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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 22, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> todd: fox news alert, another historic moment in this 2024 election season. president joe biden dropping out of the presidential race. >> lawrence: move comes amid new reporting suggesting biden hesitated to drop out because his team did not think vice pres president -- take on president trump. >> steve: harris already, her campaign, pulling in more than $49.6 million in less than 24 hours, according to harris people. >> ainsley: reacting to this historic moment as we see the 50 plus year career of joe biden
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come to an end. we begin with jacqui heinrich in rohoboth beach, delaware, where the president wrote that letter with his aides and released over the weekend. >> for 23 days, the president maintained his decision to stay in the race was final. one by one his allies like hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and barack obama made clear they wanted him to change his mind. it sounds like the biden team was bracing for this to get ugly. nancy pelosi was gearing up to release internal polling showing true landscape of biden's chances in november. it looked bleak. politico made clear they could do this the easy way or hard
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way. biden came to grips saturday afternoon going over that data with his two closest aides. through the night, they drafted his letter and biden notified his vice president, chief of staff and campaign manager before the word went out to his broader staff. he called up one of the last men standing in his corner i, jim clyburn. listen to this. >> the president called me earlier today before he went public with the announcements and sent a second statement expressing his endorsement for kamala harris. of course, he knew, for a long time where i stood with this. >> clyburn saying he wanted
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harris to be next to succeed the president in this fight. axios report ing biden doubted harris could beat trump. when trying to recover from his abandoned -- to serve as one-term president a bridge to future generations. >> president biden: the gravity of the situation i inherited. in terms of economy, our foreign policy and domestic division, what i realize was my long-time in the senate had equipped me to have wisdom to deal with congress to get things done. >> harris will have to earn this nomination formally at the convention needing 1986 delegates, 531 have already
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endorsed her. the campaign brought in 46.6 million in small dollar donation and they are clearing the $49 million mark. the base is reenergized after we have watched one of the most consequential decisions ahead of the debate. >> steve: he put out a paper statement, did not appear on camera, when will he say something that goes, i'm out? >> i have not seen the paper statement, i'll have to take a look at it. he was gearing up to explain in detail his decision to the american people. we would assume he will do something that reflects the 50 years dedicated to public service and make it pretty nice. what form that comes in, oval
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office address, crowd chanting, we love you joe, we'll see what the final day looks like. we are awaiting word on him testing positive for covid. >> steve: all we've heard from him so far, just a tweet. >> lawrence: who we are waiting to hear from, as well, former president barack obama and nancy pelosi. the obama crowd, the chicago group had been working behind the scenes to get rid of joe biden. i found this interesting, somebody in the obama camp is gayle king, interviewing joe manchin this morning. she asked him the question, i found fascinating. is kamala harris too far left and joe manchin answered back, absolutely. you are starting to see the war play out publicly. i'm not sure obama and nancy
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pelosi will support her before someone else gets in. >> ainsley: when clyburn clyburn was being interviewed he said he talked to the president after he released the letter and he told him, you have to address kamala harris, that is his vice president. >> brian: two separate releases. one, i will not run. number two, kamala is my woman. obama said i have extraordinary confidence we will have an outstanding nominee. he said, i'm not picking anybody. >> ainsley: kamala is my woman. kamala is my woman. >> lawrence: the former president orchestrating all of this behind the scene is saying leader in our party, as if he has nothing to do with it. he could have condemned reports
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saying he was working behind the scenes. >> ainsley: brooke singman joins us over biden's decision. >> brooke: vice president kamala harris will speak today for the first time around 11:30 eastern. weres in the coming days, the party will undertake orderly process to move forward as united democratic party with a candidate that can defeat donald trump in november. this will be established by established rules of the party, the party is divided over whether members will back harris for president. biden praised -- obama praised biden's 50-year career.
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hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi and schumer have not endorsed harris yet. they say there are other qualified democrats who could take on mr. trump and win and picking a candidate without a contest is how a standard barrier had profound concerns about. they add, while the hour is late, there is time to put leading candidates through public scrutiny before the next convention, which is next month. clintons say they are honored to endorse kamala harris, they are not alone with 178 lawmakers following suit there endorsement. close to 4000 delegates will gather next month at the dnc. back to you guys. >> steve: thank you. pat ward at our white house
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unit, fox news can confirm vice president kamala harris spoke with barack obama yesterday. obama came out with a statement that did not endorse harris . he did not endorse biden in 2020. he probably said, i will not endorse you at this point. what we've heard from the obamas, they want an open process, an open competition. sounds like person to person, barack obama said, i'm not going to endorse you now. >> brian: he did not endoerse je biden ever. let's bring in jfk jr. welcome, robert, great to see you, your reaction to what happened over the last 24 hours. >> it is encouraging and thank
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you, steve and thanks for having me temperature is encouraging that president biden dropped out, that was something -- i got in a year ago and i said he was not going to improve and it was clear he could not run the country. i think democrats really need to do what president obama said, which is to have an open process, a genuinely open process. so much primary process was rigged, the country knows that. it is rigged to benefit corporate elites and democratic party need to distinguish itself from the republican party. president trump announced yesterday jamie diamond is his
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choice for commerce secretary and larry fink head of blackrock choice for treasury secretary. democrats have a chance to distinguish themselves as party of middle class that cares about working people and cares about the deficit and chronic disease epidemic that is devastating people of this country and i think they are going to need an open process and i do not see evidence they doll that. >> lawrence: quickly, robert, they say they want to have this and we want to confirm if donald trump has selected them, we have not seen that yet. how can you have an open process when people don't get the vote? dele delegates get to decide who is going to be your nominee, they could have done this months ago
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and decided not to do that. >> a couple ways they could do it. ranked choice voting would give a -- with delegates choose first choice, second choice and perhaps a third choice, that would be genuinely open process. another thing they could do is base on national polling. do really good polling, spend a couple million dollars owing the american public and seeing who is more likely to beat donald trump. and giving that information to the delegates and allowing them to make a decision based on that, it has to be a fair process. it looks like the system is rigged, which it is. >> steve: they will have a meeting on wednesday, the dnc,
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to figure out the rules going forward. to be a nominee in the process, you need 300 signatures from the delegates, you know that. r robert, you are a life-long democrat running independent now, are you going to be a challenger? will you challenge kamala harris? >> i'm running, lawrence, as an independent now and i think the democrats would be -- would -- if they looked at the polling, i'm the only candidate that can beat donald trump. i will not get in the democratic party if the system looks rigged. >> ainsley: they covered up and month away from the dnc, 107 days from voting day, dems and media heard this news and
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started praising, listen to this. >> he has put people over politics and patriotism over personal position and this is another heroic act in a long running series of heroic acts by joe biden. >> the president took the honorable path and i think, yes, this will be about his legacy. >> today's decision by joe biden to not seek reelection shows the difference between a selfless president and in donald trump, a selfish person. >> i think today we should focus on joe biden's incredible legacy of service to our nation, his selfless ness and accomplishments. >> today is about what joe biden did, he gave america a lesson in patriotism. >> ainsley: i know they're so happy because they did not see a path for joe biden to win.
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how angry should they be? how angry should the american public be because they covered this up and knew what was happening behind the scenes and wasn't until the debate when they recognized it publicly? >> when they were talking just now, it reminded me of george washington who did genuinely s selfless acts, nobody expected him to leave the presidency, the whole country wanted him to stay and king george iii, when washington announced he was not going to run again, king george iii said that makes him the greatest leader in human history, he did something genuinely selfless. i think perception here, president biden was forced out. i comment his 50 years of
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service. but trying to stay in this race when he was not capable of performing duties of his office were a black mark at the end of his career. and kamala has a lot of explaining to do, she was seeing the president everyday and telling the american public again and again and again, he's completely capable of running the country, there is no assign of deterioration, there is no assigns of cognitive impair men. and that clearly was not true. she is a vulnerability there, whoever she runs against. she is a big vulnerability about being the concealer-in-chief. >> brian: he will be here next five months, he still can't recognize his secretary of
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defense. on the assassination attempt that happened week ago saturday on the former president. today director of secret service will be in front of the oversight committee. do you have any doubt she should be fired? >> you know, i don't know enough about it. i will tell you this. first,s of all, i have secret service protection right now and they have been doing an amazing job for me and i'm very happy with the level of protection they are giving me and level ever concern and professionalism. there are issues that i don't understand, peck er was protecting me prior to the secret service coming on. every time i did an outdoor event, they had drones flying
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overhead looking at neighboring buildings. when this happened to president trump, i had the question, why were there not drones there. i don't know enough about it. it seemed to me there were some lapses. for example, whenny woo were in philadelphia, i gave, they did not like me doing outdoor speeches, when we were there, if there were buildings they could the not cover, they would hire a security guard to go up there. >> lawrence: quickly, though, they only gave you secret service protection after attempted assassination of donald trump. what took them so long to give you secret service? >> i think that was a political decision, they knew i was spending half million dollars or million dollars a month on my
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own security and they wanted me to be spending that money on sec security. one out of every three dollars we raised we had to spend on security and i think biden administration wanted me spending on that rather than ballot access. >> brian: should not be the president's decision, should be automatic. >> steve: robert kennedy from massachusetts. good luck. >> ainsley: fox confirms vice president kamala harris spoke with kamala harris yesterday but he has not endorsed her yet. >> steve: bret baier on desperate attempt to unify the demo democratic party. bret is coming up next.
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the president's condition. axios revealing the president's decision took so long over doubts whether harris could defeat president trump. obama did not endorse harris yest yesterday. special report anchor, bret baier joins us now. what about this decision that with axios story, that says that joe biden had doubts about the vice president being able to win against trump? >> brett: good morning, it is s significant, we don't have it, except for anonymous sources. lifting up joe biden as patriotic and selfless, the end decision was that, it took him a long time to get there and nancy pelosi pulling and pushing and maybe even threatening to come
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public with internal polls that he was going to lose, to get him to that point. had he gotten out earlier, lbj got out in were maof 1968, you could have had a primary process. >> brian: we know president biden was over the top. where is barack obama on this? where is nancy pelosi on this? where is hakeem jeffries and chuck schumer on this? i guess we'll find out. joe manchin said i'm not going to run for this, after initially
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showing interest. is there any sense anyone else is ready to step up? >> bret: i think the party is starting to coalesce and collapse in. you will see endorsements and i think there is effort to speedup this process. she is getting a lot of money and attention and will be portrayed by the media as a fighter. they will have a theme prosecutor versus felon. she still owns policies of the biden/harris administration that caused problems, grocery prices, border, crime, etcetera. there will be defining of kamala harris that happens, right now d demo democratic party seems they are coalescing behind her. >> brian: if he's not capable of running, why do we think he can do the last five months?
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what is the approach the speaker brought forward? >> bret: that is a question for vice president harris. does she believe he is able to finish out the job? as far as pushing for the 25th amendment, only she and cabinet members can push that. she would become incumbent president, 47th president of the us and has more juice heading into the election. bottom line is that there are real questions whether he steps down, why he steps down and the fast we did not hear from him or see him or even see a picture of him, just a paper statement, is interesting and a lot different from when lbj got out. there was a televised speech. >> brian: many people didn't
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think it was about his health. and of course it is about his health. bret baier, appreciate it. don't believe your lying eyes, that was white house message for months. i'll pause. >> the president's stamina, president's wisdom, ability to get this done, you have called this the cheap fakes video, that is what they are. everything he does day in and day out is cognitive test. >> brian: unbelievable. how did she face the press today? ari fleischer did kjp's job before, he will join us next to talk about this big cover-up. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual!
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we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about. >> excuse me.
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i'm sorry. this was a very difficult decision. >> and then you just cry because this is somebody you love and care about. it is bittersweet. >> president biden will be remembered fondly for it, very selfless thing he did. >> i feel profound sadness. >> this is another heroic act in a series of heroic acts. >> lawrence: you don't treat people that are declining that way. history in the making. democrats scrambling to put together a new ticket after biden dropped out and endorsed kamala harris. ari fleischer joins us now. you have done the job as press secretary. they released this statement, this is a big moment, no photo, no video, there is not even an
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address from the oval office and they release on twitter and most americans are not even on twitter. what do you think of this? ari airstrike /* >> ari: it is a controlled moment. we deserve to make a judgement about is he callified to serve for next six months, that is a long amount of time. they are hiding him. >> lawrence: big question is the lie. they lied a lot, not just to people within the media, people within the administration, this is white house press secretary. watch. i would put the president's stamina, wisdom and ability to get this done on behalf of the american people against anyone. >> i think you have called this the cheap fakes video, that is
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what they are, cheap fakes video, they are done in bad faith. >> is anyone in the white house hiding information about the president's health or his ability to do the job day-to-day? >> absolutely not, everything he does is a cognitive test. >> lawrence: she is always looking down when she tells lies. she would put him up against anybody. we saw in the debathe. . >> ari: as bobby kennedy just called kamala harris, she was concea concealer-in-chief. you know it. you see it. joe biden's statement when he said he was dropping out for interest of the party and country, he never said why, he never explained if it was a
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health related issue or just politics. it is because he can't win. if it is health related, it is a cover-in, if it's politics, there is nothing courageous about this announcement, nothing bittersweet that could make anybody call. this is politics all designed to help a man win. it is power politics. it was power politics that muscled the democratic party for biden to win with no opposition and power politics that rose up and knocked him out of the race. he got knocked out of the race by democratic power brokers. nothing glorious or touching or bittersweet about this, it is power politics. >> lawrence: it is dirty and they used him and abused him. josh shapiro, tell us about it.
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>> ari: josh shapiro is popular governor of pennsylvania, even republicans in pennsylvania seem to like josh shapiro, i'd be shocked if the democrats pick him and you know why, i'm sorry to say it, i'm religious myself, but because he's jewish. i do not see modern day democratic, woke party, especially under kamala harris, going for a jewish candidate, it will cost them michigan. this is a bridge too far for democrats. i also think by and large, most people with small exception, don't vote for the second place on the ticket, they vote for the top, a harris race versus a trump race. when john kerry picked john edwards on the ticket in 2004,
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bush won north carolina by 13 points in 2000, by 13 points in 2004. paul ryan did not help mitt romney flip wisconsin. >> lawrence: i hear you. i just think it is disgusting you won't put a guy on the ticket that is qualified because of his background. thank you for joining the program. you heard about governor josh shapiro, check in with carley shimkus who will break down who else is on the v.p. short running list. >> carley: a lot of names we'll get to. another governor this morning, kentucky governor beshear says harris has his full support. he's won three elections in his deep red state that went for trump in the last presidential election. north carolina governor roy coopers harris has what it takes, he won six statewide
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elections since 2000 and biden lost his state by 1% in 2020. gretchen whitmer joined the staff phone call yesterday, she has yet to endorse kamala harris, she says he will not interest as a challenge, but she would help make up the first,s all female ticket and mark kellyip >>ed his state blue in 2020, he said he is confident harris could defeat trump. pete buttigieg is another name, california governor gavin newsom and warnock. harris still needs enough delegates to secure the nomination herself, she says she is up for the challenge. >> lawrence: crazy stuff
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happening. don't move, biden is stepping aside and steve doocy is stepping outside to see what you think about the historic shake-up. doos is on the loose next. my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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>> ainsley: in one hour, secret service director kimberly cheatle is set to testify on capitol hill on the assassination attempt on former president donald trump. >> brian: lucas tomlinson is outside the courtroom. lucas. >> lucas: it has been a week since assassination attempt. jim comer subpoenaed director of secret service kimberly cheatle whos she will come here today to testify at 10:00. comer is demands her resignation. here is comer's opening remarks, saying, it is my firm belief director cheatle, that you should resign, however, in complete defiance director cheatles she will not and will answer questions from this
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committee to declare clarity about how the events were able to transpire. ahead of cheatle's testimony, dhs announced new bipartisan independent committee of law enforcement experts to conduct a full review. you can see people lining up behind me, expect the director to be pressed by republican lawmakers about why the roof was not better protected. where was the overwatch? >> brian: there is a ton of questions and this is a series of investigations. thank you, lucas. >> ainsley: this morning, another big story, president biden dropping out of race of the white house. >> lawrence: what do the people think? doos is on the loose to find out, what are they saying? >> steve: excuse me, hello, hi, we're live on fox, can i ask a
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quick question? take a second. joe biden says i'm not going to run for reelection, what do you think? >> maybe it is a smart decision for the party. >> steve: who should they put in there? >> i don't know much politics, i know he endorsed harris. >> steve: he did. thank you. joe says he will go, what do you think of this? >> thank god. >> steve: really? thank god? you didn't like him? >> no. >> steve: did you vote for him? >> no. >> steve: where are you from? >> south carolina. >> steve: joe biden saying i will not run for reelection, what do you think? >> man, a lot of people saw it coming. >> steve: did you see it coming? kind of? >> kind of. >> steve: he checked out a while back.
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>> hais true. >> steve: who do you think wins, trump or the democrat? >> i'll say trump. >> steve: okay, did you vote for him last time? >> i didn't. >> steve: were you old enough? >> i was. >> steve: we'll see what happens. hello, ladies, we're on fox. joe biden not going toun are, what do you think? >> it is about time, it is elder abuse and they should be ashamed. >> half the country was willing to fire both of them. i -- no one wants a head of lettuce as president, word salad all the way. >> steve: nobody wants head of lettuce as president, that is true. that is word on the street, joe biden says he will not run for reelection. bill and dana will take over with "america's newsroom."
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>> bill: the beat does not stop. good morning, one hour, must-see hearing on the hill, kimberly cheatle, head of the secret service answers questions for first time since trump was nearly killed on live television. >> dana: and fall out from joe biden's decision to withdraw is starting to set in. when will we hear from him? >> bill: what is next for kamala harris? countless angles in american political history. >> dana: this new says cycle continues, we have a great lineup at the top of the hour, see you then.
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>> ainsley: this morning president biden's family showing their support after rumored claimed they were the ones pushing him to stay in the race. jill biden tweeting heart emoji. >> i get to tell my dad i love him and thank him every night. thank you, mr. president. the first lady's former press secretary joins us now. who do you think made the decision? was it jill, hunter, joe or someone else? >> usually a family decision.
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they sat down as a family saturday night and he woke up on sunday and really made up his mind. >> ainsley: how hard do you think it was for him? a career politician. does she like politics? >> she hates politics but loves him. there is a really big difference. everything she does is for him. every campaign trip, every fundraiser, every appearance in front of the media is for him, not her. she has had her own career, he has sacrificed and he has encouraged and stood by her for all her ambitions as well as a professor seeking three degrees and going on to teach as second lady and first lady. never done before. he never got in the way her ambitions or her ambitions. it must be very painful for that family. >> ainsley: did you see the cognitive decline, did she know about it? >> i never in the time that i worked for them for about three years, the entire presidential campaign and first two years of
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the white house, nothing gave me a moment's pause he wasn't able to govern and wasn't completely sharp. >> ainsley: why do you think he stayed in so long? >> nobody runs for president for four years and i think this decision was excruciating but i think it is the family's job to support him. but you are the leader of the party, you are the leader of the whole party. it's not just about joe biden. you saw the intervention from nancy pelosi and other leaders in the party. >> ainsley: have you talked to her? >> i haven't talked to her yet. occasionally we do message and so i plan to. i love and adore her and i saw up close and personal traveling the world and country with her for three years how committed she is to him. >> ainsley: how involved is she? we have heard reports that she makes the decisions, she could be running the white house.
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>> no, she is not edith wilson, i want to be very clear. she is his spouse and she -- he has plenty of advisors, trust me. there are a lot of them. he takes a lot of political advice. she knows him better and her super power. she could talk about him as a human being and knows him better than anybody. >> ainsley: will he pardon hunter before he leaves? >> he said he won't. he committed to and respects the institution of fairness and justice. >> ainsley: we were talking about this interview in the greenroom. you were fascinating, i could ask you so many more. thank you so much. great to see you. more from jesse's interview with donald trump and j.d. vance at 8:00 p.m. on fox. we'll see you tomorrow with a lot more news. have a good day. >> bill: good morning, america. does anyone have a


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