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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  July 21, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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rachel: it is the 9:00 a.m. hour on "fox & friends" weekend starting with this. ready and resilient, a defiant donald trump taking the stage in battleground michigan exactly one week after a gunman tried to assassinate him. >> i stand before you only by the grace of almighty god. they keep saying he's a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell did i do to democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. [chee.>> this as secret service director kim cheatle is set to be grilled on the house tomorrow. the questions that need to be asked and answered. >> candidacy in question, democrats push biden to call the campaign quits but the next in line may not be any better. key donors reported leaving a
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call with vp harris frustrated and annoyed. that's not good. the final hour of "fox & friends weekend" starts right now. ♪ >> i was getting my boat on, she was telling me so long. rachel: people don't realize, pete actually has a really good voice. he took chorus in high school. >> i was in the choir. i was a tenor, me and three of my buddies. >> valedictorian, ocd pete was in the choir. rachel: it's not the image you put on the back of your book. you're a renaissance man. >> i've been through iterations in life as we talked about on the couch. one of those is the military.
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i have a gift for you this morning. brent and brian casey of valor coins and pins came yesterday, he is an 82nd airborne vet, they run a challenge coin company that supports the woody wilson foundation, they support gold star families. he gave me my first ever personal challenge coin. i've had unit coins. i've never had one for me. you have to shake my hand and go like this and i give you -- i just coined you. will, a coin from major pete leg hegseth. >> thank you so much. >> forgotten country is the theme. you can't see this. i'll get it up here. it's a beauty. rachel: it says christ is king and a this is the cross that got you in trouble on january 6th. >> the jerusalem cross got me in trouble. this is my unit and this is the combat badge. the company is they're veteran owned, a great
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company. rachel: what's this? >> that's my unit from the 101st airborne unit i was a part of. rachel: congratulations. >> you give it out. i gave it to my son rex this morning. he was the first recipient, got up early and came to the show with me. if my kids behave, maybe they'll get a coin. carry it around and a -- >> you give it away. >> if you run into a lieutenant colonel or general you lose, you have to buy a beer. rachel: how often do you run into them? not often. >> i wonder how many challenge coins below majors you would find. >> not many. major's pretty low on the totem pole. >> jd vance joined donald trump on the rally yesterday for the first time in grand rapids, michigan. they took to the stage and they made their case. >> i find it hard to believe
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that a week ago an as s's sasin tried to take donald trump's life. now we have pool welcoming him back on the campaign trail. kamala harris said i have no loyalty to this country. but i don't know kamala. i did serve in the united states marine corpses and built a business, what the hell have you done, other than collect the check? what is radical about making more of our own stuff in michigan, in ohio, in pennsylvania? nothing. what is radical about telling the drug cartels and the violent gangs across the world you're not welcome in this country? you know, there's nothing radical about having a strong national security. we had a hell of a four years with president donald trump, didn't we? [cheers and applause] >> in four years he undid i believe 30 years of damage of terrible leadership.
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are we ready to get four more years? >> as i said earlier this week, i stand before you only by the grace of almighty god and now we having coming up where they're going to go through the convention and they have a couple of problems. number one, they have no idea who their candidate is, and neither do we. they keep saying he's a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell did i do for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. [cheers and applause] >> what did i do against democracy. to further protect michigan auto workers, i will add the biden-harris electric vehicle mandate on day one, it's going to end on day one. with the right leadership every disaster crooked joe biden has created can be fixed and very, very quickly. freedom will be restored. the flame of liberty will be burning bright. crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country, will be a fading memory
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of the past and our great silent majority including the once forgotten men and women of our country will be the one shaping america's magnificent future when i am the 47th president of the united states of america. >> one of the things i noticed in this -- coming out of this rally is as one would expect, when donald trump took the stage at the rnc this weekend, his apernses after the attended as assassination, he looked like -- you might be considering what just happened. this looked like donald trump returning, this looked like him feeling some level of security, some level of normalcy. he was making jokes. he was having fun. he was poking fun at himself, making fun of h hair, laughing about his comeover. he looked comfortable one week after an assassination attempt.
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rachel: when i went to a diner in m milwaukee, i said did he sm changed to you. he said i don't want to see him changed too much. what's interesting, the republican party, donald trump for all the drama and the theater and a the performances of last week, it really is a very policy oriented campaign. it's not about image. it's not like the barack obama empty suit thing. there's some real policy here and just think about the changes in the party that in michigan, the workers love donald trump, the auto workers do. the executives, not so much. this is a change, a fundamental change in the gop that donald trump embodies and i think in picking jd he sort of solidified that. >> they look comfortable as as a duo too. it's an authentic reflection of
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america first. jd vance knows how to articulate it very well. he will be focused on the economic impact of the message, considering his background, the state he represents will be immensely helpful in that part of the country so it is whip lash. it was this time last week we were astonished with the devastating news of the assassination attempt and we went through an entire convention, a very successful one and he's back on the campaign trail in the same way, warp speed is how trump operates. operates. rachel: warp speed. the people are loving him again. back in the bush days, the workers with the democrat party and the executives were with the republican. it's a change. >> the head of t teamsters highlighting -- it's a whole other word. the secret service director is set to testify on capitol hill tomorrow on the attempted assassination of president trump. rachel: we're learning new details about the failures, the tragic failures that led up to the shooting including a
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shocking report saying that the secret service denied trump's request for more security at the event, that's something they said did not happen last week and they are walking that back now. >> fox news national correspondent cb cotton has more from butler, pennsylvania. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. i'm told by a federal force that when ever former president donald trump's security detail was denied a request for more resources or man power, it was because the secret service was, quote, too thin. but now the agency for the first time ever is going on record to acknowledge what members within trump's inner circle have been saying for quite some time and agency spokesperson telling fox news, in part, quote, in some instances where specific secrete service specialized units or resources were not provided, the agency made modifications to ensure that security of the protecty. this admission comes after the
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washington post reported in the two years leading up to the assassination attempt on trump's life last week, members of his security detail were sometimes rejected after requesting more manpower and gear to screen people at sporting events and a large public gatherings. the rally in butler, pennsylvania was reportedly not one of those events where resources were denied. in fact, u.s. officials said trump's security had been enhanced after u.s. intelligence learned of an iranian assassination plot against trump. lawmakers say, though, this makes the security lapses during the campaign rally in pennsylvania last saturday even more puzzling. tomorrow, those lawmakers will take those questions directly to secret service director kimberley cheatle. >> we were told there were
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resources diverted to nato and the first lady. did that happen? there were a finite number of buildings that needed to be secured. why wasn't that done. this shooter is identified at 6:09. 6:11, president trump is shot. that critical two minutes, what happened? >> reporter: tomorrow's congressional hearing could be the first of many to probe the assassination attempt. house homeland security committee chair mark green and ten of the committee's members are set to visit the rally site on monday morning and now representative brendan boyle has become the first congressional democrat to the join a chorus of other republican voices calling for the secret service director to resign. he released a statement saying, quote, the evidence coming to light has shown unacceptable operational failures. back to you. >> thank you. that's an important note. that's an important he position for a democrat to stand up and ask questions about. we highlighted it and sometimes -- i made a joke yesterday, in
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that i'm hesitant to give oxygen to someone like joy reed on msnbc who is asking ridiculous questions. i feel like it's not a tree falling in a forest when someone says something on msnbc to no ratings effect, it can cause an avalanche of other trees to fall. if ridiculous conspiracy theories about this being staged are parroted by joy reed, michael steele or others, it takes off. there's a morning consults poll that shows one in three democrats believe that this was staged. they believe the conspiracy that this, i don't know whether or not it's a shard of glass or it was done for his political benefit, they believe it was staged, this attack on donald trump. >> that's why they say that, is that they -- yeah, i've seen that number. actually, sadly it doesn't surprise me. that's probably about the core number of democrats inflicted
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with terminal trump derangement syndrome. >> they just can't see anything other than -- >> it's on the tape. when you do these focus groups or polls and you bring this up, you realize somebody died in this. they say well nothing would be beyond donald trump. >> nothing for him to mastermind. rachel: these are the same people who on january 6th don't acknowledge that ashley babbit, a trump supporter is the only one who died there. they're willing to believe all kinds of fairs testifies. meanwhile, the -- narrative t. meanwhile the trump family is not happy. a tweet by donald trump junior said things are not moving quickly enough. they imagine if this were another person other than donald trump, that the investigations investigationcalls for the secre head to come down or to be fired would have come much quicker from even democrats. only one so far. meanwhile, jesse watters got the first interview with donald
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trump and jd after the convention. it's going to air tomorrow night. and in it, he asked a question that so many people are asking which is do you actually trust the fbi to run this investigation? listen. >> the fbi is doing an investigation on the assassination attempt. do you trust the bureau he? ?>> i don't trust the bureau leadership. i think there's a lot of good agents, guys on the ground. what was going on, how was he allowed to be there in the first play. somebody really did you screw up. >> there's things going on with the government that we have to worry about. did we have enough people? somebody said a lot of people were you put on biden's people. he doesn't draw anybody. he draws flies. rachel: draws flies. and also they were sent to jill biden's event, you know, so that's the other concern and why did the killer, would-be killer
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have a drone he flew before the event but the secret service never flew a drone. who is this kid? that's another question that people have. who is he? why did he have thr three encryd overseas accounts. that's weird. my kids don't even have gas in the car. there's a lot of questions. >> the trumps are used to it at this point, the double standard. rachel: they're sick of it. the country's sick of it. >> this is an assassination attempt. if you can't muster a passion about the need to get to every single detail that you're talking about, and hold people actually accountable -- look at that. look at the families of abby gate. there's never been be accountability. trump said that very powerfully in the first debate. remember what he said? no one's been fired. no one's been held accountable. in this case here we go again, to the detriment of the security of a president. it's an absolute scandal. rachel: don't you think based on the information we know
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already, without even the hearings next week, i mean, i would think you would be fired. if you were in the private sector and your job was to guard the president, and you had the closest building with no one on top of it, you had two minutes of knowing there was a guy with the gun on top and you let the president be on stage, you never flew a drone, you would be fired. >> yeah. i guess -- rachel: yeah. >> i will just say this, that like this -- that is not at the priority for me at this moment. like firing kim cheatle is not the priority. the priority is to find the truth and the details. sometimes we get distracted like cat nip over firing somebody. there has to be accountability. first you have to get to the truth, to what went wrong and then you hold people accountable. rachel: do you trust the fbi to do that. >> we're not close to doing that, we haven't begun the process of what happened saturday. you can add the number one, add
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another to the number of democrats -- he self identify as an independent now. joe manchin has called on joe biden to drop out of the race. he's the 36th democrat to say it's time to go. >> the numbers continue to grow as do the reports from behind the scenes of the problems inside the the biden, harris c. now it's with donors. there's a report about a dougher nor call gone wrong. the donor said it was a total failure, said one source who was on the call and spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide a candid assessment. kamala harris was on the call with the donors, said it was damaging, poor planning. at the end of the call hundreds of participants were unmuted and one person declared the call was ludicrous, according to two sources. it continues in the report, saying what angered many donors the source said was during the wait, donors were admonished,
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participants of the call were told they need to lock it in and get behind biden to not pursue efforts to push out the president. rachel: so they're on the call and they're being scolded by the biden team to like get on board and these donors were actually calling to get information and feel more reassured about giving their hard earned money over to the biden campaign. it would have been fun to be on that call. >> they brought in kamala harris. rachel: pete? >> which is an awkward thing to do. that's who everyone wants to give their money to apparently. not to joe. ananger and admonishment won't t the campaign on track. obj>> you think you can shame billionaires and millionaires in probably not. rachel: if the donors decide they're not going to give to joe biden, that money, they they could decide to give it to the house races which could make it harder for republicans who are running in really tough races so
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there's all kinds of dynamics to this. >> we'll see. we turn to a few additional headlines. the idf said they intercepted a missile from yemen, one day after the group launched a deadly attack on tel aviv. kt mcfarland joined us earlier, blaming biden's weakness for the attacks. >> they're looking at this as a period of time where they should take their hit now, take their move, make their move because there's a window of opportunity that's going to start closing very dramatically the minute donald trump is elected. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will meet with joe biden this tuesday. and dallas firefighters say first baptist da dallas' sanctuy may have to be demolished after a fire. robert jefers says he plans to hold a service nonetheless. >> as important as that building was to us, we know the
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church is not really about brick and mortar, it's about people and our people are more resolute than ever to fulfill our god-given mission. >> the fire's cause is under investigation. today's services will go on at a nearby convention center. and those are your headlines. they have a brand-new big, modern sanctuary. that was the historic one. that's sad. >> it's sad, had texas historical landmark seal up front. rachel: you mentioned benjamin netanyahu coming this week. there were reports that joe biden didn't want to step down before benjamin netanyahu- >> i heard that too. rachel: he didn't want to give the satisfaction apparently to -- >> stubborn to the end. we'll see what happens. congresswoman anna paula luna joins us next.
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there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way.
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>> mistakes were made, they were monitoring this guy for an hour beforehand. no one told you not to take the stage? >> nobody mentioned it. nobody said there was a problem. and i would have waited. i think that was a mistake. how did somebody get on that roof and why wasn't he reported? people saw that he was on the roof. so you would have thought somebody would have done something about it.
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>> this morning still more questions than answers over the massive security fail leading to donald trumps' attempted assassination. rachel: the secret service director, kimberley, will be in the hot seat tomorrow to answer some of them as she faces a hearing before the house overtights sight committee. >> our next guest sits on the commit at this moment anna paulina luna joins us now. thank for being with us this morning. a lot of anticipation in advance of this interview. what would be your primary goal coming out of this interview, what would you like to hear from the secret service director? >> first of all, i want to know who ultimately made the decision to prevent trump from actually being protected that day. you know, we do see that mayorkas is stonewalling our subpoenas to be able to understand what happened with communication between secret service. i also too have some questions about who exactly this kid was working with. so we do know that he was a
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gamer. he was operating on a website called discord, which is a chat room. it's very likely with the equipment that he came up with, the explosives and detonator that he was working with someone and so i think from a forensics and digital perspective that's going to be incredibly important. as you know, we have an incredible issue right now with secret service and more importantly i want to know why she's not resigning. i think tomorrow it's likely she'll step down. >> will there be a classified and declassified version of this as the investigation is ongoing? how much will she be able to say publicly? >> you know, the one frustrating thing we continued to hear from secret service and really from bureaucrats is this is an ongoing investigation which is why i really pushed along with a number of my colleagues to do a separate committee to investigate this and so i do believe that the american people deserve answers right away, i don't think there should be a classified version of this. everyone needs to know what happened here. >> i aagree. >> this is incredibly dangerous. rachel: it's super revealing
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that alejandro mayorkas is stonewalling on subpoenas when knows the entire nation wants answers to this. i mean, it's just -- that guy, it's unbelievable. i want to know more about this kid as well. i mean, will that be part of the investigation? we know he has oversea encrypted account. what 20-year-old has that? you know, and also are you going to get into was he -- apparently he googled depression. was he on psychotropis drugs. >> i would hope the chairman would start to send subpoenas to server platforms like discord and as well as other gaming services he was using to see who he was chatting with, tracing ip addresses. i agree with all of the above. we didn't get our briefing from secret service until days after the fact. that should have happened immediately. this goes to show that right now as congress we're not a respected co-equal branch of
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government so this administration is pushing back. i want to remind the american people that biden ultimately made the decision to not give rfk secret service after he had been threatened. i think that leadership in addition to it being the secret service director and secretary's responsibility it's also biden's responsibility to ensure that people that are running for office have fair protections and i don't think he did that. rachel: do you trust the fbi to handle this investigation? >> no. not at all. and i've made that publicly known on a number of occasionses. i think the fbi has again like jd vance said great people on the ground but i don't trust their leadership. i think it's become very evident over the last couple years that there is a weaponized double standard within the justice system also too, look, regardless of whatever your political leanings are, what happened with president trump should have never gone down and the fact is, is that if that would have president biden, if that would have been kamala harris, members of congress, we wouldn't have been allowed on stage. why did that happen? i think the american people deserve answers to this and i think the fbi really needs to
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take a look at what its true mission is. >> you make a good point about the detonator and the explosives, there's got to be a lot of evidence that can be gathered from that. anna paulina luna, we hope you find a lot of those answers tomorrow. thank you. rachel: thank you, congresswoman. >> thank you. >> a triumphant trump telling voters he took a bullet for democracy which is true in his return to the rally stage and breaking this morning, west virginia senator joe manchin to the become the latest to pressure biden to call his campaign quits. pollster lee carter reacts next. pretty cool to tell you. we're officially at wal-mart! and not just this wal mart, in our hometown of rockford, illinois. we're also in these stores nationwide, too. so the next time you're craving a simple, delicious coffee, that'll give you the caffeinated motivation to get through the day. it also gives back to sick and injured first responders. stop by your local wal-mart and grab a bag
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>> i stand before you only by the grace of almighty god. they keep saying he's a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell did i do for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy.
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[cheers and applause] >> defiant donald trump taking the stage in swing state michigan, exactly one week after a gunman tried to assassinate him. so how will this message resonate with voters? pollster lee carter joins us now. good morning, lee. great to have you on the program. what do you make of the message? it's clearly focused on these swing states. pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. jd vance's selection probably very focused on this portion of the country as well. how do you see that message resonating with that all-important voter? >> resonates really, really strongly. i think there's some really interesting polling that we've been seeing over time. joe bidens' been running on donald trump being a threat to democracy but in swing states when you ask them who you believe is better suited to handle the threat to democracy, 44% of voters say donald trump, only 33% say biden. this was before the incidents reel recently so really people are saying donald trump is the one that's able to handle the
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threats to democracy, he's the one standing up for us, he's the one out there saying you know, you will not be silenced. i'm going to be your voice. ism going to fight for you. and that's really resonating. donald trump the fighter is what people are looking for. that's exactly what he delivered last night. >> one of things that's curious to me in the polling question, what does the respondent mean or what do they assume is meant when you say threat to democracy. the democrats mean to imply that donald trump is an authoritarian, that he is the threat to democracy. when you have others, 46% saying donald trump is the best protecter of the democracy. i assume they are saying well all this subversion of the branches of government, threatening of the supreme court by joe biden, that's a real threat to democracy. this term has become a record ta threat to democracy. >> it's not what you say that matters, it's what people hear. when you talk to democrats they you view it differently, they think about authoritarianism,
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many of them they go into the supreme court and talk about roe versus wade as if that is what mean by democracy. when you talk to republicans it's about the ability to have their voice heard, their vote counted. many of the things we think of when you think about freedoms in this country. and so it is a very different question depending on where you sit. >> the breaking news of the hour, lee, is that joe manchin, senator joe manchin called on joe biden to end his re-election campaign, he was a democrat in the past. he is an independent now. what is the significance of joe manchin calling on joe biden to drop out of the race? >> well, it's significant because he represents not just the democrats, he really represents the sort of -- the third party, many people who say i don't really have a place that i belong anywhere. so for him to come out and, yes, he registers as a democrat but many people identify with him as an independent or as a person that's able to go either way and
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i think because he's coming out, is now saying -- everybody's now saying the same thing. it's not just his own party. it's people across the aisle are sasaying is enough is enough. you're seeing protests at the white house asking for him to step down and i think it's just -- more than 81% of americans right now believe that joe biden's not fit to serve a second term so i think we're starting to see this all fall out. >> lee carter, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> while we watch white house in crisis, cognitive coverup, it's about all of those that participated in hiding from the american public the condition of the sitting president, it's on fox nation right now. coming up, trump and vance rally battleground michigan vowing to protect auto workers and end biden's ev agenda. maria bartiromo on the message the gop ticket sends to the working class, next. ou
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends" 6789 let's take a look at the weather maps. we've got a lot of precipitation coming this week across parts of the south, it's going to cause flooding. over the next seven days across areas of the west, not that much except for the southwest. we've got a great monsoon season going on. much of the rim, areas of arizona towards the higher elevation will get a lot of rain. look across much of southeast texas, some spots there this
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week getting up to 10 inches of rain, going to cause a big flooding threat. that extends through the southeast and eventually in across much of the carolinas towards virginia. this is how this plays out. flood threat with us each of the next four days, i'm sure this will be extended for thursday and friday as well. notice most of texas where this bull's-eye of flash flood threat is going to be. we've had so much flooding across parts of texas this year. more of that unfortunately coming this week. all right. send it back to you guys inside. >> thank you, rick. good to see you. brother. president trump promising swing state michigan auto workers and manufacturers that he's got their back. >> to further protect michigan auto workers, i will end the biden/harris look trick vehicle mandate on day one. it's going to end on day one. [cheers and applause] >> i will immediately terminate the green new scam and we're going to use that money to build roads and highways and bridges. >> here with what this would mean for americans and their
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wallets, sunday morning futures anchor, our friend, maria bartiromo. great to see you. maria: hey, pete, good to see you. good to see you in milwaukee as well. >> it was a nice reunion there in m milwaukee. you saw the rally last night. the economic message was front and center both from donald trump and jd vance. and i feel like that plays pretty well in a place like michigan. maria: absolutely. michigan at one point was really the home of auto manufacturing and detroit of course the father of making cars, so i think it resonated real well. i think people are remembering what the economy was like under president trump and he continues to reiterate his themes of extending the tax cuts, as well as opening up the spigots of oil production which can go a long way in terms of moving the economy forward. but the bottom line here is both vance and trump are talking about a growth plan. you don't really see a plan for
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growth out of this administration. and evs is one obvious example. it's very expensive. they are also the components largely made in china, a lot of them. and so that message resonates real well and i think when you are talking to people in high economic type regions like a michigan, you're going to speak right no jobs. you're going to speak about that economic growth plan. so i think the most important issue about all of this when you're talking about whether it's auto manufacturing or opening up the spigots of oil is the fact that this team seems to have a growth plan and that's really what we need right now with so many questions about an economy that is slowing, wages outpacing -- wages underperforming, rather, and inflation outpacing wages, pete. >> yeah. government plans versus growth plans. maria: that's right. >> we've seen how when put side-by-side how they affect the economy. what do you have coming up on sunday morning futures. maria: we're talking about all of that we're digging deep into the investigation that is
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underway about what went wrong at that last saturday rally that president trump had a bullet that grazed his ear so we're talking about this this morning. p ron johnson is going to be announcing his own bipartisan investigation into what went wrong, ron johnson has a team of investigators that he has a preliminary report already. he's going to talk about those preliminary finings. i'll leave you with one thing that ron johnson is going to explain to us when he comes up live. after the shooter was shot by secret service and taken down, the local officers went up to that roof and started taking pictures of the dead body, of the shooter's body. so suddenly a guy in a gray suit walks up the ladder and goes up to the roof and this guy in the gray suit who didn't appear to have he credentials, everybody assumed he was the secret service so he tells one of the local law enforcement, send
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those pictures to this cell phone and he gives them a number, and everybody assumed that must be secret service. it turns out it wasn't secret ser visms we're going to tell you who that person was and what agency the local enforcement sent the pictures to. ron johnson has it all in his preliminary report and it's pretty incredible. we're digging deep into this investigation of that massive security failure that occurred when a shooter was able to get seven shots out and of course grazing president trump's ear and killing corey comperatore which we all pray for his family right now. we're talking about that this morning. we'll talk with eric trump of course president trump's son about a very successful republican national convention and what comes next. we're talking with congressman ronnie jackson, dr. ronnie jackson, doctor to three former presidents. trump, bush, obama. and he examined president trump. he put out a statement yesterday about what he found. we'll talk about that. we'll talk with virginia governor he glenn youngkin
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because virginia has suddenly become more than just a swing state. there's a lot of independents moving toward trump. we'll talk about that as well and round it up with newt begin gingrich after the rnc. we have a big show coming up. >> you can watch maria's show in about 12 minutes. thank you, maria. maria: thanks, pete. >> up next, the view goes to war with a teenager and melania can walks the red carpet. hulk hogan runs wild. i want you to read brother. it's rachel's pop culture round-up. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪
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♪ rachel: all right. it's time for pop culture roundup. the rnc convention edition. lisa booth is here to break it down, the biggest moments from milwaukee. i'm excited about this edition. we're going to start off with whoowhoopie goldberg, slamming trump's 17-year-old granddaughter for not getting the memo you're not allowed to humanize trump. listen. >> i know his grandchild was up on the thing and they're trying to humanize him and change your idea about who this guy is.
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don't fall for that. rachel: lisa, don't fall for the teenager talking about her grand be pa. >> continue to hate him, continue to dehumanize him. that's really what people like this lady right here has done. they don't want you to see donald trump as human. they try to dehumanize him, he's hitler, a threat to democracy. the reason why is that it creates an environment like what we saw on -- rachel: who do you believe, whoopie goldberg on the granddaughter who gets calls during school from her grandpa. >> she made -- everyone's had a grandpa who sneaks you candy and soda. she made the honor roll and he printed it off to show his friends. she said she's had enough of what people said about her grandfather. rachel: it worked because it's authentic. melania steals the show with her surprise entrance at the trump family center stage, trying to
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show unity as well. what's amazing is the dress, christian dior, eat your heart out anna wintour, who refuses to put her on vogue. >> could she be any more beautiful. rachel: it's impossible. >> my jaw hit the floor. she wanted to be there, by her husband's side after the attempted assassination. she put out a beautiful letter, talking about her husband, his love of music, he's a warm, loving husband. rachel: they're criticizing the kids,ly savment they're saying he didn't -- the kiss, they're saying he didn't kiss her on the lips. have you been made up, you give a side kiss. give me a break. they can't stand she's fashionable and she's a republican. >> did they miss her getting emotional. they're just jerks. she looked amazing, the most stunning first lady. never on a magazine cover,
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though. rachel: hulk hogan, kid rock and dana white brought the energy rock star style to the convention. watch. >> fight, fight. >> fight, fight. >> say fight, fight. >> fight, fight. >> run wild, brother. >> i'm in the tough guy business. this man is the the toughest, mt resilient human being in my life. rachel: thoughts. >> >> what i loved about this, america feels so weak. americans, we sort of lost this exceptionalism, america is great, america is strong. what we've seen with the trump, vance ticket is america reasserting itself. make america great again. trump said at the rally, i took a bullet for democracy. owe he stood up, raised his fif. we have jd vance. we need that in america again. rachel: they're blue color
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celebrities, a bigger difference than barba barbara streisand. ly lisa booth will be on the weekend show. >> i hope you watch. rachel: tonight, 7:00 p.m. want to catch that. more "fox & friends" moments away. >> bye, guys.
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