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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 22, 2024 1:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> welcome back america, simple question, we really were this party the party controlled country, another day, he was a president who has dementia, vice president, who acts like she has dementia, andn from their own voters, they will change the rules of the convention, so that they can try and enshrine kamala harris as their presidential candidate, you cannot think of three things off the top your head that she is not been helpful to this country and i can think of 20 that have been unhelpful any work hand in glove with — media, and it is time to throw these people out of time to like donald
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♪ ♪ >> a fox news alert fallout after president biden's historic decision to drop out of the 24 race for the white house and endorsing vice president kamala harris after insisting for weeks he was in it to win it. >> you got me, man! i'm not going anywhere. i'm staying in the race. [cheers and applause] i will be donald trump here >> are 100%, undoubtedly running for reelection? >> 100%. >> todd: president biden said he will remain in office to finish his term and the trump/vance said they are willing to face whoever will run in biden's place this november. >> what joe biden is done is simply send a message if you are losing at halftime just quit, just quit. that is what he is telling the generation of americans. first of all, i don't think that is joey from scranton was taught back in the dade who just quit.
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but especially the fact a month ago democrats were decrying the so-called use of deepfake videos and president trump walked out biden on the debate stage and show in less than a month quit. >> todd: it is mended, july 22nd we were watching a special two-hour edition of "fox & friends first." >> carley: i am sure carley shimkus and all eyes on kamala harris who officially announced she will run for the white house. she has had to speed for the first time since receiving joe biden's endorsement. we have team coverage and we start with doug luzader live in washington with the very latest on the presidential race right now. hi, doug. >> good morning, 1000% into 1000% out, the president will remain in delaware and still recovering from covid-19. biden does not have any public events scheduled at this point over the next few days, although we expect that schedule to begin to fill in. he has teased as possible
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national address coming up later this week in his announcement to drop out. despite this decision to bow out of the race, biden will not leave the white house early. he does plan on finishing out his bowl four year term. as for vice president kamala harris, she is scheduled to speak 11:30 eastern at the second annual white house college champions day event they call it. it will be the first time in the public eye since the news broke and as democrats begin moving on from biden, dnc chair jamie harrison has said this, "the work we must do now while in president it is clear. in the coming days the party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a unified democratic party with the candidate who can defeat donald trump in november, adding this process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the party. where delegates will take seriously the responsibility and
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swiftly delivering a connected to the american people." about 4,000 or so delegates will gather in chicago next month at the democratic national convention. it is awfully close. most of whom biden already won, but they will be released since he dropped out. to win the democratic nomination, the candidate needs to secure 1986 delegates as of last night. 531 had already endorsed harris and according to the big fund-raising group on the left, act blue, supporters have raised more than 40, $55 million, i'm told, and the hours following the vp's campaign launch, making one of the biggest fund-raising days of this election cycle. b3 just $46.7 million so the numbers come in and democrats are excited but we will see if it pays off. >> todd: doug luzader, thank you, it does not seem to be adding unity to the party as
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top democrats are split on whether to follow his lead in endorsing vice president kamala harris. >> carley: brooke singman with all the details, hi, brooke. >> the democratic party democratic party divided over vice president to back for president. president obama, for example, praised biden work and office but made no mention of the 23 but instead obama is calling for a process from which outstanding nominee emerges. other big names aren't falling in line either including former house speaker nancy pelosi, house minority hakeem jeffries and senate majority leader, chuck schumer. the clintons, on the other hand say "they are honored to join the president to endorse kamala harris and will do whatever they can to support h her." and the clintons are not alone since b-17 announcement, 188 democrats have endorsed b6 including gavin newsom, roy cooper, josh shapiro. transportation secretary pete buttigieg, but she is not
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the nominee yet. independent senator joe manchin said he is considering reregistering as a democrat to throw his hat in the ring. so lots of developments in the coming days in this extremely fluid situation and we will bring them all to you. >> todd: fluid is an understatement. in the meantime former president trump reacting to his rifle decision to not seek reelection. true social said, "joe biden was not fit to run for president. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly." j.d. vance said that he has been the worst president in my lifetime and kamala harris has been with him every step of the way here at president trump and i are ready to save america whoever is at the top of the democratic ticket here and bring it on." the national press secretary karoline leavitt later this morning. >> carley: i'm looking forward to that and former secretary of state for george w. bush and
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former naval intel office of robert charles who serve in the reagan and bush administration. roberts, good morning to you pure john roberts is receiving praise for doing the right thing and dropping out of the race, but also significant challenge when it comes to running a new candidate in the 11th hour. even the dnc chair essentially said, "we will let you know how we handle this when we figure it all out." what do you think about this decision, and what comes next? >> we have never been here before, that is for sure, todd and carley. it's not about navigating uncharted water but the fact the democratic party navigated themselves onto the shoals. they were in big trouble. there will be chaos in the party and all these people endorsing harris you have to believe half of them have to be picked for vice president. but just two observations really, historically, there was no precedent for this pier there is never been a situation wherel
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the delegates then turned around and quit at the end or was forced out. 1968 when jones and quit as an incumbent, he quit early in the race because he thought he couldn't get all the delegates. and you go back to 1860, lincoln came in with 22%. but those were contested conventions where no one was the walkway champion and simply quit. so really stunning extraordinaire and driven by the party. that goes to the second big point, this is a multiyear cover up. let's be frank about it. this is a cover-up by harris, the media, the mainstream made at that new biden was unfit as early as 2021. the records are beginning to trickle out and flood out that there was lots and lots of situation where biden was on up to the task pure there is an awful lot of trust that has been hemorrhaged here but the democratic party. it is hard to see how harris or anyone else quickly rebuilds
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that trust. you don't trust anything they say. they say she will be the nominee or he's not going to resign, do you really trust her anymore? that is the bottom line. the democrats have hemorrhaged trust in every category. >> todd: to that point, robert, will democrats run as the party that is needed to save democracy in light of the fact they are basically forcing out the candidate that won 14 million primary votes? >> this is probably the most undemocratic party and most undemocdemocratic party and most undemocratic presidential primaries i think you have ever seen. what are you looking at? you are looking at a party that says all of our voters pushed for this man, even our 24 delegates were headed that way or commended that way. and now they will abandon him and walk away. it is anti-democrats as you can get and in fact, it is possible to get some kind of blocked convention or stymied convention and the dnc picks their own ticket. that goes to the heart of it, which is americans don't have a
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lot of time to study, to understand, to vet whoever the democrats pick up. and trump and vance need to understand this can be a rocky road ahead appear at the shift is to a different candidate. it will be a tough run and interesting, but it will be tough. >> carley: on that front, very interesting, thomas coming from reregistering as a democrat and rerunning in the race and effort to bring the conversation for democrats back to the middle. does somebody like him who could appeal to working-class voters pose a greater threat to the trump vance ticket and say kamala harris? >> i don't think he poses a great threat, once you have changed your mind once or twice or three minds about the party you are income i don't think people really warm up to you but the bottom line harris is not very popular and even harris
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fill in the blank ticket is not popular so this could turn upside down in a short period of time and i honestly think we are at a position now where americans need to be very vigilant. this is unprecedented in our democracy. what the democrats have done they brought it on themselves this cover-up of b-17 health, it will not be a pretty race and hard-fought, i'm sure a lot of egos in this. at the end of the day come americans may refer to simply say, we know who trump is and we know who vance is and we know what they did for the country. and we think what they did for the country is what we want to have done again. we want to better economy, safe borders, safety international, domestically, the end of the drug trafficking crisis and something we can believe him and our kids can believe in and we can feel good about. i don't know how the democrats really against that because they all on this failure and they all on the current inflation, high
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interest rate, illegal aliens, the whole nine yards. >> todd: who knows after receiving biden's endorsement many speculating d.c. contenders for harris. take a look at potential name but a judge, newsom, whitmire, schapiro, cooper," which are. at a lot of the usual suspects thee on that board but do you see anybody if harris is the nominee would really cause concern into trump vance field? hey, whoever they throw in there, trump and vance will run their game and that's that? >> normally vice presidential picked does not influence things at all but in this particular cycle, it will influence things a lot. because kamala harris is not particularly popular. even though she will probably pick someone right down the middle, mark kelly or something like that to the extent they give her the opportunity,
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president and vice president's by the way are nominated separately. at the end of the day, there is a possibility she could reach way outside the box and pick a businessman or somebody that has celebrity appeal. they are desperate right now. they are in the fourth quarter last 30 seconds. so they will have to figure out what looks credible to the american people. right now, the democratic party does not look credible to the american people. >> carley: it is interesting kamala harris spoke on the phone with josh shapiro when pennsylvania a must-win state and trump said whoever he wanted to pick as vice presidential contender would essentially live in pennsylvania. that is how important estate is to him the one to watch. robert, thank you so much for joining us here at what a moment in history. look at this headline from politico that says, "alone and abandoned, biden learns friends are more dangerous than enemies." the president's decision to drop out of this race prove the democrat pressure can force him
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out. >> todd: we know the answer to that but we will look at a close look at all of that with beverly hallberg and cory mills, new jersey conference menstrual, and who predicted this that biden would not be on the ticket and trump 2024 press secretary, and a lot on this two-hour edition of "fox & friends first." ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> todd: president biden nailed the first income and to not seek reelection since lyndon b. johnson in 1968 but his campaign insisting he was in it to win it hours and sometimes when it before biden posted a letter announcing his exit. >> joe biden said he is in this race to win it and instructing us to continue to carry out a
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plan to make sure we are communicating as many as possible. >> "with the president is in this race and you have heard him say this time and time again. he is more committed than ever to beat donald trump. >> i want to be crystal clear, he made a decision and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for reelection, win reelection, and i think there are those out there to hear it again that he made a decision and he's going to be the candidate. >> todd: not that crystal clear, that crystal needs a little index. the president of social media group and independent women's forum, beverly hallberg joins a spirit help out of a look at is it for democrats that apparently key campaign staffers had no ida the announcement was coming when it did. >> i don't think it is a good look but nothing about this is a good look. i don't think we are surprised the biden campaign including joe biden himself has been very defiant in his statement saying,
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"i am going to stay, and i am ready." that is many air canada's to be optimistic what is happening but there was a lot behind this. i don't think we look at this and think this is a decision by hunter biden, the biden camp at all. this is coming down to what is a disastrous campaign for many reasons. and of course, it all started out with disastrous debate roughly three, three and a half weeks ago. i think we can safely say at this point the debate between president biden and donald trump is the most consequential presidential debate in american history more defining think kennedy/nixon debate in 1960 often mention and i will tell you this, todd, the news cycle is crazy and not stopping any time spent. >> todd: it is not, this political trickle says alone and abandoned, biden learns friends are more dangerous than enemies. beverly, can voters trust a party and those that clearly run the party and i'm looking at you
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barack obama, to a lesser degree chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, but can they trust a party that stabs its leader or sensible leader in the back like this? >> will, i talked to many democrat friends over the past few weeks and they keep saying it is going on? everybody knows there is chaos being of the scenes. you have this announcement by president joe biden stepping down from the campaign. the clintons are supporting kamala harris. you have president obama that is not. before this the op-ed by george clooney out here or there has been so many factions and the democrat party when usuallyy are very united. take a look at nancy pelosi and those on capitol hill. she's been able to whip them together in the past. to see these types of divisions, not only leading to democrat voters main concern wondering whether the party will save democracy is simply democracy by how this process can play out but it also makes it confusing for the media. how should we cover, let harris?
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she is not a compelling candidate. she is not popular. if they do these blowing spreads of her talking about how wonderful she has to has to push her in the spotlight as someone who can take the torch and move forward from joe biden, here is the problem, if she ends up not being the nominee? what does it do at that point? the democrats have to make a decision soon because i have a lot to convince the american people love. >> todd: let's not forget how vibrant we were told one joe biden was literally up until a couple of weeks ago. watch. >> i would put the presidents stamina, the presidents wisdom and ability to get this done on behalf of the american people against anyone. >> if there ever is a problem, do you think you could go tell the american public? do you think in your role you are in position to do that? >> of course, if necessary, but there is no need for that. >> todd: no need for that, beverly if kamala is the
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nominee, will voters punish her for misleading? >> yeah, there is this aspect where kamala harris who has been public about having weekly luncheons with the president during her term, if she has been saying there is nothing to see here and he's as sharp as ever before, but yet to come in only two bc with her own eyes that is not true but now we know he is being pushed out and stepping to his cognitive decline but the question is did you really tried to protect this country based on that? she has a lot of questions she has to answer on that. one of the smartest things don't make decisions president biden made was choosing kamala harris as his vp. the reason this there is one person worse at communicating than president biden, and that actually vice president, kamala harris. she has been an insurance policy for him, job security for him, because i think she would be moved into this position far sooner if at all and more effective communicator.
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so, she has an uphill battle. she does not have the support as far as feeling good about her i democrats. am not sure how they thread this needle. a lot is up in the air. many people are wondering how this will land. >> todd: let's not forget obama, pelosi, jeffries, schumer, durbin dell might durbin have not come out to endorse kemal harris. beverly holcomb i think you for your insight. we appreciate it. as democrats reshuffle the deck some are saying on the titanic, who do voters in 2020 hope to see on the ballot and who they hope to see, we have a democrat voter . >> carley: and will testify on the agency's failures nine days after the tentative assassination attempt on former president trump's life. congressman cory mills joins us next to discuss that. a newly announced investigation into what went wrong before, during, and after the rally.
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♪ ♪ >> todd: we are back with a fox news alert. the democrat party looking at the path forward for president biden after president biden's historic decision to drop out of 2024 204 presidential race endorsing vp,
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kamala harris. >> carley: four weeks the president and campaign said he would be the nominee to face former president trump and j.d. vance in november. vice president molly harris sent to -- and brooke singman joins us with more. >> the president will stay and delaware where he is still recovering from covid-19. biden doesn't have any public event scheduled over the next few days, but he did tease you could give a possible national address later this week. that came an announcement to suspend his reelection campaign despite the decision about out of the race, biden will not leave the oval office as the white house says. he does plan on finishing out full, four-year term. as for vice president kamala harris she is scheduled to speak at 11:30 eastern at the second annual white house college champions date event. it will be her first time in the public eye since all of this news broke. meanwhile, as the democrats move on from biden, dnc chair jamie harrison says, "the work we must
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do now while in prison it is clear. the coming days the party will take transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united democratic party the candidate who can defeat donald trump in november." adding, this process will be established by government rules and procedures of the party and take seriously the responsibility and swiftly delivering the candidate to the american people. close to 4,000 delegates will gather in chicago at the democratic national convention. biden already won most delegates but now after dropping out of the race, some of those have been released. in order to win back the democratic nomination, the candidate needs to secure 1,986 delegates. as of last night 531 have already endorsed harris but act blue supporters are excited and raise more than $55 million in the hours following the vice president's new campaign launch making that one of the
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biggest fund-raising days of the selection cycle, guys. >> carley: brooks lehman live and congressman cory mills, good morning to you. so we don't know who the nominee will be but we know it will not be joe biden. so are we focusing too soon on kamala harris as the nominee fold? >> well i'm i think it makes sense to go ahead and choose kamala harris if you look how much money to invest and to the biden-harris ticket. i believe you have to take that money and go back to the donors if she's on the ticket. this would be about trying to secure additional donors but let's go back and look at kamala harris. this is a person who poles lower than joe biden when it comes against president trump. this is a woman the d.a. in california refuse the police union because she wouldn't actually go after the death penalty for gang member who killed san francisco police officer isaac espinoza that she
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would imprison 1500 people on marijuana related issues. so she was appointed the border czar and we saw how that went with millions who came across the border and millions with terrorist organization. as a cackle herself whether joe biden's gaps or kamala harris word salad, you are getting the same thing, an attempt at the democrats. >> carley: if she is the nomination she has to answer questions on past statements and she doesn't have a long record of pure 2018, she called to eliminate i.c.e. presidential candidate she ran on justice reform and holding police accountable. you have to wonder how those messages play today when there is a push to increase for security and support police. >> that is exactly right. she led defund the police movement and a person who actually wanted to start a fund during 2020 rights not to ensure law and order but to help those who were running and setting businesses on fire. this is not a person who is kind
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of the blue dog democrats but one of the most liberal senators even more so than bernie sanders of vermont. i think if you look at her approached actually going after on enforcement officer as opposed to criminals themselves as opposed to secure the border tried to get accountability, she is one of those actually trying to do the opposite. i think soft on crime catch and release nobel reform is something she absolutely champions. >> carley: congressman, do you think she would debate donald trump and if so, what would that look like? >> she would attempt to debate the president but at the end of the day, no one will go against his record whether trade deals or his remaining mexico agreement title 42. whether kind of phase 1 deal where he brought them billions, millions and millions of dollars to the rust belt when it comes to agricultural segment and holding adversaries accountable
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and eliminating terrorists like baghdadi for the isis as well as solo money. he can run on a trail of four years of success in our economy but what is she running on outside of open border and the world on fire? so i think based on the fact she will not be able. >> carley: not just the presidential race but a third of the senate seats and all of the house is also up for reelection. how does all of this impact the down ballot races? >> well i think it works out well for the republicans. they have seen the disarray on the dysfunction of the democratic party. they see the division and separation as they tried to play the bernie routine which has run out and you have cackling kamala showing she is not prepared for the vice presidency let alone try to take the home. i think you see where the american people is looking at four years of success under the republican party as opposed to four years of failure we can't
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reach into your pocket and find a nickel. so we are looking for a big win not just to maintain the majority but to grow the majority of the house and take back the senate get president trump back in the office to save this republic. >> carley: president biden has no public events on his schedule today. so we won't hear from him but may be later this week. we will hear from secret service kimberly cheatle who will have and be testifying for the house judiciary committee on assassination attempt on former president donald trump's life. what are your expectations for today's hearing, and what would you like to walk away learning the most? >> well, there is no doubt, she will try to subvert the efforts of the oversight committee to try to get no answers whether it was her comment regarding a roof to sloped an fbi with photos trying to wash it off. i think we need to be looking at what was the advance team security plan and the
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communication plan and why didn't law enforcement officers able to be on emergency call and why was the counter sniper is not given heads up what was going on and occurring if out of sight and why was a building that was perfect line of sight directly adjacent with 160 yards out of the perimeter? there is too much about this and i've conducted a thousand of these advances come up was it a counter's sniper done this job and more than just negligence? i don't think we should take anything off of the table whether negligence or dereliction of duty or intent, we need to look at all avenues to ensure we get transparency for the american people. >> carley: what about the fact the secret service said they did deny request for additional security for former president donald trump? the initial statement from the secret service spokesperson was that that was not true. that leads to trust issues as
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well. what about both of those things? >> that is exactly right. even the secret service themselves said we h requested r years and it was alejandro mayorkas who ultimately denied this and said it wasn't going forward and thinking forward and said to them actually this is true. and he denied rfk security detail, even though both his father and uncle assassinated appeared we need to look into alejandro mayorkas already impeached for his failures on the border as well as failures to secure and keep candidates running for president safe. >> carley: that's right. now you have personal issues and lack of members of the secret service apparently leading to the fact that they can't protect everybody at all times. that is a big deal. now you mention rfk jr., he has secret service protection and j.d. vance. >> thanks to president trump. >> carley: that is true and j.d. vance as well and already strapped for personal, they are stretch more then. i'm sure this is a bipartisan
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issue. >> this is a problem with dei, carley, starting to fill numbers because they want to fill quotas and not giving meritocracy and we can get the best to secure and keep safe those who are actually ready to be elected for office. >> carley: this will take place 10:00 a.m. and we will be watching. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> you are very welcome. spent with a back president biden and reacting to the news he's dropping out and this mccullough former of three, who voted for biden in 2020 but switch parties in 2022 and two mill objects on a registered democrat voters need a philadelphia resident, and a senior at the university of so-called chicago. do you feel deceived by the democrats promising that job was going to run and insisting he s fit still to be our pres president? >> 100%. i think the times who the nominee should be should be in months ago instead of letting
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the donors come in of letting the party elites in back rooms and i honestly think joe biden was going to drop out. why had the bait happened so early on in june rather than august? i think the goal is to let joe biden fail early, fail in public and switch them out and pull the rug from under his leg just to switch him on the ballot. every step of the way, we seem democrat voters like myself not be able to have our own opinion in this on election. i think honestly if donald trump can take a bullet for democracy, democrats might just have to lose may be the presidential race in races all around just to learn what democracy is. that is actually opening it it up to the voters are not just the party elites like nancy pelosi. we went to the point jamail mentioned, how can the party that says always depending demoy from donald j. trump and republicans basically kick
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out there leaving vote-getter three and a half weeks after he doesn't do well in the debate? >> that shows how shaded the democrat party is here they are trying to do everything they can in their power to win. they know they don't have a chance to win against trump with biden in office. and biden is losing the democrats support. and they are just trying to say, and if her innocence to find somebody who can beat trump that it doesn't matter who they will pick, trump will win. but i think it shows you can't trust the democratic party or trust biden. >> todd: basically what you said is what the 15 said in his rally sunday night when asked, he asked his supporters what they thought about trump/harris match up. watch. >> who would you like to run against if we win? ready? kamala harris.
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[boos] crooked joe biden. [cheers and applause] all right. >> todd: jamil, do you think you will vote for whoever the dems put up? are you looking at potential rfk jr. or somebody else that you say, you know, you've run a good race and you will get my vote pushed work >> i definitely am voting for donald trump at this point. but i believe it is going to become -- and i want that to be the matchup because i want every african american, democrats just to hear the reddick filmic rhetoric that will happen. they will try to be african-americans into submission by voting for kamala harris, the first black female president and if you don't you are racist. you will vote for someone who was white who is donald trump here is that rhetoric is even more defensive than where we are now. so i want everyone on my democratic friends, to say to
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you not on a record or what's happening at the border or anything she's involved in, especially when she was a senator and lost the primary like the debates and expose many, many times. i want people to focus on the substance of it because that is where the democratic -- when you see the democratic, political strategists are aligned. just placating and for votes and not actual substance and putting our country back on the right stuff. >> todd: that certainly seems to be the democrat strategy, chris, final word to you now that you have switch parties, is there any entity on the list with kamala with the matchup with trump? >> absolutely not. even if they were to vote harris, it will be easy for trump or hillary. trump will be able to win by a
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landslide. i'm excited to vote for trump this year. >> todd: we will see. fascinating perspective from you all's well so and thank you for getting up on a historic morning, we appreciate it. there is more carley shimkus to vice president kamala harris and what we have seen her time in the white house. >> carley: we take a deep dive in her record from vp all the way back to her days as a prosecutor in california. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kamala harris will own everything from the harris biden administration from the past three and a half years. whether record-setting illegal immigration or sky high inflation or chaos across the globe, she has to own all of that, plus my here is the thing kamala harris has to own radical, liberal record even before her time in the white house. back in the california days, whether trying to decriminalize illegal immigration or whether to abolish i.c.e. what joe biden has done is simply send the message come if you are losing have time, just quit, just quit because that is what he is telling the younger generation of americans. first of all, i don't think joey from scranton was taught back and that they too just quit, but especially the fact a month ago
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democrats were decrying the so-called cheap fake videos and president trump walked out joe biden on the debate stage and joe biden less than a month later has quit. speed to the trump fans campaign said they are ready to face whoever since joe biden dropped out 106 days before the presidential election. so what would voters be getting if vice president harris does come in fact, become the nominee? we will take a look back at the track record record starting with california, california g.o.p. julissa, lynn patterson joins me now. jessica, good morning to you. she does have a long track record and what does her time as california senator nag tell us about what her priorities might be if she does become the nominee? >> we certainly see over the last three and a half years, in california we know molly harris for decades. we have seen what she has done. before our orders are wide open
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before the biden administration and before we had the streets less safe. these are all policies that started here in california by people like our attorney general, kamala harris. whether supporting sanctuary cities, sanctuary state status this year. prop 47, which in california as the attorney general, she wrote the ballot and summary for each one of the propositions that were on our ballot. she named this neighborhood and decriminalize staff that was below $950. she has a tax on american energy. these are things we have seen for decades here in california. >> carley: jessa, we have seen her graphs on all the comments as vice president. now that she is running for president, the stakes could not be higher from communication standpoint, how does she handle
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this moment quit work >> think you will see more of the same. we heard the stories about lack of preparation. this is the same person we have seen for a very long time. this is not something new. so i think you will see more of the same. i think the people within the democrat party, leaders if you want to see, will try to whip this up quickly. they will go out and be unified, especially after seeing such a unified republican national committee convention last week. they want to put this all together in a nice, pretty bow. unfortunately, they picked the wrong candidate for that. >> carley: if you think about kamala harris presidential run in 2020, epic failure she dropped out before a vote was cast. she does not need to deal with normal people voting for her but delegates, too, and i think that will make a lot of delegates angry. speak with the way the republican national committee did it and the way the democrats did it, they wanted to keep this
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completely close. up and talk about president biden not being the nominee since june of last year. and the fact it is actually coming to fruition is absolutely crazy to watch. it could have been easy for the republicans to say, president trump is going to be our nominee. but we had a very open process. president trump had to fight for every single vote. he is battle-tested. this is who the repu republicany chose as their candidate. look at that as opposed to the democrat senate, their primary system, move seats around and president biden wasn't even on the ballot in some states. they just wanted to make sure this was a very close process. at the end of the day, these elites, a few thousand delegates will be able to decide who their nominee is. the part of that screams at the top of their lungs "democracy," this looks like anything but.
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>> carley: i need a quick answer, energized and $50 million in small donations have come in since joe biden announced he would drop out. does that worry you? >> i think there is significant amount of democrats still not on board with this, and that is what i would watch the next few days. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us. have a great day. later today the vice president set to make first appearance since entering the race for the white house. >> todd: the nomination has only begun. a live report on the hurdle she will have to overcome at the next hour, "fox & friends first." ♪ ♪
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>> todd: a fox news alert. president biden historic decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race and endorse vice president kamala harris after weeks of insisting he was in it to win it. >> president biden: you got me, man. i'm not going anywhere. i'm staying in the race. [cheering] >> president biden: i'll beat donald trump. >> are you 100% running for reelection? >> what the -- >> carley: president biden says he will remain in office to finish his term.
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it is monday, july 22, you are watching a special two-hour edition of "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. vice president harris has officially announced her run for the white house and will speak today. meantime, biden will remain in delaware today. jacqui heinrich is in rohoboth beach with the latest on the presidential race right now. >> good morning to you guys. president biden shocked even his own staff with this announcement. he called his two closest to rohoboth beach and they worked through the night drafting the most consequential letter of his 50 years in politics. next morning he called his vice president, chief of staff and -- biden says he will explain his
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decision in detail later this week. machinery is up and running behind the vice president. she tweeted this last night, it hit from another account a full day earlier. >> he is a world leader in temper tantrums, she never loses her cool. this is trump, this is the anti-trump. >> harris will have to earn the nomination at the convention, she needs 1976 delegates and 531 have already endorsed her. dnc chair jamie harrison says the work we must do now is clear, the party will undergo orderly process with a candidate who can defeat donald trump in november. this process will be governed by established rules and procedure of the party. delegates will swiftly deliver a
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new candidate to the american people. what we don't know is who harris will select to be vice president. the base is reenergized after the president made his announcement. act blue has raked in small donations, single biggest day of the cycle. the president continues to recover from covid, guys. >> carley: last week we were saying the walls were closed for biden, they are open for her. you spoke with the president's advisor yesterday asking if the president was okay, what was his response? >> a brief reaction. he was keeping on moving, i said, are you okay?
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is he okay? he said, he's okay, slielt slight nod, he looked pained to say it. it was brief and he kept walking. this was kept to a small circle, guys. >> todd: bring in will pierce, draft biden in 2016, senior advisor to bernie sanders and columnist for the daily caller. jacqui heinrich referred to this process as being transparent and orderly. in light of the chaotic way democrats pushed out joe biden, do you think anybody about the next month will be transparent or orderly? >> i can't trust what democrats say right now. we just saw them say over and over and over again, he will stay in the race and we saw what happened. you had during the campaign
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season in the primary, they did not let an any transparency com in, did not let anybody else run, they were trying to push biden and this is the result they got. >> carley: weigh in on the calls for president who said he is not going to run. republicans are saying, if you can't run, you can't stay. do they have a point? >> when is last time we saw president biden? coming off the plane and that was it. we have kamala harris coming in and they are trying to prop her up and make her look presidential. this is the border czar. she had 3% of vote, she wasn't on the ballot and dropped out and now democratic nominee for president? it is ridiculous.
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they knew this was coming, no back fence. that was one main reason i left, as well. >> todd: will, they lied to us. listen to sound saying, joe biden is robust, he is the guy you want defending our nation at 3:00 a.m. >> i would put the president's stamina, wisdom, ability to get this done on behalf of the american people against anyone. if there ever is a problem, do you think you could go tell the american public? do you think in your role that you are in a position to do that? >> of course. if necessary, but there is no need for that. >> todd: how does harris explain to voters that basically she covered up for joe biden's condition for years saying he was robust and could handle this when he could not?
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>> it is false. when i saw the president about a year ago, i noticed issues. he had key supporters who said, this is not the same joe biden. this has been going on in the demo democratic party for a while, everyone saying, no, let's figure this out, you had jamie harrison and kamala harris and kjp, trying to cover this up and get to the election and basically right now it is coming back to bite them. >> carley: that image of president biden and kamala harris with their head held high in the air as if to tell people, don't worry, we've got this. 17 days later, it is clear president biden hopes did not come to pass. he was working into the night giving this announcement and gave his staff a heads up he was
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dropping out. this happened 12-hour time period on saturday night. what do you think the ultimate deciding factor was for him to drop out of the race? >> for me, when i saw over the weekend, his family was getting ready for the announcement, that sealed the deal for me. the thing for president biden, he does make a decision, he takes a while to get there, main thing for him is family. that is main reason i loved him and sported him, i believe democratic party used him. this man dedicated his life to public service, while we may not agree on politics, instead of allowing him to retire as s statesman, it is despicable what
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democrats did. >> todd: kamala harris, in 2020, only people who dropped out before her were stef bullock, and joe sestack. who? can she convince voters to support her? that was 2020, despite label after label, title after title, she has not accomplished anything during her term as vice president. >> right after the dnc, you will have 50 days for mail-in ballots. people may know her as vice president harris, beside being former prosecutor from california, speaks for itself. what has she done beside being a vice president that opened the border when she was a border czar, nothing.
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>> carley: almost in august and presidential election starts in september for early voting. they will only have a few short weeks to run. thank you. >> todd: september is around the corner, starting to see pumpkin spice out. just hours from now, embattled secret service director will testify nine days after the assassination attempt on former president trump, a preview next. >> carley: jeff van drew, cheryl casone, karoline leavitt here live on "fox and friends first." my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪
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>> todd: vice president kamala harris clearly wants to win nomination to be president, what about the pesky primary elections that were held and delegate says pledged to president biden? jeff van drew sits on the house judiciary committee. congressman, how does the party that hyper ventilates about
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democracy convince voters to ignore the primaries? >> yesterday was a sad day for america. it was sad, we had primary elections and those primary elections were electorate at large vote for the candidate of their choice. we'll remove any effect they would have, they are not important now. few thousand people are insiders and back-room people and people who make deals in smoke-filled rooms in history and make the decision, that is sad and unfo unfortunate. the democratic leaders knew joe biden had this problem and they would not have removed him, they basically did make it impossible for him to continue. they would not have removed him except they looked at internal
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polling. it is not a function of trying to do the right thing for america. it is bad poll ing and the fact it became real they might lose this election and they are always worried about the end game and the end game is winning. last thing, do not underestimate them. don't feel like we got this thing, don't say kamala harris is weak or whatever, she is. know they know how to win and they will fight hard. this is far from over. we have to work hard last minute of last day. >> todd: whole smoke-filled room is how it will play out, those in charge of the process would like you to believe otherwise. listen. >> we will execute the most successful convention in our party's lifetime and nominate a democratic president and he will
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defeat donald trump and j.d. vance. >> whatever is going to happen, all people interested in getting in the process, the process is open, get into it. look at the rules, it is there. you can use this process to effectively have a mini-primary, if that is what you are interested in. >> todd: okay. so assuming for argument sake, the smoke-filled room hypothesis does not play out to the public, how do you expect logistics of picking a candidate to play out in front of all of us? >> they'll put on the best show they possible can. i never want to underestimate the person i'm running against, group i'm running against, they never underestimate us. they will put on the best darn show they can. they have main-stream media on their side, celebrities on their
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side, they will make kamala harris seem like the second coming, that is dynamic and amazing, whole new game. they have ush approximated people out. dean phillips was never listened to and he was telling the truth about joe biden. they would not let it out, main-stream media and everybody else protected him. they ush approximated robert kennedy out, too, r.f.k. jr., they did not allow him to engage way he should have been allowed to engage. they are everything they say they are not. it is closed door for most who want the opportunity. they have more weight than the average delegate from a state and county, this is going to be a show. whether they can control it all is a different story, that is what we'll find out.
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i bank on them doing an,a mazingly good job, even if they don't, i want to be ready for the worst because i want to win. >> todd: secret service director kimberly cheatle expected to testify today on failure leading up to assassination attempt on trump. she never went to the crime scene first hand. this happened a week ago, how has cheatle not been fired already, congressman? >> she should be fired. cheatle is an example of somebody that was worried about quotas, somebody worried about being woke, worried about pronouns and everything, but the job she was supposed to do and we have an american society because of democrats. this is not the only case, look at boeing, they were worried about everything but making safe airplanes. she should have been at the
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scene and had real explanations. her explanations were absurd. a slopped roof? people are on roofs all the time dealing with that. there was a communication breakdown and i was very involved with huge rally, biggest rally president trump has had, 100,000 people in new jersey on wildwood beach, they had drums in the air and interaction with local police and secret service. i don't know what went wrong here, a lot did. we have to identify it, she needs to be removed in the process. we need somebody who is going to do a good job for the secret service. most of the agents are great, it is people at the top because of what democrats have done and we have to get this agent refocus or we'll lose a life.
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or we did lose a life, a poor, innocent fireman. if president trump had not just turned his head, he would probably be gone now. >> todd: we should not hear about budgetary limitation, not that many ex-presidencies, you should be able to handle full security for those individuals. congressman, appreciate your time. >> no matter how much money you throw at stupidity, it is still st stupidity. >> todd: headline from politico, biden learns friends are more dangerous than enemies. is this a democratic pressure campaign to force him out? ca >> carley: tomi lahren saw this coming a year ago and she is here to talk about this next.
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>> carley: the at this time's decision to exit the race was met by praise by barack obama, who was quiet when biden began faces calls to drop out of the debate. former president obama did not endorse kamala harris. brooke singman has details. >> brooke: democratic party is divided over they will back kamala harris for president. former president obama praised biden's work in office and made no mention for harris and are calling for a process. former speaker peelsz, house minority leader hakeem jeffries and senate majority lead er schumer. the clintons, however, are
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endor endorsing vice president kamala harris. 178 democratic lawmakers have endorsed kamala harris including gavin newsom, and josh shapiro and pete buttigieg, as well. joe manc joe manchin is conside throwing his hat in the ring, lots of development are expected in this fluid situation. we'll follow it all and bring to you. >> carley: bring in outkick host tomi lahren to talk about this. interesting how people who have been criticizing joe biden as unfit to be president came out with statements calling him the most consequential president in american hift radio. what do you think about all of this? who needs enemies when you have friends, right? >> tomi: exactly, carley.
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i would say this and speak for millions, we need to see and hear from president joe biden and see and hear from president joe biden very soon. i understand he is still sick with covid. i understand maybe his voice is hoarse and he does not look the best because he is struggling with covid. people will not stand for a posted message when millions voted for him in the first place. we need to hear from him, that is not too much to ask. when democracy is on the ballot. i'll tell you this, i know there are folks that believe kamala harris is going to be the nominee, i disagree with that notion. i believe democrats always play to win. that is why they stabbed joe biden in the back and threw him under the bus when he was no longer useful to them. i don't believe they will put
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vice president kamala harris on the top of the ticket. they do not want to lose to donald trump. expect a wild couple of weeks and months, anything can happen. i think they are trying to revamp her, kamala harris operation 5.0 is underway, i expect it to flame out quickly. >> carley: if not kamala harris, who do you think it will be? >> tomi: i've maintained for a year it will be california governor gavin newsom. i understand he has endorsed kamala harris, he also endorsed joe biden. he has been running a shadow campaign, he participated in a debate on fox news, he's been campaigning and loyal to joe biden. i don't rule out gavin newsom.
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i maintain his name is very much in this game. >> carley: the clock is ticking. one other issue is dnc does not know how to handle this moment, there are questions about next steps in nomination preese. elise stefanik said, back-room donors and stenographers in main-stream media conspired in this attack on democracy by forcing out the candidate who secured necessary vote to serve as general election candidate. they are disenfranchising the vote of 14 million voter because they hid joe biden's health issues. what about that, the fact 14 million people voted for scombroeb and he will not be the nominee. com commander-in-chief /*
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>> tomi: that is why we need to hear from joe biden. it is not the democratic process to say, i'm losing in the polls, so, i will drop out and disenfranchise the people that voted for me and independents that voted for joe biden. if there is something wrong with this president that makes him unable to run for office or serve, we need to know what that is. just saying, i'm losing, that ain't enough. this is unfair to the trump campaign who spent millions and spent time campaigning against joe biden. it is not fair for entire process. i think the trump campaign will be ready for whatever comes their way >> this whole thing, something ain't right here. >> carley: donald trump has had a remarkable week, surviving an assassination attempt, successful republican national
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convention, where the party has united around him. the classified documents case getting tossed out, how did he play this moment and what should he do moving forward? >> tomi: republican party as a whole need to go after radical democratic record. their message is the same. i will say, this is incredibly unfair for the trump campaign, they don't know who they are campaigning against. four months until an election and leading candidate for president donald trump not knowing who he is up against. j.d. vance not knowing who he is up against and who he will debate. this is not fair, never been fair for donald trump, he will fight like he's always fight. the american people should be upset about it. >> carley: have a great day. it took less than 24 hours for vice president kamala to raise
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55 million for her presidential campaign. cheryl casone issic taking a closer look at the money. >> todd: an emotional reaction from some in the media over joe biden's decision to bow out. >> joe biden is grounded, grounded in faith, family and our state. excuse me. i'm sorry. this was a very difficult decision. >> todd: joe concha presumably equally broken up, reacts numbers next. but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions,
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>> carley: democrats raking in 55 million after president biden ended his presidential campaign. now the question, what happens to the biden campaign's war chest? >> todd: cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: good morning, that 57 million coming in last night, this is act blue. what is key about act blue, it is not just money going to kamala harris, it could go to congressional candidates and other democrats, nonprofits,
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this is where the down ballot conversation comes in. money she can access, biden campaign has 96 million on hand. since president biden announced he will drop out act blue brought in 57 million. if harris remains as presidential or vice presidential candidate, new ticket maintain access to all funds, key reason why there is a push for harris, she gets the money. republicans saying, not so fast. wash "washington post" says lawyers argue the campaign does not have legal authority to do that and it will be challenged before federal election commission or in a court of law. if almost challenges are mounted, it wouldic ta-a long
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time to get through a court process, it would be after the election. nbc said harris held a call with donors that were left angry and frustrated. the report says they did not take this out on harris, it was a big scramble and she was on the phone all afternoon. reid hofman has endorsed kamala harris, we have not heard from hastings, netflix founder. he has yet to endorse anyone. emily's list is a major platform and they have endorsed harris. we have not heard from some big names, we heard from alex soros, he endorsed harris yesterday.
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funding is key down-ballot story. >> carley: mix of good and bad when it comes to fund raising for kamala harris. how are markets reacting? >> cheryl: question as markets open today, will the trump train be unwound? i think you will see volatility next couple days. m marketwatch said futures higher right now, booifd added uncertain outlook to the market. i talked to analysts this morning saying, she will get financial support and might get young voter, black voter, we'll see if that swings the polling, we don't have polling yet, this just happened yesterday. expect big asia market donors
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flowing into her. remember, she is asian, she is indian, ja mmaican, some money y come from overseas somehow. it would go to a pac, not my area of expertise, that is what analysts are saying. >> todd: interesting, don't mischeryl today with maria. democrats in media overcome with emoegsz after president biden announced he will no longer seek reelection, watch. >> you just cry because this is somebody you love and care about, somebody there for you. you wouldn't be here without him. >> joe biden is grounded, grounded in faith, in family and in our state. excuse me. i'm sorry. this was a very difficult
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decision. very little indication from people close to him and many in the campaign this was about to happen. >> what a patriot. what an act of selfless devotion to your country. >> carley: fox news contributor joe joe concha joins us now. what do you think about that emotional reaction? >> joe: if i have to see this unselfish comment one more time, guys, he went out kicking and screaming, he did not "wall street journal" this to happen. his party forced him out because they know this man had no shot of winning so now they want a do over after they destroyed the primary process. as far as emotion out outbursts yesterday, this is this campaign, weakness versus
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strength. chris coons crying on the air and president biden, we don't see in front of a camera, what is that about? w weakness with party leaders like barack obama who had to hide behind george clooney that joe biden should step behind or nancy pelosi hiding behind adam schiff saying this man should not seek reelection. strength like we saw at the rnc, i was there, the energy and enthusiasm and optimism and confidence that we saw out of everybody that was speaking there and everybody that was in that crowd was palpable and we have not seen a convention that good since 2008. that is what this campaign appears to be about, in light of donald trump surviving that
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assassination attempt and getting back up and saying fight, fight, fight and two days later he's in milwaukee at his convention. >> todd: going a step further and digging deeper, is this media meltdown part of play to distracts the voteser from democrats and media that stabbed joe biden in the back. obama, you mentioned him. he wrote a letter. 24 hours ago, you stabbed him in the back and calling up donors saying, we're done with joe. is this part of media white washing, this just happened, this was joe's decision. >> joe: it is all phony, a lots of people see through this. look at kamala harris favorability rating, 38%, lowest of any sitting vice president at this stage of a first term, that
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is high water mark for kamala harris. she becomes focus and might have to do a press conference, which she has not done. she ran for president in 2020 and had to drop out because democratic voters rejected her that much. she has never done a pres conference. mike pence did plenty so don't give me that. she has to answer questions. when you take her out of the teleprompter, there is something broke -- broken about her brain. she has trouble answering why haven't you been to the border? she answered, i have not been to europe either. why did you cover up for 3-1/2 years when you were as close to the president other than the first lady his mental and
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physical decline? you kept saying he is simone bi biles. how do you account for that lie? go down the list as far as democrats have to own cost of living up, gas prices up 50%. 10 million people coming across the border including hundreds of terrorists and foreign policy. all those things don't change because kamala harris is democratic nominee or likely democratic nominee. in chicago, chaos outside that arena and probably inside with democrats thinking wait a minute, joe biden should be our nominee, not kamala harris. don't expect a coalescing behind her. barack obama has not endorsed her yet, how is that? >> carley: how will the media
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cover kamala harris? we know the answer. don't go anywhere, trump 2024 karoline leavitt is here. >> todd: steve doocy will look at what is coming up, steve, i will not predict your rundown, i have a good idea what the top story is going to be. i was right. >> carley: there you go. >> steve: i will read out of the paper. good morning, todd and carley. on "fox and friends" in eight minutes and 30 seconds, the trail stops here, after pressure within his party, president joe biden called it quits yesterday, he is not running now. stunning announcement coming from a letter as we await an address to the nation later this week. joe is endorsing kamala harris to run, she will give remarks later today. biden vows to stay in office, top republicans question if he's
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notz fit to run, is he fit to be president? good question. reaction from across the political spectrum, former president trump says he is running against biden's record. jason miller will join us live on how the campaign pivots to what comes next, upon practices kamala harris. and jfk will join us live and kimberly cheatle is set to be grilled by lawmakers over the assassination attemptos donald trump. questions that need to be asked and finally answered, if she will. plus, bret baier, ari fleischer, stuart varney and mark penn stop by. just another packed monday morning. back to todd and carley, you are watc watching "fox and friends first."
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>> carley: president biden insists he will stay in office until the end of his term after dropping out of the 2024 race. >> todd: saying the following is he not fit to serve. i ask who is going to be running for the country the next five months. >> karoline leavitt joins us now. karoline, what is the question? are the people running the country the next five months the same people who pushed joe biden to the side, kicked him to the
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curb, stabbed him in the back, you know, democracy and all? >> well it, is the number one question that every pundit and journalist should be asking the democrat party, joe biden, and kamala harris. if joe biden by his own admission cannot continue to run for re-election. then he certainly is unable to govern. he can't negotiate your foreign adversaries. he can't be trusted to protect our homeland from criminals and terrorists who wish it invade our country. we are now entering new, unchartered territory where the president of the united states has admitted that he is unable to serve, unable to serve another four years. our adversaries are certainly taking noted of this. it's a deeply concerning time. the democrat party elite controlling this process absolutely have to answer for who is making the decision? who is calling the shots? and i will add the only reason we are having this conversation, the only reason joe biden dropped out of this race is because of president trump's dominant debate performance just
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a few weeks ago. he blew the lid off of this cover-up. this candle that the democrat party and the media were complicit in. covering up and lying to the american people about joe biden's cognitive decline. now, the lid has been blown off the can. everyone sees joe biden for who is he, what he is, a corrupt career politician who is not fit to serve or lead this country. >> carley: caroline, there are those who say this decision is a disaster for the trump team because they built their campaign around defeating joe biden. what is your reaction to that? >> absolutely false. we have built our campaign off of president trump's winning message of making this country great again. making this country strong again. securing our border. bringing down the cost of living for all americans. ending the wars that joe biden's weakness has got us into in ukraine, in the middle east and everyone else abroad. we built our campaign off of reaching out to voters from all demographics in all corners of this country.
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president trump will continue to do that, no matter who the democrats decide they're nominee is going to be. if it is kamala harris, well, guess what? we feel better about our chances. because she is a radical liberal from california who supports insane policies such as a ban on fracking, which will hike up the cost of living. such as no bail for violent criminals and rioters. that's who kamala harris is. while joe biden was supported by a lot of california elite, she is a california elitist out of touch liberal. so we look forward to watching the democrats decide who their nominee is going to be. it is the democrat party who has supported the does instruments policies that are deeply unpopular with the american public. president trump is running on a message of common sense, of unity and success. that's a winning message no matter who you face. >> todd: you planned for this some way shape or form you released a commercial. not like you were up all night like joe writing his letter. >> kamala was in on it.
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she covered up joe's bous mental decline when she got done a border invasion, run away inflation, the american dream, dead. >> todd: 15 seconds to you, who else are you planning on as opponents for donald j. trump? >> well, whoever else the democrat party puts up, we will be yesterday to expose their record of supporting joe biden's disastrous policies over the last four years and, also, all democrats have been complicit in the greatest life american public in history that joe biden was fit to serve when we now know he was not. president trump has been right about that since the beginning. the american people know it. that's why they trust him. and that's why he will win on november the 5th. >> carley: 106 days to go until the elections. who knows there still be could more twists and turns to come. care lyon, karoline, thanks fors have. great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> todd: bye-bye everybody. ance ains another historic


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