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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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the last three weeks with a heavy heart i have said the president has the ability, the president, joe biden affront to all of us and we have known them for a long time has the ability for the last five months of his presidency to be the president he always wanted to be. be able to unite the country, bring it back together. hehe will go down with the legay unlike many peoples with the finest and truly a patriot, and an america that it come with a heavy heart to think the time has come for him to pass the torch to new generation. eric: president biden facing yet another defect at west virginia senator joe manchin. the former democrat turned independent. now joining 35 congressional democrats all calling on the president to end his reelection campaign. but, president biden still at his house in rehoboth beach, delaware recovered from covid he remains defiant. no sign he will step aside, his campaign's" he is in this race to win. he is going to beat your
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president for a second term. hello everyone i am eric shawn former joe manchin communication director jonathan will be here at the senator's thoughts. but first, this. the investigation continuing at this hour into the attempted assassination of former president trump. secret service now responding to reports that over the past two years he repeatedly denied request from former president trump's campaign for additional security citing staffing issues. the agency saying it is stretched thin sometimes having to rely on local police. this is a brand-new hour of "fox news live" hi arthel. arthel: hello eric hello everyone my phil neville former president trump is also speaking out his first interview after the shooting but he told jesse watters the agent on his detail never told him not to get on stage. even though there was a person of interest on the roof of a building about an hour before his pennsylvania at rally last t
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saturday. secret service director kimberly now facing growing calls to resign. >> and want to know who ultimately made the decision to prevent trump from actually being protected that day. we do see mayorkas' stone morning our subpoenas to understand it happen with between secret service and more important they want to know why she's not resigning i think tomorrow you'll see it is likely she will step down. live team fox news coverage for alexis mcadams is in grand rapids, michigan the former president held his rally yesterday. the first one since the shoot retired mip inspector paul mauro on the ground in butler, pennsylvania for fbi agents are continuing to go to the evidence. arthel: first were going to cb cotton with them butler on more in the investigation what you learning? >> hi arthel, secret service director kimberly cheatle to our knowledge has yet to visit the site and the attempted
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assassination here butler, pennsylvania will be asked to secret service spokesperson told us in part quote the site is an fbi crime scene. we are not conducting that part of the investigation. despite having never been to the rally site director cheatle will testify before lock makers tomorrow on capitol hill but this after congressional committees and the biden administration launched investigations into the attempted assassination of republican presidential nominee donald trump. her testimony comes as fox news confirms in the two years leading up to the assassination attempt on trump's life, members of his security detail were sometimes rejected after requesting for more manpower and gear to screen people at large public gatherings paid these details of first reported by te "washington post" prompting the secret service to acknowledge a people and trumps inter- circle have been saying for some time. the agency shared in part quote in some instances where specific
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secret service specialized units or resources were not provided, the agency made modifications to ensure the security of the protective. but a federal source tells me the rally in butler, pennsylvania was not one of the events where resources were denied. in fact u.s. official said trump security had been enhanced after u.s. intelligence learned of an iranian assassination plot against trump. lawmakers say this makes a security lapse during the trump campaign rally in pennsylvania even more puzzling. tomorrow those lawmakers will take their questions directly to secret service director cheatle. >> there are reports the shooter had a drone just a few hours before the event, scoping it out. there were reports there were secret service in the building where the sniper shooter was on the roof they did not go on the roof because it was too hot. we have lots of questions.
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>> tomorrow's congressional hearing could be the first of many. we don't house all month security committee chairman mark greene and 10 of the members are set to tour that rally site tomorrow morning. arthel: alright cb cotton live in butler, pennsylvania thank you. >> in four years he suddenly ended four years of damage to terrible leadership are we ready to give in former years? [cheering] >> will be the most important election but will not let this slip by or we are not going to have a country big. >> what an idea for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. [cheering] >> for president trump of course last night holding his first campaign rally since last week's assassination attempt. former president and his running mate senator jd vance made a pitch to working-class voters. preparing in the key battleground state of michigan come grand rapids that's where
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we are this morning where the rally was held last night. >> inside of that rally here in grand rapids, michigan we can tell you the mood was selected from the moment jd vance came on stage and introduce former president trump people were standing and they kept on clapping a lot of people did not set down even the trump talked for quite some time. in the beginning he reflected back on exactly what happened out there in butler, pennsylvania at remembering those gunshots that nearly took his life. it was an emotional day also inside the rally for people to hear him recount that. they really tried to focus jd vance and trump on that working-class voters here in michigan which is going to be an important battleground state, watch. >> the republican party is now the party of the people. we are at hard-working americans tin every race, color and creed. the other side is going around trying to make me sound extreme. like i am an extremist. i am not.
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i met person with great common sense. not an extremist at all. >> ois something radical about stopping the poison, and the games, and the criminals from taking care of our country but we are going to shut down the border. >> so, take a look at the long lines as thousands of people wrapped around the grand rapids arena for blocks people camped out overnight to get a seats the capacity of the arena is 12000 people at look like every seat was full they also added seats right before the former president was speaking to each person had to go to airport security federal, state local police on high alert. people say i was going to show up no matter what they will show up in november, watch. >> when, in 2016 i traveled the state and i would see these trump signs all across the state in the farmlands i said a while, he is going to win, way before i'm starting to see it now from people that never put a sign out there. >> i think joe biden has shown
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what he can do for the country, obviously on gas prices are higher. food prices are higher. >> michigan is going to turn red. >> of the question is did this attempted assassination impact trumps poll numbers? check this out according to the abc news poll that was just released this morning, trumps favorability is now 40% rate ths the highest it has been in four years. meanwhile president biden sits at 32%. that is an eight-point difference back out here live we have been to quite a few trump rows especially recently i can type from being in that room there's a lot of excitement and cheering has solidified his base now more than ever after this attempted assassination people are backing him and say they will stand with him to this entire thing. he's not really talk about president joe biden or vice president kamala harris they said they don't know who there's going to be from really going to go to jd ohio.
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good to see you. >> for more on this former president trump of the investigation into the pennsylvania at rally shooter we are going to bring in paul morrow retired nypd inspector and fox news contributor. first of all, thankfully it last night's rally was without incident. i am wondering, moving forward should the candidate and the campaign make more adjustments? last night's rally for instance was held indoors. >> if indoors is always easier to secure for a number of obvious reasons. good fixed points of ingress and egress those are places you can put up magnetometers for you can or want of people, you can pat people down. you can also secure other lines of sight toward the principal even if it's three to 60 degrees circular situation. where as in an open field where you have a similar set up you
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have so many more points of observation. up in trees, on rooftops, et cetera. those are much harder to secure her. i takes a lot more resources. as we spoke about yesterday, what the security team once and maybe what donald trump once could be quite different. in this case i'm told by people on the ground that i spoke to there was a difference in this event from prior events including outdoor events that have been held here in butler. attendees tell us this event was much more shambolic did not seem to be near as much organization for the isles were filled, people or just walking in. many people were not checked it doesn't look like there was some serious organizational breakdown for this particular event but i suspect is going to be a hot wash as it's called, lessons learned. arthel: breakdown of communication between security on the ground including fbi agents, not social security but
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secret service? and also the campaign just wondering where that communication breakdown you are talking about. >> according to my sources, i've been hearing this for six weeks now, trump campaign has been asking for more resources. nipping at the bronx rally which was also an outdoor event they were denied for many of the reasons we have been hearing. arthel: were going to get into that. [inaudible] 's prevent paul i know you're outside it's our view to hear me. i am sorry for that. we're going to let eric get into that a little more in terms of the breakdown and terms of what the secret service did or did not. i was just wondering if you were able to assess exactly where the chaos started? it seems like a breakdown across the board in terms of communication. maybe not enough advanced security and clearly not enough sweeping of the area. i was wondering if you were able
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to assess all of that. >> commissioners have told me there were three pre-meetings before the event. but there is reporting at least one of them the service did not attend. i have not corroborated that but that is inexcusable. you have to do at least three meetings in an event like this pretty hefty to sweeps. you have to identify points of vulnerability. what you also need to do as a final sweep before the principal takes the stage and that is on the service. they should have looked around the should've been someone who stood up in the command center and say why is that roof that we have designated, why is that roof not covered? that's another point of failure right when he was taken the stage he never should've taken the stage and that's going to be a real point of investigation. arthel: absolutely but we are showing right now as were talking live shots from the drone shot of the investigation site. you can see it's a wide-open
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field. wide open field. let me move on i have a couple more things i want to address with you. based on any looming threat on the security front how would you advice both residential campaigns to proceed in the next 106 days until election day? for for one of things you do when your and exceeded. like this you have to make sure your intel is up to speed but this is often forgotten about its ministerial and happening in the background. from all indications thomas crooks did not have much of a footprint and that may not have worked here. all levels of state, local, federal this intel gathering intel sharing. i am told the agency is involved here have subpoena and search warrant power are looking at some of the stuff put out the threats come in and chasing them down yes it's labor-intensive. a lot of times when you do the backward look the answer we all get is how was that missed?
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i note none of us are a stranger to that that is a big part of it in the adding of the resources we don't need to be there. again protocols in place need to be followed with these protocols are in place but how could it be a protocol set by the secret service, with the meetings they all supposedly attended this event looks to have been so disorganized and so badly communicated among the law enforcement. they should all be on one attack so they can talk to each other. that's another thing they need to look at internal communications at the event have to be standardized. arthel: paul, we are showing this drone shot an aerial shot you are looking at it going is this a good place for a rally for the former president of the united states? it is a wide open field i do not know who did the site survey and the beginning and thought this will be safe. >> obviously very hard to secure. it is the heart of this county
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there's a lot of farmland here. it was securable there is a recent thomas crooks ended up on the roof he ended up on they missed that spot. there's a lot of reporting who should have been in and around it and who was or not been in and around had that been secured this could of got off without a hitch. remember, they did spot him but there's a breakdown in communication berlitz river for the good guys are they did spot him but then something went sideways and that's where he got to find out what happened. arthel: so many questions it is still so close and thank goodness the outcome was what ended up being and he missed thank goodness. paul mauro thank you very much i'm sure we will get back to the coming days. thank you very much. eric: as her president biden he has at his rehoboth beach home this weekend recovering from coving his campaign said to be back on the stump this week has no plans to step aside the president's campaign confident he can beat donald trump for a
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second time. the president sang as a predecessor offers a quote dark vision for the future senior national correspondent is live with the very latest on that. >> good afternoon. he must pass the torch those are oftheir words outgoing west virginia senator joe manchin. who, like so many others the democratic party are urging the 81-year-old president to abandon his white house reelection run. in fact mansion because the fourth senator to urge mr. bite into again step aside for the good of the party. and become a uniter and leave the heavy lift in november to somebody else. >> i have not said anything for a little more than three weeks since the debate i thought it was needed for the president to evaluate talk to his family, his staff and make some decisions and i thought that might happen but i came the decision with a heavy heart it's time to pass the torch to a new generation.
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>> mansion one of three dozen lawmakers to call the president to step aside. what is more his advice has been echoed in private by many who are yet to say as much publicly. it is not just politico who are calling for biden's oust. even many in the usually supportive press are demanding he, let it go. but the president is suffering here in delaware from yet another bout of covid remains resolute and determined to resist the building course to leave the race it. what it is worth he still has plenty of support. >> one of things we underestimate is joe biden has a coalition, african-american women, blue-collar workers, seniors who voted for him. if he feels bullied out those voters are going to feel they were bullied out. >> very interesting point made. this is all happening as
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exclusive new detroit free press polling suggests likely favorite former president trump by seven percentage points over the incumbent joe biden 49 -- 42. at that number it were to hold up, i do not need to tell you what it would be an exceedingly difficult path back to the white house for any democrat. back to you. eric: just getting worked 37th democrat is calling for the president to step aside congressman dean phillips of minnesota. you may recall faced the president and the primary, ran against him he is now joining the seemingly growing list. thank you kevin. in a few moments en hundred mann former communication director jonathan will be here on his bosses call for the president to pass the torch. arthel: tomorrow the first of eight weeks worth of public hearings looking for answers but so many questions on how a gunman was able to get within an inch of killing warmer president
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trump. house oversight committee member tim joins us next on what he wants to hear from the secret service director tomorrow. complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not.
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arthel: three people are dead seven more injured after shooting in philadelphia.
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police responding to the scene at a block party just after 2:0. some of the wounded are now in the hospital. their condition ranging from stable to serious. no arrests have been made and no word on any suspects. police say they found a gun in several shell casings at the scene. >> we are going to find out tomorrow with the director but it is my understanding the trump campaign did ask for more resources. is my understanding the secret service denied those resources for the secret service has a $3.1 billion budget. they have thousands of employees. there are not that many people that require secret service protection for there aren't that many events that the secret service have to secure. we have a lot of questions on how they are managing their money. we'll have about a six hour hearing and she is going to have hundreds of questions she's going to have to answer and the american people we watching that
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hearing. see for it turns out $3 billion may not be enough house oversight committee chairman james, previewing what is bound to be a blockbuster hearing tomorrow. 3000 secret service director kim cheatle will be the hot seat answering questions about the huge lapse in security at the trump rally. lawmakers also expected to press her whether the agency did deny the trump campaign more additional resources to secure that venue and others because of eigha lack of staff angry tennee congressman tim burchett is a member of the house oversight committee and will be asking questions tomorrow. congressman, welcome. what you want to find out from the director tomorrow? >> personnel they stated the kid did not have internet presence aand that is alive or than they did not ask for more protection, the trump team didn't and that is alive. then they said they did not know the shooter was out there now they know if he was out there for quite some time. the big question why was president trump allowed on stage
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after all of this? as you saw the drone fly over, was the roof in fact washed? i believe it's going to be question of who took this guy out. why there were not more snipers up there. there's just a lot of questions that are going to be asked. i would hope people would not grandstand and asked the questions. these things really need to be answered. eric: it seems like the dominoes are some areas of lapses eat first you have the roof not secured as a direct line of sites it is not that far away from where the president was speaking. the local sniper team the report said they were inside the building not outside. what are they doing inside the building? as you just pointed out 5:00 p.m. reports of a suspicious person and with the secret service they lose track of him. 5:52 p.m. apparently they see him that it 6:02 p.m. he is not on the rooftop and the president as you said was allowed to go on
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the roof. what you think this fell apart? >> i know what is feeding it right now is the thought of a conspiracy. as you saw at the convention she cowardly ran from several senators one was my senator marsha blackburn from tennessee. she should have been running towards them and answering these questions. that is why i wanted to have the hearing on monday and say forget the convention and let's get on with this for they had everything they needed to know in 48 hours or less. i can guarantee they don't think it had for breakfast that morning. this is a continuation of this in bumbling of this administration. it is at the top you've got a president who is not coherent it goes down to the list. support congress and you mentioned the word conspiracy there is no evidence of a conspiracy they say they say he is alone 20-year-old there is no indication of any type of conspiracy at all. >> that is what they always say they've said that on everyone
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until they don't say that. how does a 20-year-old kid get up on a rooftop, carry a ladder ana half a mile? park with the hype powered rifle and 20 rounds of shells upon a roof and nobody knows it? somebody knew it. somebody dropped the ball we will never know for sure because the kid is dead. and why they wash the roof? you saw the drone footage it is a crime scene why did they wash the roof? this thing stinks of aside a conspiracy they are sure making it tougher for folks to think otherwise. because this administration hahasbumbled this thing from the start on that is what i'm saying that's what's going to fuel the fire of a conspiracy because they will not answer our questions they continuously have lied to us as i've stated on those three other issues. i doubt we will ever get to the true bottom of it i suspect she will be gone eventually. this just shows the lack of confidence the public has in this administration. eric: two- two-point as a possie they wash the roof because they
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did process it correctly and in terms of the letter he did not use a letter we are told declined up on an air conditioning unit. the letter spent miles away with the bag by a guy who drove a former secret service agent is saying this is a matter of staffing. in the "washington post" this is a quote it's an issue with their budget. he says i hate to dumb it down this much of it is a simple case of supply and demand. the request get turned out rodownroutinely a director has o finally come forward to say we are way understaffed and cannot possibly continue with zero failed mission without significantly bigger budget. look, congressman think that's a protected candidates, they protect their families, they protect foreign dignitaries are they understaffed and this is an issue they had to rely on the local police and this didn't happen. >> i do not buy it. you got two people really in this race for president they did not even allow kennedy to have secret service protection that
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is another question that needs to be answered i've been demanding that for months. i now they will run up and say we need more money that is the washington shuffle, brother they have billions of dollars just like the pentagon. you go ask them they won't allow you to know if they are spending their money on because it is secret it's a national security interest. all of those things they have enough money, they screwed up. they allowed a 20-year-old punk get up on a roof and outsmarted the best security service in the world. support congressman tim burchett looking forward to you asked those questions of the director tomorrow at this hearing we will be carrying it of course live here. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you brother. arthel: center mansion democrat congressman dean phillips for minnesota joining a growing chorus of democrats now calling for the president to step aside and abandon his reelection effort. that number now sits at 37. what is the way forward?
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jonathan kott a former manchin joins us next with his insight for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.
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>> quickly to think aboutand con november whet weathers the strot candidate to win in november is the question. i also think it's fully foot to be commander-in-chief right now. >> congressman from massachusetts when the democrats in support president biden spend more due than oppose it this is the campaign says on the campaign trail. meanwhile his vice president kamala harris stern she had lined massachusetts fundraiser in cape cod to boost support madison is the latest with the velvet. >> many democrats are not confident 81 year old president presidentbiting can win this tid a lot suggest vice president
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kamala harris should step in. start studded event last night raised over $2 million for the biting campaign according to its host there were no cameras at the event the vice president was welcomed within minutes of clapping and cheering from about 1000 supporters for that includes transportation secretary pete buttigieg massachusetts governor, boston mayor michelle wu even actress jennifer coolidge. a ggiant plaza vice president harris was assuring that crowded president biden will win the election. vp went on to criticize former president trump's rnc speech on unity. should a similar message at a campaign event in north carolina thursday. >> you cannot claim it you stand for unity if you are pushing an agenda that deprives whole groups of americans of basic freedoms opportunity and dignity. >> president biden does drop out of the race, feet pete harris could potentially take his place
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one a political strategist said skipping over her would be quote catastrophic. >> skipping over kamala harris would political malpractice. end of story. the base, our base, black americans in particular is a widely defeated trump at all. we owe our base the respect they deserve by knots side planning and eminently qualified vice president. >> some analyst disagreed saying the pete harris is less popular than president biden bird this comes after the vice president call with hundreds of democratic donors on friday paid the point of that call was to reassure donors we are told the donors on the call or ansi the v pete the petespoke for only about fie minutes. eric: alright med all right mads so much, arthel. arthel: while west virginia senator joe manchin not backing biden's investment vice president as he calls for the president to drop out.
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here's a listen. >> open process i truly believe the democratic party needs an open process. >> kamala harris is a first woman the first black american to be elected as a vice president. >> this is not about race and gender. >> i know it isn't but if you are trying to replace her progress and not trying to replace let the process of the healthy competition is what it is all about that is why i believe it should be an open process. arthel: let's bring in jonathan kott he's capitol council llc partner. first of all what is your reaction to senator manchin's comments? >> he thought about this long and hard i talked to him a couple times about it. talk to him this morning about it it's when he made up his decision he thanks the president has had a historic career he has earned the right to go out on his own time. the senator talks to some of his colleagues and he things it's the best at this moment that he
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came out and said it he also think the president has five more months to complete what is probably the most historic verse in term of any presidency in my lifetime. he is encouraged by the opportunity he has there. arthel: do you agree with him? >> i personally don't i think president biden should make up his decision it right now he is the leader of our party. even after having the worst three weeks of any campaign he is still running neck and neck with donald trump. i do think he can make this decision whenever he feels like if he decides to sand the race, he is going to have to get out there and show democrats he's got the fight left in him and i think he does and i think he will and i think in november he will look back and tell everybody you should not have doubted me. one of the best parts about working for senator manchin's he likes to have people who disagree with him. you fight it out and go from there. arthel: center mansion mentioned
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open process wouldn't open process improve or impair the democrat chances to win the election? looks i don't think an open process would hurt them. i think it will be a 20 day sprint to the convention. it's not like we would have an open primary until november. would have an open primary until august 18 or 19th. and then you'd have a unified democrat party coming together. i think we really need is to unify both the left and center of the party do not forget in the senate democratic caucus he of senator elizabeth warren and centered joe manchin both in that they work together and get stuff done. we have to make sure all the people who support them are coming together to vote for the democratic ticket in november. arthel: let's take a look right now brand-new poll shows a favorability ratings of biden kamala harris and trump. here it is.
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biden has 32% favorable versus 55% unfavorable. harris with 35% favorable 46% unfavorable. trump with a 40% favorable 51% unfavorable ratings. so jonathan does this a poll reflect a landslide or a competitive race until the finish line? >> i think our country is evenly divided. you are going to see a very close race in every presidential and senate race from here on out. i think that is just the way the demographics are made up. do not forget 51% of americans now identify is independent. it's those voters you have to reach out to but a lot of what that poll shows is people are getting sick and tired of the divisiveness of politics and that is why it senator manchin said today president biden has the opportunity to bring the country together in the next five or six months. and i think that is what he's going to do and hopefully those people will see the real joe
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biden and see his true character and his numbers will improve after that. >> as you said ultimately the voters will decide but for the sake of this conversation take a look at that same pole which asks if the biden should continue his campaign you've got 37% saying yes and 61% said no. so, if not biden and if the democrats decide to go with vp harris or proceed with an open process, is there anything about either scenario that is illegal or would warrant an appeal? >> you know, i don't think so at all but once you get to the convention the democratic party rules are what we go by and ballots have not been printed yet. we will figure that out i am sure the reit campaign finance lawyers who are very excited about their billable hours for the next month but there is not going to be any legal challenge going forward i think once we
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leave the convention in chicago we will have a united party, united by two candidates are going to run and draw contrasts with donald trump. arthel: finally this is hypothetical at this point because the biden campaign says he's going to keep going. but if president biden ultimately does and his campaign does that mean he is not fit to finish his presidency? >> no, not at all. there are two jobs he's doing right now he is being the president which i think he is doing excellent job of. he also is to run for president which is a full-time in exhausting job. so he has two jobs right now but if he did decide is not one to run for reelection, he is completely capable of continuing the excellent work he has done the last three and half years. the number of bills he has a past puts him at historical level among presidents and any term weather for four years ort years. arthel: our time is up, appreciate your analysis and thank you for joining us here
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today jonathan kott. stu fort taiwan is praying for a major military drills as it always faces the threat from china of a possible invasion. so, how can the independent nation defend itself? we are live in taiwan next here on "fox news live." frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. let's take a little test together: which looks better — this? or this? this... ...or this? seems clear to me. saving cash wins every time.
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40th annual exercises, military drills aimed at rehearsing the combat preparedness in the event of an attack by china. first let's take a brief look back at the long-standing relationship between a washington and taiwan it was in 1949 the communist party won the country's civil war the nationalist party which was backed by the u.s. lost the leader of that party fled here to taiwan and set up a government that would become a democracy. china still claims taiwan as part of its territory with rising attention this week taiwan will showcase its warfare capabilities to defend itself. president joe biden has repeatedly vowed that u.s. would come to the island's defense. in recent days former present public and nominee donald trump said taiwan should pay for the u.s. in his defense guarantees. now, since we've been here on the ground taiwan's new foreign minister held his first briefing with the foreign press responded to some of those comments.
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>> and taiwan must be prepared to respond to all possible scenarios and the possibility of the chinese communist party may invade. as far as national defense is concerned we must rely on ourselves. >> now later today local time we will be joining that military on those exercises but we will be bringing live coverage of all of that to fox news throughout the coming days. eric: absolute faceted and they know the threat of the ccp firsthand freight live in taipei we look forward to your reports, thank you. arthel: coming cap next the beloved fitness icon richard simmons was about to share on social media before his unexpected death just a day after his 76th birthday.
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arthel: posthumous social bedpost and richard simmons the iconic fittest steward died last saturday after 76th birthday. pr team says he signed off on the posts of the day before. let's go to christina coleman live in los angeles with the story. >> the fitness icon team said
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richard simmons worked very hard in the social media posts they say one of them was supposed to go up last sunday the day after he died. they are sharing at now here it is the photo simmons wears a spacesuit cost and with the caption let me fly it to the moon so we can gaze among the stars love it richard you see it there he looks very peaceful and content. as for his death tmz reports simmons fell in the bath of the night before he died after feeling dizzy earlier in the next day, which was last saturday he was found unresponsive by his housekeeper she called for help emergency crews responded and simmons was pronounced dead at the scene. posted day after 76 of the official cause of death is not been determined though authorities do say they believe he died of apparent natural causes has a lost left of millions of morning the fitness icon brother told entertainment tonight but we all saw on the interviews in the exercise videos, that is hoot richard simmons was he said his brother
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loved helping people he was also a frequent guest on fox news doing appearances with our meal, sharing his energy and positivity with his viewers. the photo his team just shared will definitely be remembered along with this fitness icon legacy richard simmons was laid to rest in a private funeral service here in los angeles yesterday. again he was 76 years old. arthel: he touched so many lives christina coleman thank you so much. eric: he really did so positive and obsolete positive, such a loss. nasa mars rover curiosity it makes what scientists are calling a mind blowing discovery on the planet. while driving around the red planet service curiosity accidentally ran over some rocks they were yellowish green and inside they said it made of sulfur. it is the first time they've ever found sulfur there. sulfur happens to be when water
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evaporates one project and did you hear called the strangest discovery of the mission they did not expect that the mission was supposed to last a year but the little rover has been going on for 12 years has already found evidence of lakes and organic material. arthel, i bet next will find that little green men they'll be up there going beat, beep, beep, they will find that i guarantee you. arthel: morton is from washington.
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