering. pete: who do you have on the show? shannon: james comer to preview that hearing tomorrow and couple of democrats try to figure out what to do with their ticket. jake and we've got a biden delegate with us too who does major fund raising for the ticket she says that money has gone away and ask her you listen
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if you have to do this virtual roll call vote for his delegate we'll talk about that. will: we'll be watching shannon thank you so much. >> thank you have a great show. speculation on left continues shannon referred to it who will be -- of the democrats nominee right now we know who it is process has chosen joe biden to be the nominee but questions linger especially since that debate. what's been almost three weeks and it hasn't abated at all here's a axios report of what they believe is going on based on their reporting said, quote, president biden lingering regret and anger when democrats pushed him not to run in 2016 is fueling his determination to stay in the race in 2024. kurpght former biden aids told axios if obama directly pushed biden to not run this time, biden aids told axios it could make biden more resolve to remain nominee former biden aid said he used that chit when
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lobbied against running you don't get to do that more than once. if that reporting is correct, it would be consistent with the stubbornness, frustrations, animosity joe had in latter part of his career being passed over and then winning now trying to push him out. he could get more and more determined there's absolutely no doubt about that. rachel: sympathetic you know you're in trouble when hillary clinton is the only friend left in d.c. to help you out but just think obama presents himself as a great tactician he likes being the guy behind the curtain. he said that in a "60 minutes" interview i would love to have a third term behind curtain doing that big first move to pass over joe biden. for hillary clinton and joab joe biden is convinced donald trump never would have won had it been him and not hillary clinton so here we are, and this place
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obama again trying to say we're going punish you out and he's saying why are you trusting this guy he's a bad political record. will: one of the things fascinating is joe biden's self-view. how he views himself -- how he thinks of joe biden. all of the videos going around of joe biden from the 80s, 90s it is interesting to see who he was. because in a lot of ways he's similar. he did definitely revert from anger as you get older that's easily accessible emotion but his style was like i'm mad but saw himself as an outsider what i'm getting at he's had a chip on his shoulder always run for president numerous times. he's felt rejected even though he's been in the senate forever and when the senate good old boys club never truly dismissed if you want something to go wrong give it to joe biden. that's what i'm getting at is hearing this today all of the enemy rejected him for the
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entire career and told him he couldn't do it and felt like outsider in the club the club is telling him you have to turn off the money and you have got to go and raised 56 million in june and 39 million in june. smaller war chest. so the donors, insiders, the obamas, pelosi, schumers all telling hem to go and he's like -- you've been telling me that for 50 years and it has been like 50 years for 50 years now i'm here. rachel: and he's in control he has the power to, you know, say i'm just going to stay and money can dry up. pete: again appealing to the caricature to the facade of joe biden. this country first, scranton joe, i'll do what's right you know when it is always been about joe. always been about my family so if it is about joe, then he's going dig in right now and say screw all of y'all i think i'm the guy i've got the delegates
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i'll run against you in a populous way and media will help him no matter they will cover for him and create a momentum joe scheme later to make it look and coalesce and may shut the money down now but only option they'll turn it back on and ramp it back up. that's probably what he's counting on. will: trying to sell him on the old, nice -- country above ammunition and he's like never who i've been. what are you talking about? rachel: he's got a small circle important person in that circle is jill biden who has that chip on her shoulder as you say. she's back there saying but there's no way out they have to step down. we'll see what happens. will: turn to additional headlines new overnight kentucky police arresting this man suspected of shooting a tennessee state trooper after more than 24 hourings on the run. he was found in northern
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kentucky earlier this morning. trooper adam was shot friday during a traffic stop in nashville he's now in stable condition officers are searching for a second unidentified suspect. airlines still suffering from crowds strikes global tech outage that knocked airports hospitals and banks offlean since friday. this morning more than 870 flights are canceled and nearly 1,000 flights already delayed throughout the united states. microsoft says about 8 and a half million of its devices were affected in the outage. and those are your headlines. >> still on time. [laughter] >> all right flights -- israeli forces intercepting houthi missile after striking back at the iranian rebel group amid escalating exchange now striking country to country again and katy mcfarr land joins us next.
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♪ ♪ pete: israeli forces intercepting a missile from yemen few hours ago latest in the back and ports between two nations. idf carried out air strike on houthi targets in yemen yesterday. after the iranian proxy groups deadly drone attack on tel-aviv last week. joining us now is former deputy
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national security advisor kt mcfarland thanks for being here this is yet another escalation seen a lot of them. you know, it was iran, this is now the houthis controlled by iran sent a dangerous drone all the way into central israel and striking tel-aviv now israel predictably responsibly is attacking back all of this country on country group on group external raises speck tore of a wider war. >> yeah. here's the problem. all of these countries whether it is iran, russia, china, north korea, they realized that when donald trump comes into office in january, it is tough for them. you know, he'll be tough on them. and the one that has the most to fear of a donald trump presidency is going to be iran. so i think what they're looking at now is a window of opportunity joe biden is weak. who knows if he's going to be president next week, he's didn't know who will be the candidate for the democratic party so they're looking at this as a
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period of time where they should take their hit now. take their move, make their move because there's a window of opportunity that's going to start closing very dramatically the minute donald trump is elected and the minute he takes off. pete: weakness was invitation now absentee president with that weakness as well. really scary window for the country that's part of the reason why at the convention during his acceptance speech for the nomination donald trump promised an american iron dome i'm going to remind our viewers of this. watch. >> in my next term, we will build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our country a dome the likes of which has not been seen and it will be entirely built in the usa and much of it will be built right here in michigan. why shouldn't we have the same protection that other countries have built? pete: kt that was from his rally yesterday and said it at the rnc doubling down on this commitment. in a world of hypersonic
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missiles if we don't have a shield how vulnerable are we? >> we don't even have a shield hypersonic missiles that could act as a detector using them against us. look iron dome the idea of a missile l shield across america that was president reagan's initiative and his star wars proposal i wrote the speech i was in the white house the night he delivered it and if the american -- scientific comupght could have worked on it. should have worked on it, didn't work on it because democrat presidents cut the funding here we are today. wouldn't it nice to have it today and president trump understands that that's the completely game changer because we're the only country that would have the capability of defending and protecting ourselves a country wide defense other than israel against incoming missiles whether it is russian iranian -- >> sdi i remember that. jd vance added to the ticket
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which predictably comes with left wing criticism to include his criticism of the woke ideology in our military. here's what "the washington post" said it leaked a memo that jd vance office put out when he was a senator it says leaked out memo shows anti-woke ideology armed with a questionnaire on hot bit button social issues and hiring practice vance held up more than a year the nominations of dozens of diplomats copy of vance questionnaire a ambassadors they increase the number of gender neutral bathrooms in u.s. embassies or boost resources for gender disforya in care and raise the progress flag during regional pride celebrations so he wanted to know kt are we nominating people who advance the woke agenda i don't think that hurts him at all. >> you know pete i read that i thought it was a joke. because washington post clearly meant it to be we have him now
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got you moment. we got you jd vance right where we want him everybody is reading wow, jd rains is a lot smarter than i thought he was. that's a really good idea. and then other countries are saying that's a terrific idea because we really don't like the american far left wing agenda particularly on sexual issues. shoved down our throats, there were i think a dozen african countries about a year or so ago wrote a letter to president biden saying we love you love your assistance but we don't want you to try to impose your cultural sex wall values on us we have a different tradition, dirchts history and cultural norms keep your own stuff at home don't push it on us. so whether it's an asia or africa or south america, they don't want this stuff they have their own history and traditions and obama administration keeps trying to smother shove it down your throats that's it. pete: china pushing real power
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and we are with lbgt stuff in south africa they don't want it good stuff. kt thank you very much for breaking that down. >> thank you, pete. pete: if you want to know more why he stood up against these things because there's a war on our warriors there's a push to bring woke into social political correct stuff and six weeks on "new york times" list currently number three on the way up i want to thank all of you that have purchased it all of those who gave me behind scenes information people in the military shouting from the rooftops this has to change this woke ideology is making us more vulnerable like in secret service same stuff there that's what we break down in the war on warriors. get it anywhere books are sold. all right trump vows to fight and win in battle ground michigan at first rally since his assassination attempt. fox news contributor charlie hurt on the electoral impact as we inch closer to november. ted .
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♪ ♪ >> there was like a big beautiful four day love fest there was no fight. you know, there was no fight. no screams, no shouting. no get that guy off the platform now they have something to go for the convention, and they have a couple of problems. number one they have no idea who their candidate is and neither do we. >> define donald trump rallying swing state michigan voters. contrasting unity with democrats disarray one week after a gunman tried taking his life. fox news contributor charlie hurt joins us now we don't know who -- who is it going to know who the opponent will be -- what do you make ept to walk
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through this with you charlie what do you make first of this report out there that the camp inside the democratic party standing by joe is hilary and bill clinton. they are actually telling him, stick in the race. >> yeah suspicious of any time people start speculating that oh it is going to be hilary again because i think it is like this absurd like conspiracy of the absurd and we all think okay most absorb thing is going to happen and most absorb thing would be hillary clinton but i'll tell you will moment i started to actually believe this was when bill and hillary clinton decided to back joe biden that was the moment i was like oh no he's in trouble. [laughter] you better watch your back. if you've got them on your side they're coming for you. but wouldn't it be sort of amazing the problem that democrats have they've given us one guy you would think who is --
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too enfeebled to face prosecution for crimes too old been around forever, and then their response would be, to give you hillary clinton -- who is 76 years old. who also was too enfeebled that fbi decided they couldn't prosecute her with no idea what she was doing and so she's unfit to stand trial and been around forever and she's, you know -- they talk about how well she's got, you know, the most experienced person. yeah. in washington -- she was a lawyer in little rock 40 years ago. but other than that, she's not, you know, all of her experience is as a government is in the federal government. and so the idea that they're going replace him with her, have at it. will: here's why charlie is bringing that up and it's a conversation it's beginning, and it is most obvious the most obvious example that may be in the hill where there's an op-ed
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that says ready for round two why we need hilary more than ever arguing for hillary clinton to be the replacement for joe biden. but tried to think that is not just funny. you're right. like it is like a black widow spider crawling into your web and be careful if hilary and joe saying stay in the race you might get nervous if you're joe biden. >> yeah. the only thing that bill and hillary clinton have been really good at they've never really delivered anything for voters or delivered anything for their people. what they're really good at is operating behind scenes the democrat party. and so -- if you've got them on your -- if joe biden has them on their side, on his side, then that means they're up to something. and they're always self-serving never doing something for the good of the people or for the good of somebody else. so if that's -- if that's your wing man, if that's who has your six right
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now, good luck. [laughter] will: really -- really quickly charlie i need to go. but what's your relationship in your understanding between the obama camp and the clirn ton camp obama camp on one side to push joe out clinton camp say nothing we're here to support you, joe. >> i think that's part of what makes me think there's a lot of calculating going on and if there's a lot of calculation going on because they generally work pretty well together. but if there's all of this calculating going on, watch out. because everybody is out for themselves. will: what a fascinating month this is for democrats charlie hurt will be here. >> what an amazing time. will: thank you. all eyes on kamala amid mounting calling for biden to step aside but how would she govern? off the wall to break down her record, next.
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you done other than collect a check? >> trump campaign focusing more now on vice president kamala harris amid grows calls for biden to drop out leading us to the question what would it look like a presidency of kamala harris? >> you immediate to get to go, i need to be teebl get to where you need to go. >> significance of the passage of time so when you think about it, there's great significance to the passage of time. culture is -- it is a reflection of our moment in our time. right? and president cultures way we express how we're feeling about the moment. >> i really love diagrams. you know, the circles right? three usually. [laughter] >> pretty good. that would be we get four years of that. let's not go off the wall to better understand the background of the vice president and policies she has supported. so first of all, before we get into the policies everything
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there's a call for her and one of the first calls for her as a viable candidate came from her own hometown d.a. in san francisco seven members there calling per her path to win. will: that wrote this election is a fight for our democracy and harris is a candidate with the most viable path to victory. that's the argument that the harris camp is making right now. pete: is that yeah -- joe might have been the candidate in 20 but the right guy in 2024? this is just one poll will this poll has them both losing to trump more dramatically harris actually but some others have shown. will: polls suggesting harris may have a better path and won't reflect what it would be if she were the nominee when the entire democratic party coalesce after a big fight and media push would get behind kamala harris. what would the polling look like at that point in time? >> swing states too all scranton joe said i'm better in the work
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belt as with the coastal elite play well in michigan, in pennsylvania, who knows. will: let's take a look at kamala harris what has she done? her first real entree into public service, more so than public life because she was around -- the san francisco mayor, montel williams many others that put her on a public facing stage but her first public office was district attorney. where she was known as in the beginning pete, tough on crime. i mean during her first three years is district attorney in san francisco conviction rates jumped she was hard. hard on prosecutorring prosecuting marijuana. >> now conversion away from you have it on crime. lock them up. and part of that was opposition to marijuana. will: views change now. you've seen videos of her like talking about endorsing at least the decriminalization or
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liberalization of it wasn't always the case in california. pete: there's a big case that defining her time as d.a. she declined she had the opportunity to pursue death penalty when a san francisco police officer isaac was murdered brutally murdered. she instead declined to pursue death penalty and police unions never forgave her that and police said, in fact, at the funeral senator dianne feinstein delivered a eulogy criticized harris who was in the audience got a standing ovation for it so she's been -- cross winds with some of the political powers in california over this. will: what did she do when she arrived at the officer of senator she came out strong against i.c.e. pete that's one of the thingings, i mean, talked radically about coming down hard on i.c.e. pete: it's been a defining attribute as a senator she also donated to the bail fund during the riots 2020 in minneapolis ever since what happened in san
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francisco has looked sideways at law enforcement to include immigrations and custom. will: in 2018 no question we've got to re-examine i.c.e., and its role she's pointed medicare for all. pete: which is government run health care. pete: far lefts wing of the democratic party nay so in that wing in the senate. pete: you cannot deny she's ambitious human being and got to washington, d.c. she read the tea leaves that moving to the left was politically expedient for her deny hard on crime and left wing politics green new deal. >> new scam. will: she represented california at this point which you talk about what wing of the democratic party do you represent? well if you represent california, like gavin newsom you're going to be representing far left side of the democratic party. pete: that's exactly right now she's the nt. she's got a sweet of issues on her plate some of which she embraces some of which she does
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not and vote rights which ultimately voting rights is the name they give it but it was really solidifying loosening like hay did under covid of the protections of how we vote. so getting rid of voter id, more mailout balloting registration no matter what, not talking about, you know, making sure you're a citizen or showing your id. expanding voter pool. will: appointed to be borders are but i don't have much to tell you because nothing was going happen and get to central america to figure out where all of this is coming from. but basically, nothing was done to secure the border under her guidance. pete: she was resentful from it at the geng and went to the border one time and border has been a disaster. that, of course, this is what she is basically premised her entire vice presidency is on fighting against overturn of roe v. wade and making abortion as universal as possible. that when joe talks about kamala he says look what she did on
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women's reproductive rights. will: a centerpiece based upon identity politics of women and black women and already being said if you jump over a black woman you about with trouble we should line them up. line up big names inside that party saying you better not look over kamala not only nominating presidential ticket last week party also adopting a new health platform our next guest is jd vance could be a major asset. next. psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ (♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.
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rachel: rnc releasing 2024 republican party platform at this past week's convention and part that have platform centers on supporting active and healthy living as a way of preventing chronic disease. our next guest argues that jd vance could be a central figure in the push after his wife praised his willingness to adapt to her diet. listen. >> potatoes kind of guy he adapted to my vegetarian food and learned to cook for my mother indian food. >> cofounder of true med author of good energy cali mean joins
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us now great to have you on. first let's address jd's food habits and his health habits so his wife said he's willing to eat vegetarian he eats red meat on record saying he doesn't eat seed oils what do we know about personal habits to influence food policy in the trump administration. >> yeah i think rachel looking at jd's life i think moral clarity to understand american children aren't trying to get nor sicker addicted but incentives he's talked and willing to take on pharma and food industries profiting from us being sick and addicted with opioid he knows the crisis is a pharmaceutical issue. 70% of opioid start with illegal prescription he understands a complex that wants more wars we have a food and a health care industrial complex that needs more sick addicted americans.
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glam amen. >> he's seeing medicaid budget large as defense budget growing faster and it depends on more sick americans, and as you said rachel very importantly he's talked about getting to the roof cause. link between food and health. the reason lower income woman dies 15 years younger than a higher income woman in new york is because of condition like obesity diabetes and heart disease food born illnesses with moral clarity to talk about that and understand that. rachel: this issue is so untapped you and i have been talking about it the entire year maybe more than a year -- this is a bipartisan issue this is probably the most bipartisan issue that you can they have it is also an issue that everyone is talking about how do i get women's vote and also young people on social media, videos reels that are going out on health all of the things that we talked about no seed oil
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carnivore diets so forth but it is a national security issue. 77% of young adults don't qualify for the military due to their health. 50% of young people are overweight or obese. these numbers are staggering. they're sad. >> as you said, the rnc platform says says that center of health care policy should be chronic disease prevention this sounds obvious but it is profound a national security issue we're getting so sick because of our food 95% of health care spending right now goes to after we get sick, we've got to get to the root cause and need moral clarity to see that. a revolutionary change and in the platform people should pay attention to and vance i want a longer conversation and kallie means thanks such an important topic. more "fox & friends" straight ahead.
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