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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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harris at the top of the ticket poses a bigger threat to donald trump and joe biden at the top? >> that remains to be seen she is not been a very strong candidate she did very badly in 2020. and she was widely derided for the way she conducted herself in office. she has not been a bang up vice president with a lot of impact too. she may not be a very strong candidate for the one thing she does do she takes the age issue off the table and now some republicans i mean some democrats are saying donald trump is too old. he is 78. [laughter] jesse: okay. we'll hear a lot of that. thank you so much and as always thank you for watching the sunday edition of jesse watters prime time will have much, more my interview with trump and jd vance tomorrow night on prime time at 8:00 p.m.
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obama, clooney, schumer, jeffries, they all assisted interestingly in this whole cool , if you want to call it that. interesting this hour, obama, pelosi, schumer, jeffries are the most prominent democrats not to endorse kamala harris. after lying to all of you, the entire country, every voter for years about joe biden's obvious cognitive decline, joe biden bowed to the pressure dropping out of the 2024 race with the voters at nolan void. only 58 days away before early
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voting gets underway in pennsylvania. 106 days before the election. bypassing the people in their own party. the next democratic nominee. it is so poetic. about the importance of voting and democracy. democracy is on the ballot. it is on the ballot. not exactly the way they've been characterizing it. they don't actually care about either of these things. joe biden with top democrats the border czar kamala harris who dropped out of the primary. a lot more on kamala. stay tuned. that is it just a moment. simply stay the obvious. not capable of handling the ringers of a campaign. which every democrat is committing to, he certainly is
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not capable of fulfilling the duties of president of our country. that would mean joe biden does need to resign as soon as possible, take his family of grifters back to delaware if he had any decency at all he would lead the white house this week and never come back. we have not even seen joe biden today. his decision announced in a letter posted on x. apparently, he was unable or unwilling to step in front of a camera and announced this historic decision in person. if he is unwilling to do this then frankly his cabinet ought to be evoked immediately. they ought to be removing him from office. never been up to the job. almost every person in the democratic party and the media mob have all lied to all of you
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since 2020. they have all known this, they have all covered it up. this is the same media mob that let joe biden hide in his basement in the election in 2020 the same people that lied about hunters laptop. the former intel also shows that neal nothing about that laptop to lie to all of you in the weeks before the 2020 election. none of them had ever seen the laptop. they did not know a thing about it. the same outcome at the same democratic party that had no problem with hilary clinton's dirty russian disinformation dossier that she paid for, the same one he is to acquire for fisa warrants to spy on the candidate, the same people with hilary deleting 33,000 subpoenaed e-mails, the same
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people that had no problem with her top secret classified information all over servers. the same people that had no problem with our logo falsely valued at $18 million buy-in abusively biased new york judge. the same people that had no problem with illegal nda negotiate by a lawyer labeled as an legal expense. no problem with the weaponization of our justice department. they went well past the statute of limitations. up charging to 34 felony counts. a jurisdiction he would never get a fair trial in with the judge corrupt abusively biased. these same people will now champion biden's replacement. let me predict this. whoever it is, let me assume for a moment kamala harris, it will be defended as the second coming of jesus just to defeat trump. democrats are a lying propaganda
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they are leftist, they are markets. they will do and say anything to stop trump and hold onto power. as governor desantis said, this includes the weekend at bernie charade we have all witnessed at the white house over the past four years. the single biggest lie campaign and cover-up in modern american history. who is responsible. joe and jill treated the white house like a luxurious publicly funded retirement home. these bureaucrats carried out the left radical agenda shamelessly telling all of you that joe biden was full of vigor the smartest person in the room. they said he could run circles around his young staffers behind closed doors. they said that they had a hard time keeping up with joe. they said joe accomplish more in an hour than most of you, most americans do in an entire day. all blatant lies.
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they use joe biden as a front man. no one was more duplicitous and vice president kamala harris. joe's vice president joint him for weekly lunches. she had joe supposedly worked on big issues together like the border crisis. they frequently. in public together with guidance cognitive decline on full display. just a reminder. >> and we give thanks to our commander-in-chief, the president of the united states, the extraordinary president of the united states, joe biden. >> happy independence day. ♪ >> i'm not being facetious. president harris led this effort
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did lead this effort to make things better. >> and a pound of ukrainian people, pound for pound ready to fight with every inch that they have. >> every american needs to be asking what did kamala know about the cognitive state the when did she know it. what did every other democrat know about this. why did she and every democrat lie about the cognitive decline. how did democratic elites eventually push biden to the curb. he was defiant until the last minute. did they make a deal with joe? she must be forced to answer these questions. not that i would expect an honest answer. state run media at duke's pushing the lie complicit in the cover up the whole time. kamala, others all need to answer for her miranda's track record. not only does kamala own every
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one of joe biden in that administration's failures, but if she becomes the nominee, she will be the single most radical major party candidate to run for election. even more radical than obama, and that is saying something. during the 2020 democratic party primary, you know, she did not even make it to new hampshire higher and iowa dropping out in 2019 after polling in single digits. she cosponsored a bill with bernie sanders that would force americans and to socialize single-payer healthcare. that kind of system. she also sponsored a bill to prohibit drilling of oil in the pacific atlantic ocean. she called warren and to all fracking. she called for the cancellation of the keystone exxon pipeline and no problem giving away that vladimir putin on the north pipeline. creating thousands and thousands of high paying career jobs. getting 9 billion barrels of oil
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from canada a day as of now. while she unofficially, well, of course, officially transporting north american oil and gas to american refineries. recently, she bragged about an agreement to completely phase out fossil fuels, for cvs into your driveways. she wants to ban plastic straws. i love my plastic straw, i hate those paper straws. kamala is so radical that she would sue the obama administration to prevent them from fracking while she was suing as the attorney general of california. even spearheading efforts in the senate to pass aoc's insane green new deal and vowed to eliminate the filibuster to get it done. four days after that minneapolis police precinct was burned to the ground by violent rioters, not mostly peaceful, violent, kamala posted this link calling on her following to chip in and
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help post bail for these criminals. after kamala promoted the fund the annual revenue reportedly jumped from about a quarter million dollars in 2019 to a whopping $42 million in 2020. so, how did the favorite bail fund spend that money? in august 2021 filling out a man that had just been arrested on domestic assault charges. three weeks later he got into a road rage incident and reportedly shot and killed a 38 -year-old man. in 2022 another man who was facing indecent exposure charges a short while later, he allegedly shot and killed another man in a light rail station in st. paul. a jury convicted him of first-degree murder over the incident. overall, according to even fake news cnn and their investigation 65 people bailed out of that freedom fund by that freedom fund while facing serious felony charges for violent crimes, sex
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crimes and guess what, all of those perpetrators, they were eventually convicted on those charges. thanks in no particular malan harris, all of these offenders were able to live among your families for months, even years. kamala was radical record does not live -- in there. as vice president xi prays that she is anti-somatic anti-israel leftist on the left. her own administration revealed that iran is funding the so-called demonstrations. law and order nothing to kamala harris. no surprise that her role as orders are has been an abject failure. aside from one short visit to el paso, she has not lifted a finger to secure the border. under her wash and joseph watch a record 10 plus unvented illegal immigrants from over 175 countries have poured into our country. including people, a record number of suspected terrorist, gang members, other criminals, other special interest aliens
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from america's top deal he political foes. people with terror ties. the problems do not end there. kamala harris is battling something called a likability crisis even after biden's horrendous debate she continued to underperform jola poles. here is just one reason voters o detest kamala harris. you decide. [laughter] [applause] [laughter] >> okay. [laughter] >> we are special. >> is that a socialist or progressive perspective? [laughter] no. i thought we are supposed to conserve things. [laughter] i could it reconcile it, now i can. [laughter] >> your giggle levi's resident,
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it is not just the nervous laughter. kamala often refuses to prepare for important events and then blames her staff when things go wrong. meanwhile, her public appearances are usually disjointed, confusing, cringe worthy filled with platitudes about the significance of time. we are all passing through time which is the passage of time and then diagrams in case you forgot >> the largest investment ever to take on the climate crisis. roughly $1 trillion with a t. [laughter] i had to. >> you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? [laughter] the context of all in which you live and what came before you. >> one of the things that i love are venn diagrams. [laughter] i love then diagrams.
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>> you need to get to where you need to go to get to work and get it done and get home. >> the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. >> more parents are seeing the value of educators. [laughter] we are not paying them nearly enough. [laughter] >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. every day it is time for us to agree. >> we talk about the children of the community. they are a children of the community. >> so, ukraine is a country in europe. it exists next to another country called russia. russia is a bigger country. russia is a powerful country.
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deciding to invade a smaller country called ukraine. basically, that is wrong. >> let's be clear. not a done deal for kamala right now. according to donald trump, auntie is right, it does not matter who the democrats run because the policies will remain the same. end of sentence. take a look. >> they may throw gretchen witmer at you. they may throw gavin newsom met you. they may throw michelle obama at you. >> i would not be worried about any of them. they have an open border policy. they have a high tax policy. they have a bad military policy. the whole world is going woken their world is going well. they are spending money for things that do not work. the whole thing is a mess. >> president is 1000% correct. the policies will not change. the sad reality in this modern
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democratic reality is they could nominate a dead person and it would not matter. they are decided by party elites and they speak with one voice. voters are the least important voice inside of that party. they only listen to the donor class. george clooney, nantucket, elitists like the obama spirit the d.c. power hungry elitists like pelosi, schumer and the democratic party, your boat does not matter. that is why unions, african-americans, hispanic americans, young people, they are switching to donald trump. the deadlines and regulations surrounding changing a candidate on the ballot, that varies from state to state. by the way, they are tedious to say the least. the heritage foundation, and wisconsin, a ballot cannot be changed unless the candidate dies and is currently clear if
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the regulation lies before and initial nomination. meanwhile in nevada a simple regulation applies. that stayed after next friday, no change can be made on that ballot for the general election for any reason. georgia meanwhile has regulations that require a convention for ballot changes. make no mistake, there will be legal challenges in multiple states all across the country and there is a chance at biden's name will remain on the ballot in certain states. democrats do not want to be in this position, but they are desperate to maintain power. it's all about meeting donald trump. in the cost of the party elitist , that is the only thing that matters. here with reaction from the white house where we went to see joe biden today. our very own peter ducey is with us. peter. >> resident biden is not at the white house. he is remaining at the beach
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house in delaware. no public events on the schedule from tuesday through sunday, it just says announcements about the schedule will be forthcoming we have no idea when it is that he will stop testing positive for covid and be able to travel to talk to us about what exactly changed since friday when he said he would be on the campaign trail advocating for himself. in the three weeks since the debate, president biden argued that it was an isolated incident and if he could just get out onto the campaign trail, he could reassure democrats that he's got the energy and that he's got the wit to go up against donald trump for the next couple of months until election day. it just was not working. nothing was working. it sounds like two of his closest advisors who have been there since the senate days went
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for a socially distance meeting at the beach house last night because the president is still testing positive for covid. they explained to him that according to the story, he had no pathway to victory. that was one of the things that he said what encouraged him to drop out. no pathway to victory, a medical problem or he heard from the almighty. it does not seem he has heard from the almighty. first lady office telling us the chief supports him with all of this. it was his decision to make. now, the biden operation is transferring everything over to kamala harris at the top of the ticket. now we wait to try to figure out what exactly the rest of the ticket is going to look like. this is a position that harris has not been in, obviously. she 10 states in the 2020 democratic primaries. this is going to be the first time for her to, it is all on
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her. starting today. twenty-seven and a half million dollars worth of small donations have gone into act bluebeard democrats at the moment are excited about the pic. >> where is obama tonight? where is schumer tonight? where is jeffrey's tonight? >> as of last night, the biden team leaking in the new york times that president biden was fuming about obama and pelosi at the beach house. he thought that they were pulling the strings behind the scenes which there are indications that they, at a minimum, did not stop this democratic vp. president biden just getting more and more isolated. he was mad at you much everybody except for a very small group of longtime advisors and family
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members. it really sounded like he was digging in because they could not take it away from them. he has the delegates. he did not have to do this. he was saying if somebody wants to challenge them at the convention then they want to do it. it will be a totally different ticket. harris and somebody. >> unless they don't want harris which i would suspect by their lack of endorsement over a possibility, peter at the white house, thank you, sir. i would say in fairness to you, i think there is been a lot of indication of your great reporting. bringing in the host to the special report. i find the voices of obama, pelosi, schumer, jeffrey somewhat deafening tonight. your thoughts. >> noticeably absent. she does have a number of key
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endorsers. some of the names that are being circulated as possible vp for her. governor roy cooper of north carolina, schapiro from pennsylvania senator mark kelly in arizona. you are right to say that those names have not. i think it is fascinating that we did not see president biden today. it was only this paper statement lbj back in 1968 gave a long televised speech about why he was stepping down. the only inclination is that he could not win. to peter's point, we have a statement that was read by cbs news. the president's brother saying that he is deteriorating health. that was a key factor in this decision. that is another piece of the puzzle. >> the president had claimed up until last week that he did not have any serious health issues but in dedicate if he did he would reconsider. i doubt that they are including covid as a key health issue.
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he is recovering nicely from covid, correct. >> exactly. we don't have any indication that he is going south from that he is coughing and has a horse voice. for his brother to say something like that indicate that there is something afoot here. it is likely what we have all seen from the debate by the way, hard to believe it was only three and a half weeks ago. all that has transpired in the political news front since then is like the speed of light. one last thing about vice president harris, she will be the only nominee, if it is her who has never won a national primary or caucus. do your point in 2019 out there before the iowa caucuses, the money dried up and the support was not there. she will have never won an actual vote if she becomes the nominee at the chicago convention. >> it will be phenomenal.
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only 57 days now until early voting begins in pennsylvania and rolls out around the rest of the country. pretty unprecedented times we are living in, for sure. thank you. we appreciate it. as always. the media has been covering for joe biden for years now. as you can imagine, they did not take it very well when joe ended his reelection bid today. take a look. >> we have breaking news. president biden has announced he will stand down from the race. i will read the statement on my phone. this is a significant breaking news development with the president announcing he is stepping back from the race. very little implication from people close to him and many people on the campaign that this was about to happen. >> he made a selfless decision if people are heartbroken. even people pushing for this to happen. kind of with your grandpa when you have to take the keys. you've gotta take his keys,
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you've gotta take his keys and is fighting eddie's fighting and then you finally get the keys back and then you just cry. because this is somebody that you love. this is somebody you care about. this is somebody you would not be here without him. and you have to take something from him. >> he's grounded in his faith and family in our state. excuse me. i am sorry. this was a very difficult decision. one that i think reflects the very best of who joe biden is. >> joining us now rnc cochair with us. thank you for being with us. let's get your immediate reaction to this. >> well, what you just heard there was pretty ridiculous. these are the same people that have known the state of joe biden for a long time. i want to remind all of the audience right now you highlighted at the top of the
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show the democrats in general have been lying to the american people about the state of the current president of the united states. let's not forget all of the other things. russia collusion, hunter biden laptop, have consistently abide to the american people. whoever it is, whether it's kamala harris or whether it's any other person, i think america has seen you cannot trust this party at all. that is a huge, huge problem for them. i think another thing that is really stunning right now is the fact that this is a party that always calls for democracy, democracy is imperiled. they have done the least democratic right now and i guess they will run kamala harris to bret baier just laid out, this woman never received a single wind in the single caucus or primary. she dropped out before her own home state of california in 2016 , sean. as far as we are concerned from the trump campaign and the rnc, our vision and our mission is very clear. we are running donald j trump is our president.
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we just came off of one heck of a week at the rnc. at the convention. probably the most exciting, hopeful and exciting convention i have ever attended. all streamlined, all on the same page. we know what we are fighting for we have a candidate that has produced results for the american people. where they in complete disarray on the other side, we are very, very focused on what we have to do and none of this quite frankly matters to us because we know that we have the best candidate matter who it is with donald j trump. >> let me play a few. i think a big issue is kamala harris who is, you know, besides his family, closest to joe biden , more than covering up again and again and again and again and again and again or is very transparent obvious clear cognitive decline. roll the tape. >> the way that the president's demeanor in that report was
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characterized could not be more wrong on the facts. >> if there was a problem. >> i am not lying. >> do you think you would tell the american public. >> there is no need for that. >> i work with joe biden every day. joe biden is going to be fine. we have a very bold and vibrant president and joe biden. >> he is an extraordinary leader i wish people could see what i see. >> thank you. i want to just bring this up to you. one thing i have been able to confirm tonight is they are ready for any candidate. ready long in advance of this decision. they are ready to run against kamala, they are ready to run against any democrat. >> that is correct. i really do not think, sean, that anyone can trust this party let's look at what these people have shown you.
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they are willing to lie to you and obviously this has never been for the democrats about choosing someone that they actually feel like is a good leader for the united states of america. who was running the country right now. if joe biden does not have the capability to run for president, the fact this is a guy in charge of the country right now should terrify every single american. they really do not care about who the candidate is on the democrat side as long as they can control that person. they do not want you to have your boat, america. billions of people voted to choose joe biden who now has been forced to drop out. they have had a successful coup against joe biden. forced them out. they just want to maintain their power on the democrat side. yes, we have been prepared from the rnc and trump. knowing that joe biden is not fit to be president right now nor four years from now. deciding to put up against kamala harris with somebody else or anybody that they throw out there. you cannot trust the democrats.
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they do not care about what is best for this country. we have the best candidate, we know, and donald j trump. >> thank you. we appreciate your time. kellyanne conway. cohosted the show. good to see you both. i will start with you. there is no way, and i've known you a long time. there is no way you or any democrat will ever convince me or kelly yan where most of the american people that democrats were not fully completely aware of joe's cognitive decline. to use the excuse of a poor debate as a means of pushing him out is beyond disingenuous. you knew about it. everyone with eyes to see knew about it. why did the party, why did the media in this country lie repeatedly to the american people? >> happy sunday in good to be
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with you. over the last several of months, probably seeing the president and other seeing some decline. >> one second. once a year, i pointed out as cognitive decline before the 2020 election. >> i disagree with you on that. i watch them during the state of the union. i thought he gave one heck of a speech. and then he came out during the debate. the three and a half week run that we have had is nothing short of astonishing. this will be interesting. you consider the near assassination attempt of president trump. the unbelievable convention that the republicans had. just in the last several hours. whatever we want to call it, i am not saying that you are wrong you may very well be right.
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this race for the president has been completely upended. i do not know if it will be kamala harris. she clearly is the front runner. the most critical for her when she is able to keep others out of the race. she will have a public statement we all know that some of the presentations in the public have not been the best. i think the country will be looking at her in ways than ever before. the next tube representations to the public will be absolutely critical. to your point, when president biden speaks in the next day or two and answers questions about the issues that you have aptly raise, getting a better sense of why it is at this moment. i think it simple that he cannot win in downward pressure battle. a lot of democrats that will come out in the next day or so. it may even be more embarrassing
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getting out in front of him. it seems like the trump campaign is been prepared for this. there may not be joe biden as the nominee, we will have one heck of a fight between now, a contest of ideas. >> if he is not strong enough to be the candidate, the 25th amendment ought to be evoked immediately. kelly yan. your thoughts that everybody knew about the cognitive decline it is not a surprise. everyone knew. they were willing to cover it up until he began to bleed and is pulling. then it became about our. >> actually, sean and harold, it actually happened when they started to worry about their own seats. most of them saying please step aside pass the baton mr. president biden. he will help us lose the house and senate as well as the white house. it was very selfish.
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joe biden was always electoral, not emotional. it was always political. kamala harris led the chorus of liars. every single day pretending that joe biden is a trapeze artist or triathlete behind-the-scenes and that we all see with our own to -- too wise and that is just not true. a running for president or vice president. the love of country. just say i love this man, i wanted to step aside and spend the rest of his years, let's hope 20 or 30 more years, in delaware with his family. if you don't like the style of kamala harris, if you don't like her style, waited till america learns her substance. this is someone that ran for president in 2020. she had such a big rollout, she was 50% of the polls. huge endorsements, raise a ton of money and fell out of the top tier fairly quickly because people got to know her and hear
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her. she did not get a single delegate. she had disastrous staff turnover. i check it on the daily. her public schedule, gentlemen, rarely has anything on it or one or two things on it. she does not speak well. she does not work hard. >> let me ask you. >> sheena -- she should not be the standard for the party. >> the voices of barack obama and chuck schumer and nancy pelosi and hakeem jeffries, they had an opportunity and they have an opportunity right now to come out in favor kamala harris. their silence to me is revealing and deafening. thoughts. >> yes. they wanted open primary. i think they want more of an open conversation. kamala harris should be prepared to be president. one other thing, i think joe and joe biden did something clever. he left, their poll numbers will
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go up either immediately or ultimately for doing that. their poll numbers were both suffering. meanwhile, people want to make history, not money. here is what i think is clever. indoors kamala and have her lose to joe biden. lose to donald trump so that she is never president. kamala harris has never shown us in the evidence that she could put together a campaign at the presidential level of 109 days even if she takes joe biden's entire staff. it is just too much to answer for. they think that we will lose, they will lose the house and senate. i think chuck schumer will tell his hollywood friends go give half a million dollars so donald trumbull of checks and balances. one party rule in washington. whoever operates kamala harris teleprompter, whoever writes the speeches are a trump supporter.
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those giants in the party know that. they know this woman is just not up to the job. let other democrats run. which other democrats were the sacrificial lamb this year? you think you are walking into a buzz saw trump is a favorite right now in the markets after that convention after he survived everything from impeachment to indictment to investigation. removing him from the ballot. removing him from his company. removing him from social media as they tried everything they could. whoever runs against him is running into a buzz saw called donald trump. >> the elitist win. voters be damned. if they need to throw kamala harris over next she will be thrown overboard. there is my guess. a big moment at the convention last week it let's get your take on all of these events. the people that nobody seems to care about in the democratic party are the voters of the
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democratic party. nobody considers what they want. i do find these voices of schumer, pelosi, obama, hakeem jeffries very interesting. i want to get your take on it. >> i think that the main messages we are not even running against a candidate here. we are running against a machine that machine has crushed the will of citizens in both parties that includes democrats. i think there are a lot of democrats that may not agree with everything our party and everything donald trump says. they are sick and tired of being lied to by our leaders. you may not agree with everything republicans say but at least you deserve a party in the president that tells you the actual truth. i think this could be a moment to win by an even larger margin. you are welcome in a republican party that may not agree with you on all policies, but at
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least they respect you and will be honest with you. it's now clear that the democratic elite has not been with their own voter base. >> let's talk about the fact that they are not supporting kamala harris. the very same people that i would argue would push people out. it says a lot to me that you have the obama's, we know that barack gave the wink and the nod to george clooney. we know that he has been working hard behind the scenes. we know that he gave the okay to schumer and pelosi to do the things that they have been doing and in all of those same voices are silent tonight. the congressional black caucus very prominent voices within the democratic party. james kleinberg and others. supporting kamala harris. the same group of people that did not win out in this battle for joe biden to stay in. who will win the next battle. >> i say this as somebody who one year ago predicted joe would not be the nominee.
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i will put that kamala harris will not be the nominee either. if they get one shot they will take their absolute best shot that they can't. >> who is it? >> look, i think there is a lot of open possibilities. i would not write up the possibility that it ends up being michelle obama. checking off the same boxes. somebody may be above the fray that does not create the same type of infighting that could debilitate their party. >> barack is the, is literally leading the charge. trying to keep, keeping plausible deniability and then his own wife takes over? what do you call that? >> i think you call it realism. the reality is they will take their best shot. waiting until after the rnc convention. that timing is optimal for them. it gets closer and closer to the election. they will drag this out through the democratic nomination in late august.
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i think michelle obama is not off the table. i know president trump would agree with this. our message is put at the best possible ticket that you can. that will be good for your party , it will be good for your country and it does not matter because we will still win because our vision for this country is for all americans. that is how we win. >> early voting is in just 56 days. >> we have to defeat this. >> it is a soft cool. thank you. fox news contributor new gingrich. i am sure you may have a thing or two to add to this. >> it is all amazing. first of all, does obama really mean there should be a truly open convention? harris does not go in there with a huge advantage she will not be nominated. that i agree with the i think, by the way, when people start
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looking at what a drag on the ticket harris is going to be all over the country and how much she will hurt the rest of the democratic party, it is not clear to me that she will be the nominee with what is going on. the other two things that are important, joe biden really needs to step down. not just as a candidate, but if he is incapable of campaigning, he is incapable of being the head. he cannot be the commander-in-chief. and, so, the 25th amendment whereby his own resignation. he really needs to go. as part of that, jill really needs to cancel her trip to paris. there is no reason for her to take taxpayer money and go spend probably several millions of dollars going to paris now that her husband is no longer a candidate. in my judgment, he should no longer be president. >> okay. so, you've got to ask yourself
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how did this all happen. how did this play out behind the scenes. clearly, i think the people who were considered last in this with the primary voters that went out and voted for joe biden , i think everyone was fully aware of his cognitive decline. with that said, did they get away with the big lie we did not know until the debate because i do not think anybody is believing that. >> sure. >> should there be consequences? >> i think there should be. there is a brand-new democracy institute pullout that says about two thirds of the american people think this whole thing is antidemocratic. having a bunch of bosses basically running over the votes of 14,500,000 democrats. lithium devotes biden god. now he has just kicked it to one side. you may end up with somebody being nominated to has had zero
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votes in the primaries. this is a classic washington insider powerbroker thing. we really have not seen it in modern times. i do not know how far back you would have to go to get to this blatant objection of the votes of the american people. >> amazing times. we are living history right now. mr. speaker, thank you. may come back, but i did dropping out of the race, how will that change donald trump's campaign strategy going forward? will it change it all was a mark we will have that going forward.
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here we reaction to joe biden dropping out of the race. kristi known 106 days out of the election. fifty-six days until early voting in pennsylvania. your reaction, governor. >> i don't think it matters who the democratic governor is viewed they are hurting the american people and destabilizing our country in the world the joe biden would drop out. harris would be the nominee and i believe she would pick a woman to be a vice president. it is a historic ticket and they can change the whole conversation. they can change it to women's rights and how magnificent this is to have two women running, to
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run the country. it looks as though that is what is playing out. >> what do you think about the fact that they are acting as though this debate with president trump is what caused them up —-dash to awaken to the fact that joe is in the cognitive decline which is clearly alive. to me it was very obvious. this is about joe biden and his inability to win. >> clearly they think that the american people are foolish and they just are not. they just have not told them the truth. they been lying to them for a long time and they been hiding it and harris has been a part of that. they need to hold her accountable. let's never forget what these members have voted for. we need to be talking about that in making sure we are talking about the issues that are really impacting the men and women in the families that live in this country. >> if it is even harris. governor, thank you. great to have you. >> thank you, sean. the whole stills tommy, 2024
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campaign spokesperson. it would not be fair if i did not start with tommy who has been predicting for the longest time that joe would not make it. kudos to you. part two of your prediction is gavin newsom who has endorsed kamala harris and joe biden before that. not going to be the nominee in my view. that part of your prediction i predict will be wrong. >> sean, i am still holding to it. i understand that governor gavin newsom has since endorsed kamala harris, but he also endorsed joe biden and said he was with joe. never underestimate a democrats ability to live. i will be my message to the american people into the trump campaign and republicans. don't get too comfortable.
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i know it seems like the party is in disarray. i think that they are very strategic. i think nancy pelosi has her paws all over this. i think there is a reason why nancy pelosi and schumer and obama have not endorsed vice president kamala harris. i think that they want a competition. california governor gavin newsom i think that he has put in the work. he has laid the groundwork for all of this. i'm holding tight to my prediction, sean. >> if he runs i predict 2028. >> let me be very clear. our campaign the president trump are very ready to be two over the democratic party convinces -- passes the torch to. lying to the american people about joe biden's very obvious cognitive decline.
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kamala harris and every democrat have wholeheartedly embraced joe biden's disastrous policies over the last four years. creating an immigration and ablation crises here at home in addition to war abroad. democrats have proven to be the party of chaos, confusion, corruption and lies. the republican party and president trump are leading a movement based on common sense, law and order, securing our border bringing down the cost-of-living in our country. our campaign every day between now and then will be out there bringing that message to every corner of the country. more hopeful than ever the president trump will be victorious on november 25. >> will there be a price to pay for the democratic party and they are over lie about joe biden's cognitive state? will there be a price to pay for disenfranchising democratic primary voters? >> i think so. it is leadership malpractice. it is an abandonment of the american people.
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you are supposed to be leading, i don't know, our foreign policy our border security. you are supposed to be the commander-in-chief. they abandoned that. they knew it was fake. they knew this change and made it when they sought. they will pay a price for that. that is also political malpractice. the voters will, i believe, take a discount on whoever replaces them. especially if it is handed to pamela. it is biden harris. she has no economic experience. no foreign policy experience. she is the orders are. she wants to end our healthcare system. she is ahead of the green new scam. she hates i.c.e. she is radical. she will not play in those states that trump as a lead-in right now. bad day for democrats across the board and they will pay for it. and they should. >> i think other leaders in the democratic party have different plans. thank you all. straightahead.
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