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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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if you go back and look at earlier polling that was done, earlier organizations earlier in the year, same numbers in the same states. she will now have the mantle of being the nominee and that may bring her up a little bit certainly in the national polls which are very confusing. those are big blue states like california, new york battleground state pulling the matters in this case. trump just has to keep appealing to those independent voters. laura: all right. both of you, great to have you both on tonight. thank you so much. this has been about the wildest eight days in american politics. we will go back to the debate in a month or so. we will keep covering every aspect of it, every angle. i want you to stay with fox news all night long for the breaking coverage. this story will take a lot of twists and turns before
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fox news alert he's dropping out of the almighty. how did you bite until the world is not running for reelection? he wrote us a letter. he said i believe it is the best interest of my party in the country for me too stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as a president for the remainder of my term. the guy who got more votes than anybody in american history is leaving after one term? what is it in the best interest of your country for you to leave, joe? we know the answer but why don't you tell us. is it because the last four years have been a disaster? is it because you are mentally unfit? or is it because you were pushed out in a bloodless coup? i want to hear him say it. because of later in the week he says i'm not running because i cannot win, that is not how we do things.
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democrats do not get the push pd candidates of the primary, millions of americans vote for them, but if it doesn't look like they can win, rich guys at the convention pick someone else did. that is not what we do in the united states. the entire biden presidency was a cover up that t exposed on debate night. and now they want to pick another puppet. that is why we have primaries. this should have all been hashed out in a primary. but, they rigged it so no one could expose drought. then they kicked rfk junior out of the democratic party so he could not wind up with the second most delegates. but this is not close to over a p.a biden endorse kamala harrisn his way out. then hilary endorsed kamala harris obviously she is a woman. but barack didn't, here he is quote we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. i've extraordinary confidence the leaders of our party will be
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able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. how do you think's going to run the process? the convention is in chicago. trent eight might have has her but she is not a sure thing here is how this convention is supposed to work out. all of biden's delegates are uncommitted this nomination is wide open. it has to be resolved by mid august. prime time interviewed president trump's vp nominee jd vance this week and this is what they told us about an open convention. >> you do not know who you are running against. [laughter] you could be debating kamala you could be debating kamala what is going on? >> rhythm is unified party i think it's ever existed. we had one 100% of the delegates there with us. you saw the spirit there's never been a convention like this. it is so fresh in everyone's
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mind. it was a beautiful event everything about it was beautiful the camaraderie but the unity there's never been anything like a one 100% of the people are for us and they are for the party they are for everybody for their for the senators, they are there for the congressmen and women that are running. it was a beautiful thing to watch there is no dissension no fights on the floor some of the conventions are vicious. boxer might be a vicious convention in chicago. they're going to cook up something at the convention. they might throw gretchen whitmer active they might show gavin newsom michelle obama at you very quick so not be worried about any of them. look, they have better policies forget about the people they have open border policy them a high tax policy they have a bad military policy. the whole world is going to woke their world is going awoke the green new scam is spending all of our money on things that don't work. the whole thing is a mess. jesse: was more that interview this hour and tomorrow night for
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the democrats are not changing policies they are just putting a new face on them. kamala is more radical and incompetent than joe biden she's more unpopular the most unpopular president in american history. polls show trump beats are just as easily as he beats biden. trump is not running against harris/biden joe stays in the white house. harris is still on the ticket it's still the same bad record. is joe going to speak at the convention? does kamala want joe to speak at the convention? are we even going to see joe over the next six months? the lamest duck president ever. kamala does not have dementia that is what this is that nobody was in on the cover up more than she was. she spent more time with joe than anybody she just was not brave enough to blow the whistle. she has been lying to us for four years about the president's condition. >> have there ever is a problem, do you think you could go tell
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the american public? do you think in your role you are in a position to do that? >> of course if necessary. but there is no need for that. jesse: entire biden present he has been a lie every vote republican and democrat has been disrespected. it is fitting the biden presidency is ending in disgrace. covid swept him in, culverts wipe them out. writing resignation letters in your bed with the proverbial gun to your head is the most undignified farewell we have ever seen in washington. and we have seen a lot. but was of biden's golden parachute? does he get to keep the biden presidential library? are his legal fees squared away? will he get a book advance for a book he will never write? did joe stepped out in exchange for hunter getting no prison? or did they dangle the 25th amendment over his head? democrats may look conniving and powerful today but they are not.
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impeaching trump, prosecuting them come stealing his money with fines, putting his life in danger and now stealing 14 million democrat primary votes, this is desperate. this is a party falling apart clinging to power by any means necessary. what are they hiding? what are they so terrified of trump seeing when he gets back in office? prepare for chaos or joe manchin is telling fox news he is really registering as a democrat considering running against kamala rfk junior polling in double digits in some battlegrounds his name is still on the ballot. any move against kamala harris is going to have a bloodbath congressional black caucus already endorsing harris moments ago. if it is harris, the trump/harris debate. [laughter] we could have two. trump has defeated a woman before. history does have a way of repeating itself. but, like the messiah said
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himself that we are in uncharted waters. was pregnant silicon valley angel investor in column j kyle. you predicted this not exactly the way it was supposed to go down. but, what happened at 1:45 p.m. on sunday when joe sent this letter out? looks well, it's quite obvious for the past year with dean filled on the podcast and said listen, joe biden is in cognitive decline is obvious to everyone we live through a charade for a year, may be more depending on when he started to notice it may be that parents have gone through cognitive decline this is el elder abuse d a massive cover-up by the democratic party they did not run a proper process and other went to try to do a speed run primary is going to be exciting. i think at the end of the day joe manchin pennsylvania governor josh shapiro are going to emerge as to moderates
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designed to have adults in the room with a mo moderate beliefsr operationally very good at things like law and order, working class, it may be credibility on the economy, balancing the budget bill for like clinton moderates. and so i know it has been an incredibly eventful week thank god trump survive the assassination attempt. an inspired choice with jd vance psthis is not the time for the p to become in any way you know to rest on their laurels. cooks and no one is taking this for granted because they have shown what they are capable of. you are right. they are capable of anything we have seen what they've done in primaries before we've seen what they've done in generals before. what do you think the game is? put a more moderate phase audit kamala celebrate the first female black female is that what we are going to see is it going
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to be about race and gender now with a bu the bunch of coverupsr the radicalism? >> i think what they are going to learn is the gei candidates concept is not going to work. if they want to win and that never went job of a politician is to win they will go directly to the center you've got to them for they have a huge advantage, the democrats right now because they know who they are up against they get to custom pick people who play in arizona, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania the swing states, wisconsin. i think moderates will have the best chance of beating donald trump and jd vance and do not take anything for granted. and i think kamala has no chance of being the next president of the united states i think you're going to see obama come out. he will see the all stars come out, clinton they're going to make it super excited to going to take frankly a lot of notes from what trump did to the republican party he is a savant
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when it comes to media he knows that build the biggest possible of the democrats and for the last eight years? if it kicked everybody out of the party elon musk, joe rogan, the list of people who were democrats and voted for hilary is a very long. all the soup got kicked out of the party because they did not pass the purity test guess what obama and clinton are coming back and saying we are moderates they are going to recast the democratic party do they have enough time in 190's to do that? we are going to find out it's going to be incredibly exciting. jesse: that will be tough to do do you think we'll be able to survive if they do need cap harris and put a moderate in her place on top of the ticket? is the party demographically going to be able to >> that? >> i think so the age of the elites is over. i think trump killed it. if you look at what trump did at the rnc having amber rose i believe is her name come in their and have somebody who is that massiat massive feminist pt
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familiar with her. never heard of her before could you enlighten me? [laughter] >> exactly, you are proving my point. this is the brilliance of the republican party. you have taken a party that seem but okay it is the south's conservative and old people and everybody is allowed in. that is a lesson the democrats have to take will they take it? we will find out it would be very unwise for them to take the greatest lesson about which is to have an outsider like trump someone who's never been in office and run them but i don't think they have the time. >> i don't think the democrats are capable of outsiders. the outsiders of the democratic machine do not mix. you've got to take it over like obama did you got to come in, sailed from hawaii take it over and that's the way to run it and i do not think there's anyone capable of doing that. you predicted it so right now you're one for one let's see if you can go two for two. all in podcast will follow.
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democrats have called themselves the party of democracy. they rent at least democratic primary ever they skipped iowa, new hampshire, jump straight to south carolina. they killed all primary debates got booted rfk junior from the party because he posed a threat to joe. today rfk junior held a press conference to tell democrats i told you so. >> a year ago, a little over a year ago when i entered this race, i predicted president biden suffered from a degenerative condition that was not going to improve and it would make it impossible for him to govern effectively. reaction of the dnc to that obvious condition was to hide it from the american public. and to use their power over the democratic party nomination process to make sure that nobody
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could compete with president biden in a way that would expose his deficiencies. and as a result we are where we are today. which is in a crisis. physics presidential candidate rfk junior joins us now but you ran the right way. you did what you are supposed to do but you are a democrat. you primary a democrat incumbent and they would not let you. how did they gm you out of this thing? because now look at what happened. >> yes, it was a strategic mistake by the democrats and you and i have talked about this before. they change the primary rules while we were running the primary. they change 60 different rules to make it impossible for anyone to challenge biden. one of the things you remember that they did to me as i'd been
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campaigning in new hampshire so they adopted a rule that said any political candidate any democratic cat who maintains in new hampshire and's steps foot into the state of new hampshire all of their votes will go to the president that all their delegates will go to the president. instead of going and then they shut down the florida primary they shut down a bunch of primaries joe said were not running them we already have our candidate. a few weeks ago president biden was ridiculing vladimir putin who won 88% of the vote in russia. he said that was a fixed election. because it president putin had made sure no adversaries could challenge him and also he had fixed the press. so the press would not cover his adversaries the democratic party succeeded in doing the same thing. i have not been allowed on any of the democratic networks.
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cnn as you know, fox has allowed me on although people like you have allowed me too speak, you debate me. you give me a platform even though you do not agree with things i say and that is the way the media is supposed to work. >> would when you are playing with the children you just change the rules in the middle of the game and make it up as you go along you cannot do that when it comes to these high stakes. you'd kyou know how things opert conventions. there's been a long history of chicanery at these things you now have uncommitted delegates, are we going to seek bribery? are we going to see quid pro quo are we going to see ambassadorships promise? donors agrees? this is basically a sprint to grease as many delegates by mid august as possible. >> yes, i think some of that is
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bound to happen. i think the most of those delegates are mom-and-pop people they committed originally to biden. his release and then a lot of them are probably idealistic people who want to see the democratic nominee or are terrified of donald trump, want to see the democratic nominee succeed. i don't, the indicators now is the party elites are not really going to let go of the process and we will see what happens. the last time -- like there's a lot of similarities between this election what happened with my dad's election in 1968. there was a war going on at that time that was very controversial and was very damaging to our country. they were protesters in the street. streets. the convention was in chicago. and my father, who was leading got knocked out by an assassin's
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bullet not by resignation. you, in effect at an open convention but the dnc at that time tried to maintain control over it. they put their candidate in, hubert humphrey. the convention became riotous and the riots shock to the american public they did not want anything to the democratic party after that. i think a lot of people in the democratic party should probably look back to what happened in 1968 and take some caution from allowing the party elites to continue to exercise control over their choices. jesse: that would be good is sage advice from rfk junior. we will be, gently primetime cover in the dnc and now got a whole lot more interesting rfk junior, good luck. >> thanks for having me. jesse: of biden out of the race he trump team shifting its site
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to kamala releasing a major ad campaign the battleground stats reminding voters about her record, watch. >> chkamala newton joe can do te job she did it, look what she got done aboard invasion, runaway inflation, the american dream dead. they created this mess, they know kamala anza's failed record. trump senior advisor jason miller joins us, jason how does this change things now? >> in a lot of ways it doesn't change things very much at all. the fact of matter is that kamala harris will own everything from the hearing/by demonstration for the past three and half years. whether it be the record-setting illegal immigration, whether it be the sky high inflation, the chaos all across the globe. she has to own all of that plus, and here's the thing kamala harris has to own her radical liberal record from even before that's our time in the white house back into the california days whether it be trying to decriminalize illegal immigration but whether it's
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trying to abolish ice, kamala harris with figurative straws for example i want to go to a really important point that you were talking earlier what is the message this sentence? what joe biden has done is simply sent the message if you are losing at halftime just quit, just quit that is what he is telling the younger generation of america's first of all i don't think that is something joey from scranton was taught back in the day to just quit. but especially the back a month ago democrats were decrying the use of the so-called cheap fake videos then president trump knocked out joe biden on that debate stage and joe biden less than a month later has quit. jesse: it is a huge shock to the biden family i am sure were they thought they could hold on i got to tough i had the privilege of interviewing the former president and his vp nominee jd vance. here's what they said about kamala and joe. >> of biden is hating kamala because she is out there now
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campaigning for herself she is out there trying to get him to quit so she can run for president. she is not a competent person she should not be president. she is being a lap that all over. jesse: this is now left l.a. ffi n. in. ' how could i forget the '. it's also interesting to hear some other names we had a gas to just saying it might not be kamala it could be a moderate from the midwest does that pose more of a threat? >> no, not at all done the research, from the polling, have the ads cut president trump is going to defeat whoever the democrats go to put up what i want to go back to something you play president trump set a moment ago from the clip you played a moment ago that it's in fact they're being laughed at all across the world. if joe biden is not competent enough to run for president, how can he be competent enough to be president now? kamala harris' answer this question for sure but when you look at putin, president xi, the
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ayatollah any of our adversaries around the world they see gross incompetence in the white house i do not see how joe biden can remain. jesse: do you think she should string him up with the 25th? that is the only way to get them to go he is not going to resign he is already suffered incredible humiliation. but like you said, is this a country now at risk because joe biden is a languishing as a lame lame-duck for six months? >> we are very much at ricks that is what our foreign adversaries are going to be of traditional mischief they know nobody is in charge there hasn't been anyone in charge for quite some time and kamala harris doctor kevin o'connor and many members of main street media been a part of this ultimate cover-up. but now there is no more cover up everybody knows internationally and domestically the lights are on but no one is home. this is a real concern for our safety and our well-being. we have seen over the last few
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years whether it's record-setting inflation details of this on the border, was seen american citizens like laken riley beaten brutally murdered by this gross incompetence at the white house but i worry, what else could happen. jesse: she was supposed to warn us of joe was in decline she promised she would and she never did. that is something i'm sure comes up 45 debates kamala harris no doubt about that jason millet thanks as always. >> thank you sir. jesse: america it might not be shocked that biden dropped out many of jo's own staffers were shocked they had no idea this announcement was coming. they have been insisting, they were telling people as recently as this morning joe is in it to win it. watch this. >> joe biden has said he is in this race, he is in this race to win it. he is instructing us to continue to carry out a plan to make sure we are communicating with as many voters as possible per app so the president is in this race you've heard him say that time
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and time again. joe biden is more committed than ever to beat donald trump. >> i want to be crystal clear he has made a decision and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for reelection, when reelection and there are those out there that need to hear it again that he made a decision he's going to be the candidate. [laughter] why does correspondent peter doocy is your the latest a while, that change quickly, peter. >> the staff is not totally blindsided they had one minute heads up we are told the president biden convened a group of senior staff from the white house and the campaign. they were told at 1:45 p.m. that he was changing his mind, going to drop out for the public announcement when we all found out was 1:46 p.m. and in the last few minutes we were told president biden is no public events on his schedule for tomorrow.
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and the rest of the week is just a blank they are trying to figure out what exactly to do with him. it seems like the plan with announcing this is a put it out, the related paper statement do not actually see or hear it from the president then figure out a time midweek to have them come back here or maybe do something in wilmington, delaware. and explain his rationale. this is so different than even what he said on friday. he said he's going be out on the campaign trail this week. his campaign manager did a 20 minute interview she was talking about how they did not think you give in after three tough weeks for president biden that a lot of his supporters were flipping and going to trial. they still saw pathways to victory. but, at some point last night run for the three things he said would get them out of the race a medical issue, which we don't believe he's having a medical issue beyond culvert at the
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moment lease nothing diagnosed. or if he heard from the almighty and maybe he did he can explain that later on. or if somebody presented him with an polling that showed he had a 0% chance to beat donald trump. a lot of the national polling has been pretty stable. but the battleground state polling has been terrible for him. states like virginia, like new mexico appeared to be more competitive than democrats think they should be. when that happens you don't just risk losing in november, you wind up having to spend so much money to defend those states and they would rather focus on their pathway which is pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. or you look at the sun belt states and think them a path with arizona, nevada, north carolina and new hampshire. everything changes now that it is harris for president is the sec filing name.
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we'll see the president at some point in the next couple of days. >> at some point, at some point we think maybe will take the state today. peter, thank you so much. let's bring anchor special report bret baier. >> so what do you do with president biden? what do you do with him? he is now completely compromised. he is humiliated. is he going to come out and say yes, i saw some bad polls that is why i'm not running? >> i agree with you this is a disconcerting moment the facts we got a paper statement today not even a photograph from the white house about the president. no videotaped message, nothing if you go back to 1968 the last of a sitting president did not run for reelection lbj, he delivered 4000 word nationally televised address to say why he
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was not going to run for reelection. and to say i'm going to be in charge here until the end. that is not what happened today there will be calls including from house speaker johnson that if he is stepping out of the race for a reason which is they believe mental competency that raises new kinds of questions about who is right in the country whether he should be in office for five months. jesse: does joe have to say i've lost a step? he owes us, as americans to say why he is stepping down. just yesterday he said he could beat donald trump and no one else could. nothing changed that dramatically besides a polling so you could not do this because of polling. when are we going to get the truth? kamala harris has been telling us for four years at cisco as sharp as a tack. listen to her. >> i think age is more than a
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chronological fact to be very frank with you. >> he is an extraordinary leader and i wish people could see what i see. there's only one person who sits behind that resolute desk. joe biden is going to be fine and let me tell you something, i work with joe biden every day we will win the election we will win reelection. i've been in the oval office heads of various countries allies have called literally to astro biden for his advice. >> i spent a lot of time with joe biden viet in the oval office with the situation room. and i can tell you this is someone who is tireless in terms of working on behalf of the american people. jesse: 81 million votes they compared him to fdr they said is going to wipe the floor with trump and then all of a sudden he disappears and we get a letter? >> right. listen there is a big disconnect
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here. all of the folks were saying all the stories behind closed doors i was running circles around them how he has so much energy, the disconnect between that and the debate performance which by the way was about three and half weeks ago. in the effort after cleanup on aisle for the various interviews he tried to do after that she also did not succeed. there is explaining to do. the other thing to note if it is a vice president harris is a democratic nominee it will be the first time and now many of a major party is never one one single primary or caucus ever. that would be something completely out of the ordinary. jesse: of the most undemocratic thing we have seen in a race itf us post about saving democracy. we will see what happens next. bret baier will see you tomorrow at 6:00 o'clock. >> alright, see you jesse. jesse: more for my exclusive interview with president trump and jd vance straightahead.
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jesse: has the right thing to do fox news alert knowledge about his dropping out of the race is a asa current call for him to le the white house right now. our exclusive interview with trump and vance they laid it out and vote the 25th amendment. >> is it a coup against joe biden? >> sort of yes because i think
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it is. there is a constitutional process, the 20 for the memory of joe biden cannot run for president he can't serve as president. if they want to take him down because he's mentally incapable of serving in both the 20 for the memory do not get to do this in the most politically beneficial way for democrats up as an actual problem they should take care of it in the appropriate way. jesse: . out marth at mcallen and trey gowdy. martha, do you think they do that -- make up your look is been through enough but it is the right thing to do. cooks we sell the schedule for this week it looks like there's no events on it. i think you are going to see such a hard pivot to the vice president kamala harris it is going to be done that way and all but 25th amendment name. i think they will see it behooves her to take the lead. i think you'll see a very aggressive travel schedule for her i guarantee she's going to
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back in pennsylvania where she has been a lot she's going to be in georgia, in nevada, arizona those of the places they feel like they can gain attraction with her i think you'll see a very quiet president biden i thought it was so strange today, this is statement that came out with no picture attached nothing attached to it. i thought it was also so interesting that in the statement he just said she did a great job as vice president. then a minute later comes the endorsement i really think that kind of communication is because he wants a separate that statement which will someday go in his presidential library. he wanted to give it separate from his endorsement of kamala harris waiting to see how it all goes. jesse: of it was a video i would've been a hostage of video he does not want to go out and talk to us about this. he did not want to write the letter he may not have even written the letter. he may have just signed it. we don't even know what's going on behind the scenes. >> i think what happened is --
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make he said he would drop out of you heard the voice of god almighty. i think it was morgan freedman who called and tricked him into thinking it was god. when he finds out he may change his mind tomorrow. the 25th amendment republicans better be careful what they ask for. would you rather run against incumbent kamala harris or the kamala harris that got the exact same number of delegates the three of us got when she ran for president? is just the three of us didn't run. [laughter] martha, right now he has nothig on his schedule. is kamala harris going to campaign and joe just stays inside? is kamala going to come back and be the president? who is the president right now? >> i mean that's a really good question. we have to see the president we have to hear from him we have to know he is okay. he has covid there is reporting today he was very angry he was
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hacking and coughing in delaware and very angry. the first question is, how is he? is he okay is the present okay? as one of his right-hand man who is right in the center of all this decision-making he said he is fine. i think we need more proof than that. and i think he said he wanted to be a bridge to the future, right? none of this is playing out the way joe biden wanted too. i think you are going to see the lamest duck ever. this is going to be hard pivot to kamala is going to happen immediately. jesse: it was a bridge collapse he was not able to effectively hand the torch off. this was with the proverbial gun to his head he did not want to do what he was forced into it. and now kamala is wounded because of it because she was a part of a ticket that was an absolute policy disaster. and she has been a
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laughingstock. >> did they think a cognitively declined joe biden is a drag on the ticket wait until they hear a lucid kamala harris you've got the border, the fact she single-handedly killed criminal justice reform. you talk about african-american voters particularly in men the reason you do not have criminal justice reform is because of kamala harris if you cared all about the middle east issues that leads to pro israel democrat that i know. so i am not sure a joint and jod decline will be less than a drag than a lucid kamala harris. >> it looks like the trump campaign if there is a one person they'd rather run against both sbesides a biden is probab. [laughter] they may have gotten their wish but who knows what types of shenanigans that bought a chicago it is still an open convention, martha, trey, thank you. >> yes, sir. >> thanks jesse. >> some on the left are excited that biden is finally bowing out
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of the race others not taken the news so well. >> people are heartbroken even people who are pushing for this to happen it's kind of like when your grandpa you've got to take the keys you gotta take his keys, you can you've got to take his keys and ease of fighting and is fighting and everyone is so frustrated finally get the keys back and then you just cry because this is somebody you love this is somebody you care about this is someone who is there for you you would not be here without him. you have to take something from empirical joe biden is grounded is grounded in his faith, and hiin hisfamily and in our state. excuse me. i am sorry. this was a very difficult decision. jesse: former democratic president is here. i don't think kunz is faking his been a biden lover since the jump. van jones has been pushing biden out harder than anybody those are crocodile tears that guys
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the best actor on cnn. >> the fact they are touting president joe biden making this decision is doing what's best for the country it is just hypocrisy given how many of them as you mentioned have been saying for days he should step down as the democratic nominee. i think the thing here to focus on is all of these different calls and questions come up about what happens next? whether joe biden actually resigns or it doesn't we've got to remember it nothing is going to change if kamala harris is the nominee or some other democrat is the nominee, nothing else is going to change. joe biden has been the figurehead for the people behind the scenes who have been calling the shots. the same will happen if kamala harris is elected president or other democrat. the fact is we have unelected power elites in washington coming from the military
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industrial complex, national security state, working there with their friends in the big industrial propaganda that media they just want to stay in power so they don't really actually care at all about joe biden. no matter how many crocodile tears they shed the coins look for the best source they think will help them win and back that person. jesse: kamala spy easier to move a than joe biden joe biden at least a who is who in washington kamala is a spring chicken she doesn't know anybody doesn't know where it's coming from remember on that debate you tangled with kamala let's watch this. quick center harris said she is proud of her record as a prosecutor shall be a prosecutor president i am deeply concerned about this record. there are too many examples to sites she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. [applause] she blocked evidence that would
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have freed an innocent man from death row until the court to force her to do so. she kept people in prison be on their sentences to use that as cheap labor for the state of california and she thought to keep the bell system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way. jesse: so kamala's record is going to be front and center. i do not know she knows what is coming. >> the first thing i think of when it comes to kamala harris once again trying to stand on her record is our borders she was appointed the border czar it's almost like she felt as long as she said on television the border is secure that somehow it would magically be secure. that was not the case we have an unprecedented number of people crossing our borders illegally as the biden/harris administration open border policy essentially aided and abetted these cartels and their multibillion-dollar human
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trafficking industry. making our country far less safe through the list goes on and on about kamala harris' failures even as vice president over these last three and half years both here at home and her failed attempts at foreign policy that have made our country less safe and push us closer to the brink of war. if she is the democrats nominee, she has got a lot to be held to account for. jesse: the reason joe biden was able to even when he was supposed to be moderate. there is no moderate with her, none. california's socialist, she is a radical it's not going to play in the rest the country. that is very clear. thank you so much have a great sunday night. >> thank you. jesse: what is obama up to do right now? ♪
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jesse: fox news alert a little insight into who kamala might choose as a running mate if she gets the nomination she has her eye on for democrats kentucky governor andy beshear, north carolina governor roy cooper, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and arizona senator mark kellyanne asked her not we know harris -like space monica crowley's assistant secretary of treatreasurer for public affair. this is like lambs to the slaughter. they are looking at biden, tell me how you see it they are looking at biden landslide, kamala on these white midwestern guy. maybe a little less of a landslide, monica? >> assuming it ends up being kamala harris as the nominee a lot of big democrats endorse
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her. the one thing that is been silent on kamala is a barack baa and his wife michelle. i think the they been very quiei think michelle still may be in the mix. that being said if in fact. jesse: wait, wait, wait michelle obama is in the mix? is she in the mix in chicago in her hometown? >> well, there is a reason why the democrats move their convention to chicago. [laughter] they could recruit her they could position her as the reluctant candidate pitches a woman of color so that squares the harris circle being a minority nde i higher. so michelle obama dismisses all of that. do not know how likely that is but i do not want everyone falling into this trap that kamala harris is the defective candidate for the democrats. this story is not over yet. realize that left a powerbrokers
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never move without a plan. while everyone is distracted with this chaos circus there are powers that be, namely barack and michelle obama and the entire obama machine that is essentially run this over the last three and a half years that month obama four and 5.0 what better way to do that then run michelle they can position her somebody who did not really want to do it but was recruited. she is a pristine candidate. she is immune to criticism as a woman of color. if they run her they could raise about a billion dollars in two or three days. i just want everybody to be aware there are other possibilities out there. jesse, i will say this it seems unthinkable. but over the last nine years there've been a lot of unthinkable things happening here in america. jesse: you are right about that, monica. i'm not ruling anything out. we are not done with our surprises. thank you so much.
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>> you bet. jesse: you know presidential historian douglas brinkley. so, we are in uncharted waters. i do not know how joe biden just goes to work on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and acts like he is still president. >> i think he is going to have to write a major speech. he will do an address remember when lyndon johnson dropped out in march of 1968 was on tv for 30 minutes probably trying to write a speech that will frame his presidential legacy among other things. i do think he has to put shoulder to the wheel for kamala harris. she has tried to be the dutiful vice president meaning trying not to make headlines and laying low. and now she is inheriting the entire democratic party according to joe biden.
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she tracked quickly by august 1 you will see all sorts of democrats thinking maybe is an open convention in chicago i mit have a crack of it. part of that legacy is i picked kamala harris and almost a manager and cheerleader for her in the next 10 days to help her gain momentum. >> hpowell st history judge joe biden? >> first up you're talking barack obama a minute ago. we seek joe biden as a one term president. that usually herds of presidents when they only do a single term hence why donald trump is trying to come back again. george herbert walker bush was a one term or his reputation history is got up jimmy carter from ronald reagan in 1980 due to his post presidential work and look at the king david
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accords and other things has helped carter arise a little bit meaning at least in public estimation. but i do not think it is time for biden to try to market to your fears at presidency. i think it is time for him ip is picking kamala harris to let all the delegates know if you'd like me, back her. if he doesn't do that it will be different in a few days. jesse: it sure it will be. douglas thank you so much for your expertise. >> thanks. siu cipljesse: let's bring in fs senior political analyst brit hume. so does joe biden go to the convention in chicago and give a roaring defense of his presidency? a full throated endorsement of kamala harris and does kamala want that? looks i do not know the answers that i want to clear something up about the lbj speech in 1968
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withdrawn from the race it has been mentioned by several people including douglas brinkley had this very long speech. in fact he did not he had a very long speech. the reason i know this i was working the night desk at upi in connecticut that night the whole text of the speech moved on that wire had it in front of me was listening on the radio. he went to the whole thing it gave no hint he was about to withdraw from the race at the end of the prepared text to speech and i thought it was all over with there was a pause and then and only then he said he would not seek nor accept his party's nomination for president i will never forget it everywhere machine in the room suddenly stopped and then there was bell's for the flash sang in the bulletins and the rest of the copy followed. that speech he did not give a multi thousand word speech about dropping out a gave a multi- pages speech at multi- thousands of words and then surprisingly in the part that was not part of the prepared text announce he was getting out. there's will historical note for
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you. jesse: well, that is one serious fact check of douglas brinkley i do not know how is going to recover from that. you might descendent something in the mail. [laughter] you know i do not know what happened this weekend in delaware. i don't think anyone will honestly ever figure it out. what do you think change so quickly? >> when you are under the kind of pressure that he was under and the evidence is mounting and the number people calling for you to get out is growing by the day, it was not yet an avalanche but it was a lot. you have to think joe biden was hesitant to do this, the polling data it was increasingly bleak and there's some point in your own mind it reaches critical mass. we've all made decisions in our lives we did not want to make and when we make them it's like bankruptcy you know what to say about bankruptcy it happen slowly than suddenly. i think in biden's case it
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happen slowly the pressure on him to do it the evidence he should do is mounting and finally the dam broke and he made the decision. i cannot prove that i do not have any special knowledge of that but i do not think we should be surprised it happened all of a sudden. jesse: kind of a greek tragedy seeing barack obama wasn't maneuvering behind the scenes. i asked donald trump and jd vance about that. here's a listen. >> barack obama still plotting against you, trying to take you out. >> they have got some big problems over there but first of all obama hates ab a biden biden hates obama. when obama walked biden out a couple of weeks ago off the stage he did not have to do that he could have let a wave to the people a little bit longer item of joe who he was waiting to but he was waiting in all the sudden obama comes along, grabs him, come along a joe like he was a child. it made him look so bad.
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and i know people with biden and i know people with obama they were not happy about that. it made him look really bad, like a child, like a child. they do not like each other. it's pretty tough this guy got 14 or 15 million votes, delegates, he had the votes of the ghosts of the process he gets them and the whole thing -- back when they kept him in the basement at first those people should be looked at because they lied to the american public. jesse: we are going to look back at probably that debate was a big moment but also the l.a. fundraiser was a big moment when barack escorted him out even clean he said that was a big moment. >> i washed out several times and wash the whole video. biden was standing there plotting and waving to the crowd for a while and then he paused. he stopped it was looking out and being applied and he was
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absorbing the applause it was not at all clear to me obama needed to do it he did. now, understand this they were together in the white house for four years. obama privately once famously said you should never underestimate the ability of joe biden to fit things up he did not say f. they know each other very well. i think obama was keenly aware of what condition joe biden was in whether he needed to be lead oledoff that stage at that particular moment i think obama was in on the joke biden was not a well man and had not been for some time. he wanted him out. it remains to be seen whether he will endorse kamala harris. that will be interesting. but remember this about kamala harris and her candidacy to be a competition somebody has to get in and run against her. people who are thought as possible kenneth gretchen whitmer to cite one, gavin newson to cite another, who already said they are endorsing her. it remains to be seen if anyone
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will actually get in. jesse: do you think kamala harris at the top of the ticket poses a bigger threat to donald trump and joe biden at the top? >> that remains to be seen she is not been a very strong candidate she did very badly in 2020. and she was widely derided for the way she conducted herself in office. she has not been a bang up vice president with a lot of impact too. she may not be a very strong candidate for the one thing she does do she takes the age issue off the table and now some republicans i mean some democrats are saying donald trump is too old. he is 78. [laughter] jesse: okay. we'll hear a lot of that. thank you so much and as always thank you for watching the sunday edition of jesse watters prime time will have much, more my interview with trump and jd vance tomorrow night on prime time at 8:00 p.m.


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